Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Eight Essential Beginner Tips

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greetings everyone hope all of you are having an absolutely fantastic day we're back again with more pathfinder rather right just so exciting to have the full release of this game i'm already going through an angel play through on my own and of course we have the lich play through on the channel really really excited to be able to give you all more and more content about this game today i want to just give you some general tips that's going to help to make your play through smoother and hopefully allow you to be able to overcome some of the very very difficult challenges within pathfinder a little bit easier let's go ahead and get right in first tip that i have for you use the log this log is not just here for show it's actually fantastic pathfinder has done a fantastic job not only listing all the things that happen in the game especially combat but allowing you to actually highlight over certain things and either see more information or to just flat out be able to click on something and get a screen that's going to show you more information so if you are in combat and things are going wrong your melee attacks keep missing your spells won't go through the enemy's spell defense don't just shrug your shoulders and move on go into the log click on where it says you missed an attack and it'll open up a screen that'll list everything that's supposed to help you attack and all the defenses that the enemy has and that gives you so much valuable information and let you know maybe you're missing buffs on your character that they should have maybe the enemy has just way higher d ac than what you'd be able to overcome and you need to either put a hex on them or figure out some other way to lower their ac maybe they have displacement or some sort of buff on them that's making it hard to hit and you need to dispel that off of them there could be a ton of reasons why you're having trouble with this particular encounter and you can miss really really significant information if you don't bother to just go into the log and see what's happening so definitely make sure you're doing that uh tip number two i recommend that you switch between real time and turn based i know most of you are probably used to playing uh doing complete playthroughs doing one or the other but uh wrath of the righteousness you do it at a click of a button why not take advantage of it when i'm doing my playthroughs i use uh real time with paul's for all the trash mobs or the fights where i just know i can annihilate the competition but when i'm about to go up against a boss that i know this guy is going to give me some problems this is going to be an issue then i go ahead and turn on turn base it allows you to slow things down make sure you make every single attack count and make sure that you're able to stack up some good counters to whatever you believe the enemy is about to do so don't be afraid switch back and forth there's no reason to stick to one or the other next tip i absolutely recommend regarding skills that you focus on somewhere in your party on religion and perception religion is absolutely a requirement because it determines how far out in the game world your character can travel so in rather righteous as supposed to require you to have sleeping supplies or food and drink in order to be able to sleep instead they set up a mechanism where you take on more corruption as you travel out in the world and how much corruption you take is determined by how good you are in religion and how much because basically with a religion skill you're able to perform rituals that will lessen how much that corruption actually affects you so if you're running on a team that has very very low religion you're not going to be able to travel very far beyond home base before you take on so much corruption that you have to run back to home base in order to get a rest where you're not taking on additional corruption i made a video specifically about the camping system in pathfinder i'll put a link to it down below so you can see some more details about how all that works but you absolutely want to make sure you have one person who's designated as officially focusing on religion so that you have a decent score in that perception is also really really critical because perception is going to determine when you're traveling out and about in the world are you recognizing hidden doors hidden chest traps that are littered about all of these things that you want to make sure your party is picking up as early as possible you want to make sure honestly that there's more than one person on your team who's really really good at perception so that you don't end up missing important checks this also comes into play during the crusade because your crusade army that's traveling out in the world uses your team's perception uh score when it's going out and it might pick up um new places that you can go to and new things that you'll be able to do and if you don't have a good perception score at the time when it's doing this you'll put yourself in a situation where you'll have to wait until your perception score is higher and then bring your character manually down to those areas and try to search through them to be able to make those places come up so in both situations you want to avoid those types of problems go ahead and make sure you have one if not more people that are competent with perception and can make sure all those perception checks get taken care of tip number four i highly recommend you use the balance party i know some of you probably like running parties with all mages or all archers or they're all clerics and that's cool and all this game is all about having fun but if you're watching this video i'm gonna take a guess that you don't really know how to play this game yet and i wouldn't recommend if you don't know how to play this game to make your first playthrough trying to figure out how to make a team of all majors work it absolutely can you could do whatever you want to do in this game there's enough buffs enough spells enough abilities for you to make just about any combination work but it's if it's your first time and you're trying to figure out how to actually play the game go ahead and just do yourself a favor create a balanced party you need a mage you need an archer you don't necessarily need a tank but you need a front line fighter who can take the heat off of your back line you need a healer and you definitely want somebody in that mix of party members who can who's also responsible for buffing the party and making sure you're ready for fights all right so you don't want to be in a situation where you really really need a particular role but you stacked up your party with the same thing over and over again and you don't have anybody who can fill a particular role so use a balanced party and on that same note absolutely make sure tip number five you're using party bucks there are a lot of different buffs in the game you need to read them because buffs don't of the same type don't stack so three or four buffs that all help you with your attack roles by providing a morale bonus they do not stack with each other so you need different buffs that are doing different types of bonuses to your party whether it be morale or insight or sacred or whatever these buffs are a requirement you can have the absolute best weapons the absolute best armor a high-level team run into these encounters with no buffs and get steamrolled by the competition it is not a choice you have to have your party properly buffed for both offense and defense tip number six don't be afraid to experiment despite all that i said yes you want a balanced party and yes there are some particular bugs you definitely want to make sure you're using but this is not a game where you need to stick with things in a certain way and and and be real rigid and how you approach it it's a game where you're absolutely meant to have fun there are over 25 classes for a reason it's because you can be just about anything in this game and make it work so there are some general rules you want to follow you want to make sure that you have certain buffs on your a party and you want to make sure that certain roles are being filled by the people on your party but as far as how you get that done it's completely up to you so play around experiment look at all your different options figure out what's fun for you and what works for you this is not a game where you have to be afraid of doing any of that they let you respect for uh what over the course of the game is a very low amount of money so at the end of the day if you decide that you're running something that you don't like at all respect and do something completely different don't be afraid next up don't ignore the benefits of crafting potions and scrolls so there is a crafting mechanism in the game um when i get to that section and i'm able to play around with it more i will probably do a video going over it but it's also in the camping video that i'll put down below but you are able to craft your own scrolls and potions in the game and the advantage of this is sometimes you can give a character who usually would not have the ability to do certain things you can allow them to do it by giving them a potion for example um you can have an archer like winduwog on your team windual doesn't come with any spells but if you're not putting armor on her she could benefit from having mage armor well you could just make potions that have mage armor and then just give them to her and then she'll be able to use it herself and in addition she could take the mythic ability that increases the amount of armor that you get from mage armor and then even though she doesn't have mage armor as a spell she'll still get the boost because she's using it as a potion stuff like that so crafting really allows you to expand your options also you even if you craft a scroll for a spell that usually has a material cost and a scroll form it does not have a material cost so for example there's a spell that significantly increases your melee damage but it costs a dinosaur bone in order for you to be able to use it if you craft the skull the scroll for it instead it does not cost a dinosaur bone you just end up losing the scroll because they are one use unless you have a certain mythic ability that allows you to use the same scroll more than once so it's things like that where it's well worth your time to go ahead and look at the system think about what you're doing and see if maybe there are some gaps that crafting potions or scrolls can potentially fill remember you've got a whole squad of party members and a lot of times you're not going to be bringing all of them with you like most people are not switching out their teams to different party members with every battle so if you know there's a couple of party members that are going to be sitting back at home base all the time why not give them a couple of feats like craft potions or craft squirrels so that they could be the ones to be able to craft those things and take care of it when you're camping at home base and then finally i know this might be a little controversial for some of you but i know there's a lot of people who play king maker and were totally dispirited regarding the kingdom management system and you're probably coming into this game you play a little bit of the crusade system and you're like this is cool but you know what it's going to be just like kingdom management so i'm just go ahead and put this on auto crusade save myself the headache all right um that's the easy choice to make i would highly recommend against that until at least you've gone into act three because act three is when the system really opens up more for you and you get to the full sense of what owlcat wants to provide with the crusade system and i would highly recommend you do yourself a favor and go ahead and experience that see what it's like before you set it to auto crusade because the fact of the matter is even though autocracy doesn't hinder you at all from completing the main story you are going to miss out on a lot of the really cool dialogue and story elements of the crusade not to mention the benefits that come with actually going through the crusade and you know i just feel like you're not getting the full experience so i just want to warn people the crusade system here is a lot a lot different from what you experienced in king maker and their kingdom management system owlcat has definitely learned a lot of lessons from that game and those are represented in what you play in wrath of the righteous so i would recommend go ahead try it out don't automatically say this is not something that i'm going to want to be bothered with and that's it eight tips to hopefully help your playthrough and assist you in having as smooth and experience as possible hope you all found this information valuable i'm definitely going to continue making content about the game so let me know down in the comments if there's something specific i could do for you that you maybe you're not clear on or some sort of content that you feel like you haven't been able to see on any other channel i'm i'm happy to help i want to make sure you all are getting all the information you need to have a great time with this game and with that if you enjoyed this content please leave me a like down below share this video and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already i will see you all in the next video take care
Channel: Samori Sykes Gaming
Views: 13,452
Rating: 4.969605 out of 5
Keywords: pathfinder wrath of the righteous, pathfinder wrath of the righteous gameplay, wrath of the righteous, wrath of the righteous gameplay, wrath of the righteous pathfinder, party composition, owlcat, best tips, essential tips, survival tips, combat tips
Id: WzcceFP9-iU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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