Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Crusade Army Mgmt & Combat Tips (Act 3)

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greetings everyone hope all of you are having an absolutely fantastic day we're back again with more pathfinder wrath that are righteous and this time i want to revisit the crusade system specifically in act 3. seems like a lot of you even in act 3 are still having issues with it hopefully i can provide some information that's going to make your play through a little bit smoother so you get access to this right from the beginning of act three and there are a couple of things i feel like you should be focusing on right from the beginning first of all the system works a little bit differently than king maker and king maker you had advisors who were responsible for different sections of the crusade this time you have councils and these councils basically collectively are responsible for different aspects of the crusade you want to prioritize ranking up these councils these different uh councils that you have within the crusade so if you click on rank up here i don't remember if you had rank up options right from the beginning but if you don't after venturing out you will very shortly get options to rank up different sections especially as you start doing things you want to prioritize that because what happens a lot of times especially if you're ranking up military you will get the option to also upgrade a specific aspect of the crusade and many times these upgrades will make your crusade battles easier so you want to definitely definitely prioritize that and i'll also get into what type of units i feel like work best now there are different ways to help uh level up each uh council that you have so for of course the military it's all about uh fighting for logistics um i think it's about building how much uh stuff you're building so just look at this make sure that you're doing the decrees that come in and then right when you get those rank up options go ahead and do it sometimes i even quit out of decrees that i have running if i have one the running that's going to be like you know 14 days whatever uh you pay a small cost but every anything is worth being able to make these crusade battles easier so you can run through them more so i definitely definitely will prioritize that um second of all um of course rank up is the first priority but second you want to definitely get started building um so if i go into dresden into here and i build specifically around the idea of making my units as good as they can possibly be so unfortunately one of the things i don't like about the system is it gives you the idea because you can build up how often you automatically get finance points and material points and things of that nature it gives you the impression that if you do enough of the crusade content you'll get to the point that there's enough coming in automatically that you can just build off that that is not my experience at all pretty much i've bit the bullet and accepted that i need to buy all this all right so you get vendors and dressing there's a vendor in the who pops up on the main map while you're traveling around you've probably already met him by hi by now and then there's a town called winter sun where you later on can um get a vendor after you finish the questline there those are the only vendors in act 3 and their equipment does not update as you get further into the act so once you know that you've bought everything that you need from those vendors dump the rest of your money into here just every time you come into here and you need something just go ahead and buy the finance points by the material points and just accept that you're going to spend most of act 3 broke that's the way that pretty much i'm doing it now i'm doing that with the knowledge that of course you're going to be able to loot a lot better equipment in act 4 that's going to help you not only upgrade what you have but also be able to sell it so that you can buy more the stuff that's in the stores available in act four so will this process hurt me i don't know i don't know i don't think it will i think there's kind of an expectation that when you go into act four you're kind of starting from scratch you're just gonna have to build back up your money anyway so you your mileage may vary about whether or not this is something you want to follow but that's the way i'm doing it because again i want to make this crusade system as simple as i possibly can now me personally i'm focused on magic so that's why i have three of these alchemist laboratories it's gonna give a lot of extra energy for my generals because me i'm fireballing scorching ray and ice storming every single thing i possibly can so the more energy my um generals have the better then i also have a couple of uh arsenals there which is going to help with the ac for all of the trainable units so basically you want to place things in a way where you have the barracks or the archery range which are going to increase how much you can recruit a particular type of unit you want to place those around something that is going to make those units better but you still want to mix in some things that are going to help your general based upon whatever play style your general has whether they're based around range or melee or whatever and then i just sprinkle in a couple of things uh for quality of life so i did put in a couple of hotels um because i wanted a larger in infirmary size and then watchtower things of that nature right now that's all dressing and it's going to take a while before you feel like you've had most of the slots built out in dresden but what the game doesn't really tell you to do that i strongly recommend you do is every time you take a demon for it you're gonna get one of these little forts here and you can actually build up on them and i feel like definitely that's something you should make a priority so you know let's go like way down here right someplace where usually i would have to travel all the way from dresden all the way down here and it's kind of annoying as hell i can click on this go in there so as you can see this is not dresden this is one of the little forts that i've built and it allows you to do a lot of the same things that you're able to do in dressing so first when you first come to the fort after you've taken it there'll be four little squares where you can build yourself up so usually like i said you want to focus on trying to build up those units so i had the archery range to give me more recruitment growth the barracks and that's where i'm getting my marksmen and um the champions from to help build up how often i'm able to recruit them and then i also put a watchtower in a lot of these forts so that all allied units within the fort area control gets a plus one bonus for attack ac safety throws an initiative so way out here closer to the wound this is really really useful and i put a teleportation circle out here which of course is not going to help your army but it's absolutely going to help you when you want to travel out this far as opposed to having to go manually all the way from dresden and rest a couple of times you can just teleport out handle your business and then teleport back to dressing very very useful stuff so i recommend every single time you take a fork you should be taking the time to go ahead and set up these recruitment growth stations helping yourself out so that you can have much better units and an easier time when you're venturing out further from dresden so let's go ahead and take a look at some of the units that i put together these are the units that i'm using thus far um so it's been okay i was pretty happy with them i'm pretty sure everybody gets access to champions i think that might have been either my second or my third military rank up so these used to be my foot men and now they're champions so they get heavy armor and they get i think great swords or some sort of large blade so they do really nice damage but they also get hit easily so it's um it's nice that my general now has cured wounds cure wound is a fantastic heal spell he my general heals way more than my clerics or paladins or anybody else so especially if you're gonna focus on magic it's great to have a um a cure wound spell on them i also focused a lot on increasing the army size so every time i had an option to take master of maneuver i went ahead and take and took it because you want to be able to just fill these up with as many people that can really light the enemy up as you possibly can so i'm pretty happy with champions gotta admit i'm not all that happy with clerics um first of all they don't heal very much even with um i've had them up to around 100 still was not impressed with the amount of hills you got you'll lose 150 of these guys in a round and then he'll heal like 10 of them it it doesn't make any sense so honestly i i consider the clare it's kind of dead weight and then um this one is specifically from angel also kind of whack whack not only because i don't feel like they do very much damage but even more importantly it seems like the ones that they're giving me for my mythic path i'm not getting good ways to be able to stack these numbers up high and again you really have to be able to stack these numbers up high to get them to do the type of damage that is going to mean something where you're going to look at it and say okay this is somebody i want to keep around um sorcerers are again it's okay um they're doing scorching rain and so it can be kind of nice against enemies that are susceptible to fire but in general even an enemy that's susceptible to fire with 30 stacked on her like this she's doing like maybe seven damage she's killing seven of them you know she's not doing those major major numbers you need to do especially towards the middle of act three and again that's because i can't stack up enough of her now there might have been decisions i made that i just don't realize i made that prevented me from being able to use her as a trainable unit as opposed to a mercenary and in fact let me go in and explain what that means so this is the menu for you to be able to bring in new recruits before and act two i think you might in fact not when i think about it you had both these sections um or maybe you were only able to recruit but basically the way it works is if you can train a unit and dressing in your forts and these other places that have barracks and archery ranges they'll be here and you'll get a certain amount of them per week that you can just recruit and bring in to your army everybody else is a mercenary and these mercenaries can be extremely expensive and they're much more limited as far as how many of them that you can get you can't guarantee who's in this list so you can't guarantee you can get a certain type of unit every single week and so really so i'm getting my sorcerers from mercenaries i'm not able to train sorcerers even though i have the sorcerer's lodge and i don't know why but that's the reason why the champions are so much better for me even though they go down easy like a single swipe might take out 60 of them one they do very very good damage and two i get back so many of them and i've increased my infirmary so a lot of them will revive and then the ones that don't revive oftentimes when it's time to re-up in a week i can replace any of the ones that have been killed so it creates a very very nice system so i definitely recommend as much as possible you depend upon the up on the units that you've actually chosen the uh train for my range unit so it used to be just regular arches you have the choice of like slingers head hunters things of that nature i think there's a head hunter yeah i would definitely recommend you go for either marksmen or headhunters mark's men are very very good as far as they can do great damage all the way on the other side of the map i think they have something that gives them i'm not sure but i think they have something that kind of lets them do more damage the further away the enemy is because they just absolutely light up anyone who's all the way on the other side so it's a great way to really really wear down enemies that are on the other side of the map head hunters are also a definitely a worthy choice because not only can they do great damage when they attack but also if i remember correctly they automatically attack back any range unit that does a hit on them so it's almost like you you get to hit double right so definitely a worthy choice there but i don't but they're mercenaries for me but i'm pretty sure when i got the military option i had the option of putting them here instead of marksman so you just want to make sure when those crusade conversations are happening during those rank-ups and they're giving you a whole bunch of different options about what to do if you really really care about who your units are you need to go ahead and look at that they put the little link in the dialog option so that you can look at what will be done and what kind of unit you're going to get take the time to look at those units right click on them look at their stats look at the description of what they're going to do so you can figure out what your own play style is me personally again i feel like ranged and magic are king and therefore you should be focusing on that range for uh magic for your general range for your units but you still need some frontline units in order to keep the pressure off of those uh range units the sole exception to this is hell nights in my opinion hell nights are the best unit that you get period hell nights do absolutely fantastic damage and they're always on horses which means they can get anywhere on the map they want to i haven't seen any other melee unit that i feel like actually compares to them and even though they're mercenaries you very very consistently get them in this list and they're very very consistently economical to get so it's as you can see i've got them stacked up very very nicely and it wasn't difficult at all i just had to make sure every week when it was time to re-up make sure i pulled some hell nice down as well and they've been available almost every single week so really really good stuff paladins also do really nice damage and they're immune to fear and disease so they could be nice but paladins are also expensive as hell super super expensive to bring into your unit so i i've taken a bunch of things that have lowered their costs but they're even more astronomical than this so again it's a difficult unit to stack as opposed to the type of unit where you get 50 of them for 2500 you know so that's kind of what you need to go through and look at when you're trying to decide okay how do i want to build this up but if you're focusing on these um on these forts building up these forts and you build out dresden with some additional things to uh flesh out your unit and you're diligent about what unit you're picking focusing on some range damage while also making sure that your general is set up for success you will absolutely be successful in this so let's go ahead and go into a combat example i'm level nine they're level nine i don't even know who's in here one second let's see okay so we've got two sets of head hunters and we've got these guys in the middle so it also helps to understand the units that you're facing so i know this guy he's got to be in melee before he could do anything so i'm not worried about him right now this guy is a summoner a little bit annoying because he's going to put an extra combatant on the field but honestly i'm not worried about him either because neither he nor combatant does all that much damage the head hunters are the biggest threat they're the ones that's the one weakness of marksmen as well your marksman when they get targeted they can be wiped out very very quickly you're sorcerers too so it's good also to make sure that they have some really nice initiative that's another advantage of building those watch towers you want to make sure that your range combatants can get out as quickly as possible because honestly a lot of times they're not going to make it they're not going to last very long so go ahead get that damage out asap before they get lit up so um usually if i had a couple of enemies group i'd start with a fireball but again i don't consider these a real threat so i'm going to go with scorching rain instead and try to get one of these headhunters out before they light up my people and you saw i did 91 damage there so if you build your general upright they're going to really really shred some of the people that you're going up against i don't see any reason to charge out in them they're just going to get a free hit so we'll defend for now he's going to summon his person all right now my marksman gets to go she'll go ahead and try to take this person out with no problem he does a little bit back no big deal all right so that's one headhunter gone now i probably can't take out him before he does something to me but i can at least week him a little bit so he does that and as you see he completely explodes my marksman completely gone again it's very very important that you use units you can actually stack up they're gonna die all right there's just no way to avoid it but the question is how bad is it for you when they die all right attacking him because oh that's the other thing hell nights not only can they get anywhere not only can they do excellent damage but they are also extremely sturdy extremely sturdy i have never seen a hell night just get blown up for like 30 or 40 damage so you can throw them out there with three enemies around them and still be relatively okay whereas almost all of my other units i have to be really really diligent and careful with how i'm using them so we'll go ahead and do the cleric he's got 58 he did pretty nice damage there all right and see so he's got 244 but still he can only take out 16 uh for my helm night now you've got this check she does 20 but still if i play do lay on hands others it should do something maybe it's not going to do as much as i like but look there was no reaction in the log the log basically said the log basically said yo this chick don't even exist [Laughter] so to be kind of garbage kind of garbage but it is what it is all right um we'll go ahead do another scorching rain all right so that brings his damage down significantly and then we'll do another one probably won't kill him but it'll help to ensure he does significantly less damage and then the hell nice can do the rest he's out of here now claire can do this and and you definitely want to keep your morale as high as possible very very regularly your your um units will get the opportunity attack twice to devastate an effect against your enemies so that does mean you need to be fighting on a regular basis but you don't have to fight every day you know pay attention to what it says it says these type of fights you need to do at least once a week you need to be taking one of their forts once a month you need to ensure that you're not allowing your force to be taken speaking of which so in act 3 you start seeing the demon army march out and try to take your forts you want to go ahead and let it start that process meaning allow the demon army to actually engage with one of your forts so that you get a little message saying that your fort is being taken the reason for that is that there's a bug right now where if you charge early and get to the demon army before it even gets to a fort and take it out the game doesn't recognize that that has occurred and it will start lowering the color for that flag that marks that as if your fort had been is in the process of being taken and you haven't done anything about it and the only way to get rid of that is to again allow another dmnr to come out and then engage with one of your forts and then take it out and then i found that the issue clears so you want to just go ahead and avoid that when you see those demon armies coming out don't worry about it go about your business do what you need to do and once it's actually engaged with the fort then you can run over there take it out and then go back to handling what you would usually do all right back to the fight so we're gonna go ahead and take this out and now this guy is ready he's probably going to get hit up bad i probably shouldn't have even done that as you see he gets he gets a crazy amount taken but my healer brings it all right back she's she she is built for the drama all right and now [Music] um it if i remember correctly that poison can like it can freeze him where he can't go anywhere he can still attack but he won't be able to go anywhere do anything all right attack him so pretty decent damage so you see the sorcerer does decent damage but she's not blowing people up the way my marksman and my general can and it's kind of annoying to me all right i could attack him but i want to you know clear out you want to get these enemies cleared out as as quickly as possible so i always attack the weaker ones first unless there's a specific reason why another one is a bigger threat such as the head hunters you notice i took them out he technically is a threat because he's tearing apart this guy but again my heels are so great it doesn't matter oh he only did two okay that's a i forgot this guy has gotten uh nice defenses okay so actually in a case like this where he's so difficult to take out we would go ahead and focus on this guy first and there you go so you see soft but does great damage great damage so i'm okay with having to deal with the the micro management of of healing him up and getting him back because when he is at full strength it it means something it's a big deal all right and there's my general doing eight even though this person is very sturdy not meant to stand up to what she can bring and then sorcerer does the best they can you know she didn't even take one off so it ain't just it ain't just about magic you got to be building up that power as well all right and then the hell knights gonna do a nice chunk there we go uh cleric still can't move still poison or put in place or whatever it is and then there we go so again very very solid damage and let's see so i got all my hell nights back all my clerics back but only 52 of my marksmen but again your marksman come every week so i can make up these losses but you see the advantage of expanding out your infirmary you're going to get hit that was a relatively easy battle you know that wasn't it wasn't difficult i wasn't on the edge of my seat but i still lost a bunch of people it's unavoidable to um take losses you just got to be able to deal with it once it happens and then of course i can level up so as you can see i took a spellcraft one i have scorching ray i've been taking master maneuver every single time i possibly can to cure wounds to be able to heal uh my units when they get very low magic reserves increases my energy level magic channeling um increases my energy recovery so it allows me to be able to do um to go through more fights in a short amount of time um i also set my general up to did 10 more experience points because again my general is my general it's my most damaging unit it's my uh best healer so i want the general leveling up as quickly as possible um most of my fights start off with a fireball usually i throw a fireball at the largest collection of units in the back line i throw out damage with my ranged and my sorcerer then i have all of my melee people defend because by having all of them defend you force all the mainly units to come out to you in order to do damage and a lot of times they come out right into the middle of the map anyway that means at the start of the second round i could throw out a fireball again and oftentimes i'm hitting more units than i hit during the first fireball then my reigns people do another round of tasks because their initiative is higher than my melee people and then depending upon the collection of what's left my melee people come out and do clean up work um so then you see i've got this is all the stuff from things that i've built in forts and in dresden so he's got all so she gets a plus one attack of defense plus two bonus to power um she's got the alchemist laboratory uh bolt of justice came from um from being an angel and then you see i've got three hospitals so she's got a plus 15 bonus to her infirmary so it's basically all about magic damage healing and bringing back as many people as possible to life and then i did get ice storm just in case we run into units that are um that aren't susceptible to fire like there are some units that are immune to fire then we go ahead and use ice storm and it is very very effective as well so um that's the way that i approach battles um one other note make sure you're using this stuff in the middle of the screen don't ignore it it's for you so if you know you're going to be facing a really really tough fight maybe you remember you can always go on here and see what enemies you're about to face so if you know you're about to face someone who uses a bunch of you know uh poison then having a bonus on saving those is going to be a big deal if you i i can't imagine a situation where killing them around isn't to your advantage having these enemies running away from you definitely definitely a good thing and then the um fourth one i actually get for being an angel so i won't show that just in case you know you all don't want to be um uh spoiled but i use that freaking thing all the time to you know they have a one week cooldown but again what are you saving it for ain't no reason to be saving these for a rainy day use them use them and make use of them so i'll show you one other fight to well you know what this might not work out because i didn't get a re-up but we'll see how this goes let's do it so the this is what again it's a level nine uh army and i'm a level nine unit as well they're both holding swords but i already know that these people have uh reigns attacks so this fight could be tough we'll see as you can see nine died on 111 died on on the other so they're very very tough units so you're not necessarily uh blowing them up like crazy but it's free damage you know i didn't have to i didn't have to take anything in order to do it and look my marksman is able to uh attack attack twice because of my morale very very good stuff absolutely what you want right right okay so i should have went on a hand and walked out because they have the ability to do reigns attacks but i wasn't thinking i was going with my usual way of doing things as you can see he healed for them how many actually died okay okay he healed all he healed all of them he had all of them that particular time but most times like like i said i find the heels that they that declare provides very very underwhelming excellent okay 14 and 17 dies so again very very very simplistic stuff all right one of them's already taken care of before we even get into melee um one advantage of the of these units you know they don't heal well and they don't do much damage but they're kind of they're a little sturdy they could take a hit i appreciate that at least all right so as you see he's doing more damage than the uh hell nights are but he can't take a hit like the hell night so you still got to be careful in how you're using them and then that's that that's that it's just that simple just that easy magic range attacks sturdy melee fighters solid tactics it'll get you through it'll get you through and in fact yes and since i lost in it since i lost units i went down to a level eight going up against level nine still able to overcome it all right so um some of these some aspects of this crusade system it could it could definitely be an annoying could definitely be frustrating but again i think if you're paying attention and you're diligent with how you're building it up you can make this a lot less painful for you so anyway i hope that was useful to you i hope that gives you some information that you can apply to your own play through let me know down in the comments if there's some aspect of the crusade system that you'd like me to go into further detail about or some information i can provide again i'm here to help i want to make sure that you all are having a great time with pathfinder and with that i if you enjoyed this video please leave me a like down below and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already i will see you all in the next video take care
Channel: Samori Sykes Gaming
Views: 10,021
Rating: 4.9323945 out of 5
Keywords: pathfinder wrath of the rigtheous, wrath of the righteous, wotr, pathfinder, crusade system, pathfinder crusade, pathfinder crusade ssytem, pathfinder army, wrath of the righteous units, pathfinder generals, crusade mgmt, crusade management, crusader management, pathfinder crusader management, crusade management overview
Id: q4GXl1FuuOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 26sec (1886 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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