Pathfinder: WotR - Tips To Get Through Act 1

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greetings everyone hope all of you are having an absolutely fantastic day we're back again with more pathfinder rather than the righteous and this time i've seen a lot of comments from people saying that they're having issues getting through certain parts of the game and so i thought it might be useful to have a little video series where i give tips specifically regarding a a certain act within the game and how and some of the things that i feel like you can do to make things easier for yourself so i'm planning to cover acts one two and three i don't plan to do four and five because i feel like by that time you probably have a really good handle on how you're approaching the game and so you don't need any guidance but if you all feel differently and actually would like to see similar videos made for acts 4 and 5 let me know of course i'd be happy to pull some information together and share it but for now i want to focus on the acts that i know a lot of people are having difficulty with so let's go ahead and dive in first tip regarding act one use everything there is nothing and i mean nothing that you get in act one that cannot be replaced so every potion every scroll every whatever that you get use it put it to good use and kind of take a look around so that you know the purpose of it right so you should know if i need some more defense i've got a scroll of stone skin i've got a scroll of shield of faith scroll of shield and this will all help me get more defense if you're having trouble with someone that does a lot of fire damage you should know okay i've got a scroll of resist fire i can put that on my tank have my tank go out first take some reduced fire damage and then have the rest of my team come in and try to mop that person up before they're able to get another fire attack off if there's just too many people and you're getting surrounded and you need some additional help you should know hey i've got a scroll or something monster here like all of these serve different purposes for different situations and you should have an idea about what's available to you or at least know that if you're just getting molly whopped over and over again come on in here and see what you could do to be able to help yourself in addition you're going to get recipes while you are searching around the area use them it helps uh sela already has a high enough uh knowledge world skill to be able to cook for you so if you go in here you have something that will improve your skill checks give you additional speed increase your saving throws give you temporary hit points or make it so that it takes more time for you to become fatigued any one of those things might be useful for you so why not go ahead and take advantage again especially when it comes to cooking all of this can be replaced next up want to make sure that you're reading books the game does not make it clear that this is important but it is because there are a lot of books that will give you certain perks or certain um increases or boost when you read them so if you go to character and then go to abilities you might see hey a book here and then it'll say plus one shield bonus to ac against demons or this one which gave me a plus one competence bonus on attacks and damage on all natural attacks this i'm at level five this is in act one and i only read like four or five of these books right before i made this video if i read all the books i guarantee you i would get more so it's well worth your time to make sure you are reading all the books that you get and when i say reading you need to actually right click on it and manually press info just highlighting over it does not trigger the game to say okay you have read this book all right so you have to hatch you have to actually have to do that manual task for every single book in your inventory before you sell it but again it's well worth your time because again i got a plus one ac just from reading the book that's awesome that's awesome and that could be very very helpful depending upon the type of character that you have so you definitely want to take the time to do that next up i want to make it clear crowd control is king and act one you are not going to do enough damage to just wipe everybody out consistently before they even touch you so the focus needs to be on crowd controlling these people and rendering them helpless making it easier for you to take them out and at the same time ensuring that your party takes as little damage as possible which with each encounter that you're going through and there are few ways that the game gives you to do that first and foremost to give you the character ember um i think you get her at level three and she's very very easy to find the vast majority of you should come across her no problem ember comes with slumber all right which is the hex version of sleep this affects all creatures who who can be affected by sleep so unlike the sleep spell which has a certain hd that will affect and then it's rendered useless slumber works on everybody except ghouls or ghosts or things of that nature that are just immune to sleep period you should be having her use this all of act one just right click on it and let it rip because she will send all those demons that you're going up against and all those barbarians those humans should put them all to sleep one by one by one now the only problem with this is sleep or slumber rather it can only be used on an enemy once so let's say you go up against three enemies ember will try to individually get each one of them to sleep but once she's done that the ai knows that the hex will not work on anybody else you're facing and then it'll automatically try to attack so you want to make sure that ember has a ranged weapon in her hand unless you are okay with dealing with the micromanagement of having to figure out what else to deal with her is she starts running into melee all right but other than that this works perfect works like a charm once ember gets to i think level four um yes at level four she can choose another hex i highly recommend you take evil eye evil eye is going to allow you to put a negative two penalty on either the ac ability checks attack roles saving throws or skill checks of a particular enemy so if for whatever reason is resistant to sleep and it's a really tough enemy that you need to focus fire on and bring it down amber can be the one to impact whatever stat is going to help you do the most damage also recognize a will save reduces this to just one round that means no matter what evil eye hits it doesn't matter if you're all the way in act fives facing a demon lord all right you put evil eye on descari he has to take at least one round of a negative four penalty to one of these effects that's crazy that is that's a huge impact especially in act one there's no creature you're going up against that can stand up to your attacks while taking a negative four or even a negative two penalty to his defenses so it makes it much much easier to deal with those difficult enemies that you know you're going to have to face in addition scare is an extremely powerful crowd control effect in act 1. it affects all enemies within a 30-foot burst so you do not have to worry about it impacting your party and it'll it'll make many enemies frightened or others shaken in the case of them being frightened they will literally run away from you which of course means that they are not damaging you and in the case of shakin that still makes them um less offensively effective so it's a great way to ensure that they're doing less damage towards you which overall is going to make it easier for you to damage them so scare plus evil eye plus um slumber makes ember a crowd control monster in an act where you really really need crowd control now the other person who could do great crowd control for you even though she doesn't have any spells for it is sila and that's because at the end of the maze which is the first area in act one you have to get get through the boss there is going to drop a weapon called marching terror you should be putting this on sela immediately because this glaive every time um a target receives uh every time she lands a hit on a new enemy for the first time all other enemies in a 15 foot radius must pass a will saving throw or they will become frightened for one round which means combat starts sila runs out hits that first enemy a bunch of other enemies are going to start running in the opposite direction all of them oftentimes will not be impacted meaning if you're facing four two of them might run the other two stay you mop up those two by the time the other ones have gotten over being frightened you've already killed their buddies and it's going to be much easier for you to take out them all of that together makes it very very easy for you to be able to crowd control groups you you can easily have situations where you run into a fight with four or five people two of them are running because of sila one of them is sleep on the floor because of emperor and then she's about to lay down scare for the overall group to get the other ones running as well this all ensures that as little damage as possible is happening to your party now the other way that you can limit the amount of damage your party is taking is by effective tanking now with sealer that's easy right you just throw some heavy armor on her you just make sure she has you know the best cloak of resistance and the best ring of protection that you possibly can and just throw her out there it's all good right but honestly even in in act 1 i don't feel like she's up to the point where you could just throw it in the midst of four or five enemies and everything will be fine she's going to get sworn and she's going to get chopped down so she you want to have at least one other person out there who's taking with her and i definitely believe camellia fills that role very very nicely but i've seen multiple comments from you all saying you don't know how to build her or you don't know how to keep her standing up when you're in act one it's very simple from my understanding when you go to character and you're leveling her up because i believe you get her at level one right so at level two you get to pick a hex you want to go ahead and pick ice plant ice plant is going to give her a plus two natural armor bonus to ac i know i've said that slumber is fantastic and that crowd control is king i definitely stick to all that but i feel like camellia should be tanking and slumber is something you want to use from the back line you want them you don't want to be right up front in the midst of all the nonsense trying to cast the hex on somebody that's that's not going to work properly so instead put this plus 2 natural armor bonus to ac on her and then when you get to defender's heart which again is in the middle of act one there's a vendor back here may visali he sells a ring a ring called icy protector that ring if you put it on a person who has the ice plant hex it also grants them a plus two additional natural armor bonus to ac you combine that with some of the spells that she gets so she gets access to bark skin which is going to give you a plus two enhancement bonus and this bonus increases by one for every three caster levels above the third um so it'll be just plus two for now but it'll definitely increase over time and then you also want to put magical vestments on her which is going to give you an enhancement bonus on your armor or a shield you can actually put it on her twice but you need somebody else to put the second um application on because since it's a spirit it goes in a spirit magic slot she can only slide it once so you could put it on once for her armor and then somebody else like a healer can put it on again for her shield all of that together makes her extremely tanky she can tank all of act one i would also recommend that if you have someone with reduced person you can give her reduced person as well and that will assist in making her more tanky obviously you want to increase her equipment so i think there's a plus one buckler that you can both find and buy and then honestly for her rapier which is what i do recommend that you should use i would recommend you use finian the version of rapier that he is in act 1 i'm pretty sure is better than anything you can actually find so once you pick up finney and just stick it on camellia and you'll be golden there there should be no problems a final thing uh that i'll mention is very very early in the game you should be able to pick up um this uh lady calandra's chain shirt this is going to give her a plus six armor while at the same time still allowing her to use all of her dexterity bonus for her ac so even though she has proficiency in medium armor i would say that this armor is the best one to put on her for the entirety of act one and again all of that means she can tank no problems through the first act as long as you keep her standing next to sila again i don't feel like either one of them in act one are proficient enough to be able to tank on their own which they will be able to do in later acts as you get more stuff and get more abilities for them but in the first act i keep them side by side rushing into enemies and i do not have a problem um next up i want to talk briefly about land so land can absolutely be an amazing character because he is a zen archer he can get to the point where wisdom increasing wisdom increases both his offense and his defense making him extremely tanky he's a great archer on his own even if you keep him in his class however if you find that you're having a lot of problems and you just need another frontline fighter out there to take some of the pressure off you because land focuses on wisdom it's very very easy to um respect him into or not even respect him but take a dip or just shift his uh class over to sacred hutsman which is under the inquisitor class line this will give him access to a pet pets are absolutely fantastic very very useful made the game much more survivable so if you're having issues with basic survivability and you have land in your party switch them over to a class that gives them a pet and this is coming from a guy who's i'm very very strong on role playing and making sure you role play your party members and the way that they're actually meant based on their storyline i take spirit hunter to 20 i take oracle to 20. but i'm just be honest with you from my perspective being a zen archer has nothing to do with land's personality there is nothing that he says or does that says zen or says that he is really particular about the type of weapon that he uses nothing so i do not consider zen archer to really be crucial to who he is as a character whereas other people like sela as a paladin or ember as a stigmatized witch it's obvious you are tampering with the character if you try to go into another class i don't feel like that at all about land so i have no qualms about going into another class and picking up a pet if that's what is going to make things easier as far as what pet to pick obviously over the long haul smilodon is very very damaging i've enjoyed using um the raptor as well but i would say out of all the pets the one that's most useful for act one is probably the wolf because the wolf automatically does trip every time it bites or at least it attempts to trip the opponent every time it bites so you can have a pet who's running out there taking some of the heat and at the same time assisting in crowd control for your overall party obviously that is extremely useful so all of that together chameleon tanking focusing on crowd control uh giving land a pet reading books to give yourself additional abilities and using all the potions scrolls and cooking recipes that you get access to all of that together should make act one much much easier for you especially if you've just been running out there and trying to go toe-to-toe with everything that the act throws at you without any sort of real preparation there's one more thing that i want to mention but i'm gonna say up front it is a little bit of a spoiler for act one it's not really a big spoiler but you know for those of you who just want to go into it completely fresh from a storyline perspective now is probably a good time for you to cut out of the video i'll give you all a few seconds in case you all want to do that okay so the final thing that i want to mention is when you get to this area defender's heart you're going to be given a mission to go after a person called the storyteller all right and this is the only time i can think of where there's a time limit on something and the game does not tell you all right now no matter what you will save storyteller in the main story however there are other people with storyteller and if you do not reach him within three days time in game those people will die if those people die in my opinion it makes the final dungeon of act 1 significantly more difficult significantly more difficult it is in your best interest to make sure you reach storyteller within three days time to ensure that you're able to save everyone who's with him and in turn make that final dungeon that you have to go through before getting to act two significantly easier for yourself all right and that's my final tip let me know down in the comments uh what did you think are there any additional tips that you would add on to this is there anything ah mind-blowingly obvious that you felt like i didn't bring up was this too simplistic were there some things that were more advanced as far as tips that you feel like should have been included in this video let me know looking forward to hearing your feedback and as always if you enjoyed this video please leave me a like down below share this content and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already i will see you all in the next video take care
Channel: Slandered Gaming
Views: 14,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pathfinder wrath of the righteous, pathfinder wrath of the righteous companions, pathfinder wrath of the righteous class, seelah, paladin wrath of the righteous build, paladin pathfinder wrath of the righteous, paladin pathfinder wrath of the righteous build
Id: Bv2Psn_skbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 2sec (1322 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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