Pathfinder: WotR - Trickster Greater Mythic Tricks & Spellbook

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[Music] greetings everyone hope all of you are having an absolutely fantastic day we're back again with more pathfinder right after the righteousness this time i want to finish up the trickster breakdown video that i released during the beta most of the information is the same which is why i haven't fully updated that video however at the time that i released it the greater mythic tricks were not available and you could not see the full spell listing for trickster so i wanted to circle back and make sure i had a video where i broke down all of that information i'll leave a link in the description for the original breakdown i did that will go through all the other aspects of being a trickster and then at some point i'll do a follow-up video where i'll talk about what i think are some of the really good class combinations for trickster and one of the and some of the really effective ways to be able to use it but this video is just about information just letting you know what's out there and letting you make your own decision about what you would and would not want to use during your own playthrough so let's go ahead and dive in for those who are not aware as a trickster you get to choose mythic tricks which are based around skills so in the beta you were able to choose at um rank one mythic tricks and rank two method tricks but they never let you get to rank three and so now i'm going to go through the rank three list and also the listing of spells that were not available during the time that we were in the beta so first up knowledge arcana rank three you can reveal item properties that aren't even there and couldn't possibly be there every item you identify gets an additional random major effect lower religion you now know enough about religion to start your own you can select two additional domains and as you can see here it is the full domain list [Music] perception at last you notice the most important thing problems within yourself and to negate those problems you learn to quickly find ways to use other mythic tricks you can now use up to two wandering rank one mythic tricks that you can change every day persuasion you are so good at demoralizing your enemies that they lose the will to live enemies that fail their saving throw against your demoralized ability must spend their first round making a coup de grace against themselves athletics now at last you can call yourself really strong the most athletic athlete in the world and as such your base attack bonus can't be low not lower than your ranks in athletics and if your base attack bonus is equal to your character level it becomes not less than your ranks in athletics plus five knowledge world you now know that whole world is just a game but that is ultimately in your favor because you are good at games and at changing rules in your favor you and members of your party can now ignore requirements of feats when leveling up lord nature you know nature so well that you know that it is perfectly natural to find powerful magical items in the wild maybe they do grow on trees after all you return from your hunks with random magical items mobility instead of avoiding just attacks of opportunity you can now avoid normal attacks too every time you are hit by an attack you can attempt a mobility check with a negative 10 penalty if the result is higher than the attacker's result the attack misses stealth you exceeded stealth so much that you can avoid spells targeting you you gain spell resistance equal to your stealth bonus minus 10. trickery living creatures are also just complex devices and can also be easily disabled you can try to disable them forcing them to make a fortitude saving throw dc 15 plus your ranks in trickery if the target fails it it dies use magic device you have learned that there is a very unconventional and effective way to use scrolls apparently there are these guys called wizards and they use scrolls in a very original way instead of using magic from scrolls outright they copy it into this thing they call a spell book and then use a spell every day you now have one of those spell books and you can copy spells into it from scrolls as if you were a wizard of your character level so those are all of the rank 3 greater mythic tricks obviously it's a very very powerful list let's go ahead and dig into the spells so at level 1 you're going to get wand of summon monster zero which allows you to summon an extra planar murder pony to your side once per day awesome awesome fun at level two you're going to get fish missile which allows you to launch a putrid fish that deals 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage plus an additional 1d6 per 2 caster levels you have above the first and on the next successful hit the target must made a fortitude save or be sickened for 1d4 plus one rounds you're also going to get a summon a small beer elemental and bear's grace if the target of the spell fails its will saving throw it is granted the grace of a bear giving it a negative eight penalty to dexterity note that this is not impacted by spell resistance so all you have to worry about is whether or not that character can pass the dc at level three you're going to get breath of money you breathe out a blast of coins creatures in the affected area take 2d six points of bludgeoning damage per mythic rank a successful reflex save has the damage again it's not impacted by spell resistance glorious beard is going to cause a glorious beard to erupt from the face of a willing target giving it plus two natural armor bonus to ac and damage resistance five against everything except slashing you're also going to get hallucinogenic cloud which causes all creatures in the cloud to become confused and they are going to continue to be impacted as long as they're in the cloud along with one d4 plus one rounds after it leaves any creature that remains in the cloud must continue to save each round you're also going to be able to summon a medium bare elemental and then finally you get invisibility almost greater this spell functions like greater visibility but not so great instead of not ending after an offensive action it ends with a chance equal to five percent plus five percent per attack you made during the invisibility at level four you get to summon a grizzly bear and a large beer elemental and then at level five you're gonna get microscopic proportions your target shrinks to microscopic proportions decreasing in size by two categories the target gains a plus six size bonus to its dexterity score you'll get to summon a greater beer elemental and then you also get reign of halberds making an attack roll against every creature in a 10-foot radius a successful attack deals 1d 10 points of slashing and piercing damage per caster level and this can critically strike and then finally you'll get phantasmal healer you summon a phantasmal healer who's going to stay in place for a number of rounds equal to one per every four caster levels every round it heals every living creature in a 30 foot radius for 1d6 per 4 caster levels the creatures make a will saving throw to half the amount and then at level six you're going to be able to summon an elder beer elemental and you're going to get recreational pit you create an extra dimensional comfy hole with a depth of 10 feet per two caster levels any large or smaller creature standing in the area where you first conjure the pit must make a reflex saving throw to not jump to safety in the pit in addition the edges of the pit are sloped and any creature ending his turn on a square adjacent to the pit must make a reflex saving throw with a plus two bonus to avoid falling into it creatures subjected to an effect intended to push them into the pit such as bull rush do not get a saving throw to avoid falling in if they are affected by the pushing effect creatures who fall into the pic take no falling damage the trampoline is really handy each round any creature in the pit is healed for 3d6 as extra dimensional entities heal their wounds and make massage to climb the pit's soft and cozy walls a creature needs a successful athletics or mobility skill check with a dc of 25 when the duration of the spell ends creatures within the hole rise up with the bottom of the pit until they are standing on the surface over the course of a single round and then you're also going to get charm whatever you can make any creature fight on your side as if it was your ally it will attack your opponents to the best of its ability however this creature will try to throw out the domination effect making a will save each round and finally you get to summon a perpetually annoyed wizard this spell summons a powerful wizard who is for some mysterious reason perpetually annoyed and then finally you have level seven so you get to summon a hog of desolation and then you also get ray of how birds as opposed to reign of howl birds which is what you had before you blast your enemies with a stream of howl birds you fire one hamburg per two caster levels each halberds require a ranged attack to hit and deals 1d10 plus charisma modifier damage and then finally the creme de la creme of the trickster spell book trick fate when the fate gives your friend a challenge you respond with a special die for three rounds the target ally always rolls 20 on all d20 rolls craziness absolutely bananas as you can see trickster just keeps getting better and better that is the full spell list along with the rank 3 mythic tricks that should cover all the content that my original breakdown video was not able to get into that's the video let me know down in the comments if you have any feedback and as always if you enjoyed this video please leave me a like share this content and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already i will see you all in the next video take care
Channel: Slandered Gaming
Views: 6,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trickster pathfinder wrath of the righteous, trickster pathfinder, trickster path wrath of the righteous, trickster pathfinder mythic, trickster path abilities, trickster path mythic, pathfinder trickster build, mythic trick wrath of the righteous, mythic trickster path, mythic trickster wotr, mythic trickster wrath of the righteous, mythic trickster build, mythic trickster, mythic trickster pathfinder
Id: fDrUr5V8dvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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