Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Crusade Act 2 Army Management TIPS (Beginner's Guide)

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foreign [Music] Monk and today we are in Pathfinder Wrath of the righteous today's video I want to talk about Act 2 more specifically I want to be talking about Army management or the basic mechanics towards Army management and just going over that generalized thing I have had a few comments saying that they don't really know what you're doing when it comes to the Crusade part of the game so hopefully this will shed some light on a few things and of course if this is the kind of content that you want to be seeing don't really hit that like button and subscribe to the channel that way you don't miss out on more videos just like this now as you move into Act 2 you'll realize very quickly once you step outside that things are a little bit different now you can press select or back and depending on which platform your plan is on to switch between the two modes you've got the Crusade mode where you're managing armies and then you've got your basic mode where you and your companions are going around the map as well now the general idea is that you want to be taken out the you know the demon hordes and the demon armies that are around the map however there's definitely a few mechanics that could come in handy if you actually knew how to use them when it comes to defeating these first of all if you was to hold our T like on regular party mode you'll be cycling through the different armies that you have as you can see right now I have two different armies and if I go to recruit more soldiers I can recruit and buy more soldiers and plow them into an army yes this does cost resources however it's pretty worth it on top of that you can actually recruit a general now something the game doesn't tell you is the very first as a general you hire is pretty cheap in fact it only costs you 500 resources to do so now you may think that those first four generals are the only ones you have to pick from however as you can see all I'm doing is backing out of that screen popping back in it and those generals are recycling changing and sharing me a few different ones so in other words you can actually have a little look-see at who you want to hire before you actually hire them and making sure you hire someone you actually want when it comes to a general there are three basic types there is your range your melee and your sorcerer or a magic user they're the three basic types now take it from me the best type to actually be using or to hire on your first go is going to be the sorcerer um or the magic user and you may also notice a few of the other stats that are changing as well now there's um there's one stat that's very important and that would be the last stat um on the line just above um so just below their level you're looking uh that is going to be how many troops that that General can heal every round the most number you're going to find on level one is going to be 150 so if you find one for that that's a good number and that number will increase as your general levels up yes that's right he can earn experience and it will level up and we will go over that a little bit later now the other thing we're looking for is feet the feet that we're looking for is a master of maneuvera what that will mean is that you're able to have an extra slot um when it comes to unit types you'll be able to have four instead of three right at the beginning of the game or right at the start as you very first leave this is so so powerful because as I will show you again later The Troop types stack indefinitely as far as I can tell therefore if you're able to have four different types of troops and then that can you know potentially be a huge amount extra when it comes to your fighting force so if you're actually able to hire a general with you know that is a sorcerer that has potentially 150 in troop recovery and of course has a master of maneuvera then you've got a very very solid General right there at the beginning of act two and that will set you in good stead for the whole of that act my next tip would be don't be stingy hire as many recruits as you can right at the beginning The Archers are the real power of your army if you set them at the back of the battlefield um and protect them for the entire battle they will pretty much chop down any forces that come up against you stack them high use the archers to absolutely annihilate the demon hordes and Bob's your uncle an easy act for you now another thing to keep in mind of as we look around this battlefield the different uh demon hordes or demon armies will have a number above their heads at the beginning of the game you want to be looking at that level one there is a huge step up from level one to level two level two to level three and a level four and my biggest tip for you guys is is safe before you go up against a higher level because you know those guys they hit bloody hard and you can find yourself accidentally losing hundreds of troops just because you accidentally went a little bit too far and yes this does mean you're going to be moving around the battle trying to avoid those higher tier armies but that's the way this act is supposed to be done do yourself a favor attack those lower tiers first until you get leveled up until you manage to get more troops and then attack them as and when you are ready now I'm not going to cover you know battle strategy too much especially as this is so simplistic you know the battle idea of it it really is a might of magic I absolutely love that gamer because I love that game I love playing a crusader mode of course you can actually turn off the Crusader mode in the options if you don't like it at all personally I love might of magic and I love this idea of being able to kind of Replay that you can also recruit more mercenaries and more different types of units as you progress through Act 2 so keep that in mind as well um but the troops are going to be making up the bulk of your army is going to be those footmen and those all important archers now another thing I should really cover in this video is movement as in your Crusades movement every time you move you can move a maximum of I believe it is four points um per go with a maximum of 40 points to spend now that's every single Army you have has 40 points to spend so when you you know completely deplete one you have another Army that again you can deplete as well now every single day those points will get replenished and you can choose to fast forward time as you go on now for me to fast forward time all I have to do is Click down the right analog stick and 24 hours will pass by when they pass by I get my 40 points of movement back and again as far as I can see there is no real penalty to this so don't worry about feeling like you have to switch back to your main Companions and be doing the actual main storyline The Crusade missions are really worth doing uh you know clearing off those demon armies is kind of the point of Act 2 anyway so spend some time to actually have a good amount of fun and plan about with the different mechanics uh involved then there was a couple more things I wanted to talk to you about in regards to the Crusade mode your general himself as I mentioned earlier in the video can and will level up their gain experience and as they do they will level up now you have to manually level your character up just as you do your you know normal people so press y or triangle whatever you're on um activate yeah peoples and then there should be an option to level up from there just have a little look-see and a little read and when you level up you get to choose an ability or two a couple of these abilities are extremely good like for instance cure wounds as soon as this option is available pick it up because cure wounds can seriously change the battlefield for the good every single round you get to use your Mana or your you know your magical powers uh that is you can use them as a general and still attack with a unit as well so don't be afraid to not use it because you want to do that attack and you can use cure wounds in order to replenish fallen troops on the battlefield as you can see that Archer unit lost a lot and I was able to replenish a huge chunk of troops just from using cure wounds also if you spend a little bit of time actually playing this Crusade mode you'll start acquiring extra armies or just random loose troops that you save or rescue or whatever my advice to you is to merge that into one Army you may not understand how to merge so I'm going to tell you right here simply move those armies into this same slot and then when you go to look at your army and by pressing whatever button you are depending on what console you are you are on you'll be able to have the option to merge them when you hit that merge button this screen will pop up and you'll have to manually move over your characters depending on who you want to move over obviously you don't have to move everyone over and as you can see this shows you about the whole you know your troops being able to stack almost indefinitely and of course because I have Maneuvers one and two I'm able to have five different uh troop types in my one Army but I think that about wraps it up it's pretty straightforward once you understand the basics if you spend a little time to actually have a little look-see at um what the game is offering you it doesn't do the best job of explaining any of this to you so hopefully this video has helped you guys out for anyone wondering what it is you're supposed to be doing or how you're supposed to be doing it if I left anything out whatsoever drop it down in the comments our happily reply to you or possibly even make a video just for you to ex you know show you sometimes it's easier to show than tell um so if that's the case then I will do that we also have that active Discord as well the link for that is in a description you know feel free to join the Discord and have a little chat about this game let me know what you're enjoying about it or if you're stuck on anything and along with that Discord link there is a link for the pre-order of my novel it is a dystopian cyberpunk called a seven broken and bound absolute Battle of a story currently in pre-order available December 1st it's on eBook right now but it will be available as paid back as well and it is the best way to support the channel either way thank you very much for watching guys obviously if you have watched at a very end don't forget to hit that like button and subscribe to the channel if you're not already subscribed that way you don't miss out on more videos just like this as I break down the different mechanics involved in this game and of course I will be covering Pathfinder through its life on console and the various updates it has it's really good to see that the devs are so active on Twitter so for anyone that isn't on Twitter or Facebook either on Facebook quite a bit and it doesn't want to be hearing the news from me you can always follow them directly on those two platforms but anyway I'm getting a little bit sidetracked um hope you've enjoyed this video I've been a monk we've been in Christopher you could do this and I will see you in the next video real soon until then take it easy and of course as ever guys happy gaming
Channel: The Critically Clueless
Views: 11,057
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Keywords: Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Crusade Act 2 Army Management TIPS (Beginner's Guide), Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous, Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Crusade, Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous act 2, Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous merging armies, Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous movement, Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous generals, Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous tips, Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous guide, Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous 2022
Id: jMtdnQKEwOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 15 2022
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