Pathfinder: WOTR - Sosiel All Domain Cleric Build for Unfair Difficulty (Patch 1.1)

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hi we're back with pathfinder wrath of the writers companion builds for unfair difficulty and in this video we'll be taking a look at socio if you are new to the series and don't know how we do our builds they are all made for unfair difficulty and none of them exploit bugs so they should all remain viable despite any bug fixes or patches made to the game it's also worth mentioning that all my builds are tested from early to light levels they are not made just for the sake of youtube videos i do them firstly for my own unfair playthroughs and it's very important to me that they are actually effective at every level in the game so i can actually get through with my playthroughs and not just remain the helm of theory crafting because this is a turn-based system but the game is real time with pause sometimes builds don't go as i'd expect them and that's why i think the testing is important so i can both bring you the best builds and actually be able to beat the game on unfair difficulty which is my main goal with all that out of the way let's get to our builds now first socio what can i say about him he's a cleric full caster so that's great for us has a high wisdom score so even better that works well with a lot of domain abilities like gathered heart of course and he has a great spell list just like tyrion and it will would make sense since we just did the durian build that works really well in my opinion that we do something similar with zozo right he has the same spell list the build is focused around spells why not the main problem for me is him being a prepared caster this way we don't get to equip things like the salamander ring which is really nice but the biggest problem in my opinion is that uh we have to prepare our spell book so it only it does always comes into play how many hills do we want how many damage spells do we want how many buffs and i don't like to to work around that because we always end up with fewer damage spells than uh spontaneous caster would and yeah i think we can do okay with him without going the spell damage route especially because the spell damage route really does a lot better with 11 to cross-blooded sorcerer your damage goes up by about 50 percent so we if we didn't do the uh cross-blooded peak we would be a lot less effective than diron so at the end of the day i decided against i spell damage build for socio i think he can do well with mili especially because he starts with a 16th strength not great but serviceable and i actually want him to be melee most of the time the reason being his domain powers especially lock domain and good domain two amazing domains for him to start with i'm very happy with our cat choice here both of them are touch abilities right yeah both of them are touch abilities so you already want to be melee to both your party members with those and doing damage melee goes well with that i know both of those are standard actions but there's a mythic ability that's going to fix that for us and until we get that mythic ability we don't have much to do especially because we won't have our main damage option much earlier than then we get the mythic ability so i'm not even going to showcase a early level [Music] combat because mostly we just spend our actions using lux domain or good domains abilities and we cast guarded half before combat starts and that's basically what we do so i don't think it's worth even showcasing that in combat now let's get to the build itself we start with metamagic heighten this is our first fit choice of we keep going cleric for now so at level seven we get our first choice in the build we take metamagic heighten this is just for versatility moving spells around and then we keep going cleric until level 9 then and here we take skillfocus knowledge word this is just because we need either knowledge word or knowledge arcana to go to loremaster i chose word doesn't matter which one we pick then at level 10 we start going for loremaster and here in our first level arm master we take a combat secret for greater vital strike so we can do a little bit of damage and then we keep going lower master until at 11 we take vital strike as a fit the reason for that is because mythic vital strike requires you to have vital strike doesn't matter if you have greater vital strike already you won't be able to take mythic vital strike unless you take vital strike that's why we take it at level 11 at level 12. it's our last floor master level and now we take a rogue secret combat fit and shatter defenses so we can hit more reliably then we are done with floor master and we are back to cleric until level 20 and our feets here are going to be outflank improved critical glaive this works great with our luck domain abilities so we have a much higher chance to crit to crit because of them then we go for improvement initiative at level 17 and weapon focus glaive at 19. for mythic domains we have so many great options for clerics and i really do think clerics were made much much stronger than before just because of the mythic abilities specific to them we start with impossible domain community so we get guarded heart then we go into impossible domain ability to get inspiring command it is an site bonus to attack an ac which is not easy to get you later can get inside to ac with both items and spells but at the point where you get this domain you really don't have any way to get both inside to attack or ac then we go into domain zealot and this is the most important thing for a cleric build like the one we are doing this allows you to use your domain abilities as swift actions so now the bit of luck that acts just like the fortune hex can be cast every turn without losing your standard action same same thing for the good domain ability which gives a sacred bonus to attack this also works of course with guarded heart with nobilistics domain inspiring command but those also can be cast before combat so they don't make that much of a difference with domain select but our other abilities really do get a lot better because of this and they are very strong and this makes them almost overpowered it's so strong to be able to use those as a swift action and i really do think the main zealot on a cleric that already has both good and luck domain is amazing then we go into vital strike mythic now we start to do some decent damage ourselves then last then i really think you should take this with every character on fair difficulty especially if it's someone that's going to be on melee like social then we go for the enduring spell and greater enduring spell just so our buffs last longer later improved critical mythic because we have the luck domain we have ways to roll dice twice we have a much higher chance to critical improved critical mythic is a really nice damaged boost for us last domain we get is going to be destruction this adds a morale bonus to damage while it's very easy to get moral bones to attack moral bonus to the animatch is a little bit more difficult to find so this is a nice boost to our damage and to our party's damage with destructive arrow you may notice that destructive arrow will also boost damage dealt to you but the enemies already do so much damage that this barely makes a difference for them while for us it's a very nice boost to damage and last we take leading strike it's a nice damage addition to us not that big of a deal but yeah there was nothing too impactful to take here in my opinion cleric spell list are great we have a lot of good buffs both two party members in the and defensive buffs and also really nice offensive buffs for us on first level we have shoot of faith which scales with level we also have divine favor which later on gets gets overshadowed by divine power but at early levels this is really nice for us we also get one cast of true strike as a domain spell and i'm taking it really it's useful in some fights then at level 2 we have a line weapon which can be nice and restorations always nice to have some when you need to heal ability damage at level 3 we get magical vestments very strong for your tanks and scale with caster level we also have resistor energy which scales with caster level so it's nice to have it slotted in at level 4 we get some very important spells in depth word and freedom of movement but both of those can be used by scrolls since they don't scale with caster level we don't really care that much about having them prepared but on the other hand protection from energy does scale with caster level and so does greater magical weapon and i also have crusader's edge just because it's a very nice buff for our melee damage dealers and of course for socio himself at level 5 we get divine power it's actually a level 4 spell but since we already had other nice things at level 4 i just used metamagic heighten to make divine power also a level 5 spell so we could get it a lot of uses out of it since there's nothing that much useful at level 5 maybe juicing but i already had it on a lot of other casters and also trucing can be used from scrolls since it doesn't scale with caster level at level 6 we get another really good support spell with not so partial buffing spell with ego so plus 4 sacred bonus restraint it's only personal but we do use strength to hit and 2 damage and this is a nice bonus for us we also get spell magic greater which can be extremely useful against some enemies at level 7 there's nothing too notable restoration greater probably is the best but again can be used from screws bestow grace is nice if you have companions that can receive it but mostly i just use heightened ego so at level 8 we get some nice defensive spells and also frightful aspect another very important bonus to our damage and chance to hit as well as a aura that inflicts shaken on enemies triggering our shatter defenses and at level 9 mostly i just use hue mass in my opinion is the best spell for level 9 even though on unfair difficulty sometimes it might be hard to actually heal your companions during combat effectively there are times where you take some damage in combat and is left at very low health and you want to heal afterwards so it's always nice to have some ways to heal even on a fair where you can get one shot very easily heels do have some uses now in terms of equipment there are a lot of nice things we could give socio but he's not our main damage dealer he's mostly a support so i did not really mind bringing up the two-handed weapon damage buffing items if you don't have anyone else to put the name then you can give them to socio but i'm more than happy just having him wear a glaze a headband of wisdom and something to increase strength of course you should give him at least a cape of resistance maybe an amoled of natural armor or anything else you want you know standard equipment stuff you can give him boosts of freedom of movement things like that but i'm here just highlighting the most important ones and they are battle of strength headband of wisdom and a nice clay i really like sochir i used it for the entire game um i like being able to summon things just to body block and yeah this is fact it's really good and it scales with enemy difficulty so you are always summoning an enemy that is going to take some hits before it dies at least let's take a look at socio in combat here you can see the buffs we have a lot of things i used a few of the domain powers but not all only holy lens inspiring command sparring command has a lot of uses so you can use it almost every fight and let me turn on also our destructive smite and let's bring someone to think for us because since we are a melee character we really need the help to think let's just make sure no one's going to come to the fight okay now let's go in and here remember that our domain powers are swift actions so we can get a hit our damage is decent here we have 2d6 from um crusader's edge that makes a the weapon bane and also to this extra d6 from holy lands which makes the weapon holy but our base damage is already solid 8 d8 plus 144 when fully buffed um here we can also for our next hit use bit of luck on ourselves it's a swift action so we can do it without any problem now we can hit for even better chances uh actually let me show you our chances to hit here it's a 42 to attack we do get flat footed because of frightful aspect and shatter defenses now we can use bit of luck again for one more hit and the enemies down here we also spawn oh you got a critical so you can see our crit causer very nice damage and with bit of luck we have a very decent chance actually bit of luck is better used on your companions we can use divine fortune on harder fights giving us the same effect as bit of luck but for several turns what really made this build possible is for sure the main zealot otherwise we'd have to spend our standard actions to offer a lot of our buffs here and we kind of have better things to spend our standard actions zone so making them a swift action really helps a lot making this build much better and it's a great buff for many companions having bit of luck can increase your chances to critical which triggers things like outflank and with the mythic ability ever ready which we took in several of our builds we get even stronger attacks of opportunity from the outflank triggers so yeah this build has a lot of synergies a lot of good stuff to offer and is overall a very solid support that can still do some hits and some okay damage not that strong against bosses as you could see his chances to hit are not very high but against regular mobs especially those not immune immune to shaken so we can trigger shatter defenses it does reasonably well and that's it for my social build i hope you liked as always if you have any improvements let me know in the comments and also tell me what you did for socio did you do something different um and if you liked what i did leave a comment to let me know and until the next video i hope you have a good time
Channel: TurnBasedTactics
Views: 6,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Gmk8Bv75fLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 01 2021
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