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hello there friends and welcome for my second updated companion guide for the enhanced Edition of Wrath of the righteous I'm giving you an upgraded social domain Lord build domain powers can provide some of the strongest Buffs in the entire game they can increase your entire party's attack roles by higher than 30 something that you cannot get anywhere else just look at this here my social has a total of plus 35 to his attack rows all coming from very rare and very useful domain abilities and I know some of you will say but they are limited in use and somewhat shortlisting that is true however remember that for the boss battles and the actual tough Encounters of the game you will definitely have all of these on hand plus eventually with this build you'll even be able to cast your domain Powers as Swift actions should easily prep both them all outside of battle or even catch them in battle very fast while still retaining all of your attacks and spells for the round now this associate won't just be able to provide you with the ultimate support you because he can also rely on his very powerful pet to give you a lot of tanking during mounted combat and even more damage crowd control and free attacks of opportunity so without further Ado let us get started on our upgraded social domain Lord build when socio first joins her party he'll most likely be at level 6 and he'll already have his first Mythic rank for you to choose it won't really show like as soon as you start chapter 2 but all you have to do is exit the campsite add him to your party go to the world map and there we go sociono has his Mythic rank it is very important that you do this as soon as you get him because the feet we get at level 7 will depend on his first Mythic ability and what you want is impossible domain and animal domain this will give you an animal companion which is well if you've watched some of my other videos and you already know how super powerful they can be nothing is as efficient as getting an animal companion as far as the choice ideally either the dog or the wolf I think the dog feeds social more so it's the one I pick getting the anime companion from our first Mythic rank will then allow us to pick the Boon companion feed right at level 7. the reason I can't do it now is because when you respect him later on you won't be able to access the Mythic level up first so I kind of have to go with something else as far as social skill points honestly he already starts with the best ones for him Lord religion since he will have high wisdom perception to detect Secrets once again High wisdom and lastly persuasion do note that social's background acolyte allows him to increase his persuasion score based on his wisdom modifier instead of charisma for social's level 7 feet ideally he would pick Boon companion I'm just picking out flank because like I said I can't pick it to respecting and then at level 9 is when he would pick out flank from level 8 on Mars increased wisdom which is also what you should increase on all of the other levels because of the amazing Synergy this has with not only more uses of domain Powers but also actual scaling of some of them at level 9 remember I'm only picking Boon company here because I cannot edit earlier at level 7 to respect but ideally you want to switch the order boom companion at 7 outflank at 9 as for why you should pick out flank well it can potentially add a lot of free attacks through attacks of opportunity whenever social gets a critical hit plus it also increases your flanking bonus to plus 4 which is huge on its own for level 11 what you want is improve at critical and then the weapon I really like going with him is glaive glaves don't have the best critical range at most it will be 19 to 20 without a trickster main character but the thing is social is rather fits starved we don't really have space for the martial weapons proficiency feed because socio's goddess shelling has glaive as her favorite weapon he also has glaive proficiency for free and there are plenty of very powerful glaves you can find in the game so why not leave them to social for a level 13 feet I would really recommend you get started in your shelter defenses package now so weapon focus and then glaive then for level 15 doesn't display and here's the thing through Mystic progression at this point we'll already have a bonus fit gained from another domain we'll be picking there which will then allow us to get shutter defenses by level 15 as the usual for all of my builds especially since social himself at this point will be able to cast the frightful aspect spell to automatically shaken enemies as you easily proc the shutter defense's feet to attack their flat-footed Armor class which is always way lower don't forget that socio will have a mount and you can actually cast legendary proportions on the pad then frightful aspect on social and still ride your pets just fine for level 17 I'd go with improved initiative at this point you are pretty close to picking Mystic improved initiative through Mythic progression and the extra bonus does matter a lot in the case of a character like social because some of his domain Powers the ones that only last a single round because you can't really prep both of them in some cases it is in your best interest to roll high on initiative so you can quickly buff one of your allies with it instead Touch of good alone from good domain for example can add up to plus 10 to the attack rows of one of your allies which by itself is huge as the bonus is sacred as for your last FIFA 19 I'd say you have basically two choices Power Attack will contribute to social's damage to me because the Power Attack bonus isn't going to matter that much at this point in the game I'd rather go for combat reflexes I know it is super late but hey at this point your characters are generating many Critical Hits which then triggers outflank for social all right now let's talk about socialismthic progression as a domain Lord your first one as I said in the beginning of the sky should always be animal domain now for Mythic level 2 at this point we'll get started into picking more powerful domain abilities for social so extra mythical ability and impossible domain the best one to pick at this level is community community has the ever soap overpowered guards at half domain power it is only one use per day but creates a very big area of effect that empowers allies inside with many great bonuses this was nerfed a bit from release back then it used to be sacred both should attack rows and saving trolls equal to your wisdom modifier another reason why we maxed out wisdom with social nowadays it is a competence bonus to attack roles and resistance to saving trolls this change actually makes social even stronger right because his domain power from the good domain Touch of good already gives a sacred bonus so you can actually stack both guarded Hearth with Touch of good for an even higher increase to attack rows and saving throws plus the other ability you get from Community calming touch is also pretty powerful it is one of the best healing abilities in the game that actually scales quite wonderfully with your Clarity class levels and it even removes fatigue plus you'll have it for a lot of users per day thanks to your high wisdom modifier for Mythic level 3 another domain and the one I would recommend you pick now is nobility the inspiring command Buffs your entire party with a plus chewing sight bonus to attack rows and even Armor class plus skill checks too you can use it many times per day and the best part is the duration is quite nice as well because you have your class level so you can truly prep both with this just fine for the toughest battles and encounters for Mythic level 4 extra Mythic ability you have two choices now you can already go for another impossible domain in this case Madness which is what I would pick if you weren't unfair for core and hard however you can certainly wait until Mythic 5 to pick Madness domain and the one I would recommend you pick instead is domain zeld to access it earlier domain sellout lets you cast any domain ability you have as a swift action this does matter a lot because first Swift actions are cast instantly and some of your domain powers like inspiring command and guarded Hearth require a full rounds to cast that's an entire 6 seconds quite a lot with this you just cast them instantly plus Swift actions also mean you still retain the ability to unleash all of your attacks or even cast a spell in the same round you activate them just remember that Swift actions are limited to just one per round during battle as far as Madness domain it's most powerful ability is vision of Madness one of the ultimate Buffs in the game that also works as a debuff you can give any Ally a boost to either attack raw saving throws or skill checks you could you have your clerics level so a maximum of plus 10 let's say you chose attack rows you would Grant an ally object plus 10 to their attack rolls and they would also get an equal debuff to their saving throws or skill checks the debuff part when it comes to your LX doesn't really matter because you know a saving throw or skill checked above pay us in comparison to how huge you can increase your attack rolls especially as it is an untyped increase which means it Stacks with everything else this also lasts three rounds which does mean you can easily pair both allies with it before battles and tough encounters all of them even now here's the fun part because it also debuffs you can cast this on the enemy that's right by making a touch attack roll you can't debuff enemies the same way you debuff your allies for example you can choose to buff their skill checks which you know doesn't matter and then the enemy would at the same time receive a massive up to plus 10 panel to both their attack rows and saving throws so for Mythic 4 I'd go with domains a lot to already start spamming your touch of good and for instant casts of guarded heart and inspiring command so at Mythic 5 impossible domain just remember you can switch the order of domains a lot if you prefer Knight Mythic 6 we'll be picking our last domain in this case the one I like the best is war the battle rage ability isn't that important although it can be pretty powerful because it can add up to half your calorics class level so up to plus 10 damage to any party member the only downside is just like touch of gold it only lasts for a single round but hey prep buffing is possible even with this especially through domains a lot the most important part however is that war domain also grants you a bonus combat fit something that social is desperately in need of this is why I said we could at around level 15 to 16 big shatter defenses which is what you want to choose here for Mythic level 7 I would personally go with mythical Beast social's dog or wolf is another very powerful addition to your party and you truly want it to be the best it can the bonus to physical scores are very nice especially at this Mythic rank I'll say that what you can do now is for example at level 7 8 and 9 go for the Abundant casting line I just don't think it's necessary for social I prefer to leave with 4 characters like Darren who don't have to spend so many Mythic abilities in domain stuff so they can go for for example abundant casting and also the enduring and greater enduring line of Mythic abilities for social I'd go with mythical beasts now Mythic rank 8 two choices either missing improved critical englave which I don't find necessary because as I said before glaves don't have the best of the critical ranges I'd much rather go for improved initiative as usual the fastest socio can act the fastest he can get started on domains especially through domains a lot for the few cases where you won't be able to prep both of them before battle starts as for Mythic level 9 I'd go for less than as usual just you know to play it safe especially if you plan on doing the inevitable access DLC but you can also ignore this and go with ever ready for example as at this point you already have combat reflexes and can get a lot of attacks of opportunity even if you don't have high critical range the fact that whenever your allies get a critical hit you also get a free attack of opportunity from old flank is what matters so either Last Stand or ever ready I'd say for unfair less than for hardened core ever ready astrometic level 10 well if you went with Power Attack instead of combat reflexes then basic Power Attack you can also go with Mythic improve at critical although I don't find it as needed for glaves unless you have a trickster party member and besides that there is always an extra Mythic ability and then you can pick less than or ever ready here depending on what you picked at level 9. as for how to build social stock please remember I have just released a recently updated complete Pet guide when I cover builds for both stripping pads and also thank your pets so please be sure to check it linked to the side here or in the video description all right so let's cover gear for our socio domain Lord now for the amulet slot there really isn't much early game besides some amulets of initiative although even those only really start dropping at around chapter 3 but my Preferred Choice eventually is the life video amulet for the plus 6 bonus to constitution for the armor slot I believe at release social only had up to medium armor proficiency but now he should also have heavy armor for free at level 5. regardless it doesn't really matter because whenever he is riding his pet it's the Pet's Armor class that comes from mounted combat both Ranger than melee attacks so what I would do is focus on armors that have nice beneficial effects instead of higher armor rating as an example we have the chainmail of camaraderie to increase the power of your damage when flanking the enemy even further but my Preferred Choice is actually the Ching male of dragonfly it has a very unique property that lets you grant all of your allies once per day A plus one inside bonus to attack and damage rose again against demons this also increases the dexterity of everyone by plus one inside although it only lasts a single minute but you know enough for the boss battles and tough encounters for the road slot I would definitely go with the robe of unspeakable truth now that you can acquire from the latest you'll see The Treasure of the midnight Isles even just at chapter 3. the fact is these robes will grant you a plus two circumstance bonus to your wisdom score something that is super rare and I can think of any other gear in the game that does the same you really want social to have as high wisdom as possible so this is very welcome lastly when you combine it with the glasses of undeniable truth which we're also getting it even grants social a fear over of the c25 plus his Charisma modifier he won't really have that high Charisma but you know it is a free permanent Aura so why not 4 Bells at the beginning of the game definitely bells that increase his strength and after that strength and Constitution eventually you'll just get the amulet for constitution so we can just rely on builds of strength and dexterity you don't really need a physical Perfection belt as these are limited in number the glove slots I'd say they kinda don't matter that much for social early game I would rather go with the gloves of the Ambassador for the plus 5 competence bonus to persuasion and also a positive enhancement bonus yukarisma which can give you more uses of Channel energy to heal your party members but eventually you can replace with something like this tarp embroidered red gloves four plus two look bonus to saving throws and some decent spell resistance amount boots also kinda don't matter overall I mean there's always a robotic sacrifice boots but you are much better off leaving these two dexterity based party members like Amalia and wentwag you can always go with the boots of free reign for a permanent freedom of movement effect but you know social can just cast that on himself as a cleric what I settled for were these boots here the less you cast your next spell as quickened whenever you kill a demon for the first time in battle not that useful but you know it can at least be another way of quickening a mass heal or even the norm normal heel spell for helmets definitely had bands that increased wisdom but eventually you'll also get mental Perfection ones for the highest modifier possible of plus 6. Darkness caress increases it by plus eight but you know just like the ironic sacrifice boot I would much rather leave Darkness caressed to the main character or another spellcaster more focused on DC for the glasses as I said before the glasses of undeniable truth the bonus to intelligence kinda doesn't matter for social however the plus shooter initiative is great and the permanent interesting effect can help you but he can just cast Mass true seeing on your party members still remember that the fear Aura from the robe will only come if you are also equipped with the glasses and it's not like there are many powerful glasses in the game for the cloaks usually cloaks of resistance with the highest modifier which is plus 6 I like the cloak of sacred studies though for the very high bonus to Lord religion which is one of social's main skills and he is always my party member for the highest law religion for all the checks in the game for the Rings as usual the Ring of evasion can always help even if social's reflex won't be that high there is also the Ring of imminent demise for a powerful plus competence bonus to damage and even attack roles of two-handed weapons but I'd rather save them for other two-handed characters lastly because social isn't that reliant on rings I really like to have him with the Ring of summoning one of the strongest rings in the game for the super powerful aura that empowers your whole party with a stacking untyped plus two bonus to weapon damage Rose and even saving throws against chaotic creatures including all demons who are chaotic evil just remember you can pretty much have this ring equipped on any party member just like the clemency of Shadows Crusade Relic ring for braces I usually settle with the clear purpose as they allow you to cast healing spells without provoking attacks of opportunity and social well he can learn both heal and massive and unlike Darren chances are he will be very close to the enemy while riding his bats so at risks of attack of opportunities when it comes to weapons I do prefer to use glaze with social and please remember that I already have an updated complete best glaze guide that you can find in the game link should aside here or in the pinned comments down below as far as quick slots only a few items here mostly a greater quick and meta magic Rod if only to properly quick and mess heal whenever needed and a quick and mess you can truly save lives especially on unfair besides that there are some useful Divine spells that I prefer to use as Scrolls such as remove fear remove paralysis because they are super cheap to buy and don't forget you also have the restoration line also because social won't be getting enduring and greater enduring spells with dispute at the very least a lesser extend and sometimes a normal extend meta magic Rod can also help to increase the duration of some of your Buffs well alright friends so this was it for my updated social domain Lord build all ready for the enhanced Edition of the game if you found this guide useful please remember to like subscribe and even consider becoming a channel member also feel free to leave any questions you might have at the comments thank you for watching and see you next time friends most likely with my updated Camellia build that will be sure to outlive the element of barrage Nerf
Channel: cRPG Bro
Views: 170,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cRPG, rpg, boss, unfair, pathfinder, crpg bro, wotr, wotr guide, pathfinder guide, core, hard, best guide, how to, tutorial, mounted, angel mythic, unfair build, strongest party, best party members, outflank, best builds, companion, companion builds, dps build, high damage, support, unfair viable, angel, sosiel, sosiel build, cleric, cleric build, angel cleric, cleric angel, domains, domain powers, guarded hearth, visions of madness, best domains, community, madness, nobility, pet, pet build
Id: UCsFwBmh7PU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 03 2022
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