Let's try - Pathfinder Gallowspire survivors - 1.0 release a party based roguelite #gameplay

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hello and welcome yig here today we are playing Pathfinder Gallow Spire survivors this is a Survivor Style game set in the Pathfinder Universe it is dungeon diving so we're going to jump in if you like what you see there'll be a link to the steam page in the description and if you want to help the channel out subscribe like comment all that YouTube jazz so real quick we'll go over the meta progression in this one is broken down into characters Collections and Potions simple enough characters you have talents and attributes attributes you get points for doing for leveling up and you basically get points to put in your attributes to make sure that they do what you would like them to do talents are you get a currency for doing runs and you can upgrade these so that they have progressively better bonuses I haven't done a lot on either any of the characters in here so I'm not too far in the card system if you upgrade it so for example for like this we have we own one of two of these but the effect is we increase the damage dealt by all attacks so let's go ahead and upgrade that that's going to give us 6% which is very nice and you see that's going to add to that one and so as you get these cards they're going to add a lot yeah see look at that another 6% so right now we just we just upgraded our damage like quite a bit so dice are SK free dice very cool nice because if you like the dice mechanics you probably like skins for your dice uh monsters also have their own cards and some of those have different bonuses and things uh potions are potions you pick up during the run you use gold to upgrade them and each one each of these upgrade kind of does a different thing and so for example if you pick up the the potion for armor you can upgrade it so it gives you more armor then you can upgrade it so it gives you resistances and reflecting a bit of incoming damage back so let's go ahead and upgrade that so currently it reflects 20 up to 25% of incoming damage back so oops I hit Escape character-wise uh we we'll play the wizard I I played him the most but we'll take her with us so we'll take her and uh we will play one of the easier levels this level is uh vexing me I think I need a little more progression before I can get through this one it has a so many ranged attacks so we're going to go on into this one we're going to stay on adventurer that way I can show it to you and you'll be able to see what a run kind of looks like without uh without me being too bad I'm still a little tired I haven't quite caught up on sleep so reflexes are not quite what I would like them to be now in the run you have two things when you start you're going to get a weapon and you want to choose what your weapon is I'm going to choose Force barrage this used to be his default and you'll notice it has the shortest cool down out of all of them and you want at least one attack in the beginning with a short cool down it doesn't really matter which character you do it on it's more that you just need something with a short cool down so when you are in there in the map it has random generated not random it has obstacles and walls and things like that and then it has gen random generated potions treasures and things like this we are going to a treasure box which will upgrade us and when you open a chest you get a screen as you will see here where the dice are rolled and you get up to what you rolled so for an eight I get these two not too bad my luck is how should we say not the strongest all right uh I think we're going to grab this I actually really like movement speed in this game now in some of the levels some enemies you have in immediate collision with some of them you don't so I'm kind of confused sometimes sometimes some enemies you can let's do that cuz armored enemies can be a bit of a pain let's grab this XP that's going to get level both of us up hey we got a drop you can get chest drops in this nice okay let's see if we want to give her one of these I'm going to say we're going to give her that one and that starts off on a nice point now as you kill guys you can actually have chest and Potions drop you'll see the potions dropping more and more soon cuz we should be able to get something that will oh yeah we'll take that I want that fireball but I kind of want that more cuz that's a pretty large upgrade in the damage category for this the the basic weapon doesn't have necessarily have huge damage to begin with so so upgrades on it are pretty nice o another movement speed upgrade now since we do have a lot of map type objectives to go between movement speed is very good in this game all right let's do this and hopefully if we're lucky we will get be able to take our rrolling all the way up okay so there there was a potion right there now if you look over here you can actually see my potions pardon me I'm try not to get hit in the face quite so much uh and this is your potion belt and as you have potions on there you can use those Potions by hitting the appropriate number key or button controller key uh we're going to go ahead and keep that moving upwards if we can get all our rear rolls for free you can do some pretty maniacal stuff there we don't want to we won't need this if we can get that up soon enough all right let's see um we're going to go with the spear we want to basically shoot all the things pardon me really bad at juice right now probably part of the reason I haven't been able to sleep very well let's go get one of our cards cuz that's always nice that's got a nice free upgrade all right uh you can reroll these and again we're just waiting till we get a little more on that um we're going to take 55 minor knockback okay I like the force barrage in this the force barrage in this is really nice it actually does a lot for the character and since it was originally his y there we go I'm sure that'll be a nice defensive upgrade once we check it out in so he since it was his original weapon oh what's this does this do something this does not do something it's decorative that is what that is uh since he was the original one of the original characters and he had he that was his original weapon it has some upgrades that are very quality of life and uh that does make it a little nice I think we're going oh wow okay let's grab that more hit points more chests give me more chests give me all the chests okay follow me sir we're coming over here to get a what I don't remember what this one does oh that was a card one okay cool yeah you'll find things like that a lot too by the way like just sometimes especially as you upgrade stuff and start getting better chances to find loot and stuff you'll find like just gos of loot in some areas oh yeah that's about my luck mid to low all right okay so you his ability is a time stop uh what are we going to do here we are going we're going to use this hey guys you want to maybe kill that guy there's a manual aim in here I haven't tested it out yet and I think it will probably work to oh there we go get a little bit more of that let's go ahead and use that potion and we'll pick up that one cuz I think the um I think that it would be very handy um we do have our Fireball okay there we go we did get our Fireball yay let's grab this chest while we kill this guy with the upgrade um I think the Emanual aiming would definitely be very good in this one increase chance to find chests yes we will cuz chests can actually upgrade most of our stuff without us having to pay the price for it so that since we can get a lot of these even if we get a bad roll we're still getting some pretty good upgrades so if we get to upgrade our chest chance we get everything upgraded nicely all right uh I really like the besides the environment itself but I really like the the setup they have on this okay we keep that going keep that going one more time go ahead and roll that and we got it for free so that's always nice some chain lightning added to the mix yeah see we're going to get we're going to get these pretty decently often so as long as we're getting more chests we should get all the upgrades we need for our stuff all right let's go over and get this XP upgrade MO speed would be nice but I'm going for that fireball that's a legendary upgrade legendary upgrade on a fireball H yeah that's going to be some nice damage upgrade yeah this game basically kind of it does let you go out of control but at the I played that that next level oh my God like I get my booty spanked first I think the longest I've made it in there was like 10 minutes I felt kind of bad at first and then I realized like oh yeah I don't have a lot of the meta progression and that's one of the levels a lot of the levels the last two levels were added one late into the Early Access and the other one if I remember correctly it was just recently added so they're both kind of a little bit of a they're they're a little bit harder than the original ones which is fine cuz they kind of you know the original ones can be a little I wouldn't say that they're easy but I would say that they they can be a little easier than some of the other ones at first paralyze first shock how much shock we only have one shock so let's let's let's let's not do paraly for that it doesn't that seems wasteful all right if you do clear the map and you move fast enough to clear the map of all the objectives that you that are highlighted it will just send you more objectives which is nice now when you get into when you finish a level this is going to this okay we're going to we're running we're running if you finish a when you finish level if you think you can make it to the to the uh the map objective that you were going for keep going because when you stand in here it pauses this countdown tyer so you can grab it we won't make it to the other thing but we can make it to this one that's that's going to work out pretty nice hey let's get our bow down some more that bow normally starts at like oh God I would say it's like about a 2.3 second cooldown timer so having initially grabbed it with a 1.9 is kind of crazy how much that that cooldown timer is going to be able to be dropped more so that'll work really well I got to get a little more into the meta progression before the higher more difficult levels um there's a crazy amount of projectiles on that third map oh my gosh is like everywhere I go there's someone shooting a projectile at me and the collection the card collection is going to help out a lot too cuz like you saw when I we upgraded we actually got a fairly good chunk uh more potions please I like more potions and more treasure cuz those those two things can really help you sustain a run especially on the harder levels nice part is here we can stand in between both and fill them at the same time um let's go chain lightning on that one so we're going to get our card and we're going to get some XP we could grab that that would be pretty okay there not a lot of damage but they do spin around and protect us if things get there let's go Poison Poison Poison better yeah the uh each each character by the way has their own like I I wouldn't say that they have their own attacks cuz some some of them are definitely from a pool of attacks so so there's but they also have some of their own unique attacks most of the Wizards attacks are unique with a with I think less shared than the other class es uh Fireball or we get one more projectile for the barrage that fireball is pretty nice that's pretty nice cool down we can get that cool down on that one down quite a bit hopefully all right just a straight damage buff definitely good in this game I think movement speed though is definitely probably key especially cuz if you if you do travel between the and do the map objectives you can get a ton of chests you can get a ton of cards ton of like extra XP everything and the XP ones kind of make up for running around so you don't have to worry about like oh might did I need to be like soak and XP this whole time oh nice yeah see that's some nice upgrades for both yeah there we go let's uh let's do that okay so down here we have our uh active ability that is done by pressing R in his case I'm going to have a shield and we move faster and time is stopped so we can just run around space bar is your dash or whatever key it is on the controller I don't actually know which one cuz I haven't played this one the controller and uh let's go get our chest over here I wonder if it's close enough sometimes there are ways away and sometimes they're really close so it's kind of kind of never know if you're if you're going to be running for half and forever or if it's just like okay no problem yeah see like especially when you're going for objectives if you're trying to be fast the game loves to put a projectile guy right in front of you so you try not to run into them as much as I do most of the time though in the early levels you can kind of get away in the late levels they start there's so many projectiles that that that you'll get punished for getting into that habit uh sure I well stunned it wasn't super far but it definitely wasn't super close either which is okay like I said this game is actually really fun because you get to you the the whole idea is that you're going down in the dungeon and there's a story with each level and everything I'll take it it still purple I mean that's like still two upgrades wor two two level UPS worth of upgrades absolutely movement speed mo yeah see like this on this level you can kind of get away with running through guys and being a little little bit of a bully on the later levels because because of the amount of extra damage and things like that where you're where you're kind of expected to have some of the meta progression in deep Galactic Survivor also did that a little bit oh very nice um we're going to reroll that hopefully we did we we did burn a reroll but it's not the worst thing uh fear ball no we're going to go with the we're going to go with the basic attack that way we can get just a little bit more out of it oh somebody dropped a chest sh that is a lot of projective all right deal more damage to armored more chance to find chests Dodge I feel like some some of these games want an active Dodge button some don't okay yes we will claim all you can skip all those screens I actually kind of like them from the perspective of like role playing sense so I always let them just kind of play I like the rolling of the dice it's very cute critical hit chance and damage sure I'll take it all right what's our nearest objective besides did not get hit that much all right uh oh there we go we got a chest and an XP down below us here and a boss that totally needs to die I'm coming for you coming for you uh o that movement speed so tempting but man get that fireball oh yeah there we go our little thing long we get the little flamethrower thing is all pretty going to go go pretty easily boy once you lose that flamethrower though if later on in the game if things start getting a little too heated you run out of flame thr and you're relying on it no good hey all kinds of upgrades we likes the upgrades and we like being able to fill both of those chests the same time all right so in this one I don't think you visually go kind of crazy um I think there's always a certain amount of stuff sort of pressing in on you oh that's right we had two I forgot uh but uh like mechanically you actually do get you could you can do some pretty good spirals if you if you combine things just right I don't always combine it just right but you can't and runs in this one I think they feel like they're about 15 to 20 minutes so they're pretty decent bite size runs and I kind of dig that um I think we are on the second floor out of three third floor yeah I feel like there were about 20 25 minutes they weren't too long I didn't agonize over a lot of my choices so I do play a little faster when I'm not explaining why I'm choosing which what what I'm choosing gain armor per second while moving I'll take it as a character who spends a great deal of time moving that that seems like a win oh dodged right into that whole mess this is one of those games where I find I want to dash extra dashes because got to go fast but often times extra dashes get me in trouble so I Ash and I find myself on the other end of a great deal of pain so not always the best thing now we're at high enough levels right now where we on our on our level UPS we no long we should no longer have to worry about like ever picking a gray again we should be able to get all the rolles we need all right let's add one last attack you know what let's go with the Raper I have not done the Raper in a long time because it's kind of a short super short range weapon but it does a lot of damage so maybe we could be the you know sort of can opener to the knights that we need hey I'll take it very nice 81 yeah 81% we should we we basically out on a level up we're never accepting a gray again oh oh oh no uh okay take that go this way drink that potion all right let's go level up place over here ow ow yeah see get myself in trouble and I don't have enough there's a lot of projectiles in this game and it can be hard to maneuver maneuver all of them ooh minus 19 that's going off like almost every second at that point yeah we're taking that o oh oh away away from me I am just a poor little Caster the problem is that nothing else Works while it's happening too so while everything explodes when you're done doesn't necessarily mean you're okay um let's see I have had some bad luck with potions too like I'm just not getting a lot of healing potions either the uh Thief kind of has the best uh ease of use playthrough I would say because they they don't they don't have they have a Dodge which is always nice and besides a Dodge they also have a a regen which I don't think we managed to pick up in this one so we may end up dying here in a moment I kind of hope not cuz I cuz I I wanted some regen I did I totally wanted regen all right I need I need like potions score oh Heal Me heal me uh okay yeah at least while my uh while my time stop is going I can get a little bit of extra life that way if I could just not walk into all of these projectiles that would be great yeah even on the lower levels it can be very good what most of my my my like really good winning runs where it feels like I just like smashed the AI those all pretty much involved like like getting out of control at some point or another oh right in between those two oh I need I need yay there's a potion I saw it Oh and then I immediately get smacked in the face oh my God so many projectiles okay hopefully hopefully hopefully we can get this knock back oh there's a boss that boss ain't going to help us at all oo okay okay that boss is down I do not want to get hit oh all right we're still in this we're still in it uh let's see we've gotten some really lucky lucky oh I would really like to kill this boss this chest is going to be nice but that boss would be better oh no it's a trap we're going to have to get away from the box oh and a four too just just just to to to rub it into my face and be like yep yep you should have you definitely should have all the projectiles we still have a well yeah no we we we're still we're still potentially here we have to dodge a few things but all right skells do more damage I would really like to be able to kill him he would give me such nice loot projectile count up very nice all right chance to find chests okay okay there we go now we'll get him yeah see there we go oh he he disappeared and his life bar stayed that is interesting I did not expect light bar to stay without him sir you left your life bar oh my alarm's going off oh I'm so sorry I didn't hear it it's probably in the micro micro well hopefully daeni can knock that out otherwise that's going to be really annoying I apologize greatly for it oh I had to replace my microphone so I'm still like razzled and yeah all right oh yeah our potion finder did go up oh God that's what probably saved us too that potion finder went up on one of those earlier chests so then yeah that started kicking in and that's where we started getting all the potions okay okay well let's go see if we can make this boss go away hey we'll get the we'll get one of our objectives for clearing another floor too I think this boss didn't feel too bad yeah this boss didn't feel too bad I had a lot of regen though so I cannot guarantee like results I have a lot more damage this time though like I had a lot of survivability on the last one and o yeah I I think I would do about half of this amount of damage on each one of them they do give you some nice fairly steady potion drops even if you don't have the potion up so it's not it's not one of the hardest boss fights I've ever had most of the time is just staying away from them until you can the frost there build up and frost effect he does builds up and you do get slower so you can definitely run into some some issues these ones the like I said this this this group oh oh what we got over here oh I that must have been where he was at oh no it keeps like telling me there's someone in the corner but I don't know oh there he is oh it was you sir you were in the corner as long as we can stay mostly out of their range we're pretty okay for dodging in this one oh that that that that was about to get ugly uh sorry Mr Wizard oh oh she just ate like a bunch of shots no I really don't want to talk to you all right all right all right let's Dodge let Dodge yeah definitely I'd say the region probably the the Dodge region combo that the Rogue has is probably one of the stronger ones for for sort of you know moving your meta progression along and and making it through levels that you have not made it through yet cuz they do offer a really nice very nice combo in that you know you get hit less even when you should be getting hit but you also regen a bunch of life just for kind of being there all right let's do this that'll give us a little bit of life okay so one of them is Def oh we got all three of them with that shot nice nice hey we got a mommy guard and a spear nice did you guys drop anything to such potions okaying I think as soon as this goes it will actually money money money money money money all the money 10 about my luck all right so this game is a Survivor Survivor Style game it does have like I said sort of they feel mostly bite-sized levels uh this one turned out to be a little bit longer I said it was so about 27 minutes but you can get through a run in a pretty pretty reasonable amount of time my time is moved up a little bit by explaining everything that I'm doing so uh again this has been pathf fire and Gallow Spire survivors and link to the steam description in the steam page in the description not the steam description in the page and I hope you come back for the next one and I hope you have a great day
Channel: Yig
Views: 1,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nDhqq8cNxlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 25sec (1705 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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