PATHFINDER: WOTR - SEELAH Build Guide - Pure Paladin Powerhouse! Unfair viable.

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hello there and welcome in this video i'm going to show you how to properly build sila as just a pure paladin as you might already know from my other videos sila is one of the most useful story characters in the whole game she can get a pet has access to some rather decent buffs and can even enhance your party with one of the strongest abilities in the whole game mark of justice now building sila can go a number of different ways and i prefer to have her as mostly a damage dealer with some party support i know some people like her to tank but i prefer to leave that to pets because of how easy it is for pets to tank this way we can also keep sila as a pure paladin and not bother with the fancy feats at all alright so at last we finally have our level 20 sealer as usual i don't claim this to be the most powerful build in the world alright so sila comes at level 2 and is one of the most customizable characters in the game her first feats are dodge and shield focus these aren't really bad feats per se but they are defensive focused ones which really don't have any use for our build but they are still decent now skills wise it's going to depend on what you want your sealer to specialize in for example she can even get trickery because of her background but chances are you already have someone better suited for it like amelia she can also use stealth but because she will always have full plate or heavier armor she won't really get much chance to use it due to the heavy armor penalty what i like to do with sila is get used magic device she has the charisma for it and this basically will let her use wands and scrolls from order classes to increase the support she can give to our party members the other skill points can go into something like lower religion or lower nature knowledge word even if you don't have another character that can cover these skills or even perception to increase your chances of finding secrets in the end i like going with knowledge word reception and user magic device for sela as far as skill points as i said before this build is going to be pure paladin so let's keep increasing palleting until level 20. all right so at level 3 we have our first feat choice as usual i suggest you go with shake it off sila as a paladin has decent saving throws probably one of the highest of all your party members but the better we can increase her savings rules the less chances of her failing and because she's going to support our party with scrolls and healing it is in our best interest to keep her free from crowd control effects so let's pick shake it off now as far as mercies these abilities can be useful during the early game but later on they don't really make much of a difference as the spell heal can cover up most of these mercies here it will cure your party members from most status effects but early on i like getting mercy fatigued fatigued is kind annoying so it's always good to be able to remove it all right so at level 4 we have our first ability point increase because sila is a paladin i highly recommend you always increase charisma this will later have great synergy with both smite evo and markov justice extremely powerful paladin only abilities at level 5 we have another feat choice in this case i recommend you go with either combat reflexes or out flank now because sila is a high base attack bonus character she can get access to outflank pretty early however picking out flank this early depends basically on your other characters if you also have other characters with high base attack bonus that can get out flank early then be sure to get it at level 5. if you have on the other hand characters with medium base attack bonus such as hunter oracle shaman magus and such you can leave outflank for level 7 because as outflank is a team-based feat it won't really work unless you have other characters that also have defeat so let us speak combat reflexes for now now level 5 also has a very big choice you can choose between either getting an animal companion in this case a horse or the divine weapon bond ability both are actually very powerful animal companions are always great and in the case of the horse seal will be able to mount it meaning most physical attacks will actually target the horse and not her so it is a way to avoid the melee hits even without having high armor class this is why i say it's not really a necessity to have sealab built as a tank as you can leave the tanking to your horse meanwhile the divine weapon bond ability will allow sealer to enhance their weapons with quite a lot of different effects some being very strong like holy brilliant energy and axiomatic perfect for hitting demons especially demons with high armor class this also has a lot of synergy with the elemental barrage mythic ability which will allow sealer to deal quite a lot of damage but as you might already know i often prefer to go with pets because of how useful they are all around so in this case i'm going with the horse the horse will not only provide armor class and tanking as i said before but also attacks and another source of teamwork feats so we can get even more attacks of opportunity now at level 6 we have another mercy choice in this case i like to get disease because diseases tend to be very annoying effects that are often only healed by the remove disease spell with mercy disease however we can pretty much ignore that spell and we always have a means of healing any disease the enemy casts on us without the need to prepare the remove disease spell level 7 means another important fit choice in this case you should pick the one you did not pick at level 5 so it's between combat reflexes and out flank in my case i'm going to pick out flank as by level 7 most our other character's pets include that will also have access to the outflank feet increasing its benefits because it is a teamwork feat level 8 means another charisma point increase now for level 9 defeats choice is also pretty much a given in this case we're going with improved critical the weapon you choose sealant you specialize in it's up to you really but in my case i like going with long sword that's because of the radiance unique weapon that you can get at the early game and also radiance is a special sword that will improve at certain points in the story eventually becoming up to plus six and is actually a weapon that has extra effects when wielded for a paladin so it's basically perfect for sila so let us speak improved critical long sword now we have yet another mercy choice in this case the best one for me would be confused confusion is a very annoying effect you really don't want your characters to be hitting one another or stand around doing nothing and there's quite a lot of enemies that you inflict confusion on your party so it is a great choice overall all right now for level 11 i like picking the system moment feet like i've said before this fit has amazing synergy with both outflank combat reflexes and also the ever-ready mythic ability it will allow us to get quite a lot of attacks of opportunity that are sure to destroy the enemy now an important thing about level 11 paladin is that this is also the level where you gain access to mark of justice one of the strongest abilities in the whole game you might already know this from my other videos but mark of justice as a swift action will allow the paladin to add their charisma modifier to the attack roles of all your party members against a single enemy and also add their class levels as damage highly increasing the physical damage of your party pets included and even summons this ability will also let you automatically bypass any damage resistance the enemy might have so overall it is an extremely powerful ability that you should absolutely always use on tough enemies and bosses and an absolute must on hard and unfair alright so for level 12 we get yet another ability point increase charisma as always more skills and yet another mercy choice in this case i like going with exhausted exhausted much like fatigue is a very annoying effect that is often only healed by the spell restoration however having it as a mercy means we don't have to prepare or can actually use restoration for other purposes like removing negative levels alright so at level 13 we get another feat choice as usual liking my other melee character builds by this point we actually picked the most important feats for our character that is the teamwork ones such as combat reflexes outflank and seize the moment and also improve at critical so as usual the choices now are a bit more personal depending on what you want sila to specialize in you can for example get weapon focused in your favorite weapon of choice in order to increase attack bonus you can also get improved initiative to help sylla go before the enemies which is especially useful so that she can use mark of justice as soon as possible you can also pick blind fight to help sealer hit enemies with concealment regardless of having true scene you can also get started on the mounted combat feet line as in my case my silo will always be mounted on her horse last but not least you can also get something like toughness to increase sealer's hit points you can even go for the vital strike line if you so want in my case i like to keep it simple so i'll be going with weapon focus long sword for level 15 i'll be picking improved initiative we also get another mercy in this case i like picking cursed some curse effects can be quite annoying and having a mercy that removes curse means we won't need to prepare to remove cursed spell also because the mercy uses sealer's palleting level as a character level chances are we'll always be able to remove certain annoying high difficulty class curses let's increase charisma again at level 16. level 17 is yet another feat in this case i'll be going with blind fight to help hit some of the annoying end-game enemies that have consumment and like i said before some of them have consument effects that are not able to be bypassed by true seeing at least so far now at level 18 we'll have access to our last mercy peak for this peak i like going with stunned stunt effects are rather rare but they are certainly very annoying when you are actually hit by them now at level 19 we will have access to our last feat now for silas last feed you can pick something like power attack even to increase her damage even higher but in my case i like to keep it simple so i'll go with toughness to ensure she has higher hit points all right so we are finally at level 20. we don't really gain any fits here just yet another increase in charisma of course the paladin capstone ability it's not really that special but because of the way mark of justice scales with pelleting levels it helps for us to keep sealer as a pure paladin all right so let's get started on stila's mythic ability progression for her first mythic ability choice i'd really like picking leading strike leading strike is overall a very powerful mythic ability that scales quite amazingly with more mythic levels you have because the damage is actually divine it's also going to bypass most immunities and resistances the enemies have including bosses so let us pick leading strike for now for silas second mythic ability in this case a mythic fit i like going with improved critical and then your weapon of choice in my case a longsword zilla has quite high attack bonus and can get improved critical quite early at level 9 minimum with this we are going to increase her critical multiplier by 1 quite powerful especially when you consider her damage will be very high thanks to smite evil or mark of justice now for silas third mythic ability i would say this is going to depend on what difficulty you are playing if you are playing on let's say hard or unfair i suggest you go with something like last stand to ensure silas stays alive however because silla will be often mounted on her horse she will be able to avoid most enemy hits another very powerful choice that i like to pick is the ability called inspirational leader this ability overall is very powerful it's going to increase the initiative of all your party members by quite a large amount so helping them act first before the enemy and also increase their saving throws against mind affecting effects which are by far the most annoying effects of them all as they come with very annoying crowd control such as confusion fear sleep charm and so on i also believe this feat fits sila personality wise as she's a paladin so it is a fit i like to peak alright now for your fourth mythic ability i actually like going with a mythic ability instead of a mythic feat in this case the ever ready music ability this is going to highly increase the power of your attacks of opportunity and like i said before attacks of opportunity basically destroy the game the more you have the better for you and your whole party this ability will also scale with every single mythic level you have so it's always going to be quite powerful now for silas mythic ability number five i would certainly pick less stand unless you have already picked it before by this point in the game enemies start getting more annoying and quite powerful so less stand is always something good to have in case things go south another choice you could pick at this level is elemento barrage i would only really pick it if you chose to get sila divine weapon bond instead of her horse that's because with the divine weapon bond you will be able to enchant her attacks with all sorts of elemental effects thus getting quite a big bonus from elementor barrage alright now for silas mythic level 6 i like picking the improved initiative mythic feat that's because by this point in the game enemies start getting a lot more initiative so it helps with getting her to act first all right for mythic level 7 we get yet another mythic ability in this case since i chose the horse i like going with mythical beast this we increase the main physical stats of our horse by quite a lot and is also a permanent ability so it's always going to be on quite useful indeed alright so for silas mythic level 8 you have quite some different options you can for example pick destructive shockwave this mythic ability will let you inflict your strength bonus as damage to the enemy whenever you miss a family attack however it is important to note that because most enemies in wrath of the righteous have high physical damage resistance this ability is only really going to be useful against enemies that you cast either smite evil or mark of justice on honestly i like keeping it simple so i enjoy going with either toughness mythic or weapon focus mythic for another plus one to our attack bonus alright so now we are at mythic level 9 which for all intents and purposes unless you are playing a demon is also going to be our last mythic level honestly by this point in the game we have already picked the most useful mythic abilities so there's not really much to get now i like going with something like unrelenting assault as this ability is basically always going to be on so long as we are in combat and will keep increasing our damage alright now let's talk about what spells to pick for our sealer most paladin spells are rather useless to be fair but there's a few ones that really stand out and these are the ones that you should absolutely pick for level 1 we have vail of heaven this buff is very useful especially against demons who are the most common enemies in the game whenever you are facing against undead enemies you should also keep a single casting of veil of positive energy prepared the rest of your level 1 spells loss should definitely go to divine favor a very powerful self buff that scales very well your level 2 picks are also easy the first one should be aura of greater courage to make our party members immune to fear now the second spell peak for level 2 should without a doubt be the spell bestow grace this buff is very powerful but it will only work on good aligned characters for our level 3 spell picks i like going with greater magic weapon this is a great buff overall and as i don't have any mage character in my party i like having cila with the spell now when it comes to her final spells the level 4 ones the most powerful one is without a doubt eagle soul it is a very powerful self buff that only works on good align characters and has very unique effects for starters it will give a sacred bonus to strength i also like having one casting of the spell holy sword mostly because it will work on the weapons used by our allies alright so at last we finally have our level 20 sealer as usual i don't claim this to be the most powerful build in the world but it is certainly a very viable very efficient one from level 1 to level 20. it's also a very simple build to follow well so this is about it i hope you enjoyed this video on how to build sila as always please remember to like this video and subscribe to the channel to help it grow thank you for watching and until next time
Channel: cRPG Bro
Views: 145,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cRPG, videogame, rpg, unfair, pathfinder, seelah, paladin, paladin build, pure paladin, seelah build, core, hard, crpg bro, build, builds, wotr, wotr builds, how to build, guide, pathfinder best builds, pathfinder best companions, pathfinder best seelah
Id: DHUqbdCp1cY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 07 2021
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