Pathfinder: WotR - Ranking 199 Classes Part 18: Rogue & Archetypes

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greetings everyone hope all of you are having an absolutely fantastic day we are back again with more Pathfinder right after the righteous let's get into Rogue the class that specializes in being sneaky and Shady we have already reviewed these mechanics in my 25 Base Class mechanics video that is linked in the description below overall I ranked this class of B it's still solid but there are a lot of other classes that do rogue things better than Rogue does the first archetype is eldrick scoundrel you lose light armor proficiency which is irrelevant because you should be casting Mage Armor and other spells on yourself to make yourself more tanky you also lose four rankings of sneak attack which definitely hurts and causes your attacks to do less damage you also lose five levels of Rogue Challenge which is a massive sacrifice and deeply harms this class finally you also lose on Kenny Dodge and improved on Kenny Dodge which is another big sacrifice that makes this class less tanky in exchange you get six levels of a wizard Spellbook and your casting attribute is intelligence this is fantastic because now you can cast spells like mirror image blur and displacement to make yourself significantly more tanky even with low AC survivability is definitely an area where Rogue lacks so this is all welcome it also gives access to some really awesome Buffs for your team like protection for Merrell's communal haste and Elemental resistance you'll also get access to cantrips which you'll probably never use but they are still nice to have finally you automatically get the ability to describe Scrolls this is nice to have as the class does get access to some spells you might want to have Scrolls of like haste or the mass attribute enhancement spells overall I get this class in a it really helps to flesh out the roll kit but I think the loss of Rogue talents and sneak attack damage are a steep price next on the list is knife master you lose trap finding which I don't see is a big deal because even though perception is awesome you should have multiple character who are good at it so no need for overkill on your main you also lose all rankings of dangerous sense which is irrelevant because you should be picking up traps for XP not stepping over them and trying to resist the effects in exchange you get sneak stab which increases your sneak attack damage from D6 to d8 anytime you are using light weapons obviously this is a big deal and let you annihilate enemies right from the start of the game starting at level three you get a Dodge bonus of up to plus six to AC against attacks from light blades again Rogue is lacking when it comes to survivability so this increases welcome even though it applies to a specific set of enemies overall I give this class an A minus I almost rank Rogue C because I think this is clearly better but I know some people like to roll a rogue who doesn't use light weapons survivability is still an issue but knife master makes using light weapons a lot of fun even more importantly it gives you a fantastic opportunity to play as Chucky a vicious cereal killer whose soul is trapped inside of a doll rare are the times he's not holding a knife covered in blood next up we have master of all the house elf only class you lose three rankings of sneak attack damage which again is deeply impactful in exchange you gain bardic knowledge which adds half your class level to all knowledge and lower skill checks there are a lot of checks in this game and you want to pass them so this is cool to have starting at level 3 you gain three ranks of skill focus which will significantly increase your rank in one skill I ranked this class in F trading damage for more skill ranks is a terrible idea yes it's important to pass skill checks but not to the point that you should be sacrificing combat Effectiveness next we have Rowdy you lose weapon finance and all three rankings of finesse training which is irrelevant because you won't be using those types of weapons with this class anyway you also lose evasion which makes you a little less tanky in exchange you gain martial weapons proficiency which is fantastic since it gives you some great weapon options to use with this class you will also get vital force which adds an additional 2d6 damage per sneak attack dice when using vital strike more damage is a great thing and you'll be using vital strike all the time so this is awesome you also automatically pick up vital strike which lets you as a standard action make one attack at your highest base attack bonus if the attack is successful you'll roll the weapons damage dice two times and add the results before adding your strength modifier and other bonuses if you have vital strike Mythic the other bonuses get multiplied as well this means you want high strength and the biggest baddest weapon possible so finesse weapons are useless at level 6 you can improve vital strike which will roll your damage three times at level 11 you get greater vital strike which will roll this damage in absolutely Bonkers four times overall I ranked this class in a minus so on the one hand it's amazing because using three feeds for the vital strike line is hard for most build the issue is that vital strike only applies to one target no matter how powerful you get if you have a character with a high base attack bonus doing a full attack against three characters when they kill one they will automatically attack other nearby enemies until the attack bonuses spin but with vital strike everything is put into that one hit if you kill an enemy for four times the amount of Health it actually has there is no reward and none of the other enemies are affected plus it's all or nothing so if you miss you have to wait until your next turn whereas with a full attack if you miss one you can still wipe out enemies with however many other attacks you have left over therefore I think the further you get into the game the more the weaknesses of the vital strike mechanics show up it's absolutely a boss killer but it's not nearly as impactful when facing large mobs which is what you spend in the most of the game doing also the Rogue already has significant survivability issues and focusing on strength will make that worse the other archetypes can focus on dexterity which in combination with other options can do a better job of showing up that weakness next up we have Sylvan trickster you lose access to Rogue talents and instead you get fade tricks which allow you to take a hex in place of a rogue Talent hexes are fantastic but Rogues are focused on damage dealing so it seems like a poor fit here there are several fantastic Rogue talents and they let you take an extra feed SO trading them out for hexes doesn't seem like a good choice in addition you lose uncanny Dodge and improved uncanny Dodge which again makes you less defensive in exchange at level 4 you gain a plus 4 bonus to saving throws against spells and spell like abilities cast by Faye and plants this is pretty much irrelevant as none of the truly despicable enemies in this game are Fey or plant at level eight you get your first of five ranks in fade resistance which gives you additional damage reduction this is okay but certainly nothing to write home about overall I get this class A B minus it retains a lot of what makes rogue good but adding hexes into this type of class just doesn't make much sense next up is thug you lose trap finding which again isn't that big of a deal you also lose all ranks of danger sets which again is irrelevant in exchange you get frightening whenever you successfully demoralize an enemy they are shaken for one round this affects stacks and if an enemy is shaken for four or more rounds then they become frightened frightened enemies flee the source of Their Fear which of course is you this ability is absolutely fantastic now you'll probably see a bunch of people in the comments telling you that this is terrible because fleeing enemies can enter runes where other enemies are that you haven't met yet consequently you can pull in two or three fights when originally you only had one that's absolutely the wrong way to think about this you are a thug which means you should be running with a crew of thugs pathetic creatures running from you is expected and you quickly run them down stick a knife in their back and laugh in their ears as they fade away in excruciating pain in other words all your melee characters should have combat reflexes ever ready outflank and similar abilities to give you more attacks of opportunity and ensure when enemies try to run they immediately go down your Archer should have combat reflexes and snapshot along with its upgrades pretty much everything should revolve around wiping out fleeing enemies and then mopping up the rest in addition to this you get brutal beating which allows you to trade 1d6 points of sneak attack damage in exchange for making a Target sickened second applies a negative two penalty to several stats including saving throws so this can be useful depending on the makeup of your party I get this class in a I think it's absolutely fantastic and a ton of fun for an evil playthrough I did a thug build with the infamous Punisher villain jigsaw I'll leave a link for that down in the description quick note before review under underground chemist if you enjoyed this video I would really appreciate you subscribing and hitting the like button this information tells me which content the channel is enjoying and helps my videos spread to more people I really appreciate all of the support alright finally let's go over underground chemist you lose one ranking of Rogue talents which slightly hurts you also lose evasion which makes you a little less defensive but it's by no means a death now in exchange you get the ability to brew potions while camping this is useless because what posters you can Brew is determined by what spells you have and this class is not getting any spell casting at level two you get to throw anything feed and your intelligence modifiers added to any damage done with Splash weapons this is extremely useful when you get it as an alchemist because you have bombs this class does not get the bomb ability so you are only able to apply this extra damage when you use one of the alchemical flasks the game let you pick up those do extremely low damage so this does virtually nothing for you at level 4 you get precise Splash weapons which let you deal sneak attack damage with Splash weapons but again this class doesn't get any good Splash weapons so this is useless technically you could take four levels of this and then another 16 in Alchemist but the problem with that is your bombs damage DC and the number of them that you get are all tied into your Alchemist level so it's not really the type of class you want to multi-class with what does work extremely well is taking the legend Mythic path and adding 20 levels of Alchemist with 20 levels of underground chemists I'll leave a link to my geraltorivia build where I do exactly that in the description moving on at level 10 a few Alchemist discoveries are added to your list of Rogue talents this is mediocre because they mostly give you the ones that revolve around potions and preserve organs you don't get mutagens or the feral options overall I give this class an F there's really no reason to take this that wraps up my records for rogue and all of its archetypes in summary I rank Rogue B eldric scoundrel a knife master a minus master of all F Rowdy a thug a an underground chemist F hope all of you enjoyed this video if you did please leave me a like share this content and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already I will see you all in the next video take care
Channel: Slandered Gaming
Views: 16,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 84Xs8nNCF8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 02 2022
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