Pathfinder 2e Deities in 7 Minutes or Less

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so you died now what well first a creature called a psychop pump will find your soul and Usher you out of the inner sphere into the outer sphere they'll show you to the river of souls where you wait in line in the Boneyard to be judged by the impartial goddess of death fasma fasma is a stone cold judgment machine and will decide where you go depending on your actions and who you worshiped in life maybe you worshiped fasma herself in a giant dark Cathedral near a graveyard worshippers of fasma have the utmost respect for the cycle of life and death they make sure people are properly laid to rest and hate Undead grave robbers and disrespect fasma is the oldest and most powerful goddess and has lots of weird prophecies her worshippers tried to decipher Kaboom two of the first gods were as modius a total control freak and e a chill guy he's created mortal beings and a few more deities like desna goddess of luck dreams and travel who put the stars in the sky and lives in the biggest star desna is the goddess who tells you to go on a solo trip find your inner peace and let everything kind of work out on its own you pray to desna while on the road and she'll visit you in your dreams klap sarin Ray was created and instantly fell in love with desna and they became a thing sarin Reay took one of desna's stars and turned it into the sun SAR Ray is a popular deity with open churches and temples where you can provide healing and Aid she always wants you to find the good in people unless they're Mega evil in which case you can beat them with scimitars klap East was hanging out one day when he gave mortal's Free Will as modius freaked out and East felt bad but sarin Ray told him it was a good choice and he shouldn't worry then as modius killed him asmodus ran away to a new place called hell that was totally controlled by him as modius likes control so fascist countries like celiacs worship him he wants everybody to follow the law and have a strong hierarchy so weak creatures are subservient and feel bad Kaboom when as modius killed East he attracted the attention of rovagug a giant bug that wants to eat the universe rovagug wanted to eat garan and draa and Earth yes Earth Sarah and Ray put together the deity Avengers to stop him as modius desna fasma that includes three deities on the sliding scale of civilization abadar loves civilization and lives in axis worshippers of abadar like buildings and hate breaking the law his priests run their Cathedrals like Banks staying neutral in wars and storing the treasure and wealth of different governments all over garan Kaboom arel is a God who like civilization in small communities and would tell you to go to church fulfill your duties and care for your family the churches are simple buildings and he would not approve of some ambitious Troublemaker abandoning their family to follow some ridiculous dream gsra is the fickle deity of nature with no true form and a fluid gender who exists at times as a strong wind or an ocean wave worshippers protect nature at all costs and hate intrusions priests are often Hermits in the wilderness although go is prayed to by Sailors who are at their Mercy s and re also recruited three deities popular with non-humans teg is popular with dwarves since he really likes being upfront and crafting cool stuff a lot of teg's churches are also forges kist is popular with elves along with desna and she's a chill chaotic goddess who's really good at being p of aggressive her worshippers meet in special temples that double as places of Hedonism where they can plan elaborate Revenge plots against people who slighted them Goram is popular with Orcs And is a God of War he doesn't care why people are fighting he just wants people to fight because it's fun if you fight in a sneaky way you're dumb and you don't get the point the point is to just fight especially wearing lots of cool armor and weapons Kaboom dubra was also a god of beauty art love and music but we'll get to him later they all joined forces with sarin Ray and blocked rovagug inside garan and then said don't touch garan or you'll let him Escape some people still worship rovagug but it's banned in most places so they have to do it secretly like underground they're nihilists who want everything destroyed wear scary masks and work to let him out Kaboom those are the first and most ancient deities but since then more deities have come into prominence after roog was locked away dubr was hanging out with his half sister shayen when they had a fight and he stormed off when he came back he was Zan kathan God of pain worshippers are common in the country a doll but otherwise hide their torture chambers and basements and secret layers Kaboom shayon stole his magic glaive and became the new goddess of love art and Beauty she fell in love with sarin Reay and desna and they became a thing she likes people to find peace in situations and express themselves with art her churches are incredible architectural wonders and even though Zan cathon worshippers tried to cause pain they refused to attack any shayen priest because of their siblinghood Kaboom one time a dead lady was waiting in line in the river of souls for judgment when she said what if I just did what I wanted and she left the line and became eroa goddess of doing whatever she wanted she also became the first Undead and a sworn enemy of fasma Undead like her klap lamu was just a regular demon when she killed another God and became the goddess of monsters lamu is worshiped by goblins and noes and people who like to make themselves look as monstrous as possible as a form of solidarity with outcasts C slap nethys was just a regular old God King when he learned so much his mind exploded and he became the god of magic like magic neth has two sides destroy everything's side and Enlightenment side that's why his worshippers seek magic and knowledge everywhere and would do things like put all the rules to a fun RPG game online for everyone to see his temples are like wizard castles where all his writings are written on the inside walls Kap Yori is popular in vidr and among mon since he was just a regular guy who tuned his body so optimally now he needs to declare his body a weapon at airport security now he's the god of mental and physical Perfection and his churches are multi-room temples with places to meditate train and study you might know about aridan the God of humans who mysteriously died and caused all prophecies to explode and created a lot of drama before he died aridan created the starstone test anyone who passes the test of the star Stone becomes a deity norgorber was the first but nobody knows who he was before except that he was a deceitful assassin he's fooled so many deities nobody likes him and his worshippers meet in regular places under the shadow of night taking any advantage they can keeping secret identities and sacrificing ing anyone they're usually spies assassins or corrupt politicians Kaboom Kaden Ken was a mortal mercenary who got drunk and did the test and became an accidental God followers like to drink free the oppressed and seek glory and they hate mean drunks Caden doesn't have too many temples but might have a plaque or charity box in a bar dedicated to his name Kaboom Yom was a big fan of aridan and did the test and became a deity she's a holy Warrior who fights for truth and justice but takes no mercy on anyone evil when aridan died she got most of his followers her worshippers live in Crusader temples where they operate out of to fight demons and Undead aridan also used to have a Herald named arzni who he abandoned to an evil Lich arzni became an undead Lord and ruled GB even though she didn't really want to recently she freed herself to become the goddess of dignity and the abused during the war of the Immortals one of these 20 deities will die and arzni will become a new core deity who will it be I hope it's not your favorite
Channel: KingOogaTonTon
Views: 7,532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RaMVEpn4wLI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 58sec (418 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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