Pathfinder 2e Magus in 7 Minutes or Less

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if you ever try to improve your basketball game by studying physics then you might be interested in a character that studies magic specifically to improve their fighting skills a megus is a wizard Warrior that studies magic specifically to enhance their Marshal abilities they are prepared spellcasters that can use up to medium armor Marshall weapons and their key attribute is either strength or dexterity in Pathfinder most classes can be categorized as Marshall classes which use weapons and physical abil ities to fight and spellcasters who cast magic spells AAS is a hybrid with less spell slots than most spellcasters but the ability to use Marshall weapons and fight in close quarters but there are a lot of classes which could be considered hybrids kineticists have abilities that seem like Elemental spells but are used like Marshal skills a Summoner can cast magic spells while they have their idolan act as a marshal fighter on their behalf and classes like BS and clerics are spellcasters with subclasses that can give them Marshal abilities so then what is the point of a Magus if a Bard wanted to make a melee strike for 1d8 damage using 1d8 as just an example and then cast a spell like telepathic projectile for 2d6 damage they would need to make two separate attack roles since these are just two unrelated activities they just happen to be coming from the same character who can do both however a megus doesn't just attack and cast spells Aus canuse the two actions together with a two-action activity called spell strike a spell strike is a regular melee strike that expends the use of one of your spells except the results of the hit determine both the effects of the melee strike and the spell it was fused with none of the Spell's properties such as range or number of targets apply except its effect on a hit if the spell is a higher ranked spell it will cost the associated spell slot as well just like you cast the spell this has a few benefits since the effects of both the spell and the strike are coupled into a single strike the multiple attack penalty effectively does not apply to one of the two however if you were to attack a third time the multiple attack penalty would be minus 10 as if you attacked twice additionally it means the effects of a spell can be tied into a roll that requires a strength or dexterity bonus meaning you don't have to split your attributes between strength or dexterity and one of the common spellcasting attributes like intelligence finally a spell strike lets you choose either a one or two action spell meaning you can save one action however spell strike requires you recharge it before you use it again with a single action you can make a spell strike with any one or two action attack spell as in one that targets AC you could spell strike with gouging claw to do bleed damage you can spell strike with tanglevine to reduce the target's move speed if the opponent has a weakness to fire you could spell strike with ignition to do fire damage spells that you can combine with spell strike are one type of spell that you will be very interested in as a megus one other type are just regular spells that you can use to buff your Marshall abilities like sure strike at level 7 11 and 13 you get special spell slots which can be used to prepare specific buff spells called studious spells you also get an ability called Arcane Cascade Arcane Cascade can only be used after you have cast a spell like a buff spell or used spell strike Arcane Cascade is a stance that gives your melee strikes a damage boost since it's a stance you can only use it once in encounter mode but you will often get extra bonuses based on your hybrid study which I'll explain later the third type of spell you need to worry about is not really a spell but a special semi- magical ability called a focus spell in this case they probably are spells Mega Focus spells are called conflict spells and the best part about them is that they recharge spell strike when you use them you get a conflict spell when you choose your hybrid study a specific branch of study you choose based on your fighting magic style your hybrid study grants you a special ability that usually activates when you're in your arcade Cascade stance a conflict spell and additional studious spells inexurable iron is if you use a two-handed weapon and gives you temporary hit points every turn when an Arcane Cascade it gives you the thunderous strike conflict spell which lets you swing your weapon so fast it does Sonic damage and potentially blows enemies away on a critical hit laughing Shadows is for Magi that have one hand with a weapon and one hand free it grants a bonus to move speed when an Arcane Cascade and the associated conflict spell is a dimensional assault which lets you teleport a short distance and attack sparkling charge is for shield Specialists and lets them use their Shield to block magical effects shielding strike is a conflict spell which allows the megus to make a melee strike and raise a shield with a single action Starlet span is for Magi who want to use a ranged weapon and lets them make spell strikes with ranged weapons their conflct spell is shooting star which lets them ignore concealment and reduce cover and if the attack is successful gives allies the ability to do the same finally twisting tree is the hybrid study for staff users who will be able to switch between a one-handed grip for damage and a two-handed grip for combat Maneuvers with a free action when an Arcane Cascade the conflu spell spinning staff lets the megas make two strikes against two different opponents with one action in conclusion Magi are warriors who fuse spellcasting into their fighting abilities spell strike allows them to fuse a spell into a melee strike but requires recharging using spell strike is one of the potential prerequisites to entering Arcane Cascade which grants a damage bonus to strikes and a special ability conflict spells are magi's Focus spells and can also recharge a spell strike meaning they are effective to use in tandem with the spell strike finally there are other regular spells Magi can use to buff their abilities including a few free spell slots they get at level seven called studious spells regular spells can also be used as a prerequisite to enter Arcane Cascade so the two together Can Be an Effective startup combo the magus's hybrid study can be chosen based on the weapon they use and grants a special ability often related to Arcane Cascade a conflict spell and an extra studious Spell option
Channel: KingOogaTonTon
Views: 15,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mY8AqHyQnGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 18sec (378 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2023
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