Pathfinder 2e Summoner in 7 Minutes or Less

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have you ever wanted a friend a friend who can't not be your friend then you should be a Summoner Summoners are Sorcerers who can design create and manifest a weird monster companion From Another Dimension called an idolan they are spontaneous spellcasters and their key attribute is charisma but a lot of characters can have friends Rangers and Druids have Animal Companions and wizards can use summoning spells so what is the point of a Summoner if a character has an animal companion both the character and their animal companion have their own character sheet however the animal companion has the minion trait that means they don't get actions or reactions on their own you the owner must spend one action to Grant the minion two actions if it's an animal for example you use command and animal essentially you get a little mini character who can't act on their own a Summoner also has a friend called an idolan you can summon your unique permanent idolan friend with the three action activity manifest idolan you and the idolan share a mark demonstrating your connection and you can dismiss your idolan back to their Dimension the maximum distance between you is 100 ft you and your idolan will each also have their own character sheet while you are a spontaneous spellcaster your idolan will usually be optimized for melee fighting however this idolan does not have the minion trait does that mean you have two characters with two separate pools of action actually the opposite you and your idolan share hit points and actions the point of a Summoner is not necessarily having two characters but having two arms of one character that are both optimized at either spellcasting or physically fighting letting you the player do both the Summoner and idolan can coordinate with each other better with the action act together you can only use act together once per round and only if you and the idolan are there and it allows one of you to use one Action for free at the same time that the other one does something else essentially you get one free action per round you can use this to strategize with your idolan you you can cast a spell while they strike and still have one action left over they can stride forward as you stride back and have two actions left over your idolan can strike three times while you eat some almond cheese act together also lets you do different exploration activities and exploration mode since you the Summoner and your idolan share hit points and actions it can be confusing what you have the same and what's different but actually except hit points and actions most things are separate both the Summoner and idolan occupy a different space and they perceive different things with their different senses unless they use the action share senses and they'll have different character sheets while they might share some of the same proficiencies like for skills which I'll explain later since they have different attributes their final bonus will be different so don't worry about those shared proficiencies unless you're creating your idolan or leveling up they also make separate saving throws that makes sense since they have two separate positions if a dragon breathes fire it might only hit one so only one has to make a saving throw for most results of a saving throw positive or negative it will affect you the Summoner and your idolan differently the only strange situation is if both the Summoner and idolan get hit and the results affects one of their shared pools like actions or does damage to their hit points in these situations you take the worst like the most damage or the more severe condition the Summoner and Doolan share control as well if anything affects the control of the shared Action Pool the Summoner wins most of the summoner's other abilities can be split into the spellcasting of the Summoner or the fighting of the idolan your spellcasting is spontaneous and has a tradition that is dependent on your idolan type which I'll explain later you don't get that many spells and once you reach level five you start to lose spell slots which means you need to get rid of two spells in your spell repertoire although they can be of any rank you also get link spells which are Focus spells that bolster your idolan two key link spells you get right away are Evolution surge which can tempor arily give your idolan new abilities or boost idolan a link can trip that doesn't use Focus points and gives your idolan a one round damage boost that brings us to our next section designing your idolan first it's a good idea to have some general concept of what you want your idolan to look like or you can wait to see the rules to inspire you the second step is to decide on your idolan type in the secrets of magic book where the Summoner was released there are 12 and each one corresponds to one of the four magic Traditions they are angel psychopomp demon Beast Fay plant anger Phantom devotion Phantom construct and dragon pick the one that fits best your GM might not have a problem with your bullheaded octopus being an angel idolan if it fits your idea of a strange Divine messenger from another planet or maybe they would just rather you pick Beast your idolan type will affect certain parts of your Summoner as well it gives you your magic tradition training in two skills and a new language then determine your idolan attributes each type comes with two possible arrays of attributes which also come with an item bonus to your idolan armor as if they were wearing armor that's just meant to represent Tough Armor scales or some deflective Aura the two arrays are different depending on your idolan type but generally there's a strong option and a dextrous option once you pick that you can create your idolan attacks your idolan gets two unarmed attacks and you can decide what they are you can choose the statistics of the first attack from this list while the second attack will always be 1d6 with finesse and agile traits so for example I might make a horn attack with these statistics and a tentacle attack with these statistics your idolan might have a weapon but this is still considered an unarmed attacks then you can figure out your idolan proficiencies all idolan start trained in unarmed attacks and unarmored defense while their saving throw and skill proficiency start the same as the Summoner the final bits just include their languages which are the same as the Summoner and their size sensus speed and traits which you can refer to their type that should give you enough to create your idolan character sheet which should represent your concept as your Summoner levels up they'll get new class Feats which will give them new abilities or link spells they can also choose Evolution Feats which will change your idolan appearance and give them strange new abilities like glider form these Evolution Feats let you customize your idolan even more over time you get a bonus Evolution feed at level one which you can use to make your idolan extra weird your idolan can't really wear magic items technically they can have two but they need the idolan tag however any magic bonuses you get from magic items will apply to the idolan too in conclusion while the Summoner is a spellcaster their idolan is usually a melee fighter giving you the player the capability to do both you can design your idolan to be almost anything you want and while your spellcasting is limited in its spells you can easily bolster your idolan with link spells most importantly you can use act together to use one Action for free while your partner does some other activity
Channel: KingOogaTonTon
Views: 7,641
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Length: 6min 59sec (419 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2023
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