Patchwork - Gameplay & Review (Uwe Rosenberg Series)

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hi everyone my name is monique and i'm naveen from before you play and welcome to the beginning of our uv rosenberg series so we've technically covered a couple uber rosenberg games in the past but this is now the official launch or start of it and we are going to be starting with the tile lane games if you know what that means so uh uv rosenberg is known of course for big box games really heavy uh more farming based games today we are starting with patchwork which is a two player only game uh designed by of course uber rosenberg and published by lookout games and so like navy was mentioning if you're not familiar with ebay rosenberg he is a designer a very prolific well-known designer in the board game hobby space because of games like agricola caverna lahav there's so many games that he's well known for if he's for odin and so those are all of his like heavier big box titles because of that you know we typically go in chronological order from the first game that we're going to cover of his to the last one but considering how prolific he is and how many games he's put out we decided to start with the thailand series yeah this way we can kind of group this style of game and then talk about it and then talk about all his farming and other types of games uh which kind of are a little bit deeper i would say but similar in this similar thing yes and so this is going to be technically a four-part mini-series to start off it's patchwork and then the trilogy of thailand games it came out two years later this one was released in 2014 and ever since it's released it has been one of the most favorite in along the two player only line and everyone's two player only game top ten you'll guarantee you'll see patchwork somewhere and as per usual we are going to start with a mini teach of this game since it is relatively simple and then going to our play through and a post game discussion and so if you're interested in jumping around we'll include timestamps down below also if you would like to follow us along on this series and see more videos like this please consider subscribing and with that we are going to get started so if you please direct your attention to the end of the table we are all set up here for our two player only game of patchwork and as you can see there are a lot of tiles because it is a thailand game a lot of different colors as well and because mainly the theme of this game is we are both going to be competing building our own patchwork i believe it's about to work quilt i think ask me if i'm wrong but uh along the way we are going to be collecting income in the form of these buttons as this is our form of currency and at the end of the game it's whoever has the most buttons is the winner and it's buttons in possession not buttons showing on your quilt yes and so that'll make sense a little bit later but the way that the game works it's very very simple on your turn you're going to do one of two different actions you're either going to be taking one of the three tiles that are in front of this neutral token here and placing it on your board each tile shows a cost in buttons ooh except for that one i chose literally the only one this tile shows that you have to pay one button in order to place the tile so you're gonna have to be spending for these tiles and when you place them you can put them literally anywhere on your board there are no rules as to where you have to start or what has to be connected as long as it stays within the confines of your player board each tile also shows a certain amount of time that you have to spend in order to take it and so in this example this is going to cost me two times so i'll move my marker along the time track two spaces here and then i'll place it on my board then the neutral token will also be placed uh wherever this tile was so that the token continues to go clockwise around this circle and then it would be naveen's turn and he would have the option of these three tiles to choose from if you don't want to take a tile or if you can't afford it then you can choose to advance on the time track here instead to take buttons and so the way that that would work is if naveen were to choose that option so i would move one two and then one ahead of the the next player yes you cannot choose the amount of spaces you're able to move you must move directly in front of your opponent and uh then naveen would get buttons equal to however many spaces he advanced so in this case i would get three buttons one two plus the third spot that i landed on so that is essentially it in terms of what you're going to be doing in this game some other things are any time you pass these button spaces on the time track then you get to collect income and so for all of the tiles that you have on your board that show these uh these actual buttons on them you get to collect buttons from the supply in addition anytime you pass these uh these sort of like patch squares the first person to cross over that spot gets to take it and place it immediately and it is a one by one essentially to cover up those those holes on your board because at the end of the game each uncovered square is gonna be worth minus two points which is pretty brutal for some people it can cause you to go into the negatives so these are a nice way of just covering up those spots the last sort of bonus thing is if anybody completes a seven by seven and that is a smaller amount of space than your actual board then they get uh this tile the first person to do it and this is worth seven points at the end of the game as soon as both players reach the very center of the board then the game will end you calculate your score by adding up all of your buttons subtracting all the minus points that you get from not covering the squares and then whoever has the most points at that point wins i do want to mention before we get started that this time board is double-sided on the opposite side is just different artwork which we can show i guess at the at the very end of the video but it is played the exact same way um no matter which way you play it so let's just clean this up a little bit and then we are going to get started okay so we're ready to play we just need to figure out who goes first ready odds and evens uh odds and even though in a while uh evens okay one two three oh it's you so i go first okay i'm gonna be yellow player and so the way you represent who is uh taking their turn first is actually whoever's behind oh yes technically takes their turns that's why i'm behind monique going this way so that's kind of an important bit that we forgot yeah yeah because in that way you can take several turns right if somebody's here and somebody's there and you kind of just move now it's your turn again exactly yeah that is an important tidbit and we also start with uh five buttons each to start the game there is no incentive for going second all right so uh i'm not gonna leapfrog you for one button so uh i will take one of these three and i like this one this thing costs me no buttons it does cost me three time but it'll give me an income of one button where am i gonna put this i don't know i'm gonna put it i'm gonna move the neutral token sure i'm gonna put a dead center here and then i move three spaces so i'm yellow so i go one two three thank you ah you took the the beautiful sp a piece i was eyeing there yeah i'll just put a dead center right there all right so my turn these are expensive these both cost five buttons each this one's only two and it's one there's no button on it no you know what i am gonna take one of the expensive ones i'm gonna take this one so that your only options are the really expensive ones although yeah let's do it i'm gonna take this one it's less time so this is gonna cost me five all of my buttons two buttons all of my buttons and i'm just gonna place it oh gosh this is a this is a hard part for me it's like the diet version of my cross yeah but with more buttons yeah i'm gonna place it there uh that might bite me later but same uh and it costs four times so one two three four but it's great because we're right before income yeah and it'll get me two more buttons back it's true and you can't afford these uh well i can't afford this one yeah it's a five button high five oh you didn't oh that's right and i think i'll take it so we'll go ahead and take it wow that was a big mistake on my part we're gonna go there it's gonna cost me all my buttons i mean you paid all your buttons right i did but i thought i was being clever by making all of your options too expensive so i'm just gonna link these up here that does cost me five time though so let's go one two three four five so then i get income so i get three buttons back yes there you go okay now i'm in that position that i was trying to put you in i can't afford anything so i have to take i have to advance to take buttons i'm gonna go one two three four five plus these two because i take income so seven total i'm gonna use one of these five six seven gosh that was such a major boo boo back there well well now i'm in that situation because it's this costs seven buttons ten buttons and seven buttons i only have three so i have to leapfrog you have to go one two for two buttons for two buttons yeah and then i think you're back in that situation no technically no i can afford them um but will you do i want to before them is the question i think the answer is yes though this is seven buttons for one time it's only one income it's a nice long like fiverr it is so it sounds like that'll be more useful kind of like later in the game one two three four five six seven okay gotta keep track of that seven bucks yeah we have a nine by nine grid so if you can make a seven by seven completely full then then you can get those points although naveen always goes anytime there's a game that has like the first person to do this thing naveen always gets it it's something to think of it's it's points too good too good at that no all right i'm gonna take this one okay so it's gonna cost me let's move that there's all of my buttons again seven buttons i bet people are watching this and thinking you guys are not managing your button income properly well you're gonna get some income right now because i think you're gonna leapfrog me yes i'm gonna place that right there that looks pretty good just oh wow this is terrible maybe in the bottom right corner what was i thinking i mean i should probably just attach it yeah right yeah that's what i did yeah okay that's gonna be four time so one two three four and i collect my income of four buttons one two three four all right um your turn there's a couple options here this is a nice one right here it doesn't come with any buttons though that's a problem i will see i could take this one just to fill in yeah and then it gets me income moving forward and then from there i can take something else so i will do that okay so i will take this one just because it's a behemoth all right so it's gonna cost me two buttons so here's two buttons perfect let's just place this so i can invert this and i can do something like this nice so i will wow that's an interesting structure you're building over there yeah it's i don't like these narrows coming in here maybe i won't do this that's going to be rough yes the beat is going to have like minus two points yeah i'm doing this instead that way i have like a kind of a block something i can do over there i don't know what i'm doing two spaces one two uh i cross a button so i get three income yep and then i get to go again because i am behind monique oh yes that's right okay and then uh i'm gonna go and take this one also ah so this is gonna cost me three buttons in one time uh so here's three buttons it has no income that's a nice little corner piece it is uh i don't know if i got it at a weird time yeah i'm gonna say i think you got a little bit too early in the game but i guess you took it away from me so i did uh put the quarter piece in the corner yeah that's too good is that a good thing i don't know i think it's funny this might be a big problem for you later it might be well i i i'm not committed let's just do this i'm trying to make that seven by seven happen if you haven't noticed then see seven i told you seven i've been in those bonus tiles so uh because it's a one i go on top and whoever's on top is technically behind so yeah so naveen would go like i go again and these both cost three buttons and they both get income oh my gosh my board is looking sad compared to yours i don't know am i going to end up with negative points oh that's like my patchwork fear yeah okay i'll take this one here so this is going to cost me the last of my buttons three and then i will place this it's going to give me four times and then i think this can sit nicely here oh yes working it this is narrow though i don't like this narrowness yeah i don't see any piece that looks like that no there's no rectangle here um so i'm just trying to get how many how much time four one two three four so you get income for income four incomes you're just you're i'm moving you're moving you're button exchanging i'm just trying not to get negative points at the end okay i have four buttons and two tiles on my board yes uh and i can't even afford these two for this one it's gonna cost me four times that's an awkward shape it is but you have plenty of space to mess with it i'm gonna do it one button uh at least it has a button on it gosh but now where do i put it okay this piece stinks look at this shape i'm gonna put it here yeah i'm gonna put it right just right there the crosstalk's going i don't know what to think about this board but for a time here we go one two three on four so you get income i get income and yeah five so let's just do this and because you're on top you're technically behind so you go again yes so i could take that that's another two buttons hmm and it's only two times it's only two times yeah this is only two buttons and two time but no button income that's not bad but it's four buttons oh my gosh i wonder how they math these right like time versus buttons versus income versus shape yeah that's an interesting mathematical issue here you know as lovely as this piece is i think i'm gonna go for this one okay yes the l shape it's cute too so it's gonna cost me four buttons so here's five i'll take back one and where do i no this would be horrible well there is that piece maybe we'll just go like this that looks pretty good that seems like two times one two okay naveen this h as glorious as it looks it's gonna cause some problems if i just clunk it down right here so i think i'm gonna bypass this okay i don't have the money for this and i do have the money for this and it's cost and it costs two or it gets me two income buttons which is pretty good because there's a lot of income coming so i'll go one two three i'll take this one remember it being a rolling move there's no rolling money yeah that's right okay so here's what am i saying here's four thank you okay uh it's gonna cost me six times so that's a big problem well you're gonna go i think it's gonna one two three four or five you get income i am gonna get in it's actually not bad i think you tuck it there i'm thinking about yeah just just making it snug oh like that i don't like these narrows yeah this is a big problem see that's the problem with starting the building in the middle in the dead center yeah yeah that was kind of my mistake too anyway six one two three four five just past the button six so one two three four five six i'm gonna give you a five and a one cool just uh i'll be making change very shortly change yeah all right so back to me i have four buttons and let's see these are oh this is cheap you know as good as this piece is i just can't let you have that one so i think i'm gonna take this nice i i will say i'm pretty far out in front of you so if you do take this one hold on a minute that's right strategy strategy i am all the way back here i don't take equal turns i could have them both you could have them both i could be greedy like i'm gonna be right now oops sorry okay so this is three buttons you say this is go up yeah i hope go up patchwork oh that would be an interesting uh variant three buttons i'm gonna place this somewhere that makes sense makes sense like i could put that there and put the corner piece right you're gonna be making an eight by eight or i could do that and not have to worry about the the side bit anymore i'm gonna go with this spot right here yep just like that so now i don't have to worry too much about that column and it's going to cost me two time one two and now i get to go again and now i'm gonna take that beautiful beautiful piece with the last button that i have here okay so where to put you i'm looking at what pieces we have left yeah and it's looking a little scary having foresight is that yeah maybe doing that but that would completely cut my board in half we're gonna take some risks put that right there it'll cost me three times one two three i collect some income so one two three four five six seven seven buttons i like i do like that the income increases the further and further you get in the game so that you can afford the big the big pieces that i was kind of wasting my money on a little bit too early yeah so anyway now it is finally back to you ooh you didn't leave me with too much so i have exactly six bucks or six buttons and this is two buttons and it's a nice little square so i'll take this uh it's gonna cost me all my buttons okay that is a nice five time uh let's put it oh that would have been beautiful for right there yeah that's that's kind of what i'm i'm looking at i'll put that there uh that's five times so i am one two three four five and because of that i get this little patch ah i have no idea where i wanna put it i have no idea where i wanna put everything is so snug i was going to say too bad you don't have a perfect spot for it i don't have a perfect spot oh no oh my gosh i guess that's a good problem although now you're going to create a problem for me i'm going to create a problem for myself totally i'll put it uh oh gosh i'll put it here oh sounds like a bad idea well cause there's a lot of like lagging like things with like legs and stuff so i don't know a lot of leggings all right you convinced me what oh my god that's gonna be a problem let's go tight right here let's just go tight okay if i play my buttons right i can go twice here so this is not bad let's do this one i think no matter what unless you do the the overshoot you you're gonna go twice okay so this is two buttons and it has a button income which is nice so i'm going to put this there that's three times i'll move you thank you that's a little bit two three you're right behind me so you go again a little bit better uh now i have completely halved my board which is going to be a problem for pieces like that so i have five buttons here we're going to ignore this piece for the rest of the game and we're just going to tiptoe yeah we're going to pretend like that one doesn't exist this is a lot of time that has a strange looking piece let me just pick this up real quick if you don't mind okay too bad all the corners are gone yeah but if i do that yeah i can try to secure myself a patch all right let's do it so this is three buttons so here's five i'll take back two i'm gonna place it exactly there i'm gonna count on getting a patch and sixth time for you right it's a lot of times one two three four oh five six and you get that time there it is patch patch and i get an income you do get an independent collect some income where you get like nine ten one one two three four five six seven eight nine ten so i'm gonna take two fives i do um wanna mention that i have completely just like lost sight of this and i'm just like never mind the seven by seven that's a little bit how are you doing with your seven by seven uh pretty good the the unfortunate thing is i have no buttons so i'm gonna have to do a big leap frog you're gonna get a lot of buttons dude it's yeah well i'm gonna get income plus yeah actually this is actually not bad so because i have no buttons i can't take any of these because they all cost at least buttons so i have to go one two three four five six so i get six buttons for doing that plus i crossed an income so six plus i think eight one two three four five six seven eight so 14. so now i have some currency you are button rich here we go one two three four remember it's buttons in hand at the end of the game i wish we had real buttons that we could have used uh you know for this playthrough but too bad we don't just have you know we're not knitters we're not sewers many buttons laying around the house uh it's back to you back to me okay so if i play my buttons right oh yeah yeah i'm gonna get income again right there yeah but i could take that patch i'm gonna take this this tile so this is two buttons and i'll place it there nice that's a not not a bad spot and two time for you and two times one two and so now you collect income i believe you have ten still right yes i still have ten nice thank you button rich i'm button rich this is gonna look this is good for the end of the game because remember the end of the game is about the most buttons in hand yes and so if it wasn't apparent by the board right when you cross into this final spot threshold you collect income yes so it's not like you're going to miss out at any point yeah so these are the options let's tighten this up just a little bit so we can kind of be a little easier on our eyes okay well i'm thinking do i take this one or this one because that that nice bar is pretty nice that is a nice bar so i i'm trying to think can i do both back to back let me just take a look and see if this is even a feasible shape okay i will take it okay so it fills in that gap it costs me two buttons and one time one time that goes up and then uh i don't think my income change so i get eight income oh wow here's five six seven eight okay and then because i'm on top i get to go again right now the question is i want this patch so that means i must take one two three so it's not gonna that's that's why i was saying that yeah interesting um yeah that means i won't have access to that either how many squares is this one two three four five but i could take this i could take this one which is very similar it's just only one you know thing shy which is funny because that one is the patch that i would get but yeah but you can put the patches where i want it all right i i talked myself into it sold yeah cause i can't this is impossible now this is this is completely dead to us right well you speak for yourself look at this check out this actually sweet lick monique i could fit this i'm going to take it okay i've convinced myself 10 wow it cost 10 buttons but it's gonna be worth three income and i have to move forward so it's one two three four one at the patch i did want the patch yes there's no more corners huh no i was looking at that like well suit yourself you could try to count on getting this and patch let's do it i'll just put that patreon i convinced you huh i mean it's worth something can we get an update on this seven by seven goal yeah okay so uh one two three four five six seven okay one two three four five six wait one two three four five six seven so this is kind of my thing here if i can fill in what you see here yeah then we're good then we get the seven by seven okay so i have this one two three four five six seven so this is mine so i just have to fill in this area here this is that oh you needed this right here i know and this to really fill those two in you took some of the good stuff yeah there's no way to tell where it's going to go and there's only two patches left this might be rough okay so i can take this it's well hey hey if only this were one square shorter let me just take a look at this real quick look at that well if you can get a patch everyone's getting i mean the pad the patch okay oh my gosh this is so hard i'm gonna take this okay i'm just gonna go ahead and take this let's not think about too much i'm turning in ten it costs seven bucks so three back let's get three back yeah thank you and i'm gonna place this right here let's just you're working that seven minutes work yeah so you finished the whole left side seven right like i have this is a seven i just need this spot and this and that like area okay so that is six time so one two three four five six let's get some income like 13. i get one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen yes so income is good income is good but spaces are not 10 11 12 13. okay so now it is back to you i'll try to make it so that um i could go twice and then take this patch to then like try to finish off my 7x7 but the math wasn't working out so okay uh i think i'm gonna take this tile here this doesn't give me any buttons one two three but it cost me two buttons and two time okay and i think i can fit this in right here interesting so you're kind of counting on one of these long folk uh well i go so it's cost me two time one two so i get income i believe it's eleven now one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven yep here you go and then i've identified another one that i like oh so one two this one here i can flip it like this nice that's going to cost me eight buttons and you get the patch eight yes so it's gonna go so that's a sixth time though so i am yellow it's gonna be one two three four five six uh patch will come in here nice and then i take income again so it's gonna be uh 14 i believe because i just added this one the last one was 11. naveen although i imagine quilting is probably really difficult it's not like this no no it's probably a lot of fine motor skills and creativity patience patience yeah okay that's me how are you gonna complete that i don't think it's gonna happen oh yeah i know yeah okay i do like this piece yeah it's good it's expensive let me just see it real quick i think that it can go right there right yeah or it can go right here perfectly oh yeah either way is the same i imagine but now this is a problem but we will i guess deal with that problem let me get there sure so this is ten buttons i'm gonna place it right here i see which one you're gunning for what i don't see three i will not say three times one two three so i get to go again i need this that's the one i was thinking don't take it i mean i mean i have this nice bar here that could really use it so i don't know don't take it seven by seven is very difficult yeah i guess a perfect 7x7 mid game is difficult it's very hard i guess that's why it's a bonus and not a requirement oh god here we go again with that piece yeah it's basically a dead piece for both of us okay i'm gonna take this one so this is one button and oops i don't think i can oh hey look at that that magical spot right there this is a problem but uh i guess who cares at this point right yeah so it's two time so i'm green right one two and then i'm going to take this and that's my tile one only one time i pay for that right uh i don't know okay two buttons okay if i if i win by one then i'm gonna say that i lose it i don't remember either so this can go i'm just gonna put it right there yeah so that costs one time that's one time which means i get income and i get to go again so it's been a while since we've collected income 15. so here we go 10 and a 5. have i completed the 7x7 already no you're i still need these right you need those okay so then i get to go again and i'm going gonna take this one yeah i've been working my whole life for this piece so here's five six seven and this is gonna go right there such a beautiful spot i believe this completes definitely it does seven by seven yes it does right because it's this technically yeah so this is seven because eight nine yeah yeah yeah so i get this tile but i have to pay for the time so it's gonna go just like that all right wow you took so many of the tiles i wanted sorry no dang it because i wanted to get that tour and then get the patch and then i would have my seven by seven oh no not only did you take the tour but the two were the tour it was just uh what i would what was like one turn too late maybe that's one that's the thing about this game if you take your eyes off of like a specific strategy for a second it's over yeah yeah without a tile you can't anticipate like uh several several turns yeah you know yeah there's like a time economy in addition to the button economy all right so i'll just take this one might as well yep so it's going to cost me three buttons perfect i don't like all these negative spaces i have that's a big problem yeah i i definitely can see why you wouldn't like those okay yes that's gonna be me so it's gonna go uh one two three i take the pass no all right so it's the last pack i did let's just do this i was just two away from closing that thing that's right this is going to be like your last bit there yeah if you could even fit any of those i think this one this one can i seriously fit this oh my god oh i should have taken that one dang it that is beauty and grace i just i wasn't paying attention all in one you took the final patch though so yeah good on you for that i'm gonna take this because that could have fit here also ten buttons totally messed up okay i'm gonna do this and it's gonna cost me five time so one two three four five i am done i'll get all these negative spaces uh but i do get my final income which is going to be 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 yep 19 19. so here's i'll take 20. oh here we go there's a 20 piece i give back one that's it i'm done you're out my game is over these are my options oh my gosh the only thing i can place is this one so i might as well yeah i think you have to right yeah i was really hoping to get to this one right here but i can't one two three i'll take this one it cost me one button which is not bad yeah that's not bad uh and then i can put it here very good five times so one two three so i'm in so let's count my income so three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen 16. 16. i have some negatives 10 5 1. there you go yeah the game is now over we have completed our quilts not uh we haven't finished our boards unfortunately yeah which means the minus points so how much how many buttons do you have i have 30 seven technically with that oh 10 20 30 7 37 you have 37 yeah tell us all about our negatives and i think i have more negatives than you i have one two three four five six seven eight nine open spaces which means minus eighteen points so thirty seven minus eighteen i have what is that ten spaces yeah so you have seven points i have seven four and uh and i have nineteen nineteen because my 37 minus 18 is 19. so that's it yeah i had a seven that's a seven yeah a lot of it's still positives it is positives yes good day are you shocked you know i had a good start and then i like her plunked and then i let i let you get that tile i had access to it he let me get the dial oh yeah i had access to it i had enough and then i didn't think that uh i should probably put you in a tougher spot yeah yeah interesting well-played well that is patchwork that is the first in in the whole line uh and so that's kind of like a taste of how uber rosenberg designs um thailand is a recurring theme that you'll see in a lot of his games including the big box games namely like a feast for odin i'm actually really excited that we started with this because our journey with patchwork hasn't been a consistently happy one the first time we ever played this game was when we were first getting into the hobby like 2015 or 2014 stuff like that yeah um and it was released in 2014. so it was kind of like a new concept you know tiling was was catching steam i guess or like people people were starting getting to get into thailand at that time and uh i think because we were so new and so hungry for games you know you start your your board gaming journey you hit a point where it's like i just want to play everything yeah and so i think we were wanting to play like heavier and heavier games at the time so we played this and we're like yeah we can leave it yeah we uh we played it at a local game store and we just pulled it off the off the library shelf and for some reason like it just didn't at the time we didn't really enjoy it for me personally i i was just not enjoying it now though it's weird uh it's kind of nice having like a little 30 minute game yeah that has this kind of headiness that first time that we played it i liked it she liked it but naveen was like it's just okay yeah um and so he was actually i think he received this game in like a math trade or something like that yeah yeah and ended up just selling it like i think i just then traded it off yeah another math trade or something like that but now that we are several years into into the hobby and we've you know played we've been playing a lot of like heavier games it is so nice to have a game that is of this weight and time frame magnitude you know sometimes you just have dinner and you're like i i really want to play a game but i don't want to play a game that's going to take two hours and just something that's like nice to kind of unwind to no hard feelings and it's just like a little kind of like a little fun activity yeah and that's exactly what this this game is to us yeah there's a decent amount of strategy there's enough offense and defense that you can play in this game um this is basically i i think any gamer can really play this uh newer people to the hobby oh yeah very awesome and then uh you know even season gamers like ourselves now now looking back like we said it it's it's more satisfying playing it now yeah than it was you know six seven years ago and like the more you play it the more the different strategies unfold because you know at surface level you see it and it's like okay so i just pay some buttons and you put some tiles on your board but actually it's a lot deeper than that because you're balancing several different types of currencies right you have time you have space you have buttons turn order and so like like we're showing a little bit earlier in the uh play through by the way neither of us are very good at this game we have a friend who's just like he can score very high and uh i thought at first that when we played when we were playing this game kind of prepared to prepare for this video i had scored 10. and we posted it on our instagram and immediately a lot of people responded saying well at least didn't score negative points because i usually score negative so i guess that's a thing yeah but the strategy can get deep like like naveen was kind of showcasing you can try to plan several turns ahead like you're looking at the tiles ahead of the neutral token and you're seeing okay well if i only pay this much in time even though it's a little bit more expensive i get to go again which will give me access to that better tile and i'm doing several tiles in one turn whereas my opponent just took one dial right you can plan around you know when the income is coming so you can do the math on it and be like well i have two time two time will get me to the next income and i'm sitting on top of her so now i have enough income to then springboard off yes but now i don't want to springboard off too far because now monique's gonna do the exact same thing and just kind of do a little catch up so yeah and then you have to kind of look at the kind of the rotunda and see exactly like how many tiles are there what's her board look like and where are the patches where are the patches yeah can she you know even if i give her all this time is it too late in the game where she can't even 50 styles so go ahead have all the time you want kind of thing so yeah for a game of this weight it is surprisingly deep i think and it's cute the theme i think the theme is perfect for this like entry-level tiling uh kind of concept you'll see as we progress through the rest of his thailand games the theme is not this this is probably the cutest one out of all the ones that we're going to showcase and so i think that adds to the accessibility sure yeah absolutely there are two different sides of this to this board and so just to kind of show you what it looks like yeah so this is that front side that we played of course and then there's this back side you know what when we played it the first time we played with uh this side and i think yeah this kind of was like is that as cute i don't like this side yeah so i really like the side yeah i like that side too and i think they have different uh i think there's like a christmas edition and like an american edition where the color schemes are different so you have options depending on what kind of uh color scheme you're into and so that is pretty much it that is patchwork the start of our uber rosenberg series thank you so much for joining us along this journey thank you all so much for watching the video we hope you enjoyed it if you'd like to follow us along with more videos like this and also follow along on the ube rosenberg series please consider subscribing thank you [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: Before You Play
Views: 6,721
Rating: 4.9779615 out of 5
Keywords: patchwork, patchwork playthrough, patchwork board game, patchwork board game review, patchwork review, uwe rosenberg, patchwork board game playthrough, how to play patchwork, Patchwork board game, patchwork game review, 2 player board games, best 2 player board games, uwe rosenberg games, patchwork how to play, patchwork game thoughts, patchwork game rules, patchwork game tutorial, patchwork tutorial, review, top board games, board game review, best 2 player board game
Id: duCRCDNkPkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 49sec (2209 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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