How to Play Patchwork | Detailed Tutorial (ENGLISH) | Board Game | Games On Board

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patchwork is a form of needlework that goes back hundreds of years in it leftover pieces of rags and fabric are sewn together to create clothing and quilts today turn into a hobby you can find completely specialized shops with tons and tons of fabric string and yarn amongst to choose from it is there that workshops take place thanks to which this beautiful art is maintained throughout time patrick is indeed a task that requires patience and hard work since an art piece can take several hundred hours so imagine you just had your firstborn grandson and want to embroider a beautiful quilt for your precious munchkin unfortunately your son's mother-in-law wants to beat you to it you both have 53 hours to spend in the best way possible working day after day you buy new patches and sue them onto your quilt board they come in different prices sizes and shapes and because of this suing them can take from a short while to a whole day get your glasses thimble up and thread that needle this just got serious hi welcome on board today I'm going to show you patchwork a fantastic abstract two-player game we're going to make a quilt a patchwork quilt using these Tetris shaped patches although it isn't a complicated game we've made two tutorials for you a detailed one this one for the owner of the game or for whoever explains it here will show you how to set it up explain all the rules and focus on the frequently asked questions our other tutorial the express one is shorter and straight to the point for you to play two friends trying the game for the first time this way they'll learn how to play well you set everything up they'll prevent them from overloading on excess information of details that you can explain when necessary the thematic intro is exactly the same so you can skip it by clicking on the time labels in the video description in the video description you'll find the links to the tutorials the review game plays hacks and subscription which by the way if you've already subscribed don't forget to click the bell that way you won't miss any of our future videos let's see how it's played remove the seven by seven special tile from the rest will explain what is for in a bit now grab all 33 patches the ones that looked like Tetris blocks mix them well and place them side-by-side creating an oval around the central time board make sure the patches are well spaced apart the central time board has two sides use whichever one you like they look different but when it comes to the game they're exactly the same I recommend you use the dull side in your first game the excess of colors and patterns will most likely distract you now find the 2 by 1 rectangular piece this one place the wooden pond this one between the 2 by 1 patch and the one immediately after it in clockwise sense now pile up the buttons and place a small brown leather patches in the space is shown on the time board after this give 5 starting buttons to each player lastly assign a color to each player yellow or green give them the corresponding quilt board and place the time tokens on the first space on the time board the game objective is to finish the game with more buttons than your opponent buttons that you'll earn and spend throughout the game but be careful because at the end of the game you lose two buttons for each empty space left on your quilt board for this reason although your objective is to get buttons try to fill the quilt up as much as possible during your turn you can do one of these two actions buying and stitching a patch or resting the player that last used to needle goes first in this case it's green who decides to buy a patch you can buy one and only one of the three patches placed after the wooden pond in a clockwise sense each patch has a label on it with two symbols this one is its price and buttons and this one is how long it takes to stitch it to the quill board as you can see each patch has a different price and requires a different amount of time there are some very expensive patches that cost up to 10 buttons other cheaper ones and there's even one that doesn't have a price because it's free in the following order you must choose and grab a patch move the wooden pawn to the spot where the patch was pay for the patch place stitch the path move the time token here the green player has decided to take the first patch which cost three buttons and requires two hours of work so he takes a patch places the pawn in his place in pays for its price you can place the pond anywhere on the quilt board once the patch is placed it is considered to be sewn to it and you won't be able to move it so choose wisely where you place it lastly look at the amount of hours that working on the patch requires and move your time token forward that number of spaces in this case it took two hours let's see what the yellow player does he can choose amongst these three patches and buys the first one he moves in places the pond pays up and places it right here the patch requires two hours of work so he moved the token two spaces forward if this happens will you finish your turn on the same space as your opponent place your token on top of theirs and now the following happens in patchwork the turns are not alternated the player whose token is farther behind takes a turn whether the token is here here or any previous space including if it's on top of the other one for this reason it's very possible for a player to play several turns in a row buying and placing patches so the yellow player goes again and chooses a patch amongst these three available places the pawn pays for it and places the patch on the pool board you can only buy one patch to return but as we just explained you might get to play several turns in a row you can rotate or flip the patch any way you want but it has to be fully placed within the board boundaries and cannot overlap with any other stitched patches the other action you can take is resting whether it's because you can't afford any of the patches or because it's simply in your best of interest this is because every time you rest you gain buttons in this scenario the green player decides to rest instead of buying a patch what we do is advance a time token to the space right after the time token of our opponent not a space less not a space more the one right after it does not matter how far away it is you earn a button for each space advanced you could say that you spend the time resting looking for misplaced buttons on the sofa or around the house the resting action needs to be done completely you cannot stop halfway once you have rested your turn will be over and it will be your opponent's turn since their time token will now be behind yours for this same reason you will never rest and then immediately after buy a patch [Music] if you've paid close attention on the central time board there are nine blue buttons the first one is four spaces away from the starting space in the rest are all spaced six apart the buttons are not spaces they are checkpoints that is why you must not count them as part of your movement or end on top of them let's see what happens when a player passes a button checkpoint it does not matter if the time token lands on the space after or any other space after it in this case the yellow player decides to rest he moves his time token two spaces forward and collects two buttons since he has crossed the first button checkpoint we must also do the following count in case you haven't noticed the patches apart from the labels with the price and time they also have buttons sewn to them there are patches with three to one and no buttons these buttons make you cool more valuable every time the time token passes the button checkpoint you will collect as many buttons as there are sewn to your quilt board in this case the yellow player has an on its own so in this case the checkpoint hasn't favored him let's look at the green player he buys his patch moves the pawn pays for it place it on the board and moves the time token now we count remember that the piece we have just placed is also included so thanks for the checkpoint he earns two buttons every time you pass a bunch at point the process is repeated for this reason it's very important to invest in patches with buttons from the very beginning of the game along the central war we will also find the five one by one brown patches these are leather patches and just like the buttons on the board they are also checkpoints in this case the first player to pass by a leather patch gets to keep it and must place it immediately on their quilt board the leather patches a great fit small spaces left behind on the quilt board the first player to fill a 7x7 square on a quill board earns the 7x7 tile this square cannot have any spaces in it as a reference the quill board is a nine by nine square the seven by seven tile will add seven extra points at the end of the game it cannot be used to buy patches it is possible that in the last turns of the game the leftover patches may not fit in the space left on your quilt board if this happens you won't be able to buy any and will be forced to rest until the situation changes the game ends when both time tokens reach the last space the last patch may require more time than there is available but on this one situation you may place it anyway regardless of how long it takes if you decide to rest and advance your token in your last turn place the token in the last space and count the spaces moved as you would have normally done once both tokens reach the last space the scoring takes place add all your buttons then subtract two for every space left empty on your quill board the player with a 7x7 tile at 7 extra points it is possible to score in the negatives if there are many empty spaces on the quilt the player with the high score wins the game in case of a tie the player that first reached the last space wins and that was a detailed tutorial of patch work as we said earlier if you want to know more about the game itself here are our review an express tutorial for whenever you need to teach someone how to play remember that you can skip the intro by clicking on the tiny labels and if you can't see any of the boxes on the screen in the video description you'll find the links to these videos and any other ones that we publish in the near future videos of gameplays hacks ambient music we hope you enjoyed the video and if you did give us a thumbs up and help us out by sharing it with your friends if it helped you learn how to play tag us on any photos you upload or let us know in the comments below lastly if you want to be the first to find out about loads subscribe to the channel and click that Bell games on board we do the reading you to the plane
Channel: Games On Board
Views: 13,943
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Keywords: Games on Board, Juego de Mesa, Juegos, Como jugar a, Como se juega a, Reglas, reglamento, Aprender a jugar a, youtube, Cristobal, Artifice de Juegos, Artificedjuegos, 163412, mc_163412, ms_sc_9, 2015, Uwe Rosenberg, Maldito Games, Mayfair Games, Abstract, Finalista Juego del Año 2016, Patchwork, Stitching, Cloth, Buttons, Sewing, 2 Players, Tutorial, Detailed Tutorial, Express Tutorial, Review, Fun, Beautiful, Cheap, Quick, how to play, Rules, Games, Board Game, for couples, for two, Franz Klemens
Id: BEpFiHqqE4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 24 2017
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