Patch Day Raids - Escape from Tarkov

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what is going on everybody welcome back to the channel for some more risky for tarkov so patch day has come and gone and we're all deep into the grind and on our quest to complete all the missions needed for kappa as of making this video I will be around level 35 so I'm not quite level 40 yet but I'm making my way to that point right now and I've been streaming a lot that's why I haven't been uploading as much as normal but anyways enough of that nonsense if you're interested in checking out the livestream there's a link to my twitch channel in the description box below this video is just gonna be some of the coolest raids on the first day some PvP moments and some important moments finding some critical pieces of gear but mainly cool fights so that being said let's jump into some of this action [Music] [Music] someone's clothes all right and those seven and 39s not the right time in the game for those oh I shouldn't waste this hold on stop yeah I mean it's it's the Amal I've been finding though so any shotgun scavs down there scabs are all dead do dudes probably still Oh [Music] living vicariously through you right now my man got one more to go it's not the shotgun I need imagine this guy would go back in my flank around or something only that's the same guys before it's a different player oh no I think it was the same guy yeah it definitely was to hit this oh man Chad [ __ ] hates me now they didn't hate me before they hate me now I don't really need the Adar we got in your bag boy come on hurry up three up hurry up hurry up got the respirator I mean yo can you have an MP one three three on your back please yeah thank you gotta get out of here doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo get out of here got a runaway but calm up probably is coming my way I would imagine story time well back in my day when I was in grade 3 I remember Jimmy went up to the cart of the class all right yo the audio is pretty good right now for me back in my day exit campers read yeah I might do the same route as last time I might do the same route as last time I think it's pretty well I would like to just go right there though there's two things we can do we either ride low on the beach or we go wraparound I think we're gonna go low Beach this time yeah I'm using the seem audio right now there's a there's a noticeable difference there's a significant difference like I'm using my 7.1 virtual surround sound it's really weird but the positioning is pretty good that's what it really sounds like to me right now there's some weird things though like if you're like between indoor and outdoor those sounds are kind of wacky but all right we got to keep moving here I mean I can't imagine people like exit camping already but I feel like somebody definitely is you know like they're in a game right now it's me don't leave I'm leaving it's fine we're getting out of the rain hopefully you like I need the shotgun I'm not gonna risk dying the shotgun is for debut and I need to get that done boys this has been a good [ __ ] start I know we died on the first raid but man this has been pretty good we got a nice suppressed ak74 PSO just black laughing mine Mike paracord boys did you loot the back of the SUV are they dead Mike that is a good fine ein dude well now we're gonna find one more sulla and kill five more scabs you might actually take the tags yeah I still still no tosses and still no three M's boys I might get hung up on that for a little bit oh please be a salawah man now aramid BMS kit stop grab oh that's big that's big boys that's big that's big that's big that's big big money big money we got that flash drive I've got one of her flash drives got one of the flash drives and we got a Mosin player lurking over the top here pump station key we're gonna need that top that part of a key to find though that was in hurry up hurry up hurry up [ __ ] yeah hey I should do this I'm gonna do it no no I shouldn't do it [ __ ] that give me this back no [ __ ] it around no it's always already hit that player front scab with the pilgrim multiple scabs holy [ __ ] this ain't good not the stuff hey that body armor but probably destroyed I'm gonna go covert move in not the stuff not the stuff now the stuff not the stuff all right doo doo doo doo doo doo doo last for a body armor I need the ammo and take the SK over the yeah yeah I'm gonna take the SK over the Mosin infantry for now [ __ ] the second one you know I swear they made that key super common it's like remember with what I did twitch rivals as well I kept on fighting not good not good not good not good not good all right shoot a picnic is done yeah less than half on all my mags I need to get into this bush real quick we got to repack ok let's move all right that's yeah oh no that extraction is open okay you know we just got love one health skill there we go yeah yeah go to a state for tarkoff calm go do profile and there should be a Christmas gift if you bought the game before January 1st 2020 right something like that if you've been playing the game for a while it's always in there if you bought it after that you're [ __ ] out of luck you are [ __ ] out of luck voice now this one's a new Christmas gifts so it's a new one what do you get you get like a p90 money case a medical case an item case someone is already Jesus Christ all right let's go I think he's still up there I'm just not gonna bother pushing it I got [ __ ] to do we got things to collect things to do your streamer item is beard oil and you don't use beard oil fake news yeah I mean like I will use beard oil from going out to a party or something like that you know or like getting dressed up that's about it there's a player around here somewhere move you over here unless they got him which I don't know they're looking for somebody holy [ __ ] you're in nice the new loot tables yeah I've been looting a few military crates and they seem to be okay so far watch this move lucky I spotted that [ __ ] holy [ __ ] those guys try zip on he's got this killer the police have a paid on you please have a paid now I haven't seen any Cultus yet this was day one so my ignorance is bliss there are no cultists in the game as of yet so we're gonna eat this oh I need this the shotgun never mind almost forgot about that that's a lot of splints we don't need all those uh I might actually take the most an infantry here don't Matt grab me don't Mack rob me Mosin [ __ ] that scab was rich yeah he was all right didn't get what I was looking for that's okay wait a minute oh I thought that was it didn't get what I was looking for greedy no no the island was definitely looted because I heard gunshots him over there so it's pretty good rate so we should probably try to make it out in terms of just like things that we've collected good try to rat it up a little bit on reserve oh that's weird I like that I'm gonna hide myself for the Moses if I can the Mosin man all right damn dude I don't have any front iron sight on this that guy's got some gear it's like he's got his tricep on oh oh maybe not I think I just caught it in the ankle though now you don't really need the front posts on the iron sight are ya you don't really need it on the Mosin to be honest wait that's not a guy oh my god seeing [ __ ] boys I'm seeing [ __ ] okay yeah we're gonna need some food here in a sec whoa whoa I just hit him in the face you see that holy [ __ ] alright let's keep going it's flashed themselves you should move back in here in a second okay I'm just gonna hit this guy I'm just gonna hit this guy and we're not gonna sit here it's like that's a dangerous spot for us to be ow ow ow ow ow areas as less calves here it's fine we don't need to kill this guy a PACA hog yeah we found a pack of but now we are we don't need two tosses the only thing I need to do right now is the [ __ ] survived this raid guys that's quite literally it yeah it's got to get a survive down I try to do a hop the wall right here okay hold on oh okay that was a mistake we got to move to the right there's a player over here somewhere yeah bunny-hopping is still a thing they didn't fix it I'm seeing blood splattered okay if somebody killed this guy wasn't me I don't think unless we shot traded oh is this open we need to check less than half it's open believe it or not this was the last three on body armor I needed so to find it right next to the extract I was really really lucky gamma the 3m [ __ ] I don't think you can do that anymore man so we're good wow that's lucky as hell that's [ __ ] lucky dude damn hope that didn't work okay you got a weapon case nice yo that's lucky I haven't gotten anything too good yet I've gotten a couple checkpoint keys that's about it I got to checkpoint keys so far I sold them bow for cash like that oh yeah we got a couple Labs keys as well but what 114 we need that yeah this rate here I'm not in any rush the last couple we were that's what I'm not so much in a rush yikes ow yo is it not fractured oh my god it's not fractured yeah that's cavil I basically pre fired us man that's guys a hacker yo we got bisque what's up thanks for the two months of recommitment Eagle thank you for the one-year sub dark Draco's thank you for the 11 cyber storm thanks to the 16 sparkles with the three thank you everybody yeah we're we got to kill scabs so [ __ ] hack sores dude you can now get pistols from safes oh that's really smart I like that I jump to you dude all right not taking the hunter no we got them what aim I also use that and I like my Mosin so I kind of want to keep it okay okay so that was over at the other filing cabinet prone leaning if I'm to try to get a kill while prone leaning yeah I think we got that guy um okay in before prone leaning for Jaeger quests how did you see him who's just in the window dude he was just in the window what God is this this is an m1 a he's got it from military crate okay hold on ooh that's nice all right we dip the Mosin we take this doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo yeah yeah mbss okay this man was cheated yeah oh this is one of those do a ar-15 mods not very good though not very good yeah we got him is a scav right there - I gotta squeeze the shots through the fence there we're making a lot of [ __ ] noise though so that's one two three only three down I think so far not a whole lot of scavengers that spawned on our side and not that many scab spawn on our side SKS go bang bang and we're gonna have to work on rag man as well eventually who is a 3m I take the 3m just in case we get out with that fine and rate status you know means that a squad is lurking in the bushes I've only ran into one squad so far and we are able to kill them both I'm pretty sure anyway at least to my knowledge I haven't seen one of those like five band four armored squads you know yo D squads haven't ran into one of those in a while knock on wood you know this is the walking tank I dropped a Mosin I had the Mosin I just realized we're rocking the walking tank he'll buy a scav see what he had in his bag yep all right so we looted that guy or touched them at least sniper scab have somebody looted this guy I figured just wanted to be sure all right we're dropping the kipper poor guy nice any water so bad do we need energy - oh we need those croutons as well I can't eat those we need - yeah I don't know if there's a way that we could take that 3m is it would be nice to like grab it and sell it on the flea market anyway Oh mustache oh yeah class for body armor almost empty where's the almost empty mag here I don't really need that but alright push left that's stunlock yeah the good old stun lock should be one closer as well go in here [ __ ] we found him you found a guy you're liking the new sound engine meets you man is a sullivo honestly I'm just gonna dip that put that there okay there might be another one might be another one yeah I'm gonna ditch the empty mag I was thinking about it I'm gonna do it now oh there is it's time to get the [ __ ] out well you know [ __ ] don't throw a nade not throw a nade please do not throw a nade come on problem is I can't see this scab you can see me oh there he is holy [ __ ] we are kind of [ __ ] lucky fionna we only get a class to body armor so we need that 69% yeah I wouldn't mind going for it okay this is what I really want I'm sorry I'm 1a but Apia Mosin is my jam though I know it seems [ __ ] insane I get it but I understand I understand but I I love the PU Mosin and we don't have access to them yet so whereas the m18 can't properly mod it and build it up just yet it's great though it is nice I would have kept on taking it but yeah we got to make choices here and PU Mosin is a devastating gun right now don't throw a nade don't throw a nade it's two more might be able to get the big backpack and then grab the m1 a hate to have mass yeah I'm trying kind of right I'm kind of out of space here it is what it is it's fine there should be another one though I don't think that's originally our guy ooh a railed SKS that's really good in a mini Scout for the m1 eh are you [ __ ] kidding me what are the odds that's really funny all right let's go grab that m1 tab we just been in this raid for a [ __ ] ridiculous amount of time it's kind of what happens when you can slow play the start of the raid yeah look only 9 minutes left yeah yeah we just been in this rate for a while okay you now worry about player scabs though well we're not out of this yet that guy looked like he had a [ __ ] sick gun - damn whatever whap - do it next time then oh here we go well we'll do extortion this next raid nice thick thick thick thick thick raid holy [ __ ] that's a raid boys even here movement above but it's probably just another scab see that's crazy I want to see how much experience we got I bet you it's gonna be way less than we think it is but it should be like at least 10k if it's under 10k I'm gonna be super disappointed I'm thinking 12 K but if it's like 8k I'm gonna be like what oh my god come on man come on dude come on man [Music]
Channel: DeadlySlob
Views: 71,967
Rating: 4.9264865 out of 5
Keywords: Escape From Tarkov, Tarkov, Escape from Tarkov PvP, Tarkov PvP, Action, DeadlySlob, How To Tarkov, Escape From Tarkov How To Play, Play Tarkov
Id: fWbeGuti5A8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 29sec (2429 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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