Hardcore Tarkov - The Come Up - 5.7

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[Music] what is going on everybody welcome back to another episode of hardcore tarkov this is the challenge account where I have to find all my items that I use in my raids collect barter items or crafting using my hideout in the last episode it was a specific one raid PvP video where I was hunting a bush wiki player and getting a couple more critical kills to pick up some loot to extract and leave the raid in this episode it's going to be more of an update on how the stash is coming along how the hideout looks and then also showcasing some great PvP lots of raids item collection and the typical hardcore stuff things that I obviously should have included in the last episode but didn't get a chance to so let's take a look at the stash in the hideout and give you guys an update on where I'm at here I was able to collect 1.4 million rubles and to get a lucky scab jump box a few episodes ago which I believe I showcased I am able to barter for ammo boxes using gunpowder's from mechanic so that's how I'm acquiring those and I do have a [ __ ] level to which I am able to craft magazine boxes fairly easily using empty fuel cans metal scissors and screws and bolts it's actually surprisingly a really easy bar for me to consistently build because of how much junk I'm constantly collecting so it's gonna be a staple throughout the entire challenge in terms of weaponry I am running a fairly low I don't have anything too crazy I got my trusty SKS that was in the last episode hunting the Bushmaster that's some Mo's ins of course I got my suppressed SVD I was able to pick up a few episodes ago a suppressed sv-98 and a few like various different weapons and chess rigs the big issue with me right now is they don't have a lot of body armor you see there I got a pack of s I got a 6p3 TM I have an m1 that's not a whole lot on top of the Avs that I'm currently have equipted in terms of medication you can take a look we got a couple so Louis at the very top of the stash nothing too crazy a few more fiends which I'm actually trying to hold on to the ones with fighting rate status or the therapy mission if I keep those morphine's for therapists mission I can actually get like 10 packs of painkillers which is huge morphine is a one-time-use painkiller where painkillers themselves can be used four times throughout the raid sporadically jump it into the hideout there's the magazine box that I was a little bit talking about earlier not a bad barter at all I'm gonna get another one crafting a lot of the stuff right now is level one and I'm moving towards upgrading a lot of the basics into level 2 all the level 1 upgrades pretty much only require like money and reputation level 2 is starting to move towards item collection and going after barter items and kind of making plans and taking mental notes of things that I have to collect throughout my raid as I'm going out there specifically looking for quality of life items to just keep myself alive going raid to raid so it's a bit of a balance the number of tasks and quests that I'm doing right now is very minimum because I don't want to mess with my Jaeger reputation I don't want to mess with too many reputations that bad that might affect my statuses for hydro upgrades so I'm kind of being a little cautious there but at this point like I said not a whole lot accomplished in the quest apartment that's something I'm gonna focus on a little bit more after I get most of the hideout things to level 3 so I know you guys been asking a little bit about a stash update and I hope this gives you an idea on where I'm at so far in the challenge before we move into some more raids with that being said let's jump into a raid I'm gonna be running a Mosin with a red dot a pack a vest which is pretty much all unwilling to spare right now and a WT rig for loot collection to slither down the sewer pipe if I'm unable to get out through any other extractions my track record on reserve is not that great right now something I really want to explore and try to get better at in the future especially for hardcore but at the moment I'm really looking for one juicy Reserve raid that can really help me out and kind of give us the boost that we so desperately need so that being said let's get to it yeah I'm not ready to fight the Raiders but oh oh typo Tron thanks for the ten community get the subs man oh thanks for the hook-up this morning oh [ __ ] SSD I mean I already have an SSD but Teddy's gonna hate me an SSD is actually a road block item for the hideout that is required for the security station level 3 not that easy to come by whenever you're unable to purchase it from the flea market so it's completely down to a random chance and luck and the best way that I've been able to get mine is by looting scavenger backpacks believe it or not I've been lucky enough to get my hands on three of these so far on the hardcore challenge Oh God [Music] tracting a lot of attention in here oh oh I don't you can fall down there but you've ever hunter I'm actually take that vamper hunter sorry a pepper 1 3 6 so I'm gonna take that over because I have ammo for it and the mags and I like the gun so a regular scab Adar has 8 5 5 rounds which have 26 pen where a vapor with a dust cover rail system actually has PS rounds something a little bit more reliable in my opinion that sounds like it's the guard tower really close Killa yeah is that an RP k I don't know I know the scab boss guards can have our P K's nips this is not good cover we gotta get out of here it's not too sure what my game plan should be it's still thing we have people lurking to my left but I'm not entirely sure try to get the Raiders I'm gonna try to get the Raiders I could go up in that tower as well but what kind of psychopath wears the watch on the inside of their wrist oh you don't know how to wear the watch like an operator dude come on operator style oh [ __ ] well hold on okay I'm gonna keep the pepper I may drop the AKM actually I am gonna drop the AKM I'm probably find stuff that's worth more now I think with the limited ammunition I don't mind staying and semi-automatic a really Joan nearly full it's okay that was a great time to stutter there perfect timing to 16 West Wing 2:16 let's go and that's a really good key hmm I can hope that somebody else check the ponds yeah I mean like we could move out into the other area here in a minute right now my main goal is to just try to keep on surviving if we're long enough or or like if I'm in this area and somebody pulls the lever right this has been completely looted what are my other extracts the Superman hold the Train and the door that's it that's all I got that's all I got bummer yeah that's okay I'm in no rush you know it's staying I sound like a radar gun or a player scav actually gives me a pretty good defensive position even though I'm at the door one guy went the ramp the only guy trying on does even a scav guard a Raider that didn't kill him yeah I was gonna say I'll be genuinely shocked there that's what we want that's actually definitely what we want 500 USD alright and now I just need someone to bring the damn Bell reloading that's a player I'm pretty sure the player scav I think it's definitely a player scav hold on yeah that's a lot of USD now now the problem here is I gotta get the hell out of here like I could try to wait for the train but I think the trains gonna be too hot coming in five minutes yeah did you hear all that [ __ ] unfold gun I mean we could yeah but I'm not using the Top Gun I my gun was already unfolded your gear now you could be able to take him that that was a quatre player scab - just extract I wish I'm gonna have to that's my plan but like in order for me to extract design I gotta go pull the lever call your paid actors to do it oh my god um when you pull the lever careful of exit campers yeah my biggest fear right now is the player scabs the player scab that was waiting for me it's been waiting for me for like ten minutes I'm also worried about the suppressed guy on the hill is if he's still up there I'm [ __ ] dead here worried about everything yeah I was getting shot at by there's like a suppress got in the hill earlier all right getting full stamina eat mag warning hmm all right when I pull this I'm gonna go pretty much the exact same way dad spoke there now trains going trains come trains arriving all right Elsa that was the first rate of the day - so that was one of the first times that I've actually successfully gone up against traders on this hardcore season pull out some loot and leave the extract of it a whole lot of resistance I did hear that Keter player scab that was lurking around I think the train distracted him a little bit and allowed me to squeeze through the map with no problems and get out with lots of Raider gear I can honestly say I haven't had that many successes fighting Raiders or even finding Raiders on hardcore and I haven't been going to labs for a variety of different reasons Labs is a great map poking me wrong but unfortunately it currently has a rampant cheating problem for people that are farming currency and all sorts of problem problematic issues so for those reasons I've been really avoiding that map and trying to focus my attention elsewhere got the food it's got water it's got ammo the only thing is I need some reserve keys like I only have the SNP key like if we had the big-money key for me right now is if we get an RB o RB key like one of them and that's usually like a fairly shitty key on a main account but on a hardcore account if we had all three of those we had all three of those keys oh [ __ ] I try to reposition he's behind the blue van how hard he hit us oh you just hit us in the stomach I don't have a good optic but it would be dope if I could get out there and flank all the way around but he might be able to see me like crossing that back wall like the lighting bug mic like a lighting bug might give me away here yeah I think he could be already flanking lighting bugs well the areas yeah he was I've dropped it I thought I killed him that he's down I mean that was a good flank by him I am glad that I did that oh yeah you have that optic mm that's not gonna I'm not gonna take that boo whoa what's the Ergo on this thing 69 wow that's like it aims so fast my riding PS no I was run in 1739 he's running be teased just kidding Kappa Z no to you yeah it look I guess I could collect him now as we need him Jesus like I did not die in the first brush what the [ __ ] did he hit us with the guy got turned on oops a little on that b2 dude that Keter really messed us up like big-time let's see how many magazines got for it it's got a couple might take it a couple hoses believe it or not I'm not in need of water filters right now water filters are gonna be great whenever I get my water production level 3 set up and ready to go but until then I'm gonna prioritize taking other objects it will be a really important item very soon I'll fix that in a minute yeah all right we're going to go railway exfil there's a hose there do the water filters the water filter is one of those items water filters and pair cords are one of those items that it hurts me to not take I don't how much ammo is left in my mag here he's in the back left corner my stamens gonna burn Gordon Freeman as expeditionary fuel I definitely need that yeah I need the quatre mags cause you can't like oh well you can barter for them but but if I want to take and use this quatre I'm gonna need oh [ __ ] he had be s in these mags oh man I've been seeing a lot of people do this to save money it's not a bear a bad idea where you basically top-load with BS and then you bottom load with bt not a bad idea at all yeah v you do you do 15,000 you do 15 splits man our extraction sucks it's like I'm hearing so much [ __ ] happening out there I think what I might do is just like tunnel vision it and go but or something like somebody out near the scavs over here oh man lots of scoffs loads of scavs I want to try not to make too much noise I don't want to be like stuck fighting the scabs when I know that there's some people in the area especially out in the open I'm gonna push front left here oh I can't jump it oh no no stamina yeah this body armor blows he's got to shotted with a Saiga nu mistake um there um no I think it's important I think the noob mistake would be trying to kill those scavengers when you know there's potential players or snipers behind you when you heard them a few minutes earlier making noise exposing your location and giving people a free shot on your head and the reason why I say that is I am the person who kills those people yeah we just heard we just heard gunfire before I left out in from this region to here in this elbow right so there's a player that's in this area so that's the reason why I'm not engaging those scavengers like sometimes scavengers could be your friend sometimes I get a lot of questions on that on my videos and stuff like you can use scavengers like to your advantage you can use them as like a defensive buffer you can use them as centuries for spotting targets all sorts of different stuff you can use them as distractions you can attack players while they're attacking scavs so like although I did get unfortunately stomach emptied I'll probably end up we uh I haven't decided whether an I should do ice cream cones yet I guess I should right I should I really should no because then that unlocks the barter Oh Teddy you're gonna kill me guess what we found first raid this morning I mentioned you specifically we found another SSD on a scab in the backpack so my friend teddy is also doing the hardcore challenge and he's been telling me he's been struggling on getting the SSDs so I kind of just want to be a bit cheeky and let him know that if we've got another one just kind of be a bit of an [ __ ] but also to give him hope that he might be able to find his own so alive oh he could be and that was just a prone I went over his head a little bit but I he looked like he dropped but oh that's a nice ache a shoot that somebody that's not me that guy's probably pissed off that the scouts gave away his position because I would be a little bit goodnight goodnight goodnight this guy's the [ __ ] nade god you know this guy he's a level 40 plus player goodnight those were some amazing accurate nades I'll give him that oh damn it [ __ ] oh [ __ ] well that was my bad sorry chat I forgot the dude I was looking for I had a purple backpack rip overconfidence yeah damn it is hema three well overconfidence can definitely get you killed there and I got a little bit too excited over the PvP fight and forgot some pretty critical pieces of information being the guy was wearing a damn pilgrim backpack and never even crossed my mind even still I did put up a good fight at the very last second I locked on I fired some shots but I wasn't able to make it happen losing a significant kit that I worked all day to piece together for a variety of different raids and actions but you know what that's just the way of the road with the hardcore challenge and that's what's kind of so fun about it you just kind of work your way up to a full kit doing like pvp or killing scabs are getting lucky and fun and cool loot or barter items use that kit as long as you possibly can and then you kind of die and it resets you humbles you a little bit and you get back into the fight and try again so thank you guys so much for watching this episode of the hardcore challenge I want to apologize for the quality of the last episode I promise that's not gonna happen again and I'm gonna try my best to just always inform you guys on the stash the hideout and the process rather than doing these one-off raids it was an experiment it was a really cool raid I definitely want to share a few guys but the way I did it wasn't that great and because it was only a twitch highlight it just didn't work out as well as it could have so with that being said thank you guys so much for watching if you're new here consider subscribing for more escape for tarkov videos and hardcore episodes or watching my livestream Monday through Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Standard Time I'll leave the link to that in the description box below another reminder if you're paying attention I got a bunker branding deadly slob merch shirt on during this video if you guys are interested check that out in the description box below as well there will be links to the store I really appreciate all the support on twitch YouTube and with the merch so with that being said thanks again for watching and I'll catch you guys in the next one [Music] you you
Channel: DeadlySlob
Views: 87,748
Rating: 4.9250507 out of 5
Keywords: Escape From Tarkov, Tarkov, Escape from Tarkov PvP, Tarkov PvP, Action, DeadlySlob, How To Tarkov, Escape From Tarkov How To Play, Play Tarkov
Id: yobUteFYPQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 54sec (2034 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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