A DAY OF DEFEATS... - Season 2 Day 2 Escape from Tarkov Standard Edition Playthough [Karmakut]

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hello everyone today's video is gonna be season two day two of our escape from tarkov standard edition playthrough and today's video we're pretty much focusing on trying to get one quest done and that's our 15 SCAF kills on wood so I hope you guys do enjoy today's video as always if you're looking for the full unedited vods and want to get access to those immediately please check out that blue join button down below as 5 della members and up get access to that exclusive content but with that all other way guys I hope you guys do enjoy today's video and don't forget to Like comment and subscribe for more content and as always enjoy the show alright we spawned kind of close to spine there's a couple spawns in front of us that we do have to watch out for but so long as we're kind of paying attention we should be able to catch him I do feel like I'm getting a lot of frames this wipe so that's really good performance is always great as you guys saw however the PSO is terrible for cgb engagement so most likely we will be tap firing anything that is relatively close so there's a spawn up here I have to be careful about it's just general math knowledge game looks so much better okay so what we're probably gonna do is punch out to the sniper Rock try to take control over that area hopefully we don't get Mo's and dreaming early on in the white this kid is pretty formidable like I said we we will lose close-range fights if they do get a good spray on us it's because tap firing with an ache a list you're really good at uh Frank can be quite a pain we're mainly looking for scabs right now so we're ahead to the lumberyard to try to see what's going on I'm gonna try to manage my stamina here a little bit better as we get closer to a potential contact first thing I'm gonna do is check the back of spine couple scabs can spawn back here and then we're gonna check up for snipers calves at the top all right punch up up here wanna be careful ish a pretty high traffic area so I don't want to stick up here for too long we see if we can get a cheeky killer to then come right down just cause we're silhouetted pretty hard up here the lighting isn't perfect as you can see there's some dark patches on the map pretty check to see if snipers cab is up I don't think he is hop down still no Cypress Cove right a push into towards lumber counter won't get near these rocks I usually tend to enjoy going near these rocks but the last couple of times we've come over here it hasn't really been too great for us but hopefully it's better this time what I like about these rocks is that they're kind of out of the way I know snipers up there I got say the game is tell us with dude Aaron drop it another 50 bucks you're a freaking monster oh subs a chat right now it's Aaron thank you so much for the donation man your your God thank you so much I I'm speechless - Thank You Man I really do appreciate that hope you're enjoying the stream man thank you so much Aaron so we're kind of close right now to respond to any kind of fight that happens near this area I'm kind of cool just keeping it like that for now staying pretty flexible in this spot checking the left Rock checking the right rock but doesn't look like anyone's going up to sniper Rock areas here sounds like everyone's taking their time on the up inside the map honestly we might just go over there because it's a easier to get scabs over there I just sprint down here I went on full auto and apparently and only shot one bullet I knew he was in there cuz I heard him that's why I pushed him I don't know if I switch myself from full out at a single fire but I definitely was about to spray that dude down I don't know what happened there but I totally thought I was on full auto cuz I heard the woods footsteps so I knew is gonna be in there oh well [ __ ] rip yeah seven six - PS hurts I mean he got us I don't know what happened there cuz I thought I was on full auto but apparently not so I have no idea what happened there we definitely were on full auto and I held down the trigger but the gun just decided to stop firing after about three rounds so rip and there goes our flawless run but anyways guess we're just gonna roll right it in the next raid picking up these same a K with a PSO to try to get some more of these gap kills done so heading back on woods let's hope we have some better luck this time here we go so we're gonna sweep the back spawns respond in the back corner of the map and we're gonna go rotate around and see if we can catch any other players this is a decent spawn for us to get our SCAF kills so should be fine I'm really salty but that uh happened but no well it is what it is one single wrist sweep these spawns here now I knew he was in the bunkhouse too because I heard the wood and I saw this safe was open was I didn't talk about it cuz I kind of want to be quiet in here in case he moved around again well let's start looking for some players here I'm gonna take this hill I'm not gonna push you over to the next one yet what we're gonna do is we're and get eyes over the cabin see if any sketches fondant so a lot of times what players will do is they'll camp this area for the scapula's just cuz usually this is like a really scavs Scout heavy area of the map so what we can do is we can just kind of chill out here see if anything comes towards us and grab a couple SCAF kills once they spawn in that's one we are not suppressed so thinking too much noise is going to be something we got to be careful of this way you see me checking my six you want to get tunnel vision now here the scabs are not necessarily the biggest threat out here what is that that does a player hamish guys here life shooting elsewhere on the map if no more scab spawn and will go ahead and rotate the lumber you're safer here over there it's so funny I feel like on woods you run into a ton of gas when you don't want to get scabs and then when you need them they all disappear eels Batman lots of shooting kind of get into the treeline just a tiny bit check again for any scab spawns there's one unfortunately BP does not have the stopping power like m80 so it does take multiple rounds to kill someone there's made noise and this is a semi yeah like right here semi trafficked area we do want to be kind of careful so there's a player or scat hello okay this is justice calf let's get in break television cuz you know that's what I'm talking about me he's prone in the grass but this guy Houdini off to you just disappeared is he in the grass yeah when you make noise in the woods you got to turn around because people start hunting you down especially if you're not suppressed I don't we killed this guy just prone out yeah this guy just vanish you guys see that what where'd he go this guy just disappeared I've never been who do you need so hard in my life you going here on Salado right I'm pretty confused this man straight Houdini does now this is the typical this is the statics dead scabs pond that's not a player I don't know where this guy what disappeared yeah top off these mags our first all right well I guess we'll just keep hunting by him in the head there apparently not watch something that hits harder I want a vet hunter or even a even an SKS I feel better with I want something with more damage it's fine though it's gonna get spooked check the inside a lumber right now that's an SKS I think got me where's that over my head it might have been over my head I don't want to sit here not too many good angles and I'm kind of like exposed in the woods where to look brother right here see if we can get a better angle on the cliff or maybe a third party whatever this is this is the same player came back well he came but he came in here I shot at him he ran back and then he decided to come back in volute so that was really greedy made a lot of noise oh really want to go this body right away I want to make sure that no one's running at us like that first player was unsuppressed de que might as well beard in a row keep scouting around here hey I'm satisfied that there's no one in the woods I don't think he has a friend so we'll go out and fast tag his stuff I can remember where I killed him good lord this grass let me see if I couldn't see his body from the high ground I really do enjoy how the grass actually works in this game and you can use it to your advantage it's just up all right that's two so the most important thing to do there is if you ever get caught in a head-to-head fight and you do choose to engage you cannot panic slow down your shots make sure you're landing them don't just ban the trigger wildly so even if you get hit reset it takes a lot of self-control not to panic and like run away or like just pull out of screen that direction but when you get into this half-dead fights and you're only gonna get that experience just from playing a lot you gotta calm down and just focus on the on the reticle that's it calm down focus on the reticle that's if you're choosing to stay in fight if you're not gonna fight then just scram but don't do half half don't half-ass things when it comes down to that cuz uh can't just are you're just gonna get popped because you panic and your aim goes everywhere you don't sprint out fast enough you get caught yeah there's a little Sun armor probably top this there quite a bit it's got even had an aide he should have been using these if he threw the Nate I probably would have been dumpster Don because uh there's two of them so early on you really have to be fast with this kind of looting stuff so I don't know if we can fit this we can't so we're gonna just drop this this is much more important this guy has it's got VP so see what's in here garbage good oh why do you got to make this so complicated for me huh might get ours back and insurance so some quick insurance fraud I want his mags ass this is taking too much time here Maids any maids garbage no okay it's okay it's fine about half I do need to change out the mag I do that here and we're gonna get a medical check on ourselves because we did take damage here we haven't taken a moment to heal up I just want to get out of this area a little bit up here maybe I technically do have to find that out the guy's body I don't think we ever found it right so this looks good a spot as any we're gonna do a medical check looks like armor ate the brunt of it which is really good this is why armor is good probably would have gone much much much differently if we weren't wearing armor all right so let's go back now and try to find this body all right that's one did we I forget if we uh we tagged him I don't think we did can't even remember dude my brain is just uh posted oh wait hold up I also want to oh he's filled with BS dude this guy's gnarly this guy loaded his gun with BS if he had hit us he would have [ __ ] us up what does a person all right where's this guy's body we never found it right you know I'm just losing bodies today out here is this him is him all right please no sniper Ino got another a K I don't even think we can grab this I'm gonna get killed if I stay here I just want to check the pockets real real fast holy crap you kill a lot of age so unfortunately we're not gonna be able to get all these hey K so I don't necessarily want to dump mine it would be nice to get those aks out but I don't think we can slot it let me see if we can do some green stuff in a second here honestly yeah we're just gonna get out it's gonna be too much to go through and just slap them in the scabby P we could do that and drop the mbss but I don't necessarily want to take the time to do that we're fine just extracting a few ak's this is great but I do have some useful meds and stuff in my bag right dog tags and stuff a peck and we already have we have gotten another kid a take a from this round so I'm too worried about sticking around and grabbing it gonna push for extract now drop any Scouts we can on the way gotta watch damn here I'm gonna save it up because we will be crossing the road here in a second I'm gonna peek over to the right usually as a couple scabs on the right here unfortunately there are not was a Mosin boy it was a Mosin boy there's a scab oh no so I don't know if it's a player scab or of as a normal scale Vuli we got our stuff back but yeah dude rows and rounds [ __ ] slap it'll go through level three armor like what through level four armor we were we were wearing level four armor and he still one-shot us through the chest so yeah I'm not sure if that was a scab motion or if it was a player motion or a player scab Mosin so just extremely unlucky there and I talk about it all the time how talk up is a survival game it doesn't matter how many people you kill if you can't get out the raid alive it's a waste of time so unfortunately there was a Mosin scape just sitting right there in the woods that did not see and we ended up eating it so we're gonna change up gears here after losing two pretty big kits early on in the wipe we're gonna play ask a front to try see if we can get some free gear and get into our next PMC right with a decent kit you guys are awesome see air filter advantage so we can fight with this I'm gonna load this because we are not full now normally this thing is trashed but if we can find someone that's not wearing ammo we'll be able to clap them hmm the nice find actually couple guns I mean this has been looted save ammo yeah it does that's very cool I don't even see a scab dude should be dead right does a headshot fun gun fun gun loudest hell so I do want to be fast with this ooh I do about this I will just push for extract doesn't sound like anyone else's in this raid so you don't really want that you want this though he's got like a dinky little 9mm gun or something scab up ahead married duck left I'm not sure if they're aggroed to me at this point just cuz those were AI scabs that we killed so I don't want to risk it I don't think I'm wearing armor gonna get out with this stuff oh they aren't agroed to me which is very interesting what kind is that let's just say yeah I want it I wonder if they decrease the aggro range on scout after you shoot one because we definitely you like we would have been red aggro to these guys just interesting yes see look at all these scabs so we show us here with my PMC we give you all these skills for GAF kill quest see if any of these guys have anything shiny all right who's got my shiny stuff you have you have an 8k I've never shot an MPX unsuppressed that's a delightful noise oh I'm a dad we just grabbed this guy's stuff real fast I'm making a lot of noise Oh nine minutes left we got it we gotta just push out you did get a pilgrim when she's pretty nice some scat one scat violence but it's all that was out here I'll load one more time in case there's someone in the house good place for a check now all right I mean not the worst raid not the worst guy frayed by far so pretty quiet SCAF raid but we're gonna take that VPO to15 into the NEX raid and that might get a little too carried away here with that I have my absolute focus on content curation an IRA re I already technically did because I loved I loved sharing experiences in video games to begin with but painting myself into a corner by no means is like a healthy or or safe way about going about doing it it's just how I did it so I like to hold on answer that specific question about how I stay motivated I just do it because I love doing it and I me any Maglis he's got a Lois I'm gonna chase him down you might try to close distance on me yeah him like three times I want see how how many times I hit this guy so I knew he's gonna try to close distance because of weapon matchup but I thought I could catch him and we did hit him it just wasn't enough to kill him I wonder if it's just because the gun is garbage let's take a look at the hit count I might have just hit him just once let's see I hit him twice a gun does no damage so after doing some pretty silly stuff with that VPO 215 we've said kid up with an SKS and some armor and back in on woods this time I'm hoping for a better raid okay alright no more deaths guys no more the death streaks the ends now what are we at now sis how many hikers what was that oh my god if you just pistol me in the face this man just John wick me no did I just get jaw you just John wick my ass well played well played oh he just [ __ ] John wick me oh boy guys today's just been a really rough day that last player just dumbness right in the head with some 9 mil a true John wick play so hats off to that guy now we're gonna try to mix it up one more time bringing out the Mosin and hopefully bringing out a gun like this will give us some luck with that big-ass round all right I think we've got the closest spawn of smile and we did so we're gonna just push through and see if we can catch the players on the opposite end I just still be fine from the sides in the back it's gonna be the players direct 12 now that I'm gonna worry about so I'm gonna just save up stem just be careful I do want to push and take the cell before someone else takes it from me okay so we've made really good time here don't worry a lot about the front now it's really interesting we haven't run a day when yet you should have run into someone to the front here I'm not gonna come in across this open we're just gonna hold this sometimes there's scavs here at the checkpoint but I don't see any it ah push into the woods see what's up this guy know him like three times oh it's just one of those days just one of those days just one of those [ __ ] days it's great how you gonna have your best day and your worst day immediately after each other we hit him three times with the Mo's and then he just me just [ __ ] he didn't die oh we hit him three times oh god why he's using an AKP's I'm sorry oh boy guys today's just been a really rough day that last player just dumbness right in the head with some 9 mil a true John wick play so hats off to that guy now we're gonna try to mix it up one more time bringing out the Mosin and hopefully bringing out a gun like this will give us some luck with that big-ass round we got oh we got trash ammo - I love it I love it all right if we gonna get out with this thing though I'd be very happy made me a happy man we loaded we are good ha okay MC I with ears okay jackets are great money early game and that attendee recommend there's a jack in here - I don't know there's at creighton yes right that's a player I think what are they doing they go around this way did he see me it's a to stack all know how trash this ammo is we're about to find out boys gotta reset because this friend's gonna look come on load it faster buddy he's down here he's gonna be down here somewhere the question is where closer please step out of the bush he's got to be down here there's no way sprinted out I can't stay here for too long those I think areas okay we found him okay nice try do I feel bad about that one not really there's wearing armor that's why it took forever for us to kill this guy and was rocking BP and his SKS good lord I've room for this stuff I'm sorry dude they kicked out half your trash no we're not doing this I'm sorry I know this guy wait who is the other dude then I don't know who this guy is I [ __ ] know this guy oh that's great that's [ __ ] great oh yes that make that's so good that's so [ __ ] good dude oh my god I can't even take all the stuff though that's a thing oh dude that makes me so happy it's so toxic oh my god that's so [ __ ] good that is so [ __ ] good I love it oh god yes okay we focus here it's [ __ ] acid that's [ __ ] hilarious hey anyone from ops watching the stream right now go tell as it he just got slapped as much as I want this I don't think I can take it he's got m82 goddamn acid the [ __ ] are you doing you guys are already loaded for [ __ ] - oh my god what is it's loaded with it this is loaded with good [ __ ] no unload mags I was slower with you sorry this is too long we're taking too long here okay where are we going Edmunds place maybe I should take in the SVD now I think about it drop the SKS for it ah it's too late it's too late oh that greed makes me want to go back it's fine it's fine - fine it's fine there's various places right here it's a dead scab as you can tell I don't scab nearly as much as I should there we go oh that's too good that is too [ __ ] good that's hilarious dude Oh what is it that was so fortunately or unfortunately there's nothing better to get you out of a tilt than running across one of your friends and dropping him in tarkov it's probably one of the best feelings in the entire world so actually riding off that high we're going to take that aka that we got off from that lacerate push back into customs and see if we can get some more SCAF kills where would I spawn all right we're gonna not die no death no more telling you I had pants are on spirits are high just don't throw nades already good lord [ __ ] it we'll go third party you see what's up it's probably player faint buying scoff it sounds like I know where I am ish it's fighting this guy's in the other warehouse I'm single right yeah behind me that Stearman I think Chairman's up gotta be careful here he's gonna be around here yep he was right [ __ ] there that displace get distance Vantage while we're doing this it's gonna want to push for advantage [ __ ] it was way too close for a PSO so I backed up and created this thing so where should I cut him on a flank punch far enough to the side we should be okay if he's not looking but if he catches us here we might die want to pop a pain check armor always good check health left arms [ __ ] up that's the scab that he killed keep rotating him well sure how much damage we treated or at their a Payton welcome to the channel those steps a chatted for a painting I want to play my range just why we're all the way out here now that's no good it's really not good for us well I don't know what he got forced into a really [ __ ] weird spot excuse me okay we have to do this before we do anything else this this needs to get done because we fast kicked out the other mag in the fight I don't know why he switched I don't have the Megan duh question is what we're shooting at him you know back into a corner here no bueno I don't know if it was asked a per player shooting this guy just gonna circle around all this seems to be clear so if he's honestly watching the body we're never gonna be able to find him just cuz he's in the deep forest side watching us so say if we can just look up to where he was getting shot at from you're shooting up here we're probably gonna die right here but risk it for the biscuit okay there's almost 110 percent Sherman Oh gross I don't know if we're gonna be able to find the magazine that we [ __ ] kicked please tell me it was the goddamnit Oh oh my god that's so great alright we're gonna push for extract and we'll kill any scabs that we kind of see on the way out but yeah oh that's so funny see we get their party this I guess three five shots that's him that's what this is the players shooting at the scab player scab all right we're just gonna Luton scoot I don't have time to deal with this you gotta go manage first in case I get leg and then we're gonna keep running I gotta worry about this gap player on my left this is which is primarily why we're running here Sherman's still up great we're running out of bullets we got a fresh batch Jack check to make sure no one's camping up there so long as no one is up there usually this downward slope is pretty safe but yeah we can't [ __ ] around with Sherman I'm gonna sit right here cuz I want as much stamina as possible for this sprint cuz we're not gonna make it and one to go now my biggest threat is the player from behind me that players gap cutoff behind me so I'm gonna try to keep all this strain in my back and then just take this coastline out you might actually have to switch to this even if it is FMJ feeling good what was that something up here identity it's a player [ __ ] how many [ __ ] times I gotta hit this guy Jesus I hate him like six times so God are we're just gonna bypass him let's get the mag out we're gonna kick this one out like his right he should be caught up against the hypermobility advantage so I'm gonna exploit that and try to come on from the top on him now beep round so we got to count them out and I continue to exploit mobility advantage while he's healing and cut them off oh holy [ __ ] this guy's fast we might have got him right there he dropped guy that prone doubter he's dead dead did he extract Amy did he get out oh [ __ ] this guy he got out dude I wonder how many times you hit that guy we lit him up god I hate a case so much give me my freakin m80 he got out 29 hits this raid good [ __ ] Lord man this ammunition sucks a lot of damage that guy must have been dying on his way out dude he must have been like literally bleeding his face out yeah it was a win I'll mark it up as a win 100% so another pretty decent rate on ones hunting down players but once again we're not really getting enough Scott Gillis or gonna have to go back in again on the same map this whole episode is just gonna be woods and this time we're gonna take up an Opie SKS to try to get some long-range shots in I'm gonna push you into the spawn maybe we can catch something is that players imagining we come up on me and I'm getting shot in the back so we need to pop this like ASAP what where's my gun game Thank You [ __ ] it's not the bleeding now yeah I knew as soon as I cracked those three rounds this early another rate I'm gonna have to check behind me cuz it's gonna draw someone to me I'd drop drew this guy in I knew someone was gonna come for me after those first ten shots let's go solo same kid what's in here you have something in here water water so the little [ __ ] up you know just a just a tiny amount you have painkillers he did nice thank you all right where is this other dude that is trying to pick a fight it's over here somewhere I want all I'll be here I need to do optic swap here well I don't want to do it until I get to safety I got shot from over here so I'm like really sketched out okay hold up this is so exposed we do it fast god damn it gonna get me killed I have two optics guns I don't want that I want one that I can use for close range so strip the gesso off of it hadar break a I see him I see him I see him did you see him cuz I see him stop right there right there right there right there he went close luring my needs that was an honor brawl right there if we ever had one on this playthrough that was an honor fight to the to the [ __ ] death right there that was I was about 100 percent a respectable [ __ ] fight I have so much respect for that play right there that was 100% in honor brawl if we ever had one in here massive respect for that player like massive like truly massive respect that was hands-down the most respectable fight I've ever had just you rarely get that where both players just say all right you know let's see who has better aim rarely get that and like in the second I saw I'm going for it I was like all right I'm gonna respect this fight because you rarely get that [ __ ] where two players will just say all right no flanking the bunny business no second note nose no second player no nades let's just go straight up head-to-head let's do it and that was that such a respect to fight a respectful fight was a great one was a great one that was a massive respect to that guy like honestly holy [ __ ] hey zero at my armor a couple more good shots and you would had me two very respectful it's a great fight there's another player out here unless he dropped him haven't gotten shot at yet so go for it thanks for the fight dude was a great one you have my respect you shooting at something over here but I think you killed him see what's going on here someone out there not in love with this position now but he's gonna go for that body we drove we pulled the trigger at the same time so unless he's really paying attention I don't think he knows I'm here I need a bush scab I think well there goes that pull a deep flank he was [ __ ] slippery oh I don't know where you went alright we're just gonna look at me out a little bit we're gonna get a lot more distance here maybe we can catch him on this angle I think that's him oh it is it is it is why did I stop he didn't move at all I thought it was a body why would you this man took like three minutes to react to me shooting him I thought he was a [ __ ] body there we go now he's dead put three rounds in and he didn't move he didn't do anything I was like it's gotta be a body and then he stood up oh my god I totally thought those a [ __ ] body that's gotta be the slowest reaction to getting shot at I've ever seen in my entire freakin life holy [ __ ] sir are you insane oh dear God what do I do here I'm getting overwhelmed nope I gotta check that check this rough us-made meds and stuff uh-huh I'll take that what else have time to go through your belt as much as I want this I can't oh this is actually gonna be better taking too long doing this here's some stuff Oh No okay we're good as much as I want the belt we can't grab it here's some stuff guys summers a little bit better than the one we had on which is why we put it on okay we're good let's chill let's troll let's kill this chill yeah so I honestly would rather take SKS's instead of aks at this point it's just m16 is just so much better than [ __ ] crappy buy four or five ammo I did test shooting people ten times with 545 eggsy thanks for the 1088 you shoot that man thanks please no [ __ ] Mosin this time Nomos and scav happy great alright we're gonna cross this throat here and push for extract pull this out sm6 to PS in my opinion is better than a k until you can get it oh god no this is good and bad doctor fault so it's good because it means that most likely there's no one around here hmm if they are they're gonna be directly underneath it's also Oh No whatever word they were so [ __ ] dead holy [ __ ] and we're leg it's a to be one I got no cover huh pop the pain get in the deep corner I gotta get that [ __ ] better position than that I need a reset right now reset reset reset reset reset [ __ ] he zeroed my leg we have no [ __ ] we either kill it or go all the way around that's literally the only two options we have kill it or go all the way around they're not aggressing so we were running out of time here we're gonna go all the way around they're not committing which is really [ __ ] bad they're gonna aggress all the way I need a load can you get to this [ __ ] dock [Music] I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead give me the second please now oh [ __ ] god no oh I had zero option there I had zero option because we can't aggress out of the corner we had zero [ __ ] option holy [ __ ] that was just terrible timing they just came over the ridge at the very end there oh no that was just uh we had zero option so the way you get out of that is number one if they push you and you catch him because they're getting cocky and you kill him but they weren't they're playing it hella [ __ ] safe who killed me probably a good job they played it they played that so [ __ ] well because the entire time they kept pressure up which gave which made me run out of options right so like sometimes when you run it too inexperienced players what they'll do is they'll sit at range and they'll just try to camp you out with two players but when you have a 2v1 advantage like that and better positioning they're doing the exact correct thing which is pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure and they're taking ground away from me until I [ __ ] up because as long as they have one person covering and one person pushing like normal bounding there's no way I can properly react to that in that situation back into the corner so they just kept on doing that pushing me back pushing me back shoot move shoot move shoot move all the way until I ran out of sprint or they landed lucky shots enough to zero out my stamina so they played that so well and then the second thing that they did like [ __ ] genius Lee which is like top tier play is they did the two they did the one one split where one of them came around the left one of them came around the right and what you do by doing that is you negate the cover if both of them approach from the same direction I can play that rock all day long by counter-rotating them if that makes sense but as soon as you split if you have numbers advantage on a guy and you split the rock he has no cover because your other gonna catch them on one side or on the other side so what I ended up doing there the only way you can get out of that is to try to kill one because no matter what you do with two players running one down so long as the terrain is in a in a way where they'll shoot you as you're running they're gonna land a shot you're gonna get led you're gonna lose them whatever it is they're gonna be able to outrun you so what you have to do is take a fight and kill one as soon as you kill one the odds are instantly better in your situation because now you can play cover so in a 2v1 scenario you kill one that means the other player is now stuck behind the rock and you can continue kind of rotating around the rock so the gold there when I took that fight on that first guy when I hit that rock was I need to kill this player because if I kill this player I can play this rock and just keep counter-rotating the second guy if I can't just keep running because they'll just run me down I'll run out cover and things to put behind me and I can't just sit behind this rock because if they do the one one split like they did I'm gonna get pushed out of cover because they're gonna flank so the decision to take the fight was the right call I just needed a better position so I could I would have taken that first I would have taken a fight earlier on but I just didn't have the cover for it just the trees there we're not gonna be good enough so what we had to do was find a better piece of cover to fight on so we've kept pulling back until we could find one we found the rock which I was like this is where we're gonna have to fight because there's no other cover around here I'm running out of sprint they're gonna run me down you get on the rock and you try to take a fight because if you just sit behind the rock and wait they're gonna one one split you and you're just gonna die because as soon as you take cover from one the second guy on the other side of the rock is gonna get you so you have to take a fight immediately and take one of them one of them out so you can play the rock I don't know what that guy was wearing cuz he was hella kitted but let's take a look at the hit count so we hit 27 times with p.s rounds we're landing shots I think these guys are just wearing like really good armor or something I would I really want to see a breakdown of like player 2 player how many rounds we we hit but I mean that was a solid raid we got into a lot of fights there it's just [ __ ] timing dude there's nothing we could have done there but timing they just came over the ridge right as we're dead dead caught under the rock and that's just you're just dead at that point especially because it was two of them if it was one of them it was one player what I would have done is put shots on him and then get him wounded enough to where I could turn around and run what also [ __ ] this is they black their leg so I knew we were totally [ __ ] right there so unfortunately we just got caught really out of position last raid those two players did it perfectly perfect bounding perfect flanking and they caught me on the rock so 100% they deserve that kill unfortunately though this does mean that we have to go back in on woods we just need more scab kills and we haven't been getting any we've got I have changed my mind about this I can hear anything I'm no longer from the UN I'm just a simple press boy with a long selfie stick okay we're coming up on spine we got a pretty close bond so if at most there should only be one player in front lists we're gonna go push the rock again see if we can get some cheeky kills on the other side players I usually don't usually don't like playing this out of the map just don't really know it that well I don't really feel like you get luck content or combat over there faul yes what do you got that's great I love that oh yeah all right we're lethal hello fellow citizens of tarkov here a lot of shots coming from lumber we might be able to get on top of this rock real fast and get a couple cheeky kills well look at that timing go on Oh yep mm-hmm yeah just sit there real fast nice try would you looky little here what do we get uh-huh level 14 very interesting setup you got and you sir Oh what might you have sir uh-huh very interesting okay cool cool good stuff good stuff actually I want this kind of this thank you looky loo I need to get out of this spot this is a bad spot I know okay getting out with his VSS honestly once you start pushing for extract skyvan down by checkpoint I'm gonna clear the back end here first before we look into his checkpoint hello hello these two guys would have been the closest spawners I think always load after you fire with this thing ten rounds that means 20% of your bullets are gone the loader up now I gotta really be careful about more players hugging this ball coming towards uh senator just because it is so early in the raid I'm television too hard on that guy let's just keep pushing [ __ ] why is there no cover out here why is it just trees I love I love I love just fighting with trees you know this is [ __ ] great right and then he just Houdini's to was that were you telling me so he's just gonna light me up with a shotgun and disappear into the end of the grass woods typical woods experience boys typical woods experience it's my shotgun boy anymore shut up him far or maybe not the rounds coming over my head all right stop stop that's enough thank you appreciate that well he's wearing me airsoft helmet we found the airsoft helmet like to get out I could survive I'd be a happy boy someone towards extract which is kind of concerning honestly oh god don't tell me my gun is glitched what's going on with my hands please tell me that's just visual and I can still fire my weapon alright looks like I still shoot you're just gonna get out too much pie here and I'm out of meds so ready to skip skip Diddley dude let's go yeah I probably should have done already change but it's fine all right should be home for you oh okay so we took a couple of easy kills and headed out once again we're just running into so many players and I'm not actually running into that many scabs so really unfortunate that we're just skewed more towards players right now but at least it's good content for you guys so hope you guys are enjoying these fights we're gonna take a Mosin now head back in on the woods and see what we can make happen with this kit alright so honestly probably should have just brought in an SKS but we have a most and I wanna do some bows and stuff I need to redeem my modes and abilities Howie just had no moseying kills today hopefully we can change that well same thing we're just going for player kills or skep kills so we're gonna head straight to where all the it's Gav's are which is lower yard checkpoint and SCAF house which is in this direction and try to get some of those skills it's this side of the map is pretty sparse as far as gap spawns go so that's why I usually always push pretty fast and lumber so what you can do if no one beats you here first it's actually get on top of this thing and look in that direction got to be kind of fast about doing this though scoff kill right these guys are taking this three-time you don't want to hang up on this rock for too long especially one solo I'm just gonna take my killing dip down is you stay up there and like everyone checks that rock that's in that's that's inside this building what is that three shots I guess I guess three shots we hit them three times all three of those were hits those were hits we hit him we hit him with every single one of those shots and he just he just tanked them every single dude we walk up to when we have a Mosin is wearing like level 4 plus armor I don't get it we shot six bullets and hit five of them the one miss was on the SCAF so all three of those shots hit him I don't know we did he wasn't wearing armor either dude the dude wasn't even wearing armor we did 370 damage to his body I don't know oh boy oh boy so after today I don't think I'm ever gonna touch another Mosin again until I get seven in one because the LPS is just not working out for me well we're gonna try it one last time on woods let's hope that this raid pays off all right ah same spawn well we are getting lucky with the spawns we're a little bit more lethal now semi-auto yeah I'm gonna try to stay away from the most is that Sherman unless it wasn't Sherman it wasn't I guess Sherman's not up that looks like a Oh God I think he is up yeah Sherman is up yeah I'm about to get [ __ ] heated by some Raider scavs mr. tricky I think Sherman's like right here that's a VSS Raider skive it's like in there how was shooting in there okay let's make a play yeah can we shut this guy in the [ __ ] head huh ow that [ __ ] was rude I watched German I don't know if we're gonna get him he's out in the open there we could just leave with what we got our arm has been blocked I think we just leave these slats aren't gonna let me look up this guy could be moving on us for all I know god damn it ctrl-click that's it that's all we can get he's too in the open I would love to stay and get more but it's not gonna work it's not gonna happen it's just way too greedy to stick around get the rest if he died closer to cover I'd be more inclined to do it but he didn't so not kind of the reason why you don't lay down when you do that is cuz it kills your mobility if you get shot out when you lay down it takes you like three seconds to get up and move again because you got to get off the ground so laying down right there in that situation is trash the best way to do is just fast standing up there they're already gonna see you go for the bodies so proning out doesn't help at all because the bodies in the open they're gonna see you go to the body there's no reason to prone cuz they still see you go for the body you're also in in a depression where you're like low on the ground so like proning is not gonna cover you from anything there's no cover around so the best way to do it is to just quick grab it like that so that you can sprint immediately after you close the window because if you get caught prone on the ground like that it's an easy [ __ ] headshot that's how we killed that first guy he spent so much time on the ground looting and then even when he finished looting he has to put the screen away stand up and then run so that's why you don't that's why you don't prone out in that in that situation you get to this can get cover we're gonna play it really safe and smart what the [ __ ] it's a pistol I think just guys it's fine we're gonna we have enough skin to outrun this this is where we die if we die okay get down on the dip pretty safe now I didn't check to see if there's red rebel if there's red rebel all may be very upset we had to hit that loot screen so fast well I guess I'll find out when I play back if there's a red rebel or not yeah alright well we did it I'm glad we stuck around for one more raid alright so we got that one player got that one reader scav we didn't want to stick around to check to see what the hell is going on we got KITT we got here with three six six EXO at zero at our arm how come when I shoot people with that round it doesn't kill it doesn't hurt them at all oh boy oh boy what a grueling long-ass day but at least we got it done and I'm glad we stuck around for that last raid because it made it all worth it though that kill on acid was pretty juicy as well but if you made it this far in this video thank you so much for watching don't forget to Like comment and subscribe as always and just a reminder that our streams are Monday Wednesday Friday from 2 to 5 p.m. Pacific and if you're looking for all the unedited vods don't forget to check out that blue join button down below as $5 members and up get access to all that exclusive content but that's all I've got for you for now you guys enjoyed today's video and how to laugh and learn something and I'll see you guys in the next one [Music]
Channel: Karmakut
Views: 115,332
Rating: 4.8931584 out of 5
Keywords: karmakut, escape from tarkov, eft, escape from tarkov playthrough, tarkov, tarkov day 1, tarkov wipe, escape from tarkov day1, beginners guide, full play through series, escape from tarkov wipe, escape from tarkov tips, escape from tarkov beginners guide, escape from tarkov update, lets play, day 2, tarkov day 2, escape from tarkov day 2
Id: SxwfP8uOwvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 24sec (5844 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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