Pastor Tye Tribbett | LiVe Church Orlando

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[Music] [Music] [Music] your promises are yes and amen do just what you say lord you are a man of your word you cannot lie hallelujah so we thank you for all of your promises that we read in the word of god it is not just for hope it is not just for strength the promises of god is his plans for our lives that's actually your agenda for our lives so we receive it in the name of jesus i say we receive it in the name of jesus if you believe the promises of the word of god clap your hands and receive it now every word is true every word will come to pass no word will return to him lord it has to accomplish it has to accomplish that which is set to do so if he says should bless your blessing if he says you're healed you're healed if he says he's gonna provide he got to i said he [Music] i got news for you he's going to keep you in 2021 he has not changed he's the same he has strength for you he has strength for you he has strength for you i speak strength over your life in the name of jesus amen strength over your life in the name of jesus strength over your life in the name of jesus for he will not remove every problem [Music] he will not remove every test things come in your life that you must endure so i speak strength over you not the removal of issues but strip to endure it in the name of jesus this year you will grow stronger than ever you will grow stronger this year in the name of jesus father we thank you for another year we thank you for another day that you have made we thank you god for keeping us hallelujah keeping us through 2020 and bringing us into a whole new year we thank you hallelujah call god for your faithfulness in the name of jesus thank you for your mercy thank you for your goodness thank you for your grace if we had 10 000 tons we could not accurately thank you but we are here as an expression of our worship god we're devoting this time to you we're devoting this energy and its focus to you god be glorified in the name of jesus and let not leave the same way that we came in jesus name caught your hand to say amen come on say it man in the room be seated be seated thank you be seated it's a brand new year happy new year how many of y'all excited about 2021 [Music] okay all five of y'all good that you're all excited i say how many are all excited about 2021 let me hear some excitement in the room if you're excited about 2021 i have some instruction for you i got a word for you got a declaration for you we got a whole lot going on today it's a new day it's a new year and i don't know about you but i'm not playing with 2021 i'm not playing i it's not it's not play time it's not play time it's purpose time tell your name it's purpose time it is not play time it is purpose time i want to acknowledge before we get into this uh i want to congratulate wanna can y'all hear me okay all right because i like to yell a lot and make sure y'all can hear every yell in the name of jesus uh i want to congratulate one of our members is it tim may where you at timmy where you at where where there you go we want to congratulate you this is one of our members here she's been attending live for two years and she's now being promoted to captain in the united states military she's being promoted to captain in the united states military she will be relocating to fort jackson south carolina on january 29th we will miss you we pray blessings upon you in the name of jesus we pray that as god continues to promote you that you will have all that you need there will be no lack in your life and we speak god's provision and protection if you all agree with that clap your hands and say we agree god bless you tomorrow we love you so very very much welcome to live church everybody i don't know about you but i'm so excited about this brand new year i feel you excited with me i see you up there i see anybody else excited with me about a brand new year [Music] we got another chance we got a brand new start we got a clean slate this is the first sunday that this year has ever seen what you gonna do with this first sunday [Music] live the law of the first the law of the first states that uh if you give god what's first he'll bless the rest matter of fact how you treat the first of anything is the indication of how the rest will be how you wake up in the morning your attitude in the morning is an indication of how your attitude will be the rest of the day so how you treat the first things is very very significant and important even if you don't exude the same energy throughout the rest of it the how you treat the first is important so let me ask you one more time what are you going to do with this first sunday up 20 21. [Music] what you gonna do what you gonna do what you gonna do i'm gonna enter into his gates with thanksgiving i'm gonna enter to his cart with praise i'm gonna be thankful until [Music] hallelujah hallelujah somebody shout hallelujah [Music] hallelujah jesus there's a lot that is happening in the spiritual realm and this month the top of this month we're going to really capitalize on the supernatural and spiritual lenses because it'll be foolish to continue throughout this year or throughout our lives without prioritizing the supernatural realm because a lot of things that are happening in our lives are the results of what's happening in the spiritual realm and i don't want to just keep dealing with the fruits unless we deal with the roots as well are y'all hearing me so this is going to be a supernatural year for liv in particular so get ready to live in the supernatural supernatural simply means it's beyond you tell your neighbor it's beyond me it's beyond me at this point it's beyond me i can't do it in my natural ability i can't think it up in my natural wisdom i don't have enough creativity i ain't got enough swag i don't have enough no it's beyond me i gotta function in the supernatural realm i like the natural realm that's cool but there's another level there's a higher level and we gotta function in the supernatural realm i'm just making declarations right now i'm just making proclamations right now i'm gonna say a whole lot of things today some things might hit you some things might hit you some things might hit you some things might hit you but god knows what we all need up in the building so get what you can get i said get what you're gonna get and take it for your life this is the year of the supernatural i'm gonna go right in i'm gonna go right in because i have so much i want to share how y'all doing a lot of business here today who's here for the first time today first time first time ever how y'all doing how y'all get here i all know how y'all know about church how'd you how did you know about service today how did you know about service she brought you they made you do it okay how'd you find out about church this family right here yeah your family told you you got a good family how'd you find out online what specifically what youtube instagram live page my page i'm trying to see what's working y'all every form of advertisement costs money uh more specifically my page lynn page passentere who page both of them live am i all right who else who else found out how did y'all find out about the church somebody from oh somebody from another church well amen however you got here we go we are so glad you guys are here and welcome to live church we pray you enjoy your experience today you have chosen the right church to be on the first sunday of the year [Music] i want to get into this just to get this thought out i have so many things i just i have to get it i have to get it out so i want to start speaking now my name is ty and for those who don't know my name is ty my wife is walking in now her name is shantae [Applause] we are the leaders here at live church i need a water i need a water and we're the leaders here at live church so thank you all so much for joining us thank you baby the mic sounds a little weird right use the regular light the regular mic sounds better okay okay okay [Music] thank you thank you thank you oh man see hello y'all got me oh man this is what i call the revival mic y'all in trouble now i tried to keep it cool but listen now y'all got me started now i'm trying to keep it cool y'all in trouble now i'm just playing i'm just playing so today now you can hear me do i have to say everything over again okay good get ready for a breakthrough year y'all this is going to be a breakthrough year for you i said get ready for a break this is not the year you break down this is the year you break through look at somebody and just say breakthrough i said get ready for a breakthrough year this year 2021 will be a breakthrough year for you in the name of jesus breakthrough in your mind breakthrough in your health breakthrough in your business breakthrough doing your finances but get ready for a break oh i'm trying to relax when somebody screamed right [Music] with the year we have had who is ready for a show enough real breakthrough in your life ah jesus whoa breakthrough breakthrough breakthrough some of us have been broken down in 2020 but this is the year you break through in the name of jesus things you've been waiting on let me let me get into this sit down y'all rushing me that's not even where i'm going but that's just one of the things you can catch if i'm throwing out a whole lot of stuff did you did you catch that i said i'm just gonna throw out some stuff y'all better catch it i said this is a breakthrough year for some of y'all some of you have been stagnant you've been stuck you've been in a place where you feel like you can't get out there's nothing better for you you've been stressed out you've been lonely you've been depressed you've seen no help you've seen no hope you see dark clouds only but god says weeping has endured a night your joy it's time for a breakthrough in your life somebody screamed right through i feel like running in here today i feel like running okay okay [Music] all right this is your breakthrough year 2021 is your break through year this is the year you walk into what's next i'm just talking you walk into what's next i look at the natural how you say than how you say the year 2021 after 20 is 21. this is the year of what's next did y'all catch that it's very practical it's very simple you ain't got to be 20 21 it's time for what's next in your life you've been doing 20 20 20 20 you've been doing that long enough it's time to take the next step it's time to go to the next level it's time to break through and break out i feel it right now it's time for what's next in your life i was studying trying to like lord after 2020 what in the world would you want me to share with liv it's so many things not that it's nothing to say there's so many things to say i say lord after the cr after the year we've had what should i say first thing he told me was well how bad was the year for you i said well really okay now we're gonna keep it real okay y'all want that y'all just want to believe that 20 20 was just so horrible it wasn't that bad for everybody i'm so sorry about that everybody that had a great 2020 can y'all make some noise with me not for me with me because even through 2020 he was faithful he's good i was blessed i was provided for i elevated i went to the next level the world was crazy but god was faithful i need some crazy people to thank god for last year the world ain't doing this the world is so ready to dismiss 2020 because of what the media presented but what the word presented came alive in my life i thank god for 2020. sad to see it go so soon [Music] sad to see it go so soon [Music] no disrespect for not being insensitive to anyone who experienced loss from the virus or any other thing or furloughed or lost your job i'm not being insensitive to that but that happens all the time people lost loved ones in 2015. you know that right so just because the media increased warfare doesn't mean god didn't remain good he was still good last year matter of fact he can't help but he's always going to be good i don't care what year we live in or what we go through god has to be good and all things has to work i thank god for less you sad to see it go so soon so let me tell you about where we're gonna go i was reading up and doing some research quickly as to what direction i go i should go this year and most people know how i look up how i study for the years i've said it many times and how i look it up in scripture i did that again just to see if the lord speaks not as a gimmick but i look it up to see if he speaks and he spoke so what i mean by that is every year i i look up like the year in scripture like so i was looking up genesis 20 21 exodus 20 21 leviticus 20 and maybe one of those scriptures he gonna be like baby that's how i first seek the lord for what's in store for me next year that's one of my first steps in seeking them ty if it ain't at 20 21 i look up chapter 2 verse 21. i just try to seek the lord i was looking for one thing he gave me well let me just tell y'all let me tell you where we're going here's the first thing that he showed me is second chronicles 2021 after consulting with the people you've talked to people long enough that's number one they don't want that let me come over here you've consulted social media long enough you've consulted the horoscopes long enough you've gotten people's opinion long enough this is the year where people are no longer your source do they want this they could be a reference but they could not be your source even if they provide anything for you they're still a re a resource after consulting with the people the king ordered some musicians the singers now mind you in this scripture jehoshaphat and the people of god were being encamped by enemies on every side this is like a pandemic sorry has anybody been troubled on every side this should be your response to trouble on every side are y'all hearing what i'm saying appoint some singers and musicians put the robes on that they wore in the sacred occasions and marched ahead of the army singing i said this i said this a while ago how god wants us to sing first of all can i say this uh when god because we're in a new culture now where uh we come to these settings weekly twice a week whatever to hear new information new revelation what's god saying next seven days is not enough time to even apply what you learned last sunday so i can really get up here and preach what i preached last week and i should keeping up with the kardash i mean the culture got these preachers coming up with something new every week when noah preached one word for a hundred years get on the boat they're quiet john the baptist one word repent be baptized that's it i got much more to say it's about pretty much it right there because i don't want to keep hammering that's like you didn't even do it we don't have time to do in one week you don't have time stuff you don't have time to even apply the word you heard so any words you hear whether it's a new whether if i say something new today or whatever it never dismisses the last if i say something new and different it doesn't dismiss shake it off because it's some stuff i'm still anybody still shaking in here look just go like this and say i'm still shaking it off whoa summer 2020 trying to leave some residue on you shake it off look at your neighbor and say that's still my word that's still real talk jarvis the come up is still my word okay i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry tim i'm sorry too i was about the priest to come up i said they're gonna think i'm corny but we can't dismiss just because we're adding to our faith we're so dismissive so i don't want to move it too fast let me give y'all something fresh what i'm just saying i don't feel obligated to do that because how are you going to walk it out unless it's repeated how are you going to get it in your spirit and ingrained in your subconscious unless you hear it unless y'all just go home and just listen to the podcast always i mean we don't do that i don't know who does who doesn't if you do god bless you not thank you but for the most part you need to hear it again so do not dismiss anything just because you're hearing something else you got to know where you are this section over here might have got shake it off and ain't ready for what's next y'all probably still shaking and that's fine so don't feel the pressure to move on if you have not already accomplished or applied the last word amen but i ain't about to be able to kill myself trying to give you something new every week just because mess around be a video up here last week we all be look right it's still the same words in the bible for over 2 000 years okay after consulting with the people you got to appoint the singers appoint the singers in your life get the sing out of you get a song i preached it before but this will be your sanity your song will be your sanity in certain seasons your song not a podcast not somebody talking is good the word is good but a song now i preached this before and some of y'all just not like yeah i got it but yo we he he he gave us that word so he can become part of our lifestyle not so it could be a part of a series how many y'all remember the sermon sing sing sing okay cool that was march that was when the pandemic was first about to hit and we didn't think we had to shut down sing sing the first thing he said when under attack sing sing sing should be your first choice weapon against any warfare prayer and singular lord i trust you i don't care i don't know what it is i tried to write two songs for y'all we're gonna be all right hallelujah anyhow i'm just trying to give you some content you're gonna be like i know you have good plans for me plans to just sing plans to succeed you know the thoughts you've been towards me and i'm so grateful you love me i know that when you look at me you see your child you see my [Music] your promises are yes and amen and i believe yeah you will do what you say hey my trust in you will not waver the victory [Applause] until wow one more time all right sit on down sit on there so sing sing sing sing sing it keeps coming after hit got me thinking maybe this is it i got this war going on in my mind trying to make me think my faith is counterfeit no certain days it feel like my faith is running low but it's a mustard seed so i must believe in what i sow all right sit on down what i saw sit on down what i saw [Music] so so in tears what you order will grow never fear it's all under control the storm is here but i'm asleep on the boat yes everything you went through you knew you would be blessed the devil tried to pull you down but you see the mark so you press yeah christ brought me out so many times why stress so imma sing hallelujah anyhow through the test hallelujah [Music] oh this is my soul this is my praise this is my weapon [Applause] [Applause] hallelujah after consulting with the people the king ordered musicians singers to sing yeah macho where's your song where's your song where's your song where's your song i see your research i see you're studying but where's your song oh god oh god you don't have to be able to sing to sing unto the lord the singers went before the fighters before you fight praise i'm just throwing stuff out for 20 21 you can catch it or not before you confront the enemy praise before you have a chance to be confused sing people who do not do this are susceptible to the armies coming against them these are weapons these are techniques these are supernatural strategies that most look over like oh my gosh what i need to get my business off the ground forget that no no you cannot forsake the supernatural strategies for your success there are supernatural strategies that guarantee your success and because your flesh does not enjoy it or think is minimal or like i need something more we do not engage in the strategies therefore we do not experience success are you hearing me that's why i think never mind let me go the first series i think i'm gonna do in january is born again because this word don't work if you ain't everything i'm saying today will mean nothing unless you you can't listen with the ears you were born with you got to listen with new ears you can't see what the eyes you were born with you got to see with new ears that's why jesus said don't even be confused marvel not you must be you could tell who got new life by who responds to the word in worship or how they you ain't got to jump up i'm not saying jump up and do that but you in your heart how you respond to what's being said or sung shows your birth record [Music] hallelujah so singing makes no sense to those who are not born again it makes perfect sense to those who understand the kingdom ways because we understand that god's ways don't make natural sense if y'all understand what i'm saying i'm quoting a scripture here and i'm telling you to sing in the face of confusion but in real life it was real life armies like bombs and we're not bombs but today's time it will be serious warfare and god tells you to sing a lot of times we want instructions that directly penetrate the issue god is saying i don't want you to even focus on the issue because that battle it's not yours so this battle is the lord's maybe we're losing battles because we're fighting his uh oh it was never meant for you to fight it was meant for you to turn to him and say lord i trust you in it that's what it [Applause] and as you address him he'll respond to you i'll just jump to the end i just jumped to the end i just jumped to the end they treated this moment like a sacred moment treat worship like warfare and warfare like worship my worship is not just i love the lord he heard my cry yes he did hear you crying pity every girl and i love that it's not just the adoration of who he is it's warfare against what's coming against your mind worship is warfare are y'all hearing what i'm saying when i stop drop and worship him i'm not ignoring my issue i'm going to him about it and beware when i go to my father about my problems did y'all hear what i just said beware when i go to my daddy about my issues put the same clothes you put on in sacred occasion all right put the same mindset you have on in church we get real sober and humble in those moments in church you almost don't know what to do people just get quiet that's how i know people humble worship get real strong and the presence of god is thick you can't even praise you just like this is real yeah and it's supposed to be real monday it's supposed to be real tuesday it's supposed to be real look at your neighbor say keep it real that's a good one it's your responsibility to keep it real put on the same mindset you do on sacred occasions you cannot afford to go to work just mad at your supervisor like this is not warfare you cannot afford to address your family members and your friends that you act like it's not warfare lord i keep a song in your heart i always say it a song lasts longer than a sentence you can get a quote that you live by you know what i'm saying don't fear cool but that's over after you say it a song has the tendency to linger did you hear what i said i don't want to talk about this because it's not where i'm going but the song has a tendency to linger and once it's once you once it lingers you learn it and it becomes part of you amen i say it all the time we know songs that we hate like oh my god i hate this song because the radio play is so much because you hear so much every everybody playing the mall everybody you just like oh i don't know and you just know the song but you hate it but you know it because you've heard it so many times and the song has the ability to stick you're going to need faith that sticks so even if you listen to songs and worship and stuff like that get songs that have the word in it sometimes you learn that you learn your abcs by singing it right i can't even say it without singing it right [Music] tell your neighbor say whatever you do don't stop singing and send the praise out before the fight the only thing your enemies should see is praise they don't know it's a fight behind the praises from your enemy's point of view you just trust god from your enemy's point of view you praising them anyhow from your enemy's point of view you got peace from your enemy's point of view you got joy from your enemies point of view you're content from your enemy's point of view you good from your enemies point of view we're too vulnerable to our enemies by exposing our anger [Applause] we're too vulnerable to the enemy when you show anger you expose weakness when you when i can see where i got you at if i can find a weak spot never let them see you sweat only let them see you praise i'm always happy i'm always you don't even know what i'm going through i'm just dancing dancing you don't know what i'm going through i'm just dancing dancing you don't even know what i'm going i'm just dancing dancing you don't even know what i'm thinking about i'm just dancing dancing don't even know what i'm going through i'm just dancing dancing [Applause] [Music] you don't even know what i'm going through i'm just dancing dancing yo do you know what i'm thinking about i'm just all right stop playing we in church okay [Applause] second scripture i went to first two words was fear now orlando i mean orlando land y'all missing it in the spirit y'all missing what i'm trying to do in the spirit i'm trying to personalize the scriptures and y'all like they don't say orlando man get in the flow right now i said fear not orlando fear not live well what should i do be glad read rejoice the lord will do in 2021 fear not just be glad and rejoice because god will do great things [Music] i'm sorry i normally scream things because i'm excited but let me tell y'all what i'm saying trade fear for joy now it's impossible to dismiss fear unless you feel secure because my fear is my protection of my emotion my belong whatever i i'm fearing it's because i'm trying to protect something you understand what i'm saying most animals attack humans they think are attacking them so because of fear they attack god doesn't want you moving out of fear be glad and rejoice how could i be glad and rejoice you got to trust you got to trust and rest in hell this will be a heavy trust year this needs to be a heavy trust year for you liv faith and trust faith means works trust means rest faith means work trust means rest there's going to have to be a heavy faith and trust year for you but in both instances you don't know how you don't know when all the time but i'm trusting and i'm having faith but just because you can't predict when where and how god is going to do a thing does not mean you shouldn't trust them we need content for trust you know what i'm saying like what time you're gonna be here okay when you're leaving your house text me when you leave text with you you need all that to believe you're gonna do what you say well god is just i'm god have i not proven faithful have i slipped up on any of my promises i'm just god so this is both the area of the unknown faith and trust to live there you're gonna have to know him and trust him that's why we start we're born again because trust and faith don't make sense to people who are not in him never mind okay fear not we talked about it last week how fear opens you up to every emotion fear opens you up to anger fear opens you up to stress fear fear fear opens you up to options when you know the word and trust the word there are no options when you know the word and trust god there are no other options when you fear there are millions of options fear opens you up to options outside of god that's why he keeps screaming don't fear look at me look at me peter look at me fear die i know you're on the water but it's okay 20 21 god is saying that's your word [Applause] ain't that funny how every living thing knows what that mean yeah i saw this girl with these birds never mind like these birds was in the wrong lawn they was playing around these birds with these big old vultures she like what y'all doing out there they was like you know when you're wrong three more scriptures i'm just throwing stuff out y'all with me sing get a song tell yourself i gotta get a song or two or three or four i gotta get a song i gotta get a song and this time it can't be young thug and i love them it can't be i i i [Applause] it can't be mega styling this time and god ble it can't be that's not the song that's going to help you against the enemy of your mind and your soul that's not the so this is a year of needs not once this is the year where your focus should be what you need and not what you want are y'all hear me your wants leave you opening too much too your needs narrow it down get a song fear not and rejoice god's going to do great things he always does great things he always does great things we just don't always notice it or see it because it's not how we want it all the time my next scripture i was doing research i stumbled across paul is talking to philippi and he said you know what ever since i got locked up the homies that was with me scattered so i'm sending timothy he's proven faithful he got it he cares for y'all but the guys that was with me they left to start their own to fulfill their own ambitions and paul was like man because all men everybody seek their own not the things which are jesus christ this is not the year to seek your own i hope you all danced on the last two points this is not the year to seek your own you will miss it again this is the year to seek what's christ what's important to him what does he care about i love what he loves i hate what he hates this is the year i align my affections with what he cares about because i've gone after what i care about to no avail how many uh can you let's be real if i'm wrong say i'm wrong you go after what you want and either you don't get it or when you get it you're not fulfilled if i'm wrong say no you're wrong preacher i'm ready okay good i was so scared okay like god give me a response if they say something anyway this is not the year to go for your own it's to seek what's important to christ that's what's important to him forgiveness all right never mind i want that list okay but to be christians for us to be christians is weird that all of his ways are like uncomfortable for us it's grievous it's weird to be christians and i say forgive and we get tight that's just regular christ stuff we ain't get to the devil yet we didn't get to satan and all the demons there's athena and legions that might be in your mind or your house or your aunt or in your artifacts or your paintings at your house we ain't even talk about all that we talk about regular christ stuff and to be saved christians to get tight on basic christ one-on-one stuff is an issue that's why i'm teaching born again not now next week but i should start because i'm keep talking about it but you can just tell i'm full of it this is not the year to seek your own interest y'all it's the year to seek what's important to christ again you have to trust like all right if i'm gonna look after you i know you're gone you're gonna look after me are you hearing me the scripture says it like this seek ye first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all those things you would go after it's gonna be added to you that's how the bible puts it seek ye first the kingdom of god not your next all these things will be added to you what's important to him what grieves his heart what does he want me to do in that you will be fulfilled never mind okay i went to another 221 and he said god called you to do good even [Music] if it means suffering do you hear the word bro just like christ's suffering for you how many of y'all glad jesus died for your sins we all all of our hands should be up or clapping i'm glad he died for my aren't you happy wasn't that a good thing sometimes good things hurt and if you really gonna love god or love people or love your wife or love anything get ready for some pain [Applause] i'm trying to help you out 20 21. i just want to say breakthrough here we run out like run through no let's keep it real yo it ain't just breakthrough here that's gonna happen hallelujah but yo this is gonna happen too you're gonna have to do some good things that hurt like forgive let's go back to that sometimes good things hurt do good to them that despitefully use you whoa i could go down the whole list y'all know the worst one not the worst excuse me father strike that from my book in heaven in jesus name the most challenging one to me is turning the other cheek [Music] strike it strike it go ahead michael go ahead crush that out michael i'll wait not the worst scripture god forgive me turning the other cheek that's good but it hurts i don't mean literally somebody hit you even though that's included but that means not always clapping back online just stuff just all right never mind cause it's your heart it ain't the context it's your heart he is your example and you must follow they don't like this i wish you must follow in his steps who's his jesus the one who ain't had no place to lay his head the one who served others the one oh no the prince of peace the one who they let pluck his beard no the one who forgave the one that did good the people who hated him the one who who blessed those that cursed him we got to walk in those footsteps [Applause] and listen listen i'm talking to christians i'm not at lake eola right now this place should be screaming like yeah we're gonna do it anybody ready to follow christ's steps [Music] you can't scream yes in your own strength you need the holy spirit inside of you screaming yes you need to be born again because nothing in tribute says yes but everything in kingdom says i'm ready i'm ready [Music] god called you to do good this is the year you do good that's your calling [Applause] i love it god will bless you when you do good i'm a witness i was talking to was it faith evans when we went to uh we were talking to faith evans when we me attempted to snoop the whole thing we still say so we did this thing with snoop and we went out to eat and faith evans came through and she's like so where y'all from oh my god where are you from she was like you know she said ty you're from camden she's like oh camden i'm from camden new jersey that is like faith evan said whoa biggie got locked up there i said oh i'm talking to somebody kevin hart i said carry on from you from philly i'm from canada i'm we're friends we go we're always going to be friends i ain't messing with kevin and he said some other explicits let me let y'all go home went to a restaurant last night guy from new york i heard his accent what part what part of new york you're from oh how'd you know you had this new york swag i'm from brooklyn where are you from from camden whoa so from a waiter to celebrities everybody's view of canvas but look at what god did when you do good even if you're suffering he will bless you when you follow in him i'm not perfect i'm far from flawless but i do good i'm not bragging that's him in me so i'm thanking him for the good that's in me that is him we all got good in us we just don't let it out when you let it out here as it blessings out when you let the good out he lets his favor out when you let the good out he lets his wisdom out let it out that's why it says let your light so shy you all got a light but you ain't letting it shine this little light of mine i'm gonna let it shine let it shine look at your neighbor and say let it shine to the right shine to the left and shine all around me let it shine let it shine let it shine even if it hurts even if i gotta suffer in my flesh to do it i will be rewarded we came from the worst starting from the bottom homeless living out our car living with her mom living with the basement living yo it had nowhere to live they had no money for our wedding we got a little flower bouquet with all these one dollar bills on it i thought it was a million dollars when i first got it it was like 20. but we said hey we are always going to have money we ain't never going all right val we never gonna have to touch this flower we got marriage and we are blessed we will have this for the rest of our lives because we never got to touch it man three weeks [Applause] we was plucking them things like like figs it's just this time until we got down to that last dollar you sure maybe yeah we have nothing now we have no worries i'm not bragging i'm praising god because it pays to do things his way [Music] you feel me do good when you're done wrong i can go down the list of things that happened to me that was that i was done dirty me my wife was talking about this last night like i can't believe we made it out of some of the stuff we made it out of but when you do good when you do good got about cordial inside when you do good oh god in spite of the how you respond how you responded to in spite here's my last scripture i think my last two this the one that really struck me like okay for me i'm gonna call this year this for me you probably can call it a few other things this is for me and it might not hit you the same way he said this is hosea 2 21 and it will come about in that day that i will respond it hit me just like i i outlined he said ty this is the year i respond i said whoa this is the year that god responds says the lord i will respond to the heavens was asked for rain to pour on the earth i will respond to the earth with asphalt and begs for rain and the earth shall respond to the grain and the new wine which is joy and the oil which is power which beg to bring them forth and they will respond to my people so god is going to respond to certain elements that's going to respond to you to bring you prosperity joy and peace this 2020 had a lot to say this is the year god responds whoa racism had a lot to say last year but this is the year god responds politics had a lot to say last year this is the year god responds warfare had a lot to say last year but this is the year god responds sit down i got a little more for you yeah yeah this is the year he responds he's going to respond to the things that we've been going through i can encourage you all day on that listen whatever god's going gonna respond he's gonna turn it yes but let me i'll i'd rather take this street this other street i'm taking but god is gonna respond to things that have been bothering you things he's gonna respond because you're his child if you continue to read the scripture he's gonna cause you to be restored see that this is your year of restoration this is the year you get it back when god responds you get your stuff back oh now did you hear what i said when god responds your peace comes back when when god responds your joy comes back get ready for god to respond and his response ends up in your restoration whatever you lost get ready to get it back baby get ready to get it back because you're his child the bible says this is the year he responds so that means this is the year of sowing and reaping yes sir i'm about to raise no money too y'all should know me better than that this is the year of sowing and reaping this is the year of cause and effect this is the year we initiate amen amen you're not sitting back waiting on god to whatever you want to see in your life you got to cause it whatever effects or results you want to see in your life you got to cause it i'm going to tell you what calls me in a minute we're going to call everybody yeah i'm saying this is not to sit back and wait year this is the year we activate our faith and activate your trust cause and effect sowing and reaping whatever effects or results you desire you got to cause it look at your neighbor say we got to cause it now god is going to cause some things as well that he wants to see in your life because the first time we see cause in the bible in this context is with adam i say it all the time yes so adam is in the garden alone naming all the male and female animals naming all them god brought the animals to adam to see what he would name it he names all the animals and god says there's nobody for him it's not good for man to be alone it's the only thing he said is not good we're going to talk about that too because i know some people like your own personal space or your own but you can't fully develop that way you got to trust somebody you need some i ain't talking about a spouse only but two are better than one he says this i need to get somebody for adam so the lord caused a deep sleep to fall upon adam and the bible says and adam slept i love that god caused it adam went with it i printed something that apocalypse said lean with it rock with it if god calls it something just go with it because god doesn't make he causes you put celine on the direction he wants you to go tell your neighbor lean with it whatever whatever relationships god is causing to end just leave with it whatever relationship he wants to open up and have you trust just he's causing us to go to sleep so he can bring us the greatest blessing we can't even think of adam couldn't even have dreamed of eve are you understand what i'm saying so for god to give you what you can't even dream of you got to go to sleep you got to stop fighting you got to release your will all together be totally limp and vulnerable say god however you want to any way you bless me so when god causes a lean in your life don't hold on to what he's causing to end and don't end what he wants to continue or start i'm breaking all these down as the year unfolds i'm just saying what we're going to focus on this year give god something to respond to thank you thank you give this is the year god responds give them something to respond to besides just waking up what are you giving him in genesis uh i could go all day but let me just stop genesis chapter one we see that blessings follow order after chaos god put everything back in order and then he blessed it so we experienced chaos some of us in 2020 now get your stuff together get it in order and god will respond okay we don't want to do that okay okay all right give god something to respond to here we go can y'all have just a little more this is the year you got to get your stuff together order get your stuff together get your mind together order get your heart together order get your business together order get your health together order get your relationships together order get your finances together order you ain't gonna have a million dollars but have order with the 5. give god something to respond to faith faith the woman with the issue of blood she said if i could just touch the hem of his garment i know i'll be made whole she activated in her faith touched to him and god out of everybody else that was touching him he responded to somebody's faith i y'all hear what i'm saying give god something to prayer asked god peter was walking on water he started drowning jesus didn't save him he didn't budge can't you see him in this pandemic he don't move cause you're in a storm y'all move you not him so the question is why is it moving you [Applause] peter is drowning but jesus does nothing until peter asks him lord save me that prayer is what jesus responded to jesus doesn't respond to trouble he responds to faith he responds to prayer he don't respond to you drowning he don't respond to your calamity he don't respond to your problem he don't respond to your stress he don't respond to your lonely feeling he don't respond to your depression he responds to your prayer get me out of depression yes ma'am get me out of stress yes sir i see you in it but i can't move until you invite me because this is the year i don't initiate i resp i man i respond whoa so we're going back to ask seek knock all of that stuff oh i'm bringing that back all that we bring him back give that's something he responds to sow a seed forgive be patient be kind when you can snap and cut somebody out when you choose patience and kindness that's giving god something to respond to because he sees your sacrifice are y'all hearing me he sees oh 20 20 oh okay it's different this year 2021 hit different okay he sees your patience your kindness your humility all these things that nobody else sees he responds to are y'all hearing what i'm saying truth honesty he responds to that with security because when you tell somebody the truth and be honest it's like oh my god i put my but he'll respond with protection grace oh man i'm going too deep give god something to respond to a lot of times we respond first forfeiting god's opportunity to respond the biggest thing he responds to besides prayer and i want to say this in my closing thank you joe [Music] when it comes to god's response we're going to talk about this when i'm going to ask seek not prayer i'm going to use prayer put the next scripture up i shouldn't know it here but just look at it y'all just a long story but just try to follow me so there was an unjust ruler who didn't fear god and he ain't care about man here's this widow woman that says give me justice give me justice give me justice first of all jesus is telling a story like yo i'm trying to make a point that at all times you ought to pray and not faint the point is pray and don't fail the story is an unjust ruler with the widow saying please please give me justice and legal protection from my adversary for a time he wouldn't but later he said to himself even though i do not fear god or respect man because this widow keeps coming to bother me i will give her justice and legal protection otherwise she's gonna irk me she will be intolerable she will be an intolerable annoyance and she will wear me out the next scripture says if an unjust judge can give somebody what they want what they ask for how much more can our just father respond to your prayer god will respond even if it's not in your time [Music] i'm saying give god something to respond to you can't just do it once [Music] pray and don't keep praying keep asking keep asking keep asking keep that i gotta stop i gotta stop i gotta stop i gotta stop the culture is set up for the antichrist antichrist anti his ways this is how he wants us to pray keep doing it but the culture is set up who gonna keep asking the culture the mindset the thought proc he heard me why would i the culture is anti-christ his way the enemy is just trying to set the temperature of the world against his ways god does not get irked by you talking to him [Music] keep praying because it does something in you i'm gonna keep going it does something in you it exposes your true source it exposes your true desires and it keeps you humble she's the only one that can do it only you can do it [Music] this is the year god responds you initiate he responds look at look at god's response last scripture everybody's standing look at how god responds we're going back to the first scripture when they begin to sing the bible says when they begin to sing then the lord threw the invading armies into a panic look how god responds he responds in victory he responds in triumph when they gave god something to respond to they got victory you will not get victory this year unless you initiate it you will not win this year unless you initiate it [Music] are y'all hearing me you have to initiate victory in your mind how how do i go after peace how do i follow peace how do i get victory in my mind oh he'll keep in perfect peace whose mind has stayed on him so for a healthy mind i got to keep my mind staying on him songs scriptures but we don't want to do that because social media or what the culture is set up anti-christ this culture is perfectly set for us not to do none of the things of god [Music] but we got to be born again next week we start that series born again god is going to respond what are you going to give them a prayer life patience love giving forgiving what what are you going to initiate this year that he's going to respond to ah you should take four things and take each season to get a response in those things let's say the first season is health so you take the first month to pray about it second off the planet third month to execute it fourth month i don't know what let's do it in threes yeah 12 months right four yeah take a season winter spring summer fall to develop and get results in one area of your life [Music] do that don't just go in this year he won't bless every no no no i want to see a response in this area when you do that and god responds he's more real to you if you have random expectations you have none be specific lord i'm going hard after this for these three months i'm expecting victory in these i'm expecting breakthrough in these areas show me i pray first show me we're not just dancing this year i'm sorry y'all we're getting results [Music] it's not just promises it's fulfillment did y'all hear what i said it's not just about the promise it's not just about waving a carrot in front of you and you keep going after something you never attain [Music] it's about fulfillment this year you're going to see a victory i said i'm going to see a victory this year we're going to see a victory if that's you and you expecting victory all 20 21 let me hear you clap your hands and make some noise i'm going to see myself homie i'mma see victory i all year i'm gonna see victory i'm walking in it i'm expecting it and i'm causing it victory is the effect that i'm expecting what are you gonna do to cause it victory is the results we're expecting what are you going to do to cause it this is a cause and effect year this is a year that you are responsible as well and a lot of people hate hearing that this is not a popular message period especially the beginning of the year you just want to hear what god's going to do what god is going to do and god's going to do and god [Music] what are you going to do because i'm going to respond to whatever you do father i thank you for your word i thank you for this year thank you for the season that we're in i thank you that the ground is fertile that's all you're saying the ground is ready to respond to seed [Music] and we're gonna put our seed in the ground seed of hope see the patience we're waiting for you to respond but we're gonna initiate the change we desire to see father we pray for your holy ghost spirit in the name of jesus holy spirit fill us in the name of jesus that we can think like you walk like you talk like you in the name of jesus we cannot do this in our own strength we've done that before this year we walk in the supernatural authority in jesus name this will be a year like none other but this is the year god responds clap your hands for jesus everybody can i tell you something [Music] some of for some of you your tears has been your initiation because they that sow in tears [Music] god responds to tears some of y'all have cried more than you ever have last year god says this year i'm responding i'm coming for those tears [Music] come on now i'm going to give you joy for every tear you cried i'm responding to your pain i'm responding to your hurt i'm responding to i'm coming to see about what hurts you i'm coming to see about what pains you i'm coming to see about what confuses you god is responding to your tears that you have sown and he's giving you joy unspeakable full of glory so father we thank you for caring for us they said if his eyes on the sparrow i know he cares for us tell your neighbor i know he cares for us [Music] thank you jesus clap your hands and say thank you jesus all right i'm done let's give god something to respond to now y'all it's time to give in the house of the lord y'all ready to give this is your first seat of the new year please no walking please no walking please no walking please no walking please please please please no walking thank you so much thank you we're about to give this is a part of worship and we want to honor and respect this time all right matter of fact any time in our time of worship let's just respect it in the name of jesus who's ready to give your first offering of a brand new year make it count y'all make it count this is the first offering of 2021 i pray in the name of jesus that everyone who gives that god will give it back good measure press down shaken together and running over shall men pour into your bosom we have a video i don't want to play it right now because i'm like in a zone so for those of you who want to uh do it online and text to give it's a small little if you're doing it for the first time it's a small little page you just got to fill out for one time and from then on it'll be automatic cash app you can see all the information on the screen this is your first offering of the new year remember the law of the first he blesses the rest depending on how you treat the first make this one significant make this one count so many preachers take advantage of oh so many preachers take advantages of people especially in the area of finances because you trust the man of god you trust the woman of god and they say if you give 200 god we're not doing that we're not doing if god speaks that it's him trust me but we're trusting that you're going to be faithful in your giving believing that god responds to your giving give god something today that he can respond to in jesus name all of our finances are blessed i said all of our finances are blessed all of our bodies are whole and healed all of our minds are at peace in jesus name you may give you may give you may give serve the people of god yeah come on give me a song and then we going close yeah just what he said he would do he's gonna respond y'all this is the year god responds y'all don't give up on god he's able he's gonna respond to you this year shall be given oh excuse me there are some people walking because they're giving money in the the thing that's not dismissal so just hold on for a second it just looks like the red sea and just people just trying to get through the waters thank you all so much for your patience thank you for your order we're about to dismiss in a few minutes all right amen one more time hey one two three god's gonna respond [Music] he'll oh [Music] he's gonna respond [Music] [Music] let's do it one time is [Applause] happy new year online thank you all for joining us we love you all permanently you are our family and we love you we'll see you next week in the name of jesus [Music] you
Channel: LiVe Church
Views: 16,038
Rating: 4.9150581 out of 5
Id: tPjJ2rSyLD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 38sec (5018 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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