This AND That! - BALANCE SERIES - Part 1 | Pastor Tye Tribbett | LiVe Church Orlando

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may be seated everything is now convenient for us the upgrades on the iPhone or your phones are making it more convenient you want to say I'm on the on my way all you got to do is type OMW now everything for your but convenience can trick you and to thinking that things are supposed to serve you are you understand what I'm saying convenience can deceive you into thinking that you're supposed to adjust for me and you can't approach everything that way are you hearing me I'm just I don't want you to be deceived because you're not thinking about your phone so much right now you're not thinking about social media but the mindset that that created you're bringing here and you might be bringing into relationships and you might be taken to your job so if your boss don't move around you like this guy hey some things you gotta maneuver around get mad at your body when you sick then if you cuz you gotta adjust to your own sickness everything don't serve you you gotta serve something that's what surrendering is choosing to serve someone else's agenda surrendering we talked about that September I'm not talking about that today but to surrender to God is to choose to forfeit my right to be priority here we go I love the quietness and it's cool I know y'all listen I'm sorry my why tell me I'm coming baby do they listen okay y'all listen louder please oh the band tired they don't left me forget y'all let it go I ain't taking it out with me on the road no more when I see when I'm saved and I serve God I waved the white flag to my agenda being priority that's why you should marry somebody who's saying cuz they already understand I ain't gotta be first oh yeah not just saved but living and walking with the Lord because they understand backing up their agenda for a greater agenda you need a wife that'll serve your agenda first and not her own you need a husband that'll say what do we want to do and not just I'm doing it was quiet they say the relationship thing but I'm not too started we have not learned surrender to God first so we'll never have healthy relationships cuz your friend is not there to serve you only your spouse your boo is not there just to meet all your needs and if that's your expectation your user not a friend I don't know why I'm talking about this I told y'all I'm tired is y'all fault y'all came on the wrong Sunday I don't know what to say visitors when I say things like that I'm completely playing I'm joking and when I'm a little fatigued the jokes are a little more aggressive but you're a user you just want them for your own pleasure you don't really love them or like them people are not in your life to meet your needs only because you've demonstrated love towards them and develop trust with them they'll serve you after love and trust is established oh this is good I'm gonna do it we want to I'll do that later we've been saw y'all good y'all feelin good I'm excited y'all I'm sorry a little hype y'all all need that one hype friend anyway you be giving them your camera like a light meal it's okay that y'all whoa now y'all woke hello I pray for bless my church Jesus please I'll lay hands on everybody bless my church sky we've been talking about the secret place homie well I don't even know how long and I'm trying to move on from it but we're just gonna expand and extend it today no no no no no no I mean I'm gonna like move from it but thank you but I'm still going to include it it's almost impossible not to for first-time visitors the secret place we've identified is the place within us where the father is God dwells there whether you're saved whether you're not whether you're human whether you're an insect or animal whether you are a living creature or water and trees God knows how to communicate and speak to everything y'all remember when the Red Sea stood up God told it to so even the waters have a secret place where God can speak to them Oh y'all got me y'all remember when all the animals came two by two who told them that did the raccoon have a meeting with the giraffe saying you bored the dark yeah I've got the invite I am respond oh I don't know no let's think about Alan what I'm aware the animals didn't communicate with each other God communicated to them without salvation so yeah so the secret place is the place where you already know God is already speaking to you saved or not delivered or not you hear him we just say something told me that's for the first time business that's in a nutshell that's what the secret place is and we're gonna continue to expand from that it's the place where God speaks to you now he will always lead you to his son Christ get saved so we can be at peace it will always lead you to his son in the son will give you access to the Holy Spirit which is the mind of God so now you not only have his word you know how he thinks you know that's the spirit will give you intel and revelation on your life so you know you get discernment you can see a snake you can see a wolf in sheep's clothing like not ain't it how you doing good ain't it you can see right through people or you can see he's got a good heart he's pure here a8 but he pure God will give you his mind somebody say I need the spirit I need the spirit people can trick you without the spirit think I manipulate you without the spirit they can't deceive you without the spirit they can get your money without the spirit they can't get your body without the spirit but the Spirit gives you guys mind on things so the secret places where God speaks he'll lead you to all those things but I believe also that the secret place is the answer ish to mental illness and I just brought that up it's like the most popular topic of the entire world now everybody's mentally ill I'm not I'm not making light of itself the brain is a muscle muscles can get damaged much as muscles need reparation sometimes so I'm not talking about the brain you can have brain damage if somebody can damage the muscles the brain could be a car accident it could be you know but the mind that's very are y'all ready so to me the IDI um perhaps the ED young said it this way he said I believe that anybody who doesn't fully receive Christ suffers from a degree of mental illness I say fully receive si no you got saved last Sunday and that's good but if you're not seeking him walking in him and you know cuz you're gonna hit something in your life where you're gonna need direction right and what you do at that moment you if you do not receive God's Way you're gonna reach for your own way and that will damage anybody's mind okay let me say it like he told me ignoring what you already know will cause a pursuit of an answer or solution your way most mental illness is fighting for your way not every case so don't be this person that's a real condition I've been on pills I'm not be literally anything but everybody don't have a severe serious situation we just ignore suppress or deny the voice we already know we think we know how am I supposed to be we think we know how to relate we think we know so we push hard in that way and it's jacking us up to the point where we result to mental illness it's just unser end 'red for some for some for some let me get off that subject coz you know of course you gonna have a mental breakdown because we're not built to handle our whole lives without him now I'm ready this morning you're not built you're not structured to handle every aspect of your life without the counsel of Almighty God hi Luna he made you so that you got to depend on him so when you try to fill that void with your wine of course you won't damage something depression stems from consistently over thinking about yourself let's get into that it's gonna be five people here next week and I'm sorry Jana I'm so depressed I'm so because you're thinking about you too much and nobody's gonna tell you that no my god will happen oh my god okay so oh my god and that's cool that's cool you need people to hear you out but the answers not pills [Applause] the answer is get over yourself no pencil you don't wanna say my husband left me it's my pills a second off his mother I got you job was never depressed though oh I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry sorry job said thank you my love the Lord giveth blessed be the name of the Lord he said that when he lost everything and he was sick with the disease externally and internally damaged and dysfunctional he still said though he slay me is quietly he still said you just got fired and you depress me he lost everything it said though he slay me yet will I trust him cuz his mind was not on himself his mind was not on his issue his mind was on the god that was about and if you know you coming out you ain't got room for depression if you take away you ain't got room to be and I know right now some of y'all are trying to protect your depression I get trying to protect it online no but you understand no but you won't say no but you don't understand no but you don't just say no but you you got all these bodyguards for depression but you ain't got no bodyguard for the promises of God anything in your life can change the promise but nothing can change your depression the devil is a liar move your bodyguards from depression you can go to counseling if you want but I'll just gave it to you for free cuz at the end of the 19 weeks are getting $100 a week I didn't wanna say is we'll go volunteer at a hospital and go are they gonna say is serve but if I give you some pills for addiction that's for money too so keep getting that refilled we keep getting that down it's not to help you is to keep you controlled I could control you if I could she hooked on these meds that's not care Jesus never put anybody on medicine He healed them I said [Music] somebody like you lost your mind sweetie [Applause] woe is me I don't have look at filming I wish I had and I'm getting over there my biological clock is ticking I'm depressed of course you don't point it out like my wife said every negative thing about your life I heart Bishop Jake's say this and I'm gonna move on sometimes stress is a signal that you need to change so you need it well okay I'll finish it okay [Applause] sometimes stress could be a signal over one at your job overwhelmed at home sometimes stress can be a signal that you may need to change your systems or structure isn't that good so if you're overwhelmed in a certain area you need to change the structure of that area delegate help in that area I don't get stressed and overwhelming depressed no no no I need to have I need to have infrastructure here don't throw away all your dreams because they're overwhelming you set up systems that oh I need a new system my kids overwhelming me come my family watch them on Fridays I don't know what your system gonna be but don't accept being overwhelmed change the system y'all missed it change the structure hallelujah I need help in this area I need delegation in this area I need other things in this area get things around it that'll strengthen it and hold it out while you tend to other things and not be overwhelmed by the ain't that good I can give you our no more freebies that's it no room for stress what could I put him this place to relieve me a little bit what do I need to put in place maybe I need to not prioritize it so much maybe it is the vision for my career but not this year are y'all ready to talk about it so today God is speaking from the secret place balance [Applause] balance balance balance excuse the blurriness anytime it's blurry y'all know I did it myself you know how hard it is putting a little words on that little that's hard so can y'all clap your hands for what I did on the thank you that's all thank you thank you this okay anyway that's enough thank you so much you have all these things that you're trying to balance with God at the center he's speaking balance maybe you don't have to get rid of some things maybe you just need to learn how to balance it I just want to introduce this series I don't know how long I'll stay on in might be just today it might be a couple of weeks but it's an extension of the secret place because this is what God is instrument he's in the secret place giving you wisdom so that you can Palace my mentor says this best the kingdom is not this or that the title discernment today it's this and that this end there this go ahead the baby got it this end that we have to learn balance stress depression all these things can stem from lack of balance so we throw away things or we aggressively pursue certain things because we don't have the correct balance of the thing now with me so far just too much okay okay so Paul says to the Corinthians all things are lawful you go to the first scripture anyway in other words I have the right to do anything you say but but not everything is beneficial all things are lawful but all things are not expedient it's not beneficial if they cuss you out you can custom back but it's not beneful and you can you can you shouldn't what you can't they slap you you okay your earrings coming off you can hit them back but it's not beneficial so you gotta learn to balance that thing I have the right to do anything but I will not be mastered by anything if you do whatever you feel your feelings are your master wasn't that good what that good don't be mastered by your emotions they're too flaky you used to like broccoli you don't like it no more I don't know I'm just talking y'all I love broccoli with it so do not be mastered by your feelings that's what he's saying here I have a right to do anything but I will be mastered by my lust by my cravings by my anger some of us are mastered by anger soon as anger eyes you must express it but I can tell we're not mastered by God cuz we only Express to him it's okay yes we have grace you could do anything that's what they say but by doing anything you become slave to the thing you serve you don't just express your expression is a service you don't just have sex with somebody you serve lust okay never you don't just you know shoot up drugs and feel good you serve your addiction you know just watch pornography in private you serving an addiction look at you never say oh you serving something you serve when you know you serve something as soon as it speaks you've got to respond I can't even sleep cuz it's speaking but God could be speaking and we go night-night [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] if we serve God when he speaks we gotta respond what sermon could be like ah the master wants you I'll be there what sermon has that right you can't even do that at Subway you're the manager what you make you want you to smell what do you want you could be mad but you're going to see what make me want cuz that's the boss that's the master I serve under him whenever he speaks I adhere to what he says my fear is that we don't give God the same reverence as a boss at our job that we don't even like somebody say ballets next scripture say everything this is gonna be so good this morning to everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven I'm just gonna preach these verses y'all you know not preach it but you know a time to be born and a time to die that's up to God right a time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted another scripture says a time to plant and a time to uproot why are we planting when it's time to uproot some stuff oh oh look at your neighbors said you got to know what time it is and why are you up ruling things when it's time to sow seeds and plant balance I love this already a time to kill pride a time to kill lust a time to kill jealousy a time to kill bitterness a time to kill offense a time to kill and a time to heal why are you healing the area you need to kill oh it's and why are you killing the area you should be healing somebody say I gotta know what time it is balanced it's not all kill and it ain't all he'll Lord speak to me in my secret place so I don't be healing what I should be killing or killing this is so this is it's the time to break down and a time to build up why are we building up things we should be breaking down and why are we breaking down things we should be building up that's all on my ass with everyone so y'all can preach it to yourself but I like the way I say it someone kicked up a time to cry and a time to laugh why are you crying when it's time to rejoice you don't know what time it is and why are you laughing Joker when you should be sober and weeping a time to mourn and a time to dance why are you not dancing a time to cast away and a time to gather there's a season when you should be dazzling has been gathering but that'll mean that's the rest of your life it's a season you should gather then it's a season out of your rhythm I gotta get rid of this I gotta get rid of but not for the rest of your life balance man a time to embrace and a time to stop embracing all this they don't live in your house lower than us you embrace them they said six months has been six years it's time to refrain from embracing why are you hugging will she be kicked out and why are you kicking out what you should be embracing this this is better than meeting I've been to myself next there is a time to look for something you look for something that you have lost you look for something that you have lost there's a time to do that and there's a time to stop looking for it some of us should keep looking until we find it whatever it is God is saying there's a time to look for it and there's a time to stop looking for it because everybody has a different point of stress where this search is gonna wear me out with this pursuit is gonna wear on my faith so I need to stop for season looking for it never mind okay there's a time to keep things and there's a time to throw it away you still got stuff with your house that should've been in the trash with that camera you still got little trinkets in I'm gonna talk about your African mask and all this stuff you got I'll be hanging on your wall that's you praise the Lord seek your secret place but there are some things even in your home you should have been got rid of but you're still keeping it and it's causing wear and tear on your mind now we're depressed and now we have mental illness but we just need to learn balance and listen to him in our secret please don't with me try to help there's a time to tear something down the time to mend it don't tear up every relationship something you should men don't mend up relationships um you should sever balance only the secret place gives you your balance oh this is good there's a time to be quiet let me stay there for me I'm gonna do the other one sometime if you gotta learn this how to shut it up you're mouthing that's all I gotta say about that in Proverbs says somebody who talks too much finds themselves in trouble a lot basically I paraphrased it if you talk too much you're gonna be surrounded by trouble shut [Applause] and there's a time to speak don't be pushed all but don't be a doormat excuse me I don't appreciate that excuse me that wasn't kind it's there is a time to speak too so don't say I'm just being humbling you just getting ran over let the whole let the Holy Ghost in your seat but please tell you speak up now speak cuz I already prepared their heart don't speak if their heart is not prepared be quiet but if the whole tip don't seek my place tell you speak balance it's the time to love it's hard to hate hate what God hates love what God loves thank you for those five premium claps it's the time to fight so time not to fight it's the time to chill no that's right that is right there right no no no sorry right that was that was not fair can you believe what they did to me people believe what she said I'm fitna go over there right I'm a black man in America and I'm blacker than most but so many of people of my color are not here anymore because they didn't in the face of authority not that it was right not that it was just the Bible says we're gonna talk about this next week a false balance is an abomination to God we'll talk about it come back next week so you gotta chill but then you gotta learn how to fight some time like in the spirit like we was talking about today except here we go let me just go through these good I'm just gonna read the scriptures and we're gonna go home I got another flight to catch y'all gotta sing in Virginia tonight no I want to stay here o clap hey Virginia I'll be there in a minute god bless you guys I love you so much all my viewers from Virginia I cannot wait to meet you as we meet God tonight amen so divine except the way God does things let me just say that mental illness is because we don't accept the way everybody say the way not what God does he's trying to prosper you he's trying to bless you he's trying to heal you he's trying to free you that's what he does but the way we don't accept and that's where our mind battles his will it's a battle of we'll just learn to accept the way God does things the children of Israel was high to come out of Egypt they didn't like the way that's what they say why are we going this way what you mean you're free okay what way we go if I was a slave for 400 years I don't care if we take I Drive I for I know I don't know I don't care and God is setting you free how do you reserve the right to tell him which way I don't care how he doesn't free me okay I can't do it bless me bless me Lord everybody that satisfy clap your hands and say anyway he doing I'm good Saturday anyway he do it I'm good do it away I like doing the way I don't like just free me just bless me to just deliver just provide you just heal I don't accept the way God does things for who can straighten who can straighten what he has made cooking no this should be straight listen he like no good no no and he's hooking straighten I know easier way to do this who can straighten what God has made somebody say balance enjoy prosperity while you can but when hard times strike realize that both come from Dallas she didn't even know what I was preaching today but you said it babe remember that nothing is certain in this life you don't know what tomorrow's gonna bring enjoy what you got why you got it and where hard times come be like you know what Lord you allow both on let me go they don't like this sermon too much see we like services about us and he want you and you and you are him him him him him and him alone Jesus we preach Jesus we praise Jesus we honor Jesus we worship she we adore Jesus we lift up he said if I be lifted up out draw or cut somebody lift up the name of Jesus all right let me get y'all out of here in this short life I have seen both of these I have seen good men die being good whoa and I've seen evil men live a long time being evil same idea although the description do y'all see this God does that don't stress out like hi he run in the streets and he's a little urban God doing him yeah that's what happens it happens like that sometime Paul died in jail well he got no he didn't yes he did he died dishonorably however it was disciples the disciples got crucified upside down they got they got mauled and persecuted the disciples the Scriptures we read to get strength from didn't have the best life I need about the best life it's about the best relationship in this life anybody got the best relationship in this life I am a child of God somebody say yes I am so don't be excessively righteous Oh like those given the self can see don't be overly wise pretentious you like you assume things cuz you so wise do you see that good man die young sometimes evil men live long sometimes so don't be overly righteous and oh but I gotta be good and uh-huh why should you bring yourself to ruin do not be excessively or willfully wicked and don't be a fool why should you die before your time so don't go for this heavy suit up don't be wise let me watch me watch me what she was saying today you're not gonna know everything I don't know everything I got it you're gonna ruin yourself I got know what's right we've got hold on it Oh what's right just be uh-oh that's the next one here's another here's another here's another interpretation check it out don't try to be right all the time don't try to be too wise either why should you destroy yourself this way this is too good [Music] you see those highlighted words try the dry is the ruin the dry is the wear and tear the dry wears on your faith in your spirit the dry gives access to stress the try gives room for depression don't try to be overly right shallow and be Oh God why destroy yourself you fake it too much bad that's when do you chill when do you Sabbath Sabbath is part of balance we'll talk about it when do you rest from your work when are you not a mother when are you not the husband on a wife when are you just you balance not for seven years but maybe seven days or seven hours I'll fill you god I feel you I feel you I feel you God I would say what you tell me to say yes come out of sin but don't try to be over the righteous you won't ruin yourself only his righteous listen to your secret place do what it says and that's it it's a time for everything and people impress their season on you I'm praying out every day at 5:00 in the one you should be printed no you should be praying at 5:00 in the morning I feel a strong anointing at 12 noon myself where my noon day Saint said hallelujah yeah my lunch break I feel them very heavily way board and Father Nevada that's your secret place that's your instruction that's you being obedient the one he told you that's your season being another season it's the time for everything maybe one day I will wake up at 5:00 but not today [Applause] ballots [Applause] false balance and imbalance is jacking up the Saints so you came out of sin and you pray all day every day and got no healthy relationships or you don't play at all and you got all dysfunctional relationships one more time look at your neighbor I'm sorry you're in church you're gonna hear that a few times tell your neighbor say what is God telling you to do now because it might be different for me it's the same father's to say sometimes I tell my older door to something and tell my love adored or something different older daughter clean your room y'all gonna clean the kitchen you can't cover up it with this kitchen no that's your what the father told me to wash the dishes we'll do it he told me and people who don't know what the father tells them gets in other people's seasons yeah I wish y'all was with me you adopt other people's seasons and now you're out of season and you're not being fruitful cuz you gotta see it you're not hearing me and now your faith is messed up depression mental illness and stress it's all over your life because you don't have one more time tell you but that's your word but you got to know yours you gotta know yours we fall for everybody else's word because we don't know ours so now you fasting cuz your spiritual friend is fasting so you know cane they spear so let me and you just lose away getting sick just make it healthy skip in the church you like I'm coming do not let your friends impress or impose their season on you I'm China you will be existing out of season and while they're bearing fruit you'll be frustrated like I'm doing the same thing and I don't have those results that's not your season is this helping anybody today go back to the scripture before please thank you so don't try to be right all the time and not even righteous but right even in arguments okay you're right but just don't try to be right right now for peace sake sometime peace is more important than right even early I got it oh they don't like this one too much don't try to be right all the time I'll let me get y'all out of here don't try to be too wise either why destroy yourself in this way here's the next scripture though it says oh but don't press your luck by being bad either and don't be reckless why die needlessly last scripture and I'm letting y'all go try to avoid going too far in doing anything don't go too far with your holy water or grandpa syrup yeah okay don't go too hard with holy water or communion yah Nona don't turn down too hard and don't turn it on too hard it's quite a live Kris I don't know what I did to y'all don't go too far doing anything those who honor God another scripture says those who fear God another interpretation is those who acknowledge God cuz you already know in your secret place so god before I go too far what you think those who honor God will avoid doing too much of anything [Applause] [Music] it's time to stop living like this [Applause] clap your hands if you've received that this morning amen and you can start young too my wife is saying this is not just for people who got to balance their job their career too young you got thoughts you got culture you got peer pressure don't do too much of it try not to go too far doing anything young people go ahead yeah Friday my mom would give me money and I was young around 8 she started doing that and I will go to the corner store and get my little snacks you know how we got our favorite snacks at the corner store get my chips I don't know the corner store is oh yeah I don't have corner stuff ok I know they do their corner stores Publix oh - Chinese throw Nicole 90 stores Funyuns now laters exactly swedish fish boston baby stop playing we in church no this is good for the young kids too and I will all and I will go in there and get my favorite snacks and after like three days cuz I would get the same kind of ship like barbeque chips and after the third day I will feel something I was like nine nine years old when I would feel this I would hear a guy say don't get those same chips again and I'd be like and sometimes I think my consciousness is just overly sensitive and I've always been that way think about everything that I do but I was young and he was don't get get another type of chip I'm not telling you not to get chips but don't get the same kind and it's like well what are you talk okay and I will always do that I wouldn't get something too much because then it's like it controlled me that's what I heard when I was young don't let any that's why I'm talking to the little kids - that can be in your mind - cuz it starts young everything starts young when we don't have control over our diet or our habits so very young he said don't get those barbeque chips get another type of chip get another type of snack so that you will never be controlled by anything and I wanted to say that for the little kids because it's always like we're talking to adults but it starts young okay so parents teach your kids that don't keep buying the same thing that creates repetition that's that's not control over your mind that's not control over your body so don't start that in your kids buying the same thing over and over and over making them insane a bit but it starts young and I wanted to say that even at that young age try to do things differently try to balance it out stay here look she's been saying this since I met her and I met her at 16 so she's been saying the same I just can't do it I hate when she turned me on the stuff she being one to the next and I'll be stuck alright and she turned me on the Brussels sprouts then she turn you on the olives yeah yeah I mean she turned me on the guacamole yeah I'm like yeah just defense you know I don't want that no more oh yeah just I just can't count don't weigh the same yeah it's just not cool I want control over my mind yes yeah over everything so that's a lot more religious you give me a pattern I'll do the same thing all over it most men most men hey go sit down sit down hey man there's just too much of anything as a problem y'all come here baby I love you thank you for sharing it [Applause] we are committed [Applause] anyway we are committed to bring you all the revelation that God has given us to live on a higher level quality not quantity right better quite a quality living he said I come that you might have life and that more abundantly it may not be seven cars but the one you got is gonna last anybody ready for the quality of your life to increase [Applause] you don't have to have more things for your quanto I'm sorry you can stand I'm done I'm done for the day too much of anything is a problem I want to preach too much next week on preaching 15 premium minutes cuz too much of anything you want to have balance they want to have balance control it's actually Authority Authority temperance is a form of balance temperance learning how to balance things to say no to certain things I say yes to other things we're gonna talk about this a little more in the weeks and days to come I got excited about that we carry the annoying please no walking I'll just to consider that a little distracting to some and uh you know some may even consider it rude so just please our hope is that you grow and get better we have no benefit personally if your lives get better so we have no agenda we're sharing you the secrets God has given us to live how we live and not that we're the top level of everything but we are committed to bringing the level and quality of your life up in Jesus Christ we carry the anointing of liberty and freedom so prayerfully as my son was saying this is bringing freedom and liberty when you have I dove into this too hard and when people get saved and they go all hard that way then their religious and legalistic and pry for us again you should read for two hours then instead of 20 [Music] Palance it's gonna free you it's gonna increase your quality which is going to increase the quality of your relationships your friendships everything you do will begin to elevate and escalate as you incorporate balance in your life based on what the father is speaking in your secret place your homework is not to go home and start balancing things your homework is to go home and hear the father because you could think you know what I am doing that too much let him tell you because you could be killing something you should be healing okay you could be tearing down something you should be building up because what we're gonna do is tear down two things we don't like first let the father direct you in the name of Jesus you're here today you're not saved and you have not surrendered your life to God you still live your life your way you still do you well some of us who are say you do that but you know what I'm saying you have not given God your life you have not surrendered to Jesus you have not accepted the finished work on the cross all your sins are already forgiven and as far as the East is from the West he removed it from you if you are not saved today we're in the last quarter this family of live wants to help invite you and embrace you is the time to embrace now we want to embrace you into this family if you're not saved and you want us to pray for you for your salvation so the quality of your life can increase so you can develop a relationship with the voice you already know and be at peace with he'll raise your hand right now and let us pray with you I want to be saved look at these hands I want to be saved I see you I want to be saved oh I love it I could cry right now I love it cuz nobody's making them raise their hands y'all they're choosing could we leave y'all a little quiet y'all little quiet I see you I see you I see y'all I see you I see you up top I see you ha ha it's only a few of you are and I hate to inconvenience but ain't about convenience it's about you taking a step could y'all come join me down here I'm not put you on blast I just want to pray what you look at him they coming I love this I love it I love it I love it I love it y'all pray as they come yes if you're not coming to the altar do not walk please I'm begging you this is very sensitive this is very serious they are giving their lives to Jesus come on make some noise for God bless you my friend god bless you my friend look at this show this is beautiful I see no thanks surprise your dress somebody behind everybody please do we need more men who do we need opera scholars as we clue all you got to do is pray we got enough do we have enough yeah somebody with everybody please Brandon come over here please [Music] these people over here you cover helper head cover hell yeah just come I need some ministers pray oh this is beautiful this is beautiful this is beautiful this is beautiful I want to announce to you all you didn't come to church today you have now entered into your turning point it's your turning point it's a new season it's a new day for you I said it's a new day putting up living for God being saved salvation gains its strength from your surrender after you're safe you would have to surrender some things the more you surrender the more strength and power with God that you have it's not over today it starts today I want y'all to know that but you have entered into the best days of your life get ready for joy from the inside and not what people do what people say you're gonna have joy and people don't think you cook what you smiling for you won't even know he'll you have a clue your past is irrelevant your past is irrelevant you wiped them things away on the cross is done your future sins already covered that's how much love you got for you your past sins done your future sins covered by the blood one person for one person per brandon Greg Greg just staying with him don't you just move over Christian move over him there you go there you go make sure everybody's tended to your past present and future sins are covered God don't care about that he cares about you he don't care about the mistakes you make he's wondering why are you not serving me do you not love me am I not better than 10 so now today you chosen to serve him it's the beginning it's a lot you still gotta learn but it's like working out you don't do to sit ups and expect a 6-pack keep coming keep praying keep living for God read your word seek him in your secret place and you'll start to see the results you desire in your life don't treat God like one workout don't do that don't do that y'all don't just come here I got saved and nothing change don't do that you don't get results like that in anything you don't make a lot of money off of one that's why everybody wants to win the lottery right they want one hit it don't happen that way you got to work at anything for it to be a success including your relationship with God y'all feeling me I love Donna me I just wanna pretty much ah oh it's a good day hallelujah the devil lost another one yeah father I thank you for their boldness then he just waved a hand they came down and said it's me that needs change it's me that desire salvation father acknowledge and honor their boldness today we thank you for cleaning them from the inside out we thank you God that their sins are nothing void it doesn't even matter your love your love your love covers the multitude of sins I pray for my sisters that have come to you to receive salvation a great deliverance to their mind I play balance in a spirit I pray God that they are free from the chains of the enemy I pray freedom in their mind no more chains of confusion on their minds in the name of Jesus in the name of replace it replacing I love that replace it in the name of Jesus father we thank you for a divine exchange confusion for peace stress for joy today you're receiving a divine exchange it's not natural it is spiritual so father we thank you I pray for this man of God I saw the glory on you up there bro I pray in the name of Jesus that God fill you with the spirit from the crown of your head to the sole of your feet you don't have a choice homey you've been chosen by God watch you pose to the service you've been singled out by God there's a light of a new period you know I got no choice but to serve God so the fact that you came up here today and saying that you are now ready to live for him and the blessings that he has in store for you I see and we make it myself a God we thank you for salvation let me get you bro thank you God for salvation in the name of Jesus let them be transformed by the renewing of their my your emblem says it all your emblem says it all that's what God desires for you freedom freedom today you want to these doors to be free free from your own thoughts free from your own way you don't have to make things work do you know how to do it God says no more let me do it through you let me do it for you I could do a way better I could do it way better just let me do it for you I spray out Freedom Trail to this man of God in Jesus name no weapon formed against you will ever prosper you're gonna win every battle you're gonna go through every storm you're gonna have victory to your left to the right victory surrounding you it says you are chosen by God in the name of Jesus father I thank you for salvation I thank you for freedom and these young men's minds in their heart in the name of Jesus God said I'm making all things new I'm making all things new I speak new thoughts new influence new cravings new desires new surroundings in the name of Jesus and as you become new things new will happen in your life the things you've been desiring deep down within is you're not gonna have the press war it's gonna come to you because when you seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness all these things will be added unto you somebody's creating new things that's coming in your life in the name of Jesus father we thank you no shame no shame oh I'll be built in security now [Music] knowing who you are in God will put insecurity to flight so I speak identity from the father in the name of Jesus you ain't gotta live up to anybody's standards but the father who already loves you you have been insecure about a few things and it's causing you to waver in what you know is true but God is saying today obey me and I will make you the head and not the tail he's telling me to tell you you are above only and not beneath you are the liver and not the borrower you are if he says you are fearfully and wonderfully made so we speak security in your life in the name of Jesus strong men of God strong men of God you've been strong on the wrong side now it's time to be strong on the right side in the name of Jesus your pulse is strong your persuasion is strong now God is going to use it for his glory it's been used for your own self but God wants to use your influence your strength for his glory in the name of Jesus somebody say stress father we thank you for salvation you up here yelling bless you man a guy oh you got something on you bro even at a young age you will be an influencer of your generation I speak that you a thought leader to your generation I speak that you speak the uncles of God even at a young age the mind of God be imparted unto you in the name of Jesus wisdom increase in the name of Jesus we thank you for boldness in Jesus name I'm sorry for holding y'all but this is important to me and this should be important to us so father we thank you for salvation today we are going from darkness to light death tonight Jesus my life I believe you died and today I give you my body rich lies rich [Music]
Channel: LiVe Church
Views: 14,561
Rating: 4.949367 out of 5
Keywords: Tye Tribbett, Live Church Orlando, Balance, Mental Health, Love, Hope, Jesus, Peace, Orlando, Florida
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 53sec (4133 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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