Pastor Tré Stewart - Good Looking Out

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] oh come on and bless the lord on this morning but he is worthy of all the praise all the honor all the glory hallelujah [Music] reign over everything you are the great i am [Music] is [Music] you are the great i am oh is help me is [Music] oh come on and praise him hallelujah hallelujah come on let's bless his holy name on this morning hallelujah help me lift them up yeah hallelujah that's some good news hallelujah let us look at isaiah the 40th chapter isaiah the 40th chapter verses 28 through 31 isaiah chapter 40 verses 28 through 31 has thou not known has thou not heard that the everlasting god the lord the creator of the ends of the earth fainted not neither is weary there is no searching of understanding he giveth power to the fame and to them that no uh have no power no might no increase in strength uh even though the you shall faint and be weary the young man shall utterly fall but they that wait upon the lord shall renew their script that shall mount up with wings as eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint i have read isaiah chapter 40 verses 28 through 31 may god bless the hearers the doers of his holy word let us pray father god we thank you father perfect god holy god understanding god on time god waymaker god father god we just thank you father god for waking us up early this morning starting us on our way come together to worship you father god father god we thank you for anointing being in this place on this morning father god we thank you for the praise team that they'll sing up under your anointing we thank you for the musician father god that they will play up under the anointing we thank you that when the people come in they'll bring anointing on them father god that they'll bring a praise on their tongue father god a song in their heart father god father god we just thank you father god for the word on this morning we thank you father god that your spirit gonna uplift somebody on this morning father god your word gonna fall on good ground father have your way in this service on that morning father god we decrease or your holy ghost can increase in this place have your way in this service in the mighty name of jesus father god somebody's praying on youtube and facebook father god they're saying lord it's not my mother it's not my father it's not my sister not my brother it's not my bff but lord it's me standing needed of a blessing on this morning father god have a little mercy on them father god right now father god move in they like father god father god somebody trying to give up on this money father god but father god touch their heart father god let them know that we've been man do it for a night but joy will come in the morning father god and we say have your way in a life in the mighty name of jesus in this season father god a tough season father god but this tough season is for tough people father god and when times get hard let us turn to your word father and father god we pray father god that you will have your way on this day across this world father god in the mighty name of jesus we pray next amen and thank god [Music] everywhere [Music] i shall provide for you each and every day so lift your hands and say lord i need you i know he will meet you each and every day [Music] now come on just lift your hands and begin to thank him for the healing right now come on all over the building just begin to thank him for his healing virtue that's flowing through this building we speak to organs and tissues all over this building and we stay lined up with the word of god birthday happy birthday to you [Music] it's now time for the restoration report [Music] restoration will be celebrating its 101st church anniversary on sunday october 3rd at 1pm the guest speaker will be pastor thomas e jordan of the lilly baptist church this promises to be an awesome celebration and we hope to see you there the restoration intercessory team would love to pray with and for you please text your request to three three four six one three seven seven six three and our intercessors will agree along with you concerning your petition [Music] as you travel through the upcoming week remember to wash and sanitize your hands wear your face mask in public places in space be sure to practice social distancing measures and when the opportunity presents itself go and get vaccinated moreover if you have reservations concerning the vaccine we encourage you to pray and then consult your primary care physician this concludes the restoration report [Music] hallelujah hallelujah did anybody really come to worship the lord this morning hallelujah [Music] thank you lord [Music] come on just slit your hands right there and just tell them something sweet [Music] thank you [Music] my strength like nowhere [Music] straight like no other and it reaches me lord you are my strength can you just say that by faith this morning strength like no other [Music] my strength no wonder and it reaches me in the [Music] your fullness and in the power of your name you lift me [Music] is [Music] you lift me [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] you lift me [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's just your moment declared by faith you are my my strength come on let's just turn that around you are my strength you are my strength and the time of weakness you are my strength you are my strength [Music] you are my strength yeah [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] you lift me up you lift me [Music] [Music] me [Music] stronger than mountains deeper than oceans it reaches to me [Music] unfairly love yeah stronger than mountains and it's deeper than oceans and it reaches to me let's try that unfailing love unfailing love one voice stronger than mountains stronger say it one more time for yourself this week unfailing love unveiling love his love is never failing stronger than mountains [Music] and the me is [Music] you lift me [Music] you want it all for me highly you have won it all for us yes and death could not hold you down [Music] [Music] [Music] sounds real [Music] we can never repay you lord you have wanted for death [Music] [Applause] [Music] lift up your voice and say hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] glory for you [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah [Music] you are the reason [Music] there [Music] you're worthy you're worthy you're worthy [Music] [Music] can we say man let your heart say man again another heart say man one more time i don't know about you but i'm excited to be in the house of the lord this morning i agree with the psalmist who said i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord for truly this is the day that the lord has made look at your neighbor and say neighbor you need to rejoice point at them say neighbor you need to rejoice point that somebody else tell them you need to rejoice and be glad they're in somebody want to know pastor trey why should i be glad the reason you should be glad is because you're still alive the reason you should be glad is because you're in your right mind the reason you should be glad is because you got food you had food to eat and you have clothes on your back and you have shoes on your feet and you have gas in your car and you have a job y'all ain't saying nothing you have no reason to complain look at your neighbor and say neighbor i have no reason to complain yeah tell them i have no reason to complain because god has shown up been good yeah god has been good and truly we are excited for everything that god has done for us i must admit to you this morning i'm still full from the revival that we had on this past week and uh because of that they can start it i'm not going to be very long miss them i'm going to go back to my roots i'll probably be about 13 minutes this morning because pastor kt ellis pastor courtney meadows and pastor lee b walker jr preached us happy this past week and uh i still feel that anointing even this morning so we're gonna move right on along i want you to join me in the book of uh psalm number 34 verse number 19 psalm 34 verse number 19 psalm number 34 verse number 19. it's a very familiar passage of scripture and i want to look at it from the new living translation psalm 34 verse 19 and again we extend our condolences to pastor jose phillips i believe who transitioned this week so we extend our prayers to his church family and his family as well amen again psalm 34 verse 19 is that that you will find these following words recorded the righteous person faces many troubles but the lord comes to the rescue each time you may be seated in the presence of our god may he continue to smile upon the readers the hearers as well as the doers of his word once again god will come before you this morning first of all just to say thank you god we thank you for this opportunity we pray acts not holy spirit that you'll allow preaching to be easy allow us to preach to the end that a sinner will be saved that your saints will be strengthened and you as our savior will be satisfied in jesus name we pray can we all say amen for the time that is allotted for us to share with one another i want to tag the text with this thought good looking out good looking out that's what we want to talk about just for a few moments good looking out my brothers and my sisters ladies and gentlemen boys and girls people and children of all ages at the time of our texts we encountered the psalmist david during a time of reflection while he's hiding in the cave of adelum ladies and gentlemen just to catch you up on what's going on the backdrop for our text psalm 3417 is actually located in the book of first samuel for it is there that you will witness the anointing and appointing of david as the next king of israel in 1st samuel chapter 16. his victory over goliath the giant in first samuel chapter 17 and from first samuel chapter 18 to first samuel chapter 21 you will witness the many times god spared david's life from the hands of a jealous soul who was israel's king at that time and beloved in first samuel chapter 21 while running from saul who is literally pursuing him in order to kill him david runs right into the hands of another enemy named aquish also known as abimelech who would have killed david if it were not for god's intervention and so beloved david makes it to first samuel chapter 22 which is the backdrop of our text because god was looking out for him ladies and gentlemen the truth is david only made it to the next chapter because god was looking out for him and i just want to know is there anybody sitting in this sacred sanctuary or is there anyone viewing virtually who knows that just like david the only reason why you and i made it to the next chapter of our lives is simply because god was looking out for us is there anybody listening to me right now who has the testimony that the reason i made it this far is because god was looking out for me and i know i'm not the only one who knows that if it had not been for the lord looking out for us we wouldn't have made it to the next chapter if it had not been for the lord who was on our side making ways for us and covering us and protecting us and providing for us simply just looking out for us we wouldn't have made it this far yeah it wasn't because of uh our behavior it wasn't because of our education it was simply because of god's amazing grace and do me a favor look at your neighbor and say neighbor god looked out for you yeah point at him say neighbor god looked out for you yeah so don't get it twisted we didn't make it to the next chapter of our lives because of our economic situation no neither was it because of our scholastic matriculation nor was it the result of our name and reputation no ma'am and no sir but the reason we made it this far and the reason we made it to the next chapter of our lives is only because god was looking out for us so because god was looking out for david from first samuel chapter 16 to first samuel chapter 21 david makes it to chapter 22 and in chapter 22 of first samuel david finds himself hiding in the cave and and while he's hiding in this cave the bible helps us to understand that eventually some of david's relatives and others who are in debt or simply discontended with life decides to join david in this cave and while david is in this cave he begins to reflect on his life's journey and it is during this time of reflection that david pens our text of psalm number 34 david opened psalm 34 by declaring i will bless the lord at all times his praises shall continually be in my mouth my soul shall make its boast in the lord the humble shall hit thereof and be glad in it all magnify the lord with me let us exalt his name together and it is here that david pauses to praise god and although david is hiding in the cave and saul is still threatening his life david makes time to offer praises to god because david understands that there is power in your praise david also knows that when you can't do nothing else when you don't know where to go and you don't know who to turn to and you don't know who to rely on david understands you can always rely on your praise to god even when you don't know what to pray you can always praise sometimes you may not know how to pray and you may not know what to pray but you should always be willing to offer up a praise to god [Music] despite how stressful the situation may be regardless of the current crisis in your life regardless of how painful the problems are that you may be experiencing right now you should always give god a praise because praise has the power to shift your focus i said praise has the power to shift your focus look at your neighbor and say neighbor praise has the power to shift your focus ladies and gentlemen praise will shift your focus from the problem to the one who is able to solve the problem praise will shift your focus from the sickness to the one who is able to heal you of the sickness praise will shift your focus from the needs that you have to the one who is able to supply all of your needs look at your neighbor and say neighbor there's power in your praise there's power in your praise so let me encourage you to praise god at all times and and when you think about everything that you're going through right now when you think about everything that you're dealing with right now when you think about everything that you're facing right now when you think about everything that you're battling with right now now is not the time to quit on god now it's not the time to give up on god now is not the time to walk away from god now is not the time to act funny with god now is not the time to turn your back on god but now is the time for you to lift up your hands and give god praise because when hell hits your house a hallelujah ought to flow from your mouth and so although david is hiding in the cave and saul is still threatening to kill him yet david because of the power of his praise is not focused on saul neither is he focused on his current condition nor is he focused on his present problems but david is focused on god and because he's focused on god he can't help but to praise god and real quickly can i tell you that when you focus on god you can't help but to praise god because in your mind you start to remember all of the times when things could have been when things should have been and when things would have been but they didn't because god looked out for you [Music] yeah as they say whenever you think about god you can't help but to just thank god [Music] so so david continues to reflect on the goodness of god and while david is reflecting he continues to write psalm 34 and by the time david gets to our text at verse 19 david arrives at an interesting conclusion concerning the tests the trials the tribulations and the troubles of life for the text says in the a clause of psalm 34 and verse 19 i hope you didn't close your bibles because y'all know i preached nothing but the bible psalm 34 and verse 19 david says the righteous person he says the righteous person faces many troubles there it is right there on the screen he says the righteous person faces many troubles beloved beloved david seems to understand something that many people misunderstand which is this that as a child of god you will go through i said david seems to understand what many people misunderstand and that is this that as a child of god you will go through family friends don't fall for the okie doke no if you are a believer you have to endure some type of trouble and as i've shared once before that for believers trouble is inevitable and as the psalmist suggests the troubles that we face are many foes yet some people have christianity misconstrued because they are so caught up in what god promised them that they unfortunately miss what god did not promise them y'all missed it so i said again that some people are so caught up on what god promised them that they miss what god did not promise them some people only know what god told them and as a consequence they are oblivious to what god did not tell them ladies and gentlemen can i tell you that it is vitally important for you to know what god did and did not tell you i said it's important for you to know what god did and did not tell you that was good so i'll say it again it's important for you to know what god did and did not tell you ladies and gentlemen god never told you that the road would be easy but he did tell you that he would be right there to order your steps god never promised you that folks wouldn't walk off and leave you but he promised never to leave you nor forsake you god never told you that you wouldn't have to battle with sicknesses and diseases but god did tell you that by his stripes you are healed god never promised you that you wouldn't have to cry but god did promise you that joy would come in the morning god never told you that you wouldn't have enemies but god did promise to prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemy so so it's important that you know not only what god told you but you need to know what god did not tell you so so as the text says i'm done this is it as the text says the righteous person faces many troubles the next part says i'm taking my seat but the lord comes to the rescue watch this each time i said again the text says that the righteous person faces many troubles but the next part says but the lord comes to the rescue each time although you're going to face trouble it's going to be god that's going to rescue you so stop begging people to be there because god is going to be there yeah your mama may not be there your daddy may not be there your wife may not be there your husband may not be there your pastor may not be there your boo your baby your child whoever may not be there but god will be there every time all right all right now nobody all but i'm thankful for all of my but god experiences do me a favor look at your neighbor and say neighbor thank god for all of my but god experiences and some of you could testify that you would have lost your mind a long time ago but god looked out for you some of you y'all ain't saying that would have been locked up a long time ago but god looked out for you some of you would have committed suicide but god looked out for you some of you would have died in that car accident but god looked out for you some of you would have died on the operating table but god looked out for you some of you would have died from covenant 19 but god looked out for you some of you almost lost your family during this pandemic but god looked out for you some of you almost lost your job during this pandemic but the testimony is that god looked out for you some of you almost lost everything but you can shout the day because you know god looked out for you i dare you to do me one favor and look over at your neighbor and say neighbor i would have lost it all but the lord looked out for me come on find you somebody else and say neighbor i would have lost it all but the lord looked out for me so then as i get ready to close can i tell you the reason i'm still here is because god looked out for me and i don't know about you but when i realized that it could have been me outdoors with no food and no clothes or left alone without a friend or just another number with the tragic end but i'm so glad did you hear what i said i'm so glad that he didn't see feature to let none of those things happen to me and i'm so glad that the lord so fits to look out for me is there anybody in here that can testify that god looked out for you my testimony is that if it had not been for the lord looking out for me i wouldn't be here right now can i tell you that when i was down he lifted me when i was empty he feel me when i was hungry he fed me when i was sick he healed me when i was lonely he held me when i was broken he mended me and when i sinned he forgave me but i know i'm not the only one who can testify that through it all god has been looking out for them but not only that but is there anybody in here that can testify that god made ways when there was no ways is there anybody in here that can testify that if it had not been for the lord who was on your side you don't know where you would be but one thing you do know is that you wouldn't be here have i got a witness in here do me a favor and just point at your neighbor and say neighbor be not dismayed whatever batista god will [Music] finding somebody else to say neighbor god will take care of you find somebody else and say neighbor god will provide for you come on y'all help me preach point at somebody and tell them neighbor god will be right there is there anybody in here that can just wave your hand and say i know the lord will make a way [Music] if you know god to make a way you ought to do like david did and give god praise you don't have to wait till the battle is over you don't have to wait till you're healed you don't have to wait till you come out of debt but you can go ahead and praise god right now [Music] i don't know about you but i get joe when i think about what he's done for me look at your neighbor and say neighbor can't nobody do you like jesus tell them can't nobody hold you like jesus can't nobody rock it like jesus can't nobody provide like jesus look at your neighbor and say neighbor can't nobody do you like jesus [Music] [Music] everyone's [Music] the standing of the church is open the door you
Channel: Restoration Baptist Church MGM
Views: 143
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: tb8pv6x0PUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 5sec (2945 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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