How to Deal with Fake People - Pastor Shawn Jones

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March update level here's the word if you're able stand to your feet and respect for the word of gum right after church that I think I'm three years ago and now they've got some Easter Bunny downstairs and they're taking some pictures with the Easter Bunny so if you got on your good Easter clothes and you kids get him what to Easter Bunny you get that done downstairs they can do it now they can do it right after church the beasts of understand you want to get good Easter dress going waste but she knew what she had to do to get me that she was clean you might know more arrested morning marks out the level but I want to get you understand it's not about the Communists about the soldiers some about outsiders home sleep inside it's a mess I'd rather be miserable outside I'm having to get on the inside to be delivered this is Easter Sunday and I don't want to go to the normal route a different round I told you what I'm gonna talk about in March after you never matter of fact we don't do two scriptures I want you to see what's in mark chapter he liver and then hold your finger in mark chapter 15 mark chapter 11 and verse 8 when you find it safe uh-huh still look at the widow me mark chapter 11 verse 8 says and many spread their coats from the road and others cut down leafy branches of palm trees and spread them on the road and those that went before and those that follow him cried out Hosanna blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord blessed is the kingdom of our Father David that comes in the name of the Lord hosanna in the highest now go to mark chapter 15 mark chapter 15 and verse 1 it says immediately in the moment that she priest had a consultation with the elders and the scribes and the whole council and they bound Jesus tied him up and led him away and delivered him to Pilate verse 6 says now at the feast that he was accustomed to releasing one prisoner to them whoever they requested here's nine but Pilate answered them do you want me to release the King of the Jews for he no watch this that the chief priests had handed him over because of anything can I tell you real quick envy is a terrible thing jealousy will make full do stuff to you that don't even really know me so they wanna kill it because they were envious of him that's why you got so many haters that's not that's why you got so many people gunning for you you did nothing they just they just got that jealous is there going on first first 12 Pilate answered and said to them again what do you want me to do with him who you call the King of the Jews so they cried out again and crucify him and kind of said what what people has he done but they cried out the more crucify him can you say man that's enough you be seeking prison god the grass withers and the flowers fade but the word about God shall stand forever it's up to 11 they cherish him in Chapter 15 they crucify him chapter 11 they worship Him 15 they they hate you 15 they can't stand him just talk for a moment use another subject how to handle fake people how they handle fake people just look at somebody telling me you need to hear this you need a hater you know celebrate a real quick telling you need handling alright ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters Satan there's a show car well on daytime television call the real if there's a talk show ladies and gentleman that features five different outspoken female personalities who all go through different life experiences all of them claim to keep it real because they admit that they are a work in progress right that they bring to the show Tania they bring to the show different perspectives on all things barrier from fashion and relationships all the way down to their own personal drunk and everything in between profit is Wow I'm not a fan of the show I've gotta admit the title caught my attention right while I'm not a fan of the show that that title caught my taking the real that and when I pondered over it in the airport yesterday I pulled it over and I came to the conclusion that real is a scarce commodity in the day we live in that while they talk about it you have to come on and be honest I think real people in this day and time that is hard to do it is not just limited to just people groovy but but it's hard to find the Edit thing that's real now it's hard to find the real relationship it's hard to find the real fridge you all get down to makeup and hair yep you know at first it was real fake this was hot now fake fake is what's the thing now fake jury to know what you talked about three weeks in and you wake up people used to pay $250 for felt that was real authentic coochie and now Negros can go down the street $50 what happened is not only are we in filtrated with fake things we become infected by fake people [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's why is the we love that's why I love him [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this thing if it's common it's common to be safe now now fact we got so used to a prophetess we don't need to be surprised if you find out they wouldn't keep it real anymore because it's so common I mean I mean and all social media did was make it easier to be fake social media is the place you can be my friend on Facebook but my enemy in reality you can talk your Mason you can be my friend on Facebook but won't even put up your black mouth and speak in person social media is the place where you can be fake fact you can create a fake [Applause] that's what I love Jesus he's the real deal [Applause] so it can be her job it can be irritating how real it can be disturbing when you have to do so much take this yes but when I search the text I learn then I'm not the first one to deal with fake yeah cuz when i read the text i watch jesus deal with faithful bus just before before there was ever a talk show about it Jesus lead up their knowledge of it and here is the story ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters Jesus has been doing his ministry for three years straight and three years straight Jesus has been doing big things his popularity has reached many cities his popularity has reached the status of a superstar Jesus gives the man now he's got a rock star but people all over town the population that would come out just to hear become just the sea muscle let's heal the man there'll be so many people that he'd have to get out of the boat and switch it out from the land everybody could see who it was that Jesus was a real rock star in town called his name down to the river and up they want to see this phenomenon man that they call cheese but can I tell you trust me when I tell you with elevation comes anything darling listen I said what the elevation comes anything I tell you not everybody is happy when you start going higher how did you go the whole evening miss you gonna create can I tell you if you ain't got no enemies you're so fine you ain't going more if you got nobody talking about you so I hate on you you ain't doing nothing with your life because anytime you can television you can look for some enemies and to do that or they just don't like you but you got new hairstyle like you because you've saved your money and follow cops they don't know you struggling to make the payments they just hate bastard was dead grinding for what you in question he's reached the point in his ministry that's when people heard he was in town they they they thought palm branches heard this rock star Jesus of Nazareth he's coming so they in the street they start taking off their clothes their clothes because Jesus was coming let this ain't a sermon but can I tell you whenever Jesus comes in your life there's some stuff you gonna take off the only rich is good back to me listen when Jesus really comes in tonight in that's no way you can keep all some stuff and look at some of y'all and I said no to nothing in your life too much hatred yes you decide in your life go to much jealous again I tell you why would I be jealous of a anything you got I got the same Jesus you got [Applause] [Music] I took it off with Jesus what's this here it is now this is Jesus's last natural week on earth as a natural man he was to feel that he has to deal on this last week positive he has to build with the thickness of several people all right unless I hold your own first of all oh yeah two three I want to talk about first of all let's talk about the thickness of the crack all right let's just say crap you see on in chapter 11 John and they're making a big deal over Jesus the bowing down in the street that sharing them home you think if you just walked in you think these people really know Jesus but just four chapters later not even seven whole days [Music] this time with a leader what did you chose I'll tell you what it is did he just tell you whatever you got an assignment on your laser you can't waste your time giving everybody told you got some where you're going in your life you so time telling me everybody knows but you got to know watch this I've learned from Jesus on your head don't be distracted by this boy don't be that's a good trait of a moment don't be distracted like this morning when you know you've got a destiny you can't afford to be distracted huh but this morning my fact you are expected so your problem is when you can't get to the fridge bugs trying to get you to walking pretty it's cause you keep being distracted when people show themselves this money for the whole week tripping a whole week you could have been making your money you could have been playing after novel by Richard whole-wheat you spin watching Facebook see if they gonna say something in that rippling up [Applause] when Jesus Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] 15,000 people but if you always go out to wait for them you go out to wait for them they will go step out of their way for you yes but some of y'all need to stop playing we stuck on stupid like you don't see it some of y'all know it you just don't want to admit it I'm the time you might kiss and say goodbye head the time without you you for the decider everything else [Applause] you hold your peace there were times he was next time to see Jesus it's the same there comes a time you gotta know where the whole you gotta know what the phone that's what I'm you gotta stand up and if you ain't gonna keep walking don't make no no you ain't gonna just listen Jesus has to deal with the thickness of the crowd but she can't stay there all day cuz then only doesn't deal with the thickness of the crowd secondly he has to deal with the thickness in his own cool now this one thing to deal with it from with nothing to deal with it from within some of all they talk about you know fake ones I'm coming to I know why you ain't shout listen it's bad enough to have to deal with it coming from the crowd but it's a different time to pain when you catch it hell from your own crew god it's bad enough to kiss you in the street but it's a hell of a thing when you gotta catch it from the house it's bad enough but you can trust folks on the job but it's something that's when you can't trust folks in your own Jesus how's the deal with fatness from the top end with me cuz the cloud ain't real ha ha his own crew ain't real watch this Jesus about them Jesus picked 12 just 12 gasps who our customer to be with him huh Rhonda hot water yeah these twiddle haha stove a ride with me that's right but that's the fakeness heat up tonight you pick 1203 on a small congregation of just 20 ha ha and three out of 12 and Oh God yeah I mean just wait what you think about congregation about 200 [Applause] and I think just because you sit back more Sundays they touch your neighbor they touch you and then they smile like okay it's obvious watch this I can't deal with Peter and Thomas but but let me just look at you forever and I let you out of here it's after 11:30 but let's look at you chief Judas is one of the most trusted disciples left ever I know it is because Jesus puts him over the Monday Dennis you ain't putting nobody over your money that you don't trust yeah I know like talking talking Jesus Jesus puts him over the money now Jesus is a Misha which means he's knows everything until my new choose was fake from the side but they let him stick around now here's how you have to fake people but other sometimes even when you know they say hang around long enough to sleep what they need to speak around the see God is on your side stick around and you gotta be gonna be close enough to watch you eat but not close enough to eat from the table themselves let me say it again back it up Kasab didn't get it I said you gotta never be close enough to watch you eat not so close they eat from your table here's what they taught me Elena so what's this if you sent them away too soon doing is to learn the process of your prepare table because listen without listen if God's come do it he's gonna do it in the presence of your enemies so that means no enemies no table and some of y'all some of y'all been waiting your enemies away so I got me to read them away but listen God told me to tell you this season just let them stick around sometimes your greatest enemy has the title up for you I'm done now but Jesus needed what's this Jesus needed shoot us to get to a cross [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] shakes a lot of man and television [Music] yeah yeah [Music] Wow [Music] [Music] don't be a fake [Music] pop music techno there [Music] I might not see you but they're gone you might do some Lachman planet behind closed doors [Music] I don't know nothing about it [Music] I'm glad [Music] [Music] [Music] what I can't even see [Music] Wow beyond upgrades all over the field down [Music] don't be distracted that disloyalty don't address everyone but here's the ultimate way to heaven sometimes we know they fail but if you just stay close to God God have a whisper you something and they smile and they have to swim [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] and all the structures open every understand everybody she took the same haha you ain't got to wearing them all Oh [Music] do you play [Music] but just to do the things you take this I don't know so the law and if you're in this wall [Music]
Channel: Loretta Coleman
Views: 45,530
Rating: 4.8895707 out of 5
Id: czPvwz9hI0g
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Length: 39min 48sec (2388 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2019
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