Pastor Tommy Bates 8/08/21 10:45 AM

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so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] good morning let's all stand anybody here ready to praise the lord this morning come on put your hands together oh i love to praise him i love to praise him [Music] i said that i love oh hallelujah do you love to praise him i love to praise him tell me cause he's hallelujah [Music] oh hallelujah tell me oh hallelujah hallelujah is hallelujah is hallelujah hallelujah i holy [Music] come on do you love the praises name this morning do you love to give him glory and praise hallelujah let's join and celebrate today the mighty king of kings and lord of lords that we serve [Music] jesus forever so precious sing now praise our name [Music] [Music] is that can heal my body the bible says that in the name of jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that jesus is lord so it celebrates with every nation around the world name on jesus name [Music] is can heal foreign come on let's do that body across the house today come on and bless the lord oh my soul and all that's within me bless his name uh [Music] hallelujah lori bless your name in your house today lord we want to see you be glorified in your house lord that you arise and all your enemies be scattered in the mighty name of jesus [Music] i love you lord [Music] oh your mercy never fails me all my days i've been held in your [Music] of the goodness of god come on lift your voice and sing [Music] oh my life you have been faithful [Music] [Music] oh [Music] i love your voice oh is oh i will see is [Music] your goodness is your goodness is your goodness is [Music] come on let's sing that again [Music] oh i will sing [Music] [Music] of the goodness of god [Music] come on this platform like he's always been faithful [Music] come on giving the praise that's doing to his name how long have you known to be faithful if you know to always be good if you want to give the low [Music] [Applause] price he's faithful he's faithful he's faithful amen you may be seated in god's house look at the beautiful smiling faces i'm telling you what i'd rather be in the house of the lord than anywhere look at the beautiful smiling faces that love jesus those that are called according to his purpose my goodness and not just that you're here where two more gathered in his name there he is in the midst god's presence is in the house today there's fullness of joy in his presence my goodness we are blessed today to be in god's house and in his presence amen if it's your first time here to community family church we are absolutely delighted you're here with us and we would love the opportunity to connect with you so first time guest do us a favor just reach in the seat in front of you grab a connection card and fill that out and when it comes time for our offering we'd like for you to take that connection card you filled out and just drop it off in one of our offering stands here at the front the back the balcony or if you see one of our friendly staff members or volunteers you can hand that to one of them can we let our guests how greatly we appreciate them being with us in god's house today i have just a couple announcements the first one is about next sunday everyone say next sunday next sunday is child dedication if you have a child you like to have dedicated you can text the word dedication to eight five nine three five nine three nine nine seven a child or a grandchild of course want to make sure that we dedicate these these children unto the lord and so you can do that of course by texting dedication or you can fill out a connection card you can go to our church's website and that's another way that you can get get your child dedication set up that way or just meet us over at the main lobby at guest services and then also tonight is i can't believe it is our back to school bash our back to school service it's coming very very soon school i know in many different areas it's already begun but tonight is a very special night so i wouldn't say tonight yes tonight is going to be an awesome night where we pray for all of our coaches teachers professors high school students elementary students middle school students preschool it's going to be a wonderful time of praying because we want to see our children and all of our teachers go back to school with the power and the anointing of god and with his protection over all of us gonna hear an amen so that's tonight that's our back to school bash we ask people if you'd like to wear your school colors or maybe your school's shirts i don't know if you still have those things but it's a nice opportunity for us to do that tonight because we want to see god's mercy know that god's protection is not just in this place but god's protection is upon us wherever we go can i hear an amen and so it's going to be wonderful there'll be food there will be games it's going to be a wonderful time in the lord tonight so make sure you come tonight at six o'clock for our back-to-school bash and right now we're ready for offering decoration let's go ahead and say that together as we bring in today's ties offerings and over and above giving we are believing the lord for a supernatural release of god's favor over every area of our lives jobs and better jobs checks in the mail inheritances secure investments scholarships creative ideas finding money healing for our spirit soul deliverance to the captive salvation to the lost and an outpouring of the holy ghost say the sound with me we are blessed and we will be a blessing to others in the name of our lord jesus christ if you believe that say amen three ways to give you can give online at you can text the word give to eight five nine three five nine three nine nine seven you can give in person with your checks payable to cfc cash an envelope with your name on it if you're watching online you can do the same way so you can send a check in the mail to 11875 taylor mill road independence kentucky four one zero five one let's go before the lord in prayer god we thank you so much for this wonderful day we thank you god for another day to serve you and to live for you and to love you and thank you jesus that this is the day the lord has made we will be glad and we will rejoice in it and thank you god that we can come into your house lord to worship you god with our hands clapping feet dancing and mouths shouting your praises but lord we are also so gratefully honored god that we can lift you up and glorify you and worship you with our tithes and offerings lord we pray a spiritual blessing upon this offering god let us look back and say lord look what you have done once again though with every single dollar this given love we ask that you would win souls for your kingdom and we give you all the praise and all the glory in jesus name and the church says amen stand with me all across the building as we sing this foreign foreign and all the way home christ is foreign yes foreign is glory glory shall foreign is glory glory let the redeemed of the lord say so hallelujah let the redeemed of the lord say so thank you jesus you can be seated in the presence of the lord we're going to welcome our new partners to be a partners 25 a month and our partners are the ones that pay for all of the television programming especially you're going to watch it today on day star network at four o'clock this afternoon reaching around the world and we want to thank god for our partners and god has blessed us i think we have the best partners in all the world and i never know when i'm going to get new ones and we just we got a several new ones just this week and that is wonderful praise god praise god so we've got uh we've got patricia from mullins west virginia we've got barb and tom from goshen ohio we've got uh lisa no address we got beverly from orlando florida stan and barbara from lakeland florida we got uh panera from i don't know we don't have an address and we got dean and kim from easton and we got debbie from union not to mention anybody's name debbie hallelujah praise the lord our young people were in miami last week and sister grace i know this is catching you off guard but if you'll get a microphone for her i just want you to let the church know just give us a little quick testimony of what it was like going to miami to hialeah to the cuban church the church was seats about 2500 it's over 54 years old the pastor's been there the whole time he's in his 80s just a wonderful time of praising the lord what was your experience like it was wonderful i've been on one mission trip before to honduras but it was amazing to have church every night and one of the first things that i noticed and i talked about this while i was there was their worship they were so free in their worship they had almost like a dance team that came up to the front every night and they were worshiping and it really blessed me so much to be able to sing and to worship with them and just to experience that with him i'd never been to anything like that but it was wonderful praise the lord is that it yeah all [Applause] right [Music] oh i can see far down the mountain many years on my journey [Music] by the cold [Music] disappointments sadly spring [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] and the sun is always bright [Music] oh i am drinking [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] pleasures nor at all wonderful treasures that will never fade away oh it's not this of your love blessed land of life [Music] is [Music] over the cross has wondrous beauty all fine through [Applause] [Music] [Music] i can't see a pathway through [Music] oh how sweetly jesus whispers take the cross [Music] snails is and the sun is always bright and drinking from that fountain where i am pure river [Music] and my soul is satisfied it will is [Music] my is [Music] shall [Applause] [Music] [Music] pleasure [Applause] greater treasure [Music] that will never fade away [Music] i am drinking from the fountain where i am [Music] life's pure rivers and my soul is [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] away [Music] it will never fade away it will never [Music] fade away [Music] [Applause] so pleasures that crazy treasure it will never never fade away it will never never fade away [Music] foreign it will never fade [Music] away [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] not for our scolded millions would i leave this blessed place though the tempter to persuade me on fast try for i put my hope in jesus i'm resting in his love and grace and i'm living on that highly [Music] yes to jesus hallelujah [Music] i love you jesus [Music] of my soul and i'm living on that [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh we praise you lord come on we praise you lord oh when you can get to that point you can say there's no thirsty for life's pleasures nor a dawn rich engaged [Music] you'd look the devil in the eye and say for i found oh the greater treasure [Music] it will never away let's all stand this morning oh i praise you lord we got a brother back there that's 96 years old i guess he's the eldest in the house and the bible said give honor to those that are elder and so 96 years old he's originally from brethren county his name's brother turner so i'm sure he got a little mountain experience out of that one right there i can see far down the mountain where i've wondered many years often hindered on my journey by those ghosts those things that don't exist of doubts and fears those broken vowels this song's over 200 years old it's full of poetic language those broken vowels and disappointments are sadly sprinkled along the way where i said i would and i said i wouldn't do it and i did where i said i would do it and it didn't do it sprinkled along the way but the spirit led unairing to the land i hold today oh that cross has wondrous beauty that cross has wondrous beauty off i've proved it to be true because when i'm in a way that is so narrow there's a light come shining through and oh who is it oh how sweetly jesus whispers [Music] take the cross thou need not fear for i've gone the way before you and the glory lingers near thank you jesus we're going to be reading from psalms 119 verses 169 thank you jesus hallelujah don't forget about the service tonight we're going to be praying for all all of our children and those going to school and in college and then after it's over they got to have a big festival it's going to be a big celebration because they're going into the school year not defeated but with victory so they'll be bouncing on those big bouncy things they'll be eating i don't know what they're going to eat and i hope it's something more than cupcakes i'm a health nut and i have all the time trying to say get carrots celery apples oranges grapes you know i was with a young man and never eaten a grape before parents don't even buy stuff like that let's go on psalms 119 169 let my cry come near before thee oh lord give me understanding according to your word let my supplication come before thee deliver me according to your word my lips shall utter praise when you have taught me your statutes my tongue shall speak of your word for all your commandments are righteous [Music] let your hand help me for i have chosen your precepts i've longed for your salvation o lord and your law is my delight let my soul live and it shall praise you let my let your judgments help me for i have gone astray like a lost sheep seek your servant for i do not forget your commandments just for a few moments we're dealing with the subject in verse 176 i have gone astray let's pray father we come to you in the name of jesus i'm asking you lord to let your word be preached today let it be seed to the sower bread to the eater let it be preached with love mercy compassion demonstration and power of the spirit and we give you all the praise in jesus name let the church say amen you may be seated i'm so glad to see brother gary dickerson and kathy up there in that balcony it's been over a year and something since he's been here he's been at death's door two or three times but gary you're alive you got to walk in today and we're praising god for that and some people were not coming back till they got the vaccine and we're thanking god that people are getting they're getting the vaccine that needed it felt like they needed to get it and they've come back to church and it's so good to see because some people we hadn't seen in 14 months and some people 16 months so we're just so thankful that the home people's getting to come back to the house of the lord praise the lord we're going to be preaching today on a subject i have gone astray our text is found in psalms 119 verses 169 through 176. most of you know if you don't know if you haven't been here long enough but if you come long enough you'll know my birthday is march the 10th i was born in 1956. i was born and raised right here at community family church church started my grandpa's living room uh many years ago 1953 in a prayer meeting and so i'm 65 years old in my 65 years old there's been so many changes that have taken place in my life and in this nation changes that were beyond my imagination 1962 63 when i was at taylor mill elementary school my principal was mr baker mr baker would come on the speaker my very first experience with school was mr baker coming on the speaker and say good morning students it's time for class to begin let's all stand for the pledge allegiance of the flag everyone stood a good student somebody that the teacher picked would get to take the flag and hold it and in our classroom we would put our hand on our heart and we would all say the pledge to the flag the flag will be put back in its place then mr baker would say now we have a student from the sixth grade they are going to read the scripture for us today they would open up the bible one of the sixth graders would read a verse or maybe even a small chapter out of the book of psalms or one of the other scriptures in the bible then they would say now we're going to have this student would announce the student to have our opening prayer they would pray and ask god's blessing on the day and they say we ask these things in the name of jesus that was the way every day had begun since the inception of this country for over 200 years every time there was any education of any sort any type of public meeting it was began with scripture reading and with prayer but in 1963 our nation felt that you know those practices were outdated that we needed to progressively go forward in order to be more globally minded and to think more of the rest of the world so prayer and the bible was eliminated from our educational system you see my body can play that pierre because it's programmed in my mind i can do many things that i do because of the programming that's in my mind the body will only function according to the commands of its mind so when the enemy decided to play with our mind the first thing he wanted to remove from this nation was the honoring of the scripture and the honoring of the word of god so what was honored as the word of god when i was a child i saw as i became a schoolteacher to find the bible you had to go to the section of esop's fables and fairy tales and poetic books and there you would find the bible it was no longer in a special place as it used to be so time has changed you know i don't watch tv if i would like to i don't have time to sit down and i'm very selective on what i would watch because i think more of my brain than to contaminate it and to waste it on stuff that doesn't have any sense at all i love history i love the animal planet i love building things i like want to buy a house rebuild a house or whatever if i'm going to watch something and i do like watching if i have a chance i love watching the olympic olympics because it's in my nature i was born with leadership qualities and with those leadership qualities i was born with with coach type characteristics i want to see people excel i want you to go further than you can go i want you much further than me i'm not jealous you want to praise god more than me go for it you want to sing more than me go for it you won't play the piano out play me go for it i want you to excel me i want my children they already excelled me in the looks part but they're not 65 yet either and they've already excelled me in other things i have a coach's heart i want to see you excel and i love to watch young people who have made a journey all their life that have disciplined themselves as a child all the way through to get to the olympics and so while i was in miami i got to see some of the olympics when i'd go into a restaurant there'd be a big screen and i'd watch this one come out this event archery event i think i watched these two people box a while i watched this one man these people from different countries lifting weights and and i was watching them excel but i got to thinking about injustice got to thinking about how that two parents or mother and father they have a little girl and they notice this little girl's flexible that she's got muscle hand coordination that excels that she's really got some physical acceleration and so they make sacrifices they take her to gymnastics they put her in swimming team they they put her on the soccer team they're running after school to practice running after school here running after school there they buy special shoes they buy special clothes so in the elementary school they excel secondary school they excel they get in college and even get a scholarship because they have worked diligently and they have excelled now they get to the point it's beyond elementary and secondary and high school now they've gotten to the point it's world global view and this young girl that is sacrificed that ate differently than other little girls that practiced when other little girls didn't want to practice that worked and disciplined and had her schooling and grades excelling when nobody else wanted to she reaches a point of global attention all the world is focused on her efforts she could win but she's not going to because a young man now has said that he's really a woman in a man's body so he gets to compete as a woman he has something that girl don't have he's got xy chromosomes and testosterone boiling in his blood he's got energy that a woman will not ever have of that sort so he excels he breaks every one of those little girls records the world a certain group of the world and this country applaud isn't it wonderful isn't it wonderful someone of transgender has just broke every rule you could break and broken other little girls hearts because this is the way we've changed the word of god isn't this wonderful and then on the other hand you have another divided people that says what what's going on you mean all of this practice that we went to you mean all of the sacrifices that have been made all of the investments that we have made all the times that i've had to fix special bills and i've had to do this and this is injustice so you have one part of the world saying injustice and another part of the world saying this is one of the greatest events that's ever taken place because we have finally exalted our opinion and our thoughts above that ancient bible and we're finally saying that this is the way it is going to be i want us to understand here the bible said in first john chapter 5 and 7 that there are three that bear a record in heaven there are three that are making witness in heaven the father the word and the holy ghost and these three are one we believe in one god who manifests himself as god the father god the son god the holy ghost but in this particular scripture he calls jesus the word and the reason why he calls jesus was the word is because in the beginning was the word and the word was god and the word was with god and by this word were all things made and without this word there was nothing made and this very sad thing about it is in this nation there's an apostate spirit that has been working in the church to dilute the effects of the word of god the american the modern american church has has has uh they have conjured up this jesus that is not the one god manifest says god the father god the son god the holy ghost he is part mary poppins he is part santa claus and his part mr rogers that's who he is he never says no he loves you he cannot see your adultery he cannot see your drug addiction he cannot see your alcoholic problems he cannot see this because he's covered you with the blood of jesus and this jesus doesn't see anything that's a wrong answer brothers and sisters you hear me he knows every error he knows every sin but he has chosen to forgive you through the blood of the cross if you'll confess your sins he's faithful and just to forgive you and i know that on christian television there's going to be another preacher that's going to come up after me on christian television he's going to tell you that once you're born again there is no need for you to ask forgiveness again because your sins are covered past present and future and that is the truth in principle by the blood of jesus there is no more need for another sacrifice his blood is sufficient for everything but i stand against the heresy that's being preached from america's pulpits of trying to trying to tell this nation that there is no need to repent repentance is more in the scripture than any other word that you can be found in this new covenant if you wrong there must be repentance and you must ask god to forgive you i don't care if you did a 7 times 70 in one day you asked god to forgive you and there is sufficient blood to cleanse you from all unrighteousness so we stand here today we're on the battleground of the word the bible said that jesus god himself he exalts his word above his name if your word means nothing then your name is useless but the name of the lord is a strong tower and the righteous run into it and they are saved his name is jehovah jireh he's my provider jehovah nisi he fights my battles and causes me to win jehovah roy he is my shepherd jehovah shalom he is my peace jehovah's shama he's the ever-present god jehovah rapha he heals me spirit soul and body his name is adonai the almighty god his name is elohim he is god the creator he is jesus that in that name demons are cast out he is jesus that in that name they lay hands on the sick and they shall recover his name is jesus that in that name they shall speak with new tongues but he says i magnify my word above my name you're never going to be blessed any higher than your conception of god through the word if you think you've got a revelation that's greater than the word you are stepping into spiritual darkness that will damn your soul that will separate you from god and cause you to never have what god wants you to have jesus christ went to calvary and he gave us the word that we may have a sword of the spirit to lacerate the powers of darkness that we may stand against everything that has fallen around us i want to encourage you church you are people of the word and because you have the word you've got the god jehovah and because you've got the word you've got jesus the only begotten of the father and because you've got the word you've got the holy ghost which is the comforter because you've got the word you've got a heaven to go to because you've got the word you've got a hell to shun because you've got the word you have joy unspeakable and full of glory and because you've got the word you're blessed in the city you're blessed in the field because you've got the word no weapon formed against you shall prosper and because you've got the word up you're going to rise up in power and rise up in anointing because you've got the word you've got faith that'll take you through a storm of faith that'll take you through a valley faith that'll take you through difficulty if you've got faith that's going to ride you through every situation because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god this is a bible church we served a bible jesus and we love our bible god now give god a bible praise [Applause] come on give him the praise [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i know the american people's got plum lazy they're walking in disobedience and feel totally justified with it oh yeah on sunday morning you know i just go to church right here on my ipad and on my phone i get 10 minutes of tommy bates 10 minutes at jensen franklin i got 10 minutes of perry stone and man i tell you i'm ready to take the world you're not ready for nothing if you can't get yourself out of bed there's some people that can't be here because they're sick there's some people that can't be here because they don't live close enough around here there are some people but listen you're not ready to take nothing on if you can't even get yourself out of bed and if you can't conquer if you get yourself out of bed to go to work to get a paycheck there is a payday coming oh no i didn't go to church for you to put guilt on me i didn't go to search for you to make me feel bad if you're living in adultery and if you're puffing on pot and if you're drinking like a fish i pray to god you get so miserable before this service is over i want you to know that jesus christ shed his blood to redeem us from sin to set us free from sin [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah so when you get to psalms 119 every every verse of the book of psalms 119 has the word of god in it except for three different verses and they have had they have an admiration or an admonishment of the word so when you get to psalms 119 it's a crostic psalm that means it takes every letter of the hebrew alphabet and it has eight stanzas to go with each letter of the hebrew alphabet there are 22 letters of the hebrew alphabet there are 22 different sections in here and your bible should have the name of the hebrew word above it so if you wonder what those words that you can't pronounce are above your word in psalms 119 those are the alphabet of the hebrews so you have eight times 22 that's exactly how many verses are going to be in psalms 119. there are eight stanzas per every letter to explain this better it'd be like this in the english if i would say i'm gonna write a gospel poem at for every letter of the alphabet i'm gonna start with a every line is going to begin with a now in the translation it doesn't work out that way from hebrew to where we are now into the english it doesn't work out that way but here's what it says if i was to make one up i'd say a amazing love god has given a all of god's children have faith a abundant life is promised to believers a anyone who seeks shall find god a arrogant are the thoughts of the ungodly that's exactly what i've tried to give you a little illustration of what an acrostic psalm is this psalm has been anointed by the holy ghost it is written by the god used the pen of the psalmist david to write this down in eternal scripture for us and when you get to psalm when you get to psalms 119 verse 169 it is the last section of eight and at the top of that verse it says t a v or tov and tom is the last letter of the hebrew word of the hebrew alphabet it's the last letter so this entire section in this last eight stanzas is dealing for longing for the salvation of the lord lord i long for your salvation i long for your deliverance i long for your renewal i long for your recovery i long for your reviving and your restoration so it starts off and says let my cry come near before thee oh lord he said oh god i want my cry to get right down in your heart oh jehovah give me understanding according to your word you see barnes and noble self-help books they can diagnose your problem they can show you the symptoms of your problem they can even talk about different ways to cope with your problem but they cannot give you an understanding of your problem you can go through all the self-help books you want but when you say god i don't know what this is in me all my life i've been a jealous person all my life i've had this had this thing eaten on me i can't stand it when somebody gets a car and i don't have one i can't stand it when this happens i need to understand what's going on in my life and all at once that holy ghost so get right down inside of you he'll take the word of god he'll begin to show you an understanding of what's going on in your life and then once you have the understanding you say oh god i didn't even realize that i didn't realize that that i grew up with those kind of thoughts in my mind now i'm asking you lord let the blood of jesus cleanse me lord start scrubbing on this i know it's a big stain but i know that your blood is so powerful that it can remove this big stain i know your blood is so the agent of the blood is so great that it can remove this and the scripture goes on he says according to your word give me understanding he said let my supplication now you got to understand something just shifted here david is a king he's got a crown on his head he's got all all kinds of riches and glory he don't need money he don't need finances he doesn't need a house he don't need food he don't need anything so for him to use the word supplication is the same thing that a beggar would use a beggar would say supply my needs i don't have food supply my money i can't pay my bills supply supply help me help me so what david is saying he's saying god i'm humbling myself i want my prayer to come near to you i know you resist the proud but you give grace to the humble so i'm presenting myself god as if i was a beggar on the street and i had nothing that's how desperately i need you god i need you to deliver me according to your word and then he said my lips shall utter praise when you have taught me your statutes that word statutes is the engraved word of god that never changes and when the bible said male and female he created them xx chromosome x y chromosome he created them you can have sex with anything you want to have sex with do you understand we are living in 2021 you can have a sexual relationship with animal with people with same sex or whatever but you will never change the identity of what you have been created you could you could go through surgery you can have every surgery you can put a brawl on and stuff it you can have it cut you can have yourself chopped and cut you can have yourself put eyelashes on there lipstick yourself up put a mini skirt on it put a bikini on but if you die in a fire they're going to pull your hair out and it's going to say xx chromosome this is a woman i don't care how many hormones you take i don't care if you grow your black beard bigger than a pirate you still your body will testify against you and the bible said when you show me a statute when you show me something in your word that won't change he said that's when i'm going to start praising you for your word and it's not just going to be hallelujah hallelujah it's going to be a song praise i'm going to highlight i'm going to heal up i'm going to say oh i thank you for your word oh i thank you for your word if you want to put those chains off of your body the chains off of your mind you start praising god for his word and say god this is the unchangeable portion of your scripture and god will certainly i said god will certainly give you the great salvation that he promises and then he said in 172 my tongue shall speak of your word you will never speak the word until you first praise the word if you can't praise the word you're never going to be speaking the word you're never going to be out there talking the word it's when the word has been praised within the heart it's then it comes out of the mouth he said because all of your commandments are righteous he said let your hand help me for i have chosen your precepts the precepts there is the superior knowledge of god he said help me because you have superior knowledge your ways are higher than my ways your thoughts are higher than my thoughts you have superior knowledge and i am expecting you to help me lord because you see things that i cannot see you see from a perspective that i cannot even imagine oh i thank you he said i've longed for your salvation o lord your law is my delight let my soul live he said let my soul my will my mind and emotion let it come alive and i will praise and that word praise there is not the same one up there up higher in the scripture this praise here is hillel he said if you'll make my soul alive if you'll make my will my mind and my emotion come alive he said oh if you do that he said i'm going to hallel i'm going to boast to your praise you know the young people went to the cuban church down there and hialeah in miami and while they were down there they're watching the old and the young about 50-something tambourines with streamers on them over maybe 50 or 60 flags waving back and forth the white hairs and gray hairs all moving and dancing in the spirit it is because their soul has come alive their will mind and emotion has come alive to praise god they spent hundreds of years in roman catholicism to where everything was in latin and they really didn't even understand what was going on but they found oh they found this treasure i said they found this great treasure that will never fade away and so they hallell the praises of god within their personality your personality you just praise within it if your personality isn't like that then you're not going to have it but if your personality is like that you're going to have the freedom to give god the praise and the glory that is due his name hallelujah he says i will praise you with my soul i want your judge your justice to help me and then verse 176 is what i see in my heart and what god is pouring in my mind today he said i have gone astray like a sheep i thought oh god if america could just see that if the churches could be the first one to say we've gone astray we're not where we were we're not what we need to be we're not doing what we need to do god help us help me not to go astray and then you know what he says he says seek me god i want you to go after me he's going to go after you whether you say it or not but you're saying god if you ever see me going too far to the right too far to the left i want you to go after me oh consecrate me now to your service lord when before thy throne i stand hallelujah troll me nearer [Music] [Music] down [Music] let's all stand together i appreciate all of you that you know that can't come i know i don't know why my parents aren't here this morning they're watching right now something's happened they're sick or something i don't know what it is but i'll find out just soon as this service is over there's there's reasons we can't come to church there was a reason there was a reason for 12 weeks we had the doors shut here [Music] there are reasons at times but there's other times there are no reasons there's other times that we have got to say lord i'm not where i need to be i'm not doing what i need to do i'd like for all of our elders and prayer warriors and ministers that are going to help the people pray make your way up to this altar let's sing that course again draw me near singing with all your heart here we [Music] [Music] the go where loud [Music] me if it's your first time here maybe you haven't been here in a long time we always have an open altar call concept that means that this is a place where you can get saved you can get restored renewed revived and recovered but if you have a prayer request or if you have a need of any kind we believe this alters for every prayer request and if you need somebody to help you pray or you want to give your heart to jesus if god is knocking on your heart to make a change today this altar is open for you let's sing it one more time draw me nearer thank you lord to the cross [Applause] is [Music] one more time let's sing it together come on lift your hands and thinking for it oh [Music] where [Music] nearer all you pray at the altar you have plenty of time just pray all you want lord we thank you for this service today we thank you god for i have many many many in this house that are standing with me that are standing with me god to hold up the bible and the truth of the lord jesus christ i'm asking you lord to put your blessing up on them as they travel bring us back at the next appointed time tonight lord let us have an incredible service as we pray for our students we give you the praise in jesus name let the church say amen we'll see you tonight at 6. [Music] tommy bates ministries there is a fervent desire to bridge the gap of what mighty men and women of the faith have shown him over the years to this current generation that so desperately needs a relationship with the holy spirit god's continued faithfulness to open doors for pastor tommy bates has done just that the message of jesus is going around the world and lives are being transformed if the holy spirit is leading you to pursue partnership with tommy bates ministries i encourage you to make your commitment today join pastor tommy bates as god passionately uses his ministry to stir and impact lives for the cause of jesus christ to partner or contact tommy bates ministries visit or call 1-866-411-1032 or write us today you
Channel: CommunityFamilyChurch
Views: 4,558
Rating: 4.7333331 out of 5
Id: Mh9fgEwabM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 29sec (5309 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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