7-25-2021 - 6 PM - Pastor Tommy Bates

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so well praise the lord are you ready to have church are you ready to worship the lord then stand up on your feet [Music] god will work a miracle for you he'll take your feet of the body on the rock to save turn your life around up on higher ground god will work a miracle [Music] that's just what you do jericho came crashing down after seven days of marching around he took the heat out of the flame for the hebrew three and i believe he'll do the same for me right now god will work a miracle for you will work a miracle for you he'll take your feet off turn your life around the wolves that jericho came crashing down after seven days marching around he took the heat out of the flame for the hebrew three and i believe he'll do the same for me right now that's just what he'll do hey right now he'll take your feet that's just god in is he's gonna work it on is just have faith in god if you trust in him and never die well but by my my spirits is [Applause] oh right now right now if you believe that's just one right now right now right now all right oh right now oh that's just what you do hallelujah he's ready to do something here tonight he's ready to do a miracle yes god's ready he's ready to do a miracle whatever you need whatever you've been praying for whatever you need whatever you've been praying for god he's ready he's ready all right hallelujah oh thank you jesus somebody shout right now yay hallelujah yours is the name high above any other yours is the kingdom forever you reign and yours is the power that lifted us out of the grave yours is the heart that is beating inside us yours is glory and all of the fame and yours is the love that you pour down on us we're rising up to sing your praise to the king all night and to the one who saves people for all our days with our hands on head and our voices raised to the king all night yours are the stars i just walk into place and yours are the shouts of your sons and daughters foreign almighty is and yours on the shouts of your sons and daughters lifting is is with our heads [Music] [Applause] of is foreign this coming wednesday we're going to have a group of over 40 going to the hialeah area of miami which is basically almost all spanish even the burger king and the mcdonald's everything is in spanish we're going to a cuban church that the pastor came from cuba before fidel had done you know before fidel let's put it that way [Music] and uh seats about 2500 the pastor's about 84 85 years old and i'd like for all those going on the missions trip if you just come if you're here i know some i don't but if you're here just come right in the middle at least right in this middle section here and we're going to pray and ask god to give us to give us a something that we need from the lord if you'll go ahead and start singing that third song while we get herself ready i wanted a bunch in a bunch too there so i know who's up here and who's not hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus if you'll start singing that third song while they come otherwise i'm going to start one hallelujah [Music] thank you jesus i love you lord oh your mercy never fails me and all my days i've been held in your hands [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh everybody's saying that together all my life you have been faithful oh i [Music] lord you have let me through the fire in darkest night you are close like nowhere i've known you as a father oh [Applause] i love your voice lord you have led me through the fire in darkest nights you are close like no in the goodness i will of the goodness is last sunday night the spirit of god moved on bradley he is from haiti he called my son-in-law up here who is from cuba and we begin to pray for those two nations who are in turmoil now you all are going on a missions trip in miami but you're going to be ministering to teenagers whose parents and grandparents and families still live in cuba i know miami sounds like a oh boy this is going to be like a school trip it's not a school trip this is a ministry trip this is a time when you're going to do everything you can before you leave miami to pour anything you have into those young people and into that church so i want everyone to stretch your hands this way hallelujah robbie are you going with us or you're just up here why don't you come up and pray this is our youngest missionary he's been he's been everywhere i'm not going to say all where he's been he's been out in how many different nations of the world but i want him to pray and i want you to make up your mind right now don't don't wait till don't wait till sunday afternoon or saturday afternoon after you've wasted wednesday thursday and friday just say i'm going to give it all i've got go i'm going to give all i've got i'm going to give everything i've got hallelujah then when he gets finished brenda go with that second verse again and we're going to sing that course god right now in the name of jesus we lift our hands god as a generation god we lift our hands as a generation thank you god we make ourselves willing vessels tonight god we make ourselves willing vessels tonight silver and gold have we known but such as we have such as these young people have such as this church has the anointing the covering the power the fire in the name of jesus we open up our mouth we open up our spirit we will not keep it to ourselves but god we let the river flow in miami i pray a generational move i pray generational curses be broken god use our hands use our feet use our worship use our testimony use our prayer use everything that we have we hold nothing back in the name of jesus god use this young people god in every way in every way in jesus name in jesus name oh oh all my life you have been so of the goodness oh your goodness is everything is is your goodness is running [Music] is your goodness is oh yes you have jesus of the goodness of god of the goodness of god come on if you know he's faithful if you know he's faithful praise the lord you may be seated in god's house tonight hallelujah praise the lord i'm excited about this mission trip coming up i'm telling you what i wish i could go it's been about eight years since my last mission trip just by showing of hands tell me here has ever been on a mission trip before just look across this place not as many as i thought my goodness what a privilege it is all you young people to be able to go and to spread the gospel and be used of his kingdom amen i'm going to tell you what god is moving in this house but i'm telling you if you were at the 12 30 service this morning it was the most unbelievable thing you've ever seen in your life you know we're doing that backpack outreach and today was the first of three weeks that we'll be doing that and so 25 kids came today to get their backpacks which was awesome but their families came into church today and five people gave their hearts to jesus this morning at the 12 30 service come on somebody give god praise they came here to get a backpack they left knowing jesus [Applause] i'm telling you what god does exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think i saw a young lady who had been behind bars had been through drug addiction had been through everything in her life but you know what the power of god hit her she came down on this altar and she wept bitter tears she wept tears before the lord i'm telling you what salvation was found in the house today it was incredible i'm excited about next week and i encourage you if you've never been a 12 30 service you need to get to the 12 30 service next week who knows what god is going to do in the house this is the potter's house i'm telling you what it's awesome to see what god is doing and god moving upon brother lou and lou filled all those backpacks with tracks that he that he bought himself he filled it all with all this stuff so even those kids gonna go home but they've got a brand new mommy and daddy to come home too right isn't it awesome god changes everything doesn't he he changes everything we saw was the potter's house today and give me a key of d real quick i just feel that i heard that in case you have fallen by the wayside of life dreams and visions shatter you're all broken inside you don't have to stay in the shape that you're in because the powder wants to put you back together again all the powder wants to put you back together again [Music] [Music] stop by the power i'm afraid because the powder [Music] let's do that second verse in case your situation is turned upside down [Music] and all that you've accomplished is now on the ground you don't have to stay in the shape that you're in because the partner wants to put you back [Music] together again [Music] you need [Music] and give together again you'll find everything you need you'll find everything you need tonight come on if you know he's able to do exceeding abundantly above all you ask for think come on clap your hands if you know he's able to take somebody in a life filled with drugs in a life incarcerated in a life destitute but can put them all back together again come on and give a little prize i know i know i believe the spirit of god is here to meet every single need praise the lord be seated in god's house tonight welcome to community family church we're so glad you're here tonight to celebrate king jesus he's mighty and awesome and almighty god deserves a mighty praise if it's your first time here do us a favor and just reach in the seat in front of you grab a connection card fill that out for us we love the opportunity to connect with you so just reach that scene in front of you fill it out and when it comes time for offering time we'd like you to take that connection card and drop it off and whenever offering stands here at the front the back or the balcony or if you want to see one of our friendly staff members or volunteers or greeters you can hand that to one of them can we let our guests know how greatly we appreciate them being with us and god's house tonight amen let's say you're offering declaration today together as we bring in today's tithes offerings and over and above giving we are believing the lord for a supernatural release of god's favor over every area of our lives jobs and better jobs checks in the mail inheritances secure investment scholarships creative ideas finding money healing for our spirit soul and body deliverance to the captive salvation to the lost and an outpouring of the holy ghost say this love with me we are blessed and we will be a blessing to others in the name of our lord jesus christ if you believe that say amen amen the three ways to give you can give online at cfcky.com you can text the word give to eight five nine three five nine three nine nine seven you can give in person checks payable to cfc cash envelope with your name on it if you're watching online we're so glad you're here with us you can join in the worship service tonight with with giving as well the three ways that i mentioned there but you can send a check in the mail to 11875 taylor mill road independence kentucky four one zero five one if you'd so like amen this is a wonderful church and of course we believe that god blesses our church to be a blessing to others in the name of the lord jesus christ let's go before the lord in prayer god we thank you so much that we get to be in your house tonight thank you lord that we get to be here to celebrate you lord you are god and you are god all by yourself where two or more gathered in your name there you are in the midst god we recognize your presence is here and god we thank you that we can worship you with our hands clapping our feet dancing our mouths shouting your praises but lo we're also so grateful that we can worship you with our tithes and our offerings so we pray in the name of jesus that this will be a supernatural offering let us look back and say what a mighty god we serve look what the lord has done lord move upon this offering let every single dollar is given go to win souls for your kingdom we ask this in the precious name of your son jesus and the church says amen please stand with me all across siblings today and you may give it this time i'm here in the family life center it is wednesday night and this place is booming i mean they're coming in every door this building has been such a blessing i want to give you some exciting news you won't even believe it this news is so exciting we are able to already we have paid over 500 000 down against the principal loan on this building we appreciate and thank all of you that have helped and you that haven't helped i can't believe what's going to happen when you begin to help us pay this building off we're believing god that by the end of this year by the end of december this year that this building is going to be paid off for the glory of god and we can start on the next one join with us if you haven't join with us and if you have keep it up you're doing an incredible job we love you looking forward to what god's gonna do stand up if he's done anything for you he took away do you stand up come on god has been so good and god god has been so good oh magnify is there's a joy you can feel a joy praise them you want to play is [Music] you'd be seated so so oh so you want to well if he's done anything for you you've got to has go so good to you just praise him if god has been so good to you crazy well if he's done anything for you there's a is in your praise there is a healing in your praise i'm gonna preach in just a moment but i believe in a healing power of god's gonna sweep across this house through that internet i'm gonna say it one more time there is a healing you say it's mine it's mine my in your praise oh has been so good is you god has been so good to you you want to stand up on your feet oh give me um there is a blood joy are being healed blood disorders are being healed numb disorders are being healed emotional emotional pain is being subdued there is a healer in the house there's a healing in your place somebody somebody's getting a healing somebody on that internet somebody in this house [Applause] oh cancer cancer is being driven out of your body in the name of jesus blood vessels are coming back together blood vessels i heard i heard the holy ghost say i heard the holy ghost say the barren womb shall feel the kick of life you hear me the barren womb shall feel the kick of life hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah be [Applause] [Music] [Music] somebody is getting a blood transfusion right now there's contaminants in your blood i don't know what this means but there's something wrong going on in your blood [Music] but god is killing those contaminants as you praise the lord [Music] thank you lord go back to that song all my life you have been faithful one more time [Music] listen these things started shooting up in my mind when you was praising the barren womb shall feel the kick of life [Music] somebody's blood has got some issues in it but god's given you new blood blood vessels blood vessels are being restored and that could be brother paul [Music] sing it one more time all my life every breath that i i want you to say this after me say jesus by the stripes on your back i am healed spirit soul and body you're healing my broken emotions you're healing me physically you're healing me emotionally after this night i shall walk in a new healing of restoration in the name of jesus i want you right now to allow the holy ghost allow the holy ghost to do that healing [Music] let's sing it one more time all my life [Music] oh of god oh let the church say hallelujah [Applause] we bless your heart [Applause] is we thank you is [Music] you can be seated but just cause your knees bend you don't have to stop your praise hallelujah it's like breathing breathe in and out praise hallelujah come on just cause you're seated you don't have to hallelujah [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] here [Music] my [Music] hallelujah we're going to be we're going to be reading for these are the days of elijah i say miracles wonders and signs did not john did not john say prepare ye john the baptist prepare you the way of the lord you are the edeos you are the generation to shun bro for me yea into this world yay for surely i come quickly i say children yeah i say get your lips full get them trimmed and full and burning bright for surely great persecution is coming great persecution hear me my children i say many in here tonight need to prepare themselves i for surely i come quickly and i have a work for thee to do i say who who will be my mouthpiece who will be my hands who will look and see what i see who will be my feet to go where i say go for i'm telling you my children it's not much longer i say now get yourself together and prepare yourself for great persecution is coming saith the lord oh jesus jesus [Music] hallelujah hallelujah we're going to be reading out of mark 16. and hallelujah before we do we want to welcome our new partners we got partners here from oklahoma i forgot him forgot about him saying that he's going to come back tonight but uh and we got friends that came up from nashville and they're gonna drive up probably drive all the way home tonight but we're glad you're here and but we want to welcome roberta roberta from collingdale pennsylvania victoria we don't have an address for her and tim and gina we don't have an address for them and i know it's summertime but we appreciate everyone that has joined in partnership with this ministry it's 25 a month this is what keeps us on christian television it keeps us on the internet the partners have paid for the cameras and many things all of the equipment we have which goes into hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars and those of you watching if you want to join in with us and partner with this ministry because we're going to build a new sanctuary and it's coming soon and it's going to be a place oh it's going to be a place just like it is right now where the spirit of god will be free to move let's turn to mark 16 and if you're able let's all stand one more time for the reading of god's word [Music] mark 16 verse 17 and 18 and these signs shall follow them that believe in my name they shall cast out devils they shall speak with new tongues they shall take up serpents and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover i want to look in verse 18 and this scripture says if they drink any deadly thing let's go before the lord in prayer father we come to you in the name of jesus we thank you god for the manifestation of your glory we thank you god because we have no way of tabulating what has taken place in the unseen world we don't know how many cancer cells were just killed how many blood vessels were restored how many contaminants was sickness in the body have been invaded by your precious power those that have been emotionally healed with a broken heart and a broken spirit and we give you all the praise and the glory now as i preach this word tonight let it be preached with love mercy compassion and most of all demonstration and power of the holy ghost in the mighty name of jesus let the church say amen you may be seated just for a few moments tonight we're dealing with the subject if they drink any deadly thing you get to the book of revelation chapter 18 and it begins to talk to us about the last world government the bible said in the book of daniel 500 years before christ was born that there was going to be a revision of the roman empire now the roman empire didn't exist yet alexander the great with the grecian empire did not exist yet but he's called out he's called a horn that would rise up and break off but yet god said after this roman empire there will be no more world empire until the revised roman empire which means it's going to have all of the attributes that rome had now if i told you and i'm not going to go into all of that again because i've got a specific word that has to be said tonight but if you realized rome's position on abortion rome's position on redefining marriage in the home rome's position on everything that is existing right now we are in the process of watching this roman empire be revised history is repeating itself right now now the bible said after this roman empire and when this final empire and it's difficult to know who's going to be ended now daniel uses ten toes and says ten kings and you get to the book of revelation it talks about ten horns and ten crowns and it talks about seven heads it's quite obvious that the merging of all of these world powers is going to be the merging of great nations australia the united states china canada all of these great nations these kingdoms are going to come together there has not been the voice of a world empire the last time the roman empire's voice was heard on this planet was in the year 476 a.d the next time we heard a world voice was 2020 with the world health organization they absolutely have spoken to the world the world health organization was born out of the united nations the united nations was formed in new york city in the united states but the headquarters of the who the world health organization is in switzerland switzerland is where china billionaires world billionaires invest their money that's just the facts brothers and sisters so their head organization is in switzerland in the book of revelation the bible tells us that this one world empire is going to develop an incredible financial pyramid that's never been topped all of the money that solomon had all of the riches that babylon had all of the riches that alexander the great had will not even be able to compare to the wealth that's going to be poured in and when you read revelation chapter 18 verse 3 says the merchants of the earth have become abundantly rich it goes on to say that babylon has glorified herself and lived luxuriously in verse 7. the kings of the earth who have joined in with her unfaithfulness have lived luxuriously it's all about the merchants in verse 15 it said the merchants have all been made rich the bible said in the book of thessalonians that there will come a great falling away now in the 1960s they used to preach that this meant that the churches were going to start emptying out and only the holiness people were going to make it that's what they preached because it got worse after the sexual revolution and the drug revolution they thought it was over with and when woodstock began to chant the f word while young people were high on drugs naked having sexual acts right in front of each other with no shame it looked like it was over but during this time of degradation during this time of horrible sin unbelievable inconceivable rebellious sin a young black man in west virginia got called of god called t.d jakes a young baptist man in columbus ohio who originated in eastern kentucky in the baptist church got filled with the holy ghost another young man 15 years old shy and playing his saxophone in the church of god camp meetings he got called into the ministry jensen franklin benny hen received a healing ministry joyce meyers was presbyterian and was meeting with a bunch of women and i heard her testimony she said i was smoking cigarettes and i had a bible study and i was saying girls there's got to be more to it than what we've got during this time down the road in a little holiness church with hardwood floors and knotty pine walls a teenager was sitting behind the piano bench and god got a hold of this teenager and i've been standing in this pulpit for 40 years the bible said in isaiah that darkness is coming up on the earth and gross darkness is coming upon the people but he said arise shine for thy light has come and the glory of the lord has risen upon thee and the word of god tells us that this falling away but what the actual interpretation is it doesn't mean those who are called sealed by the holy ghost and got the holy spirit dwelling in them that you're just going to barely make it by the skinny old teeth because the bible already told you that you're going to shine like the righteous he's already promised us that in the last days he's going to pour out his spirit upon all flesh that your sons and daughters are going to prophesy your men in authority going to dream a dream your young men are going to burn with fire with a vision out of the spirit he's going to pour on the women they're going to open up their mouth they're going to prophesy and they're going to make known the mysteries of god he's already said that in the last days i'm going to give to you the key of david and no man's going to shut it and no man can open doors that i have shut and he said i'm going to set before you an open door he's already told you that in the last days i'm going to rebuild the tabernacle of david he said there's going to be an ordinance of worship that is going to be restored you're going to praise god with the timbrel you're going to praise him with the tambourine you're going to praise him with the stringed instruments with the organs with the trumpets with the all of the instruments you're going to praise him with the dance you're going to praise him with lifted up of hands you're going to enter his gates with thanksgiving you're going to come into his courts with praise you're going to shout unto god with the voice of triumph he said in the last days there is going to be a people that's going to say i'd rather be a doorkeeper in the house of the lord than to hoot at the hook nanny or shin diggett the shin dig or go to the club i'd rather be a door keeper in the house of the lord so brothers and sisters yes there is great persecution coming there is a great division coming but the bible said i'm never going to leave you i'm never going to forsake you and this is what he says to his church he said then i heard a voice another voice from heaven saying come out of her my people that you be not partakers of her sins he's not talking at the end he's talking when you see these things begin to come to pass you're going to have to make up your mind you're either going to fall into the spirit of no restraint and that's exactly what it means when it says the great falling away it says there's going to be a uh a condition in the world of no restraint this is what we're going to do we're going to defy the word of god we're going to redefine anything we want to redefine even right now the largest church the fourth largest church in the united states that is located in cincinnati ohio right now they're under scrutiny they're under scrutiny they're not under scrutiny because they haven't welcomed people that love of other persuasions they're under scrutiny because the pastor and are yet to wait for a comment from him because the pastor made a statement that marriage is between he said according to god's word marriage is between a man and a woman and now they have they have stood outside of the church they put their signs up and they said we're waiting for a final decision is this pastor going to stick with the bible i know he's straight on a lot of stuff but is he going to stick with the bible if he's sticking with the bible then the lgbtq community whatever it is excuse me i have to write it down and get it right i don't want to be i don't want to sound it any way sarcastic do you hear because we are living in the last days but the lgbtq community they said if he doesn't give us an answer then this particular church we are going to mark it down it is not a lgbt whatever friendly and they're saying we're gonna mark it we're gonna mark it off now they're waiting for a decision what's he gonna do what's he gonna say and i saw the signs as they pick at the church we may have picketing here it may come soon brothers and sisters but you're going to have to make up your mind what side of the fence are you going to be on you're going to have to make up your mind are you going to stick with the word of god are you going to believe this to be the infallible inherent eternal word of god are you going to if you make up your mind that you're going to follow god then the bible said you're going to shine in the midst of darkness that there's going to be an apostolic renewal that's going to come upon you there's going to be a pentecostal refreshing all nine gifts of the spirit are going to operate among you that angelic visitations listen we're having great services but we haven't scratched the surface of what's gonna happen when the world gets dark when the world gets dark god's gonna so show who his people are he's gonna put a covering over you and you have nothing to be afraid of i said you have nothing to be afraid of if you live you're going to live for christ if you die you're going to die in christ but christ will never be separated from you because neither things present nor things to come nor principalities nor powers nor rulers of darkness there's absolutely nothing that can separate you from the love of god hallelujah i saw the signs i read the signs as they picketed this fourth largest church in america and the sign said is love a sin is love a sin love is not a sin love is not a sin but sodomy is i said sodomy is do you hear what i'm saying love comes from god sodomy is an act of perversion that will fill your body full of disease do you hear it tonight we've got to understand somebody said well i don't know i don't know you know my child may not want to be a male or a female but i've said it before gonna say it again if you die i don't care if you've stuffed it i don't care if you've plucked it i don't care if you've dyed it you can put a skirt on that man you can put a brawl on that man you can stuff that brawl you can take him and have him surgery but when it's all over if he is burned in a fire they're going to take a piece of his hair and his hair will testify what he is his hair will say x y chromosome and i'm not going to get on a soapbox and hound this over and over but our young people need to know that you can't play around with the inerrant word of god if part of this word is wrong it's all wrong do you want me to start ripping out the parts that are wrong if not if parts of it are wrong that means his blood is wrong if parts of it are wrong that means salvation is wrong if parts of it are wrong that means there is no hell if there is no help there is no heaven i said it part of it's wrong but we've got to come to the knowledge of the truth with the sure foundation and say with all of my heart i will believe for the word of god and i believe with all of my heart this church not just because i'm here i believe that this is my 40th year in this place and i believe that in this 40th year there is getting ready to be a move forward and i got a prophecy when i was at the congregational holiness camp meeting there was a pastor there from arkansas i didn't know he was the pastor i didn't know he was the night speaker for three days he gave a prophecy i'm not going to give it out yet some of you have already seen it but i was praying here just the week before and while i was praying the lord began to deal with me and i said god if this is really going to happen i would like to have 10 of the best years i've ever had i would like at 75 years old to see a multiplication in these next 10 years a multiplication of miracles a multiplication of signs and wonders that's why paul it don't damper my faith to see this arm the way it is because i know the god that god almighty has all power to stretch forth that hand i know he does and if you'll hold on if you'll get a burden for the lost if you'll keep your prayer going if you'll keep your praise going i've got news for you that prophecy said this said in the next 10 years everything you've done in the past will not even compare to what's going to take place in the future in the next 10 years well i've seen a lot happen in the past i saw 15 000 or 10 000 teenagers baptized in the holy ghost in one night i preached to thousands of i'm selling in high schools and i'm believing with all of my heart that there is going to be the favor of god you've got to stick with it you've got to believe it if we are turn around high five somebody say i'm in it [Music] oh yes i'm in it i said i'm in it i come on high five somebody you don't have to touch them if you don't want to spread charms i said i'm in it now here's what i want to tell you the scripture said it goes on to say in revelation chapter 18 and i never did see this until 2020 i didn't see it until april of 2020 he said one day that this world commerce in one hour is gonna crumble in one hour there's a mighty angel gonna take a stone up and gonna cast it in the sea and this world commerce is gonna crush and the voice of the musicians and the voice of the those vocalists and the voice of those symphonies are going to be heard no more and the craftsmen are going to be heard no more and the factories will be heard no more at all and the light of the candle that's the church shall shine no more at all in thee and the voice of the bridegroom which is jesus he's not going to be heard any more at thee and the voice of the bride shall be heard no more in thee what a sad day what a sad day when no voice of jesus no voice of the church they wanted to get rid of us but just hang on we're leaving all right i said we're leaving because there's a train on its way i said there's a train but one thing for sure until we get out of here we're going to cause havoc on this planet we're going to tear down the kingdom of darkness we're going to tear down the powers of darkness we're going to set the captive free in the name of jesus and then he said it like this he said your merchants became the great men of the earth it was because of thy sorceries that word sorceries means pharmakia and and i used to think when i was younger and i would preach it it said for by their sorceries by their pharmakia by their drug use i thought well that's what it is there's so much lsd there's so much heroin it's going to be drug use that's going to cause the nations of the world to crumble but that didn't make any sense islamic people hate drugs they don't want drugs buddhists don't like drugs there's a lot of people that don't want to take drugs drugs destroy your body i mean that's nothing but an act of satan to try to destroy your body and then all at once at 2020 in april the spirit of god spoke to me and he said do you not see it by thy pharmakia by the medical solutions shall all nations be deceived by the medical solutions in other words there's going to be diverse diseases that are going to come and those that are going to take medical solutions now the big question is this and it's a question in my mind everybody's worried about what am i going to do is pastor tom going to take the vaccine and just when i say that some of you got to have a respirator on you because you can't handle it do you hear me but i want you to know something that we're among 180 million americans have already been vaccined and i've been to churches already i talked to one of our most powerful missionaries his father is 92 and we were talking he said have you got your vaccine yet and i and i just shocked you i was shocked you know this man of god and his father i said i i i i i i i i [Music] i said i've never even had a flu shot that's all i knew to say i've never even had a flu shot i said i i i said no i said i'm not taking it yet i said i if i have to i will if i have to i will and you know what he said to me he said he might be watching right now he said well me and my father both got it he's 92 and i'm 60 probably 67 68 he said and we're glad we did he said we're so glad we did because now he said there was more people dying with covet then all the things are talking about the vaccine and i thought oh boy am i ever going in confusion i never seen anything like that i said lord you're going to have to help me and the lord spoke to me and he said sunday night lay it on the line lay it on the line i'm not here to tell you of the dangers of taking a vaccine i don't i'm not here to tell you that i'm here to tell you mark 16. i'm here to tell you mark 16. i want you to listen to it he said in the book of mark chapter 16 as soon as i get it there in a moment give god a praise while i find it oh hallelujah you're you're not praised and you're afraid [Applause] you don't know what i'm going to say he said these signs shall follow them that believe in my name they shall cast out devils do you believe that do you believe that we can cast the devil out do you believe that demonic powers have no power over the name of jesus do you really believe that do you really really believe that they shall speak with new tongues [Applause] [Music] you're still scared you're scared do you believe you can speak with new tongues [Applause] the bible said they shall take up serpents now i'm not going to bring a rattlesnake in here but they shall take up servants you interpret scripture with scripture and jesus said i'll give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and all manners of evil he said you wrestle not against flesh and blood and if you cut a rattlesnake into he bleeds anything that bleeds is not your enemy i said whatever bleeds is not your enemy but he said i'm giving you power over demonic spirits and there was a demon that came to the united states of america and it came to the world it was created in a laboratory it wore a crown called corona and that was a serpent if we ever had one but how many here tonight can say thanks be to god that serpent came to my door it tried to kill me but i was able to take that serpent up sister faye they tried to put a vent on you three or four different times but you wouldn't take the vent and god brought you out of that hospital and god set you free do you hear how many of you believe that they shall take up the powers of hell oh yeah how many of you believe they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover do you believe that there being is sick among you let them call for the elders of the church anointing them with oil and the prayer of the faith will save the sick if they've committed any sin it shall be forgiven do you believe that do you believe they'll speak with new tongues do you believe that they'll have power over the devil do you believe that they lay hands on the sick do you believe they'll cast out devils well you're going to have to believe the next one [Music] i said you're going to have to believe the next one when this was written there were no injections there was no way for diabetes there was no such thing as chemotherapy there was no such thing as radiation the only way they knew that you could hurt your body is by somebody putting a poison in your mouth and you drinking something deadly that was the only knowledge they had and i thank god because god's word is written in simple knowledge it'll even work way back in the jungles because they know what this means if you're drinking a deadly thing but even if you have to take chemotherapy you can say if i drink any deadly thing the poison will be on assignment it will destroy the tumors it will destroy do you hear we've got a 20 year old girl that had to have chemotherapy i'm not going to tell her not to take it i'm not going to tell her to take it but i am going to tell her kendall let me tell you something honey if you drink any deadly thing it shall not harm you if you've got to have that kind of faith i don't want to take that vaccine but if i have to take it if i drink any deadly thing it shall not harm me if i take radiation it shall not harm me [Music] if i drink any deadly thing i'm going to say god this medicine is on assignment i'm telling people this because some people think if they take it i've heard them they believe if they take it they won't be able to think anymore and the antichrist is going to lead them like a puppet they believe it they told me and there's some watching me right now i'm going to turn me off right now some of you might quit the church over this i won't be shocked there's people quit the church when i bought a toyota [Applause] it's high paying families it was in the church for years they come from world war ii and when i pulled up in the parking lot and said pastor they said you want to keep that thing they say it's from japan they left the church over it we had a service where we honored the veterans i had a bunch of people mad and left over that yeah people been here they said you're promoting war after we had an uncle my uncle 18 years old just a few weeks before he turned 19 he was still 18. he was married to pam a hand grenade took his head off and we had a funeral down the old church people say i won't go out there where they honor veterans there's some people already got your mind made up if i do get that vaccine i don't want it i'm telling you i don't take medicine i don't take an aspirin i don't take medicine i need a big sign on me that says if i'm in a car wreck please don't put that medicine in me you'll kill me give me a little time first i'm not used to it but somewhere somewhere [Music] between 180 million people have had it and they're not all dead and here i am totally confused i've got a missionary and his father tell me that they have it and they're so glad they did they said we just go anywhere we go anywhere in the world then i go to church i go to church and a woman comes up she says pray for my husband said he can't speak anymore i said oh it's horrible she said he took the vaccine it reacted on him and when he tries to speak he just that that that's what he did i've got a 17 year old cousin that took the vaccine and ended up in the hospital and come within hours of dying is that confusing [Music] but by the medical solution were all nations deceived they would not eat they were not even going to let one of the broth one of the brothers in the church was not even going to be allowed in a nursing home until vaccinating i'm going to tell you brothers and sisters we're getting ready the lions are getting ready to be john there's 180 million that's had it and the lines are getting ready to be drawn have you noticed they say it's worse it's worse it's worse it's worse it's coming back it's coming back you know why they're saying that they're going to put it to the point and i know my wife is here they'll have to carry her hog tie her down with ropes if they're going to make her take it they better have the sharpest needle in the country because it'll never go in it'll never go through that tenseness you know what she said she said well if i can't go out of the country i'll stay right in kentucky this message is not for everybody but it is for some people some people need the peace of mind that if i'm in a if my job lays it on the line and i'm going to lose my job [Music] that'd be sad it would be sad for you to have a 70 80 000 job in a vaccine stops it but if it's to that point and you're praying and you can't get peace you're gonna have to say god if i have to take it and maybe some of you have taken it probably a lot of you i don't even know just say lord [Music] you said if i drink any deadly thing if any deadly thing comes in my body i nullify the effects you didn't want your hair to fall out did you shauna you didn't want that burning chemo in your body you didn't want it in there it would have been nice if god would have just waved his hand and you'd have got healed without all that other stuff and i remember one day i was praying and the holy ghost spoke to me and he said call shauna [Music] call shauna tell her to tell her doctor to cut that chemo back because it's burning her it's burning her good cells it's gonna it'll work against her tell that doctor stop the chemo or put it a radiation stop that radiation that's what the spirit said i said i can't do that i wouldn't even do that to my own family much less a sister in the church she called me and says well i got to tell you something the doctor came in and said shauna i think we need to pull that radiation back it's starting to destroy things that it should not destroy and she's here [Music] [Applause] i wouldn't take a diabetes shot without praying i wouldn't take a blood pressure pill without praying i wouldn't take any type of medication except i prayed over it and when i prayed over it i said god you said if i drink any deadly thing it shall not harm me don't let this medication mess up my body i want to serve you i want to live for you this isn't just about a vaccine right now this is about every medication that's coming down the pipe that that that they can't wait to give you and fill you up with and cause you to run over you're gonna have to ask god god i need your help i need you to help me in the name of jesus let's all stand our feet [Music] father in the name of jesus upon the delivery of this message i'm asking you god to come to us and give us in these last days these last days lord give us direction because persecution is indeed coming persecution may be here before october you hear i said persecution may be here before october [Music] there may be a line drawn on who's going to be allowed out who's not going to be allowed out but he's never gonna leave us he's never gonna forsake us hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah let's have our let's have our elders to come up if you need prayer tonight [Music] our ministers and elders come on all you preachers preachers ministers elders [Music] also i'll probably never deal with this subject again but i'm going to say this tonight if anyone comes to this church and there's people watching by internet already says they feel uncomfortable because if somebody asked them did you take the vaccine and they say yes they've had people look at them say where's your faith we need to stop every bit of that that's not allowed in this church i said it's not allowed [Music] it's already over with why in the world you're going to make something out of something that's already done it's like a tattoo why in the world should i preach against tattoos how are you going to get them off huh am i supposed to get sandpaper up here and try to undo a tattoo it's done it's over it's not worth strife because where there's envy and strife there is confusion and the release of every evil work but we need to move if you're sick in your body if you need healing if you need deliverance if you need a touch of heaven we're in this altar tonight [Music] god yes wonders are still what you do we are here for you come and do what you do [Music] we want to take this opportunity right now to thank you for being with us tonight this is a different message that i felt in my heart i needed to speak some of it i pray i said the right things but i know one thing for sure god's gonna have his hand of protection and mercy on all his people this is the hour we've been waiting for we need your partnership you want to partner with us that's 25 a month we send you preaching cds we send you two of them every other month it comes out to one every month these are special messages that i picked out that i know will bless your heart if you can partner with us we'd appreciate we love our partners i don't know what i do without them they are the ones that keep what you're seeing right now going around the world blessings to you i want you to make sure you pray for us while we're in cuba i'll be preaching wednesday night thursday night friday night then i'm coming home the young people are going to stay the weekend down there i want you to keep us in your prayer safe trip in the airport safe trip on the plane and that god will pour out his spirit we love you we will see you next week 10 45 a.m and 6 00 p.m god bless you hallelujah [Music] i'm here in the family life center it is wednesday night and this place is booming i mean they're coming in every door this building has been such a blessing i want to give you some exciting news you won't even believe it this news is so exciting we are able to already we have paid over 500 000 down against the principal loan on this building we appreciate and thank all of you that have helped and you that haven't helped i can't believe what's going to happen when you begin to help us pay this building off we're believing god that by the end of this year by the end of december this year that this building is going to be paid off for the glory of god and we can start on the next one join with us if you haven't joined with us and if you have keep it up you're doing an incredible job we love you looking forward to what god's going to do you
Channel: CommunityFamilyChurch
Views: 5,557
Rating: 4.8904109 out of 5
Id: _wcMxZJg8qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 52sec (6892 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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