Pastor Tamara Bennett "The Seed" (1-7-18)

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're wiser [Music] [Music] [Music] but Alex kind of something to Seoul for the student Detroit from the desert [Music] [Music] that is terribly financially spiritually there in the name of Jesus and Lord bless us we grants we promised Hebron in your neighborhood all the glory all the honor on grace we bind every adversary evil force of darkness that will come to see with you and destroy father we're a purpose of improving [Music] we pray that you'll both be done and that your kilo will come we declare Jesus do that [Applause] [Applause] [Music] chapter advisor [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'll protect our bodies with partial unexpectedly but I appreciate the prayers of the saints [Music] and I know many states are still battling limits they are bright for you to bring that I actually want to give a special shout out to my children who really stepped up to the plate their dad is working it and read all the whole dinner [Music] well sure next day that sick bastard started trying to go back almost to a bigger partner cheats hold some fresh freshman I won't get all the free trial functions and start taking stuff out fatness I'll put it up well cookies I'll take it home Oh [Music] and it was working for the taste [Music] so we want to introduce some things already all I had was that the back is just away to God right out of wider display with him out of office other chambers I'm used to it but it does keep everybody else and results all week even while over down reviewed over praying in the audience saying so much so back with you and trying to put it in perspective and trying to come it and all weekend up and I'm saying this is great I got all week and then it doesn't happen today up and their data everything drops out and I understand it in the city so community I'm very excited because I know the Lord it's gonna help us both once adjusted world comes expansion with world comes breakthrough and nothing could happen unless there's some sort of world that happens in our lives world is challenged but I remember back in the day they need a date for the ministry started growing and it was a complaint and church wasn't cleaned up enough and then we kept running out of toilet tissue suppose at least one replaces that I realized that's a good complaint that means to grow you know you'll have about 12 lemons you just feel the petition around the church is clean but with the in equal becomes an increase of situation so growth brings challenges but nevertheless you can't allow the challenges to our main growth in the what but have as many people in some ways is that you don't recognize this rope and so you don't just accordingly you have to look just for growth and growth starts things will never be the same and so we are anticipating the growth this year can every facet world financial wealth spiritual growth within the ministry growth within us close within our businesses I'm anticipating growth in every aspect and I'm trusting the Word of God to give us application and give us wisdom and every area of our life with Roman everything starts with us nothing nothing that taking place without a scene and I enjoyed career as much because I'm trying very hard to attention to living the Word of God and the simplicity saying it so that there's happy Hinch we won comprehension we talked about that one who years in service about the different crowds work or fruit can not important but there is no understanding if you don't have an understanding of the word that we had conceived and who don't receive it that it won't remain it doesn't remain it's going to be forfeited and there will be no fruit brutal growth but when there is growth there's evidence that there's growth but nothing can happen without the seed a seed is where everything is I think is so incredibly deep that is something so small the seed the amazing things grow out of that mouth let there be that was the word and that seed dropped to the ground and here comes oh here comes us here comes black here comes the beasts of the field of father the air the creatures of the sea everything happened by God owning his mouth and speaking it and it was calling us see did not the words say that the Word of God has even seen is the word here we go mix up so here we go and send us grow so he said now nothing happens does something differently spend 20 everything starts with the sea please brave much for us so plant happens when the sea goes in the ground then we see the plant we see the corn we see the wheat a child and not be consumed child cannot come forth unless the sperm the serious part of the woman gets together we bring forth the child inventions ideas as long as they're both in your head is still only a seed nothing can make it happen but you put it somewhere you have to release a seed if it's not released all of the remaining is a seed and nothing else can happen it's got to be dropped salvation salvation cannot be brought to us to first the world it's a part of in our hearts and then a preenforcement for life and that night becomes the life of christ so nothing can happen and in this year God helped me today this year the hardest thing I about growth and everything that God does it works everything that God does is succeeds everything that God's face is show happen and I dare to challenge the body of Christ today that we are not wrong not because the scene is not going them well it's because we're not complicated and holy and that's an every facet we have filled with amazing ideas Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the imagination Marcy from dreaming and are sick of excuses and rejection and it's determined by my friend yes be good for a nice friend good soil we're happy to work done fighting around the houses are watching intentionally they're doing the work around the house and I want to do some areas they hit that jackhammer like that to plow to the ground and I saw them go on another part of our garden dig up all this dirt and put it he said yeah he said wait so we couldn't even plant some of those trees and certain areas of your yard he said because your yard was like stone and they said no matter power two dozen we were hoping to tax in soil but as far as we were down the kept in stone so we had to add soul how the moon so that can you beat that into something to take root and grow oh and I was above a cemetery if there was nothing wrong see [Applause] [Music] see it'll be a bit scarce again and again because that wall is not able to hold the city it has to be healthy it's gotta be right that's not a few ready and God is too pure he's too perfect [Music] [Applause] we don't have to worry about the seasons change they do they do we don't have to worry about nature's doing what it does for what because I've spoken okay you see mountains that never choose to be a heel they remain these snakes that's how age investment [Music] how much he sold big down as far because he didn't have a larger vision of we sold those will become a multi-billion dollar industry that was going to be here from generation to generation to generation to generation with God gives us some food God gives ideas I'm saying this this is something that is he sucked me about sonship he said what you understand what called to be then you become what I asked apparently some marketplace in the street I put these ideas if you to be a fruit and rank in the army each other work with me [Music] [Laughter] taste [Applause] no no matter what people can that's my money you're going to stay here because you live in Lowell mentality we don't change my mind this role starts with where's that C going created you you were created perfect you said it's all I have purpose for you and you are the seed and all it takes is you hearing me here we go next slide here we go so but there's not the termination where the you'll receive salvation until then this job so we won't know anything you don't know anything to that seed is dropped you can wish to have a baby once you make out of the name yes we have a business just put something down trumpet all these events at the great idea that some of you let me t some of the worst one here diverse and all we've experienced it okay the world know about expenses maybe not all but some me tell you what I learned from it okay you ready ready okay okay so the Bible says I got a Bolivian yes okay there's nothing new Under the Sun diverting a little bit there's nothing to suck me life has a cycle okay and that cycle never changes you born into the world you become a child a teenager a grown-up you may have met earlier than that I don't know and then you dump that suckers never take that's what nothing to do in the next time you go for everything Josie hated love challenges disappointments victories defeats jocks no chumps and then you done so that process does not change that's what it means by there's nothing more to suck me there's only no emotion there will be no loose change the there will be nothing you won't encounter that was not all been here before it is not about computers where's the dough see you see is gone you know why it wasn't in bitched it was good with the time and did his whole tips just the Word of God I think of this world a parish they don't talk to me where's for the centerpiece of your being [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's no problem in your life it's not your model squad we dance it's not your company's fault it is not the system and I'm sorry to say [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] something sweep up next time so this has everyone it's worth it's worth its rival to get on the phone to study the neighborhood here not like they came back soon because our council scriptures how much of sisters will be visible or whatever but you have to time to take that verdict so just you know this is okay all right now how about see it but you've got to think the word out here pretty much the silence opposite cats I've been upon waters without shutting the neck too many days suddenly said how the sound was it he's the second person in 12 my first but there's so many heavy then this one same person can't wait to be something why are you so fearful so cautious why are you so careful now my tell me to reserve this stupid feeling but I think I feel like projects definitely said that do the electrics oh yes absolutely I first and I say this by the grace of God but she didn't think of my life I see this by the risk of I'm not saying that I'm hard for you to dominance I think I'm safe but the greater for you to be is to live and not below the goddess I don't want to leave you before one - yes I don't feel like I'm released when he's asking me so so instead what you got to lose - too many waters Seavers gonna go see what the effectiveness of the beating he said that's your activity - beautiful was a comeback but if I'd never throw it out the neither one was he'll come back so something that's critical diverse was just a little bit something that's critical but you have to say you have to learn how to nurture relationships because you don't know where your blessing my new total goal who's the next to your necks I'm not saying to have relationships with Lippman's what's in it for me there's no need to see I'd say that I stickler that if I do to the least of the least that I know that that's a blessing to God that God sees the least that I'm doing yes so then you can come back to me so incautious and everybody that God allows my path to meet I'm cautious that I found who you are this is this is increasingly over the past for the head and I have to bow Daniel who you are because you like me you were created in God's image and Daniel just as God's not purpose for me Monica God's purpose for you yes Daniel I will our purpose for good or evil but I can't as my brother [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] he said the universe awesome sunset so that's here that's there but some here put some up here cuz you don't know what's coming up now working with me I think teachers cuz I need to know forgiveness he said be wise what you do don't put these painless in a strategic strategic what you put in your money be some teaching what jobs you choose me it's not the right just need this job but is this job lead to what I'm trying to go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is because you despite the huge problem I have with Instagram and the fatherless is because you will get mesmerized hypnotized and subdues it by people as there are soaring farther than you that are making greater accomplishments than you and you're not grateful for your swamp today no real net so who's calling it you know but just something pop up on your Instagram so it was gentle and a mime working out so they were at sting going up the stairs and then they had the ball and he was doing my best and I was watching it and then of course afterwards she doing this to her to myself many games maybe use much change much listen but you I do nothing if I do nothing I'm gonna have a result I have to do mr. Cheney and you get mesmerized hypnotized and seduced and people lives then it will you compare [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] no I'm not Steve get out of Bill Gates yet but I could if I dream but nothing coming to pass he said no he said the clouds they ended themselves owner of the satisfaction and at the tree fall weather storms in South North he suburban Falls that's personal me these are things that happen naturally next verse he said either observed in the wind he then observe the wind shall not solvent if you're trying to wait for the perfect time so my kids right absolutely as soon as you feel it all I'm gonna do it is he he then examine the win what are you waiting on for that perfect but to win okay double chocolate this is all he said either gardener class shall not reap because what the clouds are hiding Oh hallelujah it doesn't still puzzled to this day they don't understand the mystery of how child grows and according to the church they never leave you can do artificial animation you can alter the mystery of how bones please please and I know we know this with our spiritual conscious but I'm you just know this intellectually this is why abortion is murder and indistinct I understand it intellectually it's a seat at any stage if you order eight weeks because it was about because what was in there we're almost wasn't that one seat we're both what was it that one to see this flesh and that once he was a heart and that one senior were great since we're bein all in that one seat so I think intellectually Washington's abortion he said that's not what's not what is the way of the spirit how the bones you wrote of her that is a child even soul the hog Noah's not the what's gonna make it I want us to be a spiritual short biblically intellectual we will not be moved by campaigns and laws and slogans and phrases and political rights that is not our agenda we got child [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] something said this is how you doing he says all authority so you see every day release it from this without putting you in the morning so I see them in the evening with hold not God God I stood in your heart put in your mouth absolutely you prepared to sit and think you're working you Shepherd you see what this is doing I see that you've been part you can find a lot but you can we know about threads we can't just okay so there's a few things and the ground was being planted we're so happy so as I'm talking to the guy okay okay we'll do our best to maintain that I know we try but we do a lot and solicit landscaper said to us he said well he said I have a guy that you could hire to maintain it now here's the deal this is real good he said I have a guy that's been working in early years he said he does maintenance he said now you can choose who you want I'm not wishing money he said the reason why I wouldn't recommend it's because he knows how I can't you know I said I'm tell you if you don't do it right you come me cuz he knows how I plant so I'm serious about what God's asking you to do I'm serious about putting the lead in the earth but I'm not [Applause] in business you need to check the bank credit we have but you put wrong people to maintain Paris maybe just a little you have to research that school this ain't no new information here with just a case without some new people you can you have 18 legal years I like to say that in mind as parents we have 18 legal years now I'm learning they don't need but in the court of all I've done after a to news with 18 legal years our bill will slow this train down parents you have 18 legal years to give your children the best 18 years to be filled with statements [Music] [Applause] because whether you would accept it or not but even or not or deal with it or not they are grown in the show their rubbish the soup and what you would miss little bit more there's no perfect parent so there's no children but you have to know that I took the time I sold my life [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this is saying make those days and years become full-time so every day this year you guys are thinking what so that's and it's a behavior with all pal I'm here for the bonus not surprised how some of us which one suppress the thing I'm sowing right now or the thing that's already been sown see two different things happening at the same time every day I'm putting it in something else I'm to sleep or whether it's about bleep but there's about children whether it's about my Bears whether it's about my finances whether it's about a ministry whether it's about you personally everything I'm looking for right and improvement now every time worker that but I've already planted in something else I'm actually controlling my children I'm tiny something every day for this role [Applause] I said let me say this one whether people shall come forth you know what I can't do something good cause it's up to me to nurture it to shout hallelujah to me to take notes on it Alleluia just to take some time no way to hold till every teacher to see what makes my child how much and what I don't know I need to get the help to know for me first because my time to go to school then teaching them to a general oversight and hope your child [Applause] he said if you do it this way Solomon he said you don't know which one or maybe both are going to become fruitful here we go next slide until something is released you've gotta know that all you all your that's like that world nothing can happen until something's really difficult next time okay so now we're talking about this life so let's talk about different next time here we go so what is it it is to present my material that's what giving is here we go we're talking about releases yes releasing and give me yes and we are other goodies so that that tightens there but not me today is the second is attempt to no I'm gonna talk about it and I know they're significant we know of it he's apt to realize what you are getting on top anyway so tell you you're getting all the time anyway but it's what she so scared everybody everyone you're giving us something all the time he says so yes there's gift to give you said but the reality has to be I am getting of something all the time I'm releasing something all time anyway watch the stock here we go he said we're done that's not before he that sorts the flesh you told his volunteer shall of the flesh reap corruption but he that sold volunteer to the spiritual spirit by a blessing anyway you're ready already it's not this some job I need to make a click I need to make clean make something which was really good don't really want to know but thanks something it's a really good and you know why cuz you gain you something so you're giving yourself anyway you're ready to it and [Music] it it's not possible I hope their position their points how deeply what they think what things I know that yes yes I will whoa what is gifts were [Music] because I [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] no we're not gonna make it into something unique he said you better decide what you want to read give you some that's just something that's just release ah he that's all the spirit shall of the Spirit reap a blessing I guess this first even as I have said they they're not lately jokes in Johor neat and so wickedness she'll freak the same talking to you talking to you know to my brothers and my sisters and I don't know yet whether you're your social media but whether you're missing in this house no no we're not able to say God is evil in the world is against me no my brothers my sisters no no you can't go another year Blainey life for your life [Music] if you don't run I gotta own up without soul and I would see my penis so a lot of wickedness and sly things keep happening negative to me because negative is what you saw it's what you released the purpose of driving these warming services before any don't let it become your you can understand but my mission is actually the purpose a 24-hour three or prayer every three hours which is own discussion that I can't do the way I want to do it's because I know if the church is not driven into spirituality it would never become your natural spirituality by service [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] the level of annoyance and I say this not both both fully I say this exploration aliy the level of anointing that God and I say this is shrinking a book that I had is because it was driven me it was driven me how you belly these witnesses childhood friend of my melody raised in the same the same regime of being tough ladies of holiness all right we don't do it so wait what you believe because we go do it those hours just take scriptures like this popular way today y'all simply sick you look really thick you go home you expect to grow but shut-ins just this one verse we brought this love our silence and we looked at every reference for it an encryption of it with it to get good coverage of what meant by strong ourselves and we went down [Music] I did how quick it is wait so we can't get good seeds of righteousness because we don't teach how we eat we it really is so people come to the church today may just filled your old camp and that you can kick with it isn't gone at the same time somebody say develop a sense of accountability I say it's just the opposite of what the need is and the earth is harmful my life is not less so I live with our spiritual oh I'm sure they have years and years to put collective time together this is without exaggeration if I would put length of time together in two and a half years I was not in church maybe 60 days that's what five six things oh I get to go to a BIOS oh that was the peace holy mighty today I'll try to whip this up its roots rally in [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] driven to spirituality because of your sons and I didn't say you have to be crystal with you before these calls went that summer you've got to be crystal clear and you got to know the game I'm sure not going to do anything then a brother or a sister before we dive into already terms you gotta find yourself in the scriptures who like didn't find it so that I can understand Carol warfare so what might work there comes a whole thinking all of us whatever for good bad right or wrong because we gave ourselves [Music] you can only change when I begin to so I change the course of my life not because I release it here we go get some really really close so much releases we express this one so I'm going to go he had not chosen me hidden forgive our sample and hit my son forgive nachos nachos you have not chosen me everyone standing in this piece I will not risk my technical responsibility [Music] [Applause] [Music] this [Music] [Music] it's rubbery what's the which is pushy remain where she's coming home and that was what you should ask somebody where he shot some he gives you no you don't have to say that now if I did what he's an IAC's would be [Music] I would love to speech much [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Cokely preach the gospel all over the news music Mary [Music] [Music] 4:07 yes you not me [Music] [Music] it's time to talk it's time to talk where we go companions talk where we close with our family what are we seeing in our truth but gifts what talents how we're gonna watch that come for husbands and wives and our bless these devil provisions what do we need to do to create to for comments believe in our heart and our children so we release it so we've invested husbands and watch what is our chosen one marky-mark have a coffee break one of us whether we would be very something top husband's you to be still never effect takes time I'm here each other's heart too much Billy ignore would usually goddess home guess what your old church so how can I help you people thought you knew [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] everything is followed by love maybe 2017 those are love they listen if he loves our marriage [Music] I think the deep about marriage I think was deep about couples because you need to acknowledge what is right now so we can talk [Music] [Music] you [Applause] [Music] give us some boy [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what was once a [Music] myself [Music] [Music] if you do not know the Lord Jesus Christ is your first wincing don't do it don't do it don't let another you go back where you make an assumption I done it you gotta make a declaration I'm giving myself to you guys for real but I was saying he said make your confessions no salvation doesn't happen in the back of the woman secretly it's a whole confession because I'm making them renounce not letting the world know I don't know why some and this is Stephanie neither one worlds and walking into them this year 2018 if you don't know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior you make the public declaration you go to the Sultan Aquitaine but you show god I'm coming to you because you are taste me if you have chosen every fourth [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Hey [Music] [Applause] love [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm coming to you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus the American West [Music] create the despot dirty heart and Heavenly Father this year be honest and [Music] straight Jesus who we give ourselves away that useless we can never attain this you chose yes yes yes [Music] stop [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] this is my Russian is nice and I [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] pretty sick [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in the spirit of the spirit I understand it don't work any of way I eat chocolate understand I need to the other to dentistry there's a sort of a standard standard I need you to understand is that I know you you have to soul spirit to get things of the spirit and I think in the church to do it because the world is bringing too deep and it's not a little table happen to be the only spiritual point in the chart the whole body's both spiritual and anointed in our special places devil say but it's not going to happen to the time got time you must just become still you can not think the things of the spirit up it's out of here watch you read what spirituality happens between the time to become spiritual you don't have time in the world and such it work because work change that carnal life it turns it turns it and things that you thought was really like the word come crash doing that with me that would be and that's we should become bold so I know that sounds fundamental but I'm saying to say watch were you getting yourself because that's what you want to become watch when you're releasing yourself because that's what you're going to become I mean our office [Music] [Music] [Music] I did [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] both already experiencing know it's true [Music] so faithful Titan that God is rebuke the Devourer bless the house secretly cars can go as that's the way God works people used to devour for the state we don't fear we don't fret but this is a ship it broke the box it was so scary it could reach scary but if there's so abundantly you should read abundantly we are releasing fear releases that we're releasing of relief we are going to believe that sex I'm not afraid of failure because it needs our choice [Music] I tried but if I don't try I'll never go up it'll be something great got to release it there Marketplace's one says God wrote that rest of this house ideas you don't want the size we want to be strategic eat your homework find out what the market is final adjust that was fine up something that the earth needs find out because that will get to a witty image and that will bless you but the times of need - amen amen we want to understand our gift of giving and movie on as soon as you have your uncle priest and all of our business I'm sorry I hope you're soul mates take one of those days are still backing this thing with a local home and rest your clothes rest Ethan Ethan has got strength of your time hallelujah book work amen prepare our ties up all time indistinct I'll give us our stores stank every every time 20:18 beaver here okay but from patient to picture all the time consummate great start great stop this is an issue tracker drop is see uncle of the windows him and we like to see held up by dr. co-op I got receipt hello glad where are our brothers and sisters are still under the appointee wanna be mindful of the spirit that is resting up like them I see so held up high you paid that via text you're just a free paid by check please make sure to check the safe singer I and feel those in the game again so does that credit card on thank you for forgiving again to our visitors I've reached with the love of Jesus Christ just one of those days but thank you for being situation sage please please please be consciously carefully as others I know we have too much influence deep please become start building yourself up with a lot of emergency and moment sealed by song and helping a house is ready down a fantasy and whites but you feel it's tough just an audience of the practices identified I do think we're sewing today but I think for your work because I understand you don't eat at your place it over ice and then it is greater than us and so father we thank you for we are the game changers in surfing we think well we are the salt come here your name is to do what we think because we are the light of the world toward a necessity and if I petition [Music] but in paternity it will eventually 18 Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Pastor Tamara Bennett
Views: 2,508
Rating: 4.9111109 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Tamara Bennett, Preaching, Grow, Seed, 2018
Id: C26HYuf1tCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 18sec (7758 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2018
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