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welcome to the preaching and teaching series of house on the rock Lagos Nigeria we believe that as you listen to God's Word you will receive understanding all that God wants you to be something is about to happen in your life and now here is pastor Paul Nicholas if something happens two times it's not a pattern but once it's three times it's beginning to look like a pattern or it is already a path if there's a sustained pattern of bad things happening to you that are totally debilitating and devastating it is safe to assume that you're cursed but the good news this Wednesday night is that when the blessing of God is upon you they can't curse what God has blessed Joseph was great interpreting dreams in the prison when God has a blessing on you it doesn't matter where they put you doesn't matter what they say about you the blessing will take you to a place of a great name first aspect of the blessing is God says come out of your father's house your country your kindred into a land that I will show you because you can have something if they don't show you that it's yours you may never walk in it or receive it God please show me where my land is I receive wisdom revelation guidance and showing forth of all that is mine including land yet the message today when you visit our media store or line at House of the rock gorg ng the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man makes many things available the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much it makes many things available that's what availeth much means the message says the prayer of a person living right with God is something powerful to be reckoned with shouted somebody tell him live right second Kings 20 verse 1 to 11 the King James Version of the Bible is my choice tonight and I read from the first to the eleventh verse the second Kings 20 verse 1 to 11 in those days Hezekiah was sick unto death and the prophet Isaiah the son of a mosque and to him and said unto Him thus saith the promise keeping God thus saith the Lord set down house in order for thou shalt die and not live then he speaking of Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed unto the promise keeping God unto the Lord Jehovah saying I beseech thee O Lord remember now how I have walked before thee in truth with a perfect heart and have done that which is good in thy sight and Hezekiah wept sore hmm and it came to pass a for Isaiah was gone out into the middle court before he got into the middle of the courtyard that the word of the Lord came to him saying turn again and tell Hezekiah the captain of my people thus saith the promise keeping god-knows-what capital's lrd means means Jehovah was the compromise keeping on thus saith the promise keeping of the God of David thy father or I have heard thy prayer I have seen thy tears behold I will heal thee on the third day thou shalt go up unto the house of the Lord and I will add on to thy days whatever your days were going to be 15 more years and I will deliver thee and this city out of the hand of the king of Assyria that Sennacherib and I will defend this city for my own sake and for my servant David sake and Isaiah say take a lump of faith and they took and laid it on the boil and he recovered and Hezekiah said on to Isaiah what shall be the sign that the Lord will heal me it seems to be some ambiguity between the seventh and the eighth verse it shall be the sign that the Lord will heal me and that I shall go up into the house of the Lord the third day and Isaiah said this science shalt thou have of the Lord that the Lord will do the thing which he has spoken shall the shadow go forward 10 degrees or go back 10 degrees and Hezekiah and said it is a light thing for the shadow to go down 10 degrees nay but let the shadow return backward 10 degrees in other words give me extra time on the clock - then Isaiah the prophet cried unto the Lord and he brought the shadow 10 degrees backwards by which it had gone down in the dial of Ahaz God would give you some precursory signs to assure you that the difficult or dangerous things you have prayed about will also come but look for about 5 or 10 people and tell them only prayer will turn it around only prayer this message will not be useful to anybody who doesn't have anything that they really need to turn talking about turn completely and I sense strongly that somebody has been praying and that's somebody something is about to turn in your life and I says that it's not only one thing that's going to turn but everything everything is going to turn father in this season of serious prayer we pray that you will instruct the speakers tongue as you fill this atmosphere with your very very presence that from the midst of your presence we will joy draw with joy from the wellspring of salvation much assurance and every confidence that the things we desire of you we have them and again we proclaim upon Mount Zion there will be holiness and your people shall see deliverance and they will possess their possession to this end we ask that you instigate prayer to another level that you incite supplication and all kinds of intercession to a new dimension that this house will become a platform for you to do your will on earth just as it is in heaven even so we pray do so in this service in Jesus name and the people of God set a very big amen Hezekiah was the son of Ahaz and this Hezekiah was the great descendant of his great forbear King David the man whom God had sworn to that he would grants for mercies to him and his seed Hezekiah was a descendant of the man who was called the men after God's heart in fact Hezekiah was one of the three most perfect kings of Judah and Judah suffered a long line of decadent monarchs rulers Kings Hezekiah was so righteous a man that he purged the land of idolatry he broke down the idol worship shrines he reinstituted the worship of God in the tabernacle and reorganized tabernacle sacrifice all over again he refused to accept the supremacy of heathen Assyria and it's it's wicked King Sennacherib Hezekiah was an upright man who did good in the sight of the Lord and yet in the moment of our text he is surrounded by a siege from the Assyrian army and this violent warrior this capable warrior Sennacherib had decided to take on the nation of Judah that's the two tribes not the ten tribes of the north but the two tribes of the south and it was in this dangerous crisis that he also fell ill because the enemy who we deal with he knows nothing called propriety or Fairplay he doesn't wait till you're in your best season or till your strongest to fight you he goes about like a roaring lion looking for who is in there week season or in there week moment and then he afflicts you with great attack here sales you with a barrage of attacks and blows and it was in this dangerous crisis that Hezekiah also fell ill with a grievious sore a wound boil that was in the view of many scholars a cancerous or gangrenous disease that was obviously terminal and the Bible tells us in the opening of our text that he was sick unto death because my friends it's often that when the enemy sees that you are down he takes advantage of your doubtless and seeks to besiege you with trouble and woes he's not a kind devil at all the Bible says in the words of King Solomon that the tender mercies of Satan are cruelty that even when his kind is cruel because your adversary does not fight fair he likes to strike when you are weak as he doesn't wait for you to be at your best before he strikes he likes to strike when you are at your worst just when your husband is threatening a divorce and at the same time your baby is sick and in hospital at the very same time you also discovered that a week later you lost your job at the same time the efcc are probing your desk at the bank at the same time all your household domestic staff and your security guards have left at the same time your best friends are turning into your worst enemies and then and then the authoritative report of your doctor comes back and he announces to you something that is not good news of course you are going to become faint to make matters worse for Hezekiah who was in a like scenario he is in trouble he's flat on the floor it looks like jr. is going to collapse it looks like the nation that he's king of is going to go and in the midst of a national crisis where he is the president all of a sudden he falls ill and this illness has grown to a place where it is a grievous and terminal sickness unto death and in that moment when everything is so bad the Prophet steps into the king's court and says set your house in order because you will die and you will not live in other words Hezekiah it's over it's over it's over and usually the prophets word was the final authority and this was not a fly-by-night prophet this was the premier prophet of the time this is a prophet who also had blue blood in his veins this is Isaiah of royal pedigree who was also a prophetic instance and here in this moment my friends in spite of all he's going through a man who had been to hell and come back been through trouble but came back been through trial and came back been through struggle and came back he's expecting to come back again but instead he's discouraged by the mouthpiece of God when an authority like the doctor or the lawyer or the accountant comes and tells you that it's over what are you going to do all the signals and the indices are pointing to a downward trend perhaps in your life your business is dying your marriage is falling apart your relationships are failing your drive for better is lost your passion is paraplegic and and it looks like you're falling down and you're going down and you'll never come up and what's worse is everybody can see it and not just can everybody see it everybody's talking about it the king is dying the king is dying the king is dying and you're unwilling to accept it and in walks the final authority the mouthpiece of God prophet Isaiah he announces to the king it's over I know what to do when my enemies surround me all around on every side and want to destroy me I know what to do I go to God but what do you do when your enemies have surrounded you and God seems to have colluded with them they are saying that it's over for you and God also by his mouthpiece joins the concern or joins the concert and also announces that is really over for you what do you do when it's God who says it's over when everything on earth and in heaven bears witness that you have come to your final portal that it's the end that your road is over that there's no more rope for you to hang from that it's all done and dusted that you're finished that it's over top me and slap somebody a high five and tell them it's not it's not over until God says it's over but what do you do when God is the one who says it's over what do you do it's no use pleading with the messenger because the messenger has been sent by God thank God for Hezekiah and you know this messenger he was an authoritative mouthpieces words did not fall to the ground what do you do what do you do you can't argue with the message and said please I say no please take the words back I said oh no don't don't prophesy that prophesy don't let it come out of your mouth the Angels have too much respect I say oh please don't say that what do you do what do you do was no use pleading with the messenger it was better to talk to the messengers Master I'm amazed we won't talk to to God for more than five minutes but we'll spend five hours on the telephone in a day and then we spend hours on the phone talking to people who can't fix anything instead of talking to the one who could fix everything Hezekiah was a wise man the Bible said that immediately Hezekiah turned to the wall to face God in prayer said if I can't get through to the Prophet the messenger I'm going to talk to the one who sent him what's that thing that the Yoruba proverb says in other words we're not afraid the one who bears the message nor we afraid of the one who are taking the message to the only one that is to be feared is the one from whom the message comes and Hezekiah had good sense to recognize ain't no use trying to plead with Isaiah to go and talk to God on my behalf I need to go to God for myself when my preacher is against me and my posture is opposing to me and everything in my world and all the indices suggest that I'm going down and I'm not coming up I might as well go all the way to the top of the supply chain and talk to the chief supplier and tell him you're the only one who can turn it around and I ain't gonna let you go until you do Isaiah knew better or rather Hezekiah knew better than to talk to man he decided to talk to God slap three people a high five right now and tell him enough of talking to people who can fix anything for you enough of it enough of it enough of it we yak about everything when we want to get the conjure we talk to people about it when we want to get married with talked to people about it what we want to try and build a house we talk to people about it what we want to try to go to another level we talk to people about it people can't do any of that stuff for you unless God empowers them to do it and if God says no which man can say yes but if God says yes which man can say no and Hezekiah was a praying man if you read his history you'll recognize that he got into trouble many times but every time he got into trouble he'd either use worship or he'd use prayer and he turned his face to the wall just when Hezekiah heard from Isaiah that it's all over this thing that you think is going to kill you it's really gonna kill him it's what the Prophet said and the Prophet didn't just say he said thus saith the Lord thus says the promise keeping God and Hezekiah turned to the wall to face God he needed to turn to the wall because she wanted privacy because there's some things he needed to tell God that he didn't need for anybody else to hear and the moment he turned to face the correct direction his situation begun to turn immediately hear me child of God the moment you turn everything is going to begin to turn that's why I need you right now to look for three or four people that you like slap them a high five and tell them turn turn baby turn turn turn turn turn what I mean to say is that one of the most important things you will ever do in your life is to turn away from wasting your energy talking to stuff that cannot help you and turn your energy to start talking to the one who can he's the waymaker he's the water Walker he's the miracle worker he's a friend that sticks closer than a brother he's the one who is shield and buckler door I'm the lifter up of your head he's your heavy burden bearer he's your heavy load share he's the miracle worker he's the one who can turn it around he's the one who opened the Red Sea's for Moses he's the one who stopped the Sun of the moon from shining for Joshua he's the one who parted all the waters of the Jordan for Joshua to come through unto the other side if you talk to him by turning your face from talking to man I promise you something is going to happen in your life slum somebody another high five and tell them you better turn before this thing turns from bad to worse you better turn before this thing turns from bad to worse you get up of your bed in the morning and and you talk to everything unto everybody and the first thing you do when you open your mouth is pick up the telephone and call somebody on the phone but have you tried talking to God before you talk to anybody have you tried talking to God before you allow CNN or BBC or Sky News or whatever your favorite channel is or whatever your favorite thing on the iPod is have you tried turning to God slap somebody another high-five I tell them you better turn before this thing turns from bad to worse in other words you better turn off your phone you better turn your television off you better turn the kitchen off and tell them no food for the next 16 days you better turn that radio off when you are in the car and instead of letting the DJ's talk to you you talk to God and let God talk back to you turn your ipod off and your iPad off except when you're reading your Bible turn the voice of man off and then turn on your prayer life turn on your talk time with God turn on your conversation and communion with the Most High turn on your war-cry anointing turn on your battle tongues turn on your intercession and your supplication my friends sounded somebody for me and tell them I will turn oh and they didn't believe you when you said it so I'm going to tell you to get up out of your seat I look for about four people you better make sure you mean what you're saying because when you say I will turn you're telling him that I am going to the place of Prayer [Music] [Applause] I'm turning from trusting in man to trusting in God I'm turning from leaning to my own understanding to acknowledging the Lord in all my ways I'm turning from depending on what man can do for me I'm turning to where God can do anything for me I am in a turn oh that's prophetic to somebody right here you look like a nobody right now but by the time the turn is over you are going to be somebody you may not have much in your pocket but by the time the turn is done you'll be able to do whatever you feel in your heart you want to by a choir of a procure or do I don't know who I'm talking to but somebody under the sound of my voice you are in a turn right now you can sense it every time you pray you can sense it every time the church doors open for prayer time you can sense it even as we're speaking right now that you are in a turn everybody that's not in a turn please stare at me and sit there like a bump on a log but if you are in a turn I want you to shout the biggest amen you can find let the devil know I am in a turn and when you first get into your turn you don't feel like much you don't look like much it doesn't sense like much is going to happen because you feel like things are going down but you're confident as you turn to the wall and you come unto God that God who is not death whose hands are not short that he will hear you and like he turned it for you before you turn it again help me and preach for a few moments once I catch my breath look for about four or five my tell him he's gonna turn its gonna turn its gonna turn it's gonna turn and before you get your seat look for about three or four people and tell them don't get in the way of my turn in other words don't stop me from praying stop calling me at my prayer time stop calling me until I tell you that I'm available so I'm trying to get in my face some trying to disturb me with all these anti prayer things don't get in the way of my turn I'm turning something that means I want to be consecrated I want to be left alone I want to have my time for God I don't need you disturbing me or bothering me with stuff that's going to oppress me I need you to leave me alone so that I can take my footsteps and turn my face and go to the wall I don't want to talk to you I want to talk to him I'm turning to the wall because the last time I turn to the wall God delivered my nation from the enemy I'm turning to the wall by the way there's no power in the wall but the wall means I'm not looking at anybody visible I'm in a communion in a conversation with the invisible God my power Hezekiah says it's not in the visible world it comes from the invisible world and there's too much color around me so I've got to turn from my sickbed and turn to the wall my business is sick my industry is sick the economy is sick mad man especially after the Prophet came and told me it was over is sick I can't take it anymore I'm turning to the only one who can fix it because the nurse the doctor the oncologist the surgeon the specialist the lawyer the accountant all these special advisers who have come around me they can fix it I'm turning to the one who can I wonder if there's anybody here who knows of the God of Abraham the god of Isaac the God of Jacob the god of Moses the God of David the God of Paul the God of James the God of John the God of Peter the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ the God who is able to do the things which men call impossible and make it look so easy I wonder if there's anybody here who has his direct line his telephone number and who knows how to come to him and knowing that he's the reward of those who diligently seek him that he's able to deliver you to the utmost who are those people who know how to call on God he's gonna turn it sit I don't know why you're standing sit sit I'm trying to get somewhere quickly Hezekiah he turned his face to the wall I want you to make God that same promise and shout it to heaven like a warrior's cry I will turn like pasta IOT Allah will say that's too shallow what you're letting the devil know is don't touch me anymore stop trying me any longer stop trying to oppress me because I am going to turn whether you like it or not you can put all the seductions in my way to try and seduce me away from pair you can plant all the destructions in my path to try and distract me from prayer you can put all the obstacles in my way to try and obscure me from prayer but devil you are a liar I have made up my mind that as for me and my house I will turn to the Lord in hunger stop me I'm not gonna let television stop me I'm not gonna let telephone traffic stop me I'm not gonna let duties and business and exigencies stop me I have determined that the greatest priority in my life is the God who answers prayer second chronicles 7 and verse 14 I hear the word turned there again if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and turn turn from their wicked ways the wicked ways of unbelief the wicked ways of the lust of the eyes the lust of the flesh the pride of life the wicked ways of insolence toward God the wicked ways of disbelieving God and thereby insulting him if my people will turn from their wicked ways then I will hear from heaven and then I will forgive their sin I will heal their land it's one thing to come unto a prayer meeting but it's completely altogether another thing to come to God in prayer many people come to a prayer meeting just to shout in tongues and their prayer is unto the people that they're praying with so that they can impress them with the nature of their tongues their intensity their tenacity and their passion and God is not the object of their focus because they're here just to fulfill a duty and justice sensitize other people to how spiritual they are but my God when somebody really comes to pray they're not interested in what you think about them how you view them or how you see them they're not trying to impress you they are here on a stretcher they're here out of emergency you might have come to church to win the best best dressed look in the house on the rock or the most pretty face in the church or the best dress uh sure in the house but my god this girl she didn't come to impress anybody other than God and when she gets down the bread she's like Hannah if you walk in you're gonna think there's something wrong with her because she has no sign of you she's not concerned about you she doesn't care what you think about her what she's concerned about is that she gets through to God and God gets through to her are you here because there's a difference between coming to the wall and then coming unto God the war might be the place where you run they've rule with God but coming to the wall in and of itself is not the turn the turn is a turning of your heart to recognize that all the capacities of men are but frailty I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus name for on Christ the solid rock I stand all other human ground is sinking sand he's in dire straits he's going through death throes all hell has broken loose trouble has surrounded him on every side and just about there I can think of about 40 people who else I'm in my trouble I'm in my rules wondering why all of this is happening to me and not just that all of this is happening to me but at the same time and I'm laying there in my woes thinking about at least 50 people in my church and another 50 outside my church who deserve my trouble more than I do I don't know if you've ever been there yourself before because I know of my own righteousness I know that I've been sincere in seeking Him and serving him and turning to him and doing good in the land and pulling down idolatry and doing the work of the Lord and defying the supremacy or the suggested supremacy of Sennacherib the Assyrian King and I've served God all of my adult days and I can think of several people who haven't served in and yet they're fearing nice and dandy and I'm dying from a sickness unto death have you ever been there before what you feel like God why me after all I haven't done this I haven't done that I haven't done the other I've been a good girl I've been a good boy I've done this I haven't done anything wrong and and they did everything wrong and it looks like your blessing them you're cursing me after all I laid my life down for you and I fought for you I'm in the choir I mean I'm also an usher I'm also a broadcaster I'm in the administration I'm doing this I'm doing that I pay my tithe I give my offerings I'm here before the church doors open why me there he is wondering if I'm talking about you but many times things have happened I'm saying god what about Pastor so-and-so and that other person this person this person and that brother and this deacon and that demon and this one whiny and how much bring out a comparison note to show that I'm better than him but God says it's foolishness it's not wise to compare yourselves with other people for God all these good things that this is what I get in return does anybody feel like that he stated this case before God and look at what he said to God he said remember this is the content of his prayer remember he told God how he felt he said remember how I have walked consciously of you you know the Bible says The Fool has said in his heart there is no God the fool is unconscious of you and therefore he goes about doing whatever he wants to do and lives his life in object with hiddenness and insolence toward God but Heather God said remember how I've walked before you I've been conscious of you all of my royal leadership life remember remember remember God is it fair by the way many people will look at this prayer as a self-righteous prayer but if you look closely you'll find that there's no self-righteousness here this is just heart to heart god this is how I feel but after all I've been doing after the way I've been praying after the way I've been fasting after they have been serving after the way I've been giving after we have restrained myself from the lust of the eyes the lust of the flesh the pride of life this is what I get in return after taking on the burdensome duty of being the king of Judah this is what I get in return after fighting your battle and fighting for your name is this what you give back to me he said remember me how I walked before you number two he said remember how not only that I walked before you how I have been faithful I walked truthfully before you I wasn't walking in duplicity acting one way I'm behaving another behind the scenes I walked without duplicity before you my heart was true to you I was loyal to you number three God remember how I've been faithful and upright before you serving you acknowledging you I walked in a way where I kept a perfect heart before you and number four look at how I have done what is good I purged idolatry I instituted worship I defied the heathen King Sennacherib and this is what I get for this Hezekiah had a heart-to-heart talk with God and Hezekiah truly was a righteous man that the Bible often speaks of him as one of the three kings of Judah who was a righteous or a perfect man James chapter 5 and verse 16 declares the effectual and the fervent prayer of the righteous man please put it on the screen for us it availeth much part be the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much when you live right when you live right and you come to God in fervent prayer it makes many things help me and just point at two persons tell him God wants you to live right effective prayer effective prayer is the result of right living people who have felt fervor and passion to pray with the righteous man but that's not where he stopped Isaiah the Bible says in the third end of the third verse not only did he tell God his heart I said to God I feel that you're mistreating me God wants that level of personal relationship with you once that level of intimacy with you that's the kind of importuning that Moses had with God and after he told him all that he told him about this unfairness that he perceived God wanted to protect his reputation with Hezekiah said I don't want you going away from this experience thinking that I'm like that then I just use you and I don't care about you and then I would says Hezekiah wept Shaw didn't say he went said he wept so in other words he wept like your little to yo when you don't give him his candy he went more than the two-year-olds candy problem he wept like as if there was a safety pin and lodged in the baby's bottom he wept sure he wept saw somebody when did you weep saw that when were you really afraid that it was over for you and you turned to the wall and cried when did you come to pleasure he said God is this how my life is going to be I'm now 32 or 38 or 39 or 47 and is this how it's going to be and then on top of how it is you've been getting all kinds of bombardments with all kinds of bad news from various areas and indices of your life and you're asking God is this how it's going to be and you got through articulating of your your sensitivities to them or your sensibilities - and you got past all of that and you broke it down from articulating yourself - just weeping before the Lord I remember one time I was so badly broken by life whilst I was preaching on Sunday mornings I was badly broken and I said God if you don't give me the emotional strength the psychological strength the physical strength what it uses it and I wept I went for the whole morning from about 5:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon I went and unfortunately in my head I believed that God didn't pay attention to your emotions because one side of the church teaches that God has no business with emotions the devil is a liar if God created you with emotions is because he wants you to use the emotions particularly in your relationship and especially in your relationship with him and I wept I wept I cried and when I got through crime I wiped my tears and I walked away from my prayer moment or my prayer hours feeling like as if God didn't hear me and I said it I was going to get my Bible and I was gonna put together an advocacy advocates petition and lay out my legal petition before the Lord and God spoke to me and told me I am touched with the feelings of your infirmities don't let them suggest to you that your feelings don't connect with God the Bible says his Compassion's they fail not that means that your feelings get to him what I'm trying to ask you is when you pray can God feel you or are you just talking to him from your cerebral dimension God is not merely intellectual Bible says he's a spirit it doesn't say he's an intellect he has intellect but he is a spirit you have intellect but you are a spirit that means when you want to bypass all the layers between the core of who and the core of who he is you may put the intellectual out there but baby it's hard to heart its spirit the spirit and when you connect with him on that level something's gonna happen I'm wept I thought God didn't hear me they let me know I'm touched by the feeling of your infirmities Hezekiah was both a righteous man and a man fervent in his prayers and his prayers had feeling I wonder do your prayers have feeling are you one of those orthodoxes most gracious God of heaven I hail you I think you are wonderful I think you are counselor I think you are the mighty God I'm not sure that you are but I think so and I hope that you're going to do something very profound for me because I am boggled in my mind and confounded and confused in my thinking that this thing that's happening to me must inevitably be beyond your capacity to deal with because you haven't done anything about it for so long and it's only gone from bad to worse intellectual you can't you can't find the size of God with your mind the part of you that can begin to grapple with the infra 9's of God is your spirit because your spirit is not finite it will not die that's the only part of you and that's that's one of the parts that your emotions hook up to strongly so they're things you will get here that you can express with your feeling that you may not have vocabulary or diction to express with your mind I promise you God will hear your [Applause] much quicker than he will hear this supernatural and magnanimous benevolence non superstitious divine deity we honor your superlative ability if I hear my son talking downstairs my little baby boy I'm not likely to respond but if I hear him cry not a crocodile cry but that deep thing that sin sounds like as if the car ran him over or he put his hand in fire or somebody cut off his hand I'm running there over everything that's in my way and I'm gonna get to him in a hurry the reason why some of you haven't got what you asked from God and because God can feel you you haven't cried to him in a long time you think you are so much of an adult now but you're trying to be cute and trying to be cool trying to be calm and trying to be collected that you've never cried to God since you were a little baby I wonder if there's anybody here who is exasperated and totally desperate and says I'm not taking it anymore if I have to cry I'm gonna cry I don't care who's listening I don't care who's watching I don't care who thinks I'm crazy but I'm going to give God my cry before this service is over who is that person that I'm talking about let me take a little further sit down I'm almost done with a few more moments I'm almost there the Bible said when I went has a guy cried out like that and Webb sorely never said God heard him said God heard him and it came to pass verse 4 that before there was gone out into the middle of the courtyard that the word of the Lord came to him saying turn again and tell Hezekiah the captain of my people thus said the Lord God of David my thy father I have heard thy prayer look at somebody tell I'm gonna hurt you you thought he wasn't listening but he heard you you thought it wasn't paying attention to you buddy heard you you thought he wasn't going to answer but he heard you I want to give you some confidence and assurance this Wednesday night that God heard you when you cried out to him and nobody else seemed to pay you any attention God paid you attention and he sent me here this Wednesday night to tell somebody you better buckle your seat belt and large your 10 pegs saddle your horses and chariots roll them out of the garage because something is getting ready to happen in your life not because your auntie heard your telephone call or your contract made into the MDS desk but because God Almighty in heaven he heard you when you cried out to him he's the one who has everything on earth under his control and when you talk to him he hears you he hears you he hears you he hears you help me I want you to help me to preach I'm running out of my preach tonight slap somebody I have I tell him God hears you he hears you he hears you my son has has several cousins and sometimes they're playing and sometimes they'll be a shrill shock and it might sound alarming at first but you know that it's not really alarming when it's really alarming you know have you alarmed God lately maybe you're not alarmed yourself when you're really alarmed you're gonna cry I don't want to tell you when you cry God hears you hears you not only did he hear him the Bible says tell him I have heard his prayer and I have seen his tears there's somebody here for the last several years you've went your pillow at night with your tears grown man grown woman the tears that you would normally wipe out for the eyes of a three-year-old a five year old a six year on a seven-year old you're having to wipe your tears yourself because you are broken by and and when it's Monday morning or Sunday morning or Thursday morning you put on your dress your suit your weave on the stuff you do and nobody would be able to tell that behind your cheese you're crying yourself to sleep every night but I want you to know that God says Hezekiah not only have I heard you I've seen your tears the things you couldn't talk about the things you couldn't articulate to me because they were too painful to form into words I've seen your tears your tears mean everything to me but I want you to know that I captured your tears I kept them in a bottle so the Bible says in the Book of Psalms I saw your tears when have you gotten out there and combusted before the Lord and let him have all that's in your heart all your pain your years of struggle your years of delay your years of denying or your years of being denied when did you go and tell him this is how I feel I feel that you're cheating me I feel that you're you're being partial to him and you're being unfavorite you kind of to her and you're unkind to me I think you're good to them but you're not good to me when did you do that last when did you tell him why me why should I have diabetes why should I have leukemia why should I have breast cancer why should I have prostate cancer why should I have cardiovascular disease why should I be the one with high blood pressure why me why should my blood pressure be all the way up there and everybody else who are doing crazy things they are living no another 120 over 80 why me why should they on the luzie lousy losers lifestyle they live have so much means and I can't even afford to pay my rent yet they're collecting so much rent from so many tenants why me let me I mean it's all right to not cry when you're 20 but when you're getting to 40 and you're still denied after being in the house of the Lord for 30 years 50 60 already past retirement age and it's not happening for you God told me to tell somebody I've seen your secret areas so I've seen your tears I've seen your tears hear me ladies and gentlemen once Hezekiah turned to God everything begun to turn when he went up to the wall and started praying and turned his face to God at the wall as soon as he turned everything started turning the first thing that turned was the prophet Isaiah once Isaiah was halfway through the courtyard the God that Hezekiah had talked to who was the master to the messenger Isaiah started talking to Isaiah and said turn around and as soon as you see the mouthpiece of God turning watch out baby because something is about to happen in your life you ask me why I'll tell you why God does nothing except he first reveals it to his servants the Prophet and Isaiah turn and as soon as he turned everything started turning Isaiah came into the courtyard and all of a sudden Hezekiah situation begun to turn their conversation begun to turn everything in his life started to turn I don't know who I'm talking about right now but I came to tell you this Wednesday evening that you are in a turn because you turn your face to God God is going to turn everything in your life around your money is going to turn around your transportation will turn around your relationships will turn around your business will turn around your children will turn around your life will turn around your anointing will turn around your prayer life will turn around if you believe it's our time turning say it like you mean it I am turning Jemmy in that same moment God begun to command everything to turn Hezekiah condition it begun to turn right there and there the national crisis it begun to turn right there and then the curse that Isaiah had spoken on Hezekiah it turned from a curse into a blessing and Hezekiah heard the same prophet that custom a few minutes back turn around and tell him you're not going to die but you're going to live I don't know who you are but if you will pray God will turn it around he'll turn your mourning into dancing he'll turn your pain into power he'll turn your misery into ministry he'll tell you our infirmity in the industry you'll turn your sorrow into success he'll turn your sickness into health he'll turn your stress into strength he'll turn your trouble into triumph he'll turn your struggle into serious business if you believe it shout I will pray and it will turn I had to ask God some questions in the text I said God what did you respect about Hezekiah sprayer that you started to turn everything in his life know what the first thing I see god said it himself he said go and tell Hezekiah the captain of his people know the captain of my people if the captain of my football team gets hit my football team is not gonna do well and God recognizes that it's not their name it's my name that is at stake God has respect to people who have roles in his house and in his plan that's why if you're just arbitrary in the church and you don't have an office you don't have a role you don't have a function you don't have a stewardship there's something wrong God may not necessarily have obligation to protect your interests because you are known represented by you alone but when you are captain of a team you represent the entire team and if something happens to the Shipman and the Shepherd is smitten the flock will scatter that's why God has to protect you when you have a role Babel said tell Hezekiah the captain of my people in other words my people will look bad if their leader my captain goes under a man who they know serve diligently focus on his stewardship seriously gave his best exertion for his work and then this is what he gets for it God said no I'm not going to let your suffering make me look bad I'm going to turn you around number two God had respect unto a man that he saw a promise to who happened to be the forbear of Hezekiah don't tell David by an oath that I guarantee you and your sons the shaunessey's of David when you are done on the earth my blessing on you will not end I've been looking for your sons everywhere to bless them are you here somebody it's the second thing that God had respect onto that you are under Authority but you are aligned with the leaders of God's people and every leader must have a leader you must be aligned number three he had respect to Hezekiah prayer but Hezekiah did not in the moment he was told it's over he didn't say it's over he didn't stop talking to people and start telling people God is unfair God you're not nice God is not a good guy this God is a yeah god this god I've done all this for all these years of my life and I've served and I've done all this for and exerted myself and sacrificed my life for this God is a Yaeger it didn't do that he took what was in his heart and how he felt said God you're looking like a young God you know what I'm saying I don't mean to sound blasphemous but that's pretty much what he said said I know all the good I have done walked in righteousness held you in my consciousness this is what I get for it God had respect unto the fact that in his graces he was still a praying man that he didn't lean on human frame but he only trusted in God's name number four God had respect unto sincere tears as a guy I wept he wept the Bible says God's mercies are new every morning his Compassion's they fail not compassion is awoken by emotion so woken by somebody feeling what you are feeling somebody caring about what you are feeling and how would he know what you are feeling unless you tell him I know he's omniscient I understand that but God has set it up so that he wants you to express how you feel and many times because you don't express how you feel you miss out on getting what he has in store for you all right let's go a little extra are you ready are you ready I would have thought that his a car's prayers were self righteous until I read the last part of verse three after he gave the litany of his complaints he the Bible ends and says an Hezekiah wept saw the fact that he wept tears wasn't self-righteousness it was foolish it was but I begin my drive I don't miss choir practice for early morning brat meeting anything my department had asked me to do god I'd do it and I'm now 38 and nothing is happening for me no job no spouse no I'm out on the streets I being evicted from where I'm squatting guy he wept tears it could have sounded like self-righteousness but it's like god you're not looking like the fear god that the history of your dealings with the people of God suggests that you are he wept tears the tears the deep feeling takes the self-righteousness out of the content of his praying I look at what God said back to him in answer to his prayers this is the turn he turned from sickness to health the turn is called healing God said tell him I will heal him that's in verse 5 I've heard thy prayer I've seen thy tears behold I will heal you can i prophesy to somebody this evening God sent me here on the auspices of this text and this Holy Spirit to tell somebody here tonight that he will heal you and all that is yours and all he's requiring of you to do is for you to turn to the wall in prayer unto God and what is the wall the wall is this 21-day period or season that we have determined fasting for the nationwide church called house on the rock hear me child of God he's gonna heal your mind he's gonna heal your dream he's gonna heal your power he's gonna heal your prayer life he's gonna heal your marriage he's gonna heal your dream of a marriage I said God says I am going to heal you if you believe it sure I'm in the turn already he didn't just stop there he went further and said that tell Hezekiah that I have heard his prayer I've seen his chairs and behold I will heal him and on the third day he shall go up you are going upward from here you're not going down anymore your life is not gonna get worse it's gonna get better it's not gonna go it's gonna go higher it's not gonna go south it's gonna go north hear me what I'm saying your money is not going to go down it's going to go up your health is not gonna go down it's going to go up your anointing is not going to go down it's going to go up up whatever down what never from here forward baby you ain't going down you may feel down but you ain't never gonna go down that's what God said when he heard your real cry I've heard your real prayer I saw your real tears he said number one I'm gonna heal you number two from here forward you are going up oh I know you don't believe me so you can sit but the rest of you who know you're going up I want you to look for seven people and tell them what's hard for me I ain't going down anymore I'm going up from here forward I'm going up my business is growing up my ministry is going up my church is going up my relationships are going up I'm going up to a new dimension I'm going up to get married I'm going up to build my own house I'm going up to be the top I'm going up to be the head and not the tail I'm going up I'm going up I'm going up you see so many folks are used to relating to you down here that next week next month by the time we get to the 21st they're gonna recognize you they're gonna wonder what happened to you why you got that swagger why you seem a little too confident why you seem a little too arrogant what they don't know is that you're no longer the home there anymore you're going up I'm going up I'm going up there's a new thing getting ready to happen in my life I'm going up I'm growing up I'm growing up I'm growing up I'm going up I'm going up I'm going up I'm going on I'm not gonna be tied down to this sick man I'm not gonna be tied down to this bedpost I'm not gonna be tied down to the cemetery living I'm going up I'm going up to the battle I'm going up to the victory I'm going out to the conquest I am going that's not all God spoke to Isaiah to tell him he said tell him I heard your prayers I saw your tears not only am I gonna heal you not only am I gonna take your up word but I'm gonna give you extra time so that you can score all your goals I'm gonna give you extra time you thought it was over you thought that because the referee said there was only 15 more seconds on his stopwatch that all you had left was 15 seconds the devil is a liar God is not only the timekeeper he's the time and as long as you have him you have time so I'm gonna give you extra time you ain't going die now look at something telling it's not over till God says it's over oh you said it you didn't tell it I want you to shout out somebody tell him it's not over till God says it's over the lawyer told you it was over he's a liar the accountant told you it was over he's a liar the doctor told you it was over he's a liar too your circles have told you was over but they are liar too my Bible says let every man be a liar I let God alone the truth they said it's over but God says it's not over till I say it's over in fact I'm giving you 15 more years gonna give you extra time like I did it for Joshua I'm gonna do much more for you extra time look at something tell them I got extra time that means your biological clock may say no more babies but God is gonna give somebody here extra time your clock may suggest I'm too old to get mad but the devil is a liar God says I'm gonna make you look like 16 to the man that I said to you extra time gonna give you extra time you're gonna feel like you're in your 30s whilst on your 50s I'm gonna put the kind of anointing on you that'll make you feel like a young man again did I not tell you that if you bless me at all times and my praises continuing in your mouth then I will renew your youth like the ego extra time that means extra strength extra content extra power extra ability extra grace extra oil extra anointing God said to tell somebody the devil said that you were gonna die this year the devil is alive you live mix yeah you're going live that you're after you're gonna live me after that you're going to live into 2020 in to 2030 into 2040 in the 2050 and you might still be having babies there I don't know who you are but somebody so I have extra time [Music] [Applause] that's what I'm that's what I'm that's what I'm that's what I'm extra time extra time extra time extra time God didn't stop there Isaiah then took a bomb from figs and he put it into the gangrenous or made a plaster out of it put it into the soul and the Bible says immediately that Hezekiah swooned was recovered but Hezekiah didn't feel healed in his body because the saw had been dealt with but the attendant sickness was still in his body that he asked Hezekiah or as Isaiah a question and he said I said what shall be the sign that God really has answered my prayers because I don't trust you prophet you ain't got you a man to and every man is a liar I want to be sure that God really sent you so I want you to show me a sign that you can't signify that only he can signify so that I will know that this is not just one of your prophetic gimmicks because there's all kinds of prophetic gimmicky going on in the church today you know what I'm saying says show me a sign I want a sign he said I want a sign from you Isaiah said to him all right what do you want his father a has had a sundial some scholars say the sundial was not actually a sundial like this but it was a series of steps that behaved like a sundial and you could tell the time by looking at the steps and he said I could turn I could pray to God God will give you a sign by taking the time forward by 10 degrees that's about 30 minutes oh sorry 20 minutes or I could take it back by 10 degrees by talking to God and he'll move the Sun back God's gonna give you a sign as an intercessor I watch for science once I am praying that what I'm sensing is really being answered by God and once I have the sign I can walk away from my prayer time and walk out from under the auspices of the prayer anointing and come back into the reality of my five senses and still believe because I have a signboard I have a pointer Hezekiah was a praying man he knew the importance of science he said show me a sign he said it's easy for you to take the clock forward I want you to take it back not this kind of clock that's run by a quartz machinery or not the kind of one here that's run by an automated machinery but the one that is run by timing itself the Sun and the earth in coordinated revolution around each other and right there and then Isaiah crying to God and God moved the Sun back 10 degrees right there and then once Isaiah and Hezekiah saw it as a car new God has answered my prayer no matter what I feel in my body no matter what it seems like in my five senses I will not believe my situation I will believe my revelation and can I give you some truth can I give you some truth astronomers you know what they are people who study the Sun the Moon the Stars and I'll talk about people who worship it those are astrologists astronomers are those who who study the Milky Way the solar systems they tell us that they cannot find 24 hours and 20 minutes its scientific I always did understood the 24 hours but I never understood the 20 minutes but 24 hours was when God held time at a standstill so that Joshua could prevail in Gibeon over the children of I think it was the Philistines was the Philistines on the amur eyes who is it the amur eyes but that explains only the 24 hours there's 20 minutes missing that 20 minutes is hezekiah that the stargazers the necromancers the astrologers the astronomers they have respect for a king's prayer a king who was humble enough to cry even though there were people in his bedchamber a king who was humble enough to turn them to his back and turn his face to the wall so he could lock in with God humble himself with tears and God said I heard your cry I saw your tears and I'm gonna give you extra time these are four things that God will do if you will turn to him he will heal everything in your world in your life including your land bring your industry during your body including your relationships including your vision including your abstracts and your concrete's he will he will bring you upward you won't go downward your expectation will grow greater and greater number three he will give you extra time on top of what you had before and number four look at what he says that Hezekiah and I will add on to your days 15 years and I will deliver thee and this city out of the hand of the king of Assyria I personally believe that I as a crier sickness was connected to or aggravated by particularly if it was autoimmune like cancer it was aggravated by the crisis in the nation much of the sickness in our land today is because of the national demise the diesel the generators I think it was a great great sans Laura sans mother who complained of chest pain she went to the doctors here and because the health care system here so collapsed they diagnosed as having pneumonia and she still had the pain they gave her medication it didn't work anything her son decided I'm taking her country took her to the doctors in the UK and they referred her instantly to an oncologist the young Colin just did some tests on her I said this is diesel related carcinogens this is diesel related cancer within a few weeks she was dead you hear of the number of people that have died around the Ides of March in the month of March a lot of it is related to the stress the poor institutions the collapse institutions to collapse systems to collapse civil service the collapse in government across the state and the Federation you can't sleep a clear night because your lights gonna go off and on about ten times your generators are gonna run your equipment gets spoiled you're spending a lot of money repairing your your high-fidelity gear your your your electronics because it's being damaged your air-conditioner it's not gonna last more than a year or two especially if it's one of those new ones that they made because the power goes up it comes off it goes up comes up countries killing people prematurely and because of the crisis in the nation I believe his sickness was aggravated and so God said I will also deal with the crisis cause I said if you really pray and because you really prayed Hezekiah I will deliver this city out of the hand of Sennacherib and even though chapter 20 comes after chapter 19 chronologically chapter 20 happened before chapter 19 that means the story you read in chapter 19 where Hezekiah cried out to God and God sent an angel one angel that killed 185 thousand of the enemy with one sweep or one foul blow one foul swoop they say just like that God is going to bring deliverance to your community not just to you as a cassette show me a sign I just came here to tell somebody tonight my time is far spent that if you will really pray God will really turn it all around if you will turn as you turn everything is going to turn the voice of your prophet will turn the footsteps of your preacher will turn the voice and tone of the conversation of your preacher will turn the the thing he's saying to you that cursed you beforehand instead it's going to bless you now and your life will turn around consequently and you will be healed not just your body but your mind if your mind is here that means your vision is healed if your vision is you it means the second thing is gonna happen you're going to go up and you're gonna need time to accomplish all the things that God envisioned will give you in your mind to accomplish and because of your need for extra time God says Hezekiah I'm gonna lengthen your life he got 15 years you might get 150 oh just two people said not just that the crisis around you I'm not gonna let you recover from sickness and then enter into crisis I'll kill the sickness I'll kill the crisis too [Music] because half of our troubles are psychosomatic medical science tells us that the result of the crisis we have to deal with I want you to come towards this wall somebody move this pulpit for me if you can if you can't put it's a couple of strong men once it'll come to this wall everybody who can come and I want you to say God in these remaining two and a half weeks of this year of this prayer season of this push and turning my heart to the wall turning my heart to the wall I'm turning my face to you I'm not just coming to a prayer meeting but I'm coming to you I don't want to come to a prayer meeting where I don't find you if you're not there I'll bring you there God says let it know this is my turn and as I turn to the wall I believe what you sent my preacher to tell me that even as I turned now everything is turning thank you for making our time to listen to this message for additional information of this center of a ministry products by pastor Paula Davis please contact us on zero one four six one four one two zero or zero one four six one four one three five or by email to info and house on the rock dot org dot ng you can also visit our website on wwws on the rock or Gangji god [Music]
Views: 100,023
Rating: 4.7912087 out of 5
Keywords: myfaithtvnetwork, Pastor Paul Adefarasin, House on the rock, Nigeria, Only prayers can turn it around, sermon, preaching, prayer
Id: 722ckbG4_O4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 27sec (4827 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 21 2014
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