Robert Morris – Stay in the Word – 3 Steps to Victory

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alright so today's message is called stay in the word we're done about three steps to victory and last week stop believing lies this one is stay in the word now I want you to think about why would a person a believer ever walk away from the Father because we've all done maybe it was a few years for some of you maybe it was a few months maybe a few weeks maybe a few days maybe a few minutes so don't be judgmental of someone who's walked away for a few years and you say well I've never done that well you've done it for a few minutes I guarantee you all of us have and the reason that we do it I'm going to get into that reason very deeply in the message but it's because we follow what we think and what we want and what we feel and so we're gonna talk about that and some of you might pick up on I just described the soul what we think mind what we won't will and what we feel emotions so we're following what our song soul wants not what the Spirit of God is telling us so we'll get into that alright but why would anyone ever walk away from the father so I thought about this afternoon let's think about this when Elaine my daughter was three years old Josh and James were in school so Debbie and I and the lane went to the mall and we were in like Nordstrom's and Debbie said I'm gonna go try these clothes own you watch Elaine and I said okay and then she said to me look at me because I remember when she was saying it I was looking as Nordstrom's have a sporting goods section you know they don't by the way but anyway son I'm wondering where the sporting goods store is in the mall and so she says look at me you know how Elaine is and I know how you are you watch Elaine Elaine is standing right beside me I said I got this I said we've already had two kids I haven't lost them that much so I've got this Lane standing right here Debbie walks into the dressing room i watch her the door shuts I turn around said now Lane Lane Elaine Elaine she's gone that fast well we weren't far from the entrance I thought well if I get to the entrance to the mall because I could find her probably in the store but if she gets in the mall you know I may never find her so I go to the entrance I look to the left I don't see her I look to the right she's about a hundred feet from me and she's walking like this just going down the mall and so I take off after these three precious ladies sitting on a bench see this three-year-old no parent and they realize what's happened that the wife told the husband to watch her and so they said to her hey hey hey sugar where are you going she went like this she said go shopping you know so they said whoa whoa whoa wait wait wait just man tell us what you're gonna go shopping for you know they stopped her so then I came up and then they gave me the look you know like your gender is it good for hardly anything you know but I've gotten that look a lot from ladies but anyway so I was actually just thinking about the look I got from your wife one time Thomas I don't know if y'all know this but I'm just going to but Debbie dresses me Debbie puts my clothes out for me you know sue yeah because I'm color white and when I used to travel and preach and she couldn't go she actually numbered my clothes and what coats were like ABCD you know pants 1 2 3 4 people used to ask me what oh that's beautiful what is that I'd say be for it's got like bingo you know it's BB 4 and so anyway so so um where was I here I just thought I'd tell you that so that'd be Elaine okay so they give me this look and so I I get I get a lay and I'm trying to get back to the store for Debbie gets out addressed me you know and so we started heading back but as I turn around look there's Debbie standing at the entrance giving me the look you know so ok but why did my daughter walk away she wasn't rebellious she was just following what she was thinking I go shopping what she felt and what she wanted are you following me ok listen that's exactly what the Bible says about babies in Christ they follow their soul and we have to learn to follow our spirit are you following me so the reason we do is because we're three parts I know that doesn't sound like that's an amazing revelation but we're three parts spirit soul and body body we are a trichotomy not a dichotomy there are just a few that say we're a dichotomy we only have two parts but it's not true biblically it's very easy to show we're three parts as a matter of fact Jesus when he was on this earth his body wouldn't the two scripture says you will not leave his soul in Hades or she Oh says the Old Testament news has been a tease which is the place of the waiting of the dead so his soul during those three days with the Hades and then on the cross he said in there into thy hands I commit my spirit see they see the three body soul and spirit Genesis - when God created man you'll see all three in one verse verse 7 and the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground he did inform his solar spirit of the dust of the ground he formed his body from dust your body came from to dust your body worth sir he so that's his body and breathed in their socials the breath of life this is the word for spirit spirit so there he became a spirit and he man became a living soul see I'm saying so spirit soul and body everyone get that are you with me you got to be with me on this one because we're gonna go very deep is everyone with me okay now God created our spirits to relate to him he created our souls to relate to him and his creation his creation including other human beings as well plants animals trees all the things you know that we relate to his creation we can climb them out and we could swim in the ocean and he created our bodies to relate to his creation and that's why I was that's where I was going with we can swim the ocean climb amounts um I guess so our bodies he created to relate to his creation our spirits he created to relate to him our souls he created to relate to him and his creation here's the problem when Adam and Eve died when they see in part of me when they sinned their spirits died if you remember God said if you eat that you will die their bodies didn't die now death set in and eventually they died but their bodies didn't die immediately their souls didn't die because he heard Adam said I heard you walk in the garden and I was afraid that's an emotion and so I made a choice in my will to hide because I I thought that would be the best thing to do see what I'm saying his mind will and emotions were still working but his spirit died because God said you eat that you'll die what die their spirits died Ephesians 2 says we were dead in our trespasses and sins and he made us alive when we came to Christ Jesus said we quote this first but we kind of missed the first part Jesus said I've come that you might have life and that you might have have it more abundantly it's great so about abundant life but listen what he actually said I've come that you might have life you're not even alive without me you're existing but you're not alive I came that you might have life Oh y'all follow me so our spirits died so the problem is that Adam and Eve learned to relate to God only without their spirits only by what they could reason in their own minds what they wanted and what they felt was best mind will and emotions let me put this up here mine is what we think we'll what we desire emotions what we feel mind what we think the wheel what we desire or won't and emotions what we feel and listen to me this is why it is so this is why Christians have problems because we get into a situation and we make a decision based on what we think what we won't and what we feel and we'll say something very strongly to you I don't care what you think what you won't or what you feel I care what God wants what God says what God thinks and what God feels and what God wants and that's the only way to make the right decision is to find out what the word says about what you want decide so you when you make a soulish decision it's selfish until your soul matures you need to make a spiritual decision so here's the problem here's point number one the soul is selfish the soul is selfish the matter of fact the soul means self soul is selfish the soul is selfish and we came in this world with a dead spirit so for years we related to God and think about this with our minds only our minds now we still can use our minds or remember we need to renew our minds we need to have the mind of Christ we need to convert our souls that the Bible says which again your mind will and emotions but we come in they do think about how many people when they're trying to figure out God and they're not saved yet they have a dead spirit how off they can get all these different religious sects how screwed up they can get because they're only relating to God by what their own intellect can figure out their own minds so I'm going to Scott now we're talking about the soul of selfish but we got mind will and emotions I don't have time to cover the other two but I'm just going to do a little study on mind let me tell you a little bit about your mind and then I'm going to tell you a spiritual truth that's going to help you a lot so your mind is the best computer possible on this earth today and they will never never ever invent a computer better than the human mind as when you talk to scientists who actually understand the mind they'll clarify though they'll they will back up what I'm saying your minds unbelievable your mind knows everything that you've ever seen heard or experienced and it's categorized it everything now I know some of you're thinking well where is it because I can't remember it it's in your subconscious that's where it is and when you're trying to remember you're trying to bring it to your conscious mind for instance you'll say oh what was that guy that the remember the plumber I need to get that plumber back came to our house remember you told me your spouse remember his name was John and I'm trying to get him and I was just trying to remember by can't remember his last name I can't I don't I don't remember the name of the company do you remember the name of the company and you know remember he had two kids remember he said one was at Baylor and one was at TCU and human you memorize you know you know plumbers can afford expensive golf it's just okay so anyway so so yeah yeah I can't remember I can't I just don't remember you know and and then and your wife says no I don't remember either okay let me tell you though it will come from your subconscious to your conscious normally right before you go to sleep when you relax all of a sudden say all-star plumbing you know you got it right okay so that's what it is we say it's on the tip of our tongue no it's in their subconscious your mind categorizes and remembers everything when you walk in a room your mind says have I ever seen heard or experienced anything like this before and your mind immediately says yes you've experienced 493 rooms similar to this room you've seen 71 rooms that were very similar to this room and you've seen four rooms that were almost identical that's how we get what we call deja vu we think I've been here before and then if you're if you're lost and really out there you think I've been here in a former life you hadn't been there in a former life it's just your mind thinks that you follow me this is how you can meet someone and not like them immediately you be in a restaurant with your wife and you're walking out and she says oh honey wait wait this is Susie you remember Susie I work out with Susie I told you about Susy and of course you have you the answer Minister yes I remember you don't have a clue but you just say all cheer I remember Susie and Susie says it's my husband bill you say hi Bill how are you you walk out the restaurant you get in the car and you say to your wife I don't like that guy and she so we you just met him you don't even know it oh yeah I know of him I know his type because your mind said have I ever met anyone like this yes you've met 364 people who are like this guy you've met who are similar you've met 47 people who are very similar and you met three who are almost identical and one of them pulled your shorts down in gym class in seventh grade and your wife said again say you don't know him oh I've got a whole file on him I know exactly what he's like are you following me that that's how brilliant is okay so you say so why are you telling me this here's why because when you come against up against a problem that causes you stress or tension your mind says I've ever experienced this before and your mind tells you how to respond this is called in the Bible a stronghold this is how stronghold works if you if you have a stronghold you might not want to admit it but just you don't have to do it out loud but just yourself a stronghold of lust our stronghold of anger our stronghold of pride or insecurity or inferiority or if you have some addiction this is exactly how addiction works exactly scientists will agree with this they just remain unless you're Christian they don't understand spiritual part this is why have you come in you see an experience that is similar to something you've had for and your mind says I need a drink I need a drink to handle this because this I've every time I've come to this situation for I've had to have a drink are you following so that's why we reap that listen remember the title of the message stay in the word because what happens is after a while your mind says I've ever experienced anything like this for and your mind says yes I have and then your mind will say to you because you're renewing you might your mind says I'm even getting word I need to call someone for prayer see you totally begin to change the way you deal with these strong yeah or y'all followed me this is really good if you don't know good preaching you know I'm just helping you this is the way a strong called work this I'm three easy steps to victory number one stop believing lies here's what else I excel and stay in the word start believing the truth start believing what God says about you not what someone else says about you know what Satan says so number one the soul is selfish here's number two the soul must submit to the spirit the soul must submit to the spirit now Romans 9 remember everything in the Old Testament happened in the natural but it's a spiritual truth just in the new and many times in the New Testament they'll quote an Old Testament scripture and they'll tell us the spiritual truth in Romans 9 is telling us one of the spiritual truths from this Old Testament scripture here it is Romans 9 verse 12 says it was said to her this is speaking to Rebekah about Jacob and Esau that were in her womb the older shall serve the younger this I could have given you several examples of this this is actually a scriptural principle the older shall serve the younger now for those of you who are the older sibling this is not a natural principle alright don't and for those you're younger don't say yep I knew you should be serving me okay this has nothing to do with natural okay brothers and sisters siblings this is a spiritual principle and what does it mean let me tell you they're they're about four applications of it spiritually but let me tell you one of them the soul in the spirit okay what you were conceived in your mother's womb your soul came alive and it is its conception it's not at birth life does begin at conception that's very clear in Scripture you try to you try to take that baby out of his mother's one minute that's a baby one minute before he's born that's still a baby that's not a giraffe it's not a blob it's not goo it's a baby it is a baby so human-like it is amazing to me that people will save a beached whale and not a baby that's amazing the head of one of the large animal rights movements while back she was asked if there was a baby and a dog drowning which one we just saved she said that's a tough one it's public statement you said that's a tough one no it's not a tough one lady you saved the baby you saved human life so anyway that's just I was just a side note that was free but your soul comes alive at conception your mind your will and your emotions all right and then you're born you go through life and then for me I got saved at 19 now I'm now when you're born remember you're born with a dead spirit your spirits dead in trespasses insist that's survival your spirits dead but you come to Christ your spirit is made alive so I got saved at 19 I was almost twenty so for 20 years I lived with my soul in charge I did what I thought was best I did what I wanted to do come like Elaine at three if she wanted she won't go shopping so she went see and I did what I felt was best for me but when I was almost 20 my spirit came alive and my spirit said to my soul I'm in charge now and my soul being the kind and gracious and humble person that is said sure or do you think that's what happened no my soul said not without a fight and my soul's been fighting ever since but the more I get in this word receive the engrafted word of God James says which is able to save and that word save is to make whole your souls there's all these scriptures about converting your souls it doesn't mean it's not tell about your eternal salvation it's told not converting changing changing your soul letting your soul grow up so important for us to understand this my soul my spirit will say you need to lay down your life for your wife and you need to turn the other cheek my soul says you need to give her a piece of your mind and let her know who's boss which I found out she is but anyway I that's not that's not the point so let me ask you just one little application this or with what you watch and what you read are you feeding your soul or your spirit it is amazing how much we read on the internet and how little we read the Bible and then you wonder why you don't have strength when you get tempted because if if your soul and spirit were dogs and they're obvious or no I'm trying to use an example if your soul and spirit were dogs you've got a Great Dane sometimes fighting it out with a chihuahua your soul and your spirit what it should be the other way around because you should have been feeding one and starving the other one so again I told you it's a lot of good stuff this is just practical - okay David talked to his soul remember the word soul himself so he talked to himself he went crazy he talked to himself he told his soul to not be discouraged he told his soul to bless God he told his soul to be quiet let me read you one of them Psalm 131 verse 2 surely I have calmed and quieted my soul like a weaned child with his mother like a weaned child is my soul within me okay so I he said I told my soul to calm down and be quiet but my soul is like a weaned child a weaned child but how do you we a child well you take him off a milk and put him on solid food right watch again the Bible is so perfect first Corinthians 3 verse 1 and I brethren could not speak to you as spiritual spiritual people but as to carnal as to babes or babies in Christ I've had to feed you with milk and not solid food Hiba Hebrews 5 verse 12 for though by now by this time you ought to be teachers but you need someone to teach you again the first principles of the Oracles of God and you've come to need milk and not solid food he goes on to talk about those who need milk instead of solid food they're not of Odin they're not mature you got to grow up you got it you got to take your soul off of milk get your your soul on solid food can I just say something right now it is important where you go to church it's important that whoever is preaching you is preaching the Bible and not good opinions good opinions don't help good news helps what the Bible says is what helps you you want to be fed the Word of God that's what helps you okay so now why does a child you ever thought about this he says it's like a weaned child what does a child do or let's say that what does a child do when you try to wean the child cries and throws a fit right what do you think your soul does Christ and throws a fit but why you ever thought about that why does a child cry and throw a fit when you're trying to wean the child and we'll tell you why actually maybe you never thought of it because he thinks you're trying to kill him you're taking away the only food source he's ever known right he doesn't know there's another food source so he thinks you're trying to kill him okay listen to me though in the case of the soul he's right you are trying to kill him let me read it to you here's 0.3 and then I'll regen Scripture 0.3 the soul must die and I'll show you the scriptures a minute but here's what I mean by this your selfish thoughts your selfish desires and your selfish emotions feelings need to die they need to die you need to die to self that's the only way you're gonna have victory you have to die to self what what you think and what you feel and what you won't does it matter to you my dad used to use expression it doesn't matter a hill of beans if you ever heard that doesn't matter of hill of beans I remember thinking a hill of beans don't don't matter I bet they matter to the guy who planted them anyway I just don't understand expression but I'm sure there's some something in the back but I'll google it alright alright but here's what I'll show you about how the Bible place the park in this okay I'm gonna Street you a very famous scripture that everybody knows but hardly anybody knows the next verse Hebrews 4 verse 12 for the word of God is living and powerful you ever seen this verse sharper than any two-edged sword watch this piercing even but to the division of soul and spirit in other words the wire word of God will divide between what you think is right what you want to do and what you feel you should do and heal the Word of God will tell you what God thinks is right what God wants you to do and what God feels you should be but the Word of God is the only thing that doesn't the Word of God and remember it's like a sword I just want your reward sword all right and of the joints and marrow and is a discerner and it would you leave you duck would you like to see the soul the mind will and emotions watch of the thoughts that's the mind the intense that's the wheel of the heart that's the emotions the heart is the seat of the emotions we're told you know I love you with all my heart I feel this way and my how do you feel in your heart about this that's where your feelings are that's where your emotions originate mind will and emotions rights involved now first thirteen most people have no I've never even read it or if they've read it they read right over but it's the key verse thirteen and so the thought is continuing there is no creature hidden from his sight but all things are naked and open remember the word open to the eyes of him to whom we must give account now I know that that didn't I don't think that probably meant anything to you as to how that fits into earth 12 the Word of God is like a sword that would divide between the soul and spirit I'm gonna tell you how it fits in okay this word open it's a great word in the in English again we have a very limited language compared to Greek and Hebrew and we don't have words to translate what they really should the way they really should be translated many times so the word open is a Greek word and I don't want you guys I've got two definition we don't put the definition of yet let me just say the word first trachy lead so now many Greek words you can figure out a little bit of what they're talking about because they sound like English words Greek was translated to Latin and then Latin in English for instance the Greek word kardea would be the heart right the Greek word Lagos we call is the English word logic logic the Greek word Groff a means graph sookay the record of soul I mean there's so many okay like even psychology the study of the soul okay so trachy leads so so the first part is tricky anyone know what trachea is it's your throat it's your windpipe right so it's your throat but it's your windpipe specifically trachy lead so is a little different it's a military term many many Greek words or military our athletic terms military ethic so it's a military term okay you ready for this I'm going to show you the exact Strong's exhaustive concordance definition of the tracheal eat so the word tracheal eats already trachea lead so is to bend back the neck of a victim to be slain to expose the gullet of a victim for killing can I tell you something God has big plans for your soul that's what he would love to do with your unredeemed thoughts your unredeemed desires and your unredeemed feelings he'd love to kill them and replace them with what he thinks about you what he wants for your life and how he feels about you he would love to do well he doesn't want to kill you he wants to kill what's killing you he doesn't want to kill you he wants to kill what's killing you you're soulless selfish thoughts you're soulish selfish desires and you're soulish selfish feelings he wants to kill me and he would think about this he would love for you to think about yourself the way he thinks about you he would love for you to know what he wants and desires for your life and he would love for you to know how he feels about you rather than what the devil tells you that he feels about you he would love for you to know that so he wants to he want so you came to church hear some good news God's trying to kill you it's trying to kill your old self Hey it's all through scripture Paul said I've been crucified with Christ I'm in crucified I heard a pastor say one time Christ went to the cross so you wouldn't have to well that's not bad it's not bad when you talk about eternal salvation but there's a scripture we need to reconcile with that there's Jesus talking Matthew 16 verse 24 Jesus says their disciples if anyone desires come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me guess what you have a cross - you have a cross - and then Jesus goes further with this truth in Luke Luke 9:23 then he said them all if anyone desires come out for me let him deny himself and take up his cross daily why Jeff say the word daily can I just do it once Jenna just walk down the aisle once and accept Jesus yes and go to heaven but if you want to live an overcoming life you'd like to crucify the flesh every day you have to come to the cross every day and then Paul Paul says it first Corinthians 15 verse 31 I die daily does that mean he died every day he got saved every day the men got saved every day I mean crucified himself every day okay so it's the word stay in the word okay but so one morning I was reading the word normal practice for me and I was a little short on time but I wanted I've tried to read at least one chapter a day I like to read where you read through the Bible in a year so it's so many chapters and there's so many in the old and then sometimes you do Psalms and proverbs more but I was I was thought 1 will I have a thing that I'm going to read at least one chapter a day so but I had but I would say the hurry so I kind of read it quickly okay so I read the chapter closed that my laptop started leave and the Lord said to me hey what did you just read and I had this thing come to me when our children were younger sometimes I say I want to go to big church and I want to hear daddy preach but Debbie wisely would say afterward what did daddy preach on today and they would say God and in Jesus God in Jesus so I'm setting there and Lord said me what you just read and then he reminded me of that and he said you will say God in Jesus because you don't have a clue what you just read to you I said no and the Lord said to me son now listen to the whole statement ok he said I'm not asking you to just read the word every day I'm asking you to let the word read you I actually want to speak to you now you know at the end of every message I say something and now pastor for actually using this all over the world it's kind of cool and maybe other pastors used to say but I'd never heard it but they have a need of every message I say to you after I say by ear it's close your eyes I say what's the Holy Spirit saying to you through this message right ok when you read the Bible I'm giving you another question you should say what's the Holy Spirit saying to me through this passage and if you want to walk in victory you have to stop believing lies and you're going to stay in the word you're gonna have to I want you to bow your heads and close your eyes and now you can ask yourself that question what's the Holy Spirit saying to me through this message it's amazing to me how many people have bondages they can't get free from but the key is getting in God's Word every day it's staying in the Word of God and you're never going to have your spirit overcome your soul God's thoughts overcome your thoughts God's desires overcome your desires of God's emotions feelings overcome your feelings unless you get in the word and then it's gonna start becoming natural for you so we want to pray with you if you're going through a difficulty right now at every campus we want to pray with you any any difficulty you're going through we want to pray and I won't it I want to before we pray I want you to just I just notice and just look at me for a minute as noticing one of our episodic elders James here and I think God put someone's heart so I just want to just let you say what you feel the Lord's burning heart first let me let me say something very clearly to you is importance anything you'll hear God wants to kill in us what's killing his life innocent through us so his life can flow through us fully and freely unconditional redemptive transforming power and love if you would say to him today I want to offer to you my soul that my soul may be dead to self so your life can be revealed in me as clearly as in your son Jesus who now lives in me and desires to live fully and freely flowing through me continually that's what every born-again heart longs for it's in harmony with God's heart and if we would say that to him today no matter how attracted our soul is to something the self desires I want to offer that which I desire and even foolishly love to you as the sacrifice of a broken contrite unit heart that you will come alive in me because my soul has died that you might live thank you James I just felt so stirred during that that when we opened the altars today it ever campus I think some of you need to come and offer that what you haven't been over to able to overcome on your own offer it to God and let him deal with it because he can deal with it
Channel: gatewaychurchtv
Views: 354,793
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Id: zj-t7lIO6gA
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Length: 40min 0sec (2400 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 18 2019
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