Pastor Robert Morris – Dominion – More Than Words

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the title of the message today is Dominion and what I want to do is take you through some scriptures that you're probably familiar with but you may not be familiar with the way I'm going to use them I'm gonna use and I'll go into this more in the more than word series I want to use contextual exegesis which means I'm drawing the meaning out of the scripture from the context so it's important for you to understand that so that you can see what we're talking about alright so we'll get to John 14 in a moment but before we do let me read you just a few other scriptures all right when Satan tempted Jesus he said this to him in Luke 4 verse 6 and the devil said to him all this authority I will give you and their glory for this has been delivered and I put in parenthesis they're given over that's what the word delivered means this has been given over to me and I give it to whomever I wish now I'm gonna have to go through a lot of Scripture so I'm just have to make it quick today with you but who gave the Dominion to the enemy well Adam and Eve did because God gave them Dominion Genesis 1:28 then God blessed them that's Adam and Eve and God said to them be fruitful and multiply fill the earth and subdue it have dominion over the fish of the sea the birds of the air over every everything that moves on the earth so God gives Dominion to Adam and Eve Adam and Eve hand it over to the enemy when they sin and then Satan says to Jesus I've got all the authority I've got all the Dominion I can give it to anyone I won't Jesus doesn't argue with him but after the Ascension I mean pardon me after the resurrection before the Ascension after the resurrection what we call the Great Commission Jesus makes this statement Matthew 28:18 and Jesus came and spoke to him saying all Authority has been given to me in heaven and earth here's here's what I want to show you we don't have to wait for the Second Coming for Jesus to get authority back he got it back on the first Easter and I'm going to show you something that happened on the first Easter day that day the day he rose resurrection day that many people never see but I'm gonna have to maybe blow away a little bit of something you've seen before or show you a little different meaning to John chapter 14 15 and 16 okay so John 14 15 16 is the the conversation Jesus is having with his disciples at the Last Supper John 14 verse 1 let not your heart be troubled you believe in God believe also in me in my father's house are many mansions now the only two versions that use this word or keep New King James no King James it means dwelling place so it might be where my father dwells there are many dwelling places if it were not so I would have told you and I go to prepare place to you now hear me all right just for a moment just just just follow me please cuz you will see this by the time we get through start getting this message contextual exegesis exegete means to draw out a word looking I want you to look at the context okay of what we're talking about here Jesus is talking to his disciples and it's right before the crucifixion and he says I'm going away and coming back now we all think he's talking about the Ascension and the second coming now I believe in the second coming I believe in the second coming but for a moment I wants to think about he's talking to his disciples and he's about to be delivered up for trial crucified be gone and then resurrect did everyone follow me so just just trust me for a moment because you're going to see it very clearly in Scripture because you have to understand this to understand what happened on Resurrection Day because it's what happened on Resurrection Day that gives us the Dominion that we have today the authority over sin today ok so he says in verse 1 and 2 I've got to go prepare a place for you just for a moment let's forget about I'll pretend this is a hammer for a moment that Jesus is up in heaven building mansions you know for all of us and every time someone gets saved Jesus like another mansion you know he's and as soon as he it's all the mansions done then he's coming back alright let's forget about the mansions for a moment and let's think spiritually is he saying you can't have a relationship with the father until I take care of something and I will go and present myself as an offering so that your sin can be taken care of so you and the father can have a relationship because you can't have a relationship the father yet all right so let's just keep reading and watch what he keep watch what he's telling his disciples verse 25 these things I have spoken you while be present with you but the helper the Holy Spirit now let me just say one more thing and well I'm gonna grant comments throughout these scriptures he's going to talk about two things right you know he's might talk about the Holy Spirit and peace I want you to remember those two things the Holy Spirit and peace what two things don't want you to remember the Holy Spirit and peace he talks about he says I'm going away and coming back and I'm giving you two signs that what I'm telling you that's it's about to happen so you'll remember this the Holy Spirit and peace all right the helper the Holy Spirit when that when the whom the father will send in my name he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you peace I leave with you and my peace I give to you not as the world gives do I give to you let not your heart be troubled same thing we read in verse one neither let it be afraid you have heard me say I am going away and coming back to you now again just for a moment humor me could he be talking about the death and the resurrection I'm going away but I'm coming back watch this if you loved me you would rejoice because I said I'm going to the Father so I've got to go prepare a place you so you have a relationship with the father for my father is greater than I verse 29 is the key that we know that he's talking about the death and the resurrection not the second coming in this passage here's why watch verse 29 carefully and now I have told you before it comes that when it does come to pass you may believe listen no one is going to have a problem believing after the second coming not even the atheist and I've got a scripture on it every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of the Father remember he's talking to his disciples I'm going away and coming back and I'm telling you this before it happens so that when it happens you will believe that I'm gonna go to the Father and get it right for you to have a relationship with him I'm telling you and I'm giving you two signs I'm gonna tell them that peace in the Holy Spirit is everyone follow me all right verse now chapter 16 maybe one or two pages over are a few clicks on your phone all right chapter 16 verse 16 a little while a little while and you will not see me and again a little while and you will see me because I go to the Father now look at me this Rowland makes a lot more sense that he in just a few hours he's going to be delivered over to the scribes for the Pharisees for trial and then three days he's gonna rise again makes a lot more sense for him to say a little while then if he's told but the second coming and he's talking about thousands of years a little while lest of the day you won't see me and then in just a few days a little while you'll see me again then sometimes disciples said among themselves what is this that he sends to us a little while and you will not see me and again a little while and you will see me and because I go to the Father they said therefore what is this that he says a little while I don't know if y'all have ever noticed but the disciples were thick we do not know what he is saying verse 19 now Jesus knew they desired to ask him so he said to them are you inquiring among yourselves about what I said a little while and you will not see me and again a little while and you will see me most assuredly I say to you watch that you will weep and lament now listen to me again the classic interpretation of this was that he ascended and he's coming back again okay they did not weep and lament when Jesus ascended they wept and lamented when he was crucified watch this you will weep and lament but the world will rejoice the world rejoiced when he was crucified not when you ascended watch this and you will be sorrowful they were when he was respite watch but your sorrow will be turned into joy that's what happened the resurrection then he talks about a woman giving birth verse 21 look at verse 24 - therefore you now have sorrow watch this he's talking to his tongue his disciples listen but I will see you again I will see you again and your heart we rejoice and your joy no one will take away from you are y'all following me he's talking you got to take it in context he's talking to the side plus I have to go away and to teach something because you can't have relationship with the father but I'm coming back it's just gonna be a little while not gonna be long and giving you two clues peace and the Holy Spirit I want to come back I'll talk about that too all right so now let's go to Resurrection Day John chapter 20 verse 1 now the first day of the week Mary Magdalene went to the tomb early while it was still dark and saw that the stone have been taken away from the tomb now this is in the morning look at verse 11 Mary stood outside by the tomb weeping and as she wept she stooped down and looked into she saw two angels in white sitting one at the head and the other at the feet where the body of Jesus had laid I don't have time to go into all that but that's a picture of the Ark of the Covenant in the Old Testament with the two angels and God in the middle that was exciting okay I said I let's just keep going then they said to her woman why are you weeping she said to them because they've taken away my Lord and I do not know where they laid him now look at this verse and see how strange this verse is now when she had said this she turned around and saw Jesus standing there and did not know that it was Jesus that is strange she had traveled with him for over two years mostly between two and a half three years of his ministry his ministry was really about three and a half years we say three years but it was a little over three about three and a half she started with him from almost the very beginning and she traveled with him John 8 verse 3 says that a group of women traveled with Jesus and the disciples she's one of them okay I heard a pastor say one time the reason she didn't recognize him this was because his body had been so badly beaten on the cross you know that she could you couldn't recognize him the only problem with that hypothesis is is that she helped take his body off the cross so there's something different about his appearance right now that should cause an alarm when reading the Bible that she may said wonder why she didn't recognize him okay the next verse to me even sounds even stranger jesus said to her woman why are you weeping whom are you seeking she hadn't recognized his voice either she now watch this this is you don't think that's strange I don't know what I don't know how to help you listen she supposing him to be the gardener the gardener have you ever seen gardeners they're dirty people I don't mean you know dirty like that you know I mean they work in dirt they're filthy you remember Jesus became sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God she doesn't recognize him this is in the morning oh I hope he gets you're gonna get so excited in just a minute she thought he was the gardener the gardener she said sir if you carried him where he tell me where you've laid him and I'll take him away jesus said to her Mary now he does something and opens her eyes so she can see she turned and said rabble and I which is say teacher watch this so jesus said to her do not cling to me this word cling is in the it's a Greek word it's in the Bible 36 times in the authorized version it's always translated touch it's never translated clean it's always touch it's the same word or the woman said if I can just touch the hem of His garment so one hold on to his just touch and Jesus turned around he was the very same word and said who touched me the disciples said Lord a whole bunch people you say who touch he he said somebody does me it's that's the whole that's the same worn okay so here's what he actually said here don't touch me don't touch me now watch your Bibles carefully for I have not yet ascended to my father now again we understand 40 days later he ascended but I'm telling you something happened on Resurrection Day that we miss that we need to catch because it changes everything he said listen does your Bible say he says I have not yet a sin in my father did you see that and don't touch me don't touch me then he says but go to my brethren the thick-headed ones and say to them I am ascending right now probably got present-tense I am I am a sitting now all this is so good this is so good you better get excited I am ascending to my father this and your father to my god and your God now look down a little bit later verse 19 then the same day at evening they stopped where's he been all day where did he say he was going to the Father they said that your Bible just said the same day at evening okay your Bible just said that Mary seized him in the morning and he says don't don't touch me don't touch me don't touch me I had not yet ascended to my father but go tell the disciples I am ascending for the father right now you go tell them that and then the same day at evening watch me the first day of the week when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews Jesus came and stood in the midst and said to them what what what two words I ask you to remember peace and the Holy Spirit right peace be to you when he had said this watch this he showed them his hands and his side by the way just a few days later he actually said to Thomas stretch your hand here let me paraphrase that for you touch me touch me that morning he said to Mary don't touch me I am an ascended to the Father yet same day and evening he says the disciples touch me Oh y'all are y'all if you're not getting excited I don't know how to I don't know your wood sweat I can't I do if I can't get your fire lift this is the most amazing thing I've ever seen in scripture I'm telling you he says I haven't gone to father yet but I'm going same day since the disciples touch me peace then the disciples were glaring they saw the Lord so jesus said to them peace to you now I love this as the father has sent me he's been the president of the Father all day I also send you and then when he said this he breathed on them and said receive the Holy Spirit I'm going away don't be troubled it's just gonna be a little while just a few days guys but I've got to get it right for you so you can draw the father because you can have relationship with the father but I'll go to the father and I'll make it right I'll present myself as a sin-offering he sees Mary he says don't touch me I mean I haven't gone to father yet I'm gonna send in the father yet the same day then it that same day in the evening he says you can touch me now because the father has sent me and I told you this was I told you this before it happened you'll remember that verse I told you this before it happens so that when it happened he would believe peace and the Holy Spirit now here's a verse that we miss Hebrews 9:12 says not with the blood of goats and calves but with his own blood he entered the most holy place that's where the father is once for all and you should get very excited over these words having obtained eternal Redemption having obtained eternal Redemption so ephesians then tells us that he first descended into the lower parts of the earth he descended that's Ephesians that's during the three days that's what he's in the tube and then it says basically he walks up just giving the short version he walks up devil and says give me the keys I'm taking it back and then it says he leads captivity captive that's referring to the Old Testament Saints they were not in torment but they were in a place of waiting remember the rich man who was informed he went to hell could see the beggar in Abraham's bosom bosom he could see Abraham so they're in a place of waiting and it says he led captivity captive he leads the Old Testament Saints to heaven but here's what he says to him but guys I have to stop by the earth on my way and talk to Mary for a moment because I told the disciples over and over and over again what was going to happen but everybody knows if you want something done right you have to ask a woman to do it that's Scripture all right so he says I have to stop by talked to Mary for a moment he's got these Old Testament Saints with him and they said well while you're talking to Mary do you mind if we walk around and see Jerusalem for a while you remember it this is the Bible watch this Matthew 27 verse 52 and the graves were opened and many bodies of the saints we'd fallen asleep were raised and coming out of the graves after his resurrection they went into the holy city and appeared to many ha Abraham Abraham is saying that's where I used to play ball where that Walmart is you see where that Walmart is that was the ball field when I was growing up and look at this there's a Starbucks on every corner I'll tell you we had to grind the beans and it was just you know okay they're walking around while Jesus is talking to Mary the Old Testament Saints now wouldn't it be cool if somewhere in the Bible there was a verse by verse description of what happened from Sunday morning to Sunday night when Jesus actually entered the presence of the father would that be cool see the problem is that there are some things we don't understand about the Bible but doesn't make the Bible in church this means we don't understand so Daniel talks about some things that are still going to happen in the book of Revelation but sometimes when we see some in Daniel we think oh that's in the future I'm just want to convince you more than anything that Jesus sitting getting Dominion back one day he already got it back that's what I'm trying to convince you so I'm going to show you Daniel but before I show you Daniel have to show you scripture and John when we started John 14 alright in John 12 Jesus made this statement verse 31 now now you I I hate to ask you to repeat stuff because I don't want you to think you're in class or some of you have very bad memories about school I don't know but could you just say that word now okay ninety-two thousand years right now is the judgment of this world now the ruler of this world will be cast out now here's what he's saying guys I'm about to take it back well we gave Adam and Eve and they lost I'm taking it back legally I'm gonna take you back so here's what happened it's in Daniel 7 verse 9 I watched until Thrones were put in place now this next part may send chills up your spine literally and the Ancient of Days was seated where did Jesus say he was going to the Father this is the father his garment was white as snow I just can't even imagine we're gonna get to see God one day and the hair of his head was like pure wool his throne was a fiery flame its wheels of burning fire a fiery stream issued and came forth from before him a thousand thousands ministry and that's a million if you if you like numbers ten thousand times ten thousand that's 100 million stood before the court was seated and the books were opened now that's why we think that that's revelation there's a judgment seat coming and there's a great white throne judgment coming but jesus said now is the judgment of this world so there was a judgment that took place on the Resurrection Day I watched in because of the sound of the pompous words which the horn was speaking I watched till the beast was slain and its body destroyed and given to the burning flame all right although just Roman people say see the beast that's in Revelation no listen in Daniel 7 there are four beasts this is just the first one and let me tell you what was destroyed on Resurrection Day two thousand years ago sin was destroyed sin matter of fact let's listen I didn't tell him but we might go go right now to Romans 6:14 showing this Scripture Romans 6:14 says I didn't tell him look for sin shall know shall not have dominion over you anymore okay then watch this sin was destroyed he destroyed it as for the rests of the Beast watch they had their dominion taken away yet their lives were prolonged for a season of time here's what I'm trying to tell you say is lying to you he had his dominion taken away two thousand years ago yet his life has been prolonged for a season a time but he has no more no more domain name now here's Jesus coming to the Father I was watching in the night visions and behold one like the Son of Man watch this coming with the clouds of heaven now I told you a moment ago who was he who did he take with him to have it on that day the Old Testament Saints Hebrews 11 lists what we call the Hall of faith it lists these Old Testament Saints and Hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 calls them that great cloud of witnesses I saw the Son of man coming and he had the clouds with him the clouds of heaven with him but that great cloud of witnesses with him he came to the Ancient of Days and they brought him near before him then to him was given Dominion and glory and a kingdom that all peoples nations and languages should serve him his Dominion is an everlasting Dominion which shall not pass away and his kingdom the one which shall not be destroyed that happened 2,000 years ago when Jesus when Jesus said to Mary don't touch me because I haven't gone into the most holy place yet and offered myself two more verses verse 21 and 22 Daniel 7 I was watching and the same horn was making war against the Saints and prevailing against them until the Ancient of Days came in and a judgment was made in favor of the Saints of the Most High and the time came for the Saints to possess the kingdom that happened to that here's what happened 2,000 years ago the Ancient of Days walked in the judge he looked at the Satan on one side he looked at the sites on the other side and then he looked at the bloody bruised battered and beaten body of his son and he said Satan you lose Saints you win that's what happened oh nice that's what happened these two boys I'm telling you Satan doesn't have dominion over you anymore and we don't have to wait till the second coming because of the resurrection we get it now I want you to bow your heads and close your eyes here's the main thing that I want us to get Jesus got Dominion back please hear me though the way he gets Dominion if someone gives it over to him that's what Adam and Eve did and that's what we've all done he gets us to believe a lie you're never gonna make it you're never good enough you're never gonna be able to keep up you're never gonna get ahead your marriage is never gonna be the marriage you want it to be he just gives he gets us to believe some lie and when we believe the lies say then you have an Adam and Eve we give Him Dominion but because Jesus came and took it back here's what I want you to do I want you to stand in Jesus name and say I'm gonna take it back because of what Jesus did for me I'm taking him back we want to pray with you no matter what you're going through and I want a lot of people to come for prayer this weekend I really do I believe you're here because you want to give your life to God you want to serve God you want to have victory you don't want sin that Dominion but there's some area maybe of your life that you just seem to not be able to get victory I'm here to tell you it's been paid in full he entered the most holy place once for all and obtained secured eternal redemption you don't have to walk out of here defeat it so if you need prayer for any area of your life in the air of your life in the air of your life finances job health kids family marriage your relationship with God an area of CN an area of bondage in your life if you need prayer for the area of your life we're gonna have one more worship song and and when we do we're gonna all stand in a moment at every campus every overflow room we will have people at the front of that room at that campus want you to pray with you and I think there are people here today that need to give your life back to God or you just leave prayer in seminary so as soon as we stand up you make up your mind if I'm the only one that goes which you won't be there be a lot but if I'm the only one I'm getting right with God today lord I pray that you'll give courage to every person that may be has yielded Dominion to the enemy in a certain area to say I want to take it back today in Jesus name I pray Lord you'll give every courage at every campus to come for prayer in Jesus name Amen
Channel: gatewaychurchtv
Views: 271,194
Rating: 4.8464451 out of 5
Keywords: Christmas, gatewaypeople, Gateway, Gateway Church, Robert Morris, Pastor Robert, Savior, Dallas, Southlake, Texas, Jesus, Sermon, salvation, christ, Dominion
Id: UnxtuvwcLho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 2sec (1922 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 02 2018
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