Robert Morris - Stop Believing Lies - 3 Steps to Victory

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okay so I'm gonna do a three-week series called three steps to victory and you know we're in a war and so when you're in a war do you have a strategic plan for victory how you gonna win the war and so I'm going to give you three steps these are the best three steps I can think of to be able to win this spiritual war that we're in so this will be the next three weeks all right the first one here's the title of this week is stop believing lies stop believing lies I remember praying with the woman's the altar one time she said pastor you need to pray for me I said okay what I need to pray about she said well Satan's been lying to me I said so you know it's Satan right she said yep and I said you know what's a lie right yep I said well then why do I need to pray she said I don't know and I said I think it's because you're believing them she said I think you're right so but we all do that we do that and we're in a warfare so I want to tell you a few we're good you're gonna laugh at the first this message before I get to my three points because I want to tell you a lie that I believe growing up that affected me because I believed it because if you believe a lie it gifts Satan the foothold it's the first thing he did with Eve if you remember he told her a lie so he could get her to sit she had to believe the lie before she said so and I'm will look at Scripture but I believe growing up that I was accident-prone I heard it a lot I can remember being in the emergency room and hearing one of the nurses say he's so probably gonna be on the emergency room his whole adult life because he's just accident-prone and I'm gonna get to some but so in 2007 we went on family vacation to Colorado and we were playing frisbee golf so it's not a contact sport it's not supposed to be and so I finished the first hole and if you walk to another like tee box it's where they have a little mat and you throw the frisbee and there's a basket and how many times it takes to give you that's your score you know so so I'm I see the the mat in front of me of the you know let's say 50 feet away and I'm looking for the basket and so I'm walking like this you know looking and I stepped in about a two-foot hold and my foot broke the bone in my foot broke when I stepped in it and then I fell and my shoulder hit the rock and my shoulder socket my shoulder the other I guess the ball broke the socket 40 percent of the socket shattered became completely tore the labrum I remember the doctor said to me you your labrum 360 degrees and I remember saying to him there aren't any more degrees are there and he said no you he said the only thing in my shoulder came out and it would just go in and out because there was no front part of the socket okay I don't know some of you are probably thinking stop stop talking stop talking but I'm gonna I'm gonna just keep going it's just gonna get grosser and grocery and so they actually I'm in Vail Colorado and they say you got to go back to Dallas to have surgery well they're experts in these tough accidents in Vail and they're saying you got to go to this bleeding shoulder surgeon in the world in Dallas and one of the doctors in our church knew him and got me in to see him and so I remember him even telling me he said you're gonna hear about people say yes I had shoulder surgery too he said just just say smiled and say I'm sorry but they didn't have shoulder surgery like you because your socket was completely shattered I had to take bone from another part of your body and rebuild it and your labor room again was too poor and 306 degrees so there was nothing holding your arm on your body except your skin told you is gonna get grosser so and and then I broke my foot so when I'm coming back from Dallas I have a boot on my foot I have a crutch only one crutch cuz you get put this arm on a crutch I have my shoulder my arm in here I'm in a lot of pain because I haven't I'm coming back to have surgery I haven't yet my shoulder kind of keeps popping in and out you know this is this break so but I'm walking on but everybody everybody asks you what happened I stepped in a hole and you could see them it was like Oh idiot you know I mean it was just like no sympathy and I'm in pain you know and so I thought I gotta come up with a better story than this you know let's didn't it so the next guy that asked me said what happened I said skydiving he was like oh wow really you're gonna something and then I thought well I can't say that cuz it's not true you know so let me think of something I can say I can't say and I thought maybe I could say I fell off a mountain but I didn't really fall off I felt own you know the mountain so then I thought oh I'll you know what I can say I stepped in a ravine you know that sounds better I was on a mountain Colorado and I fell in a ravine I fell intervene next Lake comes up what happened I was on a mountain in Colorado and I fell in a ravine I just wasn't expecting her to question me she said how deep to two feet and then it was the same thing Oh idiot you know I mean it you know so so I've had lots of accidents growing up my first accident when I was 3 years old I did that was a ravine I think 60 feet deep trying to do a tricycle too fast fell face-first my two front teeth went through my bottom lip and then launched to my bottom lip had my first surgery when I was 3 years old and and then surgery I don't know there was a year later or what to remove the scar tissue yeah so my dad's going like this thanks dad for the painful memory so anyway but my limp was just really big and they remove scar tissue but I remember thinking how big my bottom lip was growing up I don't know if you've ever thought that you look different and you were weird you were the freaking class but you know and then people would emphasize it like you know you have a big bottom lip you know I want to say you know you have big Bob you know I don't know it idea I tried not to but anyway this is BC this before Christ so you can't judge me then when I was eight I was hit by a car and-and-and put my arm up like this when I hit the pavement and it hit my top level and skidding all the took all the skin off my arm and still my top lip swelled up then I remember when I went to join the band when I walked in the band director said wow you'd be great for a trombone look at those big lips again you know I say you'd be great for a two ball it goes big yes John Young you know well you know why are you doing this to me why are you saying all these things so I just kept going right after he started the church Elaine and I and Debby riding around the block on our bicycles Elaine says race you home so we're racing going very fast and all of a sudden I we don't know I don't know to this day what happened was like the front wheel just went sideways and I had the pavement was knocked unconscious ambulance had to come but here's something amazing Steve Doolin who's one of our elders that you know was an elder at another church at that time they were in their elders meeting and they were in worship and the pastor of the church that I was good friends with said guys I just had a vision of pastor Robert riding a bike and a lion came out of the woods and mauled him and he said I think we need to pray for safety and then Debbie texted melody Steve's wife because they're good friends of ours and said Roberts on the way the emergency room he just had a bicycle accident so it's just amazing and so I'm not saying that all accidents are caused by the the enemy but I'm saying that we ought to think about it because I believe these things were normal Oreo they went when about four years after Easter Church Elaine and I were in a motorcycle wreck and she had to be careful I did and I broke six ribs which is very painful on the right side and both of our helmets cracked and the medical personnel told us if if you hit the pavement hard enough for a helmet to break that means it would have killed you without the helmet and so you better be great for you had helmets um now listen sis my lane was 13th time just a few weeks later we pull up that red light there's a guy on a big Harley tattoos you know the tort typical motorcycle gang looking type guy and you know I'm not looking you know and all of a sudden my daughter's gonna make six-year-olds wouldn't hear her say sir sir excuse me sir I'm thinking what are you doing you know sugar and this guy you know it looks over he's always hardly you know and she says excuse me sir I just wanted to tell you them my dad and I were just in a motorcycle wreck and our helmets cracked and if we hadn't had her helmet Stoney they said we would have died and she said I'm sure you're a very good motorcycle rider I'm thinking I'm sure he's a pretty good Hells Angel too but she said and I just felt like I should tell you that you might want to wear her helmet because the safety you know and this this guy that says he said young lady or the third person this week to tell me this he said I think God's tried to talk to me he said thank you you know to my little daughter you know so so anyway I've had these accidents just almost my whole life until I discovered you know this but I'm going to tell you one more because it's funny again Debbie and I were having a pillow fight one time you know you just you know how you just do that and Josh was there and he was only five so I was only changed was either I think just just a baby I thought yeah just a baby that there and so anyway after the pillow fight I turned around on walk out of the room Debbie's on the other side of the room and I turn around and I just decide that I'm gonna just do a karate kick just to kind of you know yeah you know and just jump up there and this one look exactly like Chuck Norris does it you know and Josh is there and she's on those tiles room so I'm not even close to her but I just jump up there yeah perfectly execute it you know and land on my left ankle it turns and breaks but the funny part is the next day in Chapel Josh goes to went to a Christian school he's in kindergarten this is a K through 12 school and I'm the associate pastor at the church where the school is so everybody knows pastor Robert and the principal said anyone have a prayer request and little joshie you know raises his hand and says yes please pray for my father your pastor Robert when you pray for pastor Robert yes he and my mother were fighting he tried to karate kick her and she broke his leg so of course when I go to pick up you know Josh after school and have a cast on my ankle then everyone's wanting to know the story but you know a while back I was summer and this lady came up to me they watches me on TV and she said oh I just love you I love your message and all and she says I love it when you tell funny stories about your life she says you know your whole life is just one big joke thank you so okay so in 2007 when I when I you know broke my shoulder and all that and I'm lying around gig recovering and then you know all the therapy you got to go through I remember just saying Lord Lord I've had that so many accidents have I opened the door to the enemy and the Lord I felt like he went just like this yep I mean he didn't even have to think about it you know he didn't have to go I finally think about that you know he said yep and I said what he said you believed why do you know how to know if you believe a lie if it doesn't surprise you in other words I've had people say to me a pastor we need you to pray my husband's just been diagnosed with cancer but he didn't really surprise us because you know his daddy had cancer his granddaddy had cancer or you know my husband has heart disease but doesn't surprise us because the daddy died of a heart attack because there ain't a heart a see when it doesn't surprise you you believe I see you've forgotten that you've been adopted into a new family and so Satan tells you this is normal it's not normal for Kingdom children so we have to understand that so you've got Genesis 3 I told you I just read it to you verse from Satan line Eve now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made and he said to the woman has God indeed said you shall not eat of every tree of the garden I'll take time to read it but just a chapter 4 here's what God actually said you shall eat every tree of the garden except the tree which is in the midst of the garden so God says it positively Satan says it negatively and then in a moment you're gonna see Satan outright life and the woman said the serpent we may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden but the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden God has said you shall not eat it nor shall you touch it lest you die then the serpent said to the woman you will not surely die you see the life God said you will surely die Satan says you will not surely die please hear me the first step to seeing is believing life you need to think about what lie have I believed I can remember when I begin learning about freedom ministry and things like that I remember these things about being accident prone and I thought well I've broken those words but here's there's a fourth seventy said yeah but you still believe them in your heart you believe you're accident-prone you believe it's normal for you to have accidents and I need you to stop believing that so let me tell you three ways that we can open the door to the enemy by believing a lot right here's number one the sins that we continue the sins that we continue in other words if you're going to persist in a sin that you know is a sin and you know it is and you have you can do something about it and all of you can as all of us can as believers you're opening the door to the enemy and let me just take one that all of us can relate to and that's unforgiveness this is what Paul said about unforgiveness 2nd Corinthians 2 verse 10 now whom you forgive anything I also forgive for indeed I have forgiven if I have forgiven anything I have forgiven that one for your sake in the presence of Christ now watch this lest Satan should take advantage of us for we are not ignorant of his devices less seyton you should take advantage of us for we are not ignorant of his devices that's pretty amazing incident so in other words if you hold on to unforgiveness Satan's coming in he he said let's say can take advantage of us he's he in other words he has an open door I can remember one time just lying awake at night replaying it over and over in my mind what someone had said and just you know what I'm gonna say next time I see that person you know and by the way if you rehearse something in your mind you haven't forgiven because forgive means to release it means you release that person and say it convinces us here's what he convinces us if you release them though then they're nothing nothing's gonna happen to well first of all it's not your responsibility it's God's responsibility and second of all if you don't release them something's gonna happen to you that's what you need to know and so I'm just replaying it over and over in my mind and all of a sudden it was like the Lord said to me stop it I mean I felt like he was almost trying to say I'm trying to get some sleep you know stop it it's 2:00 in the morning stop it and I said to him but Lord he was wrong and the Lord said to me of course he was wrong that's why you forgive him you don't forgive people who are right just think about that we have every reason to not forgive someone but if you don't forgive them there's a door open now we have what we call freedom here a gateway where we help people we've changed everything I've gone through everything because when we started it we did our best and now down the road we say we can make it better so now there's the growth track we want every person go through the growth track we've had fourth we have served many go through it but four thousand people who've gone through it who went through catch division before and they say man it's totally different than what it was one with three or four so even if you went through catch the vision I really want you to go through growth track and then after growth track is next steps and then freedom and we've set up next steps and freedom and then stewardship and we set that up where you can do it in a group you can do it in a class or you can do it online but you want to go through the ghost of growth track first all right but then next steps in the freedom and we've completely redone freedom we've completely redone it and here are the there are only two groups of people that I want to go through freedom okay those that have never gone through it and those that have already gone through just those two that okay no other groups okay and and let me tell you a second reason alone people we've already gone through one is because we realize that we needed to go through and change some things and we change those things but secondly I mean I'm gonna say something very strongly here the way the enemy will hit you once you go through freedom industry is with pride I've seen it thousands of times and I am an expert in this area I've seen it over and over and over because once you people go through afraid of ministry they get free of a lot of things and they feel like I know something that other people don't know I just met with our freedom ministry teams from all of our camps as all the all the staff and I warned them about this I said guys you teach freedom to other people but you better keep getting free yourselves and you better quit looking down it and you don't don't don't don't look down to someone else because immediately Satan's got you as soon as you think that you're smarter than someone are you're freer than someone you're in London if you actually think you're freer than others you're in bondage Satan's got you I mean Satan is the most cunning he's brilliant as soon as you learn something new he tells you how good you are that's how good he is so first of all sins that we continue any sin that you continue can be an open door the enemy here's the second way that we open door the enemy through believing a lie the words that we speak the words that we speak I'm accident from just normal words that we speak let me show you it's in Scripture that's very clear proverbs 18:21 death and life are in the power of the tongue these say on Scripture death and life are in the power of the tongue that's the Bible now let me say this some take this to an extreme and say you we have creative ability with our tongues okay you don't you don't let me tell you what this means this means that you can agree with the one who has creative power or you can agree with the one who has destructive power that's what this means in other words you can agree with life or you can agree with death you can agree with God or you can agree with the devil but you don't have creative power I tried I said let there be a red Corvette in the driveway there was no red Corvette in the driveway but God has created power and he has life see you agree with God's Word over your life with your mouth or you agree with Satan's words over your life and look at this verse proverbs 6 - you are snared by the words of your mouth a snare would be like a trap like a small animal in trap you're trapped you're in bondage at stake that way you're in bondage by the words of your own mouth and then I want to show you numbers 30 this is a scripture some of you might not even ever even seen in this scripture but I want to show you how words can bind and how words can be broken and that's the good news they can be broken but they can't bind watch numbers 30 verse 1 then Moses spoke to the heads of the tribes concerning the children of Israel saying this is the thing which the Lord is commanding if a man makes the vow to the Lord or swears an oath to bind himself bind himself by some agreement he shall not break his word he shall do according to all that proceeds out of his mouth look at that he shall do what proceed comes out of his mouth or if a woman makes the bout of the Lord and I'll tell you why in a moment he's using a man and a woman it's not maybe what you think I'll tell you one moment if a woman makes the vow to the Lord and binds herself by some agreement now here's the clarification you know while in her father's house in her youth in other words he's simply speaking of someone who's under another person's authority okay and that that's why this is important and her father here's her vow and the agreement by which she has bound herself I told you what words can bind you she has bound herself and her father holds his peace then all her vows shall stand and every agreement with which she has bound herself shall stand but if her father overrules her on the day that he hears then none of her vows nor her agreements by which she has bound herself shall stand and the Lord the Lord will release her because her father overruled her itself simply says in other words if someone who has a spiritual authority hears you say something foolish with your mouth that person with spiritual authority can break those words that's what Jesus is saying so you can't I just read you the horse you can bind yourself with your words and words can be broken there it is right there in the Bible think about all the things that are said the curses that are spoken and children hear him like I heard I was actually broke proof I heard I was gonna be in the emergency room my whole life I believe those things I believed this lady told me one time after I shared her talking about something like this or a message on freedom I did a whole series on it but I talked about this and she said I was in the grocery store one time my daughter was about three years old and the lady behind me said your daughter is so beautiful I said well thank you and then this what the lady said she said she is so sweet and then she said but now when she gets to be a teenager she shall break your heart just like that and this lady there in church told me she said because I'd heard your teaching about words that you did when I got in the car I broke those words over my daughter I broke them I didn't let them stand in the same way you'll hear your kids say things you can break those words for instance you ever heard your child will say this I'm just stupid you say you're not stupid you have mind of Christ or they say I just can't get math you say you can't I overrule that in Jesus name and you just tell them you belong the Gateway and pastor Robert is a genius at math so you're gonna be a genius at math you so just you sis you're a genius you're smart we need to overrule things that are spoken I'm telling you the words that you speak can keep you in bondage it's clear in Scripture because it means you believe it out of the abundance of the heart Finan you want to finish the verse the mouth speaks you say I don't understand how just saying something because it's in your heart you know how it got in your heart cause you believe the light but this book is truth so you speak the truth and you could break the light so the words that we speak and here's number three the thoughts that we think the thoughts that we think you say I don't I don't see how that could affect we'll watch proverbs 23 verse 7 for as he thinks in his heart so is he as he thinks in his heart so is he if you think it if you think you're accident-prone your accident room it's amazing it is amazing what we believe as truth becomes truth in our lives that's why we need to say Lord Jesus said this in John 8:32 it's real favorite scripture you probably know it you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free okay here's a really simple question you're going to love this if the truth sets you free then what does the lie do that was good by the way as the young people say that was treatable that was good if the truth sets you free and what does the lie do hold your luggage I got to say that again cuz I want y'all kiss jesus said it you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free so if truth set you free what do I state they hold you in luggage all through scripture numbers 13 this is when the children bills were went to spy out the land 12 spies 10 came back with a bad report 2 came back with a good report here's Joshua and Caleb here the TN but they gave the bad report numbers 13 verse 32 and they gave the children of Israel a bad report of the land which saved Speidel saying the land through which we wish we have gone as spies is a land that devours its inhabitants and all the people whom we saw by the way all of the word and the land the land didn't devour anybody but all the people whom we saw in it are men of great stature there we saw the Giants the descendants of a Mack came from the Giants and we were like watch how important this is we were like grasshoppers in our own sight and so we were in their sight now remember that everything the old test would have from them naturally but it represents something spiritual to us so these are the that's the enemy okay so listen we were like grasshoppers in our minds in our thoughts in our hearts and so we were like grasshoppers in the enemy's heart in the enemy's thoughts then because we saw ourselves as grasshoppers the enemy sauce as grasshoppers see every light contains a little bit of truth there were giants in Malaya that's true there were giants the kingdom truth is our God loves to kill Giants he has no problem with Giants he can kill him with a boar in a slingshot Giants are not a problem for him let me tell you something else that's so good about Satan lying he fabricates evidence to back up his lies he fabricates evidence to back up slice his lies do you remember when Joseph's brothers threw him in a pit they took his coat they tore it into pieces they put animals blood on it they brought it back to their father listen what they said is this your son's coat Jacob then said my son has been torn to pieces by wild animals they didn't say that he said it you know why fabricated evidence Satan will fabricate evidence and be in your safe well I know this is true though because this this and this has happened it doesn't matter what's happened in your life listen to me it matters what this book says it matters what the truth says so in in 2007 when I fell and God started showing me I believed a lie I was recuperating pastor Jack Hayford called me and said how you doing I'm in praying for you I said I'm doing well I said can tell you something that I think God showed me through this process I said he said yeah I said I think I believed a lie and opened the door to the enemy because I've heard all my life I'm accident-prone I've had lots of accidents kick you don't came to tell you a matter of fact at that time in 2007 I counted I had already I broke in 16 bones 16 that someone was asked me a while back to hurt their wrists or something I don't know if it's broken or not I said it's not broken they were like you know you're not doctor I said no I'm not doctor but you'd be screaming if it was broken because I know what broken bones feel like that it's not the normal sand you're not standing there and we're like that if it's a broker believe me so but I've broken all these bones so I'm telling dr. Jack Hayford about it and I said I feel like I believed a lie and God showed me that and he gets quite old other than the phone and he said God just spoke to me and he said I want to speak something over you prophetically because none of messiahs bones you know that's massager be the he per word for Jesus obviously none not well yes sure would be for Jesus Christ Messiah be for Christ because none this what Jackie said because none of messiahs bones were broken and because you are a part of the body of Messiah I declare no more broken bones that was in 2007 this is 2019 I've not broken a bone since that time not one you want to get to victory number one stop believing lies I'll tell you next week what number two is don't you bow your heads and close your eyes I'd like you just ask the Holy Spirit we ask the Holy Spirit every week what are you saying to me I'd like for you to ask him specifically all this week are there some lies about myself that I have believed
Channel: gatewaychurchtv
Views: 404,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gateway, Gateway Church, gatewaypeople, Sermon, Jesus, God, Dallas, Texas, Robert Morris, New Series, Stop Believing Lies, 3 Steps to Victory
Id: tZ_1mmJYxW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 52sec (1972 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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