The Secret to a Breakthrough - Pastor Robert Morris

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once you turn your Bibles to first chronicles chapter 14 first chronicles chapter 14 and I feel like the Lord spoke to me very very clearly this week and even the past couple of weeks I've been praying what do you wanted me to share with you today and just let you know I'll also be beginning a new series next weekend I'll speak we'll be in a new series called face to face divine encounters so we're going to talk about people who have had a face-to-face encounter with God and what happened during that and what God can obviously speak to us here's what I want to show you this week the secret to a breakthrough the secret to a breakthrough any area of your life whether it's marriage family relationships health finances career whatever area is that you need a breakthrough in that area there's a very very simple secret in the Bible and that's what I want to show you we if you remember in the prayer series the Blessed prayer I talked about taking prayer to a new level and we've started that this year and I thought it was interesting because in that series I talked about how there seems to be a 20,000 in attendance barrier in many churches in America it's almost like there's a barrier in the spiritual that you can't pass that there are only six or seven churches in America that have passed that barrier now let me tell you why the ideas to us that's a very very large church but in the world that's not a large church at all I I meet with a group of pastors that are pastors are some of the most influential churches in the world from all over the world they started meeting about six or seven years ago two years ago I was the first American pastor they actually invited him to the group and they were very honest with me about why and this may shock you may offend you but this is very commonly known they in the world they said we've I invited any American pastors in yet because many American pastors are very prideful they just said it straight up and but they invited me to join this group we met in Seoul Korea two years ago South Africa last year this year they're coming here they'll be here there's about 70 all right and they'll be here but the first time I was there I remember just thinking I don't know what we were running at the time but I was just kind of pleased with how God was was growing us and we're reaching more people but I remember reading the bios of the other pastors and the guy sitting beside me was from Nigeria and they had 120,000 in attendance and the guy on the other side of me was from Korea they had 300,000 in attendance and I got to looking through the BIOS and I thought were the young kids on the block here so God's doing something but he's also doing something in the American church and I'm grateful for that so my point is that I talk to you about this barrier last year our average attendance by the way was 19 thousand six-hundred and I felt like this was a spiritual barrier we needed to break through well we started more prayer concentrating times of prayer more prayer in all the areas of the church January 1st and from January 1st until last weekend our average attendance 21,000 484 so to me a breakthrough and I want to say this to every number has a name please please hear me it's not attendance for attendance sake it's it's people coming and being involved in getting disciple and growing in their walk with the Lord so I want to show you the secret to a breakthrough and it involves two steps and the number one is pray number 1 pray alright first chronicles chapter 14 look at verses 8 through 12 verse 8 says now when the Philistines heard that David had been anointed king over all Israel all the Philistines went up to search for David and David heard of it and went out against them then the Philistines went and made a raid on the valley of ref I am which ref I am means Giants by the way and David in tired of God I want to notice that phrase David inquired of God saying shall I go up against the Philistines will you deliver them into my hand the Lord said to him go up for I will deliver them into your hand so they went up to bale para Zim I'll tell you later what that means and David defeated them there then David said God has broken through my enemies notice that phrase God has broken through my enemies by my hand like a breakthrough of water therefore they called the name of that place Vail pair ISM and when they left their gods there David gave a commandment and they were burned with fire notice immediately when David's enemies came against him what he did he inquired of God shall I go up many times we just don't think about this David was a great warrior David's probably one of the greatest generals of all time and one of the greatest soldiers himself David was incredible and understanding battle and battle plans and defeated so many of his enemies because of God's wisdom through but here was his secret he prayed he prayed he said God what do you want me to do and he inquired of God think about this the enemy comes against him and David goes in a tent and and he goes in all alone he doesn't take his generals with him he goes in all alone and he prays Luke 5:16 talked about Jesus said so he himself often withdrew into the wilderness and prayed this is where our power comes from this is where the secret comes through and that's when God can bring a breakthrough and when you think about a breakthrough he said it's like a breakthrough of water it would be like a dam holding the water back and the dam breaks and there's nothing to hold it back now think about whatever area of your life you need a breakthrough in in your marriage your family your children think about it because it's easy to think this area finances if there's a financial barrier in your life and God brings a breakthrough and then there's this float you see them saying so you know when I think about that I think about a door that's locked that you're trying to get in and then it unlocks now Debbie 9 used to have this car that I would push a button and it would unlock my door and then I had to push the button again to unlock her door now some of you are going to relate to this while I'm about to say I would push the button to unlock my door it would be and then before I could push the button to unlock her doors anyone relating to this she would pull the handle and no matter how many times we talked about it sugar you have to wait for the second beat it didn't matter as soon as I would be she would pull the handle and then because it wasn't unlocked rather than just waiting for me it was it I don't know what happened but her brain it would just be like maybe I'll truck you know but it's open now about try try again out of it she's probably up now let me try it right yeah she just kept I finally said to her step away from the car just give give give me a moment you know and I I remember one time we got you know I got frustrated about it and we were talking about in the car afterwards and she said you know I can solve this and I said okay well how do we solve this she said you could come around to my side and open my door so anyway I bought another car and uh it's fixed here's the plate God wants to open doors he said I have the keys I can open doors that no man can shot I can shut doors that no man can open how's it happen happens when we pray that's the first part number ones pray here's his number to obey obey uh look keep reading now look at verses 13 through 16 then the Philistines once again notice notices word again made a raid on the valley therefore David inquired again that's so cool to me they just didn't do it the same way he prayed again and God said to him you shall not go up after them circle around them and come upon them in front of the mulberry trees and it shall be when you hear a sound of marching in the tops of the mulberry trees then you shall go out to battle for God has gone out before you to strike the camp of the Philistines so David did as God commanded him and they drove back the army of the Philistines from Gibeon as far as his heir okay here's a couple of things first of all you don't just pray once because notice when the enemy came again he didn't immediately do he didn't feel like okay I already know how to do this he's again a guy who doesn't need natural battle plans he knows how to do it in the natural but as soon as they come again he goes he says God shall I go yes he goes he defeats them they back off but then they come again and instead of immediately going again here he goes again he goes into this tent to pray and then it says but and so the David did as the LORD commanded him he'll be okay I don't mean this wrong in any way but if all you ever do is pray and you don't obey nothing's going to happen if you don't do what God tells you to it's not going to happen you won't have a breakthrough so think about though the younger soldiers Oh know if you ever thought about this but I I think about things like yes I think about in the natural how did this really work out and so think about if you if there'd been a younger soldier there and and they say hey the the Philistines have come they're coming again they're right over that hill and they're headed this way and David says okay and then he walks in this tent and the younger soldiers thinking uh what's David doing and the older soldiers are like he's praying it's a little late to pray I mean they're coming and the older soldiers are saying no no no listen this wait works just just relax he when he comes out he will have a plan from God listen okay so then he comes out and this is what he says guys we're not going to do it the same way we did it the way that just gave us victory we're not going that way we're actually going to go to the other way and we're going to come up by those mulberry trees you know where those are we're going to come up by the mulberry trees and the older soldiers are like yeah yeah and the younger soldiers are still kind of listening for this you know and then he says and when we get those trees we're not going to attack yet we're going to wait and when we hear people walking in the tops of the trees then we're going to attack okay now the older soldiers are like good plan David that's a good plan good plan because they've been with you for a while now that kind of reminds me good plan you remember that show family feud and no matter what they said the family would say good answer good answer good answer you know that he'd be like they'd say name a cat and they'd say a Doberman good answer good answer yeah it wasn't a good answer you know never once did a family we were safe you're an idiot but alright Suman so I'm just seeing that the older soldiers oh they knew so they're like good plan it's good plan we're going to hear people walking in the tops of this good plan David's good plan what do the younger soldiers thinking yeah I'm wondering if a younger soldier said something to one of the older soldiers like this did he say what we were going to hear people walking in the tops of the trees yeah that's what I said how many times has David been hit in the head two game battles now remember David he's a warrior I'm wondering if he walked over to one of these younger soldiers and said you got a problem with anything I just said son and this a bad dude you know he probably said no sir and then David probably just said listen son listen to me I know it sounds crazy I know that but it's not by might it's not by power it's by his spirit now can I say something to us as a church the things that we do for the kingdom it's not because we're big so because we're talented it's by his Spirit here's the secret to everything that we've been able to accomplish for the kingdom and we have a lot more to accomplish we pray and we obey it's that simple we pray and we'll be I wanna I want to show you some things from last year and I want you to celebrate I want you to feel free to celebrate because it's amazing what we saw just last year and these are just a few of the highlights all right watch this we have been so blessed at Gateway so I'm extremely excited about where we're going what I'm praying for God is a revolution and I do believe that the local church is the hope of the world I'm carrying something and I can't be selfish enough to think that it's only for right now everything that I am all that I look at is on him when you get saved listen your life radically changes and someone moves in with you we're able to help this many people all over the world because you are committed to the kingdom of God and so I want to tell you thank you great thank you Lord over 3500 people had their eternal destinies changed last year just in our weekend services just in our church here not not even talking about around the world missions and what God's done so it's extremely exciting here's here's what we do we pray as elders and as staff and we we asked the Lord what are some ways we can build and increase the kingdom this next year now I want to share some of those with you but I want you to know this every number has a name we we have an entire annual report from last year online please go to it it's it's the best interactive report we've ever done you just go to it you click on it's right on our front page and then you just scroll down and as you scroll down things come up to let you know about last year there's interactive video and then you get down to different ministries and nearly everyone here is involved in some ministry oh here it is showing as you scroll down it shows different things and then it you get down to the different ministries and in those ministries you can just highlight you just what do you call that float hover hover hover I remember our first time I got a computer I called the text service and I said hey my rat's not working mouse so anyway you hover if you hover over it then it blows up or whatever it does and it shows you things it tells you things so so go to that if you can this week right let me tell you a few things that we want to do this year some initiatives and we have several but five that we want to highlight and the first is the North Fort Worth campus we started the North Fort Worth campus and hey everyone at the North Fort Worth campus we started the North Fort Worth campus in August in a high school we already have the building we paid cash for the building we need to continue to finish that building out there averaging over 1,600 in attendance we started to services we had to go to three services so we want to move in later this spring and so that's one thing we want to continue to pray about and give toward let me show you a little bit on the North Fort Worth campus right here it shows you there the different campuses South Lake and our each frisco and the North Fort Worth this is the building we bought at beech and bass wood and so it's right beautiful corner there you can already see we're starting to redesign the outside of it to make it look more like a church and then on the inside as well building and one thing we also did was we raised the roof of it right here for the sanctuary so that the sanctuary has that higher root that'll be a little bit of what the lobby looked like and then the outside so that's the North Fort Worth campus and that exciting we also begin the Kings University at Gateway fully accredited University in September we have over 120 students involved but what we're looking to do we were going to sell our old South Lake campus on 21 22 21 21 South Lake Boulevard on South Lake Boulevard and as we begin to look at it and moved into this building and and we grew and the finances grew we felt like we really need that building not just for the university excuse me but we need that building for multiple things throughout the week our seven your young adults to meet their singles can meet there our youth can meet there we could have weddings there so we're repurposing that building for the University and for different events throughout the week this is a little bit if you remember where that there's the main campus in the upper right and then that's the where the former campus is and we're going to repurpose that where the sanctuary make it smaller that'll be for Chapel for weddings for again more for apt all that and then we'll build out the other part so we're doing that as well so just let you know this is something we haven't been able to tell you much about yet we've been working for several years on this there were several churches working toward this and larger churches here in the country and when they found out what we were doing they in essence said you guys go for it do it and we'll we'll be able to hopefully learn from you we're developing an interactive software called my gateway which another church then could use it for whatever their church is but it is so that we can develop community here in gateway but it is more than that and much much more it's an equipping type of software is where you can go be your gateway if you're involved in a group there'll be different things for you there but you can go online and see teaching videos you can search prayer you can search any topic and and all the message will come up but also small snippets from each message and will develop for whatever topic you're studying I'll just show you a little bit about that it's called my gateway we've been developing this software again over two years now and then there'll be the all these equip glasses video glasses messages teachings from different classes that you've had that you could continue from teachers here in the church and you could just pick it up and learn and just go online to be for tablets smartphones everything I hope you're catching how huge this could be and then for us to be able to release this to the body of Christ for any church to use it when we called MyGateway they can call it whatever they want but they would be able to use the the software that we've developed and can you imagine that to be able to learn online anytime you know the the cable companies and satellite companies saying watch movies on demand well we're gonna say you can grow in Christ own demand so it's alright this will relate to two campuses specifically but new parking we need to enlarge the parking last year we enlarged the parking at the North Richland Hills campus I know you guys are grateful but Frisco and South Lake now you might think when I come to a service the service I come to I don't have a problem getting a parking place 10:45 very very difficult to get a parking place and that's where most unchurched people attend that service most people that don't know Christ yet when they come to the church that come to that service here's the problem if they come and they drive through our parking lot they can't get a space that's a problem and then they keep on driving and the enemy uses any excuse he can to keep them from coming across but also all of our conferences our first conference our men's conference on Women's Conference it's we just need to expand the parking at South Lake and we need expand the parking at Frisco again just show you a little bit this is the North Richland Hills campus that's where it was and then all these places that we highlight here we made parking so all that's brand new parking at the North Richland Hills campus and then at the Frisco campus you can see the Frisco campus have very limited parking and we've got room there to be able to expand the parking that's just a little what it looks like in the morning I don't know if they drive that fast there but and then here's the South Lake campus again we have plenty of land to be able to do this but if you've ever come at 10:45 service again they drive real fast so try to get a space and here's the the they still driving fast okay here's the here's the last initiative I want to share with you about well I am so excited about this for 16 years I was at Shady Grove Church in Grand Prairie before we planned a gateway church and pastor Olin Griffin is one of our absolute elders when you see pastor Olin around you should always say thank you to him because Who I am today is largely because of him he is my spiritual father I went to Shady Grove when I was 22 I got saved in nineteen though I started going to that church was 22 years old and then God called me here when I was 38 so for 16 years I was there at Shady Grove Church and Shady Grove Church here's some exciting news is becoming a campus of Gateway Church now so we're going to have another campus in Grand Prairie and let me show you where that is it is at 161 and real close to I 30 so it's north Grand Prairie so if you look at that's the new building there it's a beautiful building that was built just a few years ago it's over a hundred thousand square feet half of it is finished out half of it is not will need to finish out some more will need to add some children's faces shows a little bit of auditorium seats about 1500 now that projector there makes me look heavier than I am so we're going to get a skinny projector is what you call them so but we I just can't even tell you this is full circle for me for my home church now to become one of the campuses and to also to let you know one of our own and people say bees with me the campus pastor we're excited about this Pastor Mark Jobs wife Sandy where you guys stand up Pastor Mark Jobe new campus pastor at the Grand Prairie campus and next weekend I'll speak here on Saturday night begin to serve begin the new series and then on site and then we'll show the video all on Sunday and on Sunday morning I will speak live there at the Grand Prairie campus so if you or your friends are someone in that area you could come to the Grand Prairie campus I'll be live next weekend and then the next weekend are the simulcast will begin there at the Grand Parade campus so it's just amazingly what God continues to do thrust now here's what we do here's how we fund these new initiatives nearly everyone at Gateway tides that's amazing you you are the greatest giving Church that I've ever heard of and really it's I want to say something I don't want you to think in any way I'm comparing I am commending when I say this but when we look at the giving of other churches Gateway Church is twice as high as the highest giving churches in America it is phenomenal it is phenomenal pastors are asking me continually how has this happened and God said of work in your heart here's how it's happened we've prayed and we've obeyed and God has blessed us tremendously but here's what we ask every person to do nearly every person ties and nearly every person gives over and above his or her tied what we want you to do is to simply let us know what you can give over and above your tithe this year and we call it heart for the kingdom and it's how we expand the kingdom here a gateway that God's called us to expand his kingdom obviously so we did this last year we made a commitment and please hear this please hear it is not a valid all right some people people say well it's better not to Val than to not keep about it is not about we're not asked to make you devout of the Lord we're asking you to look at and pray about what you would normally give what you're planning to give over and above your tithe and then let us know we plan on that last year about eight million dollars was committed over and above our tithe and about six million is coming so far that's about where we plan actually we plan on about 75% because we've always lived below our means and also because we know things might change something might change in your job so might move away we understand all that but it helps us to be able to plan I'm praying for 10 million this year to be committed over and above our tithe and so all I want you to do is simply pray and ask the Holy Spirit in the next two weeks two weeks from now the first weekend of March will give a heart for the kingdom offering and we'll turn our commitments in if you look in your worship guide there if you pull it out and when you open it up right there is a tab beside the communication card you can tear that off you don't have to tear it off now but if you notice on one side it says Gateway initiatives and then on the other side it has blankets the amount that I are we are continue to give over and above our tithe by next year by a year from now to your commitment and then you give us your information and then we take these and we pray over them and we pray over every family that is making a commitment because they're stepping out in faith please hear me about this this is the easiest way I know to have a breakthrough this is it right here this is the easiest way I know to have a breakthrough in your marriage your family your health your finances your anywhere is to pray and that's God what to give and when God speaks something to you you have faith because God spoke faith comes by hearing hearing my door and when God speaks and then we obey and we step into what God is saying then God opens the door there's a breakthrough let me tell you one more thing about 1st chronicles 14 the story that we read ok David named it baile para Zim I told you I'd come back to that and tell you what it means most people believe that perazim means breakthrough it's close to that but it's not quite that here's what I though I couldn't understand for a long time baile is the Philistine God baile pairs him it sounds like this is where baile had a breakthrough why didn't he name it Jehovah para zoom this is where Jehovah the Israel God the true God broke through here's the reason why para Zim doesn't really mean breakthrough it means broken through here's what David was saying I want all of my enemies to know this is where bail was broken through this is where there was a stronghold it was a valley of the Giants ref I am but it had a mountain on the edge that Valley you know they call that mount Vale it says that they gathered all their gods up and David burned them do you know how they gather up it says they left their gods there you know why they left him there that was a place of worship here's what I'm telling you the enemy camp there against David why because the enemy thought this is our stronghold this is a place that we can't lose okay here's the word that I feel I told you I feel like I have a prophetic message for all of us and for each of us here's the message I feel like I have for you from the Lord if we'll pray and obey the place in your life where the enemy thinks he has the strongest hold it's the place God will give you a breakthrough this year whatever area of your life that is where the enemy thinks this is the struggle and you know what you might even think that - I'm telling you there is not a place where our God can't break through it's not one place and here's what we're going to do our theme for this year is pray and obey now we're talked about giving yes in the area of giving I want you to pray and obey but I want you to pray and obey in every area of your life just pray spend time in prayer and whatever God says do it and watch God break through your enemies I want you to bow your heads and close your eyes and I want you to just take a moment normally we say Holy Spirit what are you saying to me through this message and you could ask that again but why don't we ask this question today Lord what area in what area do you want to bring a breakthrough in my life just asking in flood area let let the Lord speak an area of your life to you in what area of my life do you want to bring a breakthrough this year let's take a moment listen let the Lord speak to you maybe this week you'll continue to ask that question let the Lord speak and we want to pray for you if you're going through any type of a difficulty and we all go through difficulties or if you just need direction or guidance in any area of your life and no matter which service you're attending or which campus you're attending and every campus here's what we're going to do in just a moment we're going to stand we're gonna have one more worship song during that time we're going to lead errs at the front of every campus every overflow room and if you need prayer for any area of your life any air of your life you just step back in any area of your life and don't be embarrassed you don't have to be a member of Gateway Church and don't ever ever ever be embarrassed to come for prayer because we all need prayer it's it's it's just simple we just so if you need prayer for any area of your life as soon as we stand up you just stand up instead slip to the aisle step out come to one of the leaders at the front of the campus where you are Holy Spirit I pray you'll draw every person from every campus that needs prayer right now in Jesus name amen I was 19 years old when I gave my life to the Lord and everything changed I didn't have any desire to go back to that old life I wanted to walk with the Lord and learn more about him and some people helped me to learn the Bible and to learn how to pray and to learn about my new life in Christ and that's what we want to do for you I am so excited that you've given your life to the Lord he's forgiven all of your sins and you're on your way to heaven but we need to learn some things now about the Bible about prayer about some basics of the Christian life so that you can be victorious and live for the Lord like I know you want to so we've designed a class called fresh start and I want to encourage you to sign up for this class because we want to help you grow in your walk with the Lord now I love you and I'm so proud of you
Channel: gatewaychurchtv
Views: 501,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gateway Church, gatewaypeople, Worship, New sermon, New, New series, Robert Morris, Pastor Robert, DFW, Southlake, Texas, Church, God, Lord, Promises, Promise, Vision, Might, David, The Secret To A Breakthrough, Breakthrough, Secret, Battle, Pray, Prayer, Soldier
Id: -6Za2qVaW-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 41sec (2081 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 20 2013
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