Pastor Robert Morris – Whosoever Will – Bring A Friend

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so the title of today's message is whosoever will now I'm going to do something a little differently and I'm going to go through a teaching to show you why I believe that the Bible teaches whosoever will but there are other people that don't believe this way and I am NOT trying to pick a fight I'm not trying to set us apart from other churches I want us to come together so it's okay if someone believes a different way than us that's okay in the body of Christ so just I just I just want to say that the reason I have to say that is because I'm gonna talk about Calvinism and Arminianism and I'd only I don't want to be branded just let me just say that all right John Calvin lived from the early 1500s Jakob Arminius lived in the late 1500s and what people do today is they say well you're a Calvinist or you're an Arminius I'd rather not even be browned rather be a Christian if that's alright I'd rather so I follow Christ okay but I'm gonna have to talk about some things and I want to talk about actually the five points of Calvinism to show you why I believe in whosoever will so I'm not but I'm not trying to start a fight okay I'm not trying to get more emails the very fact that it it makes us angry and we argue about things should show us that there could be something wrong so I'm not trying to argue I just I won't Gateway Church to be an outreach oriented Church and I think that there are certain beliefs that could hinder us from sharing the gospel with everyone so that's I'm going to talk about that now before I get into the first point I've got to explain the difference between doctrine and dogma the reason is because some will say if I talk about Calvinism and say I don't believe this and by the way I know Esther's who are pastoring churches that are Calvinistic churches and they've said to me privately I'm only I'm a two point Calvinist I'm a two and a half point Calvinist or one guy said a one and three-quarter Calvinist okay so so the reason so I'm not trying to again I'm not trying to pick a fight does everyone understand that okay I'm really not talking to you I'm talking to you that are watching from television not other campuses but okay so the reason I've got to explain the difference is coming to someone could say well you attack doctrine okay I want to explain something about though right let me ask you a question every campus has your doctrine changed some over the years that you've been a Christian in other words you've grown and you used to believe something that you don't believe anymore or you didn't believe something that now you believe has your doctrine changed any at all can I just see your hands everywhere just ever campus okay that's probably all of it if it has it you're something wrong with you so Shirley you've grown as a believer and learned more things right okay but let me explain something to you I kind of set you up with that question because i used the word doctrine and please let me tell you that doctrine by this literal definition never changes the word doctrine comes from two greek words it comes from the greek word du das go which means teaching but it's du das game which is it adds another element it's the Masters teaching that's where we get the word doctrine the Masters teachings actually also where we get the word dr. he's a master in medical teaching we my medical doctor we have a little joke because I have an honorary Doctorate for the books that I've written and but every now and then I think I know best and I'll say to him what do you think that's the right medication and he'll save a who's the medical doctor here so it's where we get our word doctor but it's doctrine doctrine means the master's teaching and the masters teaching ever changes but our understanding of the master's teaching changes so see when I teach this some people might say oh you attacked doctrine but your doctrine and my doctrine changes our understanding of doctrine you follow me so actually what we're talking about is Dogma which is belief by the way Dogma is where we get our word dogmatic which a lot of people who have strong Dogma are dogmatic about it you ever met someone like that okay so we're talking about the Masters teaching and I'm telling you what I believe about it okay that gives that moment so don't say well if you're not a Calvinist you're nor meanest again those are students of the master and I'm not a student of English student I'm a student of the master as well even though I respect many women of God that God's used through the ages through church history okay all right so when you talk about Calvinism there are five points to Calvinism and you use the acronym tulip tul IP so those will be my five points all right and I'll show you what I believe it when I believe the Bible teaches the first one is number one total depravity so the tea and tulip stands for total depravity now what many believe this means is that we are so depraved we have such a fallen sin nature that we can't even choose Christ that God just kind of zaps us and we get saved one day but that we don't even have the ability to choose Christ I disagree with that I don't I believe that we that what it means that we're depraved is that we're born with a sin nature that we all have a sin nature and yet God still gives us the ability to choose see the title of this whole series is eternity your choice I really believe you determine where you spend eternity and that God is a just and merciful God and gives every person a chance to accept Jesus Christ you have to whatever belief you have has to be consistent with the nature and character of God and a god that would love the world so much that he would give his own son for the world I believe gives everyone an opportunity so but I do believe that we're all born with a sin nature Romans 3:23 says for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God it's very simple I've asked you this before if you want to know if we have a sin nature simple question did you have to teach your children to be bad or did it come naturally to them we were in a some people's home one time and they had paintings Debbie and I have pictures though if you know the difference in other words ours aren't the real thing okay ours came from Target there's came from the actual artist okay so we were there with Josh and Hannah our son and daughter-in-law and their children Grady and Willow and Willow was younger a few years ago and she loves to touch things and she was noticing this painting you know as a painting so I had bumps only one like you have our pictures you know that she it's Eversley and so she went to touch it and the lady of the house said Oh sweetie you can't touch any of the paintings how many of you know what happened after that she wanted to touch every painting in the house we had to constantly watch her for the rest of the day we left early because she would try to sneak away to touch the paintings I actually would see a saw a thing on the internet awhile back said funny signs and I thought this is a perfect sign to represent a sin nature let me show you this side caution this sign has sharp edges do not touch the edges of this side also the bridge is out ahead how many people do you think and how many of you were actually thinking I wonder how sharp those hedges are so the for that first point of Calvinism is told the depravity and some believe that means that we can't even choose God I don't believe it takes to our choice but I believe we're all born with a sin nature and what a Gert understand okay the second the you in in tulip is unconditional election unconditional election and what this belief is is that God chose some people to go to heaven and God chose some people to go to hell again I'm not okay did y'all hear I'm saying I'm not trying to pick a fight I just don't believe that about God I believe that God wants everyone to come to Jesus Christ and God is not willing that any should perish but wants all to come to repentance so I don't believe God chose some of it too many scriptures to take the gospel to the whole world now let me read you some Matthew 24:14 and this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations and then the end will come what kind of God would have the gospel preached but not allow people to receive the gospel mark 16:15 and he said to them go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature john 1:21 the next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said behold the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world John 3:17 God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved second Corinthians five nineteen and twenty watch this carefully that is that God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself not imputing their sins to them we're going to come back this word imputing and has committed to us the word of reconciliation now then we are ambassadors for Christ as though God were pleading through us we import you on Christ's behalf be reconciled to God God's pleading with us through the whole world be reconciled to God God was in Christ reconciling the world not the elect the world to himself and now we are ambassadors but here's what it says about the world not imputing their sins them this word imputed is in the Greek is an accounting term that literally means depositing in an account to make a deposit into an account here's what it's saying God is not depositing the world's sins into their account through Christ he is taking care of everyone sin please hear me everyone in the world Jesus has already paid for their sins if he hasn't already paid for their sins you'll have to die again he's already paid for the whole world to be saved this is why it's so easy to witness because we can tell them your sins have already been paid for God's already reconciled you it's up to you whether you receive Jesus or not now I'm gonna make a bold statement and there's a lot of theology there's no way to cover all the theology and that you should cover in a thirty two minute message there's no way to do it so I just have to kind of hit tidbits here so I'm going to say something pretty strong people don't go to hell for sin because of sin they go to hell because of unbelief gee did not say the ones that don't sin go to heaven and the ones that sin go to hell let me read you exactly what he said John 3:36 he who believes in the son has everlasting life he who does not believe in the son shall not see life see people go to hell because they don't believe but Jesus is already paid for their sins that again is why it's so easy to witness because there's a check Jesus has already written the check for all of your sins it's just up to you whether you endorsed it and deposit it and when you deposit it in your account by faith then all of your sins are paid for your debt is paid in full and the righteousness of God is deposited in your account that's what happens when we get saved but it's up to you you have a choice God created you in His image with a choice here's the third this is the L in the word toulon if you want to remember these five and you know for some reason the third is limited atonement again I don't believe this it basically means that Jesus died only for the elect for those that would that God chose and so some he didn't choose but he didn't die for the world I think there's just way too many scriptures said he died for the whole world I've shown you some scriptures but let me show you a couple that have a phrase once for all I love this and I only chose two of them but watch this Hebrews 7 27 this is know about Jesus who does not need daily as those high priest to offer up sacrifices first for his own sins and then for the people's for this he did once I watch these words for all they did it for all every one when he offered up himself Hebrews 9:12 not with the blood of goats and calves but with his own blood he entered the most holy place once for all four all having obtained eternal redemption that this the reason that I'm sharing this is because I'm not trying to again separate from people have a different belief in the body of Christ and we do not trying to at all I have a desire as the pastor of this church for you to have a desire to win people to Christ and I think if we were to believe something like this that God chose some people to be saved and others not to be saved and we'll see in a moment that part of this belief is they will be saved no matter what whether they even accept Christ or not they'll just be saved that's the extent that's the far extent of this belief and you'll see it on the next point they're just going they're just they just will accept Lord if that's the case why witness why tell anyone about Christ why pray for the loss well I pray for people when you look at the whole of scripture that's what we're to do Jesus says go and go now you can hear an urgency there's voice go out into the highways and the hedges and compel them to come in that my house may be full please go tell her my desire is that we a gateway church every time we meet someone we're thinking about how to talk to that person about Jesus every time my wife will tell you I talk to people everywhere we go and I have an ulterior motive I'm trying to get that person saved everywhere I'm trying to strike strike up a conversation I'm trying to talk to people we went down to Austin and spin our family vacation and it's where Josh has moved in Hannah and he'll be planting the church you know in January down there and so everywhere I go I they say are you visiting yes visiting Dallas I pastor church there my son moved down here and to plan a church okay so I'm telling everyone that because I want him to say oh really what kind of church when's he gonna start you know I'm trying to give okay so we go down for family vacation and my we've been down there like three and my son James said that I have proof positive and we need to play in the church in Austin because we've been here three days and no one has recognized you yet so I'm not saying anything bad about Austin but just between us there a lot of heathens just between us so tell me - when I said that just between us it's okay they're not they don't read my Twitter accounts either anyway so it's okay it was amazing I would tell people hey you know my son's playing Church and they would go like oh that kind of be the end of the conversation we need to tell people everywhere we go there needs to be a driving force in you to win people to Christ that's the only reason I'm preaching this message I felt very strongly okay here's the fourth point if the edits the I in Tula irresistible grace what this means in the Calvinism teaching is that those who are chosen cannot resist the grace of God they will accept Christ because it's just irresistible I disagree with that I believe that you can resist God I believe God gave you a will see I think that the the this this teaching basically means that God created robots and he created us without a will and a choice and I think you have a will I think how you what let me state this way your belief and I may share on this in the next few weeks some your belief determines where you will spend eternity and your behavior determines how you will spend eternity so it's very important you have a choice acts 751 you stiff-necked and uncircumcised in your heart and ears you always resist the Holy Spirit as your father's did so to you he's saying you resist you're resisting the Holy Spirit okay now watch how I again Jesus tells us we have a choice now Matthew 7:24 therefore whoever hears these sayings of mine and does them I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock then go down to verse 26 everyone who hears these sayings of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand doesn't it sound like you got a you have a choice when you hear my sayings you can do them or not do them if you're doing you're wise if you don't you're foolish here's another verse showing Jesus saying you have a choice Matthew 10:32 and 33 therefore whoever confesses me before men him I will also confess before my father who is in heaven but whoever denies me before me and him I will also deny before my father who is in heaven look at that G Jesus is saying this he's not saying we got it all worked out but we got some we chose to live with us and some that are going to be just tormented forever no matter what they do on earth even if they were to cry out this and has to be saved he say if you confess me I'll confess you if you deny me I will deny you in other words he's saying it's up to you it's up to you well after I got saved I remember going back to nearly all of my drug friends and sharing the gospel with them and one of those I just kept sharing with him and he kept saying to me something like I just I just want God to prove himself to me I want to I said what do you mean Previews himself because I just wanted to prove that he's alive prove that he's real prove that he knows me you know stuff like this and I guess it was probably 30 minutes or so and he's I just want him to do something spectacular I said he did something spectacular where he sent his son for you side now I just want to do something spectacular like right now today and and show me that he's real and I was just a young Christian I just kind of got I guess fed up you know and so I just put my hand on him I said god I just pray you'll show him that you could kill him but you're not going to I don't know how theological that was but but the next night he got drunk went off the road in his truck somehow his door came open he fell out he rolled him ditch he didn't get hurt because drunk probably just rolled it around his truck went into a tree and did catch on fire and burned up and the police officer said to him which he told me this later the police officer said to him son God was looking out for you God is trying to tell you to get your life straight [Applause] here's the sad part he's still in good saved because you can resist it it's what the the Bible even says even if even if someone did something amazing they wouldn't believe even if I wrote someone rose from the dead which Jesus did rise for me so irresistible great here's the fifth point perseverance of the saints this means that if you're one of the chosen you're going to persevere to the end no matter what I think this takes personal responsibility out of it again I think it takes our choice even after we get saved out of it and I'm not saying whether we can lose our salvation or not but I I the way I believe this is a little differently it starts perseverance starts with P ER I'm going to change the those first three letters to PR II believe in the preservation of the Saints in other words I believe that God preserves those whom he loves and who called on his name Psalm 31 2300 loved the Lord all you his Saints for the Lord preserves the faithful think about how you would preserve something Psalm 37 28 for the Lord loves justice that does not forsake his Saints they are preserved forever Psalm 90 17 you who love the Lord hate evil he preserves the souls of his Saints and then this is the way Paul said at the New Testament first saying Timothy 1:12 for this reason I also suffer these things nevertheless I am not ashamed for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that he is able to keep what I have committed to him until that day see this doesn't focus focus on life straight it focuses on history that God is able to keep that which I've committed to him here's what I've committed to him I've committed my faith in the substitutionary death for of the Lord Jesus Christ I've committed my faith to him he's able to keep that until the day if you notice that first day is capitalized means the Judgment Day now here's the reason that I named this message whosoever will okay I want to show you some scriptures but I'm going to read them in the old King James the reason is in the New King James all the newer versions which I use the new King James it says whoever because we don't use the word whosoever but I remember hearing the words growing up whosoever so that's it just came to me as I was praying about which message to start this series with whosoever will whosoever will so I'm gonna read them in old King James so we can see the whosoever's in the Bible alright Matthew 16:25 for whosoever will save his life shall lose it and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it notice again the onus is on you you have a choice mark 8:34 and when he had called the people into him with the disciples also he said of them whosoever will come after me let him deny himself take up his cross and follow me acts 2:21 and it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved acts 10:43 to him give all the prophets witness that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins Romans 10:13 for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved halation 22:17 this is just verse 21 the last verse of the Bible just four verses here before the end of the Bible and the spirit and the bride say come and let him that heareth say come and let him that is athirst come and who so ever will this is how the Bible ends let him take the water of life freely and the most famous verse of the Bible John 3:16 for God so loved the world that He gave His only beloved son begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but shall have everlasting life whosoever will here's what I'm telling you I'm telling everyone that's hearing me right now are looking at me you determine where you go for eternity you can't blame God you're going to determine it you give your life to Jesus Christ put your faith and trust in him you go to heaven if you don't you go to hell it's up to you don't you to bow your heads and close your eyes I really believe that in every service this weekend we're gonna have people with us you're not a bad person we're all we all have a sin nature we were born in sin we've already talked about that we all have that tendency you're not you're not this bad I'm not trying to say you're bad and that someone that goes to church is better please hear me I'm not saying anything at all like that I'm just telling you that Jesus came to this earth as God's son lived the life that we couldn't live died the death that we should have died but if we put our faith and trust in him our sins are forgiven and our eternal destiny is secure in him and no one's looking around I'd really like to just ask you are there some people that just again no one's look around but I know there are some people here that you just say pastor I want to give my life to Jesus today I don't know what your background is whether you grew up in church or not but you've heard this message you hear the invitations open whosoever will I'm just wondering at every campus if that's you would you just put your hand up way up high sung sit I want to give my life to Jesus stay put your end up wearing sit you ought to be proud to put look put it way up high way up high god bless you god bless you many of you even put hands down here's what I want you to do right now wanna lead you in a prayer and I just want you to just pray this prayer in your heart after me just say dear God it's telling that I ask you to forgive me for all of my sin and I receive Jesus Christ as my Lord and as my savior thank you Jesus for saving me today now again no one's looking around let me just tell you something if you prayed that prayer I am so proud of you we want to help you though and in just a moment we're gonna have a time where people can come to the front of the church the campus wherever you are it even overflow room and just pray with someone there'll be a lot of people coming because you if you have any prayer need you can come and if you have a prayer need you ought to come because you're coming might help someone who just prayed that prayer to come and if you just prayed that prayer and gave your life the Lord I want to ask you when when we stand in just a moment come to the front and just say to someone at the front I prayed that prayer apestrong I gave my life to Jesus sake we want to help you we want to pray with you we want to give you some material that will help you in your new life with Christ and I'm so proud of you I want you to remember this jesus said whoever confesses me before someone I'm going to confess him before my father in heaven I'm not asking you to stand in front of old church just fear to be a very private time will be all standing or worshipping but there be people the front pray with people come to one person the front and tell them I gave my life to Jesus today make up your mind if you prayed that prayer you are going to come and tell us at the front I gave my life to Jesus just someone privately again okay listen Jesus died for you this is the best decision of your life let us help you with this decision so if you need prayer for any anything at all when we stand if you can come Lord thank you for every person that prayed that prayer and I pray God you'll give them courage to come right now and anyone else that needs prayer in Jesus name Amen [Music]
Channel: gatewaychurchtv
Views: 40,064
Rating: 4.8359265 out of 5
Keywords: gatewaypeople, Gateway, Gateway Church, Robert Morris, Pastor Robert, Savior, Dallas, Southlake, Texas, Jesus, Sermon, salvation, christ, Love, Whosoever Will, Bring a friend
Id: 35lVpQAS_yo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 3sec (1803 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 13 2018
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