Robert Morris – Why? – Bring A Friend

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thank you thank you I'm glad to be here thank you thank you be seen Thanks I'm actually more glad to be here than you are that I'm here and I'm telling you the truth I am glad to be here I've been looking forward to this since we started this campus I wanted to meet you I wanted to be here I'm glad to be here we love you guys very much and our vision when we started was to not just pipe our services in but was to have a campus here and the reason is is because you have gifts and callings from God that you need to use for the kingdom of God and know no matter what you've done no matter what mistakes you've made we've all made mistakes well that's what the Bible is pretty clear about that for all of sin all our sin all come short of the glory of God so we've all made mistakes and yet God did his grace uses all this if you just go through the Bible and read the whole story of Abraham Moses David all these guys that were heroes to us you'll find out all of them were jerks I started I thought about calling the church jerks without Jesus because without Jesus we're just we'd were just jerks you know and so I don't I don't have time to tell you my story hopefully at some point I can but I grew up not far from here I grew up in Longview Texas and so I'm an East Texas boy but I got involved in drugs and immorality and all sorts of junk and finally a guy in a motel room he was in the motel room beside me I was in Jake's motel now Jake's motel has no stars you know you've heard of a three-star Hotel four-star okay no stars okay but they did provide pets there were yeah pets there were roaches about him about that big so so that's where I got saved I was in room 12 the other guy was in room 13 there were only 13 rooms and he he shared with me about Jesus and I'd grown up in church turned my back on God got involved in all sorts of junk and he said to me Robert it's not enough to believe in God you have to give him control of your life and I did that in a motel room and that's what changed my life and so I'm really really glad to be here with you guys you saw my grandchildren I love grandchildren I just just I did I never thought I'd be old enough to have grandchildren and now that I have nine of them you know my children act apparently don't know what causes it or they're not willing to give it up but uh but anyway I love grandchildren grandchildren just so you know our God's reward for not killing your children God rewarding so so that so the next time you feel like just you just hang on cuz there's a better one coming along and wait we we look we love our grandkids you know what we like to do we like to hop them up on sugar we'd like to give them a lot of sugar and go home and get revenge on our kids it's so I love pastor Steven no cholo pastor Steven [Applause] and I got to meet chaplain Barker and chaplain Anderson and and then something you might know chaplain Thomas and chaplain Jones you're here as well let me say something to the Gateway family and that is to all the Gateway campuses I told you last week in that I had a surprise for you and this is a surprise but you've seen the Gateway other campuses welcome you I'm gonna give you a chance today will you at our co fill campus welcome all of the other Gateway campuses were you welcome [Applause] there you go all right thank you way to go way to go way to go all right so we're gonna have a good time so I'm gonna preach a message to you that God gave me specifically for you just a few weeks ago as I began praying about coming here and the title of it is why so we'll get to it what I mean by that in a moment but I'm gonna read you a passage in the Bible and then we'll talk about why all right this second samuel chapter 9 verse 1 now david said is there still anyone who is left of the house of Saul that I may show kindness to him for Jonathan sake I mean if you're familiar this that Saul was the king Jonathan was his son so he was the heir to be the king but David became the next king so David says is there anyone left of the house of Saul and Jonathan that I can show kindness to and there was a servant of the house of Saul named whose name was Ziva have you ever noticed in the Bible there aren't any bills GM you know Bob they're all weird names I so so when they called it to David the key said to him or use either he said at your service then the key said is they're not still someone at the house of Saul to whom I may show the kindness of God and ziba said the King there Cilla son of Jonathan who is lame in his feet so the King said to him where is he ins Ibis said to the king indeed he's in the house said makeer told you they got strange names the son of a meal and then this is the town he lived in in lo debar lo debar that's by the way on the way to nowhere then Kings David sitting brought him out of the house of a cure the son of a meal from lo debar now when mephibosheth that was his name Mephibosheth you have to go to seminary to learn to pronounce that I have a friend of mine that pastors a church and on Sunday nights he lets the young preachers preach it's actually kind of cool but one of the young preachers got up and he preached his whole message on methyl bow fish so it's not methyl bow fish it's mephibosheth now Wynn Mephibosheth the son of the Jonathan the son of Saul to come to David he fell on his face and prostrated himself it means to be bowed down so David said to him mephibosheth in other words he's asking or you mephibosheth and he answered here's your servant so David said to him do not fear now I'll explain you why David had to say that do not fear for I will surely show you kindness for Jonathan your father's sake and I will restore to you all the land of Saul your grandfather and you shall eat bread at my table continually then he that's Mephibosheth bowed himself and said what is your servant that you should look upon such a dead dog as I so here's the question well why are you doing this that's where I got the title of my message why why did David show kindness to Saul's grandson and Jonathan's son why why'd you do that by the way you might want to know this Mephibosheth was not born lame he became lame when you read it to you second Samuel 4 verse 4 Saul's son Jonathan had a son named Mephibosheth who was crippled as a child he was 5 years old when the report came from Jezreel that Saul and Jonathan had been killed in battle when the child's nerves heard the news she picked him up and fled but as she hurried away she dropped him and he became crippled and of course no doctors back then that could fix him so he was crippled for the rest of his life so I got three points for you here's number one why did mephibosheth nurse run why did she run the reason was because saul was the king Jonathan was next but Saul and Jonathan were killed in battle so mephibosheth was next in line to be king and the prophet Samuel had already anointed David to be king so the reason she ran was because in those days it was tradition that if a new family came into ruling that they killed all the descendants of the previous ruling family so that they couldn't raise up a coup against him one day and so she was trying to save Mephibosheth life and yet she dropped him and he became lame but think about this when when the fibber chef was growing up and he's watching the other kids running play every time he asked why can't I run in play the answer came back one word David David you see your nurse your nanny your babysitter was trying to save your life because David became the new king and David would kill you when Mephibosheth asked people why do I live in lo debar and nobody wanted to live in blow debar you probably never even heard of load devar that's how small it was and by the way you know what it means that it's amazing the in the Bible and especially in Hebrew names meant something like Bethlehem means House of bread you know the Beth L means house of God so they named cities by a spiritual meaning lo debar means a dry barren wilderness so every time he asked why do I live in lo debar one word David and let me say it another way because if the king could if he could find you if he knew you were still alive he'd kill you the key would kill you the king is mad at you okay here's the reason I'm trying to help us understand this many of us believe or grew up believing that God was mad at us that God didn't like us that God was just sitting up there in heaven with the club waiting to get us and he becomes lame think about this - he suffers for the rest of his life for something he didn't do now that's happened to all of us now all of us have suffered for some things we've done all of us every person in the world we weigh all its consequences we've all faced consequences for things but some of us also well all of us really we we didn't choose our parents we didn't choose where we grew up we might have fallen into the wrong crowd and all of us suffer consequences because of things other people did to us so I know people that cannot get over something that someone did to them years ago and it holds him back for the rest of their life that's my Fender chef I mean he was laying because of David he could have lived in bitterness unforgiveness resentment he did live in fear because the first thing David says to him is do not fear so when you think about in the fittest chef here's a guy that had something happen to him and someone else's fault now I'll tell you all funny story when I was in school I had a friend named Jim wolf and Jim and I were we were always doing stuff we should have done you know shouldn't been done and we both had grand priests it's back in the early 70s was noise in the late 70s but our cars were early 70s but we had Pontiac Grand Prix and back then you know we thought we were cool and one day it was raining and so we pulled our cars up under the covered walkway by the gym and of course the you know over the speaker of the principle Jim wolf Robert Morris come to my office now you know so everybody has spilled new Jim wolf and Robert Morris we were always in trouble and so one time we got in trouble we were in this classroom and I don't know if the classroom had been something else before but only about half of it was desk and then there was another half that was just nothing like maybe been a science lab and they cleared that out so there's about you know 20 30 desk in the front and then there's another 30 feet where there's nothing and Jim and I we were doing something we got in trouble and so the teacher said you you Jim you and Robert you scoot back to the back wall and just set back there you set back there so we scooted all the way back wall it's just he and I back there okay and I'm trying to think of the best way to say this Jim very loudly passed gas and of course the craft for class starts cracking up but they all turn around and when they do Jim goes like this and I couldn't not know but it's too late so I'm not going to say the whole thing but you'll be able to figure out so I got a nickname gassy and the second word is you take the G off [Applause] I suffered for something I didn't do [Applause] okay so why why did the nurse run because she's trying to save him from from David here's a second question because I want to bring Abraham into this just to give you another example to help us why did God show up and talk to Abraham here's here's what we don't know we know Abraham was a man of God but he wasn't always a man of God this is Genesis 12 Genesis 11 is the Tower of Babel Babel means confusion and it they're so prideful they're going to build the tower to heaven and God has to condemn and confuse their language Genesis 6 through 10 is the flood of Noah and in Genesis 6 God says that he regretted that created man because the thoughts of their heart were evil continually so that's how far the world had had gone into sin so you got Genesis 6 through 10 Noah the flood Genesis 11 the Tower of Babel at the end of Genesis 11 it says there was a man named Abraham it calls him Abram at that done son of Terah and then in Genesis 12 is where he shows up and says I will bless you and make you a great nation and later we find out abraham believed God he was accounted to him for righteousness okay but why Abraham what people have realized was a heathen before this there was no nation of God matter of fact the nation of God started with Abraham Abraham Isaac Jacob and then the twelve sons and Jacob became Israel the twelve sons of Israel that's where the nation of Israel came from there there were no Ten Commandments that's 500 years later no law not that Abraham is a heathen and God shows up and says I want to talk to you now I've always thought about this what if God had shown up the day before and said tomorrow I want to talk to you I wonder how Abraham would have slept that night yeah how would we have slept you know if we didn't know God and we thought he's just a guy with a club up there you know but he shows up I'm saying why did God show him talk to Abraham here's what he says I'm gonna bless you I'm gonna bless you Abraham hasn't done anything right or wrong yet and then anything by the way we talked about what was he like before he got saved after he got saved he lied about his wife after he got saved he slept with his bade and had a child down a wild wedlock so what was he like for he got sick but God shows up and says I'm here for one reason I'm here to bless you I hope it just starts dawning on you hey God it's not mad at you that God actually wants to bless you no matter what the world tells you about God [Applause] think about this God didn't say to aber Abraham I've come to to straighten you up I've come to chew you out I've come to condemn you cuz you need to be committed I've come to judge you just wait till I read the record of all the stuff you've done I didn't come to clean your clock God didn't save that time I didn't come to clean your flock and he could have said and I could here's what he said I've come to bless you and and and Hebrews tells us that on the way over when God shows up to Abraham it says he swore by himself let me reread your scripture just so you see it maybe you never seen it Hebrews 6:13 for when God made a promise to Abraham because he could swear by no one greater he swore by himself saying surely blessing unless you're multiplying Elam Opie's okay well you might not know is in those days when you swore oaths you swore by someone greater than yourself basically a tough guy that could make you keep up your end of the deal when I was in high school again I told you I come with the wrong path when I was younger than high school my dad bought a pool table and I became really good at pool there was a professional pool players friends my dad that taught me to play pool and taught me correct ways if you ever I don't know I should tell you these hustling things or not but if you ever see a person holding their pool cue like this with their fingertips they're not a good player because you can move your fingertips a good player always fezzes palm rest on the on the table because it won't move and then this is like a pin same way this guy taught me how to play pool and I just had a proficiency for it and I've got to where I could just clear the table so when I was in high school I hustle pool well the first time I what I do is I get drunk and then I get the bat way up and then I just clear the table so are y'all okay with your pastor telling you this that I use this I used to do subway okay all right so so I said are all you Church people I'm okay with me telling you no syllable we might have some church people get mad at me from this you know we actually when I was Langston revival sanctions they won't that when I used to do revivals I was real good at pooling and the guy that would sing for me was fourth of the nation in college bowling and we would go the bowling alley and he would hustle the bowlers not hustle the fool players but what we do is we'd say if you win I'll give you $20 but if you lose you have to come to church and we had 28 guys get saved in one week that we hustled and and the Deacons in the church got mad at us and they said you guys can't do that you're gambling we said it's not gambling they don't they don't even have a chance you know what about good so but the first time I hustled this guy he beat me up afterwards because he realized I was a hustler so I got a friend of mine named Philip man who was state champion in Shoplet now you got some strength when he throws sixteen football you know 16 pound ball you also got strength if you want to punch somebody like that you know so I told Philip you come and you be my muscle and everything I win you'll you know I'll give you half of you know so that's what we'd go out and we would hustle pool like that so that was just my my I know the words I had somebody greater than I was to back me up they all follow me so that what they would do is when they would make a covenant they would get someone they'd pick out a real tough guy and they'd say now you know GM is gonna confirm this covenant and then if you didn't keep your end Jim would say I'm about to whoop you unless you do what you said you were gonna do are y'all following me so so God said on my way over here I couldn't really think of anybody greater than I am so I'm gonna swear by myself and here's what I swear I swear to bless you yeah this is just so amazing because church and religion has made God like the bad guy and everywhere in the Bible the only reason he ever shows up is to bless people the reason he sings Jesus acts 3 says mister bless you I sent Jesus to bless y'all follow me so so here's what I want to show you because real important so he makes the covenant with Abraham and and there was a way they made a covenant and and let me let me just read it to you Genesis 15 verses 9 and 10 so he said to him bring me a three year old effort a three year-old female goal a three year old RAM a Turtledove a young pigeon then he brought all their these to him and cut them in two down the middle and placed each piece opposite the other and then in verse 12 it says now when the Sun was going down at the sleep fell upon Abram and then verse 17 18 that came to pass when the Sun went down it was dark there behold there appeared a smoking oven and a burning torch that passed between those pieces on the same day the Lord made the covenant with Abram I know that sense like a lot of stuff you say I don't understand all that okay I'll explain to you first of all how they made it covenant they cut these animals laid them in half and there of course there's blood a blood there's always a blood shedding the blood with the Covenant and then they pass through the pieces not here's I want to show you how they pass through the pieces now they I asked him I said tell me somebody that would be good to help me in this illustration and they told me there's a guy here named Arkansas [Applause] Arkansas c'mere you got recommended for this haha alright coming so alright here you you stand right there I'm gonna stand right here so let's pretend like we have cut these animals and we laid them out in pieces alright so we're standing here so what we would do is we would walk through the pieces and then we're gonna make a circle so you go that way - I'm gonna go this way just keep walking keep walking that's right come on back we're gonna come back to where we were and when we would come back together and what that meant was is that you and I are gonna walk together but even if life takes us different directions we will always come back together because we're in Covenant [Applause] so that's the way they make the Covenant okay but here's what you need to know so God's making a covenant with Abraham but please hear this he puts Abraham asleep he puts Abraham asleep and a smoking of him shows up which represents the father because he is the creator of all life and a burny torch shows up which represents the son because he's the light of the world and that the smoking oven and the torch passed through the pieces together in other words the father and the son and the bible says abraham believed and it was counted to him for righteousness see God didn't make the covenant with Abraham directly you wonder why because Abraham couldn't keep it God the Father and God the Son made the covenant and Abraham believed in God in on it hear me God the Father and God the Son made a covenant on a hill called Calvary and if you believe you get in [Applause] and this is that scripture Romans 4:3 what does the scripture say abraham believed God and it was accounted to him for righteousness accounted comes from the word account or accounting and literally what this word means is deposited in his account so righteousness means right standing with God doesn't mean you do everything Ryder you're perfect cuz none of us won't be there but it means right standing with God see here's what was in all of our counts sin God took sin out of our counts and put it in Jesus's account and Jesus bore the sin of the world and when you believe God takes righteousness out of his son's account and puts it in your account which is right standing the drug so why did God show up he did this to bless him I this accounting I like this I they showed you a picture moment ago of Ethan and Lane Elaine I mean Ethan my son-in-law has a degree in accounting which is good because Elaine my daughter can't count at least money that is and Ethan's real good with his money and I appreciate that on their second date they went to Wendy's and Elaine did like she normally would do I want number four I want to biggie size it and I will frosty and Ethan said whoa whoa whoa he said turn your beautiful eyes over this way to the dollar he said he said we're not ordering off of that menu we're ordering off of value you and my daughter came home and said that did you know Wendy's has a dollar me I said yes sugar i order from it I know it though she said Ethan said all the fast-food restaurants have dollar menus and I remember thinking this is the man for my daughter so white so why did mephibosheth his nurse run because she was trying to protect him from david because she thought David was trying to kill him why did Abraham though I know this seems I'm they don't seem related but they will why did God just show up to Abraham because he wanted to bless him but since that I want to bless you right so here's the third question why did David show kindness to mephibosheth remember in the fiblet chef's statement second samuel 9 verse 8 then he bowed himself and said what is your servant that you should look upon such a dead dog as I okay now David doesn't answer it but we know the answer see David and Jonathan and made a covenant you've probably heard of it so listen to the answer and just let it dawn in your spirits all right because this relates to all of us my fiblets just says why are you doing this why are you showing me kindness here's the answer nothing you've done nothing you've done but you see there's a covenant between your father and the Keith if you want to know why God likes you loves you wants to bless you and show you kindness it's because there's a covenant between the father and the king and all you have to do all you have to do to get in on it is believe [Applause]
Channel: gatewaychurchtv
Views: 38,487
Rating: 4.9049883 out of 5
Keywords: gateway, Gateway Church, gatewaypeople, Sermon, Jesus, God, Dallas, Texas, Robert Morris, Pastor Robert, Bring a friend, Why
Id: m8Fc1O2msKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 32sec (1892 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 12 2019
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