Pastor Robert Morris – Does Jesus Still Heal?

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all right um turn your Bibles I'm trying to think where to turn I'll give you a choice you can go to Matthew 4 or you can go to Isaiah 53 I'll also be in first Peter song Ephesians and Exodus so just if you see your shoes where he would go but we'll put all the scriptures on the screen so last week I I preached a message called will the real Jesus please stand up and we've noticed that in Luke 4 the real Jesus did stand up right he went into the temple and stood up he stood up and he said this is who I really am I preached the gospel the poor I heal the brokenhearted I open blind eyes I deliver captives and then I anoint people the anointing is on me and we know that we've told that how he anoints us you know for the kingdom's work so but on one of those I felt like I just couldn't cover it adequately the way I wanted to cover it and so this week the title of the message is does Jesus still heal because we talked about healing last week and it's such a difficult subject to understand because we still have sickness in the world and Christians still get sick and we know friends or our family members who have actually passed away from a sickness or disease and so it's it's tough this question so I want to answer it for you and talk about it let me show you of Matthew 4 verses 23 and 24 says in Jesus went about all Galilee teaching in their synagogues preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease among the people then his fame went out throughout all Syria and they brought to him all sick people who were afflicted with various diseases and torments and those who were demon-possessed epileptics and paralytics and He healed them so when Jesus was on this earth he he healed people so does he still he'll today and I think we would all say yes he does I think we know by scripture he's the same yesterday today and forever I think we've seen people healed or we've experienced to healing ourselves but there are still questions so I'm gonna take three tough questions about healing and answer them this weekend all right so here's the first one if jesus heals today number one why do I still get sick if Jesus still heals why do I still get sick Psalm 103 verses 133 say bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name bless the Lord O my soul and forget not or don't forget don't forget all his benefits and by the way name's five benefits and these five benefits actually correlate with the five foundational ministries that we talked about last weekend but verse three says who forgives all your iniquities who heals all your diseases now this is the Bible and says don't forget all you know anyone others don't leave out one of them he forgives all iniquities heals all disease so look at these two phrases alright forgives all iniquities heals all diseases now that's the Bible and there it's in the same verse so it seems a little odd that he still does one and he doesn't do the other it's in the same verse and if if we're honest let's just be honest I'll be honest I'll do it that way it's easier for me to believe that he forgives all my iniquities that's easier for me to believe then that he heals all diseases but it's in the same verse actually these two phrases or these two ideas are in several verses together not just Psalm 103 verse 3 forgives all iniquity steals all diseases but forgiveness and healing forgiveness of sins healing of sickness are in several verses together and I just don't have time to do several but I'm going to show you a few I say a 33:24 says that the inhabitant will not say I am sick the people who dwell in it will be forgiven their iniquity there it is same verse again same verse these people will not say I'm sick and they'll be forgiven their iniquity I say a 53 verse 5 says if he was wounded for our transgressions that's our sins he was bruised for our iniquities again just the word sins to clarify it to put it together in one topic the chastisement for our peace was upon him and by His stripes we are healed healing and forgiveness in the same verse and then this verse is quoted in the New Testament we read part of it last week we're gonna read the whole thing but I just need you to notice are healed I loved grammar you know so notice the present tense Isaiah says by stripes we are healed but watch in the New Testament how it quotes it first Peter 2:24 who himself bore our sins so there's forgiveness of sin in his own body on the tree that we having died to sins might live for righteousness by whose stripes and watch how it changes the word you were healed and the Bible never makes mistakes so let's pretend that this this podium here is the cross and this is a time continuum isaiah is looking forward to the cross the cross hasn't happened yet pastor joss preached the message few weeks ago look to the cross we look to the cross to be saved and we look to the cross to walk out our salvation we look to the cross for everything it's all rises and falls on the cross so i say it's looking forward to the cross he says by His stripes we are healed but is Peter looking forward or backward to the cross he's on the other side of the cross right so Peter looks backward to the cross and says by His stripes you were healed it's already happened okay we also read in that verse we did this last week just a little bit well I want to go a little deeper that he bore our sins he bore our sins but did he also bear our sickness I talked just a little bit about it last week we read Matthew 8 but let me show you where the verse comes from because Matthew 8 is quoting Isaiah 53 just like first Peter is quoting Isaiah 53 so back in Isaiah 53 verse 4 says surely he has borne our griefs now notice word griefs and we'll come back to it and carried our sorrows yet we esteemed him stricken smitten by God inflicted ok surely he has borne our griefs ok this word in the Hebrew means sickness now you could say well that's just a preacher who believes in it saying that look it up it's in the Old Testament 24 times only four times as it translated griefs only four times 20 times it's translated sickness disease are sick so 20 out of 24 it's translated sickness but even if you don't believe me even if you don't believe that watch what happens when Matthew quotes the verse from Isaiah Matthew 8 16 and 17 when evening.a come they brought to him many who were demon-possessed and he cast out the spirits with a word by the way he still does that to cast out spirits with his word and healed all who were sick that he might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet saying he himself took our infirmities and bore our what sicknesses so that's the New Testament now confirming so he bore our sins and sickness now forgives me look at this so he bore our sins and he bore our sicknesses we got a verse on right well wait okay you go if only four of you agree right you can look it up again you can look it up in your Bible even in any off any version you won't save it's the same thing so first Peter 2:24 says he bore our sins on the cross Matthew 17 it says he bore our sicknesses right he forgives all iniquity steals all diseases sins sickness okay but why don't we still get sick well can we help you did Jesus you can answer out loud ever campus did Jesus bear our sins on the cross but you still see him I mean y'all do I don't personally but y'all be that was a sin by the way right there right in front of your eyes that was a sinner okay that was a lie all right well wait a minute ci if he bore my sins why did I still see him okay but let's agree Christians still sin they're not perfect right so this is gonna help you a little bit he bore your sin on the cross he did yet we still sin okay he bore your sickness and we still get sick sometimes why well theologically most linked to you but the main reason is we live in a fallen world we live in a sin field sickness filled world but there's a new world coming with no sin and no sickness in it okay so but let me show you what he bought let me show you what he bought on the cross he board the penalty of our sins he bore the power of our sins and he bore the presence of our sins he also bore penalty power and presence of our sicknesses but remember Jesus here's what it says several times about Jesus he was he is and he is to come here's nothing we read it last week Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever God is not bound by time here's another way to say we have been saved we are being saved and we will be saved the Oh Whitney so we have been saved from the penalty sinn we have been if you believe Jesus has done it he has saved you from the penalty of sin the chastisement which the word there means punishment the punishment for our peace was put on him it's put on him so I've been saved if I once I believe from the penalty of sin one day I'm gonna be saved from the presence of sin right I'll be saved from the presence of see had no sin in heaven I've also been saved from the penalty of sickness and one day I'll be safe from the presence of sin sickness but right now I'm being I'm being saved from the power of sin and I'm being saved from the power of sickness no more I let the word get him he psalm 107:20 says he sent his word and healed them and delivered them from their destructions the more I allow the Word of God to work in me the more power I have to overcome sin and the more power I have even to understand that healing comes from God and I'm gonna talk in a moment about the two extremes but here's the main thing I want to say to you you have been saved from the penalty of seeing everyone agree with that please hear me you have been saved from the penalty of sickness please hear me God will never put sickness on you to discipline you God's not doing that now you can say well I've learned something that's heard this well we learned something through everything hopefully but it's not God putting it on you and and I'll tell you theological I don't have time to develop this but God can't he can't punish you for your sin because he's already punished Jesus he kept punished two people for the same crime so Jesus Exodus 15:26 he said I will put none of the diseases on you I will put none I will I'm not gonna put any diseases on you that I put on the Egyptians where do I brought you out of Egypt for I am Jehovah Rapha this is one of his names for I am the lord who I am the Lord who heals yet - I am I'm Jehovah Rapha okay so why do I still get sick well you still see him that's why even though he bort but he did bear our sin in our sickness here second question did so how do I receive healing if he bore our sicknesses out I receive it well how did you receive remember heals all diseases how did you receive forgiveness of sin by grace now let me let me clarify because we're about to talk about this whether it's by faith or by grace alright look at Ephesians 2:8 through 9 for by grace notice by by grace you have been saved through faith but not by faith by grace and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works lest anyone should boast none of you will be boasting in heaven some of you boast now about how good you are but when you get up there you're gonna realize it was not your goodness it was His goodness that got you there that's grace okay but I need to make this distinct distinction it's not by faith and it's not by works it's by grace through faith that works and I said a mouthful there it's not three works it is through faith but it's faith that works because faith that doesn't work is dead but y'all with me it's just extremely good this is extremely good what I'm telling you so it's by grace though through faith now why am I saying that because we have said that it's by my faith that I'm saved well then then we can give you the credit because you must have great faith but if you just had a little faith you can move a mountain I don't see a lot of mountain moving today you got just enough faith to barely get saved because of his great grace that's what we contribute our salvation to God's grace not my faith nor my works here's why I say this because healing we get it confused together instead of receiving it by grace we try to we have two camps one says God doesn't heal it depends on how well you take care of yourself that's works now listening we should take care of our bodies because our bodies are the temple Holy Spirit but it's not a works mentality it's a grace mentality in other words I should live in righteously because God's grace has saved me but living righteously doesn't save me so taking care of my body doesn't heal me they don't follow me I'm saying so much truth here you can't even take it all in it's just so phenomenal here it's as credible I'm just trying to help you it's God's grace that gets you forgiven and it's God's grace that gets you healed but it's not your work so there's one side says God doesn't heal anymore it's passed away I have no clue how they separate psalm 103 verse 3 and say this for today this is it that's just that's crazy see that's the Greek word belonged off that's just baloney just baloney that jesus healed all through the Bible and now he doesn't heal it's crazy does he not forgive also because it's the same verse he still forgives he still heals by grace your face but then here's the other camp the other camp is if you have enough faith if you have enough faith brother you'll be healed that's a horrible horrible way to treat people and here's what's amazing these people are already suffering and you try to put more condemnation don't ever treat someone who's suffering and stuffed in that way don't ever do that so it's not my faith it's not that words it's by grace when God started allowing this to sink in on me man it changed my life I'd had sickness after sickness and accidents and all this stuff I started saying I know you heal but I don't understand it and Lord said you need to study you need to start to say also I realized to say how do I receive let me say that well how do I receive that's noon that's the point how do I get healed how do I receive it by grace the same way you receive forgiveness of sin by grace through faith I believe that on the cross he bore my Seon anymore my sickness so it's by grace through faith okay so when the Lord was really speaking this to me we were on an elders retreat had been a few weeks before but I was learning to say I'm healthy not even I'm healed but I'm healthy and you gotta remain out trying to just be a part of the name it and claim it bunch by doing this but in the same way you could say I'm forgiven and that's true that's what the Bible says so if you were walking around saying I'm forgiven I'm forgiven I need to let go of the pass I God has forgiven me there's nothing wrong with that you're trying to just renew your mind so I was trying to renew my mind in this area because I was brought up being told this had passed away so I was walking and I was saying I'm healthy I'm healthy now we were on the elders retreat and on one side of this hotel was the meeting room and on the other side way on the other side might was my room and I had to walk all the way back to my room and get something then walk all the way back to the main building to meet everyone for lunch so I was walking and we were in a higher altitude so it was thin air that's the reason only reason why I was breathing hard cuz it was staying there had nothing to do with anything else but anyway so I was walking now it's kind of you know our breath no I said I'm healthy I'm healthy I'm healthy and then it dawned on me I just said this I'm out of shape but I'm healthy so how do I receive a tarsier by grace through faith okay here's point number three question number three what if I'm not healed what if I'm not healed physically what if I'm not healed what if my family members not healed there are two members of our church right now that are friends of mine that I'm praying for and I was looking because I he normally such rather here Chuck Borsellino are you here today he's nearly always here at this service and I've been wanting to tell him but if you're watching online Chuck I'm praying for you and Joel Stockstill who's ministered in our presbytery he's in Florida in the hospital we sent some pastors down to pray for him so just put him on your prayer list but you probably have people you're praying for well what if I'm not healed okay here's the simple answer I'm gonna trust God and will trust God no matter what listen to this statement by the Apostle Paul Philippians 1 20 will be magnified in my body in my body whether by life or by death Christ will be magnified in my body whether by life or by death we have to come to that place that we live in a fallen world we're all gonna die at some point but Christ is gonna be magnified in my life some will share something to happen in our own family and I share a lot about things that have my family you have to know though that we we have this rule in my family that any family member can say that something that happens is off-limits for the pulpit in other words sometimes something funny will happen and Debby will say to me that's off-limits I'd rather not that not be broadcast on television to 190 nations please okay so some will share it something to happen in her family that's serious that's happened in you've had something like this but I want you to know that we go through things just like you so a few years ago my daughter was pregnant with her first child she's now if you haven't heard my daughter Lane is pregnant with her fourth child so this spring she will have four four and under it's amazing the thoughts that are going through I'm just wondering where Lane is oh there you are right there Lane and Ethan there and so you could hear him couldn't you huh stupid stupid stupid okay all right so oh oh oh praise the Lord you know help him god bless him god so all right so but when she was pregnant with a first child she called me one name she said dad I'm bleeding and I'm six or eight weeks pregnant I'm bleeding and I can't get the doctor till tomorrow morning so I said well first of all let's pray so we prayed and then I said we're gonna trust God she said I agree I said but let me clarify what that means that means that we're gonna trust God for healing and we're gonna trust God no matter what happens she said I agree well we have that child wonderful grandchild a few months after that changed my son called and his wife Bridget was pregnant and he said dad Bridget's bleeding so I said well let's pray and then I told him same thing we're gonna trust God we're in trust God for healing what we're gonna trust God no matter what happens we lost that baby and we lost another one I want you to understand we live in a fallen world but we trust God James and Bridget have three children on earth and two and evident and for all eternity they have five children but we have not been saved yet from the presence of sickness but we're going to trust God I want you to bow your heads and close your eyes and we want to pray for you and I want to pray for every person that needs prayer but for two people to into just two situations I guess I should say and that is for those of you who need healing we want to pray for you and also for those of you that have been going through some sort of a difficulty for many many years or many months or someone in your family's going through so in just a moment at every campus we have one more worship song and we're gonna have people ready to pray at the front of every campus in every room you might be in an overflow room or the second level at South Lake and there are people by the exits you don't have to come all the way down the floor if it's easier for you but during this time if you need prayer for any area but especially physical healing God still heals he still heals he forgives all our iniquities he heals all our diseases so we won't pray for you I would love to see many many people healed this weekend I want to encourage you to receive it by grace through faith you say well I'm not I'm not I just feel like pastor Robert you don't know what's in my life and what I'm struggling with I'm just not good enough to be healed well you weren't good enough to be saved that's the great news with God it's it's the ones that make mistakes that get his grace and we all make mistakes that's all of us so if you need prayer for any area of your life as soon as we stand up you just will it be easy then because everyone's standing just slip out of your seat come to the front of the room where you are and let us pray for you and if you need prayer for any area of your life you don't have to be a member of Gateway Church you come and we'll pray for your right Holy Spirit I pray you'll draw every person that has any prayer need today and especially those who are going through sophistical battle in Jesus name Amen
Channel: gatewaychurchtv
Views: 53,778
Rating: 4.8112359 out of 5
Keywords: gatewaypeople, Gateway, Pastor Robert, sermon, Dallas, Texas, Southlake, relationship, Jesus, God, Honor, love, Healing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 7sec (1567 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2017
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