Satan's Greatest Desire - Pastor Robert Morris

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we're in a series called love expressed and we're talking about worship love expressed is the definition of worship in my opinion so I want you to turn to two passages turn to isaiah 14 open your Bibles to Isaiah 14 and then if you can put a marker at Ezekiel chapter 28 we'll begin in Isaiah 14 and then we'll flip over to Ezekiel chapter 28 now I've told you this before but it just helps you to understand how I think when I'm preparing a message I'm a bottom-line person and I in my opinion there are two types of people in the world bottom line people and beat around the bush people and when I'm having a conversation with someone I'm constantly wondering what the bottom line is you know what do you what do you want us to say what's the point sometimes I think is there a bottom line to what you're telling me right now and if you're married here by the way if your bottom line person then you're married to a beat around the bush person or vice versa beat to beat around the bush people would never get married cuz they never get around to it but um and to bottom line people would kill each other so so yeah that's the way God wired us so I think this way so years ago I was just had this thought and it's it's just kind of a strange thought but I just thought what is God's bottom line don't know what's what's God's bottom line what what's he doing where's he going what's he trying to do why did he create us what's what is all this about what what is God's bottom line what what is God won't what is his desire and then I thought it this way what is God's greatest desire if God has a desire and we know by Scripture he has some desires he desires some things he will some things it's his will his desire what's his greatest azar and then as I was exploring this in Scripture I had this thought what is Satan's greatest desire because that's our enemy he's trying to stop me he's fighting against me every day what's his bottom line what's his point what's he trying to do so next weekend I'm going to share God's greatest desire with you but this weekend I want to share with you a message called Satan's greatest desire and this will help us to understand what the warfare is about Satan's greatest desire here here's question number one we're gonna have three questions today alright number one what was Satan's desire what was Satan's desire now when I say was before the fall before he fell when he was in heaven we know he was in heaven before he fell as an angel and before the world was created most theologians believe that the world was was formed but it was void and that's because Satan had been thrown to the earth and then God came and spoke order into the confusion so what was Satan's azar isaiah 14 will tell us his desire and I want you to when we read this I want you to pick up on their five I will statements five statements Satan said I will but all of these statements it's going to shock you when I tell you this before we read it and you see it if all of these statements have to do with being lifted up are going up being see be high alright so we're trying to figure out what his greatest desire is Isaiah 14 look at verse 12 how you are fallen from heaven o Lucifer son of the morning how you were cut down to the ground you who weakened the nation's for you have said in your heart okay this this is what he said in his heart so this these are his heart's desires all right now watch here to here begin the five I will statement I will ascend notice the word accion go up into heaven I will see them in the heaven second I will statement I will exalt let's being lifted up my throne you put a throne up high above again up the stars of God third I will statement I will also sit on the Mount the mountain is a mount is reversed to as the highest point of a mountain the Mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the North North is always up on the map fourth I will state reverse 14 I will ascend above the heights notice three words about up ascend above the heights of the clouds and then watch what he even calls the name of God he decides to use in his fifth I will statement I will be like the Most High he doesn't he didn't say the most holy he says the most high he wants to be lifted up now watch God's response by the way verse 15 yet you shall be brought down to Sheol to the lowest depths of the pit okay so I'm trying to figure out what Satan's greatest azar is and we have in the scripture five statements remember the word will means desire that means this are if you say someone says will you come and you say yes I will you're saying yes I desire to come that's that's what it means God's will is God's desire okay so we got five statements from Lucifer saying this is what I I will this is what I desire in my heart I want to be lifted up I want to be high I want to be exalted I want to be worshiped and then even says it very clearly I want to be like God I want people to worship me I want to be lifted up I want to be seen now I hate to tell you this but this is actually the nature that we're born with we some theologians will say we're born with an Adamic nature which means a nature like atoms a fall in the sin nature and that's true that's true but Adam was not the original sinner neither was he by the way Satan is the original sinner so if you want to really be blunt about it we weren't just born with an Adamic nature we were born with a satanic nature and that nature is look at me I want to be seen I want to be lifted up I want to be exalted I want people to worship me and want people to pay attention to me before we come to Christ the most important person in our lives is us and we still have a writ of residue of that in all of us I can prove it to you which is just a very simple question who is the first person you look for in a group picture huh and if you don't look good the whole picture is bad right that's a bad picture don't look at that picture that's a bad picture that's the way we are and that's exactly that's what we're born with but when we get born again we become like Christ and we mature become like Christ and when you look at Christ he's always turning the attention off of himself onto the Father or onto the Holy Spirit constantly every time they pay him attention he said no the father sent me no I came to do the will of the Father I say what the father says I do what the father does and when the Spirit comes he's going to do this he's gonna do this and you need to know the Holy Spirit's coming but but here's what the Bible says to you about the Holy Spirit when the Holy Spirit comes he testifies to Jesus he talks about Jesus and the father lifts up the son if we could listen in on one of their conversations it would sound something like this you're so wonderful no you're wonderful no you're wonderful no you're wonderful and the more we become like Christ the more we don't want to focus the tension on us but we want to focus the attention on God and others the more we become like Christ Satan's desire eat way before before we were even here was to be worshiped to be lifted up now we starting to verse 12 back up to verse 11 it says your pump is brought down to Sheol and the sound of your streamed instruments this is very important and we're gonna come back to it but you need to see it in the Bible this is talking to Lucifer and it says that he has streamed instruments that's very important okay Satan has the sound of your stringed instruments alright so just remember that Satan has streamed instruments all right now let me tell you something else about this in Isaiah 14 this was a prophecy actually given to the king of Babylon but we know that God is addressing Lucifer we know he's addressing Satan but it was given to a man but it was speaking to the spirit behind the man now this is common in in Bible language I can give you an example of this that all of you will recognize when Jesus was on this earth he turned around and said something to a man but was actually addressing the spirit behind the man you remember that he turned to Peter and said get behind me Satan okay so this is normal in Scripture the reason I want you to know that's it and by the way if you look verse 4 it tells you that you Isaiah 14 for you will take up this proverb against the king of Babylon so this is spoken to the king of Babylon but it's addressing Lucifer now the reason you need to know that turn to Ezekiel 28 just to the right Isaiah Jeremiah lamentations you might not see lamentations it's real small and then Ezekiel Ezekiel chapter 28 here is the prophecy given to the king of tyre but it's very simple to see that it's talking to Lucifer ok Ezekiel chapter 28 look at verse 11 moreover the word of the Lord came to me saying son of man take up a lamentation for the king of tyre and say to him thus says the Lord God you were the seal of perfection that's pretty amazing to say this to a man but it's talking to this Lucifer watch you were the seal were passed since the seal of perfection full of wisdom and perfect in beauty now before we go on let me just say this either this is talking to Lucifer or the key guitar was one good-looking dude perfect in beauty and you'll see in a moment why Lucifer was created perfect in beauty alright because of his his responsibility in heaven verse 13 this tells you for sure exhale release for you were in Eden the garden of God now I look at me just for a moment right um the king of Tyre was never in Eden as a matter of fact there were only four persons in Eden God Adam Eve and who satan lucifer so why would the bible that can never be wrong say you weren't eaten unless he's talking to lucifer you weren't eating the Garden of God and we know the king of tyre never entered Eden because the Tree of Life was in Eden and when Adam and Eve ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil God drove them out of the garden and put angels there station angels there with flaming swords so they could never reinter and this is why I said he said because they've eaten from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and we need to drive him out unless so that they don't eat from the tree of life and live forever now please hear me uh yes oh so many people say no that's the judgment of God no it's the grace of God even his judgment is His grace I hope you never forget what I'm about to tape here's the reason because Adam and Eve were in a fallen state if they had eaten from the tree of life in that fallen state they would have lived forever in a fallen state they would have lived forever separated from God and God knew he was going to redeem them he said we have to get him out so they don't eat by the way that tree of life is Revelation tells us it's in heaven and you can eat from it all you want in heaven and God wants you to eat from the tree of life but in a redeemed state not in a falling state you sent him saying so so when you say well as the judgment of God no it's the grace of God there's a grace of God and whatever you're going through right now by the way is the grace of God that God will cause his grace to shine in whatever you're going through okay so he drives him out so the king of Tyre was not any styles and formats may change over time but the richness and hope of God's Word and it's teaching always remain constant the blessed life small group curriculum based on pastor Roberts best-selling book the blessed life is now available at passages this dynamic interactive curriculum can be used in a small group setting for personal study or even during your family devotions to purchase the blessed life small group curriculum or any of our other many resources visit passages at Frisco NRH or South Lake or visit us online at passages gateway you were in Eden the garden of God every precious stone was your covering this line was Parfum you he was covered with precious stones and then it lists them the sword as the Topaz the diamond the Beryl the ox the jasper sapphire turquoise and emerald with gold the workmanship of your timbrels and pipes was prepared for you on the day you were created i'm going to come back to that statement you were the anointed cherub who covers a look at me just for me what's a cherub an angel this isn't talking to the king of talk it's talking to Lucifer who we know by Scripture is a fallen angel you were the anointed you covered you ruled in heaven you were one of the three Archangels in heaven that rule over a third of angel third of heaven went when the angels fell when Lucifer fell a third of the angels those under his authority those who followed him fell with him okay you were the anointed cherub who covers I established you you were on the holy mountain of God you walk back and forth in the midst of fiery stones this wouldn't be talking about the king of Tyre you were perfect in your ways from the day you were created till iniquity was found in you that's Lucifer by the abundance of your trading and I'll come back to this word trading and explain it to you from the Hebrew you became filled with violence within and you sinned therefore I cast you as a profane thing out of the mountain of God Lucifer got kicked out of heaven and I destroyed you O covering cherub or ruling angel from the midst of the fiery stones now go back and look at the last part of verse 13 it says the workmanship of your timbrels and pipes was prepared for you on the day you were created okay let me explain this the workmanship of your timbrels and pipes okay this word timbrel means a percussion instrument our our closest word to today what would be a close word for a timbrel a tambourine and sometimes this words translated tambourines okay the workmanship of your tambourines your percussion instruments listen lists and your pipes do you know many times this this is actually translated flutes in Scripture and let me tell you what it means in the Hebrew wind instruments your pipes your instruments that you blow through to make a sound okay now combined this was I with Isaiah 14 Isaiah 14 said and the sound of your streamed instruments your strings and then here he says when you were created I created in you timbrels percussion instruments and wind instruments pipes like a pipe organ or something wind instruments all instruments fall into one of these three categories any instrument is either a stringed instruments a string instrument a percussion instrument or wind instrument all instruments all instruments Lucifer was created with instruments in his body in his being why it's very simple he was the worship leader in heaven there are three Archangels in the Bible three ruling angels three angels who rule or have authority and they're named all three are named Gabriel Michael Lucifer and what you think about this any time we get together in a worship service we're gonna have three components to it we're gonna have worship we're gonna have the word and we're gonna have prayer when you have a quiet time you're gonna have three components to your quite time you're gonna worship you're gonna pray and you're gonna read the word these are three components in any worship service worship prayer and the word okay anytime you see Gabriel he's announcing the word of the Lord he brought the word of the Lord to Mary the mother of Jesus he brought the word of the Lord to Zacharias the father of John the Baptist so Gabriel brings the word of the Lord when you see Michael he's answering prayer Daniel chapter 10 when the angels trying to get the when and an angels trying to get an answer to Daniel a prayer the ruling angel Michael has to come and help him the one who rules over prayer so you got Gabriel ruling over the word ruling over prayer and Lucifer ruled past tense over worship and then it says you became filled with violence from within by your trading the old King James uses the word merchandise Seng let me tell you what this word means in the in the Hebrew okay if pastor Todd owns a suit store and he's the owner of it and I work for him and I'm selling suits and you come in and you want to buy a suit and we find one for you and all and I tell you okay the suits $300 and you give me $300 and I take $200 and put it in the cash register and I take $100 and put it in my pocket that's merchandising that's what the word means right there in the Hebrew okay here's what it weighs with it ah you're you're giving me something that doesn't belong to me but it's supposed to pass through my hands to the rightful owner but instead I take something for myself that's what it is that's the exact sin here's what this Satan is leading all of heaven in worship and the worship is supposed to pass through him to the rightful owner and one day was wise he's leading heaven in worship he said I'll take some of that and God said you're out jesus said it this way I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven that fast and can tell you why he didn't fall because jawed God was insecure about him taking someone's worship he immediately left heaven because God is the only one worthy to be worshiped and he stole something that didn't belong to him and his greatest desire has always been to be worshipped okay so that's point number one here's point number two what is what is Satan's desire what is Satan start like right now right now on this or during this earthly time we're on the earth what's his desire let me read you the scripture Matthew 4 says again the devil took him up on an exceedingly high mountain let's just take Jesus and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory and he said to him all these things I will give you if you will fall down and worship me now I'm telling you that Satan's greatest desire is to be worshipped and while he's tempting Jesus he tries to get Jesus to worship Him you don't think that's his greatest desire I mean he goes all the way to the top he tries to get the Son of God to worship Him and it's interesting the language that he uses because he says this if you will fall down and worship me he doesn't just say if your worship but he says if you'll express it I want you to express it please understand worship is always expressed worship is love express love is always expressed don't tell me you love someone you don't express it if you love someone you're gonna express it if you love the Lord you're gonna express it now maybe you're not as outgoing in your expressions as someone else but there will be some expression of it but I have had some men before I remember talking to a friend of mine and saying to him you know I don't ever see you clap or lift your hands or seen you just kind of stand there you know in church why is that he saw it's just not my personality and then he and I went to a Cowboys game and a miracle happened his personality changed right before my eyes he clapped he shouted he danced he was amazing listen if you can get excited about a guy carrying a pig across a chalk line you can get excited about being redeemed from eternal hell to eternal heaven and the best thing men the best thing you could ever do for your children is let them see you worship you know what a lot of children think that's a woman thing that's what a lot of our little boys think mama worships but daddy does it this is a woman thing no they ought to see you standing there just like this loving your God expressing your love to him expressing your gratitude to him listen when you love someone even men express it we invite you to join us each week on the blessed life with Pastor Robert Moores experience dynamic Bible based teaching enjoy freedom from the inspiring worship of the Gateway worship team it's a time to grow he encouraged and learn how to live the blessed life the blessed life with Gateway Church is Robert Morris years ago when I used to travel and speak in churches many of the churches I spoke in were real small churches and we'd have to drive and and I was with a friend of mine he and I were speaking at a church together he's a pastor he was a pastor then he's still a pastor of a church and we drove to this little town stayed in a hotel we shared a room you know because it was such a small church and so we were getting ready to minister and I went into the bathroom take my shower and get ready for that service and then I came out of the room out of the bathroom and he was seated on his bed in the room you know talking to his wife on the phone and his back was facing me he was facing away from me so he didn't see me come out of the bathroom now yes no this guy six foot five was 260 pounds and here's what he was saying no I love you more you know your you know I get more I give you board and then he said get ready baby your man's coming home then he haze up the phone turns round senses get get back in there get back in there he said don't ever walk in on a man on the house when a man's talking to his woman great big guy he's in love so he expresses his love do you know who does not want you men to express your love Satan because it's his greatest is ours he was the worship leader he got kicked out of heaven his greatest desire is to stop every person on this earth from worshiping God what was what yes here's point number three what will be what will be Satan's desire we know the great thing about being a Christian is we have the end of the book we know how it's going to turn out revelation 13:4 says so they worship the dragon if you don't know who the dragon is revelation 12:9 says the so the Great Dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and Satan so we know who it is it's Satan so they worship the dragon who gave authority to the Beast and they worship the Beast saying who is like the Beast and who is able to make war with him now I don't know if the last two statements there jump out at you but they jumped out at me the very first time ever read them who is like the Beast and who is able to make war with him you know why that jumps out because that's in Exodus 15 when the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea Miriam led them in a worship song the horse and the rider he is thrown in the sea and she leads all of Israel in this song and in that song here there are two lines that go like this who is like our god and who is able to make war with him who is like our god and who is able in order it's called the song of Moses by the way and in Revelation says that we're going to sing that song in heaven so you you might want to brush up on the words otherwise you'll have to watch the screens in heaven who is like our god and who has that only ordered him and in the end times people are seeing that about Satan who is like the Beast and who is there will make war with him now here's what's going to happen let's just just answer the question let me revelation 17:4 says it this way these are one mind and they will give their power and authority to the Beast these will make war with the lamb but the lamb will overcome them for he is Lord of lords and King of Kings so here's what's gonna happen one day Jesus is gonna be sitting on his throne and they're gonna be on earth singing who is like the Beast and who is able to make war with him and Jesus is gonna turn to Gabriel and say what they say hey Gabriel he's been waiting for this day for a long time he'll say they said who's that who's like the Beast and who's able to make war with him that's what they said Lord Jesus is gonna say Gabe that's what he calls in because they're close get me my sword and John describes what happens next he describes it like this and I saw heaven opened and behold a white horse and he the set upon him is called faithful and true and in righteousness he doth judge in wage war and his eyes are a flame of fire and on his head are many crowns and he's clothed with a vesture dipped in blood and he has a name written which no man knows but he himself and the armies and the armies clothed in fine linen white and clean followed him on white horses and out of his mouth goes a sharp sword that with it he should smite the nation's for he shall rule them with a rod of iron for he treads the fiercest and the wrath of Almighty God and his name is king of kings and Lord of lords that is who is able to make war with him that's who is a limit worthy okay now let me just remind you that it said that Satan Lucifer was covered with every precious stone by the way you know what precious stones do don't you they reflect light why would lucifer have been covered with every precious stone he was to reflect the light of god to all of heaven he was to reflect like okay here's what's so amazing lucifer was covered with every precious stone when you read revelation 21 and it says i saw the bride the New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven prepared as a bride for her husband listen the bride listen what John says and it was covered the bride was covered with every precious stone Lucifer was created with instruments did you know you were created with instruments Lucifer was created with strings wind and percussion instruments do you know you have strings in your throat we call them chords vocal chords do you know how you make those strings make a sound wind passes over them woke some of you up then and you were created with percussion instruments lucifer ever covered with every precious stone the bride covers every precious stone Lucifer had instruments created in his body you have instruments created in your body I wonder if one day a conversation like this happened after God cast Lucifer to earth and there's all this void and then God comes and begins straightening things up and he speaks light and he creates the stars and he creates the plants and animals and all and then on the sixth day he's walking on the earth and Lucifer might have said something like to this to him hey who's gonna give you praise now who's going to give you glory now hey who's your new worship leader and God reached down and grabbed a handful of dirt squeezed it blue in it and said that is my new worship leader that's my new worship leader right there and furthermore that dirt is gonna crush your head I'll show you how great I am I'll show you my glory and power through a piece of dirt pretty amazing what a problem happened when God blew in the dirt the dirt became living a living soul that would live forever and then the dirt decided to follow Satan so God became dirt and died to redeem the living souls that he had created and so what is Satan doing right now he's doing everything he can to stop you from worshipping God I want you to bow your heads and close your eyes every week week we do this what's God saying to you and every week we end our service with prayer we want to pray for you if you're going through a difficulty right now in any area of your life we want to pray for you okay we want to pray for you so if you're going through difficulty no matter which campus you're attending or if you're in an overflow room in just a moment we have one more worship song we ask that no one leave unless you have an emergency and we understand that but if you can we want you to to stand and worship God you ought to worship God especially after a message like this just engage for just one more song but if you need prayer for any area of your life at every campus we're gonna have leaders at the front I want you just to come to the front just come to one of the leaders and say I need prayer if for your job marriage health finances whatever it is and we would let us pray for you don't be embarrassed because other people are going to be coming we do this every week it's not embarrassing to ask your prayer because we all need prayer I need prayer okay every person needs for all of our pastors need prayer well need prayer so if you need prayer for any area you don't have to be a member of Gateway Church if you need prayer then you step out and come and let us pray for you Holy Spirit I ask you to draw every person at every campus that needs prayer right now in Jesus name Amen I was 19 years old when I gave my life to the Lord and everything changed I didn't have any desire to go back to that old life I wanted to walk with the Lord and learn more about him and some people helped me to learn the Bible and to learn how to pray and to learn about my new life in Christ and that's what we want to do for you I am so excited that you've given your life to the Lord he's forgiven all of your sins and you're on your way to heaven but we need to learn some things now about the Bible about prayer about some basics of the Christian life so that you can be victorious and live for the Lord like I know you want to so we've designed a class called fresh start and I want to encourage you to sign up for this class because we want to help you grow in your walk with the Lord now I love you and I'm so proud of you pastor Roberts newest book the blessed church is now available you'll learn practical wisdom for cultivating real growth by nurturing biblical health in your spiritual community in the book pastor Robert unfolds how a church can be successful and healthy purchase your book at passages today
Channel: gatewaychurchtv
Views: 294,596
Rating: 4.8202462 out of 5
Keywords: Gateway Church, gatewaypeople, Love Expressed, Worship, New sermon, New, New series, Robert Morris, Pastor Robert, DFW, Southlake, Texas, Church, Conversation, Connection, Commitment, Satan's Greatest Desire, Desire, Devil, Satan
Id: ZGOose3X4dM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 33sec (2073 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 23 2013
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