Robert Morris – The Blessed Marriage – Blessed Families

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all right so we're in a series called blessed families and I talked at last weekend about the broken family this weekend I want to talk about the blessed marriage so we will be talking about blessed husband's and blessed wives and then blessed sons and daughters whether they're young or whether they're adults we'll be talking about that some but we're gonna talk about the blessed marriage marriage is under attack in our country and all over the world I don't know if you've noticed that there's a statistic let me make sure I get it exactly right here 1930 in 1930 83% of adult Americans in America were married today 49.7% are married and I want to show you why Satan hates marriage so much and I want to show you in Matthew 19 what I believe to be the most in-depth passage on marriage in the Bible now that's saying a lot because most would believe it's Ephesians chapter 5 and I'm not downplaying Ephesians 5 I'm not downplaying that at all that's an extremely important chapter of marriage but in Matthew 19 we have a question being asked about marriage and divorce and Jesus himself gives the answer remember Jesus is God so this is God's answer about marriage and divorce I also want to make another statement if you've experienced a divorce there in no way do I ever want you to feel condemnation no way at all I'm gonna say something and I'll say it a little differently than the way you've heard it and I'll explain it but for Debbie there go I now let me tell you what I mean by that the saying and expression is which I agree with I think it's a great expression is but for the grace of God there go I I agree with that they go grace has played a huge part in our marriage I agree with that but some could hear that who have experienced divorce and say well son this guy said but for the grace of God there go I I would be divorced also and so they might think well where was the grace of God in my situation you see them saying and you have to understand that when it comes to marriage it takes two people so the reason I'm saying that is yes but for the grace of God and Debbie I would be divorced because Debbie could have divorced me on several occasions I mean III was a jerk I was a chauvinist I've ER Balea beust her in my 20s I said and did stupid things she could have divorced me so but for Debbie and the grace of God I would be I would have experienced divorce as well are y'all following me so if you've experienced divorce this is a no condemnation message but I want to show you what the Bible says about marriage and divorce and how important marriage is in the Bible and personally I think most people don't realize how serious God is about marriage and I want to show you why he tells us why in other words he gives us the reason why marriage is so important he gives us reason and it's God himself it's it's in red I like to say that it's in red so it's Jesus talking all right so Matthew 19 verse 3 the Pharisees also came to him testing him and saying to him is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for just any reason now I'm going to stop just for a moment to make a comment about this the word just in any version that you read if it's in that version or that translation is italicized when you see a word italicized in the Bible it means it's not in the original language but the translators added it to help us understand the passage better doesn't take away from the passage should just add to our understanding of the passage the reason I say that is this is the question they actually asked is there any is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any reason no they so they didn't say judge for any reason and the Greek word any is an exclusive Greek word which means any reason at all in other words new yeah new American Standard actually translates it this way it says is it lawful for a man that Lissa please think about this they're asking Jesus this question they're asking God this question is it lawful is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any reason at all everyone everyone get this are y'all with me are y'all okay I know this is a touchy subject but come on smile okay this is phenomenal if you want to know the answer this question here it is right here they asked Jesus they asked the son of God this question okay here's his answer verse four and he answered said to them are you crazy no I'm kidding but that's kind of what he's implying here's what he says have you not read in other words have you never read the Bible yourself if you'd read the Bible you wouldn't even need to ask me this question watch have you not read that he who made the VM that's husband and wife male and female at the beginning that's before the fall before the broken family came in let I talked about last week and then it's quotations now he's because he's quoting Genesis 1:26 and 27 made them male and female and he said for this reason now we've got to come back that because there's a reason why he's talking about marriage and divorce and why God would not have permitted two in the beginning okay there's a reason okay for this reason a man shall leave his father mother and be joined to his wife this word join is the word you use when you yoke animals together and by the way it means equally yoked that means each person does his share that's the way only way marriage works I heard someone say one time marriage is 50/50 it's not it's a hundred a hundred it takes a hundred percent commitment on both parts okay for this reason a man shall leave his father mother and be equally yoked to his wife and the two shall become one now I got it I got to stop again do you think that Jesus exaggerates do you that shouldn't take you that long to answer that question do you think he lies do you think that he stretches the truth jesus said the to the to watch this the two become one the two become one they become one they become one flesh therefore I remember hearing an old preacher one time and he said anytime you see the word therefore you need to look to see what it's there for therefore what God has joined together that made one let not man that would be the husband as well this is asking a lot of husband can a husband divorce his wife for any reason let not man or any man separate ok this is the answer to the question that they asked here's my problem he go they ask another question which we're going to read at the moment and then he answers that question but a lot of people will give that answer to this question but you follow me I don't know if you're half familiar with this passage and the teaching of marriage and divorce but many people will say we'll give the next answer as his answer to this question but that's not his answer this question they said is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any reason at all and he said have you not read have you not read that when God made them in the beginning he made them male and female and a man will leave his father and mother and be joined equal to yoke to his wife and the two will become one therefore what God has joined together let not any person in the world separate that that's his answer it's over at that point that's his answer then they ask another question okay and then he answers that question so but his question right now is let me just sum it up no that's his answer no it's not that's what he's saying no the two have become one gods joined them together okay now watch the next one they said to him why then did Moses command notices for command to give a certificate of divorce and to put her away he jesus said to them Moses because of the hardness of your hearts permitted you permitted you to divorce your wives but from the beginning it was not so not until sin came in this world because of the hardness of your heart now listen to me carefully please please hear me again I've got to speak the truth and please don't think I'm trying to attack someone if they experienced this but I will say this in every divorce there is at least one person with a hard heart sometimes there too but most time there's really just one that has a hard heart and here's what he said they said Moses commanded commanded to give a certificate of divorce he said Moses permitted you to put your wife away to divorce your wife if you had a hard heart man if you have a hard heart and here so here's what was going on at the time when this one Moses when this became a part of the law men were marrying other women and neglecting their first wife and abusing her and actually letting other men abuse her and not letting her go free and so Moses then he became a part of the law Moses then made a commandment give her a certificate of divorce and maybe another man will treat her like the Queen and the princess of God that she really is that's where this came from that's where this was coming from okay so I want you to notice that by the way Moses in biblical language biblical interpretation hermeneutics exegesis all those Lords I love okay Moses represents the law and Jesus represents grace let me show you the verse so you know John 1:17 for the law was given through Moses but grace and truth came through Jesus okay here's my point Jesus said they said is it lawful is it lawful for man divorces wife Jesus said no it's not they said well Moses said you could he said ah under the law you can okay listen we would think it's the opposite we would think that the law said you're not supposed to divorce and that grace says it's okay don't follow me that this is so much better than your you should just be going oh this is the most amazing thing I've ever heard okay we would think that the law says no you can't do that but grace says say listen you're under grace it's okay no it's exhausting says no you're in the company you work it out law says yeah you got a hard heart so just let her go are y'all this jeez okay so why why okay so Jesus said these three words have you not read that in the beginning God made them male and female and then he makes the statement for this reason okay what reason what reason well you got to go back to Genesis 1:26 but I'm gonna tell you the reason okay so there are three things about a blessed marriage you need to know okay number one marriage represents God marriage represents God on this earth so back in that math you'd 19 again and the answer and said have you not read that he who made them the game made the male or female for this reason man Chili's father mother Jordan okay so now we gotta go like Genesis 1 okay then God said verse 26 let us make man is a singular or plural plural so 3 and 1 let us make man man and that word remember is a Dom which means mankind let us make mankind not male not he didn't say let us make male in our image he said let us make man kind male and female let us let us make mankind in our image ours plural according to our plural likeness and let them plural male and female had dominion over the fish of the sea over the birds of the air and over the cattle over all the earth every chameleon creature on the earth so God created mankind again that's the word here in the Hebrew man time in his own image in the image of God he created him male and female he created them hear me male and female is the image of God but not just any man or any woman a husband and a wife because Adam and Eve weren't living in sin okay we know that the sin was eating from the trend weren't supposed to the other stuff they were doing was fun maybe that wasn't seeing okay because they were married so when God wanted to create a portrait of himself on this earth he created the marriage that's what you got understand God said let's put our image our likeness on the earth and he put a married couple that would that is the image of God okay marriage is the image of God let's the male is not the image of God and all the way we can say praise God male is not the image of God male and female it's the image of God a marriage has got you will know why Satan hates marriage so much because it's the image of God on this earth that's why Satan listen to this think about this Satan did not attack Adam he did not attack until the image of God appeared on the earth that's when he got scared he wasn't scared a man by himself he was scared when God showed up when he looked at God he saw the image of God but he didn't sit in Adam he saw it in Adam and Eve well for me this is phenomenal that's when he got mad okay so God is they try you in God I know that's a theological word but what that means is three-in-one let me show you again this little illustration okay God is three watches three-in-one in other words you can look at God and you see God he's won but he feel look closely you'll see three persons right okay but now some people say well now if he created male and female and that's his image his image is three and one but marriage is two in one that's where you're completely missing it because marriage is a husband a wife and God that is the blessed man that is the blessed marriage and that's the only way marriage works three-in-one and you get three and one and hell can't stand against you you make sure god save your marriage so marriage is the image of God on this earth when a lost couple comes into our home my home and Debbie's home our home they should leave scratching their heads they should say that that's amazing I saw something I can't really explain it but I'm gonna try to I saw two individuals yet it seemed like they were just one I mean they were completely different persons but they were one you know she was sweet and he was a jerk but they were one this is why Satan hates marriage now some of you are thinking okay pastor Robert I'm getting a little bothered here because I'm not married I'm single so you're saying I can't represent God in there no that's point two because God came to this earth name and his name was Jesus and he was single for 33 years and he represented the father so even if you're not married you can still represent father but we're gonna get to point two okay right now I'm harping on the married people okay so just a harp on you in a minute I'll get you but I'm getting them right now okay so they should leave and say there they are individuals but they're in unity do you realize that the world knows nothing about this because what they say is no you need to be your person who needs be his person y'all and the twain ever meet no you need to be one even though you're still too different so you'll follow me here's another thing equality but with order and the world doesn't understand that either they say well it once the leader then how can you be equal well that was never a problem with God it's all through Scripture all through scripture in that God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit but God father's the leader and I'm gonna go more into this later but if you think about a couple dancing you know and the lights are down and there's one couple in the middle floor and everybody stay around the room and the spotlights on them they are moving in perfect harmony and unity but if you talk to any dance instructor one of them's leading right but you really don't even you clearly can't even tell it because of that and I'm gonna talk about that it's servant leadership when I was in my 20s I thought me being the leader meant that I was the boss I really did I remember one time I was back in the bedroom and Debbie said to me come out here and do these dishes and I didn't do it I though you know I'm the boss I stayed right there and I finished my ironing first you know sub dunce mean you just got to put your foot down all right so marriage represents God that's number one there's number two marriage represents Christ and the church this is why marriage is so important it represents Christ Church okay here's the Ephesians 5 passage watch what three words it starts with and watch what verse it again quotes from Genesis feegans 5 verse 31 for this reason in other words that were the image bearers of doddle and the earth for this reason a man shall leave his father mother than be joined to his wife glued to his wife he's not glued as parents anymore he's glued to his wife and the two shall become one flesh this is a great mystery but I speak concerning Christ and the church nevertheless like each one of you in particular so loved his own wife and his tongue to the Mian as himself and now talking to the women and let the wife see that she respects her husband so the two of you together are representing the Trinity but as a couple now as a man or a woman as a man you're representing Christ and as a woman you're representing the church so again let's talk about now lost someone lost you're trying to win unto the Lord so you're trying to win a guy let's say husband's I'll start with you then ladies I'll get to you husbands I start with you let's say that you're trying to win Joe to the Lord and so Joe says to you well if I give my life to the Lord what's my life gonna be like after I give my life the Lord and what how is God gonna treat me if I give him control of my life this is your answer well you know the way I treat my wife God is gonna treat you just like I treat my wife would you like to be saved yeah let's get honest what would Joe say God's gonna treat me like you treat your wife I don't want to be saved I don't want to be laughed at I don't want to be put down I don't want to be made fun of I don't me talk about behind my back and I don't want to be ordered around we're gonna talk about servant leadership but sir if that's what you think marriage is you're a horrible example of Jesus and sometimes I just say things just straight out don't I just it even surprised us many I think well you just said that kind of straight up there but what Joe should say is you mean I'm gonna be loved and I'm gonna be honored and I want to be treated like royalty yes I want to accept Jesus Christ if Jesus treats me like you treat your wife I'd love to be saved see we represent Christ okay ladies it's your turn so let's say you're talking to another lady and she says you know um I don't really know how to pray I don't know how to talk to the Lord and so you say well let me use the example in Scripture if you want to know how to talk to the Lord you talk to the Lord the same way that I talked to my husband what's she gonna say you mean I can cuss him out you mean I can be disrespectful you mean now you talk about his weaknesses to everybody else please hear me marriage is a lot more important than you think this is why Jesus got upset when they said is it okay to divorce you know what he was thinking would it be okay for the Trinity to divorce have you not read that you represent us on this earth that and you not only represent the Trinity you represent me and the church that's what if he's in five says marriage a husband and wife represents Christ and the church I talked a moment ago about equality there's never been an issue of equality with the Bible if anyone thinks that there is or that the Bible was outdated or old-fashioned the things that says about marriage you don't know the Bible you really don't and you're not very good at extra cheating in the Bible because there's never been a problem with equality in God's eyes never there's no male nor female in Christ that's the scripture there's no male or female now there has been a quite a problem with equality in our society then there's no doubt about that for thousands of years women have been mystery thousands of years but if someone asked me a while back I was doing a program on mirror and I just had this come to me just kind of shocked him this said this guy said well do you think men and women are equal I said no I don't I think women are smarter and I'm personally I'm mad about it and I just wanted to just just just joke with you for a little bit all right that's okay but I want to say to the young men here women will mess with you they will mess with your mind when you get married they start messing with you immediately a man will be all dressed up about to go out and a woman will say you gonna wear that and listen to guys there's nothing wrong with what you got on she's just messing with you and he messes with you so much and man he'll say something like no I just gonna go out and get the mail come back in change pretty soon you got a grown man walking out of the closet in his underwear honey do these pants go with this shirt and there's what Debbie did to me let there be sex with me just sit on the bed just sit on the bed and after I get dressed I will pick something out for you so I'm sitting on the bed in my underwear with the children saying we're gonna get dressed Mama's gonna make us look good [Applause] so are we equal know there are lots more than we are all right so here's number three third thing marriage represents marriage represents covenant covenant unit are you catching how important marriage is to God it rep it's his image on the earth it represents Christ in the church and it represents covenant in Malachi he's telling him why he's not accepting their offerings the first reason by the way is their family their family's out of order actually their faith is out of order their family and the third reasons are finances that's where we get into the portal tithing but this hood this is the family part so he's telling them I'm not receiving your your worship or your offerings and they said Malachi 2:14 yet you say for what reason it's amazing that the other two passages also began with for this reason now they're saying for what reason are you not accepting their offerings because the Lord has been witnessed between you and the wife of your youth with you and you dealt treacherously yet she is your companion and the wife and your wife by covenant pastor Jimmy Evans does one of the best teachings in the world on the difference between the covenant and the contract and let me just stick it up here for you in a contract we protect our rights and we limit our responsibilities think about if you're buying the house or you're entering into a business agreement in a contract you're trying to protect your rights right and you're trying to limit your responsibilities a covenant is just the opposite in the Covenant we give up our rights and we picked up our responsibilities and this is the example to the world see see again if a lost person says how do I know that God will keep his word to me you know what you should say you should say look at how my wife and I have kept our word because see we entered into a covenant - by the way let me just remind you of the covenant that you entered into if you're married for richer or for poorer in sickness and in health here's one for better what because I've done a lot of marriage counselor will say well it's really gotten bad uh-huh that's what you signed up for and then you just couldn't shut up you went on and said till death do us part that's the coming unit okay but it is an example it is an example I guess you say of the new covenant not the old company so let me explain the difference all right between the Mosaic Covenant and the New Covenant which is patterned after the Abrahamic covenant based on faith so in the Mosaic Covenant I don't know if you've ever thought about this okay but God said let's say Israel nation of Israel there are gods here God said I'm on an internet covenant with you and in a covenant each person has a part to do each side has a part my part is and this is almost someone to protect provide and bless I'm going to protect you I'm gonna provide for you and I'm gonna bless you I'm gonna be your father I'm gonna love you never leave you never forsake you I'm gonna I'm gonna bless you I'm gonna protect you I'm gonna provide for you okay your part is I'm gonna say let me see if I remember this exactly oh yeah I remember now your part is to be perfect just just read read the Old Covenant your your to be perfect never mess up and do numbers Leviticus and Deuteronomy while you're at it that's what he told them Leviticus means the law it means the priesthood law Deuteronomy pne's the second law of the law sec it back okay so that and and here's what's amazing israel said okay just like they said we will do all the words of this covenant they said and and by the way they they were breaking it before moses could even get down off the mountain they were already breaking it so i here's the thing you say well why did god even give him the law in first place one is to show the standard of perfection and a moral standard but the second reason God gave the law when you read Romans and lations was to frustrate us to come to Christ and if you don't think you'd get frustrated read Leviticus there is one whole chapter on what you have to do if you get a scab a whole chapter on it and I personally I think God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit had a blast right yet I think they said let's say that if they do this they have to wait three days for they you know Church say seven seven they'll never do seven because he never wanted a legalistic relationship he always wanted a love relationship always he wanted us to get so frustrated we'd say I just want to have a relationship where he'd say it's great Saul I wanted all along okay so that was the first company here's the new covenant though God said I'm going to love you won't protect you provide for you bless you I'm gonna be your father that's my part your part is you know what sug some would you come over here Jesus would you come here and the son walks over the Lord says Jesus is Robert Robert son we'll be able to keep the Covenant so son I was wondering if he would go to the earth and if you would fulfill the Covenant for Robert and you'd live the life that he can't live and I also need you to die the death that he should die and Jesus said okay I'll do it and then the father said to me do you believe that Jesus lived the life that you couldn't live and he died the death that you should have died and in a motel room when I was 19 years old I said yes I believe it and the father said you're in the Covenant now and you're my son and I will never leave you nor forsake you never never that's what marriage is listen that even if my spouse doesn't keep hurry into the Covenant I'll keep my end of it that's marriage and we're telling the world this is what God's like he is a covenant-keeping god that is why Satan hates marriage because it's the image of God on this earth it represents Christ in the church and it represents the New Covenant I want you to bow your heads and close your eyes again I just want to say don't ever come to church and hear condemnation if you do it could be partly my fault I might have said something in a way I shouldn't have said it and I'm a human and I hope I don't ever do that but it could be but it could also be that the enemy is trying to bring out your faults or your failures from the past and he's just trying to make you feel bad even in church so don't ever listen to condemnation okay so don't feel that way that's why at the end of every message we pray this little prayer holy spirit what are you saying to me through this message so I want you to take a moment I know that in a church our size we've got people struggling in their marriage and you're not a bad person if you're struggling your marriage because that's normal it's normal as human beings to struggle we live in a fallen world Satan is attacking us but it's also normal for Christians to ask for prayer to get in a small group where they can talk with others and be mentored and be taught God's Word and and live it out church is not just about coming on the weekend and hearing God's Word and worshipping Him which is which is a big part of church but it's also getting involved in the church where you attend and taking opportunity of the classes and the relationships that are offered there so if you're going through a difficulty we're gonna have a time to pray with you but I want to recommend to you to follow up I mean they take take advantage of the classes we offer getting a small group get relationship like let the Lord help you work through this thing so don't leave condemned if you're going through a difficulty but let the Holy Spirit speak to you today and tell you what he's trying to say to you through this message and then I just I just want us to to pray with you won't you if you need prayer for any area and please please please don't ever feel embarrassed maybe you say to your spouse could we go and just let someone help us and pray with us enter marriage it doesn't mean you're bad people you meet you're human so if you need prayer for any area of your life in just a moment every campus we're gonna have one more worship song we ask that no one leave during this time simply because unless you have an emergency we understand that but because this is part of church at its imported part of church and we'll take a few moments and allow people to come forward for prayer and then we'll come back up we'll dismiss a service but we'll hang around many times it's 15 or 20 minutes after the service pray you'd be so if you need prayer for any reason at all no matter which campus you're attending or which service you're thinning if you need prayer as soon as we stand in worship you just stand up step out come to the front and just let us pray with you all right Holy Spirit I pray you'll draw every person from every campus that needs any type of prayer today in Jesus name Amen [Music]
Channel: gatewaychurchtv
Views: 138,932
Rating: 4.8635745 out of 5
Keywords: gatewaypeople, Gateway, Gateway Church, Robert Morris, Pastor Robert, Savior, Dallas, Southlake, Texas, Jesus, Sermon, salvation, christ, Love, Blessed Families, the blessed marriage
Id: hwUJzFeUBsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 59sec (2339 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 22 2018
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