Divine Benefits - Divine Health - Pastor Robert Morris

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all right I want you to turn the two passages of Scripture Psalm 103 and Isaiah 53 and so what you can do if you're new here is open your Bibles to Psalm 103 that's where we'll begin and if you can put a marker at Isaiah 53 then we'll get over there in just a moment so we'll be at Psalm 103 and then go to Isaiah 53 we are in a series called divine benefits and we get this from Psalm 103 that we'll read in just a moment and last week we covered the first benefit again come Rick coming right out of Scripture and that's divine forgiveness this weekend we're going to cover divine health and this is a benefit that's listed in Psalm 103 and we're going to talk about this benefit what it means and how we receive and walk in God's health alright Psalm 103 look at verse 1 it says bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name bless the Lord O my soul and forget not in other words don't forget all his benefits and then look at verse 3 who forgives all your iniquities who heals all your diseases now I want to put these two benefits up here even though we talked about the first one last week because they're in the same verse and there's some truth that we need to see so it says forgives all iniquities and it says it that the Lord heals all diseases now I want to ask you a question because if you're like I am it's easier for me to believe the first part of this verse than it is the second part because I've had some health problems have some friends that have health problems have some family that has health problems but I know that by grace God forgives all of my sins so I'm just kind of asking you to be honest in this area here here we have a verse in the Bible that says he forgives all our iniquities he heals all our diseases that verse true is it still for today was there a time when God healed all diseases but he doesn't anymore it's that a dispensation as some would say that you know yes God still forgives but he just doesn't heal anymore yeah understand I'm saying but it's in the same verse I don't understand how we can you know put a slash there and say no I just want you to know that first part of that verse that's true the second part though it's let's passed away it's hard to explain pastor you understand them saying go I have news for you it's books true the whole thing is true but if he heals all diseases then why dot dot dot and we all have someone's name we could probably put in there you said I'm saying so I'm going to take a very difficult theological issue and explain it to you in the next short three hours that we have actually about 30 minutes all right I'm going to explain to you why this verse is true it's true and yet why as believers sometimes we get sick I'm going to explain that to you okay but and we're going to do it by actually asking some tough questions and answering them all right so I have three questions for you here's here's number one number one is why and I put dot dot dot after in other words the reason I did that was you fill it in why am I not healed that's that's a good question if you're going through a health situation right now if God heals all my diseases why am I not healed why is my friend not healed uh why is my family member not healed now here's here's another very very difficult question why did my friend die why did my parent die why did my sibling knife and here's such a tough question it's hard for me to even say because I don't want to just say it and be insensitive because I can't even imagine this but why did my child die if God heals all diseases why well I want you to notice we just read a verse where forgives all your iniquities and heals all your diseases was in the same verse Psalm 103 verse 3 verse 2 says don't forget his benefits verse 3 says who forgives all your iniquities who heals all your diseases now I'm going to show you this is actually a pattern in scripture where God puts forgiveness and healing in the same verse it's amazing I turn to Isaiah 53 hopefully you put a marker there if not it's just a little bit to the right Isaiah 53 but before we read this let me read you another verse where healing and forgiveness are again in the same verse Isaiah 33 verse 24 says and the inhabitant will not say I am sic and the people who dwell in it will be forgiven their iniquity this is talking about Zion Hebrews 12 says that we as believers we have not come to the mountain that shook the fire we have come to Mount Zion the word Zion literally means gathered worshipers and and it says you've come to Zion to the Church of the firstborn to those registered the Saints register in heaven so it's referring to the church and here it says talking about Zion it says and and the people who dwell there they're not gonna say I'm stick and they're going to be forgiven their iniquity healing and forgiveness in the same verse okay it's it's important for us to know that to understand this verse all right now in Isaiah 53 last week we read the first part of verse 5 let me show you the second part Isaiah 53 verse 5 says he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities that's what we read last week the chastisement for our peace was upon him and by His stripes we are healed okay look I just want you to notice forgiveness and healing in the same verse he was wounded for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities iniquities the chastisement which this word means the punishment for our peace with God was upon him he took our punishment and by His stripes were healed now this is an Old Testament messianic scripture but the New Testament actually quotes this and confirms this stay in Isaiah 53 cuz we'll connected first Peter 2:24 says who himself bore our sins I just want you know shortboard bore our sins in his own body on the tree the cross that we having died to sins might live for righteousness now watch by whose stripes you were healed forgiveness and healing in the same verse and that there are some that would say well this word healed here is the Greek word Sozo and it is and by the way when we spell into English we spell at so0 but is not pronounce so so it's pronounced soda like at Saudi soda so and it means made whole and it's translated many times as the word saved forever calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved made hope but it means made whole spirit soul and body made whole spiritually emotionally and physically so it says by His stripes were made whole again forgiveness and healing in the same verse now this verse says that he bore our sins I said make sure you see the word bore that Jesus bore our sins on the cross now let me just ask you something and you can answer me out loud do you believe that Jesus bore your sins on the cross okay let me ask you another question did he also bear your sickness okay one we'll show you another verse that shows that because it's important to understand because we're entering the question why you have to understand this theologically before you can answer that question correctly alright so back in Isaiah 53 look at verse 4 it says surely he has borne say the word borne our griefs and carried our sorrows yet we esteemed him stricken smitten by God and afflicted ok it says he has borne our griefs she said well you will show me a scripture said he bore our sicknesses ok now let me slang something to you and again I want to prove it by scripture okay but you can do this that nowadays it's not just pastors that can look up drinking Hebrew words although it is good to have that in our background to understand a little more sometimes of it but anyone can buy a Bible program now and look up Hebrew and Greek words but this word Greece you look it up for yourself it means sickness it's in the Old Testament obviously 20 it's a Hebrew word so it's only Old Testament twenty four times four times it's translated griefs twenty times twenty times out of 24 it translated sickness or disease surely he has borne our griefs but this means the word means sickness now okay you don't have to even believe it on that that's an that'd be enough for me but the New Testament quotes this verse and I'm going to show you what it says and this is New Testament I don't have a hang-up personally between old and new but some people do but this is new all right Matthew eight verses 16 and 17 says when evening had come they brought to him many who were demon-possessed daymo and i good well I don't mean going that many way that's demon-possessed we talked about that last year in the series and he cast out the spirits with a word and healed all who were sick watch this carefully that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet saying he himself took our infirmities now watch watch your Bibles and bore our sicknesses some translations say diseases and he bore our sicknesses the Bible says that he bore our sins on the cross he bore our sicknesses on the cross but why do we still get sick okay let me explain it to you theological help you understand this all right for iniquities we could as we did last week we could use the word sins for diseases we could use the word sicknesses and I only did that kind of s and s help you remember what we're talking about alright sins and sickness okay when Jesus bore our sin and our sickness on the cross you need to understand the three aspects of how he bore our sin all right so here's three words to remember Jesus boarded the penalty he boarded the power and even bore the presence of sin and sickness but I will talk about that in a moment okay Jesus bore the penalty of your sin there's no doubt about that full penalty but remember when Jesus reveals himself to John in the book of Revelation he hears what he tells him I was I am and I will be who is who was who is and who is to come right Jesus God is all tense past present and future he's eternal okay we are being saved we have been saved we are being saved and we will be saved we have been saved by His grace we are being made whole as we grow more in our faith here on this earth and we will be saved one day when we talk let's just tell that seeing just for a moment we have been saved already from the penalty of sin if you believe in Jesus if you've received Jesus you've been forgiven you've been forgiven you've been saved from the penalty of sin let's go over here for a moment we are one day we will be saved from the presence of sin in heaven there's no sin no sin in heaven there's no grief there's no sorrow there's also no sickness there there's no pain in heaven okay but right now we're being saved from the power of sin even believers even though they've been say from the penalty of sin because sin is still present in the world sometimes believers still fall under the power of sin now I personally don't I never sinned but many of you do I'm joking I'm joking all right we all we all right even since you even since you become a believer have you ever sinned well how could you sin because he bore your sin on the cross the Bible says he bore our sins on the cross he bore the penalty of our sin he also bore the power because as a believer have you also gotten victory over some sin sure you have but sometimes you fall under the power of sin why because sin is still present in the world okay listen to me Jesus also bore our sicknesses on the cross he did there's no doubt because we just read the verse he bore our sicknesses on the cross but because sickness is still present in this world sometimes even as a believer we fall under the power of sickness you follow me yeah listen do I have to convince you we live in an evil world we live in an evil world my son just told me yesterday about a couple that bought a home and after they bought the home but before they moved in someone went over and vandalized it broke all the windows painted spray painted the walls words on the walls and poured concrete down the drains that's an evil world we live in leave oil because we live in evil world because evil is still present sometimes we fall into power or you'll following me so this is this is answers the question why why have you how can you say jesus heals all my diseases but my father died of cancer because we still live in the presence of evil in this world but that doesn't mean that he didn't bear the penalty and I want to tell you something that you I hope you never ever forget about this God will never punish you for your sins because he already punished Jesus Jesus more you're settled across so do you know what that means listen to me if you're sick it's not God punishing you he does not use sickness to punish his children because Jesus bore sickness on the cross for us Exodus 15:26 he says I will put none of the diseases on you which I put on the Egyptians I'll put no I'm not gonna put them on you this is a foretelling of grace okay so first question is why here's the second question how in other words how do I receive healing how does a person receive healing well it's real simple actually to answer this question how did you receive forgiveness of sins remember forgiveness of sins and healing are in the same verse in several passages how did you receive forgiveness you want me just remind you by grace through faith Ephesians 2:8 9 for by grace you have been saved through faith that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works lest anyone should boast for by grace you've been saved through faith not of works and according to James we note we know that that is faith that works it's faith that's active that's how we can say but we get saved by grace please hear me please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please hear me you are not saved by faith you're saved by grace through faith you know why if you think you're saved by faith I mean I'll just let me just help you a little bit that's actually arrogance that you have enough faith to get you to have it no you barely had enough faith to trust Jesus as your Savior and because you trusted him as your Savior His grace get you to heaven it's a grace of God I promise you I guarantee you some of you that think no pastor I'm saved by faith and it's my faith I'm telling you you're gonna come up to me in heaven and say I'm sorry I realize now it's simply the grace of God that I got here and I yes I received His grace by faith that is active but its grace okay so there are two extremes when it comes to salvation there's the extreme that you have to work to get to heaven which is worse but there's the other extreme that you have to believe and keep on believing and if you ever doubt you know you might be lost when we say one week lost when we've saved the next it's a it's crazy to believe like that you say by grace through faith it works okay but let me hear let me hear this so how do you get healed well how'd you get forgiven by graciously faith how do you get healed listen same way by grace through faith but these two extremes exist now you've heard these extremes okay there's the extreme that healing has passed away that God does it heal anymore for some reason God healed for thousands of years all through the Old Testament the whole time Jesus was on this earth in the book of Acts and then all of a sudden God just forgot how to heal people are decided he didn't care anymore and he just stopped absolutely amazing for any person to believe that theology I Kenny I can't even fathom it personally but there are some who believe God doesn't heal anymore what that actually is is a works mentality because what it says is if you eat right you take care of yourself and exercise you'll be healthy but health is a gift from God now in the same way salvation is the gift from God I should steward that grace well is what Paul says he said don't go back into sin because you're then receiving the grace of God in vain so I should steward my body but I know people who have eaten very well and exercise and still died of a disease so it's not it's not by works then I'm healthy it's by grace but there here's the other extreme faith there are people and you've heard this if you have enough faith you'll be healed you just need to have more faith brother we had a precious lady on our staff dying of cancer and she wanted to go to a place that focused a lot on healing and she went she came back so damaged and so hurt she said pastor they actually yelled at me because I didn't have enough faith they yelled at me and they said to me you must have some sin in your life see here's what the problem really was they were embarrassed because she wasn't healed it made them look bad and kind of tell you something if a person is suffering don't you ever put guilt and condemnation on them because we live in an evil evil world and if anybody ought to give them love it ought to be the believers so faith and works you follow me that those are the extremes listen you're not healed because you have enough faith or because you do everything right cuz weed none of us do everything right and none of us have perfect faith but you can be healed by grace through faith we can receive let me show you Scripture I absolutely love this scripture Luke 5 you remember when they they cut the hole in the roof and let the man down you know remember that and Jesus said to him this this crippled man jesus said your sins are forgiven and the Pharisees were like who does he think he is to forgive sin so Jesus asked a question what's the question asked Luke Luke 5 verse 23 which is easier to say your sins are forgiven or right or to say rise up and law which is easier okay look we've been asking God some questions you know God wine wine wine and and how okay God wants to ask us a question they listen listen this way listen this question from Jesus Jesus said this okay listen which is easier I want you to think about that which is easier for God to forgive all your iniquities or for God to heal all your diseases okay the answer is obviously neither is easier for God they're both easy for God he can do both so I'm trying to encourage you I want to encourage you you're going through something the same way you receive forgiveness I want you to namely by grace through faith I know when you feel condemned if you're still babbling something but I want you to receive by grace through faith I've been I had been receiving this revelation I've gone through lots of health problems and I've shared with you and this last time when I got sick in the in the Philippines I came back and I was just thinking you know I'm just I'm not working out enough and I'm not eating right enough and the Lord just rebuked me and he said to me son that it works that's works and that's when he started speaking as to me he said you need to receive health the same way you receive forgiveness by grace you're not worthy of it I gave it to you it's a gift it's a benefit Psalm 103 it's a benefit don't forget his benefits and so I've been I've been it's been dawning on me and I've actually been saying to myself I'm healthy I'm healthy the same way I would say I'm forgiven I'm forgiven it shocks me but I am I'm forgiven okay I'm also I'm healthy I'm healthy and so just about a month ago we were on our elders retreat and the meeting room was way on one side of this hotel that my room was all well on the other side of it I was walking back and forth and and there were heels in between I was walking outside and it was a thin climate and so I was walking from the me room back to the to the room to change and go somewhere else I was walking kind of fast it's kind of out of breath like this you know and I was thinking like this I'm healthy I'm healthy and then before I realized I actually said I'm healthy I'm out of shape but I'm hope seeking and he probably dawned on me for the first time in my life it does have anything to do with being in shape doesn't I mean there have been healthy because I'm telling you you know what you think about it there are even some famous people that have been health nuts and they died early it's a gift from God is what health is and we should be praying for help it's an amazing that we pray for healing a lot but we don't pray for health we should be praying for health every day Lord I pray for health for my family I pray you keep us healthy and we receive it by grace through faith all right here's here's the last question this one doesn't take long at all the last question is what if what if okay fill in the blank what what if I'm not healed what if my friends not healed what if my child is not healed what if and we give you the answer we're gonna trust God anyway let me tell you the way Paul answered this question Philippians 1 verse 20 Paul said Christ will be magnified in my body my body whether by life or by death Christ will be magnified in my body whether by life or by death now let me tell you some things in my family might I share I share personal illustrations about my family I always ask permission first by the way there are some sometimes something will happen and it's you know it's kind of funny and Debby will look at me and say this will not be an illustration so sometimes I don't have permission to share but I asked for permission share this we have three children Joss James and Elaine they are all grown and married all of our children are grown and married okay some of you know why I say and married some of you don't have a clue you don't know why I'm saying that let me explain to you why I say all of our children are grown and married okay let me tell what that means because our children are grown and married that means that Debbie and I are now wealthy because we got them out of the house so and we love we love our kids but we're glad they're gone but we love our kids no I'm just I'm just joking we love our kids okay but they're all grown and married and they all have kids Elaine our youngest Sheldon and our daughter a little over a year ago was pregnant she called one day crying and said dad I'm I'm bleeding and I said sugar let's pray and we started praying immediately and then when we finished praying I said to her I said sugar listen to me carefully we are going to trust God and she said yeah I agree dad I said no let me let me keep going we're going to trust God for healing but we're also going to trust God no matter what we're going to trust God now by God's grace um she stopped bleeding and and we have a beautiful matter of fact I've pitched her nine-month-old baby there that many of you know if you look at her her skin many of you know my son-in-law african-american and he's dark-skinned and my daughter is very light-skinned and so she was left in the oven perfect time he just beautiful says be it for her gorgeous skin okay so I told you that but to tell you this and I never shared this with the church until this weekend my son James they have a son James and Bridget this last fall James called me and said dad Bridget is six weeks pregnant and she's bleeding and I said son we're gonna trust God and we prayed and I said we're gonna trust God no matter what he said where we agree and we lost that baby and we lost another one two months after that now she's 15 weeks pregnant but she's been on bed rest for three months because she's been bleeding all done here's the reason that I'm telling you this our family goes through things just like your family does but I know that I know that I know that God forgives all of our iniquities and he heals all our diseases we still live in an evil world but he is faithful and we're gonna trust him no matter what we're gonna trust God now I ask the campus pastors when we honored the mother's earlier I said please don't pray over them at that time because I want to pray over the mothers but let me tell you how I want to pray over you I want to pray over all the mothers sometimes Mother's Day has some sadness with it you know we have four grandchildren one on the way and now two in heaven some mothers have lost kids and even though Mother's Day is a joyous time it's also a sad time some ladies want to be moms and have not been able to be yet and here's another Mother's Day that you don't stand I want to pray for you years ago one Mother's Day the Lord spoke to me in worship pray for the moms who aren't moms yet and I prayed and that year we had nine or ten ladies got pregnant in the church was really small that had not been able to have kids so I want to pray for you maybe you have your mother but one of your children is away from God right now some of you've heard my daughter's testimony she walked away from the word for a while during that time this pastor actually said to me a parent is only as happy as his saddest child and I thought you know there are some truth to that but I'm not I'm not going to receive that I'm going to trust the Lord even though I have a child that's at that time was not walking with the Lord she is now so I want to pray for you I want to pray for all the moms and I want to pray for those of you that would like to be moms the first time I ever did this I'll never forget I said if you'd like to be at you're not a mom you'd like to be a mom I want you to stand up this lady stood up her husband pulled her back down but I want to pray for all the moms and ladies please don't be embarrassed if you're if you're here and you're not a mom yet and even if you're not married yet but you're believing God to get married and because you do want to be a mom one day you want to find that person I want to pray for if you've got the courage to stand and sound I don't care what anybody thinks so I want to pray for all the moms and all the ladies who want to be lungs would you would you just stand up for me would you stand up let me pray for you all the moms if your mom I want to pray for you to have a blessed Mother's Day and if there's any sadness associated with your Mother's Day now I ask God to heal your heart will that be okay because he does heal all of our discs Jesus all the places where we're dis eased God heals take your hands and just put them out like that if you don't mind just to just show that you're receiving from from the Lord Lord you see these wonderful wonderful wonderful ladies and you love them Lord as much as you love the lady who was bent over for 18 years and couldn't stand though you love them Lord as much as you loved the woman who had the issue of blood for 12 years you love them Lord as much as you love the woman whose little girl at 12 years old died and Lord we declare today by grace you do forgive all of our iniquities and you heal all our diseases and we know it's not our works and we know it's not even how hard we believe but we put our faith in you we put our trust in you Lord we know it's by your grace so lord I pray for moms right now who've lost children I pray you heal their hearts today I pray for moms whose children are away from you I pray you heal their hearts and I pray you bring the prodigal home I pray Lord for ladies who want to be moms and some medical reason has said that they can't be I ask you to heal their wounds today in Jesus name I speak life health healing and conception in Jesus name and the ladies that have not found that one that that the husband yet I pray God that you'd bring a godly man and make her the mother the rejoicing mother of children so Lord I ask you to bless my sisters now in Christ in Jesus name Amen I want you to just keep standing on all everyone to stand up all the campuses all the me on everyone else just stand up we want to go into our time of prayer now and most of the time when I explain this your you have your your eyes closed because I'm trying to let people have a moment of God but now you're looking at me so just look me right in the eyes so I want you to know why we do this we want to pray for you every weekend we want to pray for you and it's okay to ask for prayer you never need to be embarrassed about asking for prayer never everyone needs prayer how many times have I stood in front of this congregation ask you for prayer so leaders need prayer too everybody needs prayer so if you need prayer in any area of your life health finances family marriage you need prayer at every campus in just a moment we have one more worship song we ask that no one leave unless you have to we understand that but this is part of our service and the reason we worship is because we want to invite the presence of God to come do you realize every every week every weekend people get saved at our office every weekend every weekend people accept Christ so if you need prayer for any area of your life as soon as we begin worshiping you come every campus and let us pray for you all right Holy Spirit I pray you'll draw every person at every campus that needs prayer in Jesus name Amen I was 19 years old when I gave my life to the Lord and everything changed I didn't have any desire to go back to old life I wanted to walk with the Lord and learn more about him and some people helped me to learn the Bible and to learn how to pray and to learn about my new life in Christ and that's what we want to do for you I am so excited that you've given your life to the Lord he's forgiven all of your sins and you're on your way to heaven but we need to learn some things now about the Bible about prayer about some basics of the Christian life so that you can be victorious and live for the Lord like I know you want to so we've designed a class called fresh start and I want to encourage you to sign up for this class because we want to help you grow in your walk with the Lord now I love you and I'm so proud of you
Channel: gatewaychurchtv
Views: 217,640
Rating: 4.7884045 out of 5
Keywords: gatewaypeople, Gateway Church, Pastor Robert, Robert Morris, Southlake, Texas, DFW, Lord, God, Jesus, Christ, Divine Benefits
Id: NBSHw1ywNHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 6sec (2286 seconds)
Published: Wed May 14 2014
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