Pastor Robert – Just Do It

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all right before we before I get to the message I want to make a couple of comments about what's going on in our nation right now we really need to pray for our nation because there's an incredible attack of the enemy against us I spent over an hour on the phone this last week week with pastors Christian leaders senators about what we could do in our nation right now Monday I'll be with some of the most influential pastors in America we've kind of called an emergency meeting and so I'll fly to Los Angeles actually and Monday morning fly back Monday night and we'll spend the day in prayer and talk about how we as pastors of some of the largest churches America how what we can do to help our nation right now but I want to I think it's time for us to take a stand and I think it's time for us to make it clear as Christian as Christians we need to make it clear so so I'm going to make it clear for you all right the KKK white supremacy and racism are straight from the pit of milk they were from the pit of hell there is no place for racism in Christianity none God created us equal when he created Adam and Eve he gradeless one and then he does another oneness in Christ but we are no better than someone else and what's going on right now in our country is the enemy attacking and we need to stand up and we need to say something about it so I want us to take a moment and pray for our nation we agree with me so Lord we come to you as your sons and your daughters and God we say to you we need your help Lord only you can do it only you can fix it and you told us what the answer is and that is to love God with all your heart mind soul and strength and love your neighbor as yourself and so lord I pray for a revival in this country I pray God what Satan means for evil you will turn it for good and I pray God the hatred and the racism that has been present for years will end with this generation that we will take a stand and we will end it in the name and the power and the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ amen and amen [Music] all right I want to share with you a message today called just do it so I'm going to borrow Nikes phrase but part of this race is actually in the Bible and it was said by Mary the mother of Jesus if you want to turn to John chapter 1 I'll be at John 1 John 2 and John 4 in the message John wanted to be the most Scripture but let me just show you in John 2 it's the first miracle Jesus ever did it's when he turned water into wine at a wedding and his mother came and said they're out of wine and he said well my time has not yet come then she turned to the servants and look at John 2 verse 5 his mother said to the servants whatever he says to you do it so she said do it and then Nike added just ok so I just want you to know that's in the Bible first just do it and I've got three points today like I normally do and I'm going to tell you the three and and we're going to go through them but we're going to end up with with witnessing and before that inviting but before that talking so in other words if you're not ready to witness yet that's okay I just want you to invite people and then if you're not ready to even invite people I just want you to talk to people so we're going to so here's here's point number one it sounds kind of strange but just talk to people just just talk to people maybe you're not ready to talk about theology and ecclesiology and eschatology or any other ology maybe you don't care about Allah geez I don't know it's okay maybe you don't know how to explain the Bible and dinosaurs maybe don't know how that goes together yet maybe you've only been a believer for a short time so I'm saying to you maybe you're say well I'm just not ready for all those hard questions okay that's okay just talk to people I'm not even saying in vitamin Church yet at this point one is just talk two people okay so I'm going to be very practical with you guys I'm I'm going to teach you how to do each of these things so the first one just talk people everyone can watch very carefully now all the campuses you ready hey and if you if that's too much for you and then just start there look for opportunities open doors for people smile at people you can even do when I in East Texas we have a word of greeting that combines the word hi and the word howdy it's Heidi you ever heard you've ever heard that Heidi I can't other day I was actually in each stage of driving and I said and it just came out about said someone haughty Oh Heidi I haven't said that in Southlake in a long time but just just talk to people now I'm going to say something and it's not for the reason you think so I'm going to clarify that I can talk to anyone anywhere anytime I have that ability but you do too that's not because I'm a choleric or outgoing because actually I'm not I'm actually not those things the reason though that I can talk to anyone anywhere anytime is because I have a secret I know every person's favorite subject listen to because you know what your favorite subject is if it's you right and I mean those that I was talking to guy he kept telling me about his grandchildren I didn't want to hear about his grandchildren I want to tell about my grand children his grandchildren are not my favorite subject my grandchildren my favorite subject and my grandchildren are much better looking and much more talented than his transyl and if he would have just shut up I could have told him and showed him the pictures and everything you know so it's easy to talk to people uh it's very just ask questions where did you grow up where did you go to school do you have children do you have grandchildren get ready for pictures do you you know oh here's a good one do you know of any good churches in the area and when they say no you say I happen to know let's talk to him Jesus did this everywhere he went John chapter 4 verse 7 a woman a Samaritan came to draw water jesus said to her would you give me a drink of water can I tell you something he could have gotten his own water he could have made it come out of a rock what was he doing he was starting a conversation he wanted to get her and he did just read the conversation he wanted to talk to her about living water so he just started to talk to conversation so so just just talk to people it's easy just talk to people I have a friend of mine who's actually going on to be with the Lord now he took me when I was a young evangelist I'm taking him enter me he got Jesus into every conversation everywhere I mean it was amazing and he's it was he all he would always talk about being saved saved saved saved I remember we went downtown just from store to store and he would literally walk in and walk up to the owner and say you saved I just put it out you saved and this guy said well I'm a deacon at the First Baptist Church if he suddenly means you saved it's a good question really but I was with him one time we were on the airplane we're on Southwest where you don't get assigned seats you know so we were sitting beside each other and there was a seat beside us and this lady said is that seat safe he said I'll know about seat lady but I am so you don't have to go that far if you don't want to [Music] but at least talk to people so number one just talk to people here's number two just invite people just invite people Jesus did this to look at this John chapter 1 verse 35 again the next day John that's John the Baptist stood with two of his disciples and looking at Jesus as he walked he said behold the lamb of God he said that the day before as well when Jesus got baptized the two disciples heard him speak and they followed Jesus then Jesus turned and seeing them following said to them what do you think they said to him rabbi which is to say when translated teacher where are you staying he said to them come and see now what he's doing is just inviting him then they went and talked and had and Heath they've learned and he drew them in but I'm just saying he invited them too in other words like gum someone might ask you what church do you go to come and see what's gateway like come and see what's it like going to a big church come and see just come and see see just just invite people okay so Jesus invites them and we stopped at verse 39 there look at verse 40 then watch what they do verse 40 one of the two who heard John speak and followed him was Andrew simon Peters brother he first found his own brother Simon and said to him we have found the Messiah in other words come and see the Messiah which is translated the Christ and he brought him to Jesus he brought him to Jesus okay so this next series for four weeks is bringing a friend many times I do it's called an outreach series we try to reach out this time of year school starting back up people have moved to the area and if you've been here before we do it at this time nearly every year and we want to bring people to church so they'll come to know the Lord but they'll only come if you bring them where you and so this time I'm doing something a little differently for years now we've had Michael jr. do one normally I do the other three or sometimes I've done all four but this year I just felt so strongly three of them will be someone else I'll do the fourth one but here's the reason why I'm doing that because it might be easier for you to invite someone to church rather than if you're me because they don't know how good I am they just think I'm pastor you know okay so so they don't know until they come and see okay so you can invite so next week we have a nick who's born who was born with no arms and no legs and this guy's phenomenal he is invited by governments governments around the world to come and speak to the entire school system on bullying God's using him there are YouTube videos with him here's one saying there are YouTube videos of all three of these guys that are coming up next three weeks pick a good one out and email it someone and say this guy is going to be in our church this week will you come and sit with me and I will buy your dinner at any restaurant after you know my father he'd probably get in trouble now but he probably still do any when my father owned the company growing up he used to get bonuses when we said revivals twice a year he would give bonuses to any employee that would come to the revival but many of them got saved it'd be worth it wouldn't it be worth it to change the eternal destiny of someone to buy him one meal so I'm asking I'm asking you I'm pleading with y'all if you want me I'll get down on my knees I'm pleading with you every member of the church bringing someone for the next few weeks bringing someone so we've got Nick next weekend born with no arms no legs phenomenal speaker he was at our Men's Conference it's just phenomenal great testimony then we have Todd white that's odd is different okay I'm behind a good way thought I love you buddy so remember our church God's great Todd's great Todd was in my home this last week today we were talking and we were praying together and he talks to me often I am his pastor and so we talking he is fantastic but you talk about a testimony you're not gonna believe some of it it's that strange I mean a way we're sitting there talking he's sharing the testimony with me at lunch I was ready to get saved again I mean he's it's powerful and he's winning people in the West front to the Lord it's just that so he's in my home and we had an air-conditioner guy there we were havin to all of our thermostats changed out to the ones that you can control you know in your phone so for you young people I know I'm in the 21st century okay I can control my thermostats now by my phone all right know how to work it my kids have to do that by I got it okay so this guy's installing his thermostat the stats I'm talking to Todd about something and he looks over when this guy walks with room and he just keeps looking at and he's not looking I'm talking he's not looking at me I know what he's doing he's here in the water you see if you've seen him have you ever seen his YouTube videos he's hearing the Lord so the minute the guy comes back in and Todd says to him hey man how you doing he said I'm doing good he said um - your question the guy said yeah he said do you have pain in your right ankle and your right knee right now and the guy said yes I did he's saying you've had it for about three years and I said yes he said and your left shoulder you have an injury to your left shoulder the guy said yes Todd said would you mind if I pray for you prayed for him and the guy gets healed right there in my home right there my own this was last Tuesday Wednesday okay then he hunt he says hey I need to pray for your wife per minute so he starts praying for his life and he says the pain in her neck is just temporary it's just soreness it's going to go away and she's not driving anymore problems with her digestive system and the guy's eyes got real lied and he said my life had surgery yesterday they went in through her neck she told me this morning it was sore but they told her that what they did is going to take care of her digestive problems that's pretty specific you know and then of course Todd says to do you know the Lord well he's yes you know he's ready then you know and he did he knew the Lord but it was encouraging - are y'all following so then Todd some beer then Michael jr. come on we all know Michael jr. and love him he's been on The Tonight Show and he gave up Hollywood some of you don't know that when he called and told me that he believed God was calling him to come to Gateway Church and to start speaking more in churches by the way he spoke almost she still does corporate events and some television things he's done one movie he's doing another movie now he's done some things like that but he last year he spoke primarily in churches 28,000 people accepted Christ last year when Michael jr. stood so so he I actually met him at one of our baseball players a fundraising event and and started talking to him I told him I said you could use your gift for the Lord and he said I've never thought about he'd ever even thought about that I talking about how he could do now he does that most time but when he called and said I believe God's calling my family to move to Gateway Church pray with me so I talked and prayed with him and at this right after he said that on the major networks contacted him and offered him a million dollars a week for a sitcom and he moved here instead because God called him to so I'm telling you you can beat all these you can say to people these are the guys coming come with me to church come and see last night we went to a restaurant yesterday was my wife viewed my beautiful wife's birthday she's 39 again and so so we went to her favorite restaurant and um one of the waiters grabbed me and said pastor Robert loved you and loved the church said I go the Grand Prairie campus so um it's amazing how they holler when you do that so so anyway uh but here's what he said to me this was this was last night here's what he said he said someone invited me the magic words a recent Gallup poll this is Gallup now okay not Christian Gallup poll six out of ten people said they would go to church if someone would invite them six of ten people the odds are with you okay invite someone bring someone can you imagine if every member of Gateway Church brought someone over the next four weeks how many people could come to Christ so do everything you can to bring someone here's the the third point is just witnessed people just witnessed people so um let me take the religiosity out of this all right first of all don't change your voice when you witness to be don't get louder or you know demonstrative don't use old King James thou art a sinner thou art you know don't use religious terms you know don't say I was transgressing against God's holiness but the propitiation of his sanctification the don't do don't just tell your story just tell your story and a normal voice then normal person just tell your story that's it think about this um what is a witness you've either been the court are you seeing it on TV a witness if someone who tells what he personally has seen and heard anything else is here safe it's not it's inadmissible in court okay that's the way the Bible describes it let me read just few scriptures Luke 7 22 then jesus answered and said to them go and tell John the things you have seen and heard that you've witnessed you've seen and heard John 332 this is all about Jesus and what he has seen and heard that he testifies here's what's amazing Jesus came to the earth he was just a witness he just told what he had seen in her acts 4:20 right after Pentecost they told him not speak any more in Jesus name they said we cannot but Speak the things which we have seen and heard which we witnessed acts 22 15 this is about Paul when he got saved for you will be his witness to all men what you have seen and heard so the greatest apostle that ever lived was just a witness and the son of God was just a witness came to her as a witness he just told us about the father told us about the father's heart so that day it's that simple and I've learned to share my testimony in one sentence one sentence I've just said to people before I'll start talking to him and I've just said to him you know I grew up going to church but got involved in drugs and it wasn't until someone told me that I needed to give control of my life to God that my life changed just something like that and they'll say what do you mean give God control of your life see so it's just simple so at some point I want every person in church to just step out and just share your story there's just share your story whatever your story is that's the most powerful witnessing tool you have you know Paul five years before he died five years before he died he was still sharing his testimony that when he probably was all the way up to the end but we know for sure he's standing in front of a king five years before he died and he says let's not run this horse and his bright light I mean he just she stared sharing his testimony and of course the King's response said you know you've almost persuaded me you become a Christian by him sharing his testimony it's the greatest apostle ever Leah still sharing his testimony I I was buying a car one time and I was looking paper and internet and all everything you know for for used car found one that I thought was good and called a guy and there's at a car lot and we met the guy and left behind the car but I felt when I met him I needed to kind of reach out to him I felt like I need to I need to witness to this guy but I'm just going to become his friend first so I Drive by every now and then and you know tell him about the car and talked him to the wall and then invited him to lunch and and you know we start talking and then I remember he said to me about the fourth or fifth time we met he said I didn't know what you do he said what do you do I said I'm a pastor he went like that and he said you don't act like any pastor I've ever known and I said well you don't act like any car salesmen I've ever known and we laughed you know and so I said to him you ever gone to church and he said yeah but I don't want to talk about it that's that's fine I just want to be your friend so we just kept them and then later we were talking one time three or four months later instead I think I'm ready to tell you why I don't go to church I said okay he said on everyone's Church growing up and then I met this boy at school I was about 12 years old he invited me to go to church he said I loved it I absolutely loved it he said then this boy this boy I found that was the pastor son and then he said one night we were just horsing around and we kind of just thought it'd be fun to like kind of trash one of the rooms and he said it's just stupid it's just a stupid thing kids do and we just trashed one of the rooms I don't even know why we did it he said the next Sunday the pastor called me up in front of the whole church and he talked about what a bad influence I was on his son and he told me in front of the whole church you're a bad person and you need to leave Church and don't ever come back and he said I walked down all of that church and I've never been back to church since then and I said to him well you know you told me one time that I think that like other pastors and I told you don't act like other car salesmen I said would you agree that there are some bad car salesmen you're not one but would you agree there are some bad car salesmen they'll lie and help Chee they'll steal you know would you agree about he said I would agree with that I said won't you listen to carefully there's some bad pastors and they're not all bad but that one you met that was a bad pastor he was bad and I said you're not a bad person and God does not feel the way that Pastor felt and he sat there from when tears welled up inside I found out later to both his parents were death he was in death but both his parents were he said that table and all sudden he said this to me I think I'd like to go to church with you and came to our church and gave his life to Jesus and the reason I told you about his parents is because his parents came and they got safety his whole family got saved I'm asking you to make a difference I'm telling you God can do it through you I promise you I really want for the next four weeks I want us to bring people I wants to invite people witness if God leads you to also wants to pray and let's ask God to bring people to Christ over these next few weeks on that's going to use us I want you to bow your heads and close your eyes just take a moment and just you know we always say Lord what are you saying to me through this message and you can say that too but here's what I'd like for you to do today it's a little differently a little different oh I want you to say asked the Lord Lord is there someone that you want me to invite over the next few weeks going to ask you I want you to keep praying that I really believe God's going to bring someone or some people to your mind to invite when we have people saved every year normally it's a few hundred but we could have thousands saved if we all if we all took it very seriously and brought some so just ask the Lord Lord would you put someone on my heart that you want me to invite and then let the Lord take care of the rest as we're obedient p.m. all right we want to pray with you if you're going through any type of difficulty any difficulty your family your finances some of you may want to give your life to the Lord today or give your life back to God so if you need prayer for any reason at all in just a moment we have one more worship song risk that no one leaves your next song because unless you have an emergency we understand that because it's an important part of our service and we're going to have leaders at the front of every campus every overflow room wherever you're meeting there'll be leaders at the front there'll be leaders beside all the exits of the second level of the South Lake campus so if you need prayer for any area of your life as soon as we stand up you just stand up step out and come easy because other we're standing so it's easier you just come make your way to the aisle come to the front of the room where you are and let us pray with you because there be leaders if you're on our altar ministry team you come as quickly as you can so you'll be ready to minister right so if you need prayer for any area of your life then you come and let us pray right Holy Spirit I pray you'll draw every person at every campus who need someone to pray with them right now in Jesus name Amen
Channel: gatewaychurchtv
Views: 81,173
Rating: 4.8666668 out of 5
Keywords: gatewaypeople, Gateway, Pastor Robert, sermon, Dallas, Texas, Southlake, relationship, Jesus, God, Honor, love, Just Do It
Id: VyJ6_UwevCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 57sec (1737 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2017
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