Robert Morris - Still

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all right turn to Isaiah chapter 45 Isaiah 45 and I'm going to preach a message that I entitled steal STI ll and you'll understand why I entitled that when we get to the points okay so let me tell you how this message stirred up in me I uh I was on vacation this summer and you know I've had some back problems just last year God's touched my back but I've noticed that I've got to do my part to exercise and therapy and stuff like that and so one of the things I've been doing is getting some orthopedic back massages people who've had some training in orthopedics who also are massage therapists and so about a month or so ago I guess I went for one of those and the therapist said boy you have a lot of stress and tension in your back today a lot more than two weeks ago and I remember thinking I'm on vacation I mean how do I have all this stress and tension and then I remembered I had just watched the Republican and the Democratic national conventions and if those won't give you stress I don't know what will so I understand we're in we're living in a stressful world and so they begin to stir up in me that I want to share some things with you about that and I want you to know that I've just gotten kind of so sick of the news you probably have to I changed my internet browser you know you just cuz you just pops up it's just so negative and one of our ab Stalag elders who's in the service today James Robinson started stream org a few years ago if you've got hope you've gone to that but it's so much better to get good news and still know what's going on in the world so I want to encourage you if you've never done that so so with all that's going on in the world here's how I got this message it's called steel and all the troubles going on here so point number one okay point number one God is still in control would you agree with that God is still in control now look at Isaiah 45 a Isaiah 45 verses five and six I am the Lord and there is no other there is no God besides me I will gird you though you have not known me that they may know from the rising of the Sun to its setting that there is none besides me and in case we didn't catch you he wants to say it again I am the Lord and there is no other and then if you look at chapter 46 maybe one page over verses 9 and 10 for I am God and there is no other I am God and there is none like me and this is where the phrase comes from you've probably heard it but you might not have known it was Isaiah 40 60 and declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things that are not yet done saying my counsel shall stand and I will do all my pleasure now here's what gives me peace even in the troubled times that we're in I know who's still on the throne I know who is still in control and even that doesn't not absolve us of our responsibility but even if I do everything I can to help our nation and our nation continues to go the wrong way I know how it ends I know who's in control I know who has authority and rule in my home I know peace but it doesn't absolve me of what God's called me to do or to try to help our country or you I had a dream a few years ago that I fall back on a lot it was on December 31st in January the morning of January 1st and I dreamed I was sitting in the front seat of a car I was the driver was a pastor friend of mine and the passenger on this side was an evangelist friend of mine and the evangelists had just preached that this was going to be a year of darkness and the pastor said you know I don't want not trying to take objection to your message I thought it's a great message but I feel like the Lord showed me it would be a year of light and the Evangelist said well I'm not you know trying to be argumentative either but I feel like the Lord said is you'll meteor of darkness and the pastor said well again I don't want to argue they were being real nice that's how you know it was a dream they've been really really sweet to each other well I felt like so many you're like well I thought I was gonna be your darkness wife else will be your light I felt you be your dart you know and you get and so in the dream I said guy stop I said don't you remember the night plague in Egypt darkness covered the whole land but the children of Israel had liked in their dwellings I said God is saying that it's going to get darker and darker in our world but we will always have light in our dwellings so I go back to that because it has gotten darker and darker but here's something I want to say I have light in my tent but I want everybody to have light in their tent is that right I want others to have like no gym so number one God is still control but number two then Jesus is still the answer I told Jesus is still the answer I told you that right after the tragedy of the officers being shot in Dallas that I did a an interview by Skype when I was on the plane ready to go for family vacation and they asked me you know well what's the answer I said Jesus is hint national television Jesus is the answer he is the answer is that right look at these scriptures John 14 verse 6 jesus said to him I am the way you will know how to wear to go out ago he's the way I am the truth he doesn't know the truth what he does know the truth he doesn't just know the truth he is the truth and the life no one comes to the Father except through me and revelation 19:16 and he has on his robe and on his thigh a name written king of kings and Lord of lords now I want to talk some that where our country is let me explain something to you though we never in any election we never never get to vote for the best candidate here's the reason the best candidate is not running he's already been nominated and appointed king of kings and Lord of lords he'll see so he's the best but we do have to vote for the better candidate so we'll never there never be a perfect candidate there never be one that you agree with fully I promise you but you vote for the better another way is we vote for the one that we think I'm please don't I already know something don't get mad stop it okay but another way to say it is we vote for the person we think will do the least damage city state local national I mean in that truth I mean your state I don't like this one but I like this one less than I don't like that one lost more I hate that one but you know you just can't you just got it are you following me okay and so let me tell you some some things that address a few I could have enough short message you can't address every issue and every problem you know when less y'all want to stay for a few more hours but so so let me address a few but let me just let you know a little bit about me I'm color blind now I didn't admit that for years I just didn't I just did not want to admit it but my son got me some colorblind glasses have you heard of these yeah you can put them on and you see colors now if you're color blind it's it's amazing I don't I don't know if y'all know did you know the signs on the highway they're green did y'all know that no no I'm serious they're grooming I saw they're great so I got in and I Debbie picks out my clothes and you should thank God for that and she used to have a little system for me when I travel and I you know I'd be gone you know a B C or D I think was the coats and then one two three four the path he will come upstate what do you what are you wearing let's be for salic us playing bingo you know B 4 C 3 you know it's so 100 one time when the church was smoked off palette wit they did a women Street pastor Thomas's wife Mary Beth was was on the worship team so she didn't get to go in the women's retreat and I walked in and she looked at me that's what she did she went Debbie out of town I said so I shouldn't wear this tomorrow right she said no don't wear that ok so so I'm I'm color blind so I got these glasses now and I can actually see see colors so the other day just for fun some you know my son laws black Ethan so I put the glasses on I said you're black funny you ever tell me that you can so I'm kidding I didn't do that all right here here's the point you have to use humor to talk about some of these things because we have sad problems in our nation and we have a problem a racial problem let me tell you a horrible thought that came in my mind okay and you've had them too you know you have a thought and you're ashamed that she even had the thought I'm ashamed I had this thought as you know just a few weeks ago Ethan Elaine black father white mother our daughter had a baby this thought all of a sudden just appeared in my mind I hope his skin is not too dark and I was ashamed I was ashamed out of the thought but I thought why do I have that thought and here's why I have that thought because we still have a problem in this country and to quote a very famous man I don't want my grandson to be judged by the color of your skin but by the content of his heart and we've got a problem but it's not what people are calling it now listen to me carefully it's not racism its prejudice you need to know the difference because we've got a media that has gone astray so hear me there's a difference you mean know the difference racism is when you hate a person because of his or her race prejudice is when you judge a person whether it's race gender or whatever else before you know the facts it comes from two words prejudice it's real simple pre Judas prejudge it make it means you make a judgement before you have all the facts now we do have some racist people in America but there really aren't that many we have a whole lot of wonderful wonderful white people Asian people Hispanic people black people we have wonderful people but we have a few that are racist but most of us have some prejudice and the best thing to do is admit it and learn to deal with it is I'd know the judgment about you and I haven't even met you that's the best way to deal with it now I'm going to make some strong statements okay I told you to get over don't get mad at me all right just but listen to me carefully if I vote against a person because of his or her race that's prejudice would you agree by though if primarily I vote against because of race that's prejudice if you vote for because of race that's prejudice or if I vote against a person because of his or her gender that's prejudice but if you vote for a person because of his or her gender that's prejudice so it doesn't matter whether it's a male or female or black or white it matters whether the person can lead our country you understand I'm saying so I could talk about all sorts of issues again but I want to just talk about one more issue that we need to understand that even though Jesus is still answer it the election is extremely important and you need to know that non vote is a vote a non vote is a vote so we need to vote but it's very important that we vote because we're in as a pastor I talk about social issues religious freedom issues spiritual issues you know inequality issues race and gender I could talk about all that all that's important all of its important let me just talk about one because you know I love to give generosity but the other side of my message is stewardship okay you if you don't understand this I know a lot of people don't I know a lot of people hate math I understand that but we're in trouble financially and and the problem is when we hear that we're over 19 trillion in debt we only know what that means I mean I can't relate to that think about that I think about okay just for a minute to sing about a million dollars that's hard to relate to for most of us 1 million all right then 2 million or 5 million are 10 million 10 million 50 million a hundred million dollars how much that is then 200 300 500 then you get to a billion now a billion is a thousand Millions so if you had a billion you'd have a thousand millions of dollar you follow me okay then you do the same thing 1 billion 2 billion now you got another thousand Millions ok I know I know I know you're thinking okay you're already losing me just stay with me then 50 billion a hundred billion then two hundred three then you get to a trillion which is a thousand billions a thousand billions and we are now almost twenty trillion in debt and here's the sad thing under in the last eight years it's almost doubled and in the eight years before that it almost doubled again it doubled before sewing until about the sixth last 16 years so you have a Democrat and a Republican and it doubled in both eight years so just think the next eight years if it doubles that's 40 trillion if it doubles in the next eight that's 80 trillion dollars but here's what you're not thinking and again I can't go into too much math but it went up about five trillion and then it went up about 10 trillion so it's not just doubling it's it's exponential now see until the year 2000 it was only at five trillion from every president before and now the last two presidents it's gotten almost 20 trillion so now it's growing exponentially here's who hears please hear me there's probably no politician that's going to leave his or her daughter a whole bunch of debt but they don't have any problem leaving my children and your children and our grandchildren a mountain a debt and there's a lot at stake right now Supreme Court justices there's a lot at stake my father's seated down here on the front where he came in because tomorrow by the way my parents on the front row here tomorrow is their 61st anniversary sixty-one but-but-but my father a while back ran for City Council and he called me on the phone he said you know how you're always breaking down words to see what they mean you know so he said I decided to do that so he said I thought of the word politics and he said poly means many and tics means blood sucking animals you all right so God is still in control Jesus is still the answer but here's number three we still need to do our part we still need to do our part you know I know you're praying for South Louisiana you probably don't know but we immediately sent finances we immediately sent people we immediately sent resources food we're helping them so just so you know we're helping but we need to do that James chapter two verses 15 through 17 if a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food and one of you says to them depart in peace be warmed and filled but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body what does it profit thus also faith by itself if it does not have works is dead okay in other words if we don't do something we're in trouble there are about a hundred million evangelicals in America a hundred million evangelical Christians I hear me less than half evangelicals are registered to vote less than half and in the last presidential election less than half registered voted say here's what we do so many times well I don't like either candidates so I'm not voting for either one well you just voted I'm telling you again a non vote is though and you need to and here's the reason I think many times evangelical Christians don't vote because they understand that we have a constitution now again I'm going to say some strong things in the message we are not a democracy I don't know if you know that we are not a democracy we are Republic a democracy is rule by majority and in at rooting out let me tell you if you go look up the definition of democracy they've changed it and they'll say it's a where you elect leaders and then leaders make the laws that's really not what a democracy is they shouldn't ask for politician when they should ask a preacher because it comes from two Greek words Dimas and Katya which means people power/power comes to people now I'm going to explain something hang on hang on your seats though alright but what it means is in a true democratic nation people actually vote on the laws in a republic it means real by constitutional law but we are a republic listen with a democratic process so we elect leaders who are supposed to uphold our Constitution so because we have this Constitution that is so great I think many of us sometimes feel like or will be ok we've got a judeo-christian foundation in America so it's this one election does it matter well it does matter because for years now we have sat home and those who are trying to change our constitution are voting and they are changing it and they are interpreting it and they are saying that's not constitutional for instance they said it's not constitutional to pray in schools and look what's happened in the violence in our world since we did that so it's very very important that you vote it's very important now I'm going to give you one statement from our Declaration of Independence and tell you that most politicians will who quote this don't believe it and I'll show you what I mean here's the statement and you know it we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights ok you might think that I'm going to zoom in on the word equal I've already talked about equality we do not have racial equality in America we do not have gender equality those are two things we're still trying to fix and they need to be fixed but that's not the word that most politicians don't believe here's the word they don't believe the word created we are created equal and endued by our Creator here's what many politicians believe evolved I listen me carefully if you don't believe we were created you will never believe our equal because people don't evolve equally they don't we learn at different paces and I'm not talking now about racing they'll not any person but that's we were created it's the foundation of our government is that the rights that we have have not been given to us by the government but they've been given to us by Almighty God our Creator that's what we that's our foundation and if you don't believe in creation you can't believe in equality no matter what you say so we were created equal now you need to read the platform's of each party I read in this last week 155 pages one is 66 pages you may not want to read them you might want just read a summary one is very specific one is very vague I'll quote you I'm going to take again one issue now I'm going to talk about the issue of abortion please hear me though I understand it's sensitive for many people here I understand that and I never ever want to talk about a sensitive subject with insensitivity so please I'm not trying to if you've had an abortion I'm not trying to talk about this with insensitivity but it does need to be talked about I think most Americans realize that we that our courts made a mistake in 1973 and the reason that people on the other side will not even give an ounce is because they know if they give an ounce that then law common sense is going to take over so this is one I now read the whole thing but here's one of the party platforms says we assert the sanctity of human life and affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to like which cannot be infringed it goes on to say we believe the Fourteenth Amendment protects the newborn child and we do not believe that we should use government funds to pay for abortions the other one believes that we should use government funds to pay for abortion that abortion should be legal for their full nine months that's in their platform you need to understand this is more important than you think and not only that we should use government funding which is taxpayer dollars that's your dollars but that employers should have to pay for abortion and that we should use taxpayer funds to actually put pressure on Democrat other democratic nations that have pro-life laws use our tax money to change other nations that have pro-life laws that's in their platform that's it's unbelievable here's the problem you may have never thought about abortion this way but every person is unique there was only one Albert Einstein there was only one there was only one Louis Pasteur there was only one Martin Luther King what if they had been aborted we may have aborted the person who could have come up with the cure for cancer because all of us are unique in God's eyes as you know I told you a few weeks ago we welcomed our seventh grandchild which the grandson what some of you don't know is that one of our presbytery was here last weekend a few weeks ago his daughter had their first grandchild my son and it was born stillborn at nine months and I sat with him at our Dallas campus after the presbytery service as he cried and told me nobody should ever have to say hello and goodbye in the same day to a baby the baby the baby's heart stopped two days before it was delivered the next day the mother realized something's wrong when in the hospital delivered a stillborn but the heart stopped two days before well show you a picture that he sent me today now that baby has two eyes and two ears 1 nose 1 mouth and hair on his head but the only difference in that baby and my grandbaby is that that one was born blue he would have loved it if that baby had born born white black olive or brown any other color than blue you will never ever convince me that that is tissue and not a human baby you will never convince me and there is a party that does believe that one month before one day before one minute before you could end that life and that's human life I am asking you to pray for our country we are going the wrong way and we need to get involved we need to pray and we need to vote I want to ask you to bow your heads and close your eyes I'm grateful that God still in control I'm grateful that Jesus is still the answer but I know that I know that I know that we still need to do our part I'm asking you as a church to do our do your part to invite people to come to church to come to Christ in a few weeks to register to vote if you're not registered to vote you can register to vote actually right here in every lobby we have people that can help you register to vote and we have a website that can help you because it's that important that we let our voice be heard I'm asking you to get involved we want to pray for you if you have any need this weekend maybe you've gone through a tragedy in your life like I was sharing about my friend you've had some difficulty of some helps health issue or job issue or maybe you need to give your life to God maybe you need to give your life back to God we want to pray for you every campus whether you're in a overflow room or not at every campus every room we're going to have people at the front of that room ready to pray for you people that that love you people who've been trained you don't have to be a member of Gateway church to come for prayer so if you need prayer for any area of your life then as soon as we stand up we're gonna have one more worship song we ask that no one leave unless you have an emergency we understand that but if you need prayer for any area during this worship song any of you if you're not coming for prayer you worship God enter in let's create an atmosphere where people can be ministered to and be prayed for all right so if you need prayer for any area of your life every campus as soon as we stand up you just stand up step step out come to the front all right Holy Spirit I pray you'll draw every person that has any need for prayer today in Jesus name Amen
Channel: gatewaychurchtv
Views: 112,333
Rating: 4.8394647 out of 5
Keywords: gatewaypeople, Gateway Church, Southlake, Texas, DFW, Lord, God, Jesus, Christ, Church, Bible, Truth, Robert Morris, Pastor Robert, Frequency, God speaks, Value His Voice, Voice, Speaking God, Loving God, There is a God, Quite Time, Whisper, Still
Id: QNfqVmJmHzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 15sec (1755 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 24 2016
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