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[Music] so this morning i want to draw your attention to the book of galatians chapter 6. so please get out your word [Music] join me in galatians chapter 6. we're going to begin at verse 1. and you can stand for the reading of the word amen while you're getting there and flipping you know i i said this earlier i want to repeat it um when we have guest preachers and and folks who come to the building for the first time and they see all the lights and the screens and all the stuff you know it was like wow this is really neat how you guys got everything laid out but we have some people who complain about all this stuff and you know doesn't take all that why do you need all that we should and and i want to say this to everybody who thinks that we are about performance and about show read this book because if you're saying that you're not lining up with scripture if you looked at what solomon did when he built a temple for god you would see that the level of excellence that we have is still way below the standard of what was set for us in scripture is any of this laid out gold plated 24 karat shining no because when solomon built the temple he enamored everything in gold with the finest of woods but but it wasn't about just the cost it was because he said whatever i'm doing for god i got to do with excellence amen does god deserve the best when we come into his house to worship him and invite his presence here it's about giving god our best whatever you do for god you need to do with excellence so god deserves better than beyonce better than bieber it ain't about the show it's because he's worthy and he's king and he deserves our best [Music] and if you're asking us to give god less than our best then i yes you are correct this is the wrong church for you there's a beautiful storefront somewhere out there where you are going to fit right in and and be at home and be comfortable but we are not going to give god less than what he's worthy of amen i don't know why i'm running off on that tangent let's get to the actuary galatians chapter 6 verse 1 and i'm reading out of the new king james in case it reads a little different for you but it says brethren if a man is overtaken in a trespass you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness considering yourself lest you also be tempted bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of christ for if anyone thinks to be himself to be something when he is nothing he deceives himself but let each one examine his own work and then he will have rejoicing in himself alone and not in another for each one shall bear his own load let him who is taught the word share in all good things with him who teaches pray with me father god we thank you for this moment this opportunity to come together we ask right now father that you would remove me from self holy spirit please dwell in this unworthy vessel speak through me directly to the needs of your people so that when the seed of your word is planted it can be fruitful and multiply in their lives we give you all glory honor and praise in this moment we uplift you king of kings and lord of lords in jesus name amen you may be seated you may be seated so what i want to talk to you today from this text in galatians is about how to carry the weight anybody here got any burdens in your life just just check let me check quick burdens amen now james said that the lord will not allow you to be tested above what a what you're able to bear what you can handle anybody here ever had some trials in some situations that felt like it was more than you were able to bear amen that's because there's a b part to that verse that says but with every trial he will provide a way of escape when you get to a point where you're overburdened and you feel that you can't make it it's not that god has allowed more to get on you than you can handle is that you missed your exit amen because the burdens and the trials of life that weigh you down and can mess you up god has given instructions and plans for us so we know how to manage these difficult seasons in our life so i want to give you some practical tools today to know how to carry the burdens in your life amen now with that said first let's talk about burdens let's let's talk about the weight uh because the world has deceived many of us into thinking that there's something wrong with us if we are going through something amen some of you have probably even been in churches where they've made you feel guilty of that your faith was lacking because you went through some situations in life that were too difficult or too much for you to handle and i want to remove that condemnation for you right now because that is not the case you see the reality is solomon said in ecclesiastes the race is not given to the swift nor to the strong because time and circumstance happen to them all what does that mean what it means is is that if you are living and breathing you are going to get some burdens amen and no matter what somebody tries to tell you or some prosperity preacher tries to get you to think god is not a genie in a lamp where you just name and claim whatever you want and all your problems disappear and blessings just rain down from heaven and everything is sunshine and daisies and roses that is not biblical reality because jesus said himself in this life you will have trouble if you're not going through something you are on your way to something you're going to have burdens to bear and naming what you want and just claiming it is not how faith operates i'm trying to help somebody today amen anybody ever asked god for something and not get it was the problem your faith no the problem was what you asked for i mean i'm i'm i'm coming for y'all today i'm coming for i'm sorry i'm coming for you listen you can't just walk around and sit here and go that is mine in jesus name if that was the case i'm telling you i would have pulled up in here in a grand daddy caddy with my brim to the side walked up here with my cane and my gators on and then left after i finished preaching and rolled up to my mansion on on the hillside overlooking the ocean because i'd have claimed all of that [Applause] but he says you have not because you asked not but when you ask you ask a myth so you can consume it upon your own lust the problem is that most of the time what you're asking god for is what you want for your flesh and not what you need for your spirit [Applause] and so you've been spending your time making requests to god without asking god what is his will and his destiny and his purpose for your life and your prayers aren't getting answered because god is saying prayer is a conversation it's not one-sided where you just tell me what you want and i go fetch and get it i want to talk back to you and tell you what i want you to do it's not about what you need god to do in your life it's what you need to do in your life for god [Applause] and so some of you are going through situations and you have weight and you have burdens and some of them god has allowed because they're necessary for you solomon said time and circumstance happened to them all who's the best example of this let's talk about job here's a righteous man doing the right thing living holy given generous family is in line making offerings for them just in case they did something wrong he was trying to make sure he had him covered before they messed up he had he he had everything lined up but he was serving god out of fear and not out of relationship he was afraid of what would happen if he wasn't right with god and he was only serving god because he wanted the stuff that comes with being with god he wanted all the peace and the protection and his family safe and the wealth and he had all those benefits they tell you should come with serving god and god said you know what i need to allow this fence to come down around your life because you are so focused on protecting what you have you've taken your focus off of me and then the children and his wife told him curse god and die and all of his real estate and all of his investments and all of his possessions were stolen destroyed gone until he was sitting there then sickness hit him and he's sitting there racked with boils on his body disease written and his friends come up and instead of supporting him and helping him get back on his feet they start accusing him going well what did you do wrong you know you messed up somewhere you know if you going through that you had to have done something to bring the wrath of god and they're judging him and beating on him and while everything is lost he finally learned how to put his eyes on god and say though he slay me yet will i trust him what am i saying i'm saying that you're going to have some burdens in life that are just part of the things you need to go through to learn what god is trying to teach you in life through your course because there are some things you will not understand because you're not god until you see them in the rear view mirror of life and after you've come out of those things you'll be able to look back and go oh that's what god was doing oh that's what he was preparing me for that's why he had that happen that's why he allowed the enemy what seemed like a victory because what the enemy meant for evil god was working out for my that's all right y'all gonna get with me in a minute time and circumstance is going to happen to you death is going to come knocking at your family disease is going to happen you can have all the prayer all the faith you want and some folks will still get sick and some folks will still have circumstance and some folk will still have their situations and he will heal some and not heal another and you'll be sitting here going god why are you so unfair but sometimes you just have to understand we are not all going to live forever god is not going to heal everybody some of us got to go home and go to heaven sometimes because it's just our season we let you do what you want to do grandma will be 150 and you still won't let her go cause you trying to live by her faith and it's time for her to rest and you to pick up living for god for yourself not praying for her to keep getting up off that same sick bed cause she been carrying the weight for all of y'all but all right all right all right you got burdens that are just a natural part of life you're gonna have to go do some things but there's some other burdens [Music] that you pick up yourself these are the burdens that are caused by sin sin always comes with a weight the bible says the wages of sin is death and we keep telling y'all what's sinful and what not to do but we don't explain to you why not to do it everything that god tells you don't do he does with good intention and real reasons why you need to avoid it but if all you're thinking about is what you want for yourself you will dismiss what god is trying to spare you from and put weights in your life that were never intended for you to carry let me help you give some examples so y'all understand this we we tell y'all don't have sex before you're married don't have sex before you're married did we tell you why do you know why you're waiting no and then you go and have sex before you're married because you just want to feel and experience and you in love or whatever the case may be but what happens is you didn't understand what sex was intended for and its purpose and that's how you get your house and your life out of order when god created adam and eve male and female and placed them in the garden even before they had parents he set up a rule for their descendants that they would leave father and mother the two would cleave together and become one flesh and that was to be the basis of our family units so that there would be a group of support whenever children were raised and conceived in a household that had balance that had strength that had stability and we would allow that family unit to be the building blocks of our community and those communities to be the building block of our nation and we would have the ability to be able to walk in a community that strengthened us supported us and had balance that was the will and the intention of god don't believe let me explain this sex was meant as a blood covenant between the husband wife and god marriage is not a contract between two people it is a covenant between husband wife and god it is a covenant it is a covenant and god never breaks covenant so pardon me for getting technical here but i'm gonna explain it to you every woman is born with something called a hymen amen get over it i said it you had one why because when you perform the act of sex it is broken and it bleeds why because you are cutting a covenant with god in that act saying the two of us will be one under your guidance and direction till death do us part that's what sex is for now then what's happened when you've taken it and made it about your feeling and your lust and just gratifying your flesh and your sinful nature is you've tried to equate move god out of the equation and now you're just cutting covenant with everybody but if god never breaks a covenant and he will not dishonor any covenant that's made how many people are you still married to and one with and associated with and tied to who've got a spiritual connection to you and a soul's high on your life that you're still dealing with even to this day you got some folks who are connected to your life because in that moment of two minutes of pleasure you have now sacrificed a lifetime of not being able to get rid of them their influence their presence because you gave up in the moment of flesh what should have only been given to god and so some people will tell you that it doesn't matter you don't have to wait till you're married don't buy the cow if you can get the milk for free but they're not telling you about the weight that you're going to have all these people who have a piece of your soul who are going to have you walking around feeling incomplete and unfulfilled and disconnected and never fully loved the way you were supposed to be because you exited god out of your life there's a weight to it and because we didn't explain the weight some of y'all are dealing with issues now baby mama drama dead beat daddies disease and sickness if it was okay with god that that was how you live why does it come with so many repercussions that's what he was trying to protect you from you added that weight to your own life because you didn't understand his word and some of you right now this world is telling you stuff it's your body you have the right to choose what happens with your body do you you you if if you're not comfortable and it's not the right time for you to have that baby you have the right to choose the doctor who performs that abortion is not going to be there 20 years later when you're crying yourself to sleep asking you what is the destiny of that child that i snuffed out before they were born and they're not going to be there when you're crying yourself to sleep at night they're not going to be there when you're in pain and when you're agonizing they tell you it's your right to choose but they do not tell you you're going to have to carry the weights [Applause] be accepting let everybody just do what they feel don't be judgmental this is how i am let me say this to those who are battling with homosexuality today the issue is not that you desire that and you can make the argument you were born that way that's fine i won't even argue that point because we were all born in sin and shape and iniquity and sin did my mother conceive me i came into this world separated from god my desires in this flesh aren't to yearn for the things of god so you desire some things and you like some things and you lust for some things that god is telling you don't go there don't practice it but it's what i wanted what makes me happy listen to this let me set somebody free right now y'all hear me focus in this is going to bless your life so i need y'all to get this right now god does not care about your happiness does not does not care if you're happy pharrell cares if you're happy god does not what am i saying what do you mean god doesn't care if i'm happy in galatians 5 to this same church that was being burdened with rules regulations and restrictions by the jewish community that paul started by accident because of illness that he just ended up preaching there they were being burdened and and given all these regulations by the community and he said to them following the rules and regulations will not get you right with god or you'd still be keeping the law it's not about that but when we tell you that homosexuality is a sin it's not because we're still trying to put you under law we're trying to get you free in christ because what god says and what paul said in galatians 5 is is that there are lusts of the flesh and things that happen in the flesh that puts you at enmity with god and homosexuality is on that list i didn't write the list i didn't get to choose what was on the list if it was up to me i would have changed the list but it's on there amen why did god put it on there because he knew they came with weight you're saying pastor philip you don't understand our community you don't understand what it's like to be lgbtq listen here y'all don't know me or that i was raised in a house with two women don't talk to me about what i know or don't know for you start trying to fire back your arguments already listen here everything that god cares about is about what's on the list after the list of sin which is the fruit of the holy spirit when you get god in your life what it produces is the fruit of the holy spirit love joy peace patience self-control guess what's not on that list happy happy is a feeling happy is an emotion your emotions will betray you god doesn't care about how you feel about it he just wants to know will you love me enough to do what i told you because i'm first in your life so this is what i want to say to you right now if you're battling with that area in your life you've got to make a decision do i love what i want more than i love the god who's asking me to give it up god is saying for you your burden your journey in life is to sacrifice this one thing that you desire so that i know i have your heart and you love me more than it say well god that's not fair heterosexual people don't get that burden your burden is your burden it ain't no contest of fair god ain't never been fair say well i got to live my whole life without having the sexual desires that i enjoy meet it out if that's what's going to get you into heaven yes you say well that's not fair well let's talk about fair was it fair for god to send jesus down here nail him to a cross and allow him to die in your place he already demonstrated his love for you and that while we were yet sinners christ died for us so how can you then turn around and tell god what you're asking me to give up is too much when he already gave you his best in his everything [Applause] but you don't understand i love them i love them you can love them and just not sleep with them if you can love them and not have sex you can be their best friend you can be everything that y'all can hang y'all can just don't touch them and you can keep it holy well that's not that's not listen listen listen if you love them why would you want them to engage in a relationship with you that would separate them from god and cause their life to be headed toward hell do you love them or you love what you get from them because you want to be the god in their life and to jesus in their life and you want them to love you more than they love the lord if you love them let them go let them get saved let them get god in their life let them get there on their way to heaven if you love them if you're not willing to give it up for the kingdom of heaven [Applause] [Music] if you can't say man say ouch there are things you got to sacrifice because god is all about relationship and he says i am a jealous god and what i want to know is you love me more than whatever i'm asking you to give up you ain't the first to have to give up something you like you won't be the last abraham had to put isaac on the altar everybody's going to have to get to a point where you say i have to choose between the world and i've got between god and christ and you're going to have to make a decision and so there are some of you who just have to understand that's the cost of the cross and you've just got to bear that burden if you want to get into heaven and i didn't make the rules i didn't write the rules it just is what it is but while they're telling you just love your identity be free be you they're not telling you the cost and they're not telling you the weight i know it's getting heavy in here y'all i get to you i ain't even got to my first point yet so let's move so we know there's burdens in life caused by time and circumstance and caused by sin but how do you deal with them let's get to the point three things you need to know today three things you need to know on how to carry your weight the first thing you need to know is not to lift more than you can carry write that down don't lift more than you can carry now i'm an expert in carrying weight a couple years ago i was in a car accident i got rear-ended on the 101 and i didn't know it at the time of the accident because i thought i walked away fine but i actually had damage done to my spinal cord in that whiplash in the accident so my disc was compressed and it was crushed and it was grinding on my nerve endings and i was in pain every day and eventually they had to take a piece of my spinal cord out and then they replaced that with some bookshelf bracket and some duct tape and bubble gum or something and told me have a nice but in the process of healing from that injury i had to go through physical therapy and they taught me how my new life had to be adjusted because i no longer had the structure and the support to do the things i used to do and so they gave me a weight restriction and they said you are no longer under any circumstances supposed to pick up anything that weighs more than 50 pounds amen and i got some folk who'll be watching me every time i'm in the food pantry moving them crazy it's like how much is that are you sure you're supposed to be picking that up get somebody else because they know i got a restriction and they trying to make sure i don't hurt myself let me tell you this church family your spiritual life has a weight restriction and so what's happening for some of y'all is that you think your life and your success in life is about how strong you are and whether or not you can pick up everything you've got going on and so you've got circumstances in your life that just come naturally you've got things you're trying to lift man you got a marriage and it's like okay i can balance that i got that i got that i can take a little more oh now we got kids okay we can do i can handle them i can manage them they want me to coach little league too all right we can add that to the schedule i got that i'm good i'm lifting all that oh i got a cousin with some issues that's okay i can help them out and we can deal with that and then we go on the second saturday all right i got that we gonna join a life group i got that wait wait and then okay they need help and and and then somebody oh okay i'm gonna see about them and and you've just been picking up issue after issue after issue and burden after burden after burden in your life and you're like well you know what i i'm juggling all this i got this i'm strong enough to handle this i'm i'm walking with this i'm i'm good i'm good see i i got some strength to me i i can handle this right here but then sometimes you get something a little heavier in your life too and some sickness may come or or god forbid some sin in your life and and then you find out you got a little more on your plate than you had intended and and it's this all right i'm still standing i got like wait whoa whoa more but no wait i wasn't planning for a pandemic you know whoa this is a whoo i it's all right i i'ma hold this i got this but but what if at that same time jesus is calling you is that you lord down there hey you want me to come to you that's where my destiny is that's where my life is headed see this is the problem now that god is speaking to some of you in your life you have already overburdened yourselves with so much mess and so much drama that you cannot go to where god is calling you to go because the race is not given to the swiffer to the strong god does not hand out bodybuilding trophies he doesn't care how much you can pick up the race is given to the one who endures until the end and what he wants to know is can you hang on to the finish line can you finish what i started in you and in order to get there oh lord his my arm's getting tired we hebrews 12 and 1 says what now that we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses let us throw off everything and the sin that so easily ensnares us you've got to start deciding right now to take inventory of everything in your life and anything that is not helping you get to your destiny in jesus you've got to throw it aside and lay it down and cast it off because you're not to pick up more than you're supposed to if god didn't give it to you and assign it to you it is not yours to pick up and you need to throw it away in order to get to where god is calling you know how not to live more than you can carry smoothies back so you manage the weight in life and you only pick what you can get across the finish line i want to share this too have you ever wondered why track athletes don't have weights on them when they run i was always curious like if they put those like weight lift weights around their legs and stuff and build up some strength wouldn't that help them run faster it doesn't you know why because when you train that way your body gets conditioned to the weight and because you run slower when you're dragging all that weight when you get to the track and you take the weights off you still run like the weights are still on you you still move like you're still burdened and that's why some of y'all are having so much trouble in your walk in your relationship with god because things god has already freed you from but you're still moving like you stuck in them you still moving like you connected to it you're still moving like that weight is yours and you gotta know to throw it off of you because who the son sets free is free indeed and the only thing that's keeping you burning down is you cast it aside cast it aside how did we cast it aside my second point you need to know when to let go and for some of us this is hard because we don't know how to let go i'm going to tell y'all this already i'm going over time it's fine it's the last service i preached this faster this morning but y'all gonna bear with me okay so you have some people in your life that have some burdens of their own they got some weights and some of you have been spending your whole life trying to manage somebody else's mess and all you've been doing your whole life instead of living your own destiny is trying to manage what they've gotten themselves stuck into and you're like yeah you don't need this in your life come on we gonna take that from you and we gonna help no you need to let this go you don't you don't need this anymore you no you you don't need the drugs you don't you don't need that abusive relationship you don't need you let let it let it go some of y'all have some folks like this in your life that just always got an issue always got a problem always dragging you down always in cements always and some yeah once again if you can't say man say out you might be sitting next to him right now you know what you know what i'm i'm gonna help you i'm taking this thing from you let's go he's kind of strong ain't he good lord as some of you now are living your life down here with somebody else's mess that they don't want to let go of and you've become stuck in a place you don't belong but what if once again jesus starts to show up and says but this is your destiny and this is where i'm calling you to be well i gotta get to jesus yeah so we gon we gonna get to and you got all the good intentions in the world but you can't get to where you going holding somebody else's baggage and you got to know when to let go you've got to know when to release people why i want them i want them free of that thing i want them right i want to help them you're not their god and sometimes the folks in your life who are stuck are going to remain stuck because you're trying to be their jesus and as long as you there to pick up the pieces and to do everything and cover up all the mess and cover up all the drama and baby them every time they fall they're gonna hold on to it forever cause you keep enabling them not to let it go i know this is tough but some of y'all got to get out the way because no matter how much you love them the only one who can get that weight off of them is jesus and you've got to get out of the way and let him remove the burden and let them decide to give him his heart because until you give them up to jesus you are stopping the process and the flow of allowing them to get what they need in their life and they're not gonna get delivered until you stop holding on to it you've gotta know to let go [Music] i know this is some this is some tough stuff you got to know to let go so last but not least then uh before i go there show mark look at what jesus said in mark chapter 10. truly i tell you jesus replied no one is left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children of fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in the present age homes brothers sisters mothers children and fields along with persecutions listen what is it what does jesus say he's saying in order for you to get where you need to go in the kingdom of god some things you got to let go but letting go with the prom comes with the promise that whatever you've released whether you've had family turn they back on you because you got saved whether you had folks who've been talking bad about you and persecuting you because of the decisions you make to let that loved one go whatever it is that you're being judged for persecuted for god says i'm still going to replace everything that you sacrificed everything you give up for me i've got something better in store for you and that's why you end up in a church like this that will surround you with community and folks who will love you and though mama ain't talking to you no more you'll get a praying mother in here who will start loving on you and start filling in that gap you'll get brothers who'll stand by you send in your scriptures every morning you'll get a life group that'll come around you and pray for you what happens is is that whatever you're giving up god says i've got a replacement and i've got something better for you to make sure your life with me is better than whatever i'm asking you to give up [Applause] so now we got to figure out how to carry this weight together because it's all about love and community paul said the only thing that matters is faith and love so this is the funny thing about the text he says carry one another's burdens he says carry one another's burdens but then he says each person needs to carry their own load and that's the only thing you can take pride in let me help you with this real quick [Music] your burden is the stuff that happens to you through life your load is something different we can help you with your burdens no one else can carry your load [Music] why your load is was given to you by god it's your ministry no one else can do your ministry the load in the greek is a word that says the cargo you've been given to deliver to his destination you've been given things by god that only you can do for the kingdom of god no one else can replace you no one can do it in your place and so those are the things you have to take with you you have to pick up you have to do that god is calling you to do we can help you with the other things but no one else can replace you and do your ministry for you but while we're going through life together at least come and bring that other back you've got you've got your burden i've got my burden how do we get through life with this weight i want to demonstrate this for you so you know how the church is supposed to operate how we operate in the spirit the goal is not for me to try to carry your stuff and my stuff and have us all out of balance [Music] the text says carry each other's burdens partnership so what we're supposed to do in life because he says let those who receive the word of god share all good things with the one who delivered it the people who are sowing into your life you sow back into their lives and we're supposed to have a community where we reciprocate the blessing of god it ain't about giving offering to the preacher it's about us doing life together and we continue to invest in one another and so what i'm going to do is you're going to grab your burden and i'm going to help you with yours and then you're going to grab mine and you're going to help me with mine and we're going to balance this thing out where i help you with your burdens and you help me with mine and we gently restore each other and now that we've got this weight distributed evenly where we can handle it and we can manage it now we can start moving toward our destination and we can start making our way toward jesus and we can start getting to the finish line into our destiny together this is how it's meant to be done because the bible says put on the whole armor of god what doesn't have in that armor is a back plate has a breastplate doesn't have a back plate you know why because if you're in the kingdom of heaven you should always have brothers and sisters who are watching your back you should never be doing life alone there should always be someone who's looking and making sure you are straight and when you get off course they gently restore you no no you're off balance here let's get this back together let's get right we're going to jesus and so you watch each other and you work with one another and then even if at some point this gets too heavy for the two of us and we start to struggle it comes with the promise that wherever two or three are gathered together in my name i will be in the midst and if this burden starts to get too big for us to carry and we start to struggle here comes jesus who will come in and help us manage the burden and the weight and guide us into where we need to go and carry us to the finish line and so if you and i get partnered with holy spirit and with jesus we will make it to our destiny that is the community of god that is the fellowship of the saints that is the body of christ that is the church we come together and carry the weight [Music] so i want to do this as we close prayer teams come forward [Music] if you're here today and you came here with a burden and a weight in your life [Music] that's been too difficult to manage on your own i want to give you an opportunity to lay those burdens down today one of three things if you're here and you've never submitted and said jesus christ you a lord and you haven't given your heart to god you will never make it into everything god has for you and remove the destructiveness that the world has placed upon you until you accept with your mouth and believe in your heart the lord jesus christ and that god has raised him from the dead and allow him to save you he will take those burdens off of you if you will give him your heart so if you're here today and you're ready to say yes to jesus and lay aside your old way of life and get into this new way of community i want you to get out of your seat and make your way to this altar secondly if you're here and you've just been burdened by what you've been carrying whether it's time circumstance sickness whatever may be you've had burdens you're saying i did everything right like job i was tithing and giving but i still lost my job i was doing whatever i was supposed to and stuff still happened and i still got covered and i still got said i still had to bear this and i still whatever you've been carrying god says take my yoke upon you for my yoke is easy and my burden is light i can remove that's been crushing you and replace it with what you can handle if you'll give it to me so whatever it is you've got on you if you stand in need of prayer today because you need to release that thing and it's time to let it go i want you to get up from your seat right now and join us on the altar you're here and you need salvation you're here and you're burdened and you need to let that weight go or you're just here and you know you've been outside of the fellowship in the community too long and you need to pray for god to get you back in right relationship and in the house because you haven't been where you can have your back covered i want you to come and ask the holy spirit to lead you to a place where you can have your needs met where you can have a community love and embrace you and put their arms around you and help you carry that weight whatever it is you stand in need of whatever those things are i want you to make your way make your way make your way get up out of your seat and make a step towards your destiny with jesus and pray this prayer hey i'm steve abraham the pastor of new life oxnard thank you for watching our youtube channel you can join us live every sunday for a new sermon and live worship also be sure to take a minute to subscribe and turn on your post notifications so you don't miss any of our new videos or live streams and please share with a friend if you would like to partner with us in furthering the gospel please click the link below don't forget to subscribe thanks for watching and god bless you
Channel: New Life Oxnard
Views: 609
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: New Life Oxnard, Pastor Steve Abraham, New Life Worship, Oxnard, Steve Abraham, New Life Community Church, Ventura County, LA County, Los Angeles, Steve abraham, New Life, Jesus, Church, community, Pastor Steve, Worship
Id: RudU6DwOqSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 20sec (2840 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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