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[Music] amen all right turn to mark chapter nine i'm just kidding i'm just kidding i just can't i'm kidding mark chapter 10. okay john five here we go john chapter five john chapter five hold your place in john chapter five i'm pumped i told my wife before i got i'm pumped about this message i could probably preach like five sermons out of john chapter five and um i'm just gonna preach one i want to talk about grace grace how many are grateful for the grace of god come on the grace of god grace and mercy mercy is that god doesn't give me what i deserve what do i deserve i deserve judgment i deserve condemnation i deserve eternity separated from god but he didn't give me that he showed mercy so god didn't give me what i should have deserved grace is just the opposite that god gave me what i don't deserve what don't i deserve i don't deserve his unconditional love i don't deserve an eternity in heaven i don't deserve my sins being forgiven but he's a gracious and a merciful god how many need grace come on you need some grace you need grace huh you need some grace how many are grateful for the grace of god i want to talk about when grace showed up when grace showed up in john chapter five and here's a story that always comes to my mind i've shared it in church on sunday but when i think about grace i or a second chance i think about my father who passed away right before we got into this building it was so sad because he would have been so proud of what we've accomplished here and but my dad was intense i've told you that he he believed in spankings and whoopings and and even above and beyond that and probably honestly just probably a little borderline physically abusive but i came out okay uh but he was intense and i told the story in our church that uh one summer it was 85 degrees in westlake village and just beautiful we had a swimming pool in the backyard and i invited my friends to come over and we would get up on the second story of our house and we would jump off of the second story young people don't get any ideas we jump off the second star and you you couldn't just jump right down because the pool wasn't directly below the roof you had to jump out because if you jumped down they'd read about you in the star-free press the next day so you had to jump out and my friends come to the house and we're jumping out we had a great time my grandma was in there and she flew in from ohio and she said you better stop jumping i'm going to tell your dad well go ahead tell me and uh i didn't say that and i'm like he he he works in l.a doesn't get until like seven o'clock and so but she told him he got home and he said if you ever get up on the roof again and jump off it's gonna be over for you you hear me i said i gotcha well it was like a week or two later and i couldn't resist just a beautiful summer afternoon it's probably 85 90 degrees and my dad said he wasn't going to be until 6 30 or 7 that night and i'm like grandma's gone she's back to ohio let's invite the friends over to the house i brought five or six friends and we're jumping off the river and everything was going awesome until about three o'clock in the afternoon i don't know what happened but he usually came home at seven o'clock but it was 3 p.m in the afternoon he came home and i can still hear today the back screen door exploding off of the hinges and i just heard my dad say get over here right now and what happened like what happened to my friends probably the same thing your friends would do they were gone out of there m.i.a over the fence we never saw them again they were gone gone got my dad said to me get over here right now let me know when you know you're going to get a spanking two techniques that we learned early on in our life here's the first technique first technique and if you don't know this and you're young first technique is this you gotta start crying right away come on how many started crying right you know you're going to get beat you might as well just start crying i'm just like he goes get over here right now and he would always say go up in your room i'll be up there in a second i hated that i'd rather just get beat right there on the spot go upstairs and it would be five or seven minutes until we got there and i'm croo get over here that was first technique start crying here's the second technique is you tighten up that part of the anatomy that would be affected the most you know what i'm saying so you're crying he says get over here and i'm walking to my dad i'm like and because in casey whips you you by the way um you know remember that video all the old people remember that video buns of steel i actually inspired that video because so many times i would walk like this and uh so i went upstairs and i'm crying and crying and he says didn't i tell you just a couple weeks ago don't dive off of the roof i'll never do it again he says i told you didn't i no i'm so sorry i didn't listen to you i didn't pay attention i'll never do it again and he's going to spank me and stuff and he was like did you learn your lesson please don't hit me he goes because this time i'm going to let you go what i'm like what did he say and he said you learned your lesson didn't you and i was like in the name of jesus yes i learned my lesson he said this day i'm going to let you go it's the first time and the only time that ever happened in my life he says i'm going to teach you a lesson he didn't even know about grace but he showed me grace how many have ever needed grace in your life did you ever fail a test in high school or college and the teacher like i failed a lot of them i barely got out of high school i just think that d's are degrees right sound like c minus d i'm in man and barely graduated high school and so so many times my teacher would say hey we'll let you do it again especially in bible college did you ever get pulled over by a police officer come on you you knew that you were speeding we have we have a lot of police officers in our church i can't imagine some of the stuff they've heard i see i wasn't going over what are you talking about and and and i've gotten a couple tickets but i've had a couple of officers so you know you know what just slow down next time we'll probably give you a take but this time i'm going to let you go that's grace how many have ever in a relationship you got dumped by a this is a safe place you got dumped by a boyfriend or a girlfriend and they gave you a second chance come on raise your hand how many all the married people where are you at have you ever needed uh my son's yelling on the front row here have you have you ever needed uh grace in your marriage have you ever said something to your husband or wife that you resented that you're like i didn't mean to come out that way and you needed them to say hey i'll give you another chance i'll give you some good i can't tell you how many times i've had to forgive my wife for the this thing huh and sometimes i've even said i like i you i i didn't actually mean for it to come out that way and i'm like i'm so sorry i didn't mean it how many you know you need grace in a relationship and uh any golfers in the house yeah and we need grace on the golf course don't we it's called it's called a mulligan so you you shank it like it's like 18 fairways not even close to the to the fairway and your friend says hey we'll give you a mulligan that means a do-over and uh i've had not just like one mulligan per 18. i i'm so bad that i get a mulligan per hole every 18. that's how bad i am and uh how many in our walk with jesus we need grace the bible says in the book of jonah that the word of the lord came to jonah a second time a second chance grace and uh one of the greatest stories in the bible john 5 displays the grace of god anybody interested this is our custom at new life just our custom and uh if you're uh from a different congregation it's awesome to have you here but this is our custom what's one of our customs here at new life stand for the reading of the word of god would you stand to your feet please for the reading of the word of god john chapter 5. by the way my um when we started the church in 1997 with like 30 or 40 people my dad was our first usher which was really cool um because he was the guy that like i said man if my dad gets saved then i'm like there is a god do you have someone like that and i used to pray for my dad and he was he was just intended then he got saved i'm like what and he was our first usher and um and just really loved the lord and uh but even it like we started i was 32 years old even at 32 he was in the church and i'd walk by it just hoping i didn't get a whooping at 32. and uh there's a great story about grace sometime later jesus went up to jerusalem from one of the jewish festivals we're not sure which one now there is in jerusalem near the sheepgate a pool which is an aramaic it's called say it out loud it's called bethesda some say beside a bethesda bethesda if you have a bible i love that lisa harper talked about just like an actual bible no i'm not i'm not banging on anybody that has a phone i just think there's something special about this because in my bible here i don't know if you can see it but on the bottom i i got bethesda underlined and then i wrote house of mercy or house of grace so bethesda is a house of mercy or a house of grace check it out which is surrounded by five rich stole part of my sermon last night too when he said that five is the number of grace so you're in bethesda which is called a house of mercy or house of grace covered by five colonnades five is the number for grace how many books in the pentateuch does anybody know what the five books of the pentateuch are come on rachel and you know by the way it's scary when lisa was asking some theological questions the other night and my son said she would look right at me and i would turn away because i didn't know the answer to uh but does anybody know what the five the first five books of the bible genesis exodus leviticus numbers deuteronomy 5 grace jesus fed 5 000 with how many loaves five loaves does anybody know how many uh offerings there were in the old testament five uh let me see if i can remember the burnt offering the sin offering the guilt offering i wrote it down the grain offering and the peace offering five five do you know how many people were spared on the ark eight yeah yeah just just seeing if you're paying attention there but five is the number of grace and notice in verse three here is a great number of disabled people used to lie the blind the lame the paralyzed the addict the insecure the one that had the abortion the one addicted to porn the gossiper the liar the cheater see i can i can hit everybody in the room if i keep it on around this pool around the pool of grace and mercy there's a bunch of messed up people here at new life enjoying the third session there's a bunch of messed up people the one preaching now the chief of us all we all got our issues huh let's read verse four huh i don't see verse four verse three it says here a great number just to do blind lame and paralyzed and then niv has no verse 4. that's interesting there's a little parentheses in my bibles and so i need to look down to the bottom and it says some manuscripts include here wholly or in part that around the pool were paralyzed and they waited for the moving of the waters from time to time an angel lord would come down and stir up the waters the first one to the pool after each disturbance would be cured of whatever disease they had huh so why did some translations leave that out well the answer is that not everybody not every theologian not every manuscript they're not really sure if that was actually like a legitimate doctrine or was just like a legend that a bunch of broken people around the pool and so some some chose to leave it out i think it should be in because it doesn't make sense if you read the rest of the passage why would the guy who was an invalid try to get in the pool if like what's he trying to get in for if there's no stirring in the water so anyway i don't think it's a big deal just turn your neighbors it's not a big deal anyhow one who was there who had been an invalid for how long 38 years had been in this condition for a long time he asked do you want to get well sir the invalid reply to have no one to help me in the pool when the water is stirred while i'm trying to get in someone else goes down ahead of me then jesus said get up pick up your mat and walk at once the man was cured he picked up his mat and walked how many are grateful for god's touch on his life father in the name of jesus we just admit to you that some of us are tired we've had a long couple days i heard one gal tell me she was up until 2 a.m and then back here early this morning we just pray that you would speak to us we haven't come to this conference this session to be entertained we have come to hear from jesus christ speak to your people we pray we give you thanks for your goodness and faithfulness in jesus name we pray and everyone said amen go ahead take a seat there say what's up neighbor hey check out check out this text here or this uh the verse three here verse 3 the very first word of verse 3 says what look at your bible there it says what here someone say here come on say it out loud here underline that in your bible the word hear the word here here here look at me look at me look at me i believe that here put your foot down there make a little mark there with a little x there here here i believe god wants to do something here and here and here and here and here right now right here in this place right here this day this session right here i believe the spirit of god is here to do a powerful work in your life notice it was here around the pool it was here around the pool and i want to share two things out of this passage that the lord spoke to me i want you to see two things and then i'll get out of your way and we can go to lunch and do our thing number one write this down if you're taking notes if you're not taking notes you're not saved but write this down if you're taking notes number one i just want to talk quickly about one first thing is i want to talk about his condition his condition write that down point number one say it out loud with me what is it his condition verse three the bible says that around the pool were the blind and the lame and the paralyzed and here was one guy 38 years he was in a condition and the fact is that everybody in the room has a condition look at me everyone here today has an issue has a condition come on the person next to you on your right left the pastors of our church have issues the prayer warriors have issues the elders have issues as amazing as our worship team is they have issues we all have a condition right and let me know that we're really good about hiding our condition see if it's an emotional condition what you can do you can put a smile on your face you can put makeup on you can take medication and no one will even know that you have a condition if your condition is spiritual how many now you can fill it with a bunch of theology theological jargon how you doing today how blessed of the lord how you doing today the lord is good all the time and all the time god is good how you doing today all so blessed jesus christ theo hallelujah god is good right you can you can bask it with all that but if you have an issue that's physical like the guy in the text i'm gonna tell you can't hide that we all have a condition we all have an issue some is internal some is external some is relational some is a bunch of broken people a bunch of messed up people that you know the quote misery loves isn't it interesting all the gossipers and churches like to hang out with the other gossipers can't just can't believe it it's just so loud there and they got the smoke comes in it's just like entertainment damn pastor phillip gets up there and doing his thing that i he walked by me last night i didn't even say hi to me and teach them is that the kind of he's one person up there on the stage and then he's another person every all these pastors are like this just a big i mean all the gospels hang together all the all the liars hang together all the cheaters hanging together and around the pool man you got a bunch of messed up people and misery loves company you know they made a mistake about 30 or 40 years ago trying to build low-income housing because they discovered if you put a bunch of poor people with a bunch of poor people you end up with a neighborhood that's a ghetto so they made a mistake and now what they try to do is they try to take low-income people with mid-income and high-income people then what will happen is that the low income or the poor people can look at a higher standard and they might change their life but when you've been around a pool with a bunch of messed up people for 38 years it's hard to change and this guy had a major condition think about this 38 years he had been that conditioned notice what the text says in verse 5 and 6 he had been in that condition for a long time 38 years look at me for a second i can handle this discouragement i can handle a little disappointment i can handle a few dark days i can handle a little distress what i have a hard time with is the duration of my trial the duration of my storm if i know hey in three hours it's gonna get better in three days it's gonna get better or even three weeks and three months i can hang in there but if i don't know when this thing is going to turn around i'm going to have a hard time fighting through it think about it 38 years how many weren't even born 38 years ago raise your hand you bugged me think about this 38 do you know 2 000 years ago the life span for at a person living 2 000 years ago was 40 years this guy's 38 years of fighting with the same thing think about 38 years where were you 38 years ago you want to know what i look like 38 years ago we got a photo coming up hello check do not do not screenshot that do not take a photo and put that in instagram that was my prom picture how evil are my parents to get me braces your senior year huh that was me i was 18. probably i can't even like i can't even like i know a couple things about being a high school student but that was so long ago think about 38 what were you doing 38 year old i wouldn't born some of you you were two you were eight you were but can you imagine this guy was suffering with the same thing for 38 years check it out here's why i respect the guy so much he kept coming to the pool day after day after day after week after month after year believing god for a miracle i celebrate his faith listen i want to applaud you and i want to commend some of you have gone through some of the deepest and darkest things in your life sexually abused and you keep coming to church sunday after sunday after sunday after sunday i applaud you most people wouldn't keep praying keep attending keep fasting believing that god is going to turn things around i applaud your faith listen you have no idea what people in our church people outside of the the pain and the body of christ and they come every single sunday we don't know their story we don't know their pain physically abused by a husband or a wife 38 years this guy coming to the pool think of the discouragement think about somebody probably came and said hey man hang in there how much more time do i got 28 years left i think i would have called it quits i applaud you i speak grace and hope into your life thank you thank you thank you for coming to the house of god thank you for giving thank you for serving thank you for fasting thank you for praying it's been a long journey it's been a long haul but god's faithful god's faithful let me just say this the length of your condition the length of your trial the length of your storm is not predicated on the absence of god listen god's going to come through for you yeah it's been two years it's been four years it's been five years i know but god is gonna come through god will turn things around on your behalf hey pastor steve when is that gonna happen i don't know keep coming keep praying keep giving keep serving keeping faithful god is good i promise you he will give you a breakthrough in the name of jesus i know you get tired i get tired too i've told you the hardest 18 months of our lives i've wanted to quit we got to keep pressing in keep pressing in keep pressing in no matter how bad the diagnosis is no matter how dire your situation is no matter how it looks like your family is falling apart your marriage is falling apart we sing the song don't we if god is not if i'm not dead god's not 38 years i just got to get to the pool i got to get to the pool i got to get to the pool condition listen look at me please don't give up listen i know it's hard i know it's hard i know the marriage is hard i know the kids are hard i know the job situation's hard god's going to come through for you do not grow weary listen saint do not grow weary don't lose heart 38 years this guy kept coming to the pool day after day after day believing god was going to come through for him it's never too late turn to your neighbor sits never too late come on it's never too late it's never too late how many know it's never too late thank you god we just celebrate you god that it's never too late it's never too late god his condition number two is cure his cure his cure his remedy his solution verse six when jesus saw him lying there saw that he had been in that condition for a long time jesus said to him oh such a bummer man jesus said to him i'll be praying for you jesus said to him here's a couple bucks go to in and out get yourself a burger jesus said to him hope things turn around no he said in verse six do you want to get well come on does that let's just be honest does that sound like a little insensitive little unkind i haven't been able to walk for 38 years i've been suffering for 38 years i can't get to the pool day after day after day do i want to get well that seems like a bizarre question that seems like a question a parent would ask parents ask the dumbest questions in the world how about this one do you want a spanking yes i would love one right now why would you ask that that's a dumbest yes sign me up right now i want a hard one too how about this one this is a dumb question parents used to ask um i just want to say this before i give you spanking this is gonna hurt me more than it's gonna all the god's people said what tried again all the god's people said this is just as bad so i'm gonna give you spanking but one day you're going to come back and you're going to thank me for this so let me just ask a question how many of you went back to your parents 20 years later and said hey dad the time when i remember i jumped off the roof and you spanked me really hard thank you for that never it's a dumb question here's another dumb question parents say this hey if you break your leg don't come running to me how are they to come running to you if they broke their legs so this seems like a really dumb question like i can't walk i can't get to the pool it's obvious do you want to get well seems bizarre to me doesn't that seem like strange notice he didn't say do you want to get better you want to feel better because check it out ice cream makes me feel better getting a massage a pedicu i've never had a pedicure a medicare come on is there any men in the house that have actually had a pedicure manicure raise your hand right now i want to pray for you in the name of jesus just i'm just kidding i'm kidding oh i heard it like somebody just got one the other they're like you gotta do it it feels amazing i'm like i know but it just seems see it seems feminine feminine it just seems but a massage makes me feel better ice cream makes me feel better in and out makes me feel better he didn't say do you want to feel better he says you want to get well you want to know what some i've been pastoring 31 years some people don't want to get better they don't i'm telling you they don't like the whole covet thing my friend uh pastor bernie lompo came down with sharon with our staff and he has a big wig in the church that is pretty high up at the chumash casino they're solving and uh they're trying to hire 500 people you haven't you seen this all the rest are trying to hire because no people are like no i'm good man i'm making it just as much money sitting home playing video games in my pajamas why do i need to go to work they don't want to get better do you know people like this like they always have an issue they're always sick they always have this and hey pray for me i'm going through this another type of time and there's issue after issue after issue and you see them you're like oh here comes the issue and they got like i'm just trying to avoid those people why why do a lot of people they always have an issue because they get attention and if they get well if they get healed if they get better they lose the attention so check it out it's actually a good question because not everybody wants to get well he says do you want to get well huh not everybody wants to get well reminds me the guy used to work out with the bali so i used to work at bally's before it closed down for three years and sometimes i go in the early morning and do like a crossfit workout sometimes i go at lunchtime sometimes i go and i saw this this guy was there all the time i don't know what's his name i do but i'm not going to say he might be in the service right now let's just call him bill but i would see bill all the time and uh again morning workout bill's there talking to people and i go at lunch time sometimes bill's there evening bill's there the guy's always there always there but i'm looking at bill and i'm going dude your physique is not indicative of how much time you spend at bali's so i started to follow bill just like check him out and stuff and i noticed he never worked out no he didn't he he would get the jacuzzi for a little bit he'd be over there reading the paper on the treadmill by the way i told you can't read and work out if you're reading and working out that it's not a workout but he'd be over there like it was something like the treadmill was like on 0.1 he's barely moving just reading the paper that he was talking all the girls and stuff and i realized after a couple weeks he didn't go to the gym to work out he didn't go to get swole he didn't want to get bigger and better and he was there for a bunch of other reasons he was trying to pick up girls and 31 years there's a lot of people that come to church every sunday it's amazing you're a lot of bills in the body of christ we don't want to get better it doesn't matter how well we preach what kind of speakers we bring in how awesome the worship is people's just like it's like when i i've been to the dentist different dentists over the years and they say the same thing those dental hygienists to me every time i really want to encourage you to what yeah and guess what i know [Applause] i i don't it doesn't matter what you do to conv i'm not gonna floss you can give me like a little superman floss thing that's not gonna motivate me i don't like i don't like marvel or any of that stuff so it doesn't matter you could show me a picture of a little johnny that never flossed and now has he's got aids or something i'm not i'm not i'm not gonna floss i will and that's a lot of people at church i will not change oh i'm so good man lisa harper was just so amazing what a powerful message i just love that song i love when like genesis and keenan start doing that thing there [Applause] i do too and we have brought in some amazing worshipers so many people every week come to church it doesn't matter how fired up we are and how awesome and anointed the worship is people just like i'm not going to change you know what i've learned a lot of people want their situation to change they want other people to change but they don't want to change you we want we want our finances to change but we want to serve and give and be generous and tithe i don't want to do all that stuff but i want i want to make more money i want to get moved up the corporate i mean i'd like to be a boss or a supervisor or manager at my work okay how about getting on time having a good attitude working hard being punctual see we want the blessing and the benefit but we don't want to change oh oh i'm getting in trouble right now [Applause] we want our spouse to change he just drives me craziness snoring in the middle of nine she's just always nagging me and she's getting her act again she just really i got a whole list of stuff that she needs to change about her how about this there's a great prayer to pray david said psalm 51 created me a clean heart of god and see if there's any wicked in me and renew unto me the joy of my salvation we're just like pointing they need a job pastor needs a chance to do they knew boss needs to change my kids and you my parents need a chain you know the biggest problem in my life is not you not my kids not my staff not my wife so that's a great question do you want to get well do you want to get well ask your neighbor do you want to get well do you want to get well do you want to get well it's a great question do you want to get well notice what the paralytic says verse 7. by the way when jesus asks a question he's never looking for information he knows everything he's trying to draw something out i'll prove it to you ready adam adam where are you in the garden right that he knew where adam was cain cain cain came where's your brother abel he knew that he killed him ezekiel can these dry bones live john chapter four who who who touched me hearing the text said the invalid do you want to get well he's trying to draw something out he's trying to draw something out so we asked ourselves do you really want to get well do you really want your finances to turn around all right here's what you need to do he's trying to draw something out he says i have no one to help me in other words jesus you don't really understand the protocol around the pool i've been doing this for like 38 years i'm here every day you don't get it i keep trying to put my resume out and every time i put my resume out somebody else beats me to it and have you do you understand the market here in ventura county i mean we have we have we have some a couple people moving in from out of town that we brought on our staff and they put in an application for how 64 other applicants do you know how hard it is do you know how hard it is to man i just like somebody's making all these excuses like well i'd like to get in the pool but i just like and you you want to know where breakthrough begins is when our excuses end yeah yeah but you just don't you don't really understand you know you know my boss that i work for you don't understand my wife or my husband my kids my situation you don't understand my neighborhood i got nobody to help me in the pool you don't understand like the high school that i graduated from the neighborhood that i live in my financial condition and i mean god doesn't really care about our excuses at the end of verse 70 says the guy says well i'm trying to get in someone else goes down ahead of me in other words i can see i can see the breakthrough but i can't i can't reach it oh that's that's painful when i i thought i was gonna get married and we were engaged and then two weeks before the wedding she called it off we've been trying to have kids for many years we just found out that we're pregnant and but then we had a miscarriage and i see all these other people around me that they're having kids and we're trying to do it right and honor the lord and i can just i can see being a parent but it's not it's not happening the job i and i thought i had the job i thought i thought i'd get accepted to the college that i was going to accept like i can do you want to know how painful it is to be able to see something but not lay hold of it so he says like nobody's nobody's helping me into the pool i've tried 38 years i've tried day after day try come on how many have tried to be nicer me too man like i'm trying to be more patient in traffic please extend your hand this way please like pray for say dear lord help pastor steve not murder other drivers i mean there are some really bad drivers like bad how did you pass your dmv test come on raise your hand if you think there's some bad drivers some of them the ones that have their hand up right now are actually the ones that i'm talking about so i'm trying to be more patient i'm trying to be less angry i'm trying to be rich at it last night like uh i'm trying to be less controlling so like the whole robbery i'm like no we're gonna we'll figure this i'm gonna make it we're gonna we're gonna make it up we're gonna figure it out i'm gonna drive to texas i'm gonna have a conversation with him he's gonna come out here and i'll get in the car and i'm like i'm out of control i can't do it i've tried i've tried the tithe it didn't didn't work i did it for like two weeks but it didn't work i tried to work on my mirror tried to raise these kids how many tried to lose weight tried to lose him come on it's just me that's the safe place right yeah i tried i tried i've tried it i've tried ever i tried keto i tried atkins i've tried low carb no carb high carb i tried we have somebody um close to us i'm not going to mention their name but they they're on a carnivore diet it's just only meat i'm like dude that is awesome awesome and if you're if you're a vegetarian awesome thank you that's just more meat for me but um well there's just all kinds of diets right there's all kinds i've tried to lose weight and a friend told me a couple years ago he said hey um it's just all about making the right choices and it's called portion control and just eat eat and once you get full stop here's the problem i've never found full huh so i tr like i tried i tried all that i tried to be a good husband tried to be a good wife tried to be a good parent tried to be a good student tried to be a good i tried all that and let me know that we're not in the trying business as believers we're in the trusting business we're in the trusting bid we trust god and that's what i love about the passage because they're surrounded at a pool with a bunch of messed up people in a place called bethesda that's called the house of mercy in the house of grace and we're not about just trying i mean yeah we got to try some things but i mean we serve a god that is merciful and gracious and and yeah do your part you have a part i preach out all the time i have a part but i know that god has the harder part and uh trying i'm trying jesus i'm trying i've been at the pool every day i'm trying check out what jesus says in verse eight we doing all right he says in verse 8 then jesus said get up pick up your mat and walk check out three things he said get up turn your number say get up get up get up get up hey sometimes our deliverance and healing and our breakthrough is not convenient sometimes it's not comfortable we got to get up it's time to break protocol it's time to do something different it's time to get out of the box you can't get better you'll never change you're always going to be sick until you get up and when you get up you're going to prove people wrong and you're going to prove yourself like i don't know i could get up yeah come on shout it out get up this morning it's time to get up i'm not talking about physically i already had my cappuccino no no it's time to get up spiritually he says get up what's the second thing he says look at the text get up what's the second thing pick up pick up hey when i was a rookie pastor like new green behind the ear i would i would tell people hey god's never going to ask you to do something that you can't do he's never gonna ask you to do something that's too difficult that was me as a rookie pastor now that i'm a a very wise sage after been in ministry for 31 years i don't say stupid stuff like that because oftentimes god asks you to do things that are ridiculous that are out of the box are like i i cannot do that and he says no no no pick it up pick up come on say it pick up get up number two pick up pick up pick up pick up naaman naaman hey i want you to dip in a dirty river hey um how about a clean one no it's gonna be the nile it's dirty once nope two nope seven times what yeah i want you to i want you to do something out of the box here the invalid 38 years i want you to stand up the guy with the withered hand jesus says i want you to stretch out your hand peter peter get out of the boat i want you to walk on water what i mean that's pretty hard to do you don't believe me go home today jump in your bathtub fill it up and try just try to walk across the tub and he asked peter to do something absolutely ridiculous get up pick up and then here's the third thing what does the tech say walk think about this he's at the pool for 38 years stuck and i mean he's at a disadvantage because the the bible says that he said to jesus i have nobody that helped me into the water so when there is a stirring of the water if you're if you're blind you can at least hear the water and boom the first person in gets healed i mean the more people that are around the pool the less chances you are to get healed it's like playing the lottery that's why i don't play the more people play the lottery the less chances you have at winning so the water's stirred and the guy's there i think this is my time this is my time this is my time and then boom somebody else beats him to the pool did you imagine 38 years just being stuck i'll give it another shot tomorrow but he said the pool stuck stuck stuck stuck and then jesus shows up and jesus shows up and he's been stuck for 38 years and jesus says get up pick up your mat and walk we have a big kitchen right out there don't go in there you're not supposed to go in there um we got a coat on it now because people go in there and steal stuff i know it's bad but we put in we put in these censored lights because um sometimes our staff or whoever volunteer would go in there and leave the light on and it could be left on friday set am i telling you yeah bambi will tell you three days like hey you ain't paying the electric bill turn the light off so we're like we went to the censored lights so they said we put these sensor lights in there and so remember the first day they said the sensor in there so i got to the to the door and i was like [Music] it doesn't turn on you got it you got to get in yes you have to walk into the room and boom the light goes on so you say hey get up and walk i said it earlier god has to part his part is the hardest part by the way he's got to heal he's got to deliver he's got a set for he does all that but i have a part to play i got to move i got to walk i got to take a step i got to believe god for healing i got to get out of my comfort zone and i gotta make a decision to walk to walk to walk come on i gotta get up god's been he the enemy has you down for too long time to get up and walk in obedience and i love this verse 9 it's so good verse 9 says at once let's say it out loud at once new living translation says instantly the message version says he was healed on the spot new king james says immediately look at me look at me steve i've been dealing with this so long i know but today at once you've been addicted for too long at once immediately instantly healed on the spot i believe that i believe that today here verse three here here right now in this service here and now god's breaking through i know but i i tried 12-step program and i did pretty good for a little bit and then i got back into my addiction i know but this is it man it's over immediately instantly now our order it's over like today is the day we had an amazing time last night we had an amazing time on thursday night but today is the new day and he is the same yesterday today and forever so i gotta wake up and get up and walk immediately hey you've been struggling with that addiction for too long you've been depressed for too long and today at once immediately instantly god is gonna break through on your behalf immediately immediately come on say it all out immediately hey let me just say you know what blows me way about the text [Applause] 38 years i think 30 38 years now notice what the text says in verse 1 that jesus is going to a festival this is a big deal so jesus is going to the festival right he's got to get there there's going to be some offering and some worship this guy's been struggling for 38 years do you know how long jesus ministry lasted three who said three yeah i got a free coffee for you who said it why are you why are you clapping for that that was amazing okay wasn't that great it was awesome but it wasn't that good so hey check it out he's 38 years the guy's in his condition jesus only has three and a half years of ministry so this is what really impresses me going to the temple jesus goes out of his way to minister to one hold on hold on i don't know i people used to quote john 3 16 to me all the time whatever for god's sake yeah yeah but you know how many people there are in the world it's like 7 billion people well that's great he loves the world and then someone said no put your name in there for god said love steve so jesus goes out of his way to minister to the one jesus is here today could it be that he's here today for the person that didn't even plan on coming to the conference to the person that's here today that you almost slept in you had to work and at the last second your employer let you off you came in late you sat in the back god went out of his way just for you and notice what i love about this we think sometimes that god's only impressed with like the presentable parts of our life he's only interested in the big people the rich wilkersons the lisa harper's the fill in the blanks now he's he goes out of his way and finds the guy that's been suffering for 38 years the most messed up person he goes oh i'm taking time out of my schedule to minister to the one so the person in the room that's had the worst upbringing to the one that was sexually abused [Music] to the one that can't get to the water jesus said it's okay i'm bringing the water to you i am the living water this sermon in particular is for people in the room that feels stuck hey i've told you we don't serve a microwave god i get ticked when my popcorn takes more than three three minutes and 30 seconds like i said i'm in pain i want stuff now so when i we don't serve microwave god we serve a god that's into marinating uh but this is for a sermon for the sermon for people that feel stuck today maybe it hasn't been 38 years but it's been 30 years or 8 years or 3 years and you're like i don't know how much longer i can do this but grace is here grace is here grace showed up today the living water is here [Music] so listen carefully if that's you you're just man i'm so stuck i'm stuck in my finances i'm stuck in my marriage i'm stuck in my i got an illness got a diagnosis over my life i just feel stuck i just dragged myself to this conference they really didn't want to come i've been stuck for a long time if that's you listen carefully i want you first to stand to your feet get up would you get up just get up get up get up this is for you i know you can't get to the water the water's coming to you hold on hold on let's not clap for a second so just get up get up get up get up here it is listen ready pick up pick up in your mind's eye pick up whatever has been it's interesting that jesus said pick up your mat because that's been carrying him for a long time and the lord said no no no what used to carry you now i want you to carry i i've said there's people like hey hey hey how you doing well under the circumstances hey how you doing under the circumstances how you doing well what are the circumstances despite the circumstance like how about this get out from under the circumstances and pick up and listen listen look at me some of you been you've been carrying insecurity for too long fear for too long anxiety for too long your addiction for too long so in your mind's eye pick it up say that's not carrying me anymore listen shame there's some ladies in here you had an abortion it's under the blood of jesus stop letting the enemy beat you up it's covered by the blood as far as the east is from the west come on shame stop caring shame oh i tried to do the best i could raising my kids but they just like turned i just and your stuff and just maybe all the way to the front just meet me at the front i'm up here too i'm up here too [Music] get up pick up walk all the way to the front and the middle here there's a there's a ton of people here all the way to the front spirit of the living god is in this place hallelujah hallelujah if you can push all the way to the front like to the stage there [Music] you go see back here how many people are coming down a lot of people get up pick up walk thank you [Music] my heart breaks for you i don't know your story and i'm so sorry man did rich kill it talking about heisman there's so many lows so many lows god where were you in the lows where were you in the disappointment where were you in the discouragement where were you in the divorce god i don't understand it i feel i've been stuck for so long but god knows god knows all the pain he's turning it around for his glory and for your good all of the unanswered questions that you have god's going to answer them today is the day immediately at once healed on the spot delivered on the spot in the name of jesus lift your hands to heaven father in the name of jesus and if you're not up here you're sitting in your chair i'm going to invite you to stand your feet and extend your hand this way in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus thank you holy spirit for your presence thank you that you're here where two or three people are gathered in your name you're here we give you all the thanks and all the praise i lift up your sons and daughters my brothers and sisters god who have felt stuck for days and weeks and months and for some years and decades we pray for healing at once deliverance at once breakthrough at once immediately instantly in the name of jesus we give you thanks we give you praise hallelujah hallelujah you can put your hands down i want everybody standing up here to look at me really quickly i don't have time to do it can i take two more minutes before we sing a song can i take two more minutes i didn't finish the text but verse 14 says after the guy got healed the bible says in verse 14 that jesus found him at the temple what's he doing at the temple what's he doing at the temple why do you go to why do you go to church you go to church to worship so verse 14 he heals the guy at once and then a couple verses later verse 14 jesus sees him at the temple worshiping we're going to do that in just a second because you got to work worship your way you got to worship your way through your addiction worship your way through your disappointment worship your way through the duration of what you're going through and then in verse 15 the bible says that he went out and he started telling everybody what jesus did he worshipped in verse 14 he witnessed in verse 15. so we're going to worship right now then when you get out of here you're going to say you know what i went to this church today i went to a conference and i want to tell you what god did in my life and let the redeemed of the lord say so you ready to worship jesus we're going to sing one of my favorite songs right now called the mercy of god mercy mercy he's a god of mercy and grace and around the pool are some broken people i'm to stand with you are some broken people and we need the mercy of god we need the grace of god i want you to give god your best praise right now as we sing the song the worship team is going to lead us right now just hands extended to him thank you game come on let's be like the invalid of 38 years when god broke through he went to the temple and he worshipped let's worship the lord thank you lord hey i'm steve abraham the pastor of new life oxnard thank you for watching our youtube channel you can join us live every sunday for a new sermon and live worship also be sure to take a minute to subscribe and turn on your post notifications so you don't miss any of our new videos or live streams and please share with a friend if you would like to partner with us in furthering the gospel please click the link 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Channel: New Life Oxnard
Views: 592
Rating: 4.6363635 out of 5
Keywords: New Life Oxnard, Pastor Steve Abraham, New Life Worship, Oxnard, Steve Abraham, New Life Community Church, Ventura County, LA County, Los Angeles, Steve abraham, New Life, Jesus, Church, community, Pastor Steve, Worship
Id: ty9Js7UT54w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 18sec (3258 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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