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[Music] enter your feed for the reading of the word of god second samuel chapter nine some of you are so sophisticated with phones and ipads i'm impressed by you uh but i i just like i'm old school i'm i guess because i'm old but uh i just like holding a book in my hand because i can circle it and underline it and all that stuff and there's just an anointing on this book right here how many thankful for the word of god huh are you thankful for the word of god david asked is there anyone still left to the house of saul to whom i can show kindness for jonathan's sake stop everybody look up here how about a little you're like you always do that you read a couple verses and stop then you read a couple of verses and stuff okay so when you start your church you can do it how you want but here's what i know there's a lot of new people in the church there's a lot of people that have no idea what like sec like if you've never even been to second samuel it'll take you like three minutes to get the second samuel you had to look at the table contents defining second samuel so there's a lot of new people here and i just wanna give you a little background before we go on to verses two through thirteen because you don't just like read david ask is there anyone still left to the house of saul who's david who saul whom i can show kindness who's jonathan so how about a little background ready saul was the first king of israel got it good good guy bad guy bad guy right and he was good looking and tall and all those like like your pastor um but he was sorry i couldn't even get through that without laughing um so he was but a bad guy he was a prideful and arrogant and he was the first king over israel and he was chosen based on his size and his stature and his looks and he was the very first king and then god's like now you're not the guy david's my guy and you know you know about david don't you he wrote 73 of the 150 psalms he killed a lion and a bear pretty awesome when's the last time you pulled that off uh killed lionel wrote half of the all of the psalms awesome man of god and he wasn't even like his dad's first choice he was like out in the shepherd and he's like hey do you have any sons that we can turn the kingdom over because saul is going sideways and so they they kind of march seven kids in front of me he's like no no no no god's like no no no do you have anybody else yeah like i got a 17 year old kid he's just out in the pasture and he's like a nobody and he's like he's my man by the way there's a sermon right there you think you're insignificant you think you're ordinary you just might be god's man or woman for the job in fact god chooses the ordinary the unusual like i would have never thought i would be doing this i was petrified of standing in front of people in high school or college i had to do a couple speeches at moore park college i'm like i am not the guard for the job god's like i want you so david david's the guy he's number two now to complicate matters saul has a son named jonathan and saul tried to kill david who's the second king and what complicates thing is that saul who was trying to kill david his son jonathan and david are best friends so john's jonathan's liking a pickle it's like my dad trying to pick off my best friend and so in battle saul the first king dies and his son jonathan dies and now david's on the throne that's first one i just thought i would help you now there was a servant of saul's household named ziba everyone says iba they summoned him to appear before david and the king said to him are you zyba at your service he replied the king answered is there still no one alive from the house of saul to whom i can show god's kindness ziba answered the king they were still the son of jonathan he is lame in both feet now it's bad enough if you're lame in one foot but to be lame in how many feet verse four where is he the king asked is iba answered he is at the house of maekar son of amiel and lodibar lodibar so king david had him brought from lodibar from the house of mack her son of amiel when mephibosheth son of jonathan the son of saul came to david he bowed down to pay him honor david said mephibosheth i didn't notice he says what at your look at me look at me that's a great way to respond to the king by the way when the king our king summons us calls us tries to get our attention it's appropriate to say at your service this is your servant god we're listening what can i do for you how can i serve you how can i be more generous huh is that good verse seven don't be afraid david said for i will surely show you kindness for the sake of your father jonathan i will restore to you all the land all the land not some of it not most of it not the majority of it all the land that belonged to your grandfather saul and you will always not some of the time not most of the time but how often always eat at my table and the mephibosheth bowed down and said what is your servant that you should notice a dead dog like me then the king summoned ziba saul stewards and said to him i have given your master's grandson everything that belonged to saul and his family you and your sons and your servants are to farm the land for him and bring in the crops so that your master's grandson may be provided for and mephibosheth grandson of your master will always that's like the third time that word always has been used always eat at my table now ziva had 15 sons and 20 servants then zyba said to the king your servant will do whatever my lord the king commands the servant to do so mephibosheth ate at the david's table like one of the king's sons mephibosheth had a young son named micah and all the members of ziba's household were servants of mephibosheth and mephibosheth lived in jerusalem because he always ate at the king's table he was lame in both feet lord i thank you for the word of god the bible says that the grass withers and the flower fades but the word of the lord stands forever we thank you lord god as the word of god is preached it does not return void so god we open up our hearts we open up our mind we open up our emotions we open up our spirit to hear what the holy spirit might speak to us this morning about bless the reading the application the hearing the study of the word of god it's in jesus name we pray and everyone said amen amen you may be seated you ready how many are ready i said are you ready there's 11 people that said i'm ready let me try it again let me try it again this section over here you ready all right let's dive in let's dive in the three things that the lord showed me out of the text here hopefully you're taking notes hopefully you're taking notes if you're not taking notes please take notes just three things and i'll be out you're out of your way we'll go to lunch or something hang out three things i want you to notice in the text number one i want you to see that mephibosheth was crippled by a fall he was crippled by a fall the end of verse 3 says he was lame and how many feet and both feet now here's the question that as i studied the passage i'm like well what happened to mephibosheth that he would be lame in both feet well check out this passage of scripture you'd have to go back a couple chapters five in particular second samuel chapter four verse four to find out how he was crippled the bible says in samuel 4 4 look up here on the screen it says saul's son jonathan had a son named mephibosheth who was crippled as a child he was five years old do we have any parents in the house that have a five-year-old five-year-old five-year-old dave can you imagine so you got a five-year-old and when the report came from jezreel that saul and jonathan had been killed in battle when the child's nurse heard the news she picked him up picked up mephibosheth and fled but as she hurried away she dropped him and he became crippled he got it so there's a war going on his father jonathan gets killed his grandfather saul the first king gets killed and the nurse is freaking out because they think that like they're going to be next so she grabs this five-year-old son you got this picture i'm like a picture guy i'm a visual guy and she's running and she's got this five-year-old in her hand and for whatever reason i don't know if she was wearing flip-flops or her feet were too big but she falls and drops the five-year-old kid so much so that he's crippled in both feet but when i read the text i thought i mean if he's just like if if they're just like this like he drops him two feet like there's no way that he can be crippled in both feet if it's just like a two-foot dropper but it had to be maybe off of a balcony or a second story but whatever the reason is that the nurse had dropped him now i want to say this do you know that probably ninety percent of the things in our lives listen this is important 90 percent of the problems in my life the issues in my life i caused probably 90 of the problems in my life are because of dumb decisions that i made i wish i could blame it on my parents my dad never went to my little league games well his dad didn't even know he was on a little league team and i wanted to blame my parents and my teacher and my boss and my no 90 of the problems in my life were created by me and i would also say 90 of the problems in your life were created by you true or false come on there's a there's an honest church today and again we'd love to blame in our culture we live in a blame culture but no the reason i've had a lot of problems because i've made some dumb decisions it was my action and my behavior and my attitude that caused me to be in the predicament that i'm in huh and you too however there is a ten percent so some of the problems were caused because i dropped myself but there is a 10 of the issues the problems in my life that were created not by me but someone dropped me i want to talk to someone this morning that was dropped by someone your parents dropped you you have no idea everyone's in my wife and i are here for our youth service you have no idea the stories when when you talk to some of the kids on our youth it'll blow you away no parents bad parents abusive parents some of you were dropped by your parents some of you were dropped by a first husband or a second wife you didn't do anything they dropped you they cheated on you and mephibosheth was in the situation in his life not because of anything that he did he's in a situation because someone dropped him dropped him think about that one situation one moment one one event in mephibosheth's life that he didn't even create that someone else created changed the rest of his life where's our young people at in the church i'm talking to you we have any junior high high school kids would you look at me for a second in fact i want you to stand up right now i don't even do this in the first i want to praise god for come on all the junior high high schools thank you for being in church by the way thank you for being in church stay standing i just want to talk to you forget about your parents right now i just want to talk to you because i know when i was in junior high school i thought it was nobody tells me what to do doing my own thing stay out of my life i'm just here's what i just want to say this one thing you can make one decision in your life one bad decision one bad night and it can ruin the rest of your life or it can alter or affect the rest of your life and all the parents are nodding their head right right right so you can go out at after a dance or something and sleep around with him or her and you can get pregnant and listen kids are a great thing but not when you're 16 years old and you go out and just party with your friends and stuff and get in a car and one accident either you get injured someone else in the car gets injured or if you're driving the vehicle you you cause a wreck and you kill that person and the rest of your life you're in jail or prison i'm saying one event in mephibosheth's life changed his life forever so listen i know that i'm old and i'm bald and i'm gray and i'm all that i'm just saying i've lived life and i know when i was 13 or 16 or 17 i my parents didn't know jack but i'm just saying one bad decision in your life can ruin the rest of your life and all the parents said so listen i'm just encouraging you i'm asking you i'm begging you i'm beseeching you make the right decision amen you may be seated thank you they're like i will never stand in the service again i'm never coming to this church again i hate this place why did you make me come to this service no it's true one event so last i mentioned last week we we drove to texas and you remember gene maguire he he shared his testimony here a couple of years ago we he went to a tcu football game with us and i'm just amazed when i was around him again and hearing his story and if you don't know anything about gene's story it's a true story but he was like 17 years old and him and his cousin and another friend went out and they're drinking and stuff and and he's in the car they pull up to a bar he didn't know this but his cousin decided to rob the bar so he goes and gene just stays in the car his friend goes his cousin goes and robs the the bar there's a little resistance there's a little fight that ensues between the owner and his cousin and he stabs the owner of the bar to death now because gene is in the car his cousin comes back they get in the car and they take off and now he's a an accomplice and he spends 34 years of his life in prison for something that he didn't do listen to just one night hanging out with the wrong people one night doing the wrong thing and it's affected his life forever and so mephibosheth was dropped not because of something that he did but because of something someone else did and i want to encourage anyone that has been dropped listen god is on your side god is your redeemer and your condition listen your condition does not have to equal the position that god wants in your life he was dropped though he was dropped he was dropped and some of you were dropped some of you ladies were raped i just i want to be real at church today some of you at six seven eight nine years old by the way that's why we have children's ministry you should probably have your kids in the service for delicate issues like this but no at six or seven or eight who would have thought that an older uncle a step parent took advantage of you boy or a girl and it affected your life for the rest of your life crippled by a fall you ready for some good news point number two you're like it's heavy right now i know we're getting to the good news number two is sought by a king crippled by a fall sought by a king muhammad are grateful that god seeks us check this out verse three and four the king asked is there no one still alive from the house of assault whom i can show kindness ziba answered the king they were still a son of jonathan he is lame in both of his feet where is he the king asked ziva answered he is at the house of my car son of amiel in lodibar lodibar can i can i break that word download the bar can i can i break it down you want to take some notes here let me just share a couple things about lodibar the name lodibar actually means two different things number one it means the place of no pasture the place of no pasture you might want to write that down lodibar the place of no pasture which is interesting because david is the king at the time remember what david writes in psalms 23 verse 2 he says that god lets me lay down by what what kind of pastors green pastures and and the greek there's peace and joy and serenity contrast that with mephibosheth is in lodibar which is no pastor so one of the things that we noticed when we drove out to texas to drop my son off is i don't really mind the drive you know when you get through like ontario and all those places except we got a flat tire there um because of a pothole that they didn't fix but that's another sermon altogether it was three and a half hours delayed do you think i'm upset about that yes um but it it's that dr lis it's that drive from palm springs to phoenix you know how many have been in that that ten who lives out there i'm driving i'm like indeed why would you choose to live in india and we have some people in the navy that you got stationed in 29 palms what are you doing why would you send me out there that's right next to hades no it's like india 29 paul you know what to talk about and then you you get out a little further and it's like we you they're out there it's like barstow people and i lean to my wife and like it's amazing that people choose to live out here have you ever been to like vegas that way 15 through vegas you don't stop there if you're a christian no you know like out it's like yeah it's it's baker baker cat where do you live i live in baker blyth needles and i'm like we're moving to baker why because we can get a house for how much it's like seven grand i know but it's you're living in needles california and but i'm just amazed that some people live out there listen one commentator said about lodibar it actually the commentator said it's an old testament ghetto town i want to know what is the king's grandson doing in a place of no pasture he's the right guy in the wrong place could it be that you're the right person in the wrong place you're a son or a daughter of the most high god but you're you're in lodobar a place of no pastor not only doesn't mean a place of no pastor secondly means a place of no communication no communication look at me look at me some of you have been dropped so hard so bad it was so devastating and so deep that you've never told a single person your best friend doesn't know the pastors of the church doesn't know your life group leader doesn't know see you were taken advantage of you were abused you were molested and what happened to you was so intense you were dropped so hard that you have never said a thing because the pain is too and if you were to tell somebody they wouldn't believe you or understand so what have you done for 20 years 15 years 10 years 35 years 40 you kept silent and you've wanted to tell someone so much i know the enemy wants to keep you silent listen today is the day today's the day to start giving your testimony today is the day to tell someone hey today's the day to stop being silent today is the day to give god some praise today is the day to shout unto god with a voice of triumph come on shout and the walls are going to fall down shout and the walls are going to fall down come on open up your mouth right now shout and the walls are going to come down i believe it in jesus name see when you've been dropped so hard you don't want to testify you don't put it on social media you don't tell anybody it's too too painful to hurt i mean you're married to someone they don't even know your best friend doesn't know because you've been dropped so bad but today is the day to say you know what i'm not going to be silent anymore not only going to shout to god with the voice of triumph i'm going to tell someone that i love and respect i want to tell a pastor a small group leader and this is what happened to me because the enemy's trying to keep me silent but listen i'm going to give my testimony god is faithful and i am getting out of lodobar cause i've been sought by a king i've been shot by a king listen it's time to get out of low to bar turn to somebody say you got to get out a load a bar i got to get out of fear i got to get out of loneliness i got to get out of poverty i get out of i got to get out of discouragement i got to get out of depression i cannot stay and load a bar any longer because if i stay in lodibar too long it starts to affect how i live my life it'll mess with you so i got to get out come on turn your neighbors i got to get out crippled by a fall sought by the king check out verse 4. where is he the king asks i've answered he is at the house of mike our son of amiel notice the king knows exactly where he's in lodibar he's in lodibar man this is going to encourage you would you look at me for a second god knows exactly where you're at right now i'm not saying like physically 1251 northwest avenue second service no no no he knows your condition he knows your situation he knows your circumstances he knows your pain not only does he know it he's pursuing you like some some of you pursuing you for the first time you've never invited jesus christ as the lord and savior of your life he'd been pursuing you and you came today because somebody lied to you and said you're they're taking you to breakfast and they showed up at this place but however you got here listen god's been pursuing you and check it out about the pursuit of god you can't run from him the bible says you go to the deepest parts of the earth and god is there so you might be able to skip out on god for a day or a week but you cannot run from him he loves you he knows where you're at and he's pursuing you i was telling the first service probably seven or i don't know eight or nine i don't know how many years ten years ago our offices were offside it was kind of over by the collection there and i was driving home from the collection down ventura road you know where the cowboys practice over their inventory road and i just noticed this car pulls over this car pulls over another car pulls over i kind of moved to the side and i'm like there must have been like a cyclist got run over or there was an accident i pull off to the side there's like bunch of cars right there and i stop and i roll down my window i'm watching and then a guy gets out of his car and he starts chasing this little chihuahua now there's five or six cars on the side of the road and the other car they're like i stopped and got 45 50 miles an hour down the road and this guy's out he's chasing after his chihuahua look she looked like lucy i'm gonna call her lucy and try to get and then not only that he's like i'm like dude what are you doing you're getting hit by a car not only that but then some of the other cars that pull off to the side they get out of their car and they're all out of the car pursuing little chihuahua lucy trying to now don't send me any emails okay i'm not a big pet person that's just me somebody over there like oh i'm just not i'm not a big pet person but listen if it if i if it was my dog if i had a dog i'm just this is me don't send me any emails this is just me this is my pastor not a pet person i'm like i ain't getting out of my car maybe it's time for lucy to go see jesus that's what that's i'm sorry and if it's a cat i'm definitely not getting out of the car cause cats cats aren't in heaven dogs maybe cats are not in heaven i promise you no i'm i'm just highly allergic but i'm like what are all these people like risking their life for this little chihuahua it was no it was crazy it was ridiculous then i thought man what a relentless pursuit for this little dog but then the king of kings he left the comfort of heaven he came to this earth for three three and a half years he had full-time medicine but 33 years and he was beaten and criticized and ridiculed and mocked and spit on and hung on a cross hung on a cross because it's just it's this irresistible love that he has for us like why would you get out of your car and chase it well because you love lucy i guess and that god left heaven because his relentless pursuit of us and he keeps pursuing us and he keeps coming after us and psalm 23 verse 6 says goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life notice not judgment and punishment no goodness and mercy there was a guy that preached one of the most famous sermons ever and he called psalm 23 verse 6 the hounds of heaven what the hell what what's chasing me goodness and mercy all the days of my life vermont probably 25 years ago i wasn't even a pastor i was a youth pastor i was at a prayer retreat in santa clarita and um i roomed with like four other pastors and i woke up one morning and the pastor next to me said get out get out i'm like what he's all get down right now i'm like i'm being behind my bed like what he said watch out i'm like what he said get down and i thought it was like an angry church member or something i'm like and he saw they're all over me like what are you talking about he said they're licking my face they're all i can't get them away they're all over me i'm like what are you talking about and he said the hounds of heaven i'm like huh he's all the hounds they're licking me and i'm like the hound said he's oh yeah goodness and mercy i'm like dude you need counseling what is your deal and i thought that's really weird but how awesome is that the hounds of having goodness and mercy are falling not judgment and punishment no i'm sought by the king goodness of mercy and favor come on turn to your neighbor and say favor is following you favor's following all the days of your life because i've been sought by the king come on check out verse 5. that's so good [Applause] this is such an easy passage to preach man such a great check out verse five so king david had him brought from where loaded bar no pasture no communication from the house of mack or son of amul so he hadn't brought check this out i'm i'm a visual guy i don't know how i'm gonna get down with these tight jeans on but okay so i'm mephibosheth right so you you can't walk you're crippled so you're in your house one day and you hear a knock on the door who is it open up who is it it's the kingsguards and you're thinking to yourself okay my grandfather died my dad died the new king's coming to get me right you're like trying to hide that's what i would do open up the door who is it the king's guards who are you looking for mephibosheth is he there oh it's me open up the door right now he opens up the door and they say come with me by the way you got a weird name now here's what's amazing about the passage let me fix my pants here's what's amazing about the passage he was dropped by a nurse in order to get to the king he has to be carried by someone else that's scary that's risky somebody dropped me now i gotta trust somebody to carry me to the king and it's a lot further to the palace come on let's just be real in church today isn't it hard to trust people that hurt you isn't it hard to trust people that abandon you isn't it hard to trust people that lied about you isn't it hard come on let's just be real at church said is it hard to trust people that gossip about you isn't it hard to trust people that dropped you oh man i've had people have steve seriously as long as i'm alive i promise you i'm going to be at this church for forever until jesus comes home it's just you i'm i'm right there with you pastor your right-hand guy i promise you we're here gone gone oh my friends they are gone and i say it's hard to trust people again i just got to be honest there's a lot of hurt in church there's a lot of promise that people make they don't follow through and it's hard to trust past tenses this is the most powerful church i'm just awesome we're here to every temperature and then my flesh is like well we'll see isn't it hard to trust again when you've been hurt but this is faith isn't it this faith trusting that i can't listen i can't i can't be cynical the rest of my life i can't live my life in a way i'm never trusting anyone again because i got dropped at one time this is faith i gotta trust god i gotta i gotta trust people as much as i gotta stick myself out there be a little vulnerable but you know what i i can't live my life like paralyzed by they might let me down again so i gotta trust and he did he was dropped by a nurse but he had to trust that the guards would get him to where he wanted to go but i got it listen i got to get out of low to bar because i said it early it load a bar will mess you up and load a bar will affect the kind of person that i am see there's some people like you wouldn't you would have never when you first got saved when you were on fire you would never miss church ever for anything not only church on sunday but first wednesday you were here serving given but you've been a loaded bar so long you're just saying [Music] you going to church tomorrow see check out the nfl schedule see who's on tv oh i'm being honest because you've been a loader bar too long too you've been dropped you're tired of it in church and religious politics and used to be so on fire for jesus serving given fasting praying worshiping now you're like in the back just like whatever sirs what time is he gonna 11 50am he's got 10 more minutes or so already wrap this thing up we're going to go to lunch and and some of you used to be the most positive uplifting hopeful confident strong people on the planet now just honestly like now because you've been a load of art so long just you're depressing to be around no joy no strength no faith no hope no joy you used to have the joy of the lord smile on your face all the time see i i can't stand lotobar because it's affecting my attitude it's affecting my behavior it's it's just messing me up i come on today's the day to pack your bags i got to get out of there i got to get out of loneliness i got to get out of fear i got to get out of insecurity i gotta get out of being afraid i i gotta get out because i've been sought by the king come on here's my favorite part number three here just i will go eat lunch number three restored to the king's table restored to the king's table crippled by a fall shot by the king restored to the king's table verse seven don't be afraid david said i'll surely show kindness for the sake of your father jonathan i will hear this i will restore to you all keyword all in bible college they told me when you got to the word all you need to ask why is the all therefore the reason why the all is therefore because it means notice this god god sang to mephibosheth i'm restoring the whole kingdom to you're going to get everything we're not talking about a happy meal we're talking about a buffet at the venetian hotel in las vegas i'm giving you all everything that belonged to your grandfather saw and notice that you will always eat from my table verse nine then the king summoned ziba saw with steward and said to him i have given your master's grandson what look at your bible everything that belonged to saul and his family verse 10 you and your sons and your servants are to farm the land for him and bring crops so that your master's grandson may be provided for mephibosheth you don't have to do jack you don't have to do anything i got 35 servants of ziba that are going to take care of you the rest of your life this is not a meal a happy meal this isn't like one awesome dinner at mastros on a friday night no this is for the rest of his life and he doesn't have to lift a finger he's got 35 servants that are gonna take care of him is that awesome how come nobody's excited about i'm pretty fired up about that for the rest of his life verse 11 then zyma said of the king your servant will do whatever my lord the command commands his servants to do so mephibosheth eight at the david's table like one of the king's sons like one of the king's sons what did he do to deserve that nothing but he's like it's okay i'm gonna restore you like one of the king's sons in verse 13 and mephibosheth lived in jerusalem because he always ate at the king's table [Music] is anybody in the room making plans to go to heaven come on let me see your hand keep your hand up let me just remind you there's only um two options heaven or hell so david says [Music] i want to invite you to the table again this isn't just a meal a night a week this is for forever so i asked if you're going to heaven you know the bible says in the book of revelation that we're all going to be invited to the banquet table [Music] my friend andy ortega in our church and took me out two years ago for my birthday some somebody we have any foodies in the house foodies there's one of the greatest chefs his name is tom caliglio he's the top chef he has a he's like oh we're going to we're not going out we're going to this place in beverly hills and it's tom colligaleo's restaurant i'm like and i walked in and man i thought masters was good this place was unbelievable we sat down at the table here's the coolest thing about sitting at the table when i sat down they had a placemat and it said happy birthday steve abraham with my name on it when you get to heaven there's going to be a banqueting table and you're going to have a place mat with your name on it so check it out the king invites mephibosheth to the table remember he's crippled and both feet can't walk because he's been dropped but he's like no i've invited you to the table now notice this about the table here when he was invited to the table you couldn't see his feet his crippled feet you couldn't see his weakness you couldn't see his insecurity you couldn't see his past you couldn't see that he was dropped because he was covered hey the lord told me to tell you here's a prophetic word the lord told me to tell you that he's invited you to the banquet table and he's got you covered however listen however you've been dropped in the past however you've been dropped in the past god's got you covered and he says it's time to get out of low to bar it's time to get out of the guilt i didn't even tell you this the name mephibosheth it means [Music] breathing shame that's your name everybody take a deep breath think about that how often we breathe all day just we're breathing shame some of you had an abortion you've just been breathing shame some of you caused the affair and you just been breathing shame some of you took advantage of someone you've been breathing shame some of you caused the divorce some of you cheated on your spouse some of you let your kids down you've been breathing shame for years and years and i came to church to let you know the bible says in romans 8 1 there's therefore now no condemnation to those that are in christ jesus and it's time to stop breathing shame it's time to get out a load a bar it's time to allow jesus who's been seeking you to understand that today he wants to restore you to the king's table again this isn't just one meal one night no this is for a lifetime restored restored here's what god wants to do today he wants to restore you he wants to redeem everything that was taken from you and he doesn't want you to breathe shame he wants you to breathe joy and peace and forgiveness and wholeness and deliverance someone put their hands together because he is a faithful god come on would you stand your feet right now stand your feet and give god some praise in this house come on put your hands together open up your mouth shout unto god with the voice of triumph come on put your hand your best praise come on give god a crazy praise right now we thank you lord god for your grace we thank you for your power we thank you for your anointing we thank you for your restoration hallelujah [Applause] the bible says that god is the glory and the lifter of your head [Music] some have been walking down like this because of the fact that you were dropped or this is something that you did and you just been walking in shame and god says i want you to lift your head up come on lefty in fact let's see let's just lift our head up he's the glory and the lifter of our head father we look to you we don't look at our circumstances we look to you god for all those that have been dropped this morning dropped in their past dropped years ago we've never dealt with it we've never talked about it we've stayed silent we remain quiet [Music] we ask the forgiveness the grace the mercy the delivering power of jesus christ to be our portion today god bring healing bring deliberate spring restoration thank you lord just with your heads bowed there your eyes closed thank you god for your grace and i feel the anointing of the holy spirit in this place right now this is a holy moment unless you have an emergency i want to ask you to stay in this place [Music] i can't even imagine anything being more important than the holy spirit moving right now so i'm gonna ask you don't look at your phone don't talk to anybody near you let's just keep the lights up so i can see thank you i just believe healing is we're just saying on wednesday night healing is in the house miracles miracles are flowing right now in jesus name god's bringing deliverance where there was shame [Music] god's bringing peace because he is the prince of peace [Music] thank you lord thank you father somebody watching the service online right now god's touching you god's encouraging you god's restoring you [Music] and the lord said that he's going to give you houses you not did not build and vineyards you did not plant you don't earn it you don't deserve it but it's a gift it's the grace of god receive it in jesus name receive healing receive forgiveness receive deliverance receive his grace and mercy he knows that you were dropped [Music] he knows that you've been walking with a lot of pain and hurt he knows you don't trust people you can't stay silent anymore you got to get out of low to bar it's affecting your attitude your mindset your behavior your actions your relationships god bring us to the table bring us to the place of restoration thank you lord for your grace hallelujah thank you lord would you just lift up your hands to the lord as you would just be receiving something from him i want to pray a prayer father i thank you as we extend our hands in a place of surrender before you [Music] i thank you for the holy spirit that is here i thank you for grace and mercy and goodness that are following us right now thank you that the hounds of heaven are after us we come against the enemy in the name of jesus we rebuke his work we declare we are sons and daughters of the most high god sons and daughters of the king and god we're leaving low to bar we're packing our bags we're moving out of the place of no substance and the place of no communication got to a cream pasture flowing with milk and honey fill us to overflow and we pray by the power of the holy spirit in jesus name hey i'm steve abraham the pastor of new life oxnard thank you for watching our youtube channel you can join us live every sunday for a new sermon and live worship also be sure to take a minute to subscribe and turn on your post notifications so you don't miss any of our new videos or live streams and please share with a friend if you would like to partner with us in furthering the gospel please click the link below don't forget to subscribe thanks for watching and god bless you
Channel: New Life Oxnard
Views: 200
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: New Life Oxnard, Pastor Steve Abraham, New Life Worship, Oxnard, Steve Abraham, New Life Community Church, Ventura County, LA County, Los Angeles, Steve abraham, New Life, Jesus, Church, community, Pastor Steve, Worship
Id: TGHgWXwlkcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 23sec (2483 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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