Pastor Paul Chappell: Overcomers

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john chapter 16 and we're going to read in just a moment beginning in verse number 29. today we begin a series entitled overcomers and this morning we're going to give the introductory message we're going to teach about the doctrine of overcoming how do we overcome the trials of this life and you're going to love verse 33 when we get there in a moment and then next week we begin taking a biblical character each week for 12 weeks and seeing the trial they faced and how they overcame and i hope that these messages will be encouraging for you i believe they'll be the most encouraging messages we've ever preached in 35 years and i trust it will really help all of us to draw closer to the lord so john 16 verse 29 his disciples said unto him lo now speaketh thou plainly and speak as no proverb now are we sure that thou knowest all things and need us not that any man should ask thee by this we believe that thou camest forth from god and jesus answered them do ye now believe behold the hour cometh yea is now come that ye shall be scattered every man to his own and shall leave me alone and yet i am not alone because the father is with me these things have i spoken unto you that in me you might have peace in the world ye shall have tribulation but be of good cheer i have overcome the world all right let's read that great verse together this is sort of the theme verse of our series verse 33 ready begin these things i have spoken unto you that in me you might have peace in the world you shall have tribulation but be of good cheer let's pray father we ask that you would forgive us for those times when we forget your words for you have told us that tribulation would come and yet we act so surprised when we have troubles and you also have told us that in those times we can know your peace and we can know that you have overcome and so give us that peace and that spirit of the overcomer as we begin this series i pray that friends will come and hear it next week and throughout the study may people find peace in christ is our prayer and we ask it all in jesus name amen you may be seated the disciples were often overcome with fear and trepidation as they listened to jesus speak and you might say well why would they have fear and trepidation because often jesus would say to them things like tear this temple down and in three days i'll raise it up again they didn't want to hear about his crucifixion sometimes he would say i'm going to go away from you but i'll come again but they didn't want to hear about his going away from them they wanted to stand right there with jesus the messiah and conquer those roman soldiers and get some freedom right then and right there that was really kind of the mindset that they had with being a follower of jesus christ and yet as jesus talked many times their heart was gripped with fear that's why in john chapter 14 jesus said to them let not your heart be troubled you believe in god believe also in me in my father's house are many mansions if it were not so i would have told you and i go to prepare a place for you so that where i am there ye may dwell and if i go to prepare a place for you i will come again he would tell them the truth about his leaving them and then give them the comfort that they needed to understand what was happening here we see a combination of hope and fear and sometimes that's how life is there's days of hope there's days of fear and apprehension i remember very vividly after 9-1-1 as fear gripped people's hearts i remember praying with widows of our church who would watch so much television at home that they became convinced that another bomb was coming at any moment and many times people wondered what's going to be the next target how deeply embedded are these terrorists in our country i remember people coming into this newly built auditorium days and weeks after 9-1-1 simply to pray simply to meditate on god's word and to try to find an understanding through it all god began to work and god began to give hope and many even turn to christ but unfortunately as americans a few years down the road we kind of forget what god was doing in those moments and so it was in the disciples lives they would listen they would grow they would doubt they would have fear they were just like us weren't they and jesus comes to them and he begins to prepare them for his death and burial and resurrection in fact in john 16 here in verse 19 the bible says now jesus knew that they were desirous to ask him and send unto them do you inquire among yourselves of that i said a little while and ye shall not see me and again a little while and you shall see me he says is that what you're talking about you're talking about what i said that you're not going to see me then you are going to see me and you're trying to make sense of all of this he says to his disciples there's actually going to come a day when you're going to scatter because of me you're going to be so afraid you're going to be so disillusioned you're going to scatter by the way the bible says let he that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall if you ever meet a christian that acts like they know everything they need to know and they've got it all together then you're probably meeting someone that's putting on a bluff because no one has arrived spiritually these disciples certainly had not arrived spiritually and jesus says to them the day is coming when you'll be scattered every man to his own house and you will leave me alone and that was foreign to their thinking they did not ever anticipate that they would deny or leave the lord jesus as peter for example dead and so this morning we see these men going from hope to fear and not really understanding what jesus was telling them and jesus gives them three truths to help them realize that no matter what happened to them that they were overcomers because of their relationship in jesus christ that because of his presence in their life that they truly lived on victory side even if it looked like the enemy had an advantage even if jesus christ would be crucified even if they couldn't find him that they needed to know that yes in the world you're going to have tribulation but be of good cheer i have overcome the world by the way if there's a place where we should experience some cheer it's in god's house on sunday morning you know we don't need to come around you know just talking about all the bad stuff and all the rest of it ladies and gentlemen i want to remind you this morning in christ we are on the winning side and we need to live that way let me tell you why notice first of all this morning the provision of peace the reason we know that we are overcomers is because god provides peace for his people now i want you to see this verse 33 jesus says these things have i spoken unto you that in me ye might have peace now the first thought i see in verse 33 is the providence of god the providence the word providence means pro video it means to see ahead how many of you know that we serve a god who sees all this before it comes to pass and and he says i have spoken these things unto you i'm not speaking these words to trouble you i'm speaking these words to prepare you i'm trying to tell you there are going to be some tough times i'm going to be crucified i'm going to go away for a while i'm not telling you this to discourage you i'm telling you this to prepare you providence describes god's use of knowledge to plan and to powerfully fulfill his purpose and this is what he was doing he was giving them a little insight into his plan in your notes as ephesians 1 8 it says wherein he hath abounded toward us in wisdom and prudence having made known unto us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure which he purposed in himself and so this term providence it speaks of the foreknowledge of god it is from the greek word prognosis which means to know before and god is simply saying to his disciples i know what's going to happen i know there's going to be a tribulation but be of good cheer because the resurrection will take place after i depart you and i will come again i know that you're going to face some tough times but be of good cheer because i have overcome the world and throughout the bible and we'll see many of these stories in the months to come we're going to learn for example of the story of joseph a man who was sold into slavery by his own brothers a man who was imprisoned a man who was wickedly defeated in egypt and yet somehow through it all god by his providence raises joseph up to be a great ruler in egypt and finally one day those brothers that sold him into slavery they they come to him begging for food they're afraid that he'll recognize them and they're afraid that he will bring vengeance upon them and take their lives and joseph looks at them in joseph 50 and verse 20 and he says as for you you thought it evil against me but god meant it unto good to bring to pass as it is this day to save much people alive he was able to tell them that god had a plan that god overcame the tribulation and that god had a purpose and the bible says in romans 8 28 and we know that all things work together for good to them that love god and to those that are the call according to his purpose and this is based upon the providence of god one of the amazing things about that morning of 9-1-1 was how in the midst of all the tragedy nearly 3 000 lives lost there were many thousands of lives saved and there were many rescued there were some as the planes hit who were delayed uh who were running errands who were uh rescued out of the buildings that were hit the portion of the pentagon that was struck had just been reinforced and stronger steel reinforcements they said spared many many lives had the plane hit any other part of the pentagon the damage would have been much much worse and and what we learned is that even in hardships and trials god's providential care can be seen that god is working through all of the difficulties and so there is peace in knowing the providence of god there's peace in knowing that god is in control i remember when coveted first came and and it just was a roller coaster it seemed like every day talking to attorneys ah they're saying this in sacramento and is that true and and talking to doctors how bad is it and what about this and what about that and we still ask all these questions today trying to lead a church through that time trying to get people to to know god and worship god when when the world seemed to speak against the very concept of that and i remember trying to navigate through the time that that had come upon us and a few months into it i remember getting down on my knees at my study at home and just saying lord it's obvious i don't know what you're doing but i know that you know what you're doing and i know that you saw this before it ever started and i don't really know how to be a pastor in covid they didn't teach me this in bible college so god i'm just gonna trust that you have a plan in this and we're gonna go through this together and come what may up or down come what may trials are difficulty we're going to be faithful lord trusting in your providential plan listen has it ever occurred to you that nothing has ever occurred to god and i don't know what you're facing today but it hasn't caught god by surprise that's why he said these things have i spoken unto you there is peace in the providence of god but there's peace in the person of god in a personal relationship with god notice what it says here in this verse 33 these things have i spoken unto you now catch this that in me ye might have peace in me you might have peace there is not peace in a church there's not peace in a religion there is peace in a relationship personally with jesus christ and that begins at salvation that begins when you turn to jesus and call upon him to be your savior now think of this great verse romans 5 1. therefore being justified by faith we have peace with god through our lord jesus christ before you can have the peace of god you must have peace with god and the only way to have peace with god is through our lord jesus christ you don't get peace with god from the church you get peace with god from jesus the reconciler he's the one that brings us he reconciles us to god it is only through salvation that we can be reconciled notice in your notes romans 5 and verse 10 these words are amazing they say for if when we were enemies we were reconciled to god by the death of his son much more being reconciled we shall be saved by his life and not only so but we also joy in god through our lord jesus christ by whom we have now received the atonement now there's two words i want you to see and a lot of modern translations just take these words and kind of kind of scrub them out or rearrange them but i like words like reconciled and atonement i'd rather tell you the words and then give you the definition because these are great words this morning and i want you to notice the first word is reconcile it means returning to favor with it means receiving one into favor god says through christ though we were not at peace with god through christ we are back in favor with god we can find his favor and then the second word here is atonement it says through christ we have now received the atonement if you are saved you have received atonement and the word atonement means restoration it means to adjust the difference and in our case it means that our sins are atoned for this word really was derived in the 1300s of when two people would come to agreement or be united together in a state of unity it was said that they were at one and that's what atonement means it means that we are at one we are atoned how many of you are glad that you are at one with god this morning if you're saved you have been atoned for and you are at one with god you cannot reject jesus and be at one with god but when you receive jesus you are at one with god and so notice jesus says in verse 33 in me you can have peace if you know jesus you can know peace if you reject jesus there is no peace and this peace begins at salvation and this peace follows you through your life john 14 27 peace i leave with you my peace i give unto you not as the world giveth give i unto you let not your heart be troubled neither be afraid god says in your life my peace i give to you my peace i leave with you and sometimes satan tries to rob that piece and and he tries to discourage us along the way i heard about the story of a fighter in the boxing ring and between rounds his manager would say you're doing a great job champ uh he hasn't laid a glove on you you're doing great he hasn't hit you and the boxer about the third round he was sitting in the corner after that third round and he looked uh up at his trainer he said well you better keep an eye on that referee then because somebody in that ring is beating the daylights out of me you ever have a day like that you just feel like man there's a trial after trial after trial but jesus says i want to give you my peace in the midst of the trial come to christ and be atoned for let him give you his peace how does that happen pastor by his spirit notice in john 15 13 now the god of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing that ye may abound in hope through the power of the holy ghost c.s lewis said god cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from his self because it is not there there is no such thing listen until you receive christ as savior you will never get satisfaction you look for it in the bottle you look for it in the methamphetamine you look for it in the marijuana you look for it in illicit relationship but there is no peace to be known in your heart apart from the peace of god through jesus christ and so god says my peace i give unto you and we see the provision of peace through jesus christ but notice secondly this morning the presence of tribulation someone says well man pastor i'm glad i'm saved and and i'm glad that through christ i'm at peace with god i'm atoned i'm at one but i'm still having trouble there's things going on in our country i just can't fathom there's things in my life that are challenging well notice what it says in verse 33 these things have i spoken unto you that in me you might have peace in the world you shall have tribulation now i love the fact that the bible tells it as it is in the world you're going to have tribulation in fact look there in john 16 and verse 1 jesus said these things have i spoken unto you that you should not be offended they shall put you out of the synagogues yeah the time cometh that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth god service i've read these verses last week again and and i thought to myself wow that's not really the way to get a big following to tell people hey follow me and by the way they're going to think that if they kill you they're doing a really good thing but that's what jesus said he said if you intend to follow me there's not going to be everyone so happy about it in fact the apostle paul when he was saved before he was saved he was persecuting the church he was killing christians and jesus is warning them that jewish leaders would hate them and that they would bring persecution upon them sometimes there is tribulation even in faithfulness in other words when you're being faithful to god sometimes there's going to be tribulation come to your life the presence of tribulation is found in your faithfulness at times and and notice what it says in verse 32 he said behold the hour cometh when and ye now is that ye shall be scattered every man to his own and shall leave me alone jesus is here prophesying that they were going to have times when they were disheartened they would have times when they would scatter and in second timothy chapter 3 and verse 12 he says yea and all that will be godly in christ jesus shall suffer persecution and evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse deceiving and being deceived we are seeing evil men all over our county city and state all over this country and they're waxing worse and worse and those that are godly in christ jesus sometimes suffer persecution i don't like it i'm just telling you that jesus honestly states if you're going to live for me there will be people in this world because they hate jesus they're going to hate you too and i know that many times people say well i didn't come to church to hear someone's going to hate me give me the love pastor i'm going to get there but we have to recognize that sometimes tribulation comes even to christians here we see it was prophesied look in your notes at first peter 2 21 for even here unto were ye called because christ also suffered for us leaving us an example that you should follow in his steps folks can i just be honest with you i'm going to ask you this question how many of you love jesus this morning i believe that's more than just a hand raise we love jesus remember how he died and and let's just remember that we're to follow in his steps i don't wish that kind of persecution on any of us i'm just wanting us to realize that when someone is unkind or when tribulation comes he told us that it would happen on the grounds of 911 memorial there's a tree called the calorie prayer calorie pear tree this little tree was discovered amongst the wreckage and as they began to take the big piles of steel off they found this tree and it was mangled and uh many of the limbs were gone and the bark was gone and most of the leaves were gone but there was a little bit of a root system and one of the gardeners said if we take it over to the bronx there's a nursery over there and and parks and rec can work on it they begin to fertilize it and fertilize it and finally they brought it back in and they planted it there at the 911 memorial and it's surrounded by many other i believe they're oak trees all the other trees but here's this pear tree and it's called the survivor tree and what i want you to remember is that even in tribulation growth can be found in fact especially in tribulation here we see that this pear tree symbolizes the resilience and really the resilience of god's nature and sometimes god does his best work when tribulation comes because we learn how to pray we learn how to trust we learn how to believe and what i want you to understand is that this matter of persecution and tribulation it is prophesied and it should be expected and we should recognize that it's going to come look if you would at your notes in first peter 4 12 the bible says these words beloved think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you as though some strange thing has happened unto you but rejoice in as much as your partakers of christ's sufferings that when his glory shall be revealed ye may be glad also with exceeding joy hey listen somebody might come to you tomorrow at work say man it's getting rough around here man i bet you're really under the pressure i bet this is a terrible time listen according to the word of god we should be able to look at them and say you know what god's got this he knew about it and and i i don't think it's strange at all we should expect if we're going to stand up for god and for the lord jesus that days like this will come there will be tribulation sometimes even when you're trying to be faithful and then i want you to notice secondly there will be tribulation in discipleship in discipleship now god has called all of us to be his disciples jesus clearly defined discipleship as sometimes having challenges for example he said if any man will follow me let him take up his cross and follow me be willing to identify with me he says he says no man that putteth his hand to the plow should be looking back but we should be diligently following after him and in the bible there were many that followed jesus but they weren't true disciples of jesus christ let's see one passage that illustrates that john 6 60 says it this way many therefore of his disciples when they had heard this said this is an hard saying who can hear it so jesus was teaching on his deity he was getting into the meat of the matter and many of the crowd around him in john 6 are like wow i don't know if i go for that you know that's kind of that's kind of hard to go hear that and when jesus knew in himself that his disciples murmured it he said unto them that this offends you what and if he shall see the son of man ascend up where he was before it is the spirit that quickeneth the flesh profiteth nothing the words that i speak unto you they are spirit and they are life but there are some of you that believe not jesus knew that they were unbelievers he knew there was a reason that they couldn't receive that word because they had never received him jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believe not and who should betray him and he said therefore said i unto you that no man can come unto me except it were given unto him of my father now look at john 6 66 from that time many of his disciples went back and walked no more with him during times of tribulation true disciples will stay with jesus during times of tribulation true disciples will stay with jesus there was a big crowd many of them liked to see the fish and the loaves divided so that 5 000 could be fed wow did you see the miracle that jesus did that was awesome but when he started teaching that he was the way to salvation many people said nah i don't know about this and they turned and they walked away from him they walked no more with him tribulations have a way of sifting out true believers from those that never truly trusted christ as savior or as it says in another parable the wheat and the tares but we understand that true disciples stay with jesus during the tough times and true disciples will even sometimes suffer with jesus and that's not an easy thing it's not an easy thing to have somebody ridicule your faith or they have no trouble going to vegas and wasting a couple thousand dollars on gambling but you go to church you give money to a church what are you weird sometimes true disciples will suffer with jesus look at acts 14 22 it says confirming the souls of the disciples and exhorting them to continue in the faith and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of god folks this series is intended to remind us that we are on the winning side and that even when tribulation comes we're pressing on the upward way we need to be faithful in keeping our focus on jesus christ captain joshua byers gave his last full measure of devotion at uh ramadi iraq july 23 2003. he was a west point graduate he was the commander of the fox troop they were going out on reconnaissance with his troop not far their convoy was not far from their base camp when suddenly explosives began to go off all around them suddenly they realized they were in peril and when the soldiers looked they saw their commander captain byers was in a desperate situation josh byers looked at his men and the last words he said on this earth were these words keep moving forward they obeyed that command they went about a hundred yards forward and as they did so many bombs came into that area that was literally it obliterated where they were standing just a few moments before it was the last command of their captain that reminded them to keep moving forward that literally saved their lives and church as we see a country that we live in changing sometimes sensing that freedoms are being infringed upon as we hear people taking the lord's name in vain as it seems like the bad guys win more than the good guys and all these things that you may sense and sometimes we might go wait a minute god where are you god why is this happening he is reminding us hey i told you in the world you're going to have tribulation but be of good cheer i have overcome the world keep moving forward keep moving forward this world is not our home we're just passing through we must keep our eyes on the lord jesus christ the provision of peace is available the presence of tribulation it's a reality but notice finally the promise to overcome notice what jesus says at the end of this verse be of good cheer i have overcome the world let's say that together be of good cheer i have overcome the world now if jesus would indeed be crucified it would appear to those disciples at that moment like everything had come to an end the joy ride was over and it would seem to them like the bad guys won and jesus wanted them to know when this happens remember i've overcome the world how did jesus overcome the world jesus overcomes the world by his resurrection by his finished work first corinthians 15 19 if in this life only we have hope we are of all men most miserable but now is christ risen from the dead and become the first fruits of them that slept that is to say jesus as the first fruits guarantees that all who are in jesus will also rise in the last day they will be united with the lord jesus christ he has overcome this world death could not hold him the grave could not hold him he says be of good cheer i have overcome the world we had a service yesterday here in this auditorium called a homegoing service for one of our members that had cancer for the last few years and and his wife was testifying to us how that up until the very last moments of his life he said i'm not afraid of death i know where i'm going i'm going to see the lord jesus christ he knew that in christ he was on the victory side that he would overcome this world because of the lord jesus christ first corinthians 15 55 oh death where is thy sting o grave where is thy victory the sting of death is sin and the strength of the sin is law but thanks be to god which giveth us the victory through our lord jesus christ therefore my beloved brethren be ye steadfast unmovable always abounding in the work of the lord for as much as you know that your labor is not in vain in the lord henry morris said the bodily resurrection of jesus christ from the dead is the crowning proof of christianity if the resurrection did not take place then christianity is a false religion if it did take place then christ is god and the christian faith is absolute truth one author said christianity begins where all the religions of the world end at death and it starts with the resurrection i'm thankful today that jesus christ has overcome by the resurrection he said remember you're going to have tribulation they're going to try to kill you they're going to think they did a good thing if they kill you this world is going to think christians are stupid and they're going to be sick and tired of your insisting that there's only one way of salvation and and when all of that is going on and when when you don't see me anymore just remember i have overcome the world he overcame the world by his resurrection but notice secondly we overcome the world by faith in him we overcome the world by faith in him faith that is born of god and placed in christ now notice this in first john 5 4 for whatsoever is born of god overcometh the world and this is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith by the way it's not enough to keep the faith we better keep our faith in him the god of our faith the author and finisher of our faith and notice in verse 5 of first john 5 who is he that overcometh the world but he that believeth that jesus is the son of god if you want to know for sure that one day you're in heaven with the lord jesus christ if you want to overcome this world like jesus did when he came up came up out of that tomb there in jerusalem then we must put our faith in jesus christ in order to also know that we are overcomers he who is he that overcometh the world he that believeth that jesus is the son of god notice in your notes first peter chapter 1 and verse 6 wherein ye greatly rejoice though now for a season if need be you are in heaviness through manifold temptations that the trial of your faith being much more precious than of gold that perisheth though it be tried with fire might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of jesus christ sometimes you'll have the trial of your faith and god will bring the fire upon your faith and and he will burn out the dross and the wrong motives and and the lack of trust and he will purify us even in the difficult times he will bring us together even in the difficult times and so at the resurrection jesus christ shows that he is the amen of all his promises and that we can overcome through him and through his resurrection on september the 18th 2001 just one week after the planes hit the trade towers architect david childs sat down and began to sketch out a rough idea of what it might be like to rebuild the trade center the centerpiece was the tower's footprints and imagine a new skyscraper about two thousand feet tall it is uncanny how accurately it revealed what ultimately took place in that very same spot he did not know it at that time but later he became one of the lead architects to build the beautiful park and structure that now exists there and as all of that came to place it was truly amazing to think about where the vision came from you see the vision came from the trial the vision came from the difficulty vision is not always found on a refreshing retreat it's often created in the crucible of harsh reality and what we must remember is that sometimes god does his best work when we're having tough times sometimes he teaches us how to pray sometimes he clarifies our vision we want every day to be a retreat day but sometimes god knows that through the trial he's going to give us the vision of how to serve him more effectively we just keep our faith in him he gives us the directions along the way we see here that this vision came from the trial and so faith is born of god faith is based upon the blood of jesus christ how do we overcome this world notice in revelation 12 11 and they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony and they love not their lives unto death faith is based upon the blood of jesus faith is produced by the holy spirit of god notice if you would in first john 4 4 it says these words ye are of god little children and have overcome them because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world if you are in god through christ you are an overcomer because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world sometimes we say to children have you ever accepted jesus into your heart have you ever asked jesus to come into your heart and you think well what are they thinking when you say that how's jesus going to come into your heart well we know the answer to that by faith his spirit and dwells our lives and greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world paul said in romans 9 and all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us for i am persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor things to come nor things present nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of god which is in christ jesus our lord i don't care what the world throws at you or how awkward things may be to stand for jesus christ just know this that in christ you will never be separated from him because of his love you have been one with him wells crowd there was a 24 year old equities trader on the hundred and four fourth floor of the south tower when the plane hit when flight 11 hit the north tower wells called a friend and he said i'm going to head over there he said i'm going to see how i can help well's father was a volunteer fireman his father always carried a blue bandana seemed like everywhere he went so wells was known even though he was just out of boston college just getting started in this uh in the stock brokerage he he was known for always carrying a red bandana he had it in his pocket a lot of times everyone kind of identified him with that red bandana on september 11th he tied that bandana around his face and covering his nose and mouth he began to do his very best to bring people out of those towers everywhere he went he had the red bandana on anybody that knew him recognized who he was he found the only staircase that was open after his building was hit and he began to bring people out of the building he was known to carry one woman 17 flights of stairs down until she found her safety firefighters for days to come would ask people how did you get out of there how did it happen many people said i don't know just some guy with a red bandanna he rescued so many people from the burning fiery flames that day i just want to remind you this morning that jesus christ went up the hill called golgotha that jesus christ shed his royal red crimson blood for our sin to rescue us from the burning that was impending upon us unless we would turn to christ as savior that jesus christ gave himself and that now as anointed ones now as appointed ones now as his children at one with him we know that we have eternal life and that even though the world has tribulation we overcome this world through the lord jesus christ and i want to remind you as well that even as this young man wells was known for his red bandanna that many of us this week need to carry our red bandanas so to speak and we need to go out into this world and point people to jesus christ and if we have to feel a little foolish to give somebody a cookie and invite them to come we want them to know hey you don't have to stay in the burning towers of this world you don't have to be separated from god for all of eternity jesus loves you and jesus died for you and may god use us this week to say to others there's a way there's a way out and his name is jesus christ in the world you shall have tribulation but be of good cheer i have overcome the world we know how angry this world is don't we we see it everywhere we know how defeatist it can be just to watch one nightly news program friends can i just remind you tonight be of good cheer our savior has overcome and in him we are overcomers
Channel: Lancaster Baptist Church
Views: 446
Rating: 4.8333335 out of 5
Keywords: lancaster baptist church, lancaster baptist, baptist church, paul, chappell, paul chappell, pastor paul chappell, John 16, overcomer
Id: bkT6NTPMo7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 16sec (2356 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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