Pastor Paul Chappell: Assurance of an Advocate

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take your bibles if you would and turn to the book of first john as we are continuing our series tonight first john and i'm going to read the scripture and pray and then we'll have one more song before the preaching tonight let's stand together shall we first john chapter 1. excuse me chapter 2 first john chapter 2 and verses 1 and 2. my little children these things write i unto you that ye sin not and if any man's sin we have an advocate with the father jesus christ the righteous and he is the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world let us pray father we thank you tonight for jesus christ our advocate and as we study your word tonight we pray that we would have a greater love and appreciation for you lord and for what you do and for what you have done for us we thank you lord for the wonderful day that we've already had in your house thank you for the great message this morning on the sovereignty of god and we just asked that through this coveted time that while we recognize you're in control that father we would do our best to be connected to be a blessing to be in to be connecting with those that are uh a part of this body and those that want to become a part of this body help us to be the church during this season now bless the song we're about to hear and then our time in your word i pray in jesus name amen you may be seated tonight we continue our study entitled blessed assurance and in a day of doubt and in a day of discouragement it's so good to open the bible and be assured that there is a god that is for us tonight and when you open the book of first john you really do find assurance as a major theme in fact there are four times in the book of first john where we read these words in verse 4 of chapter 1 it says these things we write unto you chapter 2 in verse 1 it says these things write i unto you chapter 2 and verse 26 we read these things have i written unto you and in chapter 5 and verse 13 these things have i written unto you now each of these four times where we read that phrase these things have i written unto you we find the four purposes of the epistle why were these words being written what was the apostle saying well first of all if you'll notice in chapter 1 and verse 4 just by way of introduction tonight the bible says and these things we write unto you that your joy may be full so the first purpose of the book is that we might have the promotion of joy in the believer this is one of the purposes of the book that that we would not lose our joy as christians one of the major ways that happens as we're going to study tonight is when sin comes in the life of the believer god says i want you to know how how that can be dealt with and how you can have joy in the christian life the second time it says these things i write unto you verse 1 our text tonight these things write i unto you that ye sin not so the first purpose is to promote joy the second purpose is to prevent sin all right these things write eye unto you uh that ye sin not to prevent sin everybody with me so far two little introductory points okay to promote joy to prevent sin let's notice thirdly chapter two verse number 26 the bible says these things have i written unto you concerning them that seduce you so the third purpose of this book is the protection of the saints to protect them from seduction right so there is first of all the promotion of joy there is secondly the prevention of sin and thirdly there is the protection of the saints all right but then he says that phrase again the fourth time i'm writing unto you how many of you understand if someone says this is why i'm writing to you they're giving you the major themes right the first reason he says is to promote joy the second reason is to prevent sin the third reason is to protect the saints and then chapter 5 and verse 13 you know this verse and it says these things have i written unto you that believe on the name of the son of god that ye may know that you have eternal life and this is to provide assurance of their salvation to provide the assurance of their salvation so four times he says this is why i'm writing to you and in each of those times we see a purpose and and so the first purpose he says i'm writing to you to promote your joy and the second purpose i'm writing to you to help prevent sin and thirdly i'm writing to you to protect protect you from those seducers and fourthly i'm writing to you to provide assurance that that god has saved you and that the holy spirit lives within you so there you have four peace four purposes let's say the four purposes of first john together the first one is found in chapter one and verse four he's writing to promote joy in their heart right uh that your joy may be full right secondly in chapter two in verse one he's writing to prevent sin that ye sin not thirdly he's writing to them chapter 2 verse 26 to protect them from seducers that's one of the reasons we get to the house of god is to learn what we need to be aware of and beware of and that's a part of the job of the pastor is to provide messages of protection from false teachers and then finally to provide assurance by the way how many of you like me love first john 5 13 that you may know that you have everlasting life now the devil wants you to doubt and the devil wants you to feel disconnected during covid but god says i want you to be assured of this i am with you i am for you and i will never leave you what a great god we serve now if you notice one of the key words then in the book it is the word no as we saw in first john 5 13 that you may know that you have everlasting life the word no or a derivative of it is found 38 times in this little book that's why i entitled the series blessed assurance god wants us to know him and to trust him and god says i want you to know that i am with you and that i am for you and as we begin chapter 2 we're introduced to the second purpose or the second reason why john wrote this book and that is that we might know that we can have victory over sin and forgiveness from sin and so the bible tells us in verse number one my little children these things right i unto you that you sin not and if any man's sin we have an advocate with the father jesus christ the righteous now as we consider the assurance that we have in our christian relationship i want to take just a few minutes tonight to share with you some wonderful principles of god's blessed assurance in our relationship with him i've entitled the message tonight the assurance of an advocate the assurance of an advocate now i don't know if you've ever been in one of these situations where you know two people are arguing sadly maybe a husband and wife or maybe some people that had a little car accident little fender bender and how many of you have ever been around a situation and it starts to escalate right and it's like getting uncomfortable and people start to say and do weird things and one of the things people say in those moments is all right you're going to be hearing from my attorney how many have you ever heard that said by the way just curious right and uh how many of you have said it don't raise your hand but people like to say that i'll just have my attorney call you now i always tickle get tickled at that because most of the time they don't have attorney and most the time people saying that couldn't afford an attorney and and thirdly you really don't want to get an attorney involved because it just gets a lot messier but i'm here to tell you that there are times in life sadly when we do need an advocate when maybe there's a need for some kind of advocacy but that has never been more true than with respect to the sin problem and the fact that all of us are sinners and we need an advocate with the father who will plead our case based upon god's just demands and next sunday morning i'll be preaching about god's justice and i'm going to tell you right up front that the message is going to really revolve around the fact that god is a just god and that he had a price to be paid for sin and that price was the blood of his son and the only way that god can be just in letting me go to heaven is because his son jesus the advocate paid the price for my sin how many of you are thankful for that we serve a just god now when you think about this word advocate it is something that we should not take trivially it is a great great privilege to have jesus as our advocate so let's dig into this tonight i want you to notice first of all there is an assurance given an assurance in our relationship the first assurance we see in verse one is simply in these words my little children would you say that with me please my little children here you have a spiritual understanding my little children these things right i unto you the word of god is written here to the saints to those that were spiritually the children of john spiritually the children of god and the word of god is given to them that they might have a fuller understanding of their relationship with god how many of you would agree with me tonight that as a child of god that when you open the word of god you learn more and more about your relationship with god i appreciated the message this morning i thought i told terry at lunch i said that was pretty amazing larry preached the whole book of habakkuk this morning and i remember when he was a teenager he would kid me about going a little long in time or doing this or that and he didn't go too long but he covered the book of habakkuk and how many of you like me learned a few principles from habakkuk that you had not seen before i certainly did the wonderful thing about being a christian is that every time you open the word of god you learn more about what god has done for you you learn more about uh his blessing in your life and so he says my little children these things write i unto you is that not what second timothy 3 tells us in verse 16 all scripture is given by inspiration of god and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction and righteousness that the man of god may be perfect thoroughly furnished unto all good works so the word of god is not designed to simply be used for an emergency or to be given in a scrap here or a little tidbit there or a little little quote here or support thought here but the word of god is given so that we can thoroughly understand our relationship with him so this is the understanding my little children these things right i unto you i was talking with dr rasmussen and his brother tim the other day we did a little interview for my monthly podcast and and we were talking about the relationship that they had with their father who recently went home to be with the lord and i said tell me some things you remember and they talked about his soul winning and they talked about the daily devotions and how he would uh teach about different catechisms if you will about the doctrines of god and and the teachings of the bible and dr rasmussen said and they were not short and he was taking time why as a father giving his children an understanding of their god my little children these things right i unto you that's the understanding but then he gives them this admonition the understanding is that they were spiritually uh the children of god and his disciples but then he gives them an admonition notice that in verse two it said verse one it says these things write i unto you that ye sin not let's say that together that ye now it's interesting because in first john 1 9 which we preached last week it says if we confess our sin he's faithful and just to forgive us of our sin it says that if we say we do not sin we're a liar and it seems that in those verses god clearly acknowledged the fact that christians sin and some people as we talked about last week who become caught up in extreme versions and false teachings of grace to the antinomian or against god's law extent could somehow begin to justify in their mind that since we're under grace and since we can confess it whenever then maybe it's just okay to go ahead and just live according to our own fleshly leading someone if all they read was chapter one could mistakenly think that and i've had people ask me that in soul winning i've had people say are you telling me that if i ask jesus christ to come into my life and be my savior that and then if i sin that i can still go to heaven and i'll say to them that's what i'm telling you and they'll say well i just don't believe that you can just do that and i tell them someone that is truly saved does not willfully intentionally just plain on a life of sin after they got saved but when a christian does sin thank god we have an advocate in jesus christ so grace does not allow me just to sin as i will and first john 1 9 as we said last week is not just my lucky rabbit's foot that i pull out every time i do what i want to do so what is the bible telling us in these words that ye send not john was writing this to encourage the believers in consistent holiness consecration or sanctification which are doctrines many times that are rejected by the modern day church that god is challenging his church here that he sinned not they have been delivered from habitual sin now this is what is taught in romans chapter 6. so let's turn there very quickly if you would romans chapter 6 and verse number 1 because it correlates with what we're learning here in first john chapters 1 and 2. romans chapter 6 some of you might recall is the chapter that deals with the sanctified life and i want you just to spend a moment here with me because we haven't preached through these for so many months the bible tells us in verse 1 what shall we say then shall we continue in sin that grace may abound now somebody could mistakenly think that first john 1 9 allows that or that because they're under grace that wow grace is awesome i'm just going to sin like i did before i got saved someone could say and and so the book of romans says shall we continue in sin that grace may abound what are the first two words of the next verse say god forbid how shall we that are dead to sin live any longer therein you see our flesh this old earth suit still has temptation and still has the propensity towards sin but there's a new creation within me the new man is dead to sin and god has commanded me to walk in that new man in the spirit so that i will not fulfill the lust of the flesh notice romans 6 verse 6 bears that out knowing this that our old man is crucified with him not only is the new man the holy spirit living in me but the old man this this sin nature this flesh is crucified that the body of sin might be destroyed that henceforth we serve not serve sin for he that is dead is freed from sin so god is telling us that on the cross of calvary he won the victory the flesh was defeated and that as we walk in the presence of the holy spirit that we have victory notice verse 12 romans 6 12 let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body that ye should obey in the lust thereof neither yield to your members as instruments under unrighteousness unto sin but yield yourselves unto god as those that are alive from the dead and your members as instruments of righteousness unto god so we have a daily choice that daily choice is yieldedness to the spirit to walk according to the spirit or to walk according to the flesh and the old man this is what paul wrote about in galatians 2 and verse 20. i am crucified with christ my my old nature this adamic nature i'm crucified with christ nevertheless i live yet not i but christ liveth in me and the life that i now live in the flesh i live by the faith of the son of god so how many of you can testify tonight christ liveth in me this old man was crucified at the cross of calvary but christ lives in me and so i want to yield my members as as an instrument unto god how many of you would say it's sad when someone who says christ lives within them yields their body to sinful living because that's not the design of the christian life that's like taking an f-22 and saying i wonder how fast i can bury this thing in the ground just i wonder if it can take i wonder if it can withstand 500 miles an hour right straight into the ground as great as an f-22 is it was not designed to be steered right straight into the ground and as marvelous as the christian life is god is telling us he did not design the christian life so that you could just drive yourself right back into sin and claim that that's all good with god no my little children these things right i unto you that ye sin not this is the design of the christian life is that we would be dead to the old nature and alive to the new nature so that's god's will that we would sin not the story is told of a young girl who accepted christ as savior and she went to a local church and she inquired about membership in the local church and as she sat there with one of the deacons of the church he asked her he said were you a sinner before you received the lord jesus christ into your life she said yes sir he said well are you still a sinner she said to tell you the truth i feel i may be a greater sinner now than ever well then what real change have you experienced in your life the deacon said she said i don't quite know how to explain it except i used to be a sinner running towards sin and now that i'm saved i'm a sinner running away from sin when you get saved you are aware now of things that you were not aware of before you were saved it doesn't mean that you're no longer able to sin it doesn't mean that you're running towards sin it should mean that you're running from sin she was received into the fellowship of the church and and lived a faithful life and and was able to go on serving the lord as she was sensitive to the fact that she could sin but did not want to sin because the bible says my little children these things write unto you that ye sin not now if you would take your children and say to them don't you pull your sister's hair don't you lie to mommy don't you steal ho hoes from johnny's lunch pail at school if you tell your children not to sin why in the world would the god who has given us the moral laws of the universe tell us anything differently he says listen i i want you to have an assurance that you are my little children and and yet i want to challenge you that you sin not this is the admonition that is given now we see this we see this admonition in our relationship with god but i want you to notice secondly not only an assurance in relationship but secondly tonight an advocacy with the father now this is wonderful verse one notice it says my little children these things write i unto you that ye sin not and if any man's sin we have an advocate with the father jesus christ the righteous now here we go again verse 9 of chapter 1 if we sin and if we confess our sin he's faithful and just forgive us of our sin chapter 2 in verse 1. my little children i'm writing to you that you sin not so that's the definitive will of god for your life that you sin not someone says well i just know it's god's will for me to leave my spouse it's god's will for me to cheat on my taxes god will you cannot say it's god's will for you to sin it's god's will that we sin not but god who is sovereign and who does know going all the way back as we saw this morning to lucifer that with the free will that that is within us there is the ability to make wrong choices god will not force those upon you in fact he'll make a way of escape for you but god knows that sometimes we make those choices that result in sin and so we see a scenario here in verse 1 he says if we sin if any man sin although john writes so that they don't sin he also knows that we will sin after salvation and so god says in the scenario if the scenario arises that you have sinned i want you to know something last week he said i want you to know you can bring it to god and for the sake of fellowship you can confess it but this week he wants you to know this that when you do confess it you should know that there's an advocate on the other side of that prayer and that there's an advocacy being made and you don't have to say i'm going to call my attorney you don't have to pay for this he's already paid for it with his own blood so it says here if any man's sin we have an advocate with the father now understand something we have embassies all around the world i've met ambassadors in different places around the world from time to time their primary job is to represent the king or in our case the president and the country that has assigned them to that ambassadorship and they are there on behalf of our country and the fact of the matter is that god is saying here that there is one that is representing us before his throne the one that has been appointed for this is the lord jesus christ now it's interesting the word here advocate with the father is the same word that we sometimes see related to the holy spirit pericleta and here it is translated with this word advocate sometimes it's translated as a comforter as in john chapter 14 and verse 16. but in both cases whether the lord jesus as the advocate or the holy spirit as the comforter in both cases what we're seeing is a person of the godhead when we sin not running from us but running to us can i get an amen on that talk about blessed assurance if i had to live my life with the thought that every time i did or said something wrong that god did not want anything to do with me anymore that would create great insecurity in my life but i serve a god who's so loving and merciful that when i sin he comes to me as the ambassador representing god saying god the father is saying i'm here as your advocate i'm here as your helper i don't want you to keep going that way of sin i'm here to draw you back unto myself and that is the grace of god and that's the kind of love and grace that you don't want to take advantage of by continuing in sin that's the kind of grace and love that causes you to say what a savior what a savior now let's just think about jesus christ and the holy spirit and their ministry of advocacy very quickly jesus christ notice in verse 1 the righteous jesus christ the righteous he is the advocate he is the defense attorney and as he makes this advocacy we'll see in a moment before the father in heaven he is testifying that the work of redemption has already been done that the sin that has been committed has already been paid for that the judgment that could be placed upon my head and yours has already been pardoned by the work of the cross where jesus died jesus sat down after his work on calvary signifying that all was complete he sat down at the right hand of the father he said from the cross of calvary to telesty it is finished the work of advocacy was finished at the cross hebrews 10 and 12. but this man after that he had suffered and offered one sacrifice for sins forever sat down at the right hand of god and so we see here that he testifies of the finished work and that he intercedes on our behalf now turn if you would to romans chapter 8 in verse 34 romans 8 34. i want you to see just quick glimpses of of the work of advocacy that jesus makes on our behalf romans 8 verse 34 it says who is he that condemneth by the way how many of you know that when you sin there's someone that condemns there's someone that says if you're really saved how did you do that there's someone that says you better not go back to church everyone's going to know i don't know how many people that i've talked to who get caught up in some kind of sin and they're they're so afraid if they come back to church somebody might know let me tell you something number one most people will not know and number two if they do and they're half spiritual they're just glad you're back in church and number three it's only the pride of the person saying that that keeps them out of church well i just don't know if i can go back to church after what my kids did why don't you just swallow that pride and get back where you know god wants you to be [Music] because no one has a perfect family and no one has lived a sinless life except for jesus christ himself jesus is the one who has covered our sin and he intercedes on our behalf now notice that romans 8 34 who is he that condemneth the one that condemns that's satan it may be your own pride condemning you but notice who is he that condemneth it is christ that died ye rather that that has risen again who is even at the right hand of god who also maketh what intercession for us so in other words it doesn't matter who's condemning you jesus is greater it doesn't matter who's throwing the guilt on you jesus is greater that guilt might come from you yourself it might come from satan it might come from a family member i'm just here to tell you jesus is greater than the guilt they throw jesus christ our advocate now he makes access for us so that when we sin we can come to him and we can give to him our burden and he will go to the father and make advocacy on our behalf and his scars and his blood that still speaks speaks to the fact that we are covered hebrews 4 16 let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need now i know some of you perhaps say well i i just don't have that view of the father i mean whenever if i ever went to my dad or if i ever went to some college teacher and i said you know i i just want you know i've been struggling normally what they'd say is i thought so you miserable wretched sinner and and uh maybe you have a memory of somebody that just boy poured it on like that but listen to what hebrews 4 16 says you can come to the throne of what's the throne called the throne of what the throne of what grace is what undeserved how many of you are glad it's a throne of grace the advocate says look at when you sin come to the throne of grace that you may obtain what mercy and find grace to help in time of need now don't misunderstand me when someone sins they need a warning concerning the fact that sin will take you farther than you want to go we should never make lightly of sin but when you come repentantly before god and you confess your sin you're going to find grace and mercy to help you in your time of need don't we serve a wonderful savior he wants you to know that you can come to him and that he will hear you and he will make advocacy for you now why do we need an advocate we'll turn real quickly to revelation chapter two revelation chapter 12. real quickly why do we need this this advocacy is it just because we need to know that he still loves us well not specifically so but that that is secondarily a blessing to us but theologically who is making the accusation besides your mother-in-law who always knew you were that way right beside the hardest teacher you ever had who's the one who's really the accuser when you sin besides your pride besides false guilt all these other feelings and emotions really why do we need an advocate well the bible tells us in revelation 12 and 10 and i heard a loud voice saying in heaven now has come salvation and strength in the kingdom of our god and the power of his christ for the accuser of our brethren is cast down which accused them before our god day and night satan is continually accusing us before god continually saying did you see what he did did you see what she did how can one of your children do that satan is the accuser of the brethren and the reason that we need an advocate is because there's someone just slightly more evil than the aclu help me standing as an accuser standing and accusing you and telling god all that you've done and it is because of that accusation of satan that we can even more so rejoice in the fact that jesus has us covered that our advocate is there that his blood is still speaking so he says my little children i write these things unto you that you sin not it is god's will that we would avoid sin and if any man's sin know this we have an advocate with the father and our advocate who's standing there speaking of his finished work to satan speaking of his finished work to you and to me when we come to the throne of grace he is jesus christ the righteous and he is there to come to our side and to comfort us as is the holy spirit of god john 14 and 16 i will give you another comforter that he may abide with you forever john 14 26 but the comforter which is the holy ghost whom the father will send in my name he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance now listen i'm thankful tonight that when a christian sins that we have the advocacy the comfort of the lord jesus christ and the holy spirit of god now why is it that when people sin so many times they just quit church why is it that sometimes guilt just overwhelms people can i tell you something tonight there's room at the cross for you you say well i thought there was just room at the cross when i got saved no that's the joy of the christian life there's room at the cross even after you got saved for we have a great high priest who says why don't you come to the throne of grace why don't you learn that there's grace to help you in your time of need why don't you remember there's an advocate speaking on your behalf now we see an assurance in relationship my little children i'm writing these things to you that you would send not i want you to be assured about what kind of holy relationship we have but then there's an advocacy an advocate with the father if you do sin god says in this theme of assurance i want you to know that you have an advocate with the father jesus christ the righteous now you don't want an advocate that that uh that is someone that's kind of like at your level but just a good fast talker no no your advocate never sinned my advocate never sinned we have the perfect advocate the lord jesus christ so we see the assurance we see the advocate but notice finally this morning this evening an appropriation of forgiveness now let's follow this up in verse two speaking of jesus christ the righteous and he is the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world now notice here as we understand more and more about our advocate we understand that he is the one that gives a divine provision and that he himself is the provision that he himself is our propitiation he is our mercy seat if you will and he has provided satisfaction to god who is righteous who as a righteous judge could not let us into heaven in our sinful state and so jesus christ the perfectly sinless son of god pleased the father with his sacrifice in that he became our propitiation or covering and you know the old testament picture here of the mercy seat and how of that on the day of atonement aaron the high priest would sprinkle the blood on the mercy seat and and then covering was made for the sins of the children of israel but that was done once and for all as we saw a moment ago by the lord jesus christ and jesus christ uh is our mercy seat today the mercy seat the place of atonement the golden plate of propitiation on which the high priest would sprinkle seven times on the day of atonement is symbolically showing us uh what the lord jesus christ did for all of us if you would turn to hebrews again for a moment chapter 9 just notice quickly hebrews chapter 9 as we consider this mercy seed as we consider the propitiation if you will hebrews 9 24 and you'll notice here this book obviously written to the to the hebrews to the jewish believers of the first century you'll notice the parallel to the old testament mercy seat verse 24 says for christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands speaking of the old testament temple which are the figures of the true but into heaven itself now to appear in the presence of god for us there you have the advocate watch it what does an advocate do he appears in heaven for us he is there on our behalf why because there's an accuser on the other side but there's an advocate on this side and the bible says that he's appearing there for us verse 25 nor yet that he should offer himself often as the high priest entereth into the holy place every year with for the blood of others in other words the high priest every year every year every year had to go back and sprinkle the blood on the mercy seat for the propitiation of sin but verse 26 says for then must he have suffered since the foundation of the world but now once in the end of the world by the way someone says now wait a minute when jesus died on the hill of golgotha that was the end of the world we're living two thousand years later never forget that one day with the lord it says a thousand years one thousand years as one day we are living now in the last days and i'm thankful for that and he says in these last days now in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself that is why when someone says well i believe in praying and telling a priest my sins that's why that is so loathsome to a bible believing baptist why because we do not believe that a human priest can make propitiation for our sin we believe that only the high priest can make propitiation for our sin that's why it burdens our heart when we see someone genuflexing in front of a buddha statue or giving money to a monk or somehow praying to some idol because we know that the only covering for sin is found in the finished work of jesus christ and that's something that we thank him for his divine provision you see is what provides forgiveness for our sin and by the way that's something we ought never get tired of hearing about unless you have reached sinless perfection and i know that we have not we ought to thank god that we have an advocate in jesus christ the savior he gives this divine provision but then notice it is a universal provision notice in verse 2 something i believe to be significant it says and he is the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only by the way salvation is not some american phenomenon we americans are so spoiled okay i'm just going to pull over here for just one quick second like oh it's so hard to live in america i live in california so hard why why don't you try ethiopia for six months maybe i ran maybe the little problem that you have deemed to be so huge that you blog about and facebook about and complain about maybe if you spent one month in iran you'd figure out that we are a spoiled lot here in the united states of america folks we need to put on our biblical boots and start walking for jesus and recognizing the fact that it is an honor whatever little inconvenience i might have for being faithful to jesus christ as i understand the bible it is a privilege to take up the cross and follow jesus christ god deliver us from this little milky toast attitude that thinks i've got to find the more comfortable comfortable place all of the time and it tells me here in this verse [Music] that this propitiation is not just hours it's not just well our little american way you know just jesus has saved me and and as long as he saves me and gives me a good job and i can i can live in comfort and have all the freedom that i want to have life is good because this is ours only this is for us that is the sickness of the american church that jesus is for us and this religion is for us and don't mess with me and don't ruffle my feathers and don't don't mistreat my kids and don't let this go wrong because if it does i'm out of here excuse me it's not all about you and it's not all about me and when you get that way what will happen is we miss the whole purpose of the missions conference which is this he didn't just die for us it's not just about our little comfort zone notice what it says here it says it's not for ours only but for the sins of the say with me the what why we have in the missions conference because christianity is not just for some middle class americans to enjoy their forgiveness of their sin and their sweet fellowship with the bible and holy spirit in our little comfortable chairs and this type of thing no no jesus said look at i don't want you to sit on your blessed assurance and i want you to get out and remember i i spilled my blood for the whole world to be saved not only are the sins of believers propitiated but christ's provision is for all sinners who come to him for deliverance from the penalty of their sin his blood is efficacy it's still working and speaking and providing forgiveness that's why dr curtis hudson on the side of his grave marker in atlanta georgia said to his family put all four verses of the song there is a fountain filled with blood drawn from emmanuel's veins and sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains listen that blood as much as it saved curtis hudson or the apostle paul or anyone in between can save souls in lancaster right now it's still working today still speaking today now this verse itself speaks of a universal invitation to anyone who will come to christ they can be reconciled to god this verse speaks in correlation with so many other verses we don't have time to go through tonight but suffice to say throughout the new testament you're going to find a word called whosoever i'll cite it in its most famous context john 3 16 for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever why can that word be in the bible so many times because the blood was not for a limited few but it is available for the whole world for anyone who would believe a little poor child outside of manila a struggling suffering starving child in ethiopia a little teenager in iran a bus kid in east lancaster it doesn't matter who they are where they are there's a fountain filled with blood drawn from emmanuel's veins and sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains and if they sin they have an advocate with the father and his name is jesus christ the righteous i recognize that there are some in this country in which we live who have this idea that jesus died for a select few that his atonement was somehow limited again i draw your attention to the scripture but also for the sins of the whole world then this is not speaking in the terms of the cosmos in a general sense the world is comprised here of people he died for not a planet but for the people who live on the planet first timothy 4 10 for therefore we labor and suffer reproach because we trust in the living god who is the savior of all men especially of those that believe you say well didn't god know who would believe and who did not believe absolutely he knew that he is sovereign he is all-knowing he is god he would not be god if he didn't know who was going to get saved and who wasn't going to be saved but i'm telling you tonight the fountain of blood i'm telling you tonight that the blood that he shed is efficacy it's available it's powerful enough to save any and all who will come hebrews chapter 2 and verse 9 but we see jesus who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor that by the grace of god should taste death for every man the sacrificial atonement of jesus christ that moment when he died on the cross and some of us have been there to see it and we'll take another group lord willing coronavirus deleting later on this spring next spring and you stand there and you look upon the hill and you see that place called golgotha and you realize and the reason you weep and the reason that it comes over you like a mighty rush of emotion as you realize that on that place jesus christ bore in his body my sin and the sin of this entire world so that whosoever believeth on him can be saved second corinthians 5 15 and that he died for all that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves but unto him which died for them and rose again say well what does all mean in the greek it means all he didn't die for this planet he didn't die for the animals of the planet he died for the souls of men's first timothy 2 and 6. he gave himself a ransom for all to be testified in due time john chapter 3 for whosoever believeth in him verse 15 verse 16 4 whosoever believeth in him verse 17 but that the world through him might be saved you say but pastor there are lots of people that refuse to believe and lots of people that haven't believed in some people that have not even heard oh but when they do they will have the opportunity to believe and receive the lord jesus christ as their savior i'm just thankful tonight that the one that saved me is not just in the business of saving a select comfortable few who can sit around see that's why some people get nervous around election time let me just tell you something however the election goes i'm not going to wake up the next day and say oh what do i do now i'm going to do the same thing i'm going to read my bible i'm going to pray i'm going to go soul winning i'm going to tithe i'm going to love god i'm going to be faithful in church i'm going to be the christian because hey i'm not a californian first or a texan first or an arizonan first a republican or democrat i'm a child of god ladies and gentlemen and some of you need to get that right because your whole life is about your issue you want to know what your life's about go read your facebook page that'll tell me what your life's about that'll tell me what gets you excited that'll tell me what gets you going but what we ought to be about is that jesus christ died for the sins of this world and men and women need to know that jesus still saves your little pet little thing that you want to talk about on your little facebook doesn't matter one iota oh the fact of the matter is what really matters is that men and women are dying and lost and on their way to a christless hell and you spend more time typing into that computer than you do telling someone about jesus christ god help this church god has a message and it's for whosoever and you're so busy trying to move away from them you're so busy not wanting to be around them you're so tired of seeing them on the news that you forgot jesus loves them you can take your selfish little self and hide your little self in a concrete box and avoid the trials of life or you can say god help me to love who you love and i'll tell you who he loves he loves every citizen of this town red yellow black brown white conservative liberal he died for all of them and this church is here for all of them i won't take the time some of you are just hoping i don't but if i started just reading the verses that say whosoever we'd be here until 10 o'clock tonight so you can take your little well i'm glad i'm saved i'm just going to get my family where we can just be glad we're saved and be protected from all these laws and be protected from all these bad antifa and be protected from all these anarchists all these communists and come on honey i built a bunker for us we're surrounded by republicans now we're safe god deliver us from that jesus said go ye therefore and teach all nations he didn't say go ye therefore and build a bunker he said i died for whosoever you better believe we're looking forward to starting those buses back you better believe we're looking forward to missions conference we're going to keep this church and i don't expect every member to be excited about it because we're not in the bunker building ministry we're not in the run from the liberal ministry we're in the gates of hell will not prevail against it we're in the go into all the world ministry hey you want it out there's 10 doors in the back but if you want to be a part of a church on a mission field that's preaching whosoever will may come ladies and gentlemen this is the church for this valley to preach the gospel of jesus christ because we don't believe in this idea who i'm glad i'm a part of the elect few woo-hoo i'm just really glad that i made it in and whoever out there is supposed to get saved come on now they'll get saved with or without me because i'm the elect i'm a part of the limited few they're the non-elect and if they're going to get saved then they're going to get saved and some of you theologically don't believe that but practically you are living that you don't mind if i preach and pastor a little bit tonight do you i'm just thankful tonight i serve a god who loves everybody on this planet and we've got the most stinking selfish spirit at times in our american churches we got to watch it here as well it's not all about us ladies and gentlemen there are people all around us who need jesus tonight and i'm sorry to tell you they don't believe what you believe they don't wear what you wear they don't talk the way you talk but jesus shed his blood for them and if you're just going to witness to the perfect little people that look like you and believe what you believe on your little internet chat room then have at it because i've preached in churches all across this country i can tell you what the bible belt needs tonight they need to be belted with the bible because god needs to deliver us from this idea of us foreign no more he said you're preaching about soul winning you got it right why look what it says look what it says we'll be done but also for the sins of the what what does that include your neighbor does that include the person on your bus so well we we can witness from our bunker no you got to get out from your bunker mentality if the world's going to hear the gospel oh i know what i'll do i'll go somewhere where there's 87 churches in the same city folks some of us ought to say i am so glad to live in a city that needs what we have and in a state i know it's going to take that moravian spirit some of you don't even know who the moravians are go google it moravian not that's those that's a sect of baptist but i'm talking about moravian say with me moravian where every man in the moravian church became a missionary during the 1700s central america africa they left europe by the thousands because of what i'm preaching to tonight they believe that jesus died for the whole world google it moravians this verse tells us that if you're lost when you sin there's the potential for judgment but instead of judgment you have an advocate you have propitiation jesus said that he died for the sins of the whole world he is the propitiation for the whole world he died for you and if you will come to jesus christ if you will come with a load of your sin he'll wash you white of snow he'll wash anyone that will come and it doesn't matter how bad they've been i remember leading a couple to the lord and the lady telling terry how she had this abortion and she just felt like she just was constantly being convicted against and and constantly feeling guilt and what a blessing it was to teach her from hebrews 4 that she could come to the throne of grace and find mercy and grace to help her in her time of need i'm thankful tonight for the grace of god i'm thankful tonight that i have an advocate but there's a world so living in sin and doubt and they're taking their drugs and they're taking their booze and they're living in all kinds of sin to try to get through covet and what they need is for some of us not to just think we kill the big one because we came to church but to go ahead and tell someone else about jesus christ there's an assurance that we have my little children i'm writing you these five things these the reason i'm writing you these four things is to give you assurance that you sin not but if you sin there's an advocate his name is jesus christ jesus christ the righteous and there's an appropriation for you there's a covering for you that covering is why you have an advocacy in christ he shed his blood for you but not just for you to go find your bunker but for you and for me to get out of my bunker because he didn't just die for us come on help me we don't believe in that limited thing he died for the whole world pastor now we're barely supporting our missionaries right now and you're bringing in 14 new ones yes come on yes why because he died for the whole world they're stolen thursday night saturday our classes the other day they said we could find a friend in our class and go at another time it seems like we're always talking about it yes why because there's a fountain it still speaks one day very soon the last soul will be saved the trump of god will sound the dead in christ will rise first we which are alive and remain how many you'd like to be a part of that crowd be caught up together with the lord wouldn't it be something if that last soul was saved in lancaster let's be faithful folks let's not get that us four and no more mentality during covid let's remember that jesus died for the whole world
Channel: Lancaster Baptist Church
Views: 1,874
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: preaching, sermon, Christian, God, Jesus, Lancaster Baptist Church, Lancaster Baptist, Pastor Paul Chappell, Paul Chappell, 1 John 2, assurance, advocate
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 58sec (3538 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2020
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