Pastor Paul Chappell: Breaking Out of Satan's Compromise

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we're gonna start an exodus 8 we're gonna read verses 25 through 28 breaking out of Satan's compromise and pharaoh called from moses and for aaron and said go ye therefore sacrifice to your god in the land i want you to take note of that little phrase we're coming back to it in the land okay and moses said it is not meat so to do for we shall sacrifice the abomination of the Egyptians to the Lord our God lo shall we sacrifice the abomination of the Egyptians before their eyes and will they not stone us we will go three days journey into the wilderness and sacrifice to the Lord our God as he shall command us and Pharaoh said I will let you go that you may sacrifice to the Lord your God in the wilderness only he shall not go very far away entreat for me and let's have a word of Prayer and then we'll get right into this passage father we thank you for the infallible Word of God this morning we thank you for the many lessons and I pray that you would strengthen our faith and I pray that if there's someone here without Jesus that their heart would be turned towards Christ today we pray for the victims families of the church in Texas Lord the First Baptist Church of Sutherland we ask for their comfort we thank you today for your guidance for your safety for the privilege of worshiping you this morning in Jesus name I pray amen you may be seated well throughout the Scriptures God is calling people to himself God wants a relationship with you Christianity is not about a relationship with a church it's about a relationship with God through Jesus Christ and God wants a relationship with you and he's very jealous of that relationship in fact if you've ever studied the Ten Commandments it begins in Exodus 20 when God says I the LORD thy God am a jealous God now in a very godlike way God has a loving jealousy for you and he wants to walk with you and talk with you and he wants you to acknowledge his presence in your life and so we have on the one hand God calling the children of Israel out to be with him and calling you out that's why you're here today God called you out to be with him to hear his word but as surely as God is calling us to be with himself Satan is pulling us away from God and Satan's trying to cut little deals to keep us out of church out of the Bible and less committed Satan is always pulling on us so that we don't go all the way over there with God he's always trying to pull us back so that we would not fully surrender in the New Testament the Bible speaks about the flesh pulling against the spirit and the spirit pulling against the flesh so in the book of Exodus it's all about God calling the children of Israel out of Egypt and he says I want my people out and he says to Pharaoh let my people go that's what God is doing here and throughout the Scriptures God is calling his people unto himself and when God wants to warn his people about the world the flesh the devil the wrong way of living he often refers to the nation of Egypt as a picture as as an illustration of what he's calling us from for example in Exodus chapter 16 and verse 3 we read when we sat by the fleshpots and when we did eat bread to the full talking about these Egypt as a place of consumption of lust it was a place of lust Egypt was a place where people just thought of themselves and filled themselves up that was one of the pictures of Egypt Egypt was also a place of idolatry so when God spoke about Egypt he spoke about their bondage and in Deuteronomy 29 17 it says ye have seen their abominations and their idols wood and stone silver and gold which were among them and so when we read about Egypt we read about a picture of what Satan wants to do he wants to pull us into a place of bondage and idolatry and far away from God and whether you recognize it or not there's a constant pull to pull us away from ship with the Lord in this world in which we live through the media through people at work through Satan's demonic powers there's a constant pool and Egypt is a picture of the pole of the world and so throughout the book of Exodus God says I want my people to leave Egypt and I want them to go three days journey out in the wilderness and I want them to worship me and I want their total attention by the way how many of you believe God deserves our attention once in a while that's what God wants in our worship that's why we hear the songs and that's why we give and that's why we're here to give God our attention everything else gets our attention work gets our attention and bills get our attention and the yard gets her attention and the neighbor's dog gets our attention how many of you believe God deserves our attention this morning so God says I want you to come three days journey I want you to come out and spend some time with me but you know the story don't you Pharaoh kept ignoring moses pharaoh kept ignoring God and so God begins to bring some plagues on Pharaoh and God begins to judge Pharaoh and Egypt because they would not let his people go by the way we live in a land where increasingly people hate God increasingly people have this spirit against the things of God and it's amazing I had just a little article published on Fox News yesterday just about marriage and about the need for God in marriage you cannot imagine the hate and the hate mail and the antagonism towards something as simple as marriage and the belief that God ordained marriage by the way how many of you believe God ordained marriage kind of a basic thought but people that hate God people that hate the thought of marriage people that have been burned and become bitter many times harden their hearts and in this hardened day you would think with hurricanes and difficulties in earthquakes and shootings somebody would stop and say God we repent and we need your help but Pharaoh would never repent and so God brought the plagues upon Egypt this is not a fairy tale it's very well documented in secular and well as sacred literature God turned the Nile and all the fresh water to blood in Chapter seven frogs plague Egypt in Chapter eight lice came down as well in Chapter eight the Flies came down and swarmed all upon Egypt cattle had disease there were boils a hail mixed with fire there was locusts there was darkness and finally there was the death of the firstborn all of this because Pharaoh hardened his heart and would not listen to God he would not let his people to go and so when we come to the Word of God in chapter 8 we see Moses holding faithful bringing the message to pharaoh and pharaoh is not yet letting the people go but he's going to begin to offer some compromise plans you see The Devil's never willing to let you fully surrender to God he's never gonna let that happen but he'll try to play let's make a deal with you he'll try to get you to go a little way with God but not all the way with God and that's what Pharoah tries to do I want you to see this in four temptations that Pharaoh offers and follow with me very quickly first there was the temptation to conform there was a temptation to conform now come back to verse 25 Pharaoh called from Moses and for Aaron and said go ye sacrificed to your God in the land would you see those words again in so here we have a conforming invitation they could go sacrifice as long as they didn't completely leave the land in other words Pharaoh saying just stay here among our idols among our wickedness it's as if he was saying you can kind of you know have your Christianity but don't get carried away with it just kind of stay here and kind of hang out and do what you've always done now in the New Testament it says this in first Corinthians 6:17 for us who are Christians wherefore come out from among them and be ye separate saith the Lord and touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you now that was referring to pagan idol in the first century it could refer to other idols it could refer to the idol of alcoholism or sensuality whatever it was in your past God says after you get saved I want you to come out from that and I want you to come all the way unto me come out and be separate and God had said to Moses I want my children to go three days away from all this nonsense from all these idols and I want them to worship me there I want their total attention there now how many of you know that in this type of a conforming invitation there is sometimes a peer pressure it's sort of like someone says we you know you can't get in you cannot get a raise you cannot get a promotion unless you go to the officer's club unless you hang out with the boys afterward and you can still be a Christian and everything it's okay if you go to church and stuff but just kind of hang out with the crowd just kind of do what we do maybe laugh at a dirty joke or something just kind of stay in the land man don't go all the way out for God just you know you can be religious but stay in the land this is what Pharoah was saying there was an interview done with a man who had lived to be a hundred years old and they asked him this question they said what do you think is the best thing about being your age and he said well no peer pressure and you know we talked about these 19 and 20 year olds and how they get peer pressure to do dumb things and sometimes even just mark their bodies and and get wasted because of peer pressure but how many of you would admit peer pressure affects everybody and imagine the most powerful man in the world Pharaoh saying all right look it here's how you can worship your God just do it in the land but notice the courageous response of Moses in verse 26 he says something interesting Moses said it is not meet to so do to do for we shall sacrifice the abomination of the Egyptians to the Lord our God now if you're taking notes take note of that word abomination and this is what it means in the nation of Egypt people would worship the very animals that the Jews were going to sacrifice so they would worship the RAM they would worship the innocent lamb they were polytheistic they worship many different kinds of God the God Isis many other gods they worshiped in Egypt and so what Moses was saying is Pharaoh if we stay in the middle of Egypt we're gonna be killing the very stuff that you worship in fact notice what he says there in verse number 26 he says shall we sacrifice the abomination of the Egyptians before their eyes and and will they not stone us in other words if we kill these animals they're gonna stone us because we're violating their law right in front of them so Moses refuses to stay in the land in fact Moses decides to obey God verse 27 notice it says we will go three days journey into the wilderness to sacrifice to the Lord our God as he shall command us Moses said Pharaoh I don't care how much pressure you put on me I am gonna go three days with God I don't care if people make fun of us I don't care if we look like nuts we're gonna go out in the middle of the desert we're gonna worship God the way that he said we should would be to God that every teenager that is tempted with with some type of premarital sex or some type of drinking or some type of drug would be the God that every Christian teenager that's tempted to live an ungodly life would say I'm gonna obey God and I don't care who makes fun of me I'm not staying there I'm gonna come out here and obey God now this is the spirit of the text the spirit of the text is that we need a courageous response when we are tempted to compromise and so we see the temptation to conform folks it's so subtle and it comes upon us and we don't even recognize how the good ol boys want us to conform and how sometimes the televisions pushing us to conform and so forth and we see here first of all the temptation to conform notice secondly there is the temptation to compromise now notice what pharaoh says in verse 28 this is amazing pharaoh said I will let you go that you may sacrifice to the Lord your God in the wilderness only ye shall not go very far away now compromise is keeping oneself close enough to the world to still be influenced by it and yet then bondage by it so what Satan is saying is alright look it you can go worship God just don't get carried away with it just just don't go all the way with this thing notice notice the key phrase in verse 28 ye shall not go very far away you know you don't need to do like the Sunday night for heaven's sake you don't need to you know do like the disciple I mean you can go along with this Christianity Satan says just don't go too far with it and he says that to many many people today and it's amazing to me how many churches are accommodating that people want less so they give less they want less preaching they give less preaching more entertainment they give it why because there's this idea that people don't want to go very far by the way how many of you know we're not here to worship each other we're here to worship God today that's the purpose of it to worship the Living God I read the an article this past week out of Christian post and it was about a pastor named Carl Lentz who's one of the pastors at a liberal and Pentecostal type church called the Hillsong Church and and he was photographed recently at a bar putting vodka shots down with Justin Bieber and here's the pastor and Justin Bieber that by the way it's quite common in a lot of the secret churches and hey you want to want to meet me as your pastor I'll meet you down at the bar by the way we won't be having that meeting in this church I guarantee you that later that same pastor was interviewed on The Oprah Network and they asked they asked him are Christians the only one who believed that you can have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ pretty straightforward question the pastor said no I believe that when Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life that the way I read that Jesus said he's the road marker he's the map you can find other you can find God other ways now let me just pull over here for just a quick minute to say Jesus is not the road marker or the map Jesus is exactly what the Bible said he is the way the truth and the life but you see when the devil says don't go very far I mean don't be so adamant don't be so fundamental about you know Jesus don't don't get so carried away with it not pretty soon you have what we call an accommodating theology that is where even churches begin to accommodate the world's belief into their philosophy and so we see that there is first of all here a compromising proposal that is made don't go too far away and all how we need to be careful with that because of peer pressure many times a girl feels weird to be modest or a boy feels weird not to cuss and and they feel weird to carry a Bible maybe to lunch or whatever and we need to recognize we're not we're not called to be weirdos or idiots but we are called to be different and listen the men and women who have changed this world are the men and women the world could not change and God is calling on us to be faithful today in our generation I love the quote found in the Bible exposition commentary don't go too far away the enemy whispers or people will call you a fanatic demolish that proposal the enemy says don't go too far away well you don't want to be a fanatic now I get a kick out of that because how many of you knows Dodger fans don't mind being called Dodger fans right Green Bay Packer pains they were fans we're cheese on their head they don't mind being fanatic for their team listen never be ashamed of being a born again Bible believing Christian just just simply recognize that it's our privilege there was a preacher years ago in the south of the 1950's and they had certain standards that they would not compromise for their Sunday School teachers and they they had some requirements we have similar requirements here and though the times keep changing you pray for me that I stand by my convictions and by Bible convictions those areas amen I told you you got to help me this morning a little bit so and this preacher he had someone in his church was testing that and by the way let me just pause to say anybody's welcome at Lancaster Baptist Church we don't care where they're from what they've done how they're dressed you just bring them in but but when it comes to someone who's behind a podium we have some requirements here just like where you work has requirements about certain things you can't show up to the you can't show up the sheriff's station and just wearing a tank top and flip-flops and going out on duty I don't care to see my doctor in that condition you know what I'm saying there's there's decorum and so this pastor back in the 1950s he had a man in his church whose name was Willie Nelson and the pastor called Willie Nelson and he said now Willie here's the thing you're either gonna stop playing at the beer joints and stop drinking alcohol and getting drunk or you're gonna stop teaching our children in Sunday school can anybody say Amen for the pastor there Willie Nelson said and I quote to the pastor you must be nuts the pastor did not back down how many of you know I'm so proud of that pastor for that he said the man didn't realize how everyone came to hear me sing at the church and how much money I gave Nelson said I had to choose between satisfying all those hypocrites at the church have you ever noticed when somebody's backsliding everyone else is the hypocrite I said you got to help me this morning here if you ever noticed that when someone's backsliding everyone else is the hypocrite so Willie Nelson who's who's a pot-smoking tax-evading rock star is now calling the Christians the hypocrites and he says in this interview he says so I decided to side with those who smoked and cussed and pick my guitar and sing in the dance halls I decided to stay with the beer joints the preacher sounded wrong to me so I quit that Baptist Church Willie Nelson said I've discovered a world full of people who believe in reincarnation and all the King James Bible does his cover up reincarnation the Aquarian gospel has had a great impact on me it explained everything to my satisfaction by the way one day Willie Nelson will stand before God for denying the truth of the word of God and James chapter 4 and verse 4 says it this way ye adulterers and adulteresses know ye not that friendship with the world is enmity with God whosoever therefore will be the friend of the world is the enemy of God so when Pharaoh said hey Moses look at you can go but just stay right here close to the world don't go too far Moses knew that that just wasn't going to be the case you can't be the friend of the world and the friend of God and many Christians today want both ways and God was simply saying to Moses Moses I want you to go three days journey I want you to come out and be separate and worship me with your whole attention and so Pharaoh said stay nearer to the world stay connected to the world but God says love not the world you know what I found sometimes we fear men so much because we fear God so little the fear of the Lord is the beginning of what say it with me the fear of the Lord is the beginning of so when we fear the Lord we're gonna make right decisions it doesn't matter what the old boy club wants us to do it doesn't matter what people are saying on Facebook it doesn't matter what some other teenagers are doing I've got a greater fear in my heart for God than I do for these people you see that's how Moses was Moses had a great respect and all for God in his heart so here we see a compromising proposal notice a very considerate response Moses in Exodus chapter 8 in verse 30 Moses went out from Pharaoh and entreated the Lord and the Lord did according the word of Moses and removed the swarm of the Flies from Pharaoh from his servants and from his people look at this Exodus 831 and there remained not one how many of you would agree with me if there was not one fly left in Egypt that was a miracle I mean that's like the 11th miracle in this story I'm telling you right now so you know Moses goes out and he actually prays for pharaoh I mean what a considerate and godly man but Pharaoh kept tempting him he said he said first of all look at Moses why don't you just stay in the land just be like us don't be too different and he's trying to tell some of you that yeah go to church but don't change anything else and then he says all right all right all right Moses look at you you can you can worship your God but don't go too far with this thing don't get carried away with this whole idea I mean it's it's okay to do the Willie Nelson thing it's okay and and so it is many Christians are kind of accommodating the world today will notice thirdly a third temptation maybe you've been tempted to conform maybe you've been tempted to compromise your convictions but notice the third one a temptation to corrupt and everyone of you that have children I want you to pay attention for the next five minutes because I want you to know that Satan wants to corrupt families he wants to divide families in other words he's like all right you can have the old generation but give me the kids that's the devil's listen that didn't start with communism that started with Satan say really all right well let's look at what he says here Exodus 10 everybody got your Bible open all right Exodus 10 8 and Moses and Aaron were brought again on to Pharaoh and he said unto them go serve the Lord your God but who are they that shall go so now he's not talking about where now he's saying who's gonna go with you right look at this and Moses said we will go with our young and with our old and with our sons and with our daughters and with our Fox and with our herds we will go for we must hold a feast unto the Lord how many of you get the idea Moses was sold out lock stock and barrel I mean everything and everyone was gonna go and worship the Lord verse 10 and he said unto them let the Lord be so with you as I will let you go and your little ones look to it for evil is before you this is what the Lord said to Moses verse 11 this is Pharaoh not so go now ye that are men and serve the Lord for that ye did desire and they were driven out from Pharaoh's presence so notice here a divisive proposal and here's the proposal of Pharoah it divides family unity Pharaoh is saying this you take the men but leave the women and the children behind and this is what the devil says today oh you can have you know the greatest generation you can have those people that want to have their 10th meaning and sing to the Lord and have their time of worship that's for the old fogies anyway but let the children stay behind and watch HBO and play demonic games and just just leave the children behind Moses you can go out there and do the religious thing but you leave the children behind by the way Karl Marx the the infamous communist said the education of all children from the moment that they can get along without a mother's care shall be in state institutions at state expense and in many Christians and I'm not speaking any one person here today I hope you're not doing this but many Christians today if they were honest they're allowing the public school and the media to influence their children more than they influence their children and I'm talking about a public school system that has gay pride week and that teaches that we all came from monkeys and and and and all of these types of things and and we let them become indoctrinated with these wicked philosophies and then we let them come home and watch it on the television and you're doing exactly what the devil wants hey you do your little Church thing out there but give me the minds of your children and that is exactly what the devil wants us to do and that's how he divides families and all how we need to have a passion the Bible says train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it many people say well we just let our children make up their own mind they're good kids they're rotten sinners what are you talking about I hate to pop your bubble but I've got four wonderful children I've got nine beautiful grandchildren and one should come at any moment number tens on the way and they're all sinners they bite each other they come to my house and fight for toys they're rotten you say how can you say such thing about your grandchildren they're the most wonderful grandchildren I love them but I'm just telling you they all need the Lord you know we have opportunity to turn in prayer requests and you can text those in or call the office fill out little forms put at the offering plate last Monday morning I had all the Prairie coming into me and and I was sorting them so I could pray and one of them was from my eight-year-old grandson Camden and his prayer request was that his four-year-old brother would get saved pray for Chandler to get saved and Chandler needs to get saved and I'm just telling you people who say well I just let my children make up their own mind that's not what the Bible says you're listening to Pharaoh Pharaoh's like hey just keep your kids here in Egypt you go out there and do the worship thing and but but I'll take care of the children it's like the devil's plan you see to separate a family little boy came to school late and he walked into class and his teacher said where have you been he said I'm sorry I just just just running late and and my mom and dad were fighting the teacher said well I'm sorry to hear that but you lived three doors down from the school I mean you could have just gotten here he said no ma'am he said you see my mom had one shoe one of my shoes in one hand and my dad had one of my shoes in the other hand there's a lot of families like that today divided listen husbands and wives walk with Jesus together defer to one another and obey the Lord together and bring your children on the journey you see here this proposal divides family unity it destroys family heritage notice this if you would that destroying of family here is verse 11 not so go now ye that are men and serve the Lord for ye did for for this you did desire you see Pharaoh is saying all right you guys go but let's not have the whole family in the heritage let's not all of us be so committed so there is a divisive proposal but notice a committed response verse 9 did you see what fair at what Moses said in verse 9 we will go with our young with our old with our sons with our daughters with our flocks with our herd we will go thank the Lord again for men in this room who said as for me and my house we will serve the Lord and when our kids hit those teenagers they get a little rebellious and they want to ask why why why why why I'm gonna tell them the best I can but I'm gonna show them through my life by a consistent example I'm gonna pray for my children I'm gonna model faithfulness before my children I'm going to talk about the Bible in God and creation and mercy and God's love and I'm gonna be a faithful testimony before them and so we see here Pharaoh tempting to conform tempting to compromise don't go very far tempting to corrupt families by dividing the children away from their parents and then notice finally this morning there's this temptation to concede how many of you have noticed the devil never stops fighting this never stops fighting and I want you to see that in chapter 10 and verse 24 the Bible says in chapter 10 and verse 24 and pharaoh called unto Moses and said go ye serve the Lord only let your flocks and your herds be stayed let your little ones also go with you and Moses said thou must give us sacrifices and burnt offerings that we may sacrifice unto the Lord our God so here's the concession it is a material concession and so Pharaoh says alright look I'm tired of the lies I'm tired of the Flies I'm tired of all these plagues go ahead you can go you can even you can take your wife and kids take them with you just don't take your cattle and your herds so again the devil's saying you can sell out to God but not all the way now back then they didn't have BMWs and young days and Kawasaki and Suzuki 's they had Fox and Hertz and so what Pharoah was saying is I want you to come back here and be my slaves some more and what the devil's saying is I don't want to lose my grip on you so you can go out there but now don't take your material possessions don't don't take your flocks and your herds and yet that was impossible for Moses why because giving was a part of the way they would worship in other words they needed their flocks and herds to provide sacrifices unto the Lord to stay there Genesis chapter 46 tells us about Israel or Jacob who took his journey and notice it says with all that he had and came to Beersheba and offered sacrifices under the God of his father Isaac in other words God says I want you to come with your whole life and follow after me when the wise men in Matthew 2 and verse 11 came to Jesus and they found the babe in Mary his mother they fell down worshiped him and they open their treasures and they presented unto Him gifts and treasures gold and frankincense and myrrh listen even the unsaved in this world believe that if there's a God that you believe is God you will come to him and you will offer sacrifice to that God in many of you you've come to church you've brought your children you've overcome some of those compromises but then when it's time maybe to give something to the missionaries the devils their sin hey listen listen now be careful now don't get all in like that be careful don't get too carried away but Moses realized that giving was a part of their worship and that giving was a reflection of the heart and the devil knows when you start giving then your heart follows that gift and and your heart gets involved Luke Luke 12 34 where your treasure is there will your heart be also look in your notes for a moment at 2nd Corinthians 9 and 7 every man according as he purposeth in his heart so let him give not grudgingly or of necessity for God loveth a cheerful Giver let me ask you a question this morning have you gotten to the place where you have said to the Lord Lord every good gift in my life comes from you and Lord this car is yours and Lord this house is yours and these clothes are yours this computer is yours these children are yours it's all yours Lord and I want you to be glorified and whatever you want Lord it's yours oh that sounds a little weird does it have you ever considered what the Bible says what know ye not that you've been bought with a price how many of you are thankful that Jesus price that he shed his blood to cover your sin see see here God just says Moses I want you to come how many days journey how many just a little ways three I want you to come three days journey I want you to bring your wife your children and everything that's meaningful to you and I want you to be willing to make a sacrifice I want you to worship me the word means to ascribe Worth to say Lord we count you worthy Lord we trust you to replenish what we have given we worship you Pharaoh tried a mature real concession some of you may have sensed this when the devil says in your heart yeah you don't need to really like give or anything don't get carried away with this thing I mean just because for 6,000 years believers have honored God that way you can start a brand new tradition and you can be a Burger King Christian and have it your way that's what Pharoah says have it your way material concession and then there's a spiritual conviction this conviction of Moses is amazing to me Exodus 10:25 notice what it says and Moses said thou must give us also sacrifices and burnt offerings that we may sacrifice unto the Lord our God notice this our cattle also shall go with us there shall not n HUF be left behind so I can hear some was in Oh Moses what a fundamentalist my goodness everything everyone every hoof I mean does it really all have to belong to God knows what he says for therefore there of must we take to serve the Lord our God and we know not what we must serve the Lord until we come thither in other words yet we don't know how much sacrifice we don't know what it's gonna take to feed all these people we need to take everything with us first chronicles 29 14 but Who am I and what is my people that we should be able to offer so willingly after this sort for all things come of thee and of thine own have we given thee this is all I want you to remember this morning there's a God who loves you and he wants fellowship with you I the LORD thy God am a jealous God there's a pharaoh called the devil who's gonna try to pull you back and pull you back and do everything he can so that you don't become a fully committed Christian and he's gonna offer you a lot of little compromises along the way for that we find in the Bible number 1 the compromise to conform hey you can have a bumper sticker that says you love Jesus you can know a few of the songs but look at just a you know kind of stay in the mix of the worldly things it's okay if you want to you find some Christian friends just slam down some vodka as long as you praise Jesus on Sunday it's alright look at just stay in the world and then there's the temptation to compromise alright it's gonna be a little different you can go a little ways but don't go too far you got to still know some of those choice words when you get mad you got to be able to really converse in the worldly things you know even though the Bible says that you know we're to be were to be wise to the good and we're to be simple to the evil it's okay to know some of the evil and then there's this third temptation and that temptation is to just kind of let the devil have his way with your family you can love God but it doesn't matter if everyone else does in your family and then the fourth one is to concede in the area of you know alright I'll go to church and everything but I'm not gonna not gonna really get involved with my treasure I'll concede that to the devil he can have the treasure and if he does he will soon have your heart in 31 years of pastoring I've never seen anybody stop following Jesus Christ before they long before they stopped attending church they stopped giving to the Lord it's always that way first now I want you to turn to one final verse and then we'll be done turn to first Corinthians 10:13 first Corinthians 10:13 is everybody still with me for temptations to compromise and I don't know about you sometimes it might be overwhelming how the devil can come at you and try to pull you back sometimes you feel it but you don't even know what's going on but I've got some good news as we close 1st Corinthians 10:13 and I want you to read this with me so everybody grab a Bible and share with a neighbor because we wanted we want to get this right from the Bible 1st Corinthians 10:13 you got your Bible then let's read it together ready begin there hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man but God is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able make a way to escape God says when that Pharaoh comes and he's telling you do it my way there's a way to escape that and here's the way here's the way to escape it obey the Word of God Moses just wouldn't let go of what God said he wouldn't let go of it he wouldn't let go of it when Satan came to Jesus after 40 days of fasting and Satan said if you're the Son of God turn those rocks into bread Jesus said man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God so my challenge to you my friends hold on to the word the world will pull you the word of God will be your anchor in the times of temptation and compromise
Channel: Lancaster Baptist Church
Views: 10,144
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Keywords: lancaster baptist church, lancaster baptist, baptist church, paul, chappell, paul chappell, pastor paul chappell, bondage, compromise
Id: -8Qx-wMhQT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 32sec (2312 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2017
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