Pastor Kent Christmas | September 15, 2021

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[Music] you're watching kcmi tv well good evening i think that the lord is really going to speak to us tonight the word that i have god really begin to just put this in my spirit and so i hope that when we're done tonight that god will have given you some understanding and answer some questions that people are wondering about especially in the hour that we're in and so i want to start reading out of the book of exodus chapter 20 because we want to talk about worship tonight but from a totally different aspect than perhaps what you're thinking about so i thought this would be a good starting point exodus chapter 20 and verse 1 and god spake all these words saying i am the lord thy god which have brought thee out of the land of egypt and out of the house of bondage thou shalt have no other gods before me thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of anything that is in the heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth thou shall not bow down thyself to them nor serve them for i am the lord thy god i am a jealous god i visit the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me and so exodus 20 really chronicles the 10 commandments and the very first thing that god begins to deal with is he just simply says this i'm your god i brought you out of bondage i'm the one that delivers you i'm the god that heals you there's nobody else that does these things and he said i created you you're going to worship me he said you will not bow down unto any other god so god sets the principle here for creation that when it comes to worship you and i our worship belongs unto the lord jesus christ and him alone and so there's nothing more paramount in the scriptures than worship and i think we're going to have to go all the way back to the beginning of what we would call time as far as we know it and in isaiah the scripture begins to talk about this and the enemy satan is the worship leader in heaven he is leading the the stars the angels they're praising the name of the lord and he's leading that and i can't imagine what it must have been like to watch all of creation in the heavens of the heavens being alive with the worship that's going forth and the sound of worship that's going forth and there's no sin in the atmosphere and here uh lucifer is the choir leader he's leading everybody and they're praising god but somewhere in the midst of that and i don't totally understand it other than when god makes people that are going to do great things he gives us the ability of choice and always remember this our love has to be determined out of choice god did not make us robotic because if he made us and we could only love him then it really wouldn't be love it would just be something that god's downloaded into us and god wants you to love him because of who he is and the relationship that you and him have and so in isaiah he begins to talk about this and of course the scripture's not always in chronological order we're all the way into isaiah now but we're reverting all the way back to before adam and eve and lucifer's watching the worship that's going up and and it's incredible and he begins to say this he said i'm going to be like the most high i want to be the one that's worshipped i'm going to ascend it to the sides of the north and he begins to lay a hold of worship because of all the things that satan has ever desired the thing that he desires the most is for human beings to worship him and of course jesus refers to this in the new testament he's referring to this time he said i saw satan fall from heaven as lightning and god the father just reached in in a moment and he removed satan from the atmosphere of worship cast him down to the earth with the third of the angels and the sound of worship began to continue again in heaven without uh without lucifer leading it and so whenever uh you read about heaven you know writers talk about it isaiah said this he said in the year that king uzziah died he said i saw the lord and he was high and lifted up and his glory filled the temple and he said the angels were crying holy holy holy unto the lord what was what was isaiah seeing god was allowing him to peak behind the curtain of time and to look into the holiest of holies where god abides and there he got to look in on a worship service and as he watched this worship begin to go forth the angels are crying holy holy holy is the lord even now in heaven there is worship going on and the angels are praising god and the old testament saints are praising god and those that have gone on before us are praising the lord i i was thinking when john the revelator said he said i was in the spirit on the lord's day and he said i i saw what was happening and he said the doorposts uh were moved at the sound of god and he said the four and twenty angels were were casting their crowns at the feet of the lord and so in heaven uh in eternity the paramount exercise that you and i are going to participate in is worship it's it's it's amazing and so um you know the devil the bible says this in second corinthians i think it's the 11th chapter he paul's writing he said don't marvel he said that the devil satan can transform himself even into an angel of light why would he do that because he is an anti-christ of jesus and what what's the scripture said about jesus jesus said this of himself he said i am the light of the world and so no wonder if satan is an antichrist or he's anti or he's opposite of jesus but he wants what jesus has he's going to transform himself into an angel of light because he wants the worship that that men are giving and so um let's go back to i think it's in matthew remember when jesus is in the wilderness and he's fasted 40 days and 40 nights and then the bible says that that after where he hunger and that the devil comes to him and he begins to tempt him or test him and the final test if i if i remember right the scripture says that the devil looks at jesus and he said it says that he showed him all the kingdoms of the world i don't think he was showing him natural geographical places even though where he was you could probably see a great distance in all in all areas i think that what the devil was showing jesus was the spiritual kingdoms that he was saying look i own the kingdom of addiction on the kingdom of homosexuality of child abuse of depression of all sin he said all these kingdoms he said they've been given to me and you would think well my goodness if if you own all the kingdoms of the world you would be satisfied but the devil looked at jesus and he said i'll give you all of them if you will do one thing if you will fall down and worship me see that's what the enemy's after that you and i have that is so precious it doesn't come out of a book it doesn't come from technique or talent it comes from way down in here and he looked at jesus and he said just fall down and worship me and i'll give you all these kingdoms and jesus said no he said i'm not going to do that. he said for thou shall worship the lord thy god and him only shalt thou serve and so the enemy the devil has always been after one thing yours and minds worship so uh i want to talk a little bit about what worship is i think that the church has really been tricked in the last several years in what we define as worship and uh of course you know uh as a boy um i remember being raised in church and we did not have the refinement that we have now we didn't have the beautiful sanctuaries that we have now our musicians weren't as accomplished our singers sometimes were not as talented but there was a an element that we had that was amazing it was worship and here's what worship is not it's not the songs that you sing it's not how eloquent we speak it's it's not the the lyrics of the song because um the lord said this he said there are people who honor me with their lips but their hearts are far from me and i over the years traveling for for probably 25 years i traveled preaching before i started pastoring the second time and i would get so frustrated because i'd get in services where they'd go for an hour and 15 20 minutes and just do nothing but sing and then the people are exhausted and there's no there was no premium put on the word of the lord and what's happened in america right now is we have filled our platforms with mostly praise teams that are under the age of 30 that don't really understand the relationship with christ maybe we're not even filled with the baptism holy ghost a lot of a lot of our musicians and our singers today in america have issues not all of them but you know here's the thing satan always targets people who are gifted to lead god's people into his presence and this is why homosexuality sometimes touches our musicians and our singers because god has given them an anointing to lead the church into worship and we think that worship is singing four songs in a service and the lyrics and all of that worship has nothing to do with what you say he said they honor me with their lips but their hearts are far from me worship doesn't come from here it comes from the heart it is more than just a vocal exercise it's more than just the raising of the hands it is the affection it is what comes from our soul that we begin to release into the atmosphere our adoration for the presence of god and um i think that in the time that we're in that god is trying to bring the church back to a place that true worship has to come out of a pure vessel it's not something that we just release for a 20-minute time period and then we go do our own thing for the whole week it is a 24-hour a day position that you and i have in the lord jesus christ those seasons were where you're about work and all of a sudden you could just feel the glory of god you could feel the tug of the lord on your on your heart and you just raise your hands and begin to praise the lord and say god i love you i thank you that you're my savior and and oh i think that we moved god by that by that attitude of worship that we have and so um i want to take a little bit a journey here let me see if i i want to read to you something out of psalms uh chapter 115 uh verse 2 says wherefore should the heathen say where is now their god but our god is in heaven he hath done whatsoever he pleases he said their idols are silver and gold in the work of men's hands they have mouths but they speak not and eyes they have but they see not they have ears but they hear not noses have they but they smell not they have hands but they handle not feet have they but they walk not neither speak they through their throat they that make them are like unto them and so is everyone that trusteth in them and david refers this more than once but he's talking about um what people worship and what people trusted and of course in the old testament he said i was reading this morning he said a man will cut down a tree and he'll use half of it to create a fire and bake a cake and then he'll carve the other half into an idol and bow down and worship to it and he said they have no life and so you and i whether we realize it or not every human being is going to worship something you say well then how do i know what i worship what you give your affections to your time to your heart to that's what you worship i've pastored people that can't hardly come to church on sunday morning because every weekend their children who maybe are talented in in sports they're caught up in that and they miss church to take their kids because they want the kid to become a professional athlete and so for a four-month season you never see them in church because it's every weekend it's softball it's t-ball it's soccer you know what you're doing you're worshiping something because that's what you gave your affection to some people worship their job because they're not going to come to church they're going to work some people worship their spouse or some people worship other things but whatever controls your heart that's what you worship worship is not 20 minutes on sunday singing our god is an awesome god worship is a lifestyle it's what you give yourself to and um you only can worship what you love and this is why a lot of people struggle in their walk with god they say i just have a hard time praying and that's because you're not worship you don't love the lord and it is the only way you can ever be victorious in god is you got to surrender everything that's why the bible says serve the lord with all your heart all your soul all your mind all your strength and so everybody worships something and it can be defined in a plethora of different ways but every human being worship you can go to other cultures around the world whether it's in new guinea or way up in the philippines you can go places where an indigenous tribe has never been touched by civilization and you will find that they worship they'll have a tree a rock uh something that's what they give their worship to why because god put it in man he has to release worship so the key is what do we worship and uh you're either gonna you're gonna worship what you love and to some degree you're going to worship what you fear the bible says the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom and um i i the fear is not being terrified of god but it's understanding that there is a reverence that comes in the process of worshiping the lord and so the scripture here says this he said when a person worships something that's man made he said you will wind up being like them what you what whatever you worship that's what you're going to become like and if you worship christ then you become like christ if you worship money then that's what you're going to be like that's that'll consume you if you worship success that's what you're going to that's what you're consumed you become like that the issue is this worship what you worship has to come down to a point that if you get in trouble what you trust in and what you worship can it deliver you and the bible says this there come a day when those who made the idols of gold and silver will cast them to the moles and the bats and run from the mountains because in a time when they need deliverance it won't come and so i want to finish up tonight and i want to talk about um something that really is in my spirit this is in um this is in the book of revelations in revelations chapter 13 because here's here's what i want to touch on because uh everybody's you know we're interested in prophecy now and and what's happening in our nation and uh is the vaccine the mark of the beast and is the antichrist now here and and all of these different things and so maybe i can help you a little bit on this i'm not an eschatology preacher i do speak prophetically but really not in the realm of those things and so in revelations chapter 13. verse 7 it says and was given unto him this is talking about the antichrist it was given unto him to make war with the saints to overcome them and power was given him over kindreds and tongues and nations and all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him whose names are not written in the book of life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world if any man happen here let him hear and so um i thought it was interesting if you think that satan lucifer of course his name has changed now the devil is in those last days he is embodied in the antichrist anti just seems means opposite of christ but just as jesus receives our worship so does satan want to receive our worship and when the antichrist comes on the scene the bible says this that he will insist he will demand that everybody worship him the book of damula is a prophetic book and it ties in some with ezekiel in the book of revelations but when you go back and you read the story of the three hebrew children i might have it here i do daniel is um the three hebrew children i've been told by nebuchadnezzar and and he says as whosoever falleth not down and worshippeth he'll be cast in the midst of a burning fiery furnace and um nebuchadnezzar made this huge image and the whole thing was this he said i'm going to demand that israel get on their knees and worship this image always remember this the thing that the devil wants the most right now from creation on the earth is he wants their worship and so when you go back to the book of revelations and you begin to read it says the antichrist is going to create an image and he is going to demand that everybody worship it and so if you go over just one more chapter chapter 14 verse 9 says and the third angel followed them saying with a loud voice if any man worship the beast and his image and receives his mark in his forehead or in his hand now he's talking about if you've worshipped it the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of god which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation and he shall be tormented with fire in brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the lamb if we don't get a revelation in the church in this hour that god is after worship not men made things we've turned our platforms into idols we've turned our talent into something that we worship we worship superstars and everything and listen the church is about one thing it is a place that we gather hallelujah and we lift up our voices and we begin with adoration and praise to tell jesus christ that he is our deliverer and he is our savior and so in that last days that we're in we talk about the scripture here says this he says that the antichrist is going to demand that you worship him i i personally believe that there is a catch in a way of the church we can call the rapture whatever you want to call it and i think that the only ones that are going to go up in the rapture are saints of god who have mastered the art of being able to live a lifestyle of worship that god would help us understand that just because we say we love the lord or just because we sing a worship song on sunday morning that we're giving god worship that's not worship it's when you surrender everything that you have in your life and you say as jesus did father not my will but thy will be done and when we learn how to worship god we go up into his presence and then eventually god catches us away and so i hear people all the time say well i will never take the mark of the beast but they're not faithful to church their business consumes them their affections and their emotions and their heart are somewhere else whether it's building a personal kingdom or amassing wealth or a an individual that they're in love with whatever success that that's what they worship whether they realize it or not and the scripture here is very plain i don't know if i read it or not but it said this the antichrist is going to demand that for you to be able to buy or sell that you're going to have to give your obedience and your worship to the beast and that the only way that you can continue your lifestyle of operating and what you like is if you have to make a conscious surrender to worship the antichrist people say well i would never do that but if church takes a hit you don't have a prayer life you don't you're not faithful to god uh you don't have a strong relationship with the lord and what you worship is you know we live in a time now where so many people are affluent and we we have money we we own wonderful homes we're able to travel and all of these things but if the presence of god and being in worship is not number one in your life then when the enemy comes and says look you can't keep your house you can't go to the grocery store you're going to lose your job we're going to take away your your money if that's what you already gave your affection to and you think i can't buy or sell or function unless i fall down and worship the beast if you have not already learned how to give your worship to god then you're going to give your worship to that and right now we're in a time boy i feel it's in the spirit we are in a time where god is revealing the hearts of men and he is drawing a line right now in the middle and there's no more gray area you're either all in for jesus or you're going to be all in for the devil and there's a lot of people right now that couldn't wrap their mind around the fact that in a few years they're going to bow down and worship a man-made idol because they don't want to lose what they have but when you serve jesus christ you're going to get to a place listen worship opens up a whole new dimension to you that you don't care whether you have the big house or you don't care whether you have the retirement what matters most of all is oh god let me come into your presence and let me worship you in heaven worship is eternal and the only thing that's going to get us there in the rapture is if we learn how to worship the lord your worship that you have now which just simply is a complete surrender to god who you worship is who you're like and if we will give body soul and spirit to jesus christ he will deliver us in the midnight hour and it doesn't matter how dark it looks can i tell you that god is still in control he's not moved by what he sees all the chaos all of the things that are going on i i was thinking about this yesterday and people say well what in the world is going on we just see one negative thing after another and it seems like we continue to lose our personal freedoms lord drop this in my spirit he said son all you're hearing is the roaring of the prophets of baal but he said elijah hasn't started praying yet and can i tell you in the holy ghost that god's getting ready to shut the mouth of baal the prophets of baal and the lord is getting ready to loosen elijah prayer in the atmosphere and the fire of god is getting ready to fall and where you're going to see god begin to do his greatest work in the next few years is men and women that know how to worship god that it takes preeminence over everything in your life that god is number one and as we begin to praise the name of the lord because when we do that it is a divine protection if you don't give your worship to god as i in this if you don't live in that realm now if you've not learned that christ demands everything from you if you don't give your worship to jesus regardless whether you think you will or not you will give your worship to the antichrist and you know it's it's interesting because the bible said that jesus ministry lasted three and a half years satan is an antichrist who transforms himself into an angel of light and we know that there's a seven year tribulation period but the last three and a half years is when the antichrist rises up and for three and a half years same length time as jesus's ministry the antichrist ministry is gonna last three and a half years just like jesus did but it's gonna end in defeat and the enemy for three and a half years is finally gonna have what he wants that everybody on the earth is gonna worship him and then the bible says that god's gonna pull the plug come back hallelujah and he's going to end this thing in a glorious battle i hope that i've been able to convey to you that the only thing that's going to keep you from bowing down in the next few years and worship the antichrist is if you learn how to worship god now learn to worship something that has ears and eyes hands that can touch your feet that can carry you that's alive that's jesus and so i pray that god will put this word in your spirit that he'll let it just kind of marinate in you we're going to have a great time sunday i believe god's going to move in a tremendous way thank you for joining me tonight i'm so honored that you all take time to sit with me and break the bread of life until i see you again may god's face shine upon you for more information about kent christmas ministries international or regeneration nashville go to or and for the latest updates or videos follow us on facebook and subscribe to us on youtube god bless you
Channel: Kent Christmas
Views: 13,961
Rating: 4.9824343 out of 5
Id: HVmAkpW2RJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 26sec (1946 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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