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[Music] [Music] you are the mighty god [Music] [Applause] the great i [Music] you am the king of kings the lord of lords the greater father mighty god we bless your holy name [Music] king of kings and lord of lords the great i am we worship you [Music] we thank you especially for what we have done in the holy ghost services for the past 35 years we thank you for what started as a small seed whereby your grace has grown [Music] to become a giant tree spreading throughout the whole world we bless your holy name lord please accept our thanks in jesus name father today in a very very special way give every one of your children an anniversary gift a gift so big that we will never forget today and father we are praying especially for your children born in the month of march march is the third month of the year and three is the number of trinity the number of power so we commit all these your children to your hands we ask that you pour fresh oil on them empower them to succeed empower them to prosper empower them to do mighty things for you give them a brand new beginning so that forever my father my god they will glorify your holy name do mighty things today lord and we will bless you forever in jesus mighty name we have prayed amen amen let someone shout hallelujah we want to bless the name of the lord for yet another anniversary of the holy ghost [Music] services for april the holy ghost service will be again especially for children and we will let you know if it's going to be virtual or if we are going to bring in the children we will make the announcement at the appropriate time the theme will be god bless you part 4 and the subtitle will be blessed fruits because children are fruits of the womb we'll be discussing children who are blessed right from the womb we are believing god that by then by april 18th will have stabilized and so be able to bring our children for special blessing and special anointing i'm sure many of us know the origin of the holy ghost service that it started in 1986 we were in britain [Music] preparing to sunday school for the redeemed christian church of god and it was near our birthday anniversary when all of a sudden we heard god say son what do you want for your birthday and of course i didn't know god would be interested in anybody's birthday this later on i realized that he says in his word teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts to wisdom and so i said lord if that is you will you please repeat the question and he said yes son it is me i said what do you want for your birthday i said lord all i want is that every member of my congregation will receive a miracle he said that's what you want i say yes lord it's a very good then when you get to home gather them together and we were very few in those days and i will grant their requests whatever they ask for they will get so we returned home we announced to the people a special meeting the meeting lasted seven days and god moved so mightily so mightily that by the time we got to the third day people were already in the church by 80 am for a service that was going to start at 7 pm so that they can find a seat in the little helicopter structure at that time when the seven days were over some people came and said sir cat will be having this thing every year so i turned to my daddy and he said why not so we began to hold it every year once a year after some time people like oliver twist asked can't we have this thing every month that's when the holy ghost service became every month so those who are wondering why something that started 35 years ago is it growing and continuing getting bigger and bigger it is because the origin of it is god that's why you find people ignoring all the hardship of traffic jam etc i'm coming in fact there was one occasion when one fellow who had no job decided he must be at the holy ghost service at our course and so he got up very early in the morning and dragged all the way from lagos to redemption camp by time he got here and the service was about to start he fainted and they have to pour water on him to revive him of course that day when we had what happened and we announced what happened what happened he got six job offers he had a problem choosing which one would be the best so the reason for the holy ghost service is that we come we'll pray and god we answer so tonight what we want to do again is to pray the teachings that will [Music] precede the praying is just to prepare the grounds for the prayer and so tonight by the grace of god you are going to pray and in any case if anybody tells you that if you pray on a particular day god is going to answer that day i don't think anybody will beg you to pray and since today is an anniversary of the day when the holy ghost started 35 years ago i am thanking god in advance for you that your prayers will be answered today and i believe that you yourself you will pray now 35. it's a very interesting figure because it is five times seven and five is the number for grace seven is the number for perfection so we are talking about five times seven which means grace times perfection as a very serious combination grace because today god is going to focus his attention on you not because you are better than others but he just wants to be gracious i mean john chapter 5 from verse 2 to 9 john 5 from verse 2 to 9 when there were there was a multitude at the pool of bethesda it was grace that focused attention on the man who had been there for 38 years not that he was better than any other person and interestingly he was the only one who got a miracle the lord finished with him and moved on well if god is going to pay attention to just one person today who would that fail to be i think the answer should be probably me and somebody else seven is the number for perfection and it means that by the time god finishes with you today two things will happen god themselves would look at you and say very good amen genesis chapter 1 verse 31 genesis 1 verse 31 and then he will move on to say excellent as a second excellent means there's nothing more to add so i can now enjoy my rest genesis chapter 2 from verse 1 to three genesis two verse one two three the bible tells us that on the seventh day god rested i'm believing god for someone today that after this special holy ghost service for the rest of your life you have nothing to do other than just to thank god because god would have done excellently for you now we now go to our text our text is found in psalm 121 from verse one to two you know we're talking about god bless you but the subtitle for today is i will lift up my eyes and that's found in uh psalm 121 from verse one to two i will lift up my eyes onto the hills from whence commit my help my help comment from the lord which made heaven and earth that is the text for today but when we started discussing god bless you we started by defining god and we have not finished defining him of course we will keep on defining him finding out muhammad about him as we go along today for the purpose of this special legal service we will define gods we we take a look at god from what he himself called himself genesis chapter 17 verse 1. genesis 17 verse 1 he said i am jehovah el shaddai the god who is more than enough genesis 17 verse one the all sufficient one we want him to introduce himself today america we've been learning about him it was in the beginning it was it was there before the beginning began but this is the first time he opened his mouth to introduce himself i am jehovah el shaddai the god who is more than enough the all-sufficient one then in exodus chapter 3 from verse 13 to 14 exodus 3 from verse 13 to 14 he also introduced himself and said i am that i am which according to bible scholars simply means i am whatever you want me to be to you whatever you want me to be that's what i will be so take note of these two important definitions of god how he introduced himself my prayer for every one of you connected to this particular service is that the all-sufficient god will prove himself in your life today [Music] then of course we have defined bless we already know that bless is simply meaning that the almighty god is summoning all the forces in heaven on earth underneath the earth to assist you to reach your goal and then who is you particularly as to today's topic is concerned if i say who is the one that god is going to bless everybody who says me that who is you because you see this matter is a matter of an individual perception when david was speaking in psalm 121 that we read today from verse one to two he said i will lift up my eyes i not we my eyes not our eyes from whence cometh my help not our help my help comes from the lord my help individual so who is the you and god bless you today it is a night a person an individual what kind of individual an individual who is in need of help whether you believe it or not not everybody needs help oh there are some people who needs it but they don't want help i will explain you know in that story in john chapter 5 verse 29 john 5 from verse 2 to 9. when jesus christ saw the man who had been sick for 38 years and asked him will you be made whole that must have sounded a very funny question you can see this man is sick you can see him lying down here for 38 years why ask him do you want to be made whole because not every sick person wants to be well really oh we've seen cases we've been praying for a woman for quite a while and we found that instead of her getting better she got worse so we said ah god what's going on and the almighty god told me to ask her ask this woman does she want to beware and i answer woman do you want to be where she said no why not she said because when i was well when my husband finishes in a place of work she will go to the clubhouse since i became sick any time she finished from as soon as he finishes from work he's rushing back home let me remember he can retain my husband true story not everybody wants to be healed not everyone wants to be free not everybody wants deliverance oh john chapter 3 verse 19 john 3 verse 19 made it clear he said the light comes into the world and some people just don't want light and i can give you illustrations upon illustrations there was another lady too who was in bondage and we prayed for her to be free and she refused she refused to be free when we confronted her she said what's what's the problem you want me to lose the power that i used to control my husband i'm telling true stories the elder i said i will remember she said i have this power this witchcraft that when i tell my husband to drive me to the house of my boyfriend he will drive me there i will ask him to wait in the car he will wait in the car i will go upstairs to my boyfriend we will have fun when i finish i'll come and meet him in the car you want me to lose that power i pray today that if there is anyone who is tormenting you who does not want to be free the almighty god will deal with that following jesus name so the one we are talking about the one that is going to stand in the position of you in god bless you but be somebody who needs help or who wants help to must know where to get that help from true help not false one david said i will lift up my eyes onto the hills he wasn't talking about physical heals or mountains he was talking about the one who made heaven enough he's simply saying i'm going to lift my eye aside to heaven as possible he says i will lift up my eyes so the one with the ever present help in trouble psalm 46 1 psalm 46 verse 1 is the one who lift his eye to the true helper of the helpless not to force god so force help us i mean it's a conquering chapter one from verse one to seventeen second kings chapter 1 from verse 1 to 17 a king was sick and he sent his servants to a neighbor worshiping king to go and look for help elijah met these servants on the way and told them to go back when finally they met he told the king is there no god in israel that you are sending to ekron he said hear the word of the lord you are sick you will die because you are seeking help where there is no help seeking true help the program of today is for those who want help from the true help before before we met the lord jesus christ with with sought help including me before i met the lord jesus christ you have to do before when things were beginning to open up i built a house i bought a car and my people say watch it so better we better fortify you they took me to one big baby no shock who saw the way i looked at him and decided to disgrace me god told me to go and bring a goat and that i must not carry the goat in my car i must lead the goat by hand the market oh lord god i was a lecturer then in the university and i led a goat from the market to the heavily soul and the goat fought all the way and the upper list gave me three charms tie one to the steering column of your car and you will never collide with anyone tie one in the boot and nobody will ever collide with you from behind and then put one under your seat just in case if anything should happen the son of man will just disappear i came to lagos i did what he said three times in two weeks i had accidents nobody taught me before i took all the thing and threw into the lagoon thank god i have found the helper of the helpless and his name is jesus if you haven't found him you will find him today in jesus name and the fellow who will be you the one who is going to be blessed today must be somebody who is ready to make determined effort to get that help he's in need of help he wants help he knows where true help is and must determine to get that help david said i will lift up my eyes not i may i will the word will tells you about his determination david said in san juan 8 verse 1 someone knew it was one he said my heart is fixed within within me like concrete concrete determination the one who is going to get help today must be someone who will ask and keep on asking matthew 7 verse 7 to eight matthew 7 verse 7 to 8 jesus christ himself said you most ask you must seek you must knock but he says ask and keep asking to your joy be full john 16 24 john 16 verse 24 seek you must keep on seeking diligently hebrews 11 verse 6 hebrews 11 verse 6 god is a rewarder of those who gently seek him knock and keep knocking keep knocking until the door is opened luke chapter 18 from verse 1 to 8 luke 18 from verse 1 to 8 god has no time for those who pray casually there is no time for casual prayers in revelation chapter 3 revelation 3 verse 15 to 16 revelation 3 15 to 16 he may declare want to be called be cold you want to be hard to be hot but if you are lukewarm he said i will spill you out of my mouth when it is time to pray today you must pray diligently you must ask with everything that is in you you must seek diligently you must knock persistently until the door be opened god is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him not those who casually seek him as a battle of fat god prefers those who are violently diligent not even casually diligent violently diligent you remember the story in mark chapter 2 from verse 1 to 12 mark 2 from verse 1 to 12 the bible tells us of those boys who brought their friend for healing they broke through the roof when there was no room at the door mark 2 from verse 1 to 12. i see remember very well when we were in the very first auditorium by the expressway having the holy ghost night and that particular night god instructed me to get a piece of cloth and that we should anoint it late on the altar i think i remember that day we asked two ushers to hold the cloth one on one side and one on the other side and god said that every barren woman should come and touch the cloth that if they do that man they will become pregnant you say where is that written in the bible no it's not written in the bible god just spoke to me and said that's what he wanted done is that scripture why don't you ask elisha it's not written in the bible that we should go and bring our salt in the new cruise and go and throw it into the river and the river will become sweet god is the almighty he speaks to his prophets throughout years through here you will hear him who guide you so people were called the baron were coming and they were touching the cloth and they were going back rejoicing i think after some time the ushers who were holding the club got tired and probably they thought that there was nobody left that there was a woman and so the usher said that's enough and and the woman began to scream i must use stuff when it is my turn and from the altar i saw what was going on there was commotion the woman wasn't going to allow these socials to go so i asked what's going on and they told me i said okay come and she came and i gave her the cloth oh sticky yeah i mean so they said everybody i've been touching is my turn they said and you know what when she was sharing a testimony the following year she said she was she had been told she had no fallopian tubes but she was testifying with her baby she refused to let go until our prayers were answered i pray for someone today that rugged determination that kind of determination that will say god i won't let you go until you bless me may god give it to you now we all know that needs to differ the problem of wine is not necessarily the problem of the other but that is why god says my name is die the god who is more than enough the all-sufficient god sufficient for every need what do you mean better by this difference look at neymar in second king chapter five from verse one to fourteen second kings five from verse one to fourteen neymar was not in need of money he wasn't in need of promotion he wasn't in need of popularity or success he was already a successful man but he needed healing he needed healing the shunammite woman in second king chapter 4 from verse 8 to 17 second kings 4 from verse 8 to 17 she needed no financial breakthrough she was in sick but she was barren she needed help in the area of the marital and i thank god that she used what she had to get what she wanted she cornered the man of god something told that this is where you are through the man through whom you are going to get help many of you will see remember the story of one of my daughters in one of the nations of the world because everybody is listening now all over the world so maybe i will mention the name of the of the country some of you know the testimony she is a medical doctor successful one she has her own hospital so she wasn't sick [Laughter] she wasn't poor she wasn't and picked me up at the airport whichever car they asked me to enter into that's the one i entered into so she bought a brand new car big one went to the pastor i said i beg you true or purpose store this time let him ride in my car the pastor agreed i rode in the car i didn't know what was her plan she didn't tell me anything i wasn't aware of her problems after i left she parked the car in a garage and every night i can't remember for how many nights she will go sit where i sat in the car and cry to god you are the god of the man who sat here answer me six months later she got married the next time i heard from her there was a phone call from a spiritual do you know that's your daughter i say yes she's in the spiritual i say oh what's the problem oh she has just given birth to a girl the shoulda might woman use what she had to get what she wanted violently this lady i've just referred to use everything she had to get what she wanted now today why i'm rejoicing with you in advance is that you will not even be crying to god alone you will not be crying to god unneeded everyone listening to me all over the world now and that's the beauty of this thing being virtual all our members are connected all over the world to what's going on now everybody is going to join you in crying to god why because in matthew chapter 18 from verse 19 to 20 matthew 18 verse 19 to 20 the almighty god says if two of you shall agree as touching anything you ask on earth it shall be granted unto you and you know what you've already got two you are one by the grace of the almighty god password everybody will be number two but it's not just the two of us there are several others who cry to god with you because this is a very special anniversary holy ghost service you see because everybody needs some form of help you may be determined to cry but you need help like the my daughter have just mentioned she needed the help of the pastor the pastor could have said no we will hire a car as we used to do that would have destroyed our plan she needed the help of a driver because i would have guessed what something is going wrong give all of a sudden the doctor should leave her practice to come and drive me around i would say what's happening neymar needed help in ii chapter 5 from verse 1 to 14 second kings 5 from verse 1 to 14 he knew he needed physical help he knew he was sick help came from a housemaid who told me where help could be obtained if you can get to my country there's a prophet there a man of god that will heal you of your leprosy as soon as he had where help will come from iran to israel got there met the man of god who didn't bother to come out who told him do this and you'll be made whole he was angry and he was about to lose his miracle another servant came and helped you need help and that help will come to you today therefore are you sick do you need physical help do you want to be made whole lift up your eyes there is someone called i am the lord that he let the exodus 15 verse 26 exodus 15 26 he says i am the lord that he let thee seek him diligently forcefully today and he will heal you in mark chapter 5 from verse 25 to 34 mark 5 25 to 34 the woman with visual blood had tried all doctors then she heard that there is one the one called the original physician passing by she pushed away through and god help are you in any form of bondage a few sense that there are certain evil forces hindering your progress seek the one who is called the lord of hosts psalm 24 from verse 7 to 10 psalm 24 from verse 7 to 10. has never lost a wall and is willing to be your ally but you must seek him tenaciously tonight matthew chapter 15 from verse 21 to 28 matthew 15 21-28 when that woman came to jesus christ and said please have mercy on me my daughter is grievously vexed of the devil help and jesus ignored her she refused to keep quiet the disciples said she was too noisy there you haven't heard anything yet i'm going to shout louder until the lord answered her when it's time to pray tonight don't pray ladies and gentlemen prayer after you've received your help tonight you can become ladies and gentlemen again the day you come to testify come and speak grammar speak queen's english on the day you are testifying today ignore grammar cry for help i've told you before if three people were involved in an accident and they were dying they took them to the emergency world and then one of them said uh i mean the doctor should know that i need help why why do i need to open my mouth just like some people who say god knows i need help i don't need to pray the second one i said well i think there are three or four so maybe i better talk a little bit you know but i must talk like a gentleman you know the fact that i am in a crisis doesn't mean i should forget i have a phd so he said doctor there's someone here who who needs your help you know but the third one says today is not the day of grammar help doctor who is going to get the first attention today is not the day for joking i beg you it can only be 135th anniversary only one of the holy ghost service are you in need materially do you really need help you really need a financial breakthrough turn to the one who introduced himself and say i am the all-sufficient god jehovah el shaddai genesis 17 verse 1 turn to him but drew it diligently do it violently second king chapter four from verse one to seven second kings four from verse one to seven the widow of the son of the prophet didn't go quietly she see this throw into the house of elisha to say well don't you know that that i'm the widow of one of the sons of the prophet said no no no she cried please she cried and she got help that day i've told you the story of when god asked me to give a violent offering when every door was shot against me i did what he asked me to do and those were opened not just one not just two dust just kept on opening are you in marital need look up to the one who is called the fruitful vine john chapter 15 from verse 1 to 5. there is help with him there is help with him he can resurrect dead wombs the bible says the womb of said i was already dead you can resurrect that woman they can bring children out of stones i know what i'm talking about that you have to seek him diligently in 4 seconds chapter 1 verse 9 to 20 fosa may 1 9 to 20 the bible tells us wept saw prayed in such a manner that the prophet of the priest thought that she was drunk there must be some kind of prayer are you in spiritual need are you hungry for the power of god look up to the one who is the great source of power the only source of power psalm 62 verse 11. psalm 63 verse 11 god has spoken once twice have i heard this the power belongs to god they seek him diligently tenaciously remember second king chapter two from from verse one to fifteen second kings two from verse one to fifteen three times elijah to the elijah you've done enough wait so what can i wait i haven't got what i want yet boy i want to cross jordan to the other side and you don't know how to swim who is talking of swimming if i get what i want there'll be no need for me to swim you open the wrist gel then we'll go over but by time i'm returning this jordan must open to me too go to god today please come to him with everything in your being pray like you have never prayed before seek him like we have never done before let this particular light go down in history in your life i deny that everything change for the better the night that the help you have been praying for finally came so our procedure will be as follows because i will i don't want to waste too much time preaching anymore because we need to pray tonight we want to pray there will be two prayer sessions first of all we will join together to pray for those who need physical health every one of us we pray for that we will join together we'll pray for those who need material help we will join together we'll pray for those who need deliverance we will join together we will pray for those who have marital problems etc after that we have a short break during which time here if there's any word of prophecy a word of knowledge that god wants to send to us will take note of them and then we will thank him for what he had done but then there will be a second session of prayer and that one is going to be you alone now you say why after all you have all helped me to pray yes yes yes if you look at mark chapter 10 from verse 46 to 52 mark 10 46-52 batman's heard that jesus was passing by he cried and i timed god for that kind of man he cried he was blind you you have had me already and he could shout there's nothing wrong with his mouth so he shouted until jesus heard he got help because the very people who originally told him to shut up well also the people who brought him to jesus but do you know after all the happy god when the lord asked him what do you were eating with his whole mouth as an individual now that he said ah this is what i want so the second session of prayer is going to be you and god alone you are the one who will now say okay god everybody had prayed for me i've already has received help i know you are the source of the help that i want but specifically this is what i want but before we pray there's something in proverbs 11 21 proverbs 11 21 the bible says even if hands join hands the sinner will not go unpunished you know what that means the whole world will be joining you in prayer today but if you are a sinner if your sins have not been washed away by the blood of the lamb you'll be wasting your time the almighty god is able to satisfy every one of us is more than enough that he can jump over you if you are still living in sin that is why if you are listening to me now you better come and surrender your life to jesus christ now so wherever you are listen to me if you have not yet surrendered your life to jesus christ you better run now it's right in the church setting like those of us who a redemption camp who are calm dwellers if you are in a church something like that in your various countries all over the world run to the altar now and surrender your life to jesus christ if you are at home run get off from that comfortable seat even if you have to go and kneel down in front of the television as a sign to god that was already in your life to jesus christ do so now quickly and i will join my prayers with you and pray for your salvation there's only one prayer of the sinner that god can answer and that is god have mercy on me miserable offender if you cry unto him now and ask him to be merciful unto you he will save your soul his blood will wash you clean and then you two can qualify for the miracles so i'm going to pray with you in a moment those of us who already children of the living god please intercede for all those who have surrendered their life to jesus christ now pray that god will have mercy on them that he will save their souls that he will wash them clean in his blood and remove everything from them pray that everything that can hinder their miracle today god will put it under his blood please let's intercede for them and that's right interceding for them maybe you should intercede for yourself too if you are a backslider that god will restore you fully and if you are see involved in any form of sin yourself even though you call yourself a child of god then you are a box like that so you better ask god to restore you now so that anything that can stand between you and your breakthrough this great night will be washed away by the blood of the lamb just one more minute cry to god those of you who want salvation cry to him for mercy those of you who want restoration cry to him for restoration and the rest of us let's intercede for 30 seconds more and i will pray thank you father in jesus mighty name we have prayed my father my god i just want to say thank you thank you for your word thank you for this very very special day and thank you for all those who are crying to you now for salvation and restoration father please have mercy on them all save their souls let your blood wash away their sins restore every box like that to you and lord god almighty anything that can stand between any of us and the miracles of today father please put it under your blood thank you my father my god because i know you were housed by fire today for in jesus mighty name we have prayed amen now those of you who have given your life to jesus christ please contact me as soon as possible so that i can continue to pray for you give me your names your address your prayer requests and i promise you i'll be praying and look for a redeemed christian church of god very near you and tell the person that i sent you and they will guide you as to what to do next god bless you now these are prayer points i want you to write them down so that when together will combine our voices as one we will know what we are praying for number one we want to thank god for the holy ghost service it's a very very special gift from heaven to us thank god for the holy ghost service at itself and prayer number two thank god for the previous miracles and answer prayers for the past 35 years if we are to compile all the testimonies of the past 35 years we probably will need a little library to keep the books so let's thank him for all the answered prayers we have been answering these prayers month after month after month we have been hearing some incredible testimonies this past 35 years let us thank him because if we are grateful for what we have done in the past he will do more and then prayer number three we were all in one accord cry unto god and say father we are in one accord today please heal all those who are sick you can heal them all your juveniles shall die heal all those who are sick prayer number four we're going to cry to him and say father we are in one accord send your light and scatter all forces of darkness and set all your children free set all your children free everyone in bondage lord set them free send your light scatter every force of darkness tormenting any of your children and set every captive free and then number five we will cry onto him i said father remember all the lonely all your children who should be married by now and are not remember them tonight remember them tonight put an end to their loneliness after all you are the one who says no good that a man should be alone you said so please lord god almighty put an end to all forms of loneliness put an end to it all and then number six we say father we are all in one accord remember all the barren tonight open their wombs and make them fruitful very fruitful not just fruitful but very fruitful and then number seven we'll cry to him and say father we are one accord please give those of us in financial needs major breakthroughs father when one accord give those of us in financial needs make your breakthroughs from now on so we don't have to beg we don't have to wait for anyone before we can do what we want to do for god give us mighty breakthroughs lord so that whatever has won to do for you lord god almighty will be able to do it easily number eight say father let our cup of anointing overflow tonight let our cup of anointing overflow tonight with fresh oil robust with your power at the time this night is over let even the devil know that we are now wearing a new robe of divine power this will be our prayer points now as our prayer session one and i'm going to join you live now from the altar the holy altar of god at the arena the three by three arena and i'm going to lead you through these prayers and at least you should be able to spend three minutes for each point at least three minutes so we are going to pray for minimum of 30 minutes shall i say before we have a break and i'm appealing to you no casual prayers tonight let us pray as if our lives depend on it because our lives depend on it there will never be another night like tonight this is a special night let's make it special by the way we pray so get ready to pray now and the almighty god will answer us by fire thank i you you to add a couple of prayer points to those wants and that will be prayer number nine are going to cry onto him and say father open the windows of heaven over me and all my neighbors tonight open the windows of heaven over me and all my neighbors tonight and you're going to cry to him as prayer point number 10. and say father let our testimonies be complete this month let our testimonies be complete this month i'm going to encourage you like i've said earlier please pray tonight like we have never prayed before few minutes we are going to share together let let us make the few minutes very intense if you are young i would prefer that you pray standing if you are elderly you can do your prayers sitting down if you want to later and when we come to the second session of the prayer i will tell you what to do but this first session even if you want to move about if there's plenty of space pray i see your tomorrow depends on it because he does shall we begin by thanking god let him hear your voice the whole world is praying with you now go ahead cry unto the almighty god thank him for what he had already done in the past bless his holy name before you now begin to take the points one by one go ahead and cry to the almighty god let him hear your voice don't be a gentleman don't be a lady tonight pray with all your strength cry to him because this is a night like none other pray giving thanks for the holy ghost service give them thanks for previous miracles give him thanks let him hear your voice all of you all over the world open your mouth now and cry to him praise him magnify his holy name adore him if you are grateful for what is done in the past they will do more praise them praising for the holy ghost service praise him for the miracles of the past magnify his holy name he is worthy to be praised the lord i thank you thank you that we even organize a meeting like this there must be something special about this meeting that's why they have gone on again and again every month for 35 years thank you for the holy ghost service thank you for the miracles of the past thank you for the salvation of souls the healings of the sick the setting of the captain is free the testimony is referred thank you lord oh almighty god thank you bless his holy name give him glory give him honor give him adoration praise him praise him let him hear your voice let him know that you are grateful thank you oh king of kings and lord of lords the ever faithful god thank you the unchangeable changer thank you the all sufficient goal thank you damn that i am thank you thank you for the holy ghost service thank you for all you've done this past 35 years thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you because you can do all things and you have been doing all things thank you thank you lord thank you because you are the unchangeable lord what you have done before you can do it again thank you thank you because you are no respecter of persons what you have done for others you can do for me also thank you thank you blessed be your holiness oh thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord you because when you speak it is already done thank you thank you because we are going to answer prayers again tonight thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you oh yes thank you okay hallelujah thank you thank you in jesus mighty name we have given thanks [Applause] now let's lift our voices together in one accord and say father heal every sick person here tonight [Applause] go ahead cry onto him every sick person listening to us tonight wherever they may be lord heal them all heal them all feel every sick person tonight heal them all no matter how serious the case heal them all feel them all [Applause] heal them of cancer build them of hypertension [Applause] heal them of diabetes heal them of heart problems heal every one of them cured incurable tonight wherever they may be whatever may be the name of the sickness of disease heal them all tonight we are all the ones called lord heal them all heal the young feel the old feel the male heal the female even if they are in their spiritual heal them there if you are suffering from coronavirus heal them right now lord heal them all surprise the doctors all over the world tonight heal them all heal all those who are sick we are all in agreement heal them all father heal them all when one accord lord heal every sick person tonight heal them all father heal them all for minor headaches to terminate diseases father healed them all healed them all we're in agreement little more rather heal them all all over the world heal them all without a single exception heal them all feed them all in jesus mighty name we have prayed let's lift our voices to him and say father all those who have been tormented by evil for cease send your light set them free go ahead cry unto the almighty god all those who have been tormented by evil forces in any form whatsoever but i send your light set them free deliver the oppressed lord deliver the captives lord all those who are in bondage of any type father set them free tonight [Applause] oh lord god almighty set them free tonight you are the lord of hosts you've never lost a wall set every captain free tonight set the captives free [Applause] all over the world set the captives free let them be free lord let them be free send your is for you lord set the copy is free psychic up this freeload oh yes almighty god set every captive send your light lord of hosts send your light [Applause] set your country's free tonight all over the world set them free thank you jesus in jesus mighty name we have prayed let's lift our voices to the almighty god and say father put an end to loneliness in the life of all your children go ahead cry to the almighty god all those who should be married by now and are not yet married father do something do something tonight put an end to loneliness [Applause] solve the problem of loneliness once and for all almighty god please intervene intervene you are the one who said loneliness is not good do something about it tonight almighty god all over the world put an end to the problem of loneliness solve the problem of loneliness once and for all tonight almighty god please intervene intervene lord we're all in one accord [Applause] we are grieved lord god almighty that the problem of loneliness will end in the lives of your children all over the world please do it lord put that into all the problems of loneliness the life of your children all over the world please do it for us thank you my lord put an end to this crisis of loneliness all over the world interbeing intervene daddy intervene thank you father in jesus mighty name we have prayed and we lift our voices to the almighty god and say father let barrenness end tonight in the life of all your children go ahead cry to the almighty god we are in one accord oh almighty god let your children be fruitful very fruitful put an end to fruitless efforts the life of all your children let barely saying let bareness end let bareness end lord we are all in one accord let bareness end almighty god the bareness and tonight ancient of this let bareness and tonight that bareness end tonight in the life of all your children let balance end tonight all over the world where there is anyone referred to as barren intervened we join our hands we join our faith with all these people all over the world lord put an end to barriness father put an end to ballerinas this lord put an end to bareness in the life of all your children all over the world we are crying to you now in one accord put an end to buriness make your children fruitful very fruitful thank you oh yes thank you lord in jesus mighty name we have prayed then we lift our voices to him and say father it is written the destruction of the poor is their poverty poverty is a destroyer in the life of all your children [Music] put an end to poverty let's cry to the almighty god all those who are in need of financial breakthroughs father give me to them paul that is a destroyer where in agreement lord god almighty terminate poverty in the lives of your children [Music] terminate poverty in the life of your children please lord oh lord putin named to poverty in the life of your truth terminate poverty in the life of your children give your children financial breakthroughs all over the world they need money to do your work anyway father give them financial breakthroughs and do it tonight hallelujah thank you in jesus mighty name we have prayed and i will cry to him as a father anoint us with fresh oil tonight empower us to do mighty things for you open your mouth and cry on to him [Applause] give us the power to perform miracles for you lord let our cup run over with fresh oil [Applause] give us the ability to heal the sick ability to set the cup is free anoint us with fresh oil and now it was refreshing let her cup overrun lord god almighty with fresh oil tonight empower us like never before [Applause] empower us like never before thank you pablo so let our pop run over anointing lord god almighty flowing like rivers through us pour fresh oil on us thank you lord in jesus mighty name we have prayed then with all our hearts let's cry to the almighty god and say father open the windows of heaven over me and over my neighbors go ahead cry unto the almighty god oh father open the windows of heaven open the windows of heaven and open them wide over me and over all my friends all my neighbors all children of god all over the world father open the windows of heaven [Applause] open the windows on favor open them wide over all of us further open the windows of heaven open them white over us let us operate on the open heavens from now on in everything we do keep the windows of heaven wide open over us so open the windows of a white thank you jesus oh jesus in jesus mighty name we have prayed now this is the last one that we are going to pray in this section god has ability to do anything what you plan to do in your life in 10 years time you can do it tonight [Applause] when the mother of jesus came to him i said they have no wine jesus said my time for miracles hasn't come but the time came that night please cry to god and say father let our testimonies be complete this night go ahead cry unto the almighty god let our testimonies be complete tonight tonight tonight tonight all over the world [Applause] let our testimonies be complete tonight i know you can do it [Applause] you don't have to wait tomorrow you control time and seasons you are the alpha and the omega the beginning and the ending you are the same yesterday today and forever you can bring the future into the present lord [Applause] let the testimonies of your children become complete tonight [Applause] tonight [Applause] let our testimonies be complete tonight thank you father so jesus thank you all in jesus mighty name we have prayed my father my god the all sufficient one i bow my knees before you today this meeting will not have been possible if you did not give it thank you for this miracle kind of service thank you for allowing the holy ghost to just take control father on behalf of all your children tonight i say thank you accept our thanks in jesus name now father you told me gather them together and i will grant their request i gathered them together and you have been surprising us for 35 years and i know you are not one who will change what you have done before do it again tonight [Applause] heal all the sick tonight set the cup is free tonight put an end to loneliness tonight terminate baroness tonight [Applause] put an end to poverty in the life of your children tonight oh my lord and my savior that kind of anointing that can destroy every form of yoke release on your children tonight let our cops run over tonight let our testimonies be complete tonight [Applause] i am in complete agreement with all of them [Music] grant their request father grant their request [Applause] in jesus mighty name we have prayed amen well let god hear you shout a big hallelujah god bless you you can take your seat if you have one near you settle down when we come to the second session of the prayer i will tell you what to pray about the holy ghost service in april it's going to be virtual it's for children it will be virtual and your pastors will tell you further details we want to say thank you to god for what he had already done not only tonight but at least for the past 35 years it's a miracle that any particular kind of service can continue for 35 years in the history of revival there has never been one that lasted 35 years but this one is special and is going to last forever but before we say thank you to the almighty god you know when i was recording the message you heard the recording had taken place a couple of weeks ago i couldn't tell you what god is saying because at that time he hasn't said anything [Music] by way of word of prophecy or word of knowledge and then overnight as his characteristic with him i went before him i asked him and he has given us some words so maybe you want to pay attention to some of them just in case your own is there but if you are mine the first one is said that someone who needs to be reassured and he asked me to tell you i have to do before i will not fail you the second one [Music] i don't know who this follow is but god asked me to tell you [Music] you will not die a local champion you will become a world champion the third one and he said whoever this one is we understand he said all the people you have been good to we now begin to reward you the next one which i would love to claim for myself even before i tell you [Applause] he said there's someone here or listening to me he said i will teach you how to succeed [Applause] and then i will help you to succeed the next one is definitely mine you can tap into it he said simply i will increase your speed [Applause] thank you daddy i need that [Applause] then the next one which i will also share with you is that certain events are called spectacular some events are called miraculous he said i will give you both and i like the next one thank you father and i said there's someone listening to me all over the world somewhere in the world who says i don't believe in all these prophecies and he asked me to tell you wherever you are wherever you are he said you will see it happen but you won't taste it now the next one he said there's someone listening to me the word distress will never again be applied to you [Applause] and i like the next one because as an answer to my prayer and to the prayer we have prayed tonight he said there's someone listening tonight your ultimate testimony will be the baron has borne seven i think we should shout hallelujah [Music] the next one too definitely i want that one he said there's someone here or someone listening to me wherever you are he said i will end in your days [Applause] so that you can completely fulfill destiny ah glory be to god we are not going to die young that's what god is saying [Music] and the last one which is definitely my own [Music] it is that god says there is someone who is a be concerned but he asked me to tell you don't fear your end will be glorious if you share that with me let me hear you shouting really big hallelujah i think you should do something by faith turn to two or three people and tell them do you know i'm going to end up gloriously i am going to end up gloriously whether the devil likes it or not my daddy says my end will be glorious my daddy says my hand will be glorious thank you father let somebody shout a really big hallelujah now all over the world let us say thank you to the almighty god let's take our thanksgiving offering in the while the musician will be giving out some danceable music you dance to the nearest basket to you if you are in a church setting if you are in your home they will give you details on the on your screen how you can give your offering over to your bank i really want to thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you i really want to thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you thank you lord thank you jesus thank you me [Music] i never see this before yes oh hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] now before i bless the offering if you have a piece of love that you want the almighty god to anoint for you you can lift it up and i will cry unto him god is everywhere is there in all your churches is there wherever you are listening to this program and the holy spirit is represented by the wind so reach you there and anoint whatever you are lifting up to him so let's do that now very quickly thank you my father my lord and my savior i just want to thank you once again thank you for your goodness thank you for your mercy thank you for answered prayers please accept our thanks in jesus name right now i ask that your wind will blow that your anointing will enter into every piece of cloth that have been lifted up to you that we saturate each one with your power that wherever each one is used yokes will be destroyed miracles will happen and your name will be glorified and father bless the offerings of your children use it for your glory and i pray your children will never laugh again father in the moment your children will be crying to you on an individual basis oh lord when they cry to you tonight answer them by fire before the sun rises again let them have their testimonies in jesus mighty name we have prayed now wave your piece of clothes and and shout a big hallelujah to the almighty god now you're about to pray and i will tell you a little story before you pray so you will know the importance of the prayer you're about to pray by the way there'll be holy communion service here tomorrow and in all your churches just to be part of this special holy grail service at the usual time seven o'clock you you see there are some things that god will do for you that will last forever i've told the story before some of you listening all over the world may not have had it before when we came to this campground in 1983 our greatest headache was water when a jungle far from any town we wanted to have a convention the people who are already on the way just a week to the convention and i cried to god the prayer i pray then is the prayer you are going to pray tonight i ask god to send help to me it was sunday evening the convention was going to start the following sunday and one fellow was driving past he wasn't a member of the church and he saw what was going on here as the caterpillars were walking the ground here happened to be clear you dig the world to death by tomorrow morning it has collapsed he drove in i said what are you doing here and i told him we want to use this place as a campground oh he said that's wonderful he said what do you need [Music] i say our biggest problem right now is water when we dig wells they collapse before the following day he said what you need is a butthole i say i know that i just don't have the money [Music] he said that we build ruin i said but we have a week to go is that he said that's enough time by that evening engineers have come to cut a luxury shot by the time the crowd came for the convention water was no longer a problem water is still flowing from that well till now i want you to go before the almighty god please don't be in a hurry it's just a little over 12. [Music] and some of you are in your homes anyway you are not going anywhere some of you are in your churches that are not too far from home even if it's only another 30 minutes why don't you just go to god alone you see because when neyman needed healing he got help somebody told him where helpful begotten he came the man of god told him what to do he got angry he got another help but you know it was neymar alone who dipped in jordan nobody else helped him to jump in [Music] we have joined you in prayers i've cried to god that he will answer you please why don't you go before god if you want to come to the altar this time you are welcome [Music] only one thing god send help to me send help send help send help to me lord send help to me from the east send help from the west and help from the north and help from this house and help from heaven above god please send help to me send help to me go ahead talk to the almighty god nobody is going to stop you pray till you are satisfied god send help to me send help to me that's all i'm crying for lord help help that's why i'm lifting up my eyes to you lord send help to me send her to me what no human being can do for me lord send help to me i beg you my father my god almighty god send help to me send help to me send help to me send help to me lord please send help to me send her to me lord send help to me i lift up my eyes to you lord send help to me send help to me send her to me send help to me lord please out of your mercy send help to me ah these are the day the day to offer [Music] you
Channel: RCCG
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Keywords: rccg, rccg live, live stream, rccg video, rccglive, rccg latest, rccg march 2021 holy ghost service, rccg special service, rccg march 2021 sermon, rccg live tv, @rccg, rccg 2021 holy ghost service, rccg online, march 2021 rccg holy ghost service, rccg holy ghost service 2021, rccg live service, God bless you, rccg service 2021, live, march 2021 holy ghost service, pastor e.a adeboye latest, pastor e a adeboye, rccg live youtube
Id: pP5ZcAEho5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 42sec (7722 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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