Pastor Jeff Arnold "The Thing That God Loves To Do"

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[Music] me [Music] oh [Music] worship jesus oh come on lift your voice loud and celebrate that jesus changes everything not just a few things not some things but jesus changes everything you ought to rejoice that there is nothing nothing too hard for our god come on rejoice that the god that you serve that the god that you serve that we worship changes everything everything everything means everything there's nothing too hard for god somebody sell it you want to dance in advance and say i will see that revival i will experience that in my children's ministry in my church in my home in my life because jesus jesus jesus changes everything everything everything jesus changes everything jesus changes everything there is nothing too hard for our god tell your neighbor jesus changes everything look at that person behind you and tell them jesus changes everything speak that word of faith and believe thank you lord [Music] you're in this house you're in this house worship has created a foundation for the demonstration of what the song just said you change everything glory glory you may be seated in the house of the lord what a great joy it is to be in florida to be in this great state and to be at this great church new life tabernacle is there anybody blessed to be in this place with these wonderful people that are here i don't believe there's a more hospitable church than this church i'm glad that they want us here why don't we let them know how much we appreciate the fact that they have allowed us to be here to worship with them does anybody feel the holy ghost and new life tabernacle it's a children's ministries event but the spirit's in the sanctuary and i say thank you lord for this great church i honor its leadership today and say to bishop and sister davies pastor and sister collins we are humbled and honored to be here with you these are powerful people and to just rub shoulders with them and to be in this assembly tonight is a high honor and so on behalf of children's ministries we say thank you for this great privilege we have the florida district superintendent brother steve boyd here would you let him know how much your presence here speaks to us of the significance of this meeting we are honored by your presence here sir thank you and god bless you for being here the district superintendent is in the house for children's ministries trainer he sees the significance of save our children and so too do you as does he and i'm grateful the man that i will bring to this pulpit now to speak to you will deliver a keynote address there is not a more passionate individual when it comes to children's ministries he and his wife sister rita cannon are doing a tremendous job leading the united pentecostal church international children's ministries steve and rita cannon are the real deal they love you and they love your children when brother cannon came to headquarters he came with a mission in mind in the mississippi district where he served with unprecedented success he brought the concept of children's crusades to the united pentecostal church international and because he brought that to us we have seen literally thousands of children filled with the baptism of the holy ghost speaking with other tongues as the spirit how many of you know that when you take jesus to the children that you've done it unto him and that's what he has done he has a vision for one million children to be filled with the baptism of the holy ghost i want to stand tonight and declare that i'm with him i believe you are with him let's join him tonight as he cast vision in this keynote address believing with him for one million children brother steve cannon thank you brother sharon somebody say hallelujah you may be seated tonight it's a great opportunity to serve the united pentecostal church we've had the privilege of serving the kingdom of god and i appreciate for all of you thank you for your kindness there are two special things i feel with brother jeff arnold of gainesville florida on the platform and that is first of all i feel unworthy to be here and it's a little awkward for me to be speaking right in front of brother brother arnold so he said he was going to take a nap while i gave the keynote address so if he's sleeping just don't wake him up just we'll get through this some kind of way god has certainly been good there was a teacher in missouri that asked her class why hasn't the lord come back yet and one of the kids says because corona canceled everything tonight i'm here to share with you the 2021 theme for save our children is from generation to generation our soc goal is 2.1 million dollars in soc funds i'm very thankful for holy ghost rallies because the first time i ever came here was a holy ghost rally here and uh i forgot exactly how many we had it was like 36 people that were filled with the holy ghost and uh while we were praying in the altar they baptized 18 of them in the baptistery and so i would like to say thank you for helping us and allowing us to serve we do believe that children are very very important amen in the last nine years this is my tenth year to serve as the director of children's ministries this is also my 21st year to be on the national team i served 11 in mississippi and i want to say that during those times these holy ghost rallies have seen over 8 000 children receive the holy ghost so i i believe that reaching for another million is something my talk today or my theme today is is when now meets next the bible tells us a little bit about a now generation because jesus said these words in mark 3 and 14 and 15 that he might send them forth to preach and to pat and to have power to heal sicknesses and to cast out devils do you believe that there was a generation that jesus says go do it and they did it now that was the now generation but there is another generation we have to deal with now in children's ministries we are nothing but seed planters we plant seeds and our job is is when now meets next and whenever that takes place something's going incredible is going to happen since we're studying in the book of mark for junior bible quizzing i'd like to tell you today there were some great miracles in mark chapter 5. will rogers once said these words if you see a turtle on a fence post know one thing he did not get there by himself people who come to god need a witness that they can believe in before they're going to be converted today i'd like to tell you that god would like to provide challenges that cause us to tap into this hidden potential editor and arthur susan taylor said these words seeds of faith are always within us sometimes it takes a crisis to nourish and encourage the growth the seed is the potential that is lying dormant on the inside the genius sleeping within the champion hidden within you look past the discomfort the corona and the awkwardness to see that there is new life that you are carrying the chinese philosopher said these words to see things in the seed that is a genius most people believe that the fruit is the most important part of the tree but the seed has the most valuable uh products because hidden within the seed is the invisible assignment of the tree in the words of a renowned science fiction writer marion bradley the words were spoken flowers and fruit are only the beginning in the seed lies the life and the future a seed cannot be full grown fruit but an entire harvest a future generation hidden to the human eye as robert schuler said these words anyone can count the seeds in an apple but only god can count the number of apples in a scene tonight i want to challenge you today jesus is sending us as children's ministries to go into the world we are to heal the sick to cast out devils and to believe god for great things sometimes you just say things that will stick to somebody for a long time in mark chapter five there were three special things that took place there was a demon-possessed man there was jerry a cerulla the synagogue and the woman with the issue of blood all of them somebody planted some seeds into their lives look at the demon possessed man we read the story it's easy to see nobody can fix him the government tried to fix him the prisons tried to fix him medical tried to fix him lawyers couldn't fix him change couldn't hold him but somebody told him one day we've tried everything we tried medicine we tried this we've tried that there's only one person who can stop your storm and that is jesus somebody planted some seeds in the man from gadara i want to tell you children's ministry leaders don't be afraid of the devil because greater is he that's in us than he that's in the world somebody say hallelujah i don't know who told that demon-possessed man that but somebody must have told him it said when you've tried everything you know to try just try jesus he's the only one that can stop your storms you know the story of that night the storm the lightning was taking place the man from gadara was cutting himself and screaming at the lightning but in the middle of the night the storm stopped and he knew the guy who could stop storms was coming by his way because as soon as jesus put his foot on the gadarene's place guess who shows up a man crying out jesus shalt have mercy on me i believe somebody planted a seed in that demon-possessed man that even though he was there and demons were talking out of him that didn't bother jesus because he's heard demons before amen the demons were crying can we go into the swine yes you can we know this story whoever encouraged him made a difference in his life second person is jerius i'll try to be heard hurry if i can jerius was a man that was a ruler of the synagogue but he had a daughter who was 12 years old and she was sick nyan to death she was about to go the doctors had tried everything there was nothing else he could do somebody came to jerius i believe it was that little 12 year old girl that said dad i don't have very much longer to be here but i hear there's somebody walking around on this country his name is jesus and nobody leaves him the same way they came i just wonder if you will allow me to go see him i don't know if that happened i know somebody put a seed in jerrius's life because he says i can't go there if i go there i'm going to lose my job i'm going to lose my position but when jesus came back from the country of the gallerians when he showed up guess who was waiting on him jerius my daughter is sick nile to death can you heal her and jesus says yes i can i'm coming to your house jairus somebody had to put a seed in their lives we are seed planters we all know the rest of that story jarius was so excited he's going with jesus and then the third person in this story came up a woman that had the issue of blood for 12 long years she had spent all that she had and she grew none better but worse somebody dropped a little seed in her life i know you've tried the doctors they can't do everything i know you tried every kind of medicine i know you've tried everything but i hear jesus can take care of any kind of sickness and whoever told her must have been smart enough to know because she was unclean she could not approach him from the front she could not approach him from the side the only way she could get him was to slip up behind him and she said in her heart so that's why i believe somebody cares to see the faith in her because somebody told her if you can ever touch jesus you'll be made whole and on that day she might have got kicked she might have got pushed back but she touched the helm of his garment and she was me oh come on let's all stand with you i'm all done when now meets next this generations gotta tell the other generations we still believe in miracles we still believe in healing tell your children to tell their parents there's somebody who can help them and when now meets next you know what i see i don't think god's really upset about it this last day generations going crazy he's got everything in control i believe we're going to have some children that's going to walk out of our classes and say mama you won't believe this but we heard that jesus raised the dead we we heard that jesus heal cancer and then they're going to start going around start telling folks jesus can take care of that jesus can take care of that plant your seeds teachers give it your best i believe our greatest day is ahead god bless you clap your hands to the lord come on clap your hands to the lord right now receive this word receive this word into your spirit i want every seed planter that's in the house to close your eyes and to lift your voice now and declare i am a seed planter i will plant seed i will plant see somebody speak a word of faith somebody speak a word of pain and with your eyes closed somebody see in the spirit what the savior is getting ready to do through you we've been ministered to but we will be ministered through i believe that now is a meeting next i clap my hands i lift my voice i rejoice i receive this word i receive this word i receive the word of our leader god i claim that what we have heard prophesied will come to pass somebody speak a word of faith right now go ahead and prophesy the revival that's going to happen in your children's ministry go ahead and prophesy the revival that's going to happen in your church in your home in your life i believe i believe what i've heard i believe what i've heard i stand on the word it works is there anyone thankful for the challenge that has gone forth anybody thankful for the word that word that has been spoken when there is a response to the word there is a result we look forward to hearing about those results i believe for one million children to be filled with the baptism of the holy ghost is there anybody that has that kind of faith to believe that one seed one seed planted has the potential to produce a million children filled with the spirit of god whoo praise god we're going to worship through giving giving his worship and they have prepared here to my left and to my right in the back giving stations also there will be an ushering staff you will not have to leave your seat they will access you through the open aisles they'll be receiving your offering tonight and we're going to pray that as you give you'll be blessed how many of you know you can't out give god and that when you give you're blessed i believe giving is a form of worship and we're going to worship in just a moment new life tabernacle praise teams going to come and we're going to worship while they're receiving your offerings tonight we want you to invest in the kingdom for such is the kingdom let's pray father tonight we're grateful god we're grateful for the worship we're grateful for the word we believe tonight that you are going to do what you said that you would do you can do anything you change everything i pray tonight as we give i pray that every person that gives god these precious people have registered they've given up their finance to be here and now as we give this gift i pray that this gift would be blessed pressed down shaken together and running over i believed for it to happen and i prayed in jesus name and let the church say amen god bless you as you give let's worship with the new life tabernacle praise team away it was [Music] it was jesus [Music] glorious [Music] [Music] i [Music] darkness [Music] my sin was heavy but chains break got the weight of your glory but you call me [Music] is [Music] i'm living in the light now i'm living in the light now i'm living in my life [Music] praise the lord i'm free my soul is [Music] the lord hallelujah [Music] yes [Music] i am no more [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah well what a great joy it is to have the opportunity to introduce a christian gentleman it was a few years ago we were at an impact conference in columbia missouri columbia mississippi i'm sorry brother arnold had just preached an incredible message and then he fell out in the floor the paramedics ran to him they started shaking their heads they could get no pulse they started taking his socks and shoes off trying to massage his feet to get a pulse going all the nurses were shaking their head the pair madness came on the stage and as soon as they came on the stage he raised up and he said who took my shoes off he said what are you trying to do i'm trying to preach here and i don't even have shoes on after that he put his socks and shoes back home and he's a living miracle today my my grandson kevin came by and said paul he's gone i said oh no he ain't gone yet we're gonna keep praying and the lord took him back i thank god for the opportunity to introduce one of the greatest preachers in pentecost make welcome brother jeff arnold praise the lord everybody uh hope i don't offend you i've asked them to turn the lights down i'm kind of half blind with that stroke i had and i told them i said look at them lights it reminds me of my younger days in police lineup glad to be with you honored to be with you brother superintendent i knew him before he was a politician i knew when he was a christian brother boyd has been a wonderful friend to me over the years brother cannon thank you for your kindness i have four hours of preaching to do i got 20 minutes to do it i i was so blown away by brother cannon's wonderful message that he brought he kept talking about the seed that was phenomenal and i just i just want to validate what he said before i get to my message i had it right here in my room in my notes ecclesiastes i was going to read let me just read it for just a second said verse chapter 11 verse 4 he that's observant the wind shall not sow he that regard the clouds shall not reap as thou knowest not the way of the spirit nor how the bones do grow in the womb of heartless with child even thou knowest not the works of god who maketh all now here's what i was going to say he said it in the morning so thy seed and in the evening withhold not thy hand for thou knowest not whether shall prosper this or that or they both be good and alike that was mind-boggling that was wonderful brother cannon thank you so much i i'm reading in you yeah let's give him a hand okay i'm i'm reading uh uh uh a portion of scripture first samuel 25 and if you have it or just you believe me you can put it up there uh i'm going to paraphrase a lot what happened david and his men were taken care of of this protecting this guy's sheep abel his name is nabal and his wife was abigail and and they protected his sheep and then when he was doing shearing david sent them in and said you know i'm coming a good day you got sheep and we've been watching your stuff give us something to eat he railed on him said there's a lot of people that run away from their masters today i ain't giving my stuff to you i'll give it to well he got mad well will you read that chapter which would be your homework assignment you have to read that chapter david gets ticked off see great people can get mad people of god can really flip out and he got so ticked off when you read this he said i protected his guy sheep for nothing he treated me like a dog i'm going gonna show him and he said put your swords on and all the head 400 men put your swords on and i'll put my sword i'm gonna cut that nasty boo i'm gonna knock his i'm gonna cut his throat i'm gonna cut his head off i'm gonna kill him and he gets into a rage and he's on his way to pay him back now here's what i want to read to you right here just a little bit further abigail finds out what's happened she gets a whole bunch of groceries and stuff puts it on the donkeys and the mules and she heads to meet him and when she meets him she comes to him and says verse 26 now therefore my lord as the lord liveth and as thy soul liveth seeing that the lord hath withholding thee from coming to shed blood and from avenging thyself on thine own hand let now thine enemies and they that seek evil of my lord be as naval he goes a little bit further and he turns around and he says in verse 32 and david said to abigail blessed be the lord god of israel which sent thee this day to meet me and blessed be your advice and blessed be thou which thou hast kept me this day from shedding blood and from avenging myself one more scripture you go over a little bit further he turns around and he says blessed be the lord god i'm reading verse 34. watch which hath kept me back from hurting me except i had hasted and come to meet me so now now you got you got my premise of what i want to talk about okay i want to talk to you on a subject i i got more time i got more scripture and more stuff to preach than you got time to listen but i want to talk to you on the subject the one thing god loves to do he loves to forgive he loves to heal he loves to restore he loves to encourage but there's there's something to me that is his candy stick he loves to do it he loves to do it look at someone and turn around and say i ain't got no idea what he's talking about the thing that god loves to do more than anything else is to intervene okay that was too big of a college word for you step in whoa lord bless the priest and the teaching helping to be a blessing in jesus name and everybody said amen you may be seated thank you there's one thing i've learned about the good lord is that he loves he loves to intervene he loves to step into situations that he was not expected to step in david is seriously ticked off and is going to kill everybody in that place and he's going to lift he's going to live to regret it because vengeance is the lord and we're not supposed to take vengeance but he's so mad at naval and so distort in his mind that he's on his way to kill him and god in his mercy touches abigail's heart and she takes off and she meets him she meets him down the road and turns around and says i wasn't there boss i wouldn't have treated you like that and my old man's a jerk and his name is fool because that's what he is he's a fool he's an idiot he's a see good people can marry stupid people that's the way it happens and he turned around he said i wouldn't have done that i said please don't do this because the lord's got a great future for you and and you're going to be okay you're going to be the king and everybody's chasing you god's going to take care of it he said blessed be thou that has watched that has intervened and stopped me from doing something stupid now yeah no yeah i ain't going to put up with the wussified stuff listen at canon guy preach good i'm preaching good right now you ready for this baby you wouldn't even be here if god had not intervened we'd be in a devil's hell we'd be lost and undone but god who is rich in mercy intervened in our lives sit down you get what i'm saying he said and blessed be the lord watch this this i've never heard anybody preach this in my life didn't read it didn't steal it from the internet i don't have a computer i can't ready he said has kept me back okay all you people doing your super glue impersonation of mount rushmore let me ask you something you got enough courage and guts to tell stand up and say whether god's ever kept you back from something no that that's that's not i didn't you didn't hear what i said has god ever kept you back from making a wrong decision of going in the wrong way of responding the wrong way of doing something you'd live to regret i thank god that we have a god who loves to intervene he loves to step in and he loves to stop us from doing dumb stuff now i'm not going to resurrect the dead now this might be your last chance to be in church i've told you this before come to this wonderful church i'm going to tell you again you need to go to heaven from your last church service well i'm gonna get rude right now if god's never done nothing for you keep your mouth shut keep your hands folded but if he ever brought you out if he ever turns you around if he ever made a way when there was no way your talisay thank you i i i don't mean to be offensive you'd sit down but you see uh i i am the results of sunday school yes i am i'd like to tell yourself where's our sunday school teachers are you here anywhere could you raise your listen to me i got a word for you the lord gave it to me when i was putting this together tell my sunday school teachers they are agents of intervention you ready you're not hearing me yet i'll just talk to the sunday school people and god told me to tell you tell them not to be discouraged and not to be dismayed when it looks like nothing's working you are sowing seed and the life is in the seed and the seed will produce a harvest sooner or later i'll telling you what i know i'm the results of sunday school i was a hell raising drunk i was a pool shark i was a gambler i was a bad boy i was in and out of jail i was a very creepy lousy crummy no good bum and and the lord let me meet sister arnold sister arnold didn't smoke she didn't drink she didn't curse i did all that but she knew i looked like elvis told me that time you ever kissed me i'll call the police i cost i gave her a big kiss she said la la la and i married that good-looking chick and we were married for a year but i was a smoker and i was a drinker and i was a gambler and she had been put into an orphanage by a father who was an alcoholic because her mother died of two and she went to three different orphanages and finally an aunt adopted her out of an orphanage and took her to fred kinsey's church in toledo ohio and as a little girl listen to me you sunday school people ought to be running in a minute as a little girl they taught her jesus name baptism and the holy ghost talking in tongues they taught her about god and living for god brother boyd many years later when i was an evangelist that the lord cleaned me up i went and preached for brother fred kinsey's church in toledo ohio and i walked that in after i finished preaching my underwear is hanging down my hair is hanging down i smell like a dead dog and they don't come up and talk to me they come out and talk to patty because see my wife was a little freckle-faced red-headed girl real shy real intimidated by everybody couldn't hardly talk and these little old pentecostal ladies walked up with a little pentecostal bun and their dresses and adhesive taped in their ankle and they walked up to my wife and they'd say oh patty oh patty when you were just patty howard you were a little girl in my class and you were so shy and you're so introverted and you stood against the wall watch what they said i was i was there said we never thought you heard a thing we said we never thought you believed anything [Music] i i'm sorry i'm gonna have to interrupt my sermon to bring a commercial you ready she's the reason i'm here some precious sunday school teacher took time to sow some life-giving seed into that little seven-year-old girl okay let's sit down yeah i i'm a good preacher believe me i've heard my tapes i'm a good preacher just listen but i need to tell you this this is important so we were going to get a divorce i was a drunk i was a liar and on the way to getting a divorce the lord wakes me up in the middle of the night now you don't have to believe that because half the people in pentecost don't believe it that's fine i don't care he woke me up i was a drunk i got up from bed i walked around i thought i heard the window open i heard the door i didn't know what was going on two three o'clock in the morning my wife was sound asleep nothing i went back to bed next day 2 30 3 o'clock in the morning somebody comes in the room and goes i was sound asleep i woke up i said what in the world i said why am i awake i checked the witness i checked the doors i went into the kitchen i lit up a cigarette i opened a can of beer i sat there i was scared after death i said what is going on third night in a row by now i think i'm having the dts because i'm a drunk i drink all the time i'm not sober half the time and all of a sudden this little thing goes i jumped out of bed and i went what in the world i'm walking all around i walk on the kick you don't have to believe me it doesn't matter i'm telling the truth anyway i hear a voice not out loud in my head in my head and these words say you're almost out of time it's time to get right with god i didn't own a bible never been to church since i've been married had no no pentecostals witness to me they don't witness the lost people so i they never talked to me never invited me to church i go over to patty and i said patty i wake her up you call sister arnold i said patty she said what what i said if god would have called me to be a missionary to china would you go it's three o'clock in the morning my wife looks at me and says jeffrey stop drinking i said patty i'm a sober as a judge on sunday he says what is going on i said i think god's talking to me she said who i said god she looks at me she's in bed three o'clock in the morning she's god said yeah he's talking to me let's go to church she said later she told me oh i went to church with you to save my marriage we went down to uh if you're here please don't be offended but i went to northwest baptist church 54th street where anita bryant used to go big big baptist church went down and goes i work with a fellow from the baptist church who invited me so i went there and unfortunately he was packed to the walls you had to take a bus to get to the altar it was way way down there and and it was so crowded sister arnold had to sit up there and i sit over here and i got my head bowed and the guy's doing what i call the billy graham special just before the guy died he accepted the lord the savior now he's in the choir and he's running the headquarters and he's doing all that stuff well i heard that junk ever since i was a kid listen if being accepted in the lord makes you saved i'm the most saved man on the planet i probably have 25 cards from different baptist crusades where i accepted the lord as my personal savior now it didn't stop me from whoring around didn't stop me from lying cheating robbing places stealing but i was saved fine well so my wife i got my head bowed my wife leans over to me with tears running down her face she said let's go to the altar and i said are you out of your mind the altar she's crying so we go to the altar i needle down on this side of the altar patty neal's on that side place is humongous this this is like a kindergarten compared to the size of that church and and we start praying we are the only two people in that entire church that's praying seven or eight people lined up in front of the preacher patty's there i'm here now please bear with me for this story because you need to hear this and this guy starts shaking hands with all these people while this drunk and the sweet girl are up here praying well we thank god for mr spa harbor just accepted the lord as a personal savior amen amen and mr mr smith just came here from cincinnati and they've transferred their membership let's welcome into the fellowship say amen i'm out here i'm a drunk i'm a liar i'm trying to get saved i'm trying to find god so finally i don't i don't mean to be rude if you're visiting here and you're from the baptist church please don't get offended i'm just telling you what my story was please hear me i've been thrown out of houses i've been thrown out of hotels i've been thrown out of bars i've been thrown out of bus stations this is the first day of my life i was ever thrown out of a church now you laugh all you want to but when you're picking low cotton like me when you get to have a church there ain't no place else to go and the pastor turns around while we're praying nobody else is praying we're praying he turns and looks at us and says would you please escort this couple out of my sanctuary they are disturbing my service now reverend steve boyd i am so embarrassed if my wife wasn't made me i'd jump right through this thinking window and go get drunk but my wife's with me and i'm thinking arnold you've hit the low bottom they're asking you to leave a church you can't get any worse than having to leave at church so i walk out at the back and he said let's all pray for them to accept the lord i'm walking now my face is red as the tomato we go in the back room now bear with me because this this if this don't turn you on you're lost anyway you ready they get us in the back room and they start talking to us and they start telling us this and telling us that and i'm sitting there and i'm going you understand pat you know patty but but you didn't know when i first married her she was totally introverted i mean she was marrying hers like marrying a librarian she don't say nothing fine and so we're sitting there and they're telling me you know just accept the lord you know you just sign this card and accept the lord and and and the guy says to pat he says well your husband just accept the lord he's saved i'm sitting over there patty's here she said saved that bum's going to hell what are you talking about saved he ain't saved so i'm sitting there i'm in the back of a church counseling thing in an instant in an instant my wife we didn't own a bible we didn't go to church she turned into a strong's exhaustive concordance and she starts spitting out john 3 16 john 5 and 8. acts 2 38 acts 10 44 acts 8 and 10 acts 19. i'm going in that little room my my mouth is dropped open where did you get all that stuff from she says to me jeffrey don't listen to these people they're lying to you you know how embarrassing it is for your wife to call the people in church a bunch of liars and my wife says she's they're lying to you they're lying to you when you when i was a little girl i was baptized in jesus name oh thank god for you sunday school teachers thank god for you people that sow the seed say stay stay with me stay with me i'm going stay i want to get to my sermon in a few minutes watch so she turns around and says i'm not going back to this church i'm now it's 95 degrees miami i'm standing in the sun i said what do you mean she says listen these people believe in three gods i said what i said my god indians only believe in one god the great spirit said they believe in three gods he said listen you're gonna you're gonna you'll go back to this church if you want to i'm not going back and my wife doesn't never acted like that she's a nice lady and she says you take me to an apostolic pentecostal jesus name church i said who's that what's that kind of church i've been the baptist catholic presbyterian church of christ foursquare i'm the most church guy you ever seen looking for god and i said what kind of church is that you take me to a church that baptized in jesus name believes in the holy ghost talking in tongues i said what in the world is the holy ghost and what is talking in tongues we go home we look at the yellow pages she was in brother kinsey's church was first apostolic she looks in the yellow pages there ain't no apostolic church she looks out and she finds the united pentecostal church sister florence swinford hollywood she says i think upc is apostolic sometimes they are so she says that's where we ought to go so we go little church typical pentecostal church lady pastor 50 feet probably from here to that second row is the railroad track on dixie highway typical pentecostal church on the wrong side of the railroad tracks i walk in the church i think you people are rejects from barnum and bailey's circus i've been to catholic church i've been to baptist church i've been a presbyterian church i've been the episcopalian church i've been every kind of church there was go around you a bunch of pentecostals she says let's pray i get out of my head to pray and all you people start screaming like god's death all at one time and i'm saying what in the world is going on in this place i can't believe it now stay with me don't go to sleep yet stay with me so i go two or three times now listen to sunday school teacher get encouraged we stopped for one or two weeks and didn't go back the following week sister swinford sent me a postcard i still have it at the house it was a little basket of little puppies and it said counted noses last sunday guess who was missing it's i still have it it touched me so bad i went back to that holy roller church i i got used to them banging on them tambourines and i used to end up slapping people with the oil and running i i could put up with all that fine you got to hear me you got to hear me you listen to this preacher this isn't a bunch of hocus pocus this is real the holy ghost is real jesus name is real pentecost is real it's that of emotion it's spiritual dynamic stay with me i'm almost finished with my commercial then i'll get to my sermon you ready so i'm sitting in the service i'm sitting in the service oh god i wish my wife was here i'm sitting in the service and all of a sudden brother steve it came on me like this came down my face down it was like a warm wind came down my face all the way down my chest my legs came back up again my hair stood up i worked for florida power light we went and built substations and transmission lines and when you went into a substation you had to watch out for the transformers and the regulators because it was an energy field and you had to wear a long-sleeve shirt because if you got too close it'll literally put your hair up on your arm like that i'm sitting in that service and i turn the patty arnold and i go like this what is that she says what is what i said this don't you feel this she said no i said this is unbelievable this is like a force field to which he says you're feeling the holy ghost i said well what's the holy ghost she said that's the spirit of jesus that comes to live inside people and i go this is where we're staying we're staying in this church now watch here's she said she thought i was going to leave and run out she says why are we staying you ready for this now you're going to get the shout whether you're superintendent or not here we go you ready this is why he said because i said this is what woke me up those three nights it's real it's real i know it's real now see if that doesn't turn your motor on you need more than stp and i am convinced that god gave me that supernatural experience because he knew he wanted me to pursue and run after the supernatural i'm sorry if a lot of pentecostals don't believe in it that's their problem but without the supernatural we ain't got nothing to offer anybody now i don't want to be offensive superintendent but if you preach doctrine and you don't have a demonstration you're going to produce frustration but if you preach doctrine with a demonstration you're going to have a transformation [Applause] you don't know like i know what he's done for me hey he brought me out of the mirror clay he set my feet on the rock to stay he established my going he put a song in my mouth david said i was in the mire and he lifted me up he went from the mire to the choir okay now i'm getting to my sermon that was just a commercial i'm talking about the lord who loves to come between i looked up in the dictionary to intervene to come between the stand to take a position between two parties to somehow someway bring order to disorder to modify to settle to hinder an action to somehow save people from harm or danger god specializes in intervening in in the book of kings the bible said those four lepers were sitting there remember that story we preached it at all to four lepers why should we hear until we die if you read the rest of that chapter it says he said let's fall into the syrians if they save us we're alive if they kill us we'll die what's the difference so the bible says as they're going read it read it as they're going here's what it says and the lord made the syrians to hear the sound of a great host marching you ready for this baby god's got so much power he can make your enemy become afraid of something he can't see said he made them hear a host of angels coming through the sky i don't know how many times in my life hell wanted to take me out but god intervened god turned around god stopped me from going in the wrong thing whoa cause god loves to intervene in people's lives can i preach a few more minutes and it doesn't matter what your condition is it doesn't matter how bad you're in doesn't matter how long you've been messed up like jonah who said i went down to the bottoms of the mountains the next verse says and thou brought me up it doesn't matter how far down you are baby i got a god that can bring you back up and bring you back out i don't mean to be rude i just i because i can't see real good i i thank you for you people that are standing i could see some of you say i'm trying to find the superglued people yeah you people here come to church praise the lord oh praise jesus i'm so happy i've got so much joy i could almost beat two people listen baby flies land on cold stoves vultures land on things that don't move you're not here you say i'm not emotional liar liar pants on fire you're emotional you're emotional about that five pound bass you caught your emotion about that new dress you bought you're emotional about that new pickup truck you bought we are selective with our emotion if we ought to get excited when i think of the goodness of jesus what i think how precious he's been to me what i think what he's done for me how he intervened when i could have died lost i could have died in a bar room brawl but god snatched me out turned me around he said i love to step into people's lives i know i've told you this before but i'd like to tell you again god told the devil when he got ready to take you you can have him you can have you can't have her she's mine he's my they may not be living for me yet but they're still mine he loved us before the world ever was now don't sit down don't sit down i'm want to make you answer me has god ever intervened in your life has he has he ever taken a stupid thought out of your mind chased a bad feeling out of your heart remove anger remove lust remove frustration remove depression remove despair god is a god who loves to step into a situation and turn it around huh give me give me just a few minutes okay you preached so good you didn't need me to preach you're ready to read follow me rev sit down son he's gonna read two scriptures and i'm gonna finish you don't have to buy this tape buy one of my tapes in my place where i really preach good this this i'm not preaching real good right now but i would like to tell you i preach better when i have an audience see i talk and then you talk i talk and then you talk that's what amen literally means it's even so let's let's practice god is good god is great god loves me god said he'll never leave me or forsake me and he's on my side and if god be for me it doesn't matter who or what is against me and nothing can separate me from the love of god [Applause] give me just five minutes and i'm going home re read for me rev the lord of intervention and abraham said of sarah his wife she is my sister yeah go ahead and abimelech king of gerald sent and took sarah but god came to abimelech in a dream by abraham's just a pilgrim sarah is a good-looking babe bible said she was beautiful god restored her she's beautiful listen abimelech is looking for someone to go in his harems that he can go to bed with her he ain't picking up a prune no you didn't hear me he's not picking up a wilted raisin sarah is a fox whoo and abimelech picked her to take her into his harem because she was going to be a play thing for him later right now he's a king abraham ain't got a chance watch this verse read it again when you started but god came to abimelech in a dream bible stop stop i'm waiting for you i'll just step back while you run and god came to abimelech and said you are but a dead man you've taken somebody's wife i'll tell you god loves to step into any situation and turn the intentions of the devil around hell's not in charge of anything in a child of god's life i'm gonna go a little further i'll get a little political now don't get nervous i don't care how this stupid last election went whether it was biden or whether it was trump fine i'm not interested in that here's what i want to tell you let the earth rejoice for the heavens do rule what daniel 4 said that you might know that god rules in the kingdoms of man and setteth over them whomsoever he will i don't care who got elected if you didn't like god is on the throne god is making decisions god is doing what he wants to do because he loves to intervene sit down sit down i just i don't hurt your feelings do you understand that that god had the audacity to talk to a pagan king he's only supposed to talk to godly people god likes to talk to stupid people he turned around and went to stupid he said hey abimelech he said he came to him in a dream said you're but a dead man said you've taken this woman a woman's wife it's a man's wife he said in the integrity of my heart i've done this she said that's my brother he said that's my sister watch what read the next couple of verses i got to get you shouting i got to get you shout and read had not come near her and he said lord will thou slay also a righteous nation this is so powerful reed say he not unto me she is my sister he's my brother and she even herself said he is my brother these are two wonderful saints that lie you just missed it but you missed a chance to shout let me try it again these are two saints that lie because even good godly people sometimes make bad mistakes read for me in the integrity of my heart and innocency of my hands have i done this just come on you're going to have to get out of that chair on this next one okay no not you sit down i want him read and god said unto him in a dream yeah i know the doubt that is this in the integrity of thy heart watch this for i also withheld thee from sinning against me stop god said i withheld you for what you intended on doing god can stop any devil trying to drive you crazy god can stop any person trying to mess up your life god loves to intervene god loves to step in to impossible situations did you like that he said i withheld you from sinning against me don't tell me i get this this stuff man's got a free moral nature freedom for a while get away from me with all that's not bible that's made up stuff don't tell me god cannot override a human will he can do it any time he wants to yes he can yes he can he overrode his will he said when you would have taken her to bed and played around with him and you harem i turned around and withheld you i put thoughts in your heart i put a restraining on you so you couldn't do what you wanted to do could i tell you right now hale can't do what he wants to do with your life any time he wants to do it you got a god that is with you you got a god that is inside you you got a king that watches out for you i'm almost finished is this as good as it gets that's it okay did i have anything else you want to read what else you got genesis 31 oh this is good read amen and he was told laban on the third day that jacob was fled now jacob ran away he was afraid of labor and he said i got to run away because he's going to steal my wives and go take all my stuff away because because i'm a crook and he's a crook isn't that funny god must have laughed when he put those two crooks on the same farm that must have been funny which one could cheat the other worse than the other so so jacob runs away now now jacob couldn't tell the truth standing on the bible looking at jesus but he's he's being blessed of god anyway read and he took his brethren with him and pursued after him seven days journey and he got somebody chasing him for seven days and they overtook him in the mount of gilead yeah go ahead and god came to laban the syrian stop stop you got to watch out about that god he'll show up where you don't expect him amen then god came to laban during the night and said watch out how you talk to jacob good or bad god can get ticked off as your enemy and warn him with death keep your mouth off my kids keep your hand off my kids keep your trash up i'm so glad we serve a god that loves to intervene in our lives even if we don't deserve it uh i'm trying to finish have i preached long enough yet yes okay just good okay is that it so no okay let me go i'm running late i'm running late so so he turned around he and he said told laban don't talk well then a few few verses later i think laban comes and tells jacob something yes sir read it is in thy the power of my hand to do hurt you i can wipe you out i can knock your brains out i could beat your head to death i could steal my i can steal my daughter's back by read but the god of your father but your god of your father's intervene and warn me not to mistreat you i've got someone who's told me i'm with you alway even until the end of the world no weapon formed against you shall prosper are you getting you're not here and i'm not here because we're good prayers and we're spiritual people and we're dynamic and we're a gift to god we're here because god went like this [Applause] i'm waiting for everybody to get on board don't you understand what calvary was it was divine intervention to save lost i people need five minutes okay five minutes you didn't sit down you're finished ree you're not ready no more i want i want to read your scripture to you acts chapter 12 says that uh herod decided to stretch his hand and vex certain of the church he killed jane with a sword see that it pleased the jews so he arrested peter now watch this he apprehended him he delivered him to four quarter neons of soldiers to keep him attending after easter to bring him forth to the people brother superintendent man let me ask you a question this will be a little embarrassing because it's going to be a deep spiritual theological question you ready who's afraid of who he's got one unemployed preacher he doesn't have a sword he doesn't have an uzi there's a 401 k it hasn't a bungalow in bahamas he doesn't have any investments and the bible said he put 16 soldiers to guard him four quarter neons a quarter neon is four four times four sixteen he arrest his unemployed preacher and put sixteen guards in front of him then he put a keeper of the gate in front of him and to make sure he didn't go anywhere chained him to the wall and i see god going and the bible said in the evening while peter is asleep now if they were going to kill me tomorrow i wouldn't be asleep but he is sound asleep and there's a reason why you got to hear me when god impregnates you with a spiritual promise you hold on to it he had told simon peter when thou old he was not old yet baby so he knew that herod could not kill him so he said hamas would get a good night's sleep and the bible said at night the angel of the lord stepped into the prison watch this and he and he touched him i wish i had time to preach when another world touches you said the angel touched him and his shackles and his chains fall off you don't need a new church you don't need a new pastor you just need a new touch a touch from the lord that will make that stuff fall off you say remain standing i'm i'm going to finish i'm i'm intoxicated with myself right now see i wrote these notes i'm impressed with them but i got news for you they won't tell you it's a bible school i can save you four years of bible school because they won't tell you this and they won't let me teach there so you'll have to listen now you ready angels don't die there's bible for that no no that you a bunch of wussified methodists let me try this again i said angels don't die you know what that means that angel is still around and he's willing to step into my life and to step into your life and set us free from whatever is holding us hostage and when and when elijah got discouraged and ran into the wilderness 90 miles and fell under a juniper tree and said i'm no better than my father's let me die aren't you glad sometimes god says i'm not listening to you stupid he didn't die in fact he never did die so watch the lord who loves to intervene gets a hold of his angel and says hey charlie go down under the bush stupid there sucking his thumb having a pentecostal pity party he wants to die watch out to him tonight and fix him some breakfast you ready that angel's still alive and that angel that went with paul in acts 27 and stood by him and said the lord has delivered you in all that sale with you that angel is still alive so it doesn't matter whether you're discouraged you're in despair you're being held hostage in some spiritual prison or you're in a storm there is an angel that is heading in your direction to intervene for you i'm i'm i'm finishing i i wish i had to preach better i wish i'd have preached better if it had not been for the lord 124 of psalms 1 and 2 if it had not been for the lord who was on our side when watch when men rose up against us and would have destroyed us god stepped in thank you how many times have you and i maybe had a tragedy or a car accident or been robbed or you ladies molested and raped or hurt or whatever and god invisibly and unknowingly to us turn around just went now i'll tell you what i like i know i haven't preached real good but i preached pretty good i i want all the sunday school people the sunday school teachers stuff i want you up here at the altar because i'm going to pray a prayer blessing on you and i'm going to ask god to encourage you i was a sunday school teacher for years i know what it feels like when you when you teach kids and they act indifferent well they act bored whether it looks like they don't care or they or they act up in the class and you get discouraged next time you go to sucking your thumb say wait i heard that old stupid guy that jeff arnold guy he's the product of a sunday school teacher who taught my wife who came out of an orphanage and didn't have a mom and dad to teach her anything but impregnated her with seed and that seed was buried for almost 15 years and when that guy tried to tell my wife there was no such thing as the holy ghost talking in tongues and there's no such thing as acts 2 38 for today that stuff regurgitated out of my wife's spirit and said i know better than that there's one lord there's one faith there's one baptism there's one god a father of all above you all do you and i know you got to be you must be you have to be born again of the water in the spirit and when you get the holy ghost you talk in tongues so are these all the sun school people hey you you hey hey politician hey you politician come over here you both politicians get over here anybody's got an office from headquarters or down here now you politicians look we got all these sweet sunday school people i want you and you sweet people that are looking i want you to pray a blessing of god upon these precious men and women of god who daily and weekly sow seed the precious message that this man preached seed for the life is in the sea don't be discouraged when you don't see any quick results they sowed that seed in my my wife when she was seven and eight nine years old and it never came back to the service until she was 21. so that seed doesn't die come on stretch your hands out here come on i want you to pray now lord jesus lord jesus i bless these people i bless these people i ask for the blessing of god that makes rich and it's no sorrow to be upon these precious people give them a diligence give them an expectation give them a courage in the lord make them to realize they're part of the harvest they are instruments of intervention they are vessels and vehicles of intervention jesus let them be encouraged let them be encouraged hallelujah [Music] hallelujah father in the name of the lord in the name of the lord let a fresh surge of fresh encouragement a fresh uplift make this man sweetheart his family his loved ones know that he is an instrument of intervention he is a vehicle of intervention that they have seen that they can sow and the life is in the seed the life my good friend my good friend he's an instrument of intervention every time he lifts his voice up every time he preaches his wonderful messages he is sowing seed that can intervene in people's lives and turn him around from hell to heaven bless him encourage him strengthen him jesus damn jesus did jesus name [Music] the writer said if you observe the wind you won't sow if you observe the elements you will sow you cannot look at the obvious last thing i'm going to tell you you have to learn you sunday school people you must become oblivious to the obvious when i took my wife back to brother fred kinsey's church and preached that revival those sweet little old ladies that came with the little pentecostal buns said to her patty we never thought you heard a word we were saying you know what happens the word impregnates the seed impregnates and the seed never never dies all you sweet people that are here you are products of divine intervention somewhere or another you could have been a stillborn you could have died at birth you're going to be shot someplace you could have been killed but god who is rich in mercy allowed his divine intervention to spare your life this place [Music] [Music] [Music] let us [Music] let us [Music] let us experience [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is thank you jesus holy spirit [Music] um [Music] say holy spirit holy spirit [Music] jesus [Music] holy [Music] your glory god is [Music] somebody clap your hands to the lord in this place somebody shout hallelujah in this house somebody give god the glory in this house let your voice out and shout the name of jesus shout hallelujah as loud as you can every worshiper in the building give god the glory in the house god is intervening on your behalf right now god is making a way for you out of no way right now [Music] brother arnold just told me a while ago he said that abimelech god stepped in and god told abimelech you better ask abraham to pray for you because he is a prophet what he said was you don't lose your gifting because of a mistake i wish somebody would receive that because maybe the devil told you that because of some mistake that god wasn't going to use you again i come to rebuke that spirit in the name of jesus i reverse that curse in the name of jesus i wish you would turn to your neighbors that god still has his hand on you god is still going to use you you might have made a mistake but god's not done with you i feel like somebody ought to throw your hands up and say thank you jesus that in spite of myself you're still going to god praise god praise god what god loves to do thank god for pastor arnold would you clap your hands for the bishop i appreciate him so much thank god for every sunday school teacher here so we continue tomorrow morning at nine o'clock we want you to be here all the sessions will begin at nine o'clock get here at nine o'clock sharp the quicker you get here the quicker they can start all of those sessions and i know there's going to be some good teaching tomorrow how many just excited about this how many feel like god is having his way how many glad you made the effort to show up amen god's going to reward you for that so please be here tomorrow morning nine o'clock and remember also for those of you who won't be hearing the day that their service tomorrow night pastor brian kinsey will be preaching 7 30 tomorrow night is going to continue all day all night we're expecting great revival if you're in the building you've never been baptized in jesus name need the holy ghost you can get baptized tonight the water's always ready rob's always ready tower's always ready amen we're ready to baptize at any time believing god for the holy ghost hug somebody tell him you love him amen if you're still doing social distance and give them a fist bump and just tell them i'm glad to see you here amen appreciate you god bless you [Music] and nothing in this world [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] yes [Music]
Channel: YourNLT
Views: 3,409
Rating: 4.8823528 out of 5
Id: Im37kjmEA_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 11sec (5531 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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