Revival with Scott Shelton 5.21.21

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don't you love your pastor and your pastor's wife [Applause] [Music] let's get something straight right off the cuff i have rules one of them is you cannot welcome a guest to your pulpit with more intensity than what you honor your pastor and pastor's wife with so don't you love your pastor and pastor's wife i don't have very many more rules they mostly apply it to buffet but i do give honor to brother and sister batcher i think the lord forum i have only just met them today and um a few years ago i was bored in an airport and which is normal and i here's how bored i was there was a journal from the american medical association laying there and i was reading it i don't know why but it must have been the lord because um there was an article in there talking about um their their rating of the worst jobs in the world and these jobs took the greatest toll on humanity and you know what the number one worst job in the world was according to the ama everybody believes it was pastor say aye you're all wrong it was pastor's wife where'd she go anyway there you are congratulations you have the worst job in the world [Applause] now a good woman of god would say oh no i love my job well thank god for it because if they didn't love it they'd quit it um the pastor's wives they watched their husbands go through all kind of stuff sometimes he can share it with him sometimes he can and you know how we are i know it's not the case here but there are some places that when the church is doing great and we're just growing by leaps and bounds it's my god we've got a phenomenal pastor and then when things turn a little bit and that tide goes out some it's what in the world is wrong with him and she gets to watch us mistreat him and there's nothing she can do about it and if you are a wife and you have a good husband or a husband you love you know it's not easy to sit by and listen to somebody tear them down my wife has an inner ninja with this church one time it happens everywhere i go but this particular time this woman started down the aisle and we were i was through and service was long over i was about to leave the platform and i grabbed precious by the hand i said brace yourself she said what is it i said you see that trashy thing coming down the aisle she said yeah she's about to come tell me how much she despises me she said oh she better not i said oh she's going to and you're going to let her and what she did she gave me a first class dressing down and she felt so good about it when she got through she turned around to walk off i said oh no the devil is alive you turn your trashy self around she done gathered up a crowd of people that was what she wanted was attention so i decided i'd give her some but her problem was she said you've been here for six months and you've called everybody in this building that except me [Music] i said well to start with you hadn't been here but about a third of the time i have and secondly you should be on your face in this floor thinking god he hadn't let me call you out because you were one of the first ones i wanted to call out but you don't want god to reveal to everybody around you the junk you hide behind and think nobody knows pastors wives don't have the liberty of just going rogue on somebody and they watch their husbands go through things and most pastors won't do what i just did they're not going to just rip somebody's head off and thanks be to god and there's a reason i'm not a pastor and uh i i did it for a little while and i had these ladies one night they wouldn't shut up they'd been fighting all night long one sitting on the second row there one sitting on the second row over there and i'm talking when i talk about fighting i'm talking about yelling at each other and cussing each other and they they i bought a bus for them to drive they didn't have a way to church so i got a bus got them both cdl license put them on the insurance gave them a gas card and said now there's your transportation to and from church just put as many people on it as you can get on it before you get here and be here in time for prayer they were five minutes late that night and one the one that wasn't driving was mad at the one that was driving and the one driving was mad to the one that wasn't driving and it just escalated and they went back to their days in the street and was cussing one another i finally called the head hustler i said get them to out of this get them in my office i walked in my office and they were nearly at it you know throwing fist at one another and i tried very politely to get them to sit down and be quiet and i'm trying to help you appreciate the pastor and pastor's wife you have and they wouldn't shut up so i did the only thing i knew to do i'd been to zambia recently and i had bought me a ebony walking stick about that tall and it had a big old knob on the top and just tapered perfectly down it's the hardest wood in the world by the way and so uh i put it to the test i grabbed the big end of that thing and i said ladies ladies i hit the desk just as hard as i possibly could it's a wonder to god it didn't shatter into a thousand pieces and it sounded like a rifle went off and both of them stopped and i flipped it around and got up by the little end i walked around my desk in front of him i said the next one of you that opens your mouth the lord god be my help and strength i am going to knock every tooth you've got down your throat don't you love your pastor and pastors wife [Applause] and when you don't know the hounds of hell are after you they do and they're praying for you and covering you and so don't just wait till october to be thankful for your pastor they're pastoring you all year long honor them cover them with prayer respect them minister to them where and when you can and lift them up before the lord i want to take you to one a couple of verses here isaiah chapter 61 verse 3 give honor to my wife and children thank the lord for them give honor to my bishop bishop right thank god for him and i'm telling you who my bishop is because i want you to know first of all i'm submitted to authority and secondly i want you to know who to call if i get that order and i assure you if he calls me i will be in trouble isaiah chapter number 61 verse number 3 to appoint unto them that mourn in zion to give unto them beauty for ashes the oil of joy for mourning and the garment of praise for the spirit of heavenness that they might be called trees of righteousness the planting of the lord that he might be glorified and then isaiah chapter 6 verse number 1 in the king in the year that king yes i died i saw also the lord sitting upon the throne high and lifted up and his train filled the temple you may seat yourself in jesus name these two verses of scripture in in a way don't seem to go together but uh they they do i have um i received the holy ghost when i was nine years old in sulfur louisiana and i remember the night that i received the holy ghost [Music] there was an evangelist in town and he was preaching his face off and he was preaching about hell and i was able to pick up pretty quick that i that was not a place i wanted to end up in even at nine years old i knew i i didn't want to end up going to hell so somewhere through the course of that that evening conviction got such a grip on me that as soon as i felt like i could go to that altar i took off and and i kid you not my prayer was all the way to the altar for the love of god please don't let the rapture come before i can get there so much conviction and i know now in the culture we live in today we don't we don't want our children to grow up with fear and i get it but a good healthy dose of the fear of god would probably save a lot of our children a lot of heartache and i received the holy ghost that night that was baptized a week or two later and i don't know where along the way but somewhere along the way thereafter it it got in my head that the holy ghost made your life perfect and that once you received the holy ghost there was never going to be another problem and then i began to hear other people that kind of had the same opinion and then i began to find out as i got into my teen years that that wasn't necessarily the case and i'd see preachers and i'd see men of god with women of god and i would think there's no way i can ever get to where they are they they this was my concept of things i i had i had preachers on such a high pedestal and elders and saints in the church on such high pedestals that i i thought there's no way i'm ever going to be that good and the reason i felt that away was because i knew me i knew my thoughts i knew my flesh i knew my desires i knew my interest i knew what i was not interested in and for a long time i really was not all that interested in church or the things of god or the kingdom of god i did it because there was no option we were going to the house of god period but somewhere along through there then there there was a moment in time where something shifted and i began to have a fear of god and and i stood in awe of him in everything now i don't know if y'all make peanut brittle up here in the chicago world but down south we just make the fire out of peanut brittle and if it wasn't for peanut brittle we probably wouldn't evangelize half of what we do down there but anyway when i was a kid our church made a truckload of peanut brittle every week and just sold it all over the county well we went to peanut brittlemaking on monday nights it was it was as it was as sacred an event as going to church on sunday night was and so there were a few times along the way that i i loved to hunt and fish and there were a few moments in time that i got caught up with some catfish or some bass or a deer or a squirrel and i just got tied up and couldn't get to the great peanut brittle making and i remember as a kid the fear of god would get on me so bad i'd shoot a deer i'd kill some squirrels or catch fish and i'd take them home and me and my dad to get out there and clean it all and get it ready and then by the time i got that done i didn't have time to get to peanut brittle making and i would watch that clock and there would be a point where i knew that typically this is when we're done and so mom will be home here just in a little while well another 30 minutes would tick by and no mom and i'm thinking now it's 9 15 the good woman should have already been home i'm gonna wait yet a little longer then i'm gonna i'm gonna have to call down there to church and so she wouldn't come home and so i'd dial five four six two five seven six and depending on who answered sometimes if the wrong people answered i had to hang up call back because i knew they didn't have much better chance of going than i did on that particular moment and so i would call back until somebody i really thought was going to be raptured would answer the phone and if they answered it i'm like oh praise god i'm still it's okay i've still got a period of grace here ahead of me and if the wrong ones answered my mom would come home sometimes she'd say son did you call the church tonight yeah sure did mama why did you keep hanging up on people because i know they're not gonna make it either and i miss peanut brittle making and i'm trying to get help here i don't need further despair and it would be bad because some nights you'd call and it'd be like three calls in a row and the three separate people that answered it wasn't going and i knew that wasn't going and i'm at that point it's like my god in heaven if somebody saved and sanctified don't answer this phone i'm gonna have to go straight down at that altar forget about the peanut brittle i got to go pray and then there'd be times i'd finally you just in such despair i'd say is my mama down there yes she's here she's about to walk out the door do you need her nope just glad she's still here so i i the fear of god got a hold of me and there were a lot of times that things came along and opportunities came and options were presented that i could have i could have taken and i didn't do it because of the fear of god and there was a long time in my life that i lived for him more out of the fear of god and the awe of god and the realization that one day jesus is coming and if i'm not right i'm gonna be lost in bust hell wide open and i don't want that to be the case so i'm gonna abstain from that and i'm not gonna do that and i'm not gonna drink that i'm not gonna smoke that i'm not gonna like you because all of this may drag me to hell and i don't want to go but the threat of hell will only keep you right for so long and the fear of being lost is only it's only an anecdote for a little while and eventually when you don't go to hell and things don't go south and things don't turn sour then eventually you realize you know what i might have a little slack here i got a little attitude i'm on drift a little bit and jesus don't come and the peanut brittle-making keeps going and everybody keeps coming home at night and all of a sudden that fear of god's gone and that conviction is gone well there has to be something more to anchor us to him than fear of going to hell if if hell was a enough of a deterrent nobody would ever leave the church once they've been filled with the holy ghost nobody would uh yet yet a lot of people do in fact jesus at one point told little peter he said hey pete since you won't straighten up and do right i'm going to turn your soul over to satan i'm going to turn you over to satan so your soul can be saved even even in those moments he couldn't leave him there for long because it had to be a school of hard knocks and it had to happen quick to get peter's attention and get him back on the right track somewhere though peter's life changed and it was not the threat of hell or the threat of despair or judgment from god coming on us in this life somewhere his reason for being in the kingdom had to be more than fear of the alternative and it's the same way with us somehow or another we've got to overcome whatever part of our flesh that makes us only want to serve god out of fear of going to hell if we don't well the thing that keeps us where fear doesn't is the love of god and our love for him there is a statement that we make in the church and i'm sure y'all don't make it here but if you do just forgive me for being rude but i hear people say all the time i don't deserve the goodness of god would you agree with that statement that's the dumbest thing that an apostolic has ever said we don't deserve his goodness now i got three little children two ten-year-old girls and a four-year-old boy and on any given day one or all of them may just jump stupid and break every rule in house but they still deserve the love of a father and the love of a mother when it's meal time they deserve to eat when the storms are coming and raging the other night three tornadoes blew through our area my children deserve to know that mama and daddy were praying and keeping a vigil and watching and everything was going to be all right and i can tell you that just not long before that tornado came through i had one that was in all kind of trouble because just the rules just don't apply to me but it did not change the fact that they're my children and they deserve to be clothed they deserve to be fed they deserve to be protected they deserve to be sheltered they deserve to be loved they deserve to be hugged held and talked to and communicated with like someone who loves a child should communicate with them but somehow the enemy in in a moment where we have blinked in the church somehow the enemy creeps in well brother shelter and all that's just uh semantics no it isn't we say asinine things like we teach our children when they come home and they've been up somebody said something mean to them at the little school on a little playground and they come home all daddy and we say craziness like you just tell them sticks and stones are breaking my bones but words will never hurt me well that's what the second dumbest thing we've ever said because sticks and stones will do more to destroy you than i mean words will do more to destroy you than a sticker or stone ever could we got grown people right now that are living like absolute heathens because somewhere about five or six years old somebody opened their mouth and cut them to the core and they've never been healed from it and we we have raised a culture of people and children and generation after generation and we have gotten worse and worse and worse our just our national morals have decayed so much that we we no longer value life at the level we should value life and so we if we'll kill them in the womb we'll talk ugly to them in the nursery and we have raised a generation of people at least one or two that are so wounded and bleeding and broken that they do not believe they deserve anything good at all and then we make statements in the church like god's been so good to me oh i just don't deserve it i don't do that yes you do deserve it and the next time somebody tells you you don't deserve the love of god get up and run the aisles and start screaming the devil is a lie i do deserve it i do deserve it we may not have earned it but we deserve it and i know in our traditional concepts that's an almost sacrilegious statement to make that we deserve the goodness of god who are you to think you can demand the goodness of god i'm just a child that was lost and he died for me before i was ever in the womb he called me into his kingdom he was looking for me before i ever knew he existed my brother was fussing one day about his children and the responsibility of his time and oh he was just complaining because there were some things he wanted to do and wasn't going to be able to do it because of his two daughters and it was just not uh not because he didn't love him it was just like you know how it is if you're a parent you've got kids some days you just don't have enough hours and uh my sister looked across at him and she had three of her own and she looked across at him and she said us your mouth you don't have a right to a life you decided to be a father you gave up the right to have your own life when you decided to bring children into the world be a father when they're grown go do what you want to do well that never left me that stuck with me i heard her say that and it it really resonated with me it it was it was dead on the money well those children came into the world by his choice not theirs we're in the kingdom by his choice first he chose us first he came looking for us first for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that's who he is he's he is he's not and then we we train our brain to believe this there's options there are no options so if we say he's a good god that's a lie he is not a good god that that indicates that he's one of several he is the good god he's not a healer he is the healer and so we we've allowed little little statements and and phrases to come into our church world and we say them all the time and then when we don't get what we needed in our life we don't get that healing touch we don't get the the ministry that we need then we leave a little disappointed but not really altogether shocked because after all the life i lived before i got here disqualified me from the love of god there's there's no way they said it tonight we don't deserve his love my wife and i decided we were going to look into adopting or um taking kids in fostering them went to a meeting with the state and they told us they said there are so many children in the state of arkansas that need a home we are now having to go outside the state to place them in homes because we don't have enough homes available in this state and they said if we bring your child to your house you will see us when we drop that child off and you won't see us again unless you have a major problem or the court's rule for that child to go back to the parents otherwise don't call us we're not living in a world that looks like mayberry anymore we're not living in a world where there's no evil in it and we're not living in a world where vile things are not happening i was in a church in ohio a few years ago and there was such a heaviness there brother better i i mean it was just it was almost tangible and the pastor walked over to where i was standing on the platform he said can you can you feel the heaviness i said yeah it's utter despair what in the world he said 85 he's a at that time he was a deputy sheriff reserve deputy sheriff or part-time deputy sheriff whatever but he told me he said 85 percent of the people you're looking at in this sanctuary have been abused or molested at some point in their life from childhood to current day 85 we're not reaching a pristine world we're not reaching a world filled with people without wounds we're not reaching a world filled with people who have never been rejected or have never been betrayed or have never been lied on or have never been cussed out every day of their life are abandoned we're living in a world that is filled with people that are broken beyond explanation in a lot of cases and our goal in the church has been numeric only for a long time we just want to build our numbers we got to get people on the pew people on the pew people on the pew people on the pew the problem with that is we pray them through we put them on the pew then we move on we don't stop long enough to realize they were abused and molested from the time they were five to they were fifteen when they ran away we don't know their story i went one night in the service we had put a chair out and we were praying for people and i walked to this this lady that had sat down and as i reached my hand to pray for her every time i'd reach out to touch her head lay hands on her i'd get about that close to her head and i'd hear this baby just an infant screaming and i thought what in the world she was just i mean she was just a sobbing heaving mess i'd take a step back and then i'd walk back to her a second time and i did it a third time and a fourth time and every time i'd get close to her i'd hear this infant screaming in terror and anguish so i backed off and i said lord what in the world am i hearing here he said that's the sound she hears in her head that she imagines day after day after day i said what's it from he said when she was a young teenager she got in trouble and her parents made her have an abortion and from that day to this all she can hear is what she imagines is the sound of that child crying and that's why she's about to lose her mind he said you tell her lean down and there's something else about jesus he's a gentleman and he won't embarrass you he said lean down and whisper in her ear and tell her the baby is fine i've got the child now i want to hold her and i want to heal her and i want to make her whole when i told her that she was already crying but when i told her that the heaving sobs that came out of her i can't even she fell sideways out of that chair before we could even pray for they had to catch her literally it wasn't one of them fake deals either i mean she was just the burden had lifted off of her and for the first time in 15 years 15 years she couldn't hear that baby crying anymore and all she heard were the words and the voice of a father who said i love you no matter what mistakes you've made no matter what road you took no matter what your decision was somehow another we we've created a culture and i don't even like using that word but we have created a culture in the church and we've we've got a list of do's and don'ts up here and if you do this you can come back we're talking a little bit about this at lunch if you do this you can come back if you do that one you can get your job back in the church but it's a six month sit down and if you do that right there you ain't never getting your job back the problem with that theory though is either the blood is what we say it is or it's not if the blood is powerful enough on day one to wash my sins away the book says every time thereafter that i'm faithful to repent he is faithful to forgive i don't care if you like me or not i don't care if you think i deserve it or not i don't care if you think god is doing for me what i hadn't deserved that's between you and jesus but the book says if i am faithful to say i'm sorry he's faithful every time i repent he responds every single time with i forgive you and it's over it's under the blood it's forgotten let's go on i hate serving on juries i hate them and and i said the last time i got summons that little old clerk setting up in there just so happy talking about oh it's a patriotic opportunity that devil is a lie ain't nothing about that patriotic i know what patriotism is and it ain't a jury i'm thirsty hold on and so they're going through that little spiel about most people only get called to be on a jury like once maybe twice in their life and your math is like whacked out messed up twice are you kidding me so i'm waiting on them you know how they do they come creeping around finally with a little spiel they're through with it then they say has anybody in here ever been something to jury dude my hand went right up i had stuff to do sir you've been on jury duty before yes how many times five i'm as patriotic as i can stand to be let a brother go i can't be in this room with you you got to cut me loose i'm i'm on i got that claustrophobia stuff i may tear the joint up you got to let me out of here she said you don't want to be on the jury i said negative ghostwriter i don't want to be in here let me go i felt like moses let me go let me who you got to cut me look i got to go well why don't you want to be here i said because i may i may say guilty whoo and he's not just to get out of here i wouldn't have but they didn't know it they cut a brother loose bam you're out you are not worthy to be on jurors well if you'd asked me i told you that 10 minutes ago saved all that wind you just put out about patriotism lost your mind but i don't like being on jury duty because on a jury you're only deciding if you can agree on whether or not what they did was wrong that's it did they break the law one one case somebody stole some groceries out of the back of a pickup truck and then i drug him up in a courtroom for god's sake and then spent a quarter million dollars trying to rally up a bunch of people over a sack of gross shot my god i got extra cash so let's just buy it and go you want me to pass judgment on him and well he's well he did he get the groceries that's not the point the question we never want to talk about is why did he steal those groceries he passed a radio he passed all kind of expensive stuff but when it came down to it he stole the groceries because around the corner said his wife and two children in a car that was out of gas and they were so broke and hadn't had a job in so long they were hungry and you want me to send him to jail or put him on probation for trying to feed his children well the laws of law careful they're sparking you'll be judged accordingly and in the church all we've done for decades is master on dealing with what people do did you hear what she did what there's two people in the church that ought to be slapped regularly the people who tell what people did and the people who listened to them yeah that's why we deal with it in the south say it i'm going to slap you all we want to deal with and talk about is what somebody did you don't ask why they did it and generally the reasons why go back to somewhere during some very impressionable years of life at a point in time where they could have been built up they could have been given value but life family neighbors people at school whatever the system failed them and we talk about them make fun of them you know some of these people that turn into some of the wildest criminals we've ever heard of had childhoods that were just ravaged with anguish and pain yes what they've done as an adult is wrong put them in jail put them in jail well okay fine but if you're going to stick them in there you at least need to spend the time to try to figure out why they did it and see if you can help them but the system can't help them that's why a person that goes into alcoholics anonymous has to forever introduce themselves as i i'm scott and i'm an alcoholic ain't had a drink in 25 years but we make them identify as an alcoholic forever because we think identifying with our tortured failed past motivates us to be different in the future no it doesn't it puts a lid on you that basically tells you this is who you are forever you're you're a drug addict forever yeah but i haven't been stoned in in 20 years it doesn't matter you're a drug addict you've got the tendency i'm not knocking our 12-step programs and whatever's out there anything that we can do to help people get their lives straight that's great but i said it to brother betcher today i i think the prevailing spirit of our time that we deal with in the world and in the church is hopelessness the writer says if i find that in this world i have hope only i'm of all men most miserable i look under the hills from whence cometh my help my help cometh from the lord and we've got people that are so beat up and ravaged by life that they can't hold their head up high enough to look under the hills from what's cometh their help and see that it really does come from him in the end time we're going to have to do better at the ministry we should have been doing for the last two or three decades the writer said and in the year that king uzziah died i saw also the lord high and lifted up and his train filled the temple the significance of that i'm sure you know it but the significance of that is the train of a king was like on a wedding dress type of a situation and that train was compiled of of it was made up of patches that were sewn into that quilted train and each one of those patches indicated some victory or some great thing that that king had done and so you could look at his train and if he if if the brothers of the little train didn't hardly trail behind him he hadn't fought very many battles and if he had he hadn't won very many but when you saw a king whose train filled the temple you knew this this man is mighty i saw the lord high and lifted up and his train filled the temple his train the train of the king his train is my story and your story and your story in your story and your story every one of us sitting in this room have been woven into the fabric of the train of the most high god and and no matter what hell tells you and no matter what people remind you of and no matter what memories play games with you and tell you yeah but you remember when this and and a song comes on in in target and you hear this song come on and you have a flashback and a memory oh yeah that was that was back in the day and that was when i did this and you walked in feeling good but that memory flashes up and the emotion that was attached to that event now resonates anybody know what i'm talking about if you've ever if you've ever broken up with somebody or a love has been destroyed and the music that was popular in the day and a little eddie rabbit was singing that song one time about running against the wind and i love a rainy night and whoever richard mark's talking about y'all act like you don't know somebody richard marx singing about uh desperado and and my god you just some of them you get in those moments and and you turn that music on and you just want to get in the truck and take off driving head out to west texas don't even know where you going just whoa here we go and it's been 20 years since that thing happened and and we can hear church music and remember i remember when that song was popular and i was dating so and so and he cheated on me or she cheated on me or and right in the middle of a move of god our emotions just plummet the reason those emotions are still attached to that memory is because the wound of that event has never been healed you know you're healed of a wound when the memory of it no longer brings the pain that went with it and if you're carrying memories in your head that still have pain attached to them you need to be healed and made whole i don't care if our life looks different you know we can we can just be just this the wretched mess at some point in our life and then somewhere along the way god comes along and helps us and our life gets better and the visual image of who i am now versus who i was 10 years ago we we get we get addicted to that and we get mesmerized with that and we say okay if i can just maintain this image but the problem is if all we're trying to maintain is an image in the south we have a statement that you're waiting on the other shoe to drop all the time y'all know what i'm talking about it's like you you hear somebody go in another room and to take a shoe off instinctively you're waiting to hear the other one hit the floor too and in the church the reason a lot of us can't get involved in the kingdom at the level we want to get involved is because we're only brave enough and bold enough and redeemed enough to be faithful and we might actually run the aisles every now and then and we might actually worship a little bit and we might actually be a greeter or do some something in the church but the enemy's creeping along in the memories of your past saying if you you go ahead and push and when they find out that you used to be a stripper they're going to throw you out when they find out you used to be a crackhead they're going to throw you out you you just be saved enough to make everybody think you've always been in church but i got a news flash for you first of all everybody hadn't always been in church and those of us that received the holy ghost at nine years old hadn't been perfect from that day to this and we've got a bunch of emotionally and mentally crippled people in the kingdom because we are afraid you're going to find out what i did we're afraid you're going to find out brother shelton you're talking about strippers in the church listen i have prayed through a bunch of strippers i have four that i know of and probably a few more that word and didn't want to tell nobody had one came drove eight hours because she's tired of getting blasted out of her head at raves for days on end and then stripping all week long tired of being gawked at and treated like she was treated but that's all she knew how to do and i began to teach her brother blankenship's new birth experience bible study and about a third of the way in she held her hand up big or tears running down the face she said i probably don't deserve all of this but there's something that's got a hold of me and if you'll just stop talking and take me to wherever that place is that you're going to baptize me i want to be as clean as that verse of scripture says i can be we baptized her she came up out of the water talking in tongues went while she was still dripping water she went and got a phone and called her stripper friend and said you load up and drive up here tomorrow she drove eight hours with her boyfriend they sat in the same office i taught the same bible study to them i looked up both of them have got tears dripping off of their chin stopped me halfway through and said if you'll just baptize us right now we've heard enough i'm trying to tell you the world needs to know there's hope beyond what they've been told a friend one night we were in a service together and he was preaching and he turned and i'm going to be real transparent with you but he turned and pointed at me sitting on the platform he said if you respect my ministry and brother sheldon's ministry and you look up to our ministry and you wish you had a ministry like this i'm going to tell you what it cost we've never done this and we've never done this and we've known i'm thinking you dumb as a box of rocks i did every one of them things and we were close but i'm going to tell you how powerful the blood is like brothers we were but the blood was so powerful if you're faithful to repent he's faithful to forgive the blood is so powerful that my best friend in my life had no clue i had done everything he said i had never done and i look over it on the front row there's a young woman tears just running what he didn't know about her was her mama was a high-end prostitute in vegas and her mother lived in a ratty apartment on the strip and she had this girl and another one that was two or three years old at the time this all happened she would go into those casinos and she would hook up with these high rollers and they'd put her on their private planes and fly all over the known world gambling in casinos literally all over the world she liable to be gone from her children for three or four weeks at a time and they lived in this ratty little old place and the oldest girl at 12 years old 13 years old knew i loved my baby sister and she knew because she she grew up different than some of us may have grown up she she was exposed to some information and she knew if child services ever finds out we're here by ourself they're going to take us and probably split us up but i have no money and the baby's hungry she's three years old she's hungry i'm 13 14 years old i got to do something to feed her well guess what she did she started turning tricks on the strip in vegas well what now don't be judgmental that's all she'd ever been taught don't look down your nose at what she was doing try to figure out why she was living that away she wasn't doing it because she wanted to half the people that are hopped up on dope do not want to be hopped up on dope half the people that are drunk every morning of the week do not want to be there but something has wounded them so bad somewhere before today that has left them with no hope i can't get out of this and i looked at him preaching that that night and there she said the greatest soul winner in that church was sitting halfway or a little better back on this middle aisle right here and i looked at him and he dropped his head because what this preacher didn't know was that man had been one of the biggest drug dealers in that area and in a drug deal gone wrong and the guy trying to rob him of all of his dope one night at a deal that guy reached and pulled a nine millimeter out of his back pocket this man reached down into the door panel of his car pulled out of 45 and emptied it into him blew him 12 feet backwards and killed him dead he was ruled self-defense but he went to jail over the dope and god had done such a work in his life he became one of the greatest soul winners i ever knew in my entire life ever these two ladies that were sitting on that second row they heard it and the problem was they had both been crack prostitutes and he just sentenced them to at best mediocrity in the kingdom because he told them we have what we have in ministry because we've never done this this this and this we got to the office after church he said what do you think about that i said if i'm ever in another building and you preached that again i'm going to get up and break your jaw i said matter of fact i should have done it tonight in about the first three minutes well he thought i was kidding i wasn't i said what you don't know is a lot of the people in that room came out of some of the worst circumstances you could ever imagine and some of them came out of circumstances that were worse than you have the ability to even dream up in your own mind and what you just told all of them was because of the life they led coming before coming to jesus and some of them even the mistakes they've made since coming to jesus remember the holy ghost don't make your life perfect it don't make you perfect either so the next night i got to mike and wouldn't stood in front of those people the only thing i could think of to do and that's what the lord told me to do and i said in his hearing i know what you were told last night but the truth is i've done everything he said i did not do and i watched some of those same people brother butcher start to sob again but this time it was relief the scripture says brethren if a brother be overtaken in a fault you which are spiritual restore such a one in the spirit of meekness and here's why lest at any time you find yourself also being tempted in other words you better be meek and kind and gracious to a brother that's fallen because you are going to be tempted and the implication is all it's going to take is a temptation and you're going to fall simply because you wouldn't sow meekness and restoration be not deceived god is not mocked concerning his promises for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap in due season you want to have meekness given to you so it's somebody else you want somebody to be patient with you be patient with them you want somebody to have mercy on you have mercy on them the scripture says that a wise man concealeth the matter when somebody comes to you and says hey i've fallen i've made a mistake don't go tell everybody they made a mistake well that's my job no it didn't we got people sitting in this room right now hoping to god i don't call them out because they're afraid that god's going to expose some stuff in their life i'm not going to call you out and just give you a little breather right now i'm not going to do it we got people that want to look sanctimonious and they're addicted to pornography on their iphone could you turn me up a little bit i don't believe the saints of god can hear me i was in church not long ago well it's been a little bit but it's been within the last decade and i turned to the man that was in authority over that meeting and i said i'm begging you not to make me get that mic he said no brother shelton god said you've got a word for this church that's okay 600 people sitting there i began to talk to him about the greatest battleground that any of us ever fight on it's our mind you all know that you did didn't you so when i got through i said okay now this is going to require some guts on your part but everybody in here that has a problem with pornography and you want god to deliver you from it you've got about 18 seconds to get to this altar 300 plus people ran to that altar not long after that i was in a texas in a city in texas and another church about six something in there on a sunday morning the lord should deal with it again i began to deal with it again i didn't tell them what we were doing what we were dealing with until right at the very last and i said now this mind if you've got an addiction to pornography or you're struggling with it in whatever fashion or form if you'll get up come to this altar in like 10 seconds god's going to deliver you from it again probably half the congregation ran and do you know what in that situation do you know what the the stunning fact to me was one of the biggest dynamics were females between 18 and 30. they made up one of the largest groups running to that altar and you know what was going on with a lot of them they had been abused as children they hated themselves for what they were doing they hated themselves for what they were being drawn to and tempted with and given themselves to they hated the men too hated it but had been convinced by the world around them that if you struggle with this there's something inexplicably wrong with you well i'm going to tell everybody in this room something i don't care if you talk in tongues till your face falls off the front of your head you still live in flesh and it is always going to be something you and i have to deal with and it's never going to be perfect it's never going to want to submit to the will of god and it's going to be a continual ongoing battle of submission and overcoming the flesh nevertheless not my will but thine be done and and in the middle of all of that to ever triumph over the flesh we're going to have to get back to the basics and realize that the blood of jesus is as powerful as we preach it is in that book when when the lord told paul to write to the church at rome and he told him i want you to write to the church at rome about abraham he what did he say about abraham he staggered not at the promises of god one day that just stuck me and i thought what do you mean he didn't stagger at the promise of god there's hundreds of millions of arabs that have been brought into the world from the time of ishmael till now that are living witnesses that abraham staggered under the way to the promises of god ishmael was born and from him came the entire arab world and i said lord how can you overlook hundreds of millions of arabs that are a witness to the fact that abraham did in fact stagger under the weight of your promises and the lord spoke back to me and he said i have no record of it he said i can look past hundreds of millions of humans and cannot see his mistake that resulted in their birth because that's how powerful my blood is and that's how powerful forgiveness is we're all trying to ascend to greater heights in the spirit we really are we're all trying to know him better we want to know him more than we know him now but inside every one of us no matter how pristine and no matter how wonderful we have made our lives currently to be often times the reason some people can't receive the holy ghost is because they've got stuff in their life that they have not yet let go of and they've got shame that shame is the unforgiveness of self we got people sitting in the kingdom on today that have got stuff in their head that prevents them from being completely and totally sold out to god because they don't feel worthy not for what somebody did to them but because of what they did and how many times have you heard it i just can't forgive myself again the world we live in reflects itself into the kingdom if we're not careful and in the world we live in and i'm not trying to get on a political hobby horse with you you can believe what you want to and leave me alone i believe what i want to but in our world the absence of restoration is evident all around us if a person has ever committed a crime and being found guilty of it and without their record being absolved and their record being wiped clean they have to forever answer a question on job applications maybe even bank applications whatever and there are some jobs you can't get if you've been convicted of certain crimes and i get it that's fine no problem but the point i'm making is did they do that sin did they commit that crime yes then we make statements like well you got to pay your debt to society okay well if i borrow money from you and i pay my debt back to you once that debt is paid you have no i no right to extract anything else from me yet we take a person who makes a mistake at 18 20 25 30 or 50. and we make them should they live to be a hundred we make them pay for that mistake for the rest of their life oh i know what your political affiliation is you ain't got a clue it's not about politics it's about that book and we have allowed the political arena to influence the world rather than the church rather than the church influencing that we look up and people come in and we know them because we saw them at the bank and that's the vice president of the bank and the ushers just be falling all over themselves and then somebody come in you know goodness well that's a two dollar hoe them walked in the back door of the church and that same greeter won't go hug them and if that makes you uncomfortable i'm going to say it again every service they come in here half dressed and stoned out of their head and we want to set them on the back row somewhere over in that room not that you all are that i'm just saying and from the moment they walk in those doors we set the pace for them but then the enemy says yeah but if you embrace them you're you're saying you're affirming that lifestyle no you're not no you're not think but one person in the world that god hates and god does hate some people do you know that he does i'm going to tell you who they are these six things yea seven he that soweth discord among the brethren god don't even hate discord he hates the person one translation says any man who seeks to divide one member of the body from another forces upon himself the hatred of god and we do it with a look well i didn't say anything to him exactly your church will never be big enough to hold all the broken people in the city if they just find out it's safe to be here we've got brethren that should yet be among us but they're not oh they've actually oh no but they're still your brother oh no they're backsliding that that word you can't even find that in the bible the way you're trying to say it that's something we made up are they backslidden no they're not the scripture calls them a wayward child of god when one of my children disobey i do not go tell the other two excommunicate them they're out done with that trash you hear me get that garbage out of my house in fact at my house if this child does wrong and these two want to talk about them these two get in trouble i will let what this one did go to deal with what these two are saying about them it's easier to restore fornication by people on the platform than it is to deal with a sharp two-edged tongue in the pew one day i said lord what about all this business we talked about this a little at lunch i had no idea i was going to talk about it tonight but when i walked in that door the lord said that's that's where i want to go okay we stand with self-righteousness around our altars people come they pray back through that's what we call it they pray back through and then when they've done that enough times we basically start casting lots i mean we just as well have a pool going over here hey how long do you think they're going to be in this time and we got we got saved folks that's sitting on the pew that somebody they loves didn't alter trying to pray back through as we say but we won't get up and go pray with them oh my god are they back again my god they've done this so much you know what and i've heard it said i'm not going to go down there and waste my time with them till they're serious we're more shocked that they came home than we are grieved when they leave so one day the lord and i were talking and i brought that subject up to him i said could you break this down for me and the lord took me to david when he stood before the king and was given his qualifications for what the job ahead was going to demand of him and he said two times sheep from my father were stolen twice once a bear got one once a lion got one what'd you do son he said well i'll tell you what i did boss i run out there and i chase them down i'm a tracker too i traced that old line down i i found him and when i found him i smote him delivered the lamb from his jaws i knocked him unconscious as stunned him and delivered the lamb then the scripture says david told him then that lion rose up against me and i killed him what about the bear same deal boss i got after that bear i tracked him down when i found him i knocked him unconscious too and while he laid there unconscious i delivered that lamb out of his jaws too and then about the time i had the lamb secured that thing woke up and come up on me and i had to kill him too the lord spoke to me he said there's the answer to your problem about these people coming in and out in and out in and out he said you think everybody that leaves the kingdom wants to leave the kingdom were those two lambs when they were taken i'll guarantee you they were not right up next to david they were no doubt on the friends of the herd out here somewhere and yeah there's people sometimes that are in the church and they're not all the way in if they inside that door baby they all the way in unless they behind is hanging out that door they all the way in yeah but they knocked down around the altar well they ain't in the bar either well they get the same holy ghost i got they'll stick no no no you gossiping tongue wagon thing your tongue hinged in the middle and flopping on both ends if they had the same holy ghost you got that'd be the biggest gossip in this church just like you are i'll sit over here and talk about somebody trying to pray back through and jealousy jealousy among us is another reason that our brothers can't come home because we know the gifting they got and the more gifted they are and the more anointed they were before they left the less we want them back because if they come back they may get my job don't be shouting me down when i'm preaching good just just and we make them believe that when they come back they have to earn our approval and trust check it out calvary ain't got your corpse hanging on it nowhere ain't none of us jesus none of us dropped a drop of blood on that cross or on that ground none of us were put in the grave none of us raised ourselves from the grave and until you can raise yourself from a grave don't you pass judgment on somebody else that fell down i'm just saying we have people that they come and they pray and we pray with them long enough to smite what took them but we don't stay with it long enough to kill it you know what intercession is intercession is when your enemies become mine by my choice intercession is when i intercede on your behalf knowing you can't fight for yourself right now and i stand between you and your enemy i've got you prayed back through you're fine now i'm on i'm going after that thing that drug you out of here that's our role in responsibility in the church when i voluntarily make your enemy mind i can't promise you that those two lambs were never taken again i can't promise you that but what i can tell you for a sure fact is that lion and that bear never stole another one of david's daddy's sheep ever there are some people that would yet be among us and would not leave again if we would stay with it until we utterly destroyed what keeps taking them out of the body now i want to give you some wisdom scripture says confess your faults one to another now let me give you an amendment to that don't confess your faults to somebody that's going to go confess your faults when i was a kid were you somebody could you play that piano melodiously just real soft and melodiously alone give them some false hope that i'm almost through we used to sing a song a lot when i was a kid there's room at the cross for you and i've thought a lot and i've sang i've sang this song a lot it's one of my favorite songs gt haywood wrote it i see a crimson stream of blood one of the most powerful songs to ever be pinned to paper insane by humanity i see a crimson stream of blood that flows from calvary its waves which reach the throne of god are sweeping over me there's nothing more powerful than the revelation of the blood of jesus the blood of jesus is so powerful that it literally honestly does wash everything away except what we hold on to the writer said what shall separate me then from the love of god not things present or things to come height depth and it goes through this litany of things but there's one thing that left out do you know what it was the past the only thing that can separate a child of god from the love and remember it didn't say separate you from god the scripture says what can separate me from the love of god so just like i explained to you a while ago there's some people god hates there's some people god don't love not that he don't want to not that he doesn't have love for them but love is not an emotion love is not verbiage love is by definition a verb by this might all men know that you're my disciples that you show love have love do love one to another it's action and so there's some people that are so filled with condemnation and guilt and shame and embarrassment [Music] my goddamn that was quite the transformation i was praying your strength in the lord i thought all your hair fell plum out of your head don't you worry about it god made perfect heads like ours and put hair on the rest of them but because of all this mess that we've got in us we don't feel like here i'm two hours down the road let me go back to the beginning now we don't feel like we deserve the love of god we don't feel like i've earned it i got a news flash for you precious you haven't earned it and you never will because this finite flesh can never do enough to earn a response from the infinite god you know what qualifies us for the love and the mercy and the grace and the goodness of god everything that's wrong with us if i wasn't such a messed up piece of humanity i wouldn't need the love of god but it's what's wrong with me i didn't rob a bank any time in my life but at birth i was adopted out i was put out they put me in an orphanage i just found out about two years ago that my birth mom found out in 1967 that she was pregnant because it was such an embarrassment in that day and age i mean nowadays it's still not smiled on but it's not quite the shame factor that in that time it was because of the moral decay of our country in the world but then if you didn't abort them you sent your kids out of town somewhere and they had the baby in another state in another country almost and then when the baby was born it was put into an orphanage or somebody adopted it straight out of the delivery room and you came back home and you just been away to school or something well i found out from a sister that i did not know i had that my biological mother was one of those cases and she was told by her stepfather and her mother good people you're going to go and have this baby and you're going to put it up for adoption and then you're coming back home she got to mountain home arkansas and had the baby why and she did release me into the state's custody and they put me right straight in an orphanage and then my parents adopted me at six months old my mom and dad taught me something i i don't know it probably was the closest demonstration of the love of god i've ever seen they had adopted my brother before me and he had a whole different biological origin than i did and then a year and a half later they get me and then mom finds out she's pregnant with my sister and i grew up in a house with a mom and a dad that loved me no differently than they loved sharon they told us from day one we were adopted and on our birthdays every may the 10th i heard my story and my story was the story they told me about the day they came and got me at that orphanage or wherever i was at the time when they found me i was never ashamed of my story because of the way my parents put it in me matter of fact steven and i felt sorry for sharon because her story was a little more cut and dried literally you were a pain in our mother's womb but they they told us our entire life long and all of our grandparents always told us you're mine because i chose you my wife is the most amazing mom we have three children we adopted eliana autumn joy at birth we were in the birth room when she was born the delivery room we got erica payton grace at four and a half yes we like a lot of names and we got malachi douglas scott shelton named after my dad my brother and me and whoever else was in the room you think that's funny i've got a great aunt she's going on now but she was one name short of having the guinness book of world records for the most names given at birth they had all them what are they calling them uh them women that help you have a baby and you're not at the hospital what midwives yeah and uh i was thinking wet wipe i'm like that cannot be it i'm 53 give me a minute and her mother just named her after all the midwives in her own and she was one short of the guinness book of world records but when eliana was a baby as she got older she'd see these pregnant moms these women that were pregnant she got to asking my wife questions that made me highly uncomfortable mama why what's in her belly mama what's in her belly so my wife she is a phenomenal woman she she'd sit down with him right in the middle of a store and just start explaining it to her like oh for the love of pete we own a home can you do this at home no she asked right here i'm going to explain it right here well i'll be over here somewhere i'll sit around talking about pregnant people i don't need to be in the room so one day eliana says to my wife she said mama now what's in that woman's belly she said well that's a baby in there those are belly babies and she said mama she pats my wife's stomach she said was i a belly baby and i'm thinking oh sweet god i gotta get out of here my wife sat right down the middle of t.j maxx and pulled eliana up in her lap and she said oh no you're not a belly baby you came out of mama's heart you're a heart baby that broke old chunky down i'm telling you right now i was i was ruined and so now all three of my children know they're heart babies that's the love of god we're here because he chose us to be here and it don't matter what he chose us out of what matters is what he chose us into not a church not an organization not a group of people into his heart my wife says to eliana you came out of my heart but jesus says to me you're coming into my heart that's the love of god have i made mistakes yep probably gonna make some more for the day it's over with tomorrow but if i'm faithful to repent well i didn't know i had shame i didn't know i did i'd been raised so perfectly i mean i had the absolute perfect childhood growing up mom and dad loved me and my brother my sister oh and then all my life though i did have one question i just wanted to know why as good as my life had been why did the woman who brought me into the world not keep me it's only question ever had and in the last 20 years of my life on a spiritual level and then in the carnal level god has answered both of those questions i didn't know i didn't know i was carrying heaviness around i didn't know that it affected me the way it did i had no clue but when god began to reveal the rest of my story why didn't he tell you sooner i wasn't ready i guess i do know this about him his timing is perfect and tonight is his perfect timing for somebody not to have to leave this room carrying that junk in your head anymore we like to lay it off and say well people won't let me forget baby it ain't people it's me that reminds me of my failures more than anybody else does i made a decision a long time ago when i found things that were weighing me down the lord be my strength i'd cut them loose i'm going to lay on the plane in a minute but paul makes a statement i believe it was paul he said lay aside every weight sequential order is important in scripture the sequence in which things are revealed is important what comes first is important so he says lay aside every weight and then almost as an afterthought he said and singing that doth so easily beset you that does so easily drag you down and keep you from being what god's called you to be wait it's not sin and the enemy tricks us into dragging the past along forever we're not sinning but we sure aren't soaring with the eagles like we ought to be and we look around our life and we're like why don't god use me why is my life different why and why and why where's my ministry i'm not sinning i don't have sin in my life no but you sure are tethered to a lot of heavy junk from yesterday and if you'd lay it aside you don't have to be delivered from it [Music] nobody else is putting it on you it's what i have chosen to carry around because probably somewhere along the way somebody made me believe circumstances made me believe that i had to always identify with where he brought me from [Music] the vehicle you're going to leave out here in tonight has basically three mirrors on it [Music] but the biggest piece of glass on that vehicle is the windshield because the manufacturer made it possible for that thing to back up and made it possible for you to reference where you've been but made it impossible for you to get where you're going by watching where you've been they put the biggest piece of glass in that vehicle in the front of it and their indication is just glance here and there for reference only but don't dwell there [Music] it's okay to remember where god brought me from but that's not where i'm at now i was learning to drive my daddy told me he said that he had this we'll say and he'd say it all time look where you're going or you'll go where you're looking anybody ever heard that i couldn't understand it so one day he's telling me son look where you're going you'll go where you're looking i said what are you talking about and he had to grab the steering wheel because i'd turn to look at pop right off the shoulder i went you got to get your eyes on where it is you're going and just absolutely festering over where you've been or you'll do a u-turn so gradual you'll never realize you've even turned around and you'll be headed right back to the mess god dug you out of stand with me [Music] we're gonna get into some really deep stuff i'm sorry we've had to be in the kiddie pool tonight y'all probably highly disappointed but there are times like this one this is what i call a samaria moment jesus said i must needs go by samaria and i feel like tonight's one of those times that the lord came through here intentionally to help somebody maybe several of us realize just lay it down just walk away from it let yourself off the hook yes you messed up yes you made a mistake but it's in the rear view mirror that's not who you are that's what you did don't let the enemy deceive you into believing that what you've done is who you are if somebody else did something to you and they offended you they hurt you it doesn't matter what has happened to you [Music] peter comes to himself after being delivered from the prison that night he's at the first intersection beyond the prison gates the angel of the lord leaves in the scripture says and then the bible says that peter having come to himself and the verse or two before that says for he was not he didn't even know he thought he was having a vision a dream but this is one of the most profound things brother better that i've ever read in the entire word of god after the new birth [Music] peter then comes to himself and says now i know of a surety that god hath delivered me from the hand of pharaoh and from the expectations of the people of the jews think about it he equated being delivered from what people thought of him with being set free from prison in a beheading the next morning there's some people in this room before you leave here tonight i don't care how you do it i don't care if you fall over the floor flowing foaming at them i don't care if you sit there quietly you need to let god heal you you need to let god love you and you need to let god deliver you from what people think about you good bad or ugly let him deliver you from the expectations of people oh he'll never amount to anything oh yeah i will i've got the blood applied lord i i have to my very best ability repeated everything you've put in my spirit and mouth to say and on this evening by divine appointment we're all here together and you're speaking this word to me again lord i've talked about this from various points and perspectives for a few years now but tonight you're talking to me again lord in the next few minutes we as a body are going to respond to you we're going to respond to the love of god we feel in this room right now we're going to respond to this divine visitation that we're in because tonight you've come once again by samaria and you're going to set somebody free whoever will allow themselves to be freed you're going to do it lord to those who were broken as children and have carried that their entire lives heal them and make them whole to the daughter whose father never affirmed her and told her you're beautiful and you're awesome heal her and make her whole to the man whose father was never there to affirm him heal him and make him whole to the children who felt abandoned by parents who divorced at young ages heal them and make them whole lord to everybody who's ever been struck in violence by another person heal them and make them whole to everybody who's ever been betrayed by someone they gave their heart to heal them and make them whole to everyone that's ever been brow beaten talked ugly to by a parent or a family member or somebody they loved and respected and they've carried that baggage all these years heal them deliver them and make them whole because you're calling us into the future you're calling us into our destiny in the church [Music] we live in a world filled with broken people just like us and the only people who can really reach broken people are broken people [Music] lord i'm not asking you to put me back together [Music] i want to stay broken but i want to be broken and healed because it's through these broken places in these fractured places in my life that you flow out of the most lord i'm thankful for every testimony here i'm thankful for my own testimony i'm thankful that i can testify that i have fallen many times and you've picked me back up lord even now as you begin to move on your people angels are moving in this building give us strength tonight to lay this stuff down give us strength to just lay it on an altar in our own life somewhere just to let it go [Music] give us the ability to forgive those who have offended us those who have hurt us those who have betrayed us those who have rejected us give us the ability to forgive them give us the ability to forgive ourselves lord i'm sorry i haven't let you love me like i should have all these years i'm sorry that i've held places of my heart and life off and said no i'm not going to make myself vulnerable here i don't want to get hurt again and lord you stood so patiently in every life represented in this room waiting on this moment perhaps for us to tear down the walls and the petitions and let you love us in that broken bleeding wounded place of our life lord to every person who has drug a part of their past along give them the courage to sever that from themselves now and lay that weight aside to every spirit of the enemy that would try to distract and keep the people of god from laying down these weights i bind you [Music] guilt shame condemnation fear worry anxiety depression depression leave them alone suicide you can't have her i felt you since i came in this building that spirit i felt you you've there's at least three people in here recently you've tried to get them to commit suicide you've you've talked to them you've been sowing that seed in their head but you will not have them because we're going to intercede on their behalf we're going to stand between them and you on this night depression you're not going to get them no you're not going to have them hopelessness you cannot have them because tonight we know [Music] our hope is not in this world only come on just pour your heart out you're already doing it you're already doing it just right there where you're sitting let it go angels minister to the people of god surround them now begin to impart love them cover them to the past we say we've been delivered from you already you've done your best but now we belong to him come on let it go [Music] let it go forgive whoever you need to forgive you may never hear them say i'm sorry but you forgive them tonight we're being delivered from the expectations of people from a mom or a dad or an aunt or an uncle our grandparent who said you will never amount to anything be delivered and set free from that [Music] come on that's it come on let the love of god sweep through [Music] come on that's it let the love of god just sweep through guilt leave us embarrassment shame release us in the name of jesus release us we are beautifully broken that's it just let it go peace come upon us peace come upon us we receive the love of god tonight like we've never received it before come on oh yes [Music] yeah that's it come on [Music] i just want to be with you just want to be with him [Music] king of glory feel this place [Music] that's it come on deep calleth unto deep deep calleth unto deep
Channel: Bartlett UPC
Views: 671
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: BUPC, Bartlett UPC, Apostolic, Pentecostal, United Pentecostal, Bartlett United Pentecostal
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 22sec (5722 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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