Now is the Time - Sam Emory - May 2, 2021

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[Music] let's just continue in this vein of the holy ghost today come on let's continue in the vein of the spirit we're in prayer right now god's calling us into prayer right now that's the best thing that we can do somebody pray right now get a hold of god let him do what he wants to do today foreign come on church there's something different in the atmosphere let's pray come on there's something different in the atmosphere somebody get a hold of god just pray just talk to him let him do what he wants to do today [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] god [Applause] hey [Applause] yes [Applause] [Music] i feel a rumble in the holy ghost hallelujah ah the spirit's on the move this morning hallelujah come on the spirit is on the move we got to move with it hallelujah we got to move with it in our hearts and our minds and oh you got to let it carry you into the deep waters today hallelujah that's what god is doing that's what you feel in the atmosphere that's what you feel it's moving in this place [Music] foreign there is no telling what god is going to do this morning how many feel that in the atmosphere today you feel it moving amen it's the spirit of there's no telling what's going to happen today the best thing that we can do is just be open how about where we be open to the holy ghost today let's just be open to the spirit of god if we worship god let's worship with expectancy in our spirits let us praise him with expectancy because there is no telling there's a mighty power moving in the building hallelujah one more time church can't we just raise our hands come on lift up a voice of worship to god recognize recognizes greatness his greatness is in the building his power is in the building his anointing echo his anointing is in the building it's falling on god's people like oil hallelujah it's pouring out like oil somebody worship it's pouring out the spirit of god hallelujah is going to change lives today come on somebody praise him somebody worship his name today bahaka [Applause] oh it feels good in the house this morning can we continue in that vein [Applause] hallelujah are free to be seated if you'd like to but if you're standing or seated i pray that you would just give god a wave offering again let's continue in that just as brother abraham said to let your heart be open unto him this morning as we worship him sing because of who you [Music] you are [Music] and i worship you [Music] are [Music] because of who you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] my jehovah's [Music] [Applause] is of peace this morning lord i worship lord and i worship you [Music] let's sing the verse one more time because of who you are because of who you [Music] can you think are about all the things he's done for you oh because you are the same yesterday today and forever because of who you are today i will live my voice lord and i worship [Applause] [Music] lift your voice and sing jehovah he is [Music] [Music] this morning lord i worship you [Music] is he your provider this morning has he ever been something for you in your life when no one else was there boyle [Music] lord i worship you oh and i worship you [Music] once again making a declaration call him jehovah jiren say my provider he studied for me in my life jehovah neeson lord you reign [Applause] [Music] lord i worship you and i worship you [Music] [Applause] [Music] without us can you go ahead and lift up your voice and can you call him your provider can you call him your prince of peace can you call him your rainmaker and only the way that you can call [Music] [Applause] so that's it open it up from the belts of your spirit this morning open it up fine let all that praise come out [Music] sing the course against your home [Music] lord i worship you [Music] can because tell them that this morning lord i worship lord [Music] can you go ahead and do that this morning can you go ahead and worship him for who he is [Music] so [Music] that's it that's a lesson for me because of who you are [Music] can you just lift up your hands he's here this morning oh he's here this is what his presence feels like we haven't gone very far in the service and he said i'm already here [Music] did someone begin to call on his name can someone begin to call on that name that name that's above every other name jesus jesus hallelujah hallelujah you may be seated if you like but continue to worship as we go through this song of worship and praise [Music] call your name it's something we cannot explain that happens when we proclaim your great name your greatness when we proclaim [Music] there's none strong enough [Music] can you put your hands together and shout the name of jesus sing we love to call we love to call on your name all your name it's something we cannot explain that happens oh when we proclaim [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] oh there is power in the name of jesus power in your name [Music] there is power in the name of jesus so much power in your name can you sing it loud there is power in the name of so is much can you let it build can you let it build full power in your name think strange when we call [Music] things [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] demons [Music] [Applause] i'm set free i'm set free [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah yeah yeah yeah [Music] jesus jesus [Music] my situation has to change [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] call him call it call him there is power in the name of jesus [Music] does [Music] when we call things have to change [Applause] [Music] only [Music] situation [Music] [Applause] [Music] depression has to flee [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] when [Music] [Applause] [Music] all [Music] let everything that has friends praising the lord and everything that has friends every man every woman every boy every girl every child every elder [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's it can you call [Music] just a very simple song that says jesus name above all names [Music] beautiful [Music] [Applause] god is with god [Music] the living words of jesus all day [Music] long [Music] is just one more time [Music] [Music] glory [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] given the praise that he is worthy of [Music] [Music] there is such a sweet presence of the lord right now in this sanctuary we're going to go before the lord for our city that what we're feeling right now in this sanctuary will be felt across this city across this state and across this country we want the holy ghost to be poured out upon all flesh we want the fire to fall as it's doing right now jesus we go before your throne [Applause] [Music] we go before your throne right now for this city will your spirit reign upon stockton california as it is in heaven let your spirit be upon california as it is in heaven let your spirit be upon this country as it is in heaven may your will be done jesus we speak to the north we speak to the south the east and the west that it must give up the souls that belong to you and to belong into your kingdom jesus jesus as your word says the holy ghost that fire that is within sight of us has given us to be power to be witnesses for you help us to use that power right now help us to use that power tomorrow morning as we go into the workplace into our school into our friends and families and neighbors let your holy ghost flow jesus [Music] we thank you lord for the holy ghost field leader in this city and jesus we ask that you'll touch our mayor kevin lincoln continue to use him by your glory jesus and we ask that your spirit be upon every elected official may your will be done in this city the state this country we give it to you right now jesus let's worship the lord and thank you for him for hearing our prayers and answering our prayers and being in our midst thank you jesus you may be seated just for a moment we had an incredible time fire in the valley men's retreat this year amen you guys enjoyed it the holy ghost with with us started of course friday night brother emery he's going to be preaching in just a few moments word of the lord we need a smith in our life we need a pastor in our life and aren't you glad we have pastor nathanael haney a man that stands with the word of god preaches it straight to us thank you jesus and saturday continued in the holy ghost talking about the fire falling and of course the fire fell right before service even started brother go lightly got healed he came in with a needed something to help him walk but he's not doing it now the lord's healed his body the lord touched mind spirits strengthen us let's stand and give god the glory and honor thank you jesus for what you've done in our midst thank you lord for healing our mind healing our body strengthening our homes jesus we give you glory and honor and praise hallelujah [Applause] [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus and now we're going to continue the lord worship the lord it's now time for our sunday morning tithe and offering jesus we thank you lord for your many blessings and your provision upon this church and upon us as individuals lord we give you all glory and honor and praise we thank you lord for what you've done in our midst in jesus name we pray amen god bless you as you give this morning of course we're going to continue the online giving and if you would like to give in person you can do so after the service as you exit thank you god bless you as you give this morning [Music] hey man thank you for giving this morning everybody know what next sunday is what is it that's right mother's day okay all you guys you got a whole week to prepare get those flowers get those candies those chocolates whatever make sure your kids go and get something from mom and next week we have a special speaker of course and our first lady sister kim haney is going to be speaking right here mother's day next sunday so make sure you're here it's going to be a great time and the holy ghost as i mentioned earlier it's so glad to have brother sam emery from merced here ministering the word of the lord brother emery why don't you come obey the voice of the lord preach to us today [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] you all want to stand today so we are very very blessed to have brother and sister emory i saw her sitting over there are you man and uh they're just a wonderful couple of god that are doing a great great work not only in merced that's where they pastor for you that don't know but around the world they literally travel i think he's on the road as much as he's in the pulpit of his own church and he's just got a gift and he blesses so many people and we're always honored when we can have the emery's come here yesterday after men's retreat we had a wonderful friday night we had a great saturday him and i were able to go out spend a little time together and just got to talking and one of the things i told him is i want to get you on the calendar to come by here about every three or four months and give us a good shot in the art and you know what he agreed to do it that's even better isn't it so yeah i i i he's 67 and i met him when i was in my 20s so that we go back a ways and um but there's just so many wonderful good qualities about him and sister emory and together they make a fantastic representation of what men and women of god should be and we are so honored today we are so honored today to bring a friend and a great man of god to this pulpit to minister and i really don't need to say this but i want to say it and that is when he steps in here he can preach anything he wants i have that kind of trust in him and and i'll learn from him and we'll worship god with him and god's going to speak to our hearts and i'd like for you just to welcome brother emery today pastor emery as he comes and ministers we love you brother emory thank you for being with us this weekend thank you pastor haney god bless you we had a great time of fellowship with him and i and took me to a really swank joint over there on the other side of town um very nice swanky uh so i like okay this cat's got class you know what i mean and so we had a great chat about um ministry and what god is doing in our hour so so glad my wife is with me today and uh she's she's a great lady in her own rights um she's a little bit shy but if you get to know her she'll talk both ears off your head you'll be all right you know but we're so glad to be here today and want to thank the men's group for allowing us to come and do a couple of sessions with the men um i did preach to him a sermon called the smith that i might want to by come back preach to the whole church it's a really good it's a sermon but i think we all would benefit for from it um i i'm going to be preaching to you out of the book of romans chapter 13 verse 11 today i see some friends sprinkling around and out throughout the place it's one of my buddies over there she's waving kind of like my daughter from way back we go way back so uh i have always and always will have a special place in my heart for christian lifestyle and this goes all the way back to bishop haney bishop bishop he's bishop hannah but his dad and uh for some reason he just he liked me he loved me for some reason i don't know why but he was one of my best supporters and i will always have a special place in my heart for the christian life center family amen i hope you love your church and i hope you love the man of god that he's placed in your church for you today i know sister haney's not here but i i already know she's first class lady she's not just only the first lady the first you know but she's the first class first lady you know so she's cool probably she's the only one that can keep pastoring in line you know if that's even possible so we'll see today i want to just again to preach to you how many of you guys help me preach are y'all going to make me y'all going to make me preach all by myself y'all going to help me i don't i think i'm going to be real it's going to be real tough today i'll try that again i'm just going to help me not just look at me all right all right romans chapter 13 verse 11 now that knowing the time that now everybody's saying now with a little bit more say now yeah it's one time put some grits in there i don't what's this with putting shrimp and grits grits what is y'all ain't from the south what's with putting sugar in grits that's abomination will not go to heaven now it is high time to wake out of sleep for now everybody said now is our salvation nearer than when we believe i just want to talk to you on a simple subject now is the time it's going to be very simple now is the time because i feel like we're all waiting on something we're all trying to look for a sign in the sky when are we going to get over this and when we're going to come to that and what you know what you'll be waiting in there for a long time if you don't make up your mind right now this is our time right now we don't have to wait till the virus is over we can shout right now we don't have to wait till the virus is done and start witnessing now is i'm feeling the holy ghost already but it's stopping preaching look at your neighbor say neighbor check your watch because now is the time why don't you clap your hands and shout until the lord with the voice to try [Music] you may be seated thank you for standing i don't know about you but i am glad to be in church i am glad to be an apostolic i'm glad i've been baptized in jesus name and filled with the holy ghost i'm glad i know who jesus is and there's only one of him and he's the only one i wish i had somebody to help me preach this morning i don't know about you but i am glad to be saved today i have no complaints god has been good to me i feel like shouting i feel like running i don't have no problems i don't have no i wish somebody help me now i'm not going to be walking around with my head down like my life is over we have just begun to fight somebody need to understand the church is about to wake up and serve the devil notice we're gonna have revival we don't care what you throw our way we are the church of the living god we will prevail we have victory in the name of jesus do i got a church up in here that'll stand on your feet and say now is the time hallelujah our god is an all-knowing god he's all-powerful he is a self-sustaining in the invisible creative being somebody's amen we cannot explain his existence yet we still believe that he is the one and true god i am i am a creationist i do not believe that i came out of the primal pool of evolution i believe that god spoke everything that we see no fear and smell into existence by the power of his word i believe that his word is greater than anything that's ever been created and all things are held together by the power of the word of the lord faith bridges the gaps between what we know and the things we cannot explain but actually we believe to be true you can't explain everything in the bible to some people's satisfaction because it takes faith to believe that there is a god you cannot explain god you have to have faith and then when you have faith god gives you a revelation of who he is and what he is and what he does without a revelation of the one true god you'll think there's three or four or five or six but when you get to revelation you know there's only one god and jesus is his name can i get an amen right now through faith we understand that the worlds were framed the everything that we were seeing was framed by the power of god's word when he spoke it he he decreed it he declared it then he would demonstrate he would decree means it formed in the mind of god and then declared out of the mouth of god and then it was demonstrated by the power of god by the power of his arm somebody say amen everything that we see from the secessions of the ages were framed and fashioned and put in order equipped with the intents of one purpose that everybody know that there is a god that reigns i don't know about you but some people think we're running out of time time is a function it is something that causes reality light alone is eternality darkness alone is eternality but when you mix them there's a function it has called time it's the tick-tock of the clock i want you to understand that every year everybody say every year everybody in here gets 12 months somebody shout amen you get 12 months 52 weeks 365 days 525 million minutes 31 billion seconds of time i have one question for you what are you doing with your time we always say i don't have enough time in the day but you don't that's a lot of times you know you're doing something else with your time than what you're not supposed to be doing the book of kelly edges says time and chance happens to us all everything has this proper season appointed by god somebody shout amen amen god is is not a man he's not powerless he knows exactly what he's doing the world chance what is that everything that says time and chance happiness to us all seems to in kind of convey the impression that things happen without some measure of control but i want you to know that god is still in control it does not matter what happens in time god it's not end time time is actually in god i'm going to mess some of y'all up here in just a minute i said god is not in time time is in god god is outside of time that means that it doesn't matter what happens to me god's already seen it he's already there's no mistakes that's going to happen i mean time and chance does not happen to people of god god happens to us amen god created time to control everything and we say that time is money well i often have more time than i have money but time actually is more expensive than money time is more precious than money because if i run out of money i can always make some mo but if you run out of time your time is gone so time is an expensive thing and we need to understand that now it is high time if you ever thought about doing anything for god now now is what the time if you ever thought about witnessing now is the time if you ever thought about teaching the whole bible study [Music] [Applause] come on somebody if you ever thought about doing something from god what are you waiting on then oh we're waiting on the virus to get over don't wait on the virus they don't know nothing now is the time there are people home there are people hungry for god now there are people that's looking for god now there's people that's looking for the church now they're not waiting on the the virus to get over they're looking for the church because of the vibe they're looking for the church because they've been in the hospital and the devil doesn't know how to do it and the doctor don't know how to do it and they're looking for somebody saying is there a jesus still alive and the church i come to tell you if there's ever a time the church needs to stand up and be the church and now is that i wish i had somebody help me preach up in here if you're looking for some sweet pause oh like oh no no no no you got the thug up in the house you got the gangster up in here i come to tell the devil you ain't nothing you ain't going nowhere the church is here we will not we will not be seated we will not be quiet we will not go darkly into the night we will not be silent we i wish i had a real church up in here today somebody ought to stand on your feet i will not be defeated god is on my side let me tell you what's going on there's some of you right now waiting and there's something beating in your heart you want to teach a bible study but you're waiting you want to witness it but you're waiting i don't know what you're waiting on so maybe you're waiting on me to tell you to get up and do it now if you're scared go get the vaccination whatever you got to do whatever makes you cool the vaccination is not the mark of the beast oh oh a lot of y'all don't know nothing about the bible do you that's not the mark of the beast it's a vaccine girl same thing when you get a flu shot if that's what's keeping you back there go get the shot and let's roll up in here whatever you got to do you're waiting get a bible you got a whole college over there and i got about thousand tons of bible studies for you to preach get that little bible chart in your arm walk in somebody's house says jesus sent me over to talk to you about jesus oh y'all don't believe that see we're sitting around waiting when in fact this now is the time we're sitting around waiting for something more something less or something different what i'm preaching to you today it's time to quit waiting it's time to get up declare this is our hour wow they don't believe this stuff bishop this is our hour this is our day i wish i had somebody help me believe let me tell you you see the virus came to separate the real from the unreal the virus came to separate those who know god from those who just think they know god the virus came to show who the real church really is because the real church has been through pandemics all throughout its history and always came out on the other are we the church then you let the devil know i'm coming out you if paul and silas can come out of a jail at midnight i know the church can come up do i have a church up in here right now you ought to stand up right now and tell the devil with the mass or without a mass i'm coming out with the virus or not a virus i'm coming out with a vaccine or no vaccine i'm coming out i'm not a democrat or republican i'm coming i am a one god jesus name apostolic born again i wish i had some help in here you let listen we're not politicians in here we are born again christians let the world deal with that we're not dealing with the world we're dealing with heaven i normally get myself in trouble but hey i'm marvin gaye i am the troubled man if you're laughing that means you know what i'm talking about y'all been in the world too long paul said you better wake up now why we are living everybody say moments there is a syncopation in time where eternity and time mixes where chronos mixes with aerials where it's eternity here time but they will mix i call it the god moment it's when god invades our time it's all through the bible this continual flow is merged with the tick-tock of the clock mama you're looking sharp over there i almost miss you yeah you that's that's the lady right there girl you looking sharp girl hey ladies that's a woman of god right there you want to know what to do you check that's the that's the woman of god right there that's a girl right there esau and jacob everybody said one moment esau and jacob they're encapsulated esau comes out of the wilderness jacob is there by the fire and he poses him this is a god moment when time intersects with eternity and right there right there esau trades his eternal birth right for a bowl of soup in time not realizing that the birthright was eternal and the bowl of soup was only going to last as quick as he ate it sometimes we're intersected if you're not careful you'll trade something that's eternal for something that won't last no more than a few minutes when he realized what he had done it was too late to claim it back the church is standing in a crossroads let us not miss our god moment i see i'm gonna have to i'm gonna have i'm have to hurt i'm gonna have to get it for you here moses passes by a burning bush it was a god moment now moses go back to that bush that bush ain't burning no more don't go try to fry in israel over there trying to find moses bush see moses is going to talk that bush going to talk to you know you run or some bush start talking you'd be running down wit coming off everything i don't want to miss my god moment that god moment is when god deals with your heart you know it's god you hear that voice in your head it's time for you to get back you okay jesus that's that's your god moment don't be playing with you know what when you hear it respond to it when god talks to you say yes lord your servant his that's what samuel said he heard that voice said hey here i am don't miss your god moment somebody shout amen we cannot go back in time to get it up to get it back to give it over if you use it you cannot afford to waste your time so now is the time to wake up get up stand up pray up shout up worship up i wish i had somebody helping quit waiting on something now is the time to live for god now is the time not to be reckless or foolish or careless now is the time to make sure our soul has purpose and we have power in god it takes only one moment to change your whole life somebody shout amen [Applause] revelations 12 and 12 says walk to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea for the devil has come down unto you having great wrath because he knoweth that his time is not that he has but a short time as we get closer to the end of time with we're in the convergence of it time will seem to fly by a lot quicker if we're not careful the enemy will try to make us we're short of time but we have the same amount of time as he does the term wrath here does not mean what you think it means it means it doesn't mean anger it says the devil has come down with a renewed passion to destroy us if our enemy has renewed passions why are we not renewing our passion [Applause] if the devil is renewing his passion to destroy me i'm going to get to the altar and get renewed in the power of the holy ghost to destroy him some of you ain't been up here in a long time some of you haven't prayed in the la he told me to preach like i wanted to preach i'm already some of you haven't prayed in a long time i don't know what you're waiting on i don't know what's happening to you or the less you pray the more advantage the devil's got over you you cannot exist on your pastor's prayer you have to pray for do i have to stay here or somebody gonna come you can't hey quit running around the church say pray for me nobody can pray for you if you don't pray it's not going to happen nobody can pray for you we can pray with you but we cannot pray for you so if you don't pray you have no power little prayer little power no prayer no power much prayer much power now is the time if you ever thought about an inner being an intercessor now is the time you ever thought about being a prayer warrior now is the time you ever thought about being a soul winner now is the time you ever think you got a call and you're not now is the time to jump up and say i got a call i need to know what to do with you go talk to your bishop he'll tell you exactly what to do if you're thinking like i gotta get myself together now is the time quit waiting time is passing you by the devil's gonna single you out but i come to tell the devil you don't want none of this right here somebody ought to be jumping up your feet right now because you know i'm talking to you the devil's been on your back telling you it's time to get up you need to stomp your feet i'm not giving up i will not go into the darkness you can't he can't stop you you have to give up you can't if you don't give up you will win you just stay in the race just keep running keep moving keep praying keep shouting keep dancing if you stop you lose but if you keep going we win we don't have time to do what israel did and waste 40 years in the wilderness god says tell them to go they're coming out of egypt they could hear pharaoh's army at the grinding of the chariots moses had did seven miracle wonders in egypt and they still had doubt what does god have to do come around the altar on a little unicycle popping wheelies as they go hey some of y'all wouldn't move it john the baptist come down the middle out you just still who is that that's john the baptist oh he don't look like i thought he looked like seriously sometimes it takes too much to move us all i need is a little that's enough from hoses jesus is in the house i don't need a bomb boom i know i just need call my name jesus and i'm i'm feeling who am i talking to up in here god's right now i might just go y'all messing with me so i'll tell you what i feel some god's been talking to some of you and you just been sitting there not and trying to ignore him i'm going to tell you what i'm going to release the hounds of hell on you if you don't stand up right now and say god i know you're talking to me i know what i'm supposed to be doing and i'm going to pray right now come on get up now come on get up i'm going to get james brown get up get on up hey man you need to throw your hands in the air said god i receive whatever you have for me hey i know you're like me i'm not worthy but if he wants to give it to me bring it on down send it on down lord let the holy ghost fall on down somebody said let it fall on me right now in the name of jesus if you had a need of renewing of the holy ghost raise your hand and say fall on me holy ghost right now one more time because now is the time i feel at times like ezekiel who have the impossible task of preaching to a valley filled with disconnected disfigured scattered bones a graveyard filled with death there was no testimony of revival or resurrection a dead place without one victory without one testimony and god as insult to injury by asking the prophet can these bones live again easy eagle say oh no i'm sorry from the projects y'all y'all know that uh street guy straight guy with like a really nice suit on and a really funky tie just a straight guy straight guy and a cool tie how about that son of man can these bones live again i don't know man i don't know so he says but you know see the devil is trying to trick some of you that you can't do what god's called you to do he's got you laying in that valley of dry bones scattered but i come to tell you if god said it he can do it so he says prophesy to the bones i i know that sounds cute in the bible but i couldn't bishop i could not imagine going to a graveyard with all these bones stacked up and they're dried and bleached and scattered all over the place and he goes like prophecy i don't know what am i supposed to say to him dinner time like the mom's gonna jump no no so he says prophesy to the bones and and he just said old dry bones because i wouldn't like having my bible out and going through my concordians checking all the commentaries trying to look for the other prophets what they prophesied to bones when when they was in you understand what i mean get on the phone hey man you have a problem sign the dry bones and the dares and dragon right now what did you say to them man you say oh ye dry bones hear the word of the lord what are you trying to say it's not complicated it's very simple if god said it he can do it prophesy to the bones can i preach to you for a moment i can hear ezekiel said o tribones he the word of the lord the word lots and lils and not die the word of the lord said get up from where you are because now is the time oh dry bones hear ye the word live and not die and the bible said there was a shaking in the valley oh somebody ought to jump on your feet say god shake me come on get up out of that sick come on get up get on up and say god shake me one more time move me one more time i'm like dry bones in the valley but this day i'm going to hear the word of the lord and the bible said the bones started shaking and each bone gave this other bone do you understand what that means that means these bones were strolled all out the valley they was not connected one to another so one bone had to go find the other bone that it you need to hear me i said you need to hear me the spine amen the cervical spine had to find the skull that fit on it and the cervical spine had to find the thoracics fired and the thoracic side had to have the lumbar fine they have to have the pelvis join and you're not helping me preach this all right the femur have to find the knee and the knee have to find the patella and the patella have to find you don't get what i'm saying the ankle bone and when they the boss said and they stood up like a you gotta go and find your praise and get it back you got to go and find your dance and get it back you got to find yourself and give it back hey corona and this thing took the shot out of you it don't took the dance from you it you like a dry bone and a blunt yard it's time to get up and say i can still remember how to dance i still remember how to shout somebody ought to help me pray somebody don't hit me i had pneumonia but i don't have it now chattahood i had corona but i don't know i don't have it anymore so i'm going to get my shout back i'm going to will just sit there and die but i will not die in my mescal come on christian life center if you forget your past you have no future [Applause] i know 2019 seems like a long time ago that's what the virus has done to us that's us right there scattered disconnected feeling like you don't fit no more scared to come to church if i go to church everybody no no folks don't wear no math around there i don't wanna win man if i go over there next thing i know i'm gonna be up there on the ventilator covert can't do no more than god let it do and god can do more that the doctor can do i wish i had a preaching church up in here where is our faith do i listen i'm not talking about being reckless i'm talking about taking every precautions you can take but after you've done all to stand after we've done all the stand i need you to shout with me after i've done all the stains i'm going to stand on the word i'm going to stand on them every bone connected to his bone and they stood up as a mighty army but there was no life so he said prophesy to the wind then bishop was talking you guys have already been saying to the north give up to the south give up what are you doing you're prophesying to the wind you know you're doing it you don't even know what you're doing because that the world out there all the people in your region those those people out there that don't know god those are the dead dry bones and when you start prophesying the wind is uh shut up are you hearing what i'm saying they need the holy ghost to come alive it's just not enough to give them a little this they got to get some jesus inside they got to go down in the water in jesus name they got to be filled with come on somebody you need to start prophesying on your job in the name of jesus when i walk into this building let the wind blow up you need to prophesy in walmart you need to prophesy in costco i wish somebody helped me we are the bishop cannot preach like i want to we are the church of the living god you got your god can speak things into existence and you can speak what he spoke somebody help me preach almost done i just dropped by to tell you if you're looking at your clock now [Applause] not tomorrow now i said now not who is that um [Applause] i can't think of the same i can think of all the rock and roll people i can't think of church people don't wait till the battle is over to shout now in the end we gonna win don't wait till the battle is over to shout now thank you walter hawkins who said that i mean okay he been to church longer than i have you know what i'm saying [Applause] he said what he's saying we shout before the victory because we know that victory is already ours it doesn't take much faith to shout at after the victory but it takes it takes a little faith to dance while your body's saying you can't move it takes it takes a little faith to believe i'm coming out of here and you can't stop me it somebody help me pray to him [Music] give me about a couple more minutes i was gonna say five but i don't want to lie cause i'm in the pulpit my wife was at ross's i was dry i'm just a chauffeur i get a little monkey cap on my hands she go over there please where's the checkbook please was it credit card she thinks she's general custer charge my phone rings his brother tommy he says pastor you got a minute i said of course he said i have the covert i said we know i know. then begin to spin this yarn on me he says it was late at night he said i thought i was going to die that's okay and he said i heard wind chimes outside of my house and there are no wind chimes out there he said i turned over in the bed he couldn't breathe he really actually thought he was going to die that night he said i saw a figure standing in the corner and his heart went oh my god it's the death angel now this is a series and he says are you coming to collect me and the angel said to them no i'm not the death angel you will live [Applause] you will live i was somebody help me preach up right here and not die and the angel started telling him what god wanted to and you're god is not dead he is still alive angels are still real miracles are still real healings are still real don't let corona take your faith don't let corona take your prayer don't we need to be praying more than we've ever ever prayed in our life that god gives us the victory somebody said amen he said pastor i'm going to be honest with you i never believed in any see i heard you talking about him all the time and i was like oh pastor's just smoking that stuff not really that's a long time ago oh it was a long time ago about 41 years ago so then my wife spends this yarn on me see people don't talk until they out of it you know so she goes like last night i thought i was gonna die and i'm gonna like what i was in the bed with you you know black folks we're scared of it yet even if there's something but reality whoa i love you baby but hey i'll see you on the other side he won't say it y'all laughing cause you know what i'm saying i've been in funerals oh i want to go with your mom would try to put them in the car i'll get what you're trying to do [Applause] i don't love her that much you know and i said well what was going on she said i just thought i was going to die because i do believe in the coronavirus the deaf angels was moving through the country and so she said but when i opened my eyes there were four angels standing over us with their swords drawn and their wings feral telling the devil m.c hammer you can't touch do i have any real one god jesus name holy ghost field apostolics christians and christian life center to jump on your feet and tell the devil you can't touch this because it's high time it's my time now is the time this is time for revival this is time for clarissa this is time for holy ghost for this is time for miracles this is time for signs and wonders somebody shout yes [Applause] this is the iphone 11. i was cool with the seven but my team thought you know i was lagging a little bit because pastor you need a new phone say it still rings i don't really need a new phone until you don't rank number or i can't make a call out of it because that's all they use it for they're like you got this app i don't know what an app is i was born in 1954. telephones was in a booth [Applause] i said there ain't no more phone booths that's why they ain't no more superman he ain't got no place to change because he has a running tour of arrival and still spinning around superman what did you say they said that's a good one he's he thinks i'm a comedian i've been in vegas so that's next week in basis we have a fascination with this thing i'm closing we have a fascination if they say oh this new phone has a better camera you'll still owe fifty thousand dollars on that old one you laughing cause you know what i'm telling it's true and then you go get a new one and they add another fifty thousand and you had a hundred thousand dollars on the phones worth five dollars or oh it's an upgrade from what it's a phone foo you you put a number in you call somebody hello and they got us so wind up about this thing that people will go to the apple store the night before to be the first one in line to get the newest iphone why oh it has better it's it's a upgrade from what is a phone it calls people and people on the other end answer is a phone oh but it's got a better camera this upgrade and power but i don't ever see anybody standing in front of the church spending the night to get an upgrade from god call a prayer meeting nobody comes because nobody's getting an upgrade or a download from god forget the cell phone god down i need to upgrade in power and i need a downloading miracle signs and wonders come on somebody if you can get excited about a phone you know you need to get excited about what god get up on your feet and clap your hands and shout out to the lord i'll tell you what i want i want to upgrade from god take me up to the next level i'm tired of being right here take me up to a higher place [Applause] i said old song we don't sing these old songs the more we say all the great y'all y'all do great but we don't we don't we don't say i'm pressing no the upward way new heights i'm gaining every day still praying this i'm homeward bound lord plant my feet on [Music] we don't say stuff like that we're saying like i've been running from jesus no not running far running from running for jesus trying to find a husband running for jesus trying to find a girlfriend running from jesus running from my ministry running from jesus running from the prayer room no take me to jesus set my feet on the firm foundation i wish somebody come on help me preach for a few minutes i need some people said jesus i need a download of power and an upgrade in holiness come on somebody i need my prayer i need my prayer life to have an upgrade i need to pray more i need my lead my fasting life to have an upgrade i need to upgrade in prayer i need to come on somebody and stand [Music] why do we need this upgrade why am i keep saying it's creasing because our everything we is is about authority dominion and power it you know it's actually time that we get a hold of god so strongly that we bring down some strongholds in our life some of you been dealing with the same thing for 50 years it's time to get rid of it not only do i want to uh spiritual strongholds but also there's some generational curses that we need to cut down and bring down there's some bad habits and social learned behaviors that keep us from reaching our full potential in god as sophisticated as the phony as what is an android or apple all of those or can have what they call viruses in them they mess up the whole complex of the phone [Music] if you go to your general settings on the iphone and go all the way down it has two functions when there is a virus inside of that phone it says the last thing you can push says shut down but the thing right before it says reset we've had a virus in our world a pandemic viral situation and we have two functions as a church we can shut down or we can reset [Applause] i made up my mind shutting down if not an option i'm gonna say that again shutting down is not an option stop praying that's shutting down it's not an option i'm not getting any amens don't make me preach all over again [Applause] i'm resetting resetting my prayer life resetting my fast days what are you saying i'm i refuse to die here today because this is the perfect time this is the right time this is high time this is the time right now is the time if we're going to do it this is our i know it doesn't seem like it i know it doesn't even feel like it but god goes past our feelings and our sight he said what are you trying to say i'm trying to say there were four lepers at a wall there was no food anywhere and one of them got the bright idea if we sit here we're going to die going back to the city is not an option well we just let's just going to the enemy's camp and then are you crazy they're going to kill us we're going to die already we're going to die already how are you going to kill somebody already then if you're dead in christ the devil can't kill you no more i'm wasting all my good stuff on y'all i mean this is this they really paid me to do this you know that right i'm placing my good stuff how is the devil gonna kill something that's already dead you need to be dead to the world dead to your flesh jesus probably said where did y'all get that food from and he says to them if we sit here we will die i come to tell christian life center going back to 2019 is not an option [Music] and i come to tell you staying here is and i'm not talking about the building honestly i want to talk about the environment that's not an option either the option is we get up we quit complaining we wipe the tears from our eyes and say okay jesus where are we going now cause i'm ready to get up i don't know who i'm talking to i'm i need some men to pull the sword out of your scavenge start sharpening that sword i'm ready for war you mess with my wife long enough you mess with my kids long enough i wish somebody helped me preach in here i need some real men from the from the men's comforts to pull that sword out of the scarab and tell the devil it's on like a neck bone you're not going to come in my home anymore you're not going to mess with my family anymore i'm going to get behind the pastor i'm going to get behind the ministry it's time come somebody say it's time for war it's time for war [Music] i need some i need some mothers of zion and daughters of zion to get your prayer cloth back on i need some intercessors that stop interceding because the virus came you need to put it back on and get back to spiritual warfare you got to say i've been sitting here too long i've got to get up i've got to get going i've got to make a difference something's going to if you if if we don't do it it's not going to get done we are the church of the living god and if the devil has come down having great passion what should the church be doing our passion to destroy the works of the enemy has to be greater than what the devil can do to us [Music] if you own fire you can't be put on fire cause you already on fire so the fires of temptation can't stop you the fire of the flesh can't stop you because you already have an eternal fire called the holy ghost that's greater than anything the devil can come up with i wish somebody nods ahead and say amen [Applause] i didn't know i had that many young people in here let me let me let me appreciate y'all for a couple of minutes you look at this old man you look at me right here i'm gonna tell you something going out in the world and letting hell dirty you up is not a testimony i'm gonna say that again going out in the world letting hell not the devil dirty you up drag you through the filth of sin getting pregnant out of wedlock or getting somebody pregnant out of the real life it's not a testimony it's a testimony of how you failed the testimony is i did not have to get delivered because god kept me through it all he's a keeping guard so let me go all the way back to my n.a.y.c in 2017. you know what i'm saying young man god's not looking for pentecost to play boys you definitely ain't looking for pentecostal pretty boys you ain't that pretty dawg you know what i'm saying you ain't that pretty you ain't gonna get no girlfriend if you're prettier than the girl [Music] man up dog man up go out there and run and get musty or something chick ain't looking for no barbie doll they're looking for a real man you know they got some yolks bang bang baby [Music] [Applause] i'll tell you what that woman i'm looking for looking for a real man know how to pray you know why because she know you got it you you got to you got the right deals because you're going to pray for her and so honey look for the praying man because the praying man is the staying man [Applause] [Music] so if a boy wants to talk to you like what kind of prayer life you got dawg they don't have prayer like like especially this is my girl right here this is my daughter right here so you already know you can't talk to me until you talk to pastor rem to go oh oh you mean the i'm the big black guy no you give me the beautiful guy you mean the big black guy was preaching it but like yeah you mean like this is that yeah it's just that oh okay honey yes let me go find somebody else that dude is crazy and she'll say yes he is we need a generation of apostolic young people you're not looking for the power of what they had back in the old days look at me look at pastor you're looking for something brand new that fits your generation we don't have to go back in time god's got everything you need right now but you got to get in the prayer room come on somebody and you got to get and you got to get real come on you got to get real i said you got to get real with yourself [Applause] i'll get my offer from y'all when y'all grow up and get a job cause y'all broke i already know that oh what are y'all going to say oh can i change it how about f my voice is i used to sing an a flat not man that's me give me that again [Music] give me give me a flat there falling in love [Music] with jesus [Music] falling in love with jesus oh [Music] is [Music] lift my hands i'm falling in love one more time [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] every day [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] just raise those come up [Music] [Applause] i want you to raise those hands real high with you one more time [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] one more time [Music] want to clap your hands until the lord give your praise once you'll lay your hands on somebody close to you brother the brother sister and sister we're about ready to lift our voice and pray right now come on i want you to find somebody to pray with in the name of jesus i lose the power of the holy ghost right now in the name of jesus i lose the power of the holy ghost i lose the blood god right now i lose healing and deliverance right now let it come from the northern let it come from the south let it come from the easter let it come from the west yeah i don't know come on now if you got the holy ghost up i need you speaking in tongues right now come on i want you to raise the roof god in the name of jesus put marriages back together in the name of jesus put families back together in the name of jesus loose the backslider right now he's shot he called up about time hey mama mama mama take the baby get the baby let it go let it go let it go let it go come on daughter come on daughter come on come on [Music] shot come on yes sir take this is what i'm talking about [Music] people that think they're lost people that think they don't have another chance i come to you this is your second chance this is your third chance this is your fourth chance this is your fifth chance god does not run out of chances it's time to move now is the in time with jesus [Applause] [Music] is [Music] with jesus in love with jesus [Music] there's no place there's no place [Music] [Music] is there's no place i'd rather rather [Music] with be [Music] is falling in love with jesus jesus falling in love with jesus [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] falling is love with jesus [Music] with jesus [Applause] [Music] at the town [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Christian Life Center
Views: 6,402
Rating: 4.9766083 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 13sec (7873 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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