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[Music] is [Music] holy there is [Applause] like [Music] for almighty the holy one of israel we worship you it's not like you are such a wonderful god everything about you is wonderful accept our worship in jesus name father we are praying again that today even as your word will be going forth you will continue to perform wonders in all our lives that all those who are hearing this message whenever they hear it lord god almighty let there be wonders in their lives in jesus mighty name we have prayed amen praise the lord [Music] we want to continue [Music] our discussion on the wonders of our god and we will be looking at psalm 62 11 psalm 62 verse 11 he says god has spoken once twice have i heard this that power belongs unto god god has spoken once twice have i heard this that power belongs to god i'm sure you'll probably be thinking that i want to talk about the wonders of his power again but no i want to talk about the wonders of his silence the wonders of his silence how wonderful it can be when god is silent you see our god is not a talkative it doesn't have to be once you speak it is done psalm 33 from verse 8 to 9. psalm 33 verse 8 tonight says the reason the whole earth should fear god is because he speak and it is done i mean like in genesis chapter 1 verse 3 genesis chapter 1 verse 3 he simply said let there be light and there was light and god is not a talker to even he will also advise you not to be a talkative why because in silence is number one wisdom if you learn to keep silent it is evidence of wisdom proverbs chapter 29 verse 11 proverbs 29 verse 11 says a fool utters all his mind but the wise will keep some of it back they fully see when you see somebody is always talking talking talking you know here comes a fool in silence you have a cover for ignorance in other words even if you are ignorant provided you keep your mouth shut nobody is going to know the bible says so in proverbs 17 verse 28 proverbs 17 verse 28 he said if the fool keeps his mouth short he's considered a wise man many people are discussing some very deep things and you just keep quiet looking at them they won't know that you don't even know what they are discussing somebody says it is when a fool opens his mouth that everybody will know that oh we didn't know we have an ignorant fellow here in silence is strength according to research chapter 30 verse 15 i said chapter 30 verse 15. silent people are strong people the elders have been saying silent waters run deep shallow waters will make a lot of noise empty barrels you make the most noise in silence there is strength in silence there is protection against sin proverbs chapter 10 verse 19 proverbs chapter 10 verse 19 tells us that in a multitude of words there can be absence of sin if you keep talking talking talking you will sin but you keep quiet then you avoid unnecessary sin and you know what and the bible says if you want to prove that you're a true christian keep your mouth shut james chapter 1 verse 26. proverbs 18 verse 21 says death and life are in the power of the tongue and so if you keep that wrong control then death will be kept away from you and the bible says if you want to prove that you're a true christian keep your mouth shut james chapter 1 verse 26 james chapter 1 verse 26 says you want to talk about true religion redo your tongue control your turn quite a few of my friends have said why are you always so silent i talked when there's something to say i talked when is something to say so our god is not a talkative and when he repeats himself it means the matter is very serious we only speak once if we hear what he said the second time it is the echo that we are hearing god has spoken once twice have i heard it why did the second time you see echo in john chapter 3 from verse 1 to 5 john three from verse one to five when he was talking to nicodemus he kept on saying very literally very literally he's telling him you know i'm not a talker people i'm talking to you about something very serious because you must be born again when god repeats himself three times you know that matter is dangerously serious i mean like in joshua chapter one from verse one to eight joshua one from verse one to eight three times he said to joshua be strong and of a good courage be strong out of a good courage when he said in the thought time there was a hint of anger in his voice i i not commanded you wise you will pay absolute attention oh where did they say the judge shall live by faith four times well abaku chapter 2 verse 4 habakkuk chapter 2 verse 4 romans chapter 1 verse 17 romans 1 verse 17. galatians chapter 3 verse 11 galatians 3 verse 11 and hebrews chapter 10 verse 38 hebrews 10 verse 38 kept on saying the jews shall live by faith now when god is silent what is going on it could be number one that it has spoken concerning the situation before and it's not going to contradict himself if he has spoken once and now you are asking him god speak as i have spoken for example in genesis 15 from verse 13 to 16 genesis 15 from verse 13 to 16 he told abraham your children will be going to a strange land they are going to be there for 400 years after 400 years i will bring them out and so the children of israel were then crying to god in egypt oh lord we want to go we want you say i spoke 400 years we passed if you read exodus chapter 12 verse 40 to 41 exodus 12 from verse 40 to 41 the bible said today the children of israel left egypt was exactly 432 yes 430 years 430 years now somebody said ah he said 400 why did he wait for 430 oh the first 30 years they were enjoying they were they were having fun in egypt and it was after a king came on the throne that didn't know joseph that problem began so when he's silent it could be he has spoken before and he's not going to say any other thing only the time that is specified has come number two it could be it was waiting to roar with laughter oh by the way let me tell someone who's listening to me what you have already heard from god is going to come to pass so all you need to do is just relax if he has spoken about something [Laughter] well you can trust him it may be he wants to roar with laughter maybe you don't know that he can laugh well reason too from verse one to four psalm two from verse one to four i was talking about some people plotting against the anointed of god the children of god he said the one who sits in the heaven shall laugh and then he says in psalm 37 from verse 12 to 15 psalm 37 from verse 12 to 15. he said the the wicked plus against the just but the lord shall laugh at them so when they are plotting he is quiet he's not saying anything betty the time is coming when he will laugh you read some 59 from verse 1 to 8 psalm 59 from verse 1 to 8 he said the mighty gathered against me and i've done nothing wrong they just ganged up against me he said don't worry god is going to laugh i'll give you an illustration georges chapter from verse 10 to 15 george 15 from verse 10 to 15 when the philistines decided to wage war against the children of israel the children of israel went to them i said why are you here why do you want to fight us they say it's because of what something had done to us oh you mean if we hand over something to you you will leave us alone they say yes okay so the relatives of something went to miss something and they said we want to hand you over to the enemy he said i see just promise that you will not harm me yourself they said no but he will bind you fast andrew over to the enemy he said great so they bound him and god was silent they carried him from the mountaintop to the valley where the enemies were waiting god didn't say anything they laid him at the feet of the enemies god was this island then the enemies began to rejoice and then god laughed god moved swiftly and something got up the ropes binding him burnt out of fire and he killed a thousand of the enemies those who are wise among the enemies fled at the end of the day and i mean i wish you were there you could see here god laughing because at the end of the day the enemies from without were either destroyed or that fled and the enemies within the relatives who handed them over were ashamed of themselves i have good news for someone someone who has been waiting to hear from god both the enemies without and the enemies within the almighty god is going to deal with them then it will be silent when he wants to humble those who have said who is god in saguaro 15 from verse 1 to 3 psalm 115 from verse 1 to 3 the bible tells us david will say god do something people are asking where is my god show them that you are seeing the heavens and that you do as you please and we find a very classical example in daniel chapter 3 from verse 13 to 30 january from verse 13 to 30. when nebuchadnezzar said to children bishop and abedin who is that god that will deliver you from my hand i'm the one in charge god was silent it was silent as they were increasing the f the heat of the furnace seven times other than before he kept quiet it kept quiet as the mighty men were binding shadrach meshach and abednego god said nothing they kept quiet as they were carrying them into the very furnace he didn't say a word he was quiet until they threw in the voice and then the voice found out oh he didn't speak but he's already waiting for us here and you know the end of the story by the time the voice came out nebuchadnezzar said with his own mouth ah blessed be the god of shadrach meshach and abednego may i prophesy to someone very soon all those who are mocking you now will come and say your god is great nebuchadnezzar went forward to say don't let anyone ever dare speak against the god of siddharth meshach and abednego if anybody does that i will wipe the fellow out ah then god was laughing and then liberal kindness i turned to the voice and said well i think you deserve promotion i'm sure when the award promoted her it wasn't only god that was laughing she'd like me shack and a bad we're laughing too by the time this season is over you will be laughing god could be quiet he could be silent number four when he wants to end all your problems once and for all in philippians chapter 1 verse 6 philippians chapter 1 verse 6. the bible says he who had begun a good walk in you will perform it in psalm 138 verse 8 psalm 138 verse 8 the bible says the lord will perfect that which concerns me and we find a classical example in daniel chapter 6 daniel chapter 6 from verse one to the end you know this story how some people gang together to plot against daniel because god wanted to make him number one and they planned and they said let's let's trick the king into signing a decree that will permanently put an end to daniel god said nothing god was there when they were holding their meetings he said not a word but you see when you look at the story of daniel you will notice that the devil had tried before in daniel chapter two a king had a dream forgot the dream and said that all the wise men should be killed daniel was one of the wise men the devil failed then came daniel chapter 3 you can be sure daniel did not bow down to the idol only for one reason or the other those who were able to capture shadrach meshach and abednego didn't look in the direction of daniel day the devil tried in daniel chapter 2 tried in daniel chapter 3 and they wanted to try again in their nature process and god said enough is enough they took daniel threw him into the den of lions god saw all the activities of the king to deliver him god said nothing by the time the story was over daniel came out of the den of lions all his enemies all of them wife children husband replace him in the den of lions you know god made a promise in isaiah 54 verse 15 i said 54 verse verse 15. he said they will gather against you but not of me and he said all those who gather against you we fall because of you do you know that after daniel came out of the den of lions nobody ever troubled him again and i believe god is speaking to someone he's saying that your problems will be over now on a permanent basis and when you read proverbs chapter 11 verse 8 proverbs 11 verse 8 there is a lord they are called the law of substitution the bible says the righteous is delivered out of trouble the wicked goes instead god delivered the daniel out of trouble his enemies replace him when god is silent he wants to apply the law of restitution and you know at the end of the day the only people rejoicing were the friends of daniel the king rejoice daniel servant of the most high god as the god that you have been able to deliver you then is a king live forever i'm here the bible said the king was glad i'm praying for someone that from now on all those who wish you well will have cause to rejoice number five god may be silent because he wants to do something great for you that what he wants to do for you is tied to the destiny of another person in which case he will silently wait until the destiny of the other fellow could be fulfilled along with yours for example luke chapter 1 from verse 5 to 20 luke 1 from verse 5 to 20. the bible says god through us the if it was the bible scholars they will tell you that from the old testament to the new god was silent for 400 years there was not a single word of prophecy god didn't speak to anybody for 400 years then suddenly he spoke to zechariah was their ministry and if you read that passage sacrament and elizabeth they were very righteous people they were doing the will of god and they have been crying to god for a baby for years god kept quiet why because the baby that god wanted to give to them is to be the voice crying the wilderness say prepare the way of the lord john chapter 1 verse 19-23 john 1 19-23 the baby that god had planned for zechariah and elizabeth is to come only six months before jesus christ was born so no matter how they cried god said you have to wait too you have to wait to your boy is going to be only six months older than my boy so you have to wait but he assured them your boy will be the greatest of the old testament saints matthew chapter 11 verse 11 matthew 11 verse 11 of four men born of a woman in the old testament that's not a greater than john the baptist number six because it's supposed to be a summer but it's becoming a bible study god may be silent because he's waiting to announce you do you know that when the lord jesus christ was born angels announced this birth luke chapter 2 from verse 1 to 14 luke 2 from verse 1 to 14. angels announced his birth then the shepherds who had that announcement in luke chapter 2 from verse 15 to 18 luke chapter 2 15-18 the shepherds went and told everybody hey this is what we saw our angels visited us but you can't be sure many people didn't believe them and then in luke chapter 2 december 2 from verse 25 to 35 luke 2 from verse 25 to 35 there was this great prophet called simeon he also said hey here comes the one who is going to bring the salvation of the lord and then we find that in the same luke chapter 2 verse 36 to 38 luke chapter 2 from verse 36 to 38 we have anna who have been leaving the temple this year she also said hey so one bond here is going to be mighty and then in john chapter one from verse 28 to 31 john 1 from verse 28 to 31 john the baptist he said and i behold the lamb of god that takes away the sin of the world but if you study your bible very carefully you will find that god himself didn't say a word the angels announcing well done angels shepherds announced thank you shepherds simeon anna well done john the baptist thank you after 30 years in matthew chapter 3 verse 16 to 17 matthew 3 16-17 the almighty god himself now spoke as jesus was coming out of the water after i had been baptized this is my beloved son in whom i were pleased and when god announces you you are announced when god decides to say hey this is my beloved it doesn't matter what anybody may say from there on once he announces you you are announced i have a feeling that after all this lockdown essentially criteria the almighty god is going to announce somebody announce him to the old world you know david had been anointed king among his brethren four summer 16 from verse 11 to 13 four summer 16 11 to 13. but he was king within the family and i'm sure even some of the brothers didn't quite agree that he's king he was a matter of fact when he finished being anointed he went back to be looking after the sheep and go so but then came for summer 17 and you can read the whole story from beginning to the end for summer 17. the father said take some food to your brothers at the battlefront boy thought he was just going to obey his father deliver food to his brothers see what's going on and come back and report he didn't know that god was about to announce it before the day was over everybody knew this fellow is different they knew without being told here comes our new king because we will remember when they were coming from the slain of the philistines the women began to sing you know the song they said saul has slain his thousand but david is ten thousand here comes the king is going to be ten times greater than the fellow we say on the throne when god's time is ripe he will announce you let me conclude and this is this very very serious one god may be silent because you are not desperate ah what do you mean sir you know there are all kinds of prayers there are prayers you pray with your hand in your pocket talking as if you are talking to [Music] your friend your colleague there are prayers you pray that you forget who you think you are when you are really desperate let me give you just one example and i will release you to pray second king chapter 4 from verse one to seven second kings four one two seven i've told you about the woman before you know the story the widow of the one of the sons of the prophet was the husband was a great man of god i'm sure the woman was a good worshiper of the almighty and she was heavily in debt and every day when everybody saw her sister how are you oh this one the lord is my shepherd i shall not want and the creditors have been coming when are you going to pray i don't worry i will pay and the lord will supply all my knees according to his riches in glory one day the creditors came he said 24 hours either you pay or we sell your children that day when they saw sister running to the house of elisha she said are you if she said all is not aware i'm in trouble all the time she was in debt god knew she was a wife of one of my servants god sat in heaven looking down from above god did nothing because the woman was able to manage the day she said no no more suffering no more death no more living in fear the day she cried that was the day god moved when you pray the prayer of a desperate person god will answer and answer immediately immediately there are some prayers you pray that god just must answer that day and god himself will know that you mean business i can give you several examples from my life give you just one [Music] you probably had it before the convention was near several years ago volunteers came from all our churches to come and help me prepare the campground for those who are coming and then i was going around making sure everything was all right so from monday to evening i was on my feet returned home that night tired told my wife i'm very tired i want to sleep children come let's pray and we gather together you we pray the prayer you pray when you are tired almighty god thank you for my wife said we haven't we have not even drawn anything in any i said i said let us pray i'm the head of the family everybody lay down let's pray father thank you for today see you tomorrow and i went to bed i mean i was so tired i couldn't remove my dress i just hit the bed like that and almost immediately i was asleep few minutes into my sleep my wife came and knocked at the door darling why are you doing this i told her i'm tired he said one of the volunteers is dead and is the one from your village oh [Laughter] and several things began to go through my head eh i know what my people will say you say he died on your camp how did she die oh so you were waiting for someone that you would use for to make a charm for success i could think of several things that they would say i ran to where she was lying down on the ground i called the few prayer warriors who were with us then and we began to pray all manners of prayers and on an occasion like that you don't you you don't even pay attention to grammar we pray desperate prayers after some time the almighty god spoke he will speak to you today i said i thought you said you were tired i said tired i'm not tired anymore he said okay send the prayer warrior say wait i want to talk to you you're the one i want to talk to i pray our word so i told what i mean now at least he was speaking and glory be to god i can't hear him i know he had heard me send the prayer warriors away and by the time we finished speaking i looked at the woman the woman was no longer dead she was now breathing like someone who is in a deep sleep has god been silent to you for you call on him desperately today he will answer he will answer the only fellow who can cry to him and who will not receive a nasa is the one who refused to surrender he is our life to jesus because the only cry he will hear from a sinner is lord have mercy on me save my soul let your blood wash away my sin so if you are listening to me and you have not yet surrendered your life to jesus christ you better do so now cry unto him for mercy and his blood will wash away your sins and all your prayers will become answered by fire shall we please bow our heads ancient of this i want to thank you for all those who are crying to you right now asking for salvation remember your promise that whosoever will come unto you you will no wise cast out these people are coming to you now crying to you now crying to you for salvation desperately asking you to save their souls please lord receive them forgive them save their souls let your blood wash away their sins please write their names in the book of life receive them into the family of god and anytime they call on you from now on father please answer them by fire and i'm calling on you father on behalf of all your children as many of them as who cry to you in desperation today this very day answer them grant their requests oh lord god almighty as a result of their prayers of today let there be a multitude of testimonies thank you my father glory be to your holy name in jesus mighty name we have prayed amen amen praise the lord so i want to encourage all of you children of god cry to him desperately if you really really need help he will answer you today amen in jesus mighty name
Channel: RCCG
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Keywords: rccg, rccg live, rccg video, rccg 2020 holy ghost service, rccg holy ghost service sermons, pastor e a adeboye, pastor e a adeboye sermon, pastor e.a adeboye, rccg august 2020 holy ghost service, rccg august 2020 service, pastor adeboye service, rccg august 30th, pastor adeboye sermon 30th august, rccg 2020 virtual convention, rccg august 2020 sermon, 30th august thursday service, rccg wonderful convention, wonderful, rccg august 2020 thursday service, rccg special service
Id: DNd3fftLnnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 22sec (2602 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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